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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 5, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~, 11140 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, ~W~gY'E-IU-~001~:) AND THE l~ON Page 1~mD ~I|A| 1 Hill City Rebekah lodge will' Thanksgiving day guests in the ==1 =--222=--=-- meet for regular meeting Tuesday OV lttL,PRAIRIE BELL SCHOOL evening, Mrs. David West and Mrs. A. M. December 10. There will Hull home were: Mrs. A. K. Run- ] be election of officers, kle, Miss Hazel Runkle and Miss - : -- : = : = : - - - : = : : : : : : : -- : = : : = : : : : : : : - = : : : : -- : : = -- = : - o-o D%/uC~nti.s hostess to I The Cornell college science clu.b Daisy Burd of IAsbon. i-i~Mrs~~lner "at R ' their Atnm artern n' met at the h me f Miss Anna J r'. Nelson home were on jl ning.dan The for Places Eastern a dinner were Iowalaid on Seven Monday for eighteen confer, eve- sisting on at The Past Noble Grands will meet the Friday home hostesses afternoon of MrS.will Hattie Mrs.13"Miller Belle As- ! i~i i.:(i!i ~'I :~" ii ~'i !iI ~ning. Covers were laid Uests. I ence wm meet m Mount vernon tor Thompson and Mrs. Harold Fisher. ~~"~ . " ,: C "~ ~ a dinner at the Goudy Cafe on Men- Members are asked to notice the i "~'c'assofthePresby-,dayevening, Dec. 9, at 6:3O o'clock, change In date. ~~~~~ !i~ ch a~Tts ~tutthhe home of' Mrs. Emma Plattenberger will be Mrs. J. P. Haincn entertained at da-- =-- ~el era hostess for the Lydia class of the a delightful luncheon at the Kyle M= M:rn~lg' :Presbyterian church, luncheon at house on ~Monday. Guests includ- ii - I Purge enter- 1 o'clock, ,Monday, Dec. 9. A Christ- ed mere,bets of the Royal Neighbors i : ": ~' :~:;~;; ~ birthday dinner Monday mas gift exchange will follow the organization. After the luncheon ! honor of Lester Cars- luncheon, those present enjoyed a gift ex- r of Mrs. Barge. ' Mount Vernon Temple Pyth!an change. Covers were laid for ten. ~i~ ~;::ii~! 3ethlehcm lodge Knights Steers will meet for regular session Mrs. Laura Hoffman had as din- ii :i:i.i:i~,:, will meet In a special on Wednesday evening, Dec. 11. her guests on Thanksgiving day, Lxt MOnday evening Dec i There will be namination anc[ elec- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shawver of ,tubers are Urged to at-!lion of yearly officers during the Tipton, Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Floyd business meeting, and daughters, Nits and Mildred n Neff will entertain theI Mr and Mrs George Wilson and of Lisbon and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ~i': '~ :" luncheon and meeting daughter Roberts Mrs. Emma Melsh and family of Cedar Rapids. J on Friday December 6 Plattenberger and' daughter Miss The Cozy Corner club w li meet . Hawkeye-Record Photo be a ten cent gift ex: C~live Plattenberger were entertain- for their Christmas party at the ed last Thursday in the Mr. and home of Mrs. I. J. Ellison on Thurs- Prairie Bell rural school is In- year. Mrs. J j Kidder and Mrs. Luther Plattenherger home. day, Dec. 12. This will be an all rated in Cedar county, just north of The students have a nature club ~l~;ente r *inig~I?cgi~ eday: t :mr.das heir taChe d pl; t DT hl; mEeOo ? ~l : e Rnt;rt atdaYnoon.meetingEveryoneWith alsPicniCrequesteddinnerto .arethe H.six J'pupilsBurgstahler and include", farm : LaVernThere the Four TheLeaf namecloverOfclub.the D'ClUba r- r bring a ten cent gift for the grab Vroblewski, /)arlene Beta, Gwen- lcne Beta has .been the president ber and ehil- Bauman next Wednesday evening, bag. do yn Karlerling, John ~'robh wskl, for the last s x ~eeks. q he par- at GI,mn Kane-ltn~r and Gaylen :-Iuey, pos~ of the elu~b is to fine out all on all shown in the picture, with their the interesting and unusual happen- dolyn Kamerling, John Wroblewskl, for the last six weeks. The par- Virginia, and Dec. 11 M:rs. Elizabeth Franks of A family dinner was enjoyed at Glenn Kamerling and Gaylen Huey, pose of the elu~b is to find out all Esther Kidder of Olin; Lisbon will be the assisting hostess rs. C. J. Kramer and and Mrs. F. G. Brooks will present the Lewis Chapman home ~n all shown in the )icture, with their the inte.esti~gand unusual happen- hristobel and Larry of the program. Thanksgiving day. Besides Mr. and teacher Miss Bernita Vitense of ings of nature, Some of the things 'Mrs. Kramer and Mrs Chapman were: Rev. and Tipton. they have studied are: wild animals, had Spent ten days in Ingleside club will enjoy a din- Mrs. H. A. Bassett, Mrs. Watson Gaylen Huey, Gwendolyn Kam- domestic animals, moon, stars, Parents returned to net meeting next Monday evening, Kepler, Miss Mary Kepler, Mrs. erling, and Glen Kamerling have meteors, trees, and they are now Mr. Kramer on Fri- Dec. 9, at the Baker house. The Ads Stewart of Mount Vernon and been neither absent nor tardy this working on birds. following ladies will he co-hostess- Miss Sue Kepler of Des Moines. Football Schedule With Conference Teams Is Complete Cornell's 1941 Midwest confer- ence football schedule includes the same teams in the same order that the Purple played this season. Once again Lawrence Is the only school in the loop that Cornell will not play. Coe will again be the only team to meet all eight contenders. The Cornell schedule: Oct. 4~Ripon, there. Oct. ll--Beloit, here. Oct. 18--Coe, there. Oct. 25---Grtnnell, here. Nov. l---Knox, there. Nov. S---Monmouth, here. Nov. 15----Carleton, there. Services For Joseph Case Are Held At Norwich, N.Y. t itt Manning left on Thursday afte.rnoon for Norwich, N.Y called by the death of his brother-tn-Iaw, Joseph Case, husband of Anna Man- ning Case, whose former home was Mount Vernon. The following article was taken from the Norwich newspaper: Jos- eph H. Ca~c, city ~elfare c(,mmis- stoner and widely known fo years as a stable owner in Eastern racing oph H. Case, city welfare commis- sioner and widely known for years as a stable owner n Eastern racing circles, died at the Chenango hos- pital at 9:00 o'clock V~rednesday night Critically tll with a kidney ailment and heart complications, Mr. Case had been in an oxygen tent two days prior to his pan, sing. He was a leader in Elk circles here. Mrs. Came Newman spent Sat-I: , urday in the F S Myers home. i Mrs. MiMe Hurt spent Tuesday afternoon in the W. B Meeks home. *~/ Miss Beth Murfield of Ames I --< ~/'(~" spent her Thanksgiving vacation in ~J ~ ~ ~iiiii!!:~ the Merle Murfleld home. <~ 4 ::~!~:!~:::/::di~ :: :,::i!~, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Specs and/ ~ ~-~ :/!!~iiii:::~!i!::!iiii!ii!!i!~ii~!ii:ili)/~i::!ili~ ~ Georgia Lee were dinner guests of[ ~-~ Mrs. Julia Branchflower on Sun- ~-~J~ ::i~:~:?::~:~::iii~:i~i~!~ii:i:!i~i:i~!i:::~!:!:ii:~ a :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: d y /. M ssos Maxine and Dor s Larson of Anamosa spent Sunday with l ~ ~'~!+isii!iiiii!ii~;!i!~i~!!ii~:i:::":"~ their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C ~{~,~. ::~!iiiiii:i:ii~i~!i~,( Larson. ] ~> / :: :?:':!;i~!~!i!i~ Miss Rena Kohl spent the week } <: end with her parents, Mr and Mrs I ~'/ Lowell Kohl i;:ii!iiiiiiii~i!i, :: / Mr. and Mrs. Bob Postel and Mr. ] ~!ii~ii~" [J~ and Mrs. J. C Plaguey spent I :::: ::!'~/ ~ .~ Thanksgiving in the Ed Pospishelt ~/ I " home. l / :~ Mrs. A. L Hoffman and Mrs.] :i !:: ~~,~ Graaff spent Friday and Saturday t /f/~i:" ~~ in the Loren Graaff home at Des l :!/;;:tfii:~ /j'~ Moines. / : ~i~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decious oft Cedar Rapids spent Sunday at the[ T~ Walter Decious home. / ~ ~)~ Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Davis, Mr. :~iI] ~ .fl~ and Mrs. Leo Stark and son Arthur ~iI] "~-~ spent Saturday evening with the ~ ~ "" Henry Colgen family at Davenport, I ~ " ~ celebrating Mrs. Colgen's birthday. nswer t0 every I maiden's prayer- Evelyn Guul, teacher I Ronald McCullough, our secondt STOCKINGS THAT grader, has just finished reading] "We Grow Up" and is ready to be-I ~~ ~ gin his third reading book. Ronald I is very proud of his spelling grade I Their name is "Sansrun ' and for this six weeks which ts one they're Kayser's wonder hundred. M es: Mrs. Helen Schroeder, Mrs. Dr. ~nd Mrs. J. B. Bryant enter- |~ rs. Frank Gage were Charles Keyes, Mrs. Agnes Bar- Writing Expert Gives Litt,: TheatreTo .e was for years associated with Our third grader, Eunice Achen- ~ stockings with a patented day.talned Guestsat dinnerwere:On Mr.Thanksgivingand Mrs. Interesting Talk Begin Series Of Free the late C. D. Ames in the Ames bach, will soon be ready to read ' locked knit that is absolutely dinner at their tholomew, Mrs. E. R. Ristine and r"~Sgivmg. Those 9res- .Mrs. Frank Cole. After the dinner & Case stables. Resides his widow "I~ar Away Ports," her third read- ~'guaranteed never, never, and Mrs. D. H. Butler ,Mrs. S. J. McLaughlin will review Everett Beaty and son Dennis of Shollsburg; Mr and Mrs D. H Scoville L-XTof the Scoville Saturday Matinees there survives one son Truman Case er this year She is learning to and ,Mary of Vie- the book, "Star-Gazer" by Hysanyi ,Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Dana business coll'eges in Clinton and -------- and a daughtr, Mrs. Edward By- divide and multiply with four. She [ never to run. Be a darling, ~err!ll of Anaznosa; Mr. T.he W.S.C.S. of the Methodist Stearns; Miss Geraldine Bryant of ver in Next Saturday Dec 7 the regular ers. Funeral services were held thinks this is fun. [ and put several pairs of ~ternng, hi ,presenteu a Y The fourth grade have nearly 1 these small miracles on your ~Oraon Bridges and .church met on Wednesday after- Tams, and Dale Norton of W~ilton ter-stin~ illustrated talk on "How Saturday afternoon studio matinees Saturday afternoon 'with burial in finished reading "I~t's Look l arbara of Lisbon. :Mr noon in the church parlors. Miss j ~" ~" :'. ks ' of the Cornell Little Theatre will Norwich. rue nan(]wriung r~xpert wor ,' Around" and will be interested in[~ Christmas list. M~rGage and son of Ce- Margaret Taylor presented a review Junction. v. anti Mrs. Don Price of the book "From Many I~nds." Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman en- to th~ Rotary clu.b at the Goudv Tea ,begin with the presentation of a -- -~ = ~-- :v--in- "The modern one-act play The time is theClydeMountIAndsleY'vernonSUperintendentschools, attend- f reading their new ones. In geogra- [desert] ~ SA|351R tMiss. Gladys HelgersonAudrey Jean Nelson played a horn tertained the Hoffman family at lxoom on ~ues~ay e en s. " phy they are interested in t<} |15 a ~ -*~r. and Mrs. R. G. solo, accompanied by Clair Francis dinner on Thanksgiving day. In ms ,~nned b, Ralnh 2 30, the place is the Theatre the ,ig~ ~ AND.--. PA ~ ~urs. Alvin Bu~ler, Litte]l. Mrs. F, G. Brooks was in eluded were: Mrs. Dora Hoffman, He--+. who is an ae-uaintance of admission is free. The public is ed a meeting of the Linn County ~ "'~ cordially invited to attend. The Council held in Cedar Rapids on unit entitled "Hot Dry Lands." I ~tl ut~er, and Leo, Mrs. charge of the devotional hour. Tea Mr. and l~rs. Harry Hoffman and :~ar. ~cowue. b The fifth and sixth grade are be- [ Dean; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman "rh +--meat and methods of cast will be made up of mere ers Wednesday evening. ~r ancl Kenneth of was served ,by Division 3 during the MAR~ WS I am sure they will find this very] on. social hour. and f~ily; Mr. and Mrs. Willard the hT~qwrTtlng expert wereaSh Wax ofothneCl~urSdtn,~at ayatCft~nynt;C:nDq::'a t o 14 ginning the new unit a,bout Rome. [ Hoffman, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul on the screen as well as ma y e - .~ ' ' fascinating. I / o "t~o xe To t~ethlenem " a Christ- -~: ~ Ewart of Springville. am,pies or cases m wmcn Mr. ~c - ~ . ' The fifth grade is finding sub- ] n x ert mas canine crams an~ a wnr]svmas % Mrs. Jennie Alexander was hos- vine nan been canes as a e p ' Mrs. John Wain traction of fractions very easy. l witness. Fl~-,~'s in traced forged Fantasy, "Upon a Midnight Clear," The :~eventh grade have begun[ tess for the meeting of the Good ~, ~ mfl',n~,~ in ~vne will be presented. A puppet show HONOR MR. A----~IM(RS. GUY the new unit In history which coy-I You May ljoy M0de[ Luck Social club last Friday after that In his- Ira a u d 11 * a k ~ ~*!%~~,~N~~t ~/~i~2 '~" '" " r ~-w- built re n Tschaikows y's "Nut- MARTIN ON ANNIVERSARY ers the Revolutionary war period. I "~* '" ' a noon. A guest, ,Mrs Josephine writer types we e snn n. .~ ,nree s,oes w**no* .be'CracKer, ult0" will also. be given , for a special children s party Helmer, of List)on was present. The handwriting in the Lindbergh kid- I . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin of Dorothy Acbenbach received an l ,next meeting will .be an all day Central City celebrated their 25th average of one hundred in spelllngl meeting on Dee. 12, at th home of n~pptng case and sam*pies of Bruno ~,-~ -- -- Mrs. Austin Armstrong. Members Hauptman's handwriting were ] icl edule For Cornell wedding anniversary, Nov 24. at the this six weeks. I Christian Church parlors, Martelle. We are glad tests are over. Dot- I ~.Xk~t~ ~ ~I arechristmasaSked grabt bringbag, articles for the shOWnopinion thereMr Scovlllewas noSaidquestion but I roaacas -: ~,~ ~ ' Prompt-.- Pick Up and Dehvery announceo The tables were decorated in yel- othy Mason received one hundred I ~N~f~ ~/~//~/q~ low and white and a large wed- in her history, test Dorothy Achen-] that Hauptman had written the ~ Altruria club met Monday eve-note left at" the ]AnaDergn cradle ~ Sections of Handel's "Messiah", ding cake was the center piece for bach also received one hundred in l 7~ -X /q ~ Service at No Extra Cost ning at the home of Mrs. Luellle h lWm oe presentea oy the Cornell the large table A bouquet of spelling. I rue rtotary unrmtmas party Wit ,Merrill. A small group were pres- . e~Oratorlo society for the next Cor- chrysanthemums decorated the pi- Donna Los Richert surprised us] eat because of the extreme weather, the r otary Arms as guesus wm o ntr ~ nell broadcast over radio station ann, which were a gift from thewith birthday treats a few days ago. [ The program was presented by Mrs. neia at the ceaar llapms u u hY WITH the lnaug~ratlon of three-times- WSUI next Tuesday from 5'15 to Arthur Slyer family, who were an- Barbara Long, Eleanor Long, and ] club on Tuesday evening Dec 17t ' Cornelia McKay, who read a paper ~'~pro. The Oratorio will be Mo,:n~ weekly pick-up and delivery service in able to attend on account of sick- Dorothy Mason have .been neither I on the subject, "Women in Busl- at 6'3o O'CLOCK. " " ' ilk ur ~ under the direction of Prof Harold hess. A gift of silver was presented absent nor tardy this period. We / It was voteO that all m P - ' hope to do better next period. / Punt Vernon, you can take advantage of the hess." Plans were made for the an-, chased ,by the Rotary club for BaTltZe next of the w( ekl broad to the honored couple. added benefits of 'Modem's superior laundering nual Christmas party to be held i school lunches be pasteurized milk. I ~ " y . Those present were Mr. and Mrs.After Thanksgiving we are plan- I on the next meeting date. : casts, vuesaay, ~ee 17, will consist Guy Martin, Mr. and Mrs. John ning to ~ct ready for our Christmas and dry eleanlng*. See how easy and economical A family dinner was enjoyed on I of Christmms carols by the Mount Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Claire program. in the G A {~^,~,~1~ ~4-**t]~a~ Vernon Methodist church choir Armstrong and family, Mr. and Mrs. Written by Seventh Grade I Thanksgiving day O~.1~1[ u.~uu~aa~,~ " ' il Mr and " ' " C ~ it is to keep your personal appearance smart Hunter home. Those present were: r~ . . * T directed by Prof. IAoyd Oakland. Glenn Strother and y, : [ -- ~ -- I +ED%R RAPIDS and crisp when Modern cleans your elothes! Mr and Mrs. Robert Hunter andJ nlermln blons The program for this week's Mrs. Laurence ~avls, Jack ~rm-[The Classified Ad ~ction is on {~,~,~,~,m family of Sioux City" Miss Edith ~ broadcasts was s radio version of s~rong anQ ray, mr. ann Mrs. ctar:} Page seven. I~~ Just phone Goudy's Cafe 6121. Be sure ~-n*~ ,~e A~*~ Vista='Mr and Mrs Betty Chlquet and Jim Daly, ac- Prof. Johnson's Christmas choric- ence Miller and James, Mr. anal ~ ~ - "~-' W~lll'am~Thordsen and family of companied by Dick Head, presented drama "Go Ye TO Bethelehcm." Mrs. Merle Stewart and family, Mr. I ~:l~l~l~l~h~lgl~t~4~ ~ tO leave your name and address. 'Modern calls Tipton" Mr and Mrs Croft of Ce- several numbers from a forthcom- ' ~ a~d MrS.MrRO% Mart~kn as~raon~a.m~v~y, ~ o~. ~!~ ::!~ .:'.~~~:-- for and delivers your suits, dresses or laundry dar Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Laurance ing Prtducti n Brothe ::mn?llr:P;;;h Cornell Men Enter ~a ~ds Claude %eel, ~s ~velyn ~ ~~1 ~~;.~ lmndle to your home, or, if you prefer, leaves HuntervernonOf cnapterM Unt V erntn.u ~.~. and the,~e~vaf:;. numbers and very well re- Oratorical Contest Brown, and Jennie, McConaughy,[~ ~ ~~'?~ ::::2" 1 them at Goudy,s. lv~iM?ini c al~ld gn~ :mab: risSs ?e d :h;ce~;?'F" F' Ebers le rep rted n On Friday' De~"l 3, tw C rnell M:v'anddMl~IrL ~VY~PP~::d2[:n [ I ~~ 3k V ~ i art the school milk program, sponsored debaters will participate tn the ,ur~,~r~,~,~ ~----~-~a /~ ~ ! --- |1~ ~ ~ 21: vicxmtyto join m a~nmsvmas p Y ~ointlv by the I ionsand Rotary ~+~*,~ a,~t, rto~! ,~a.+,~=+ *,~ h, ~1~ .tu.~xava.~aoz. ~=ao |~ 1 I 1 l|!.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n a -- J to be held in the Masonic hall o . " '~ ~ Sands school 10 am cmD. at I enn college In Oskaloosa Phil Y ' " next Thursday e~nwmg, bDeeeCn.lo2tehd ---~--~ Hanna Geneseo Ill. will enter the Church services 11 a.m. ]i/ ~ l[~~ ~ Mt. Vernon G 'S A lot luck suppe J Y xtem oraneous' sn kln Epworm League 't p.m. = Phone6121 =-. rtand :l nPncnuSera ioT eais e~W; ~~~~~~ Sorosis met with Mrs. Alice Bar- ~ Chr!stmas Serael~.[:t:e 7T~:dktso The general topic of the extem Mt. Vernon, and Stanford Strosahl ~ ~L~ ~~~! rett on Monday evening. Mrs. Bar- .~ount vernon es ae so . ~ - oraneous sneakin~ coates, ~:ill .h: of Monticello spent Sunday in the ~ ~-~a~~~ ~i~:~~ f th giving nay ann Mrs I l l~e~Jrana P 11 o nd conducted -~- i~ ' rett who is a charter mem'ber o e the federal relief polic- and con= Baskervi e h me a ~I ~;1~'. ~'fil[.~~ ~i!:!:i~~ ~~,~--j .~ slveClUb paperPresented a very Onistedfederatlonb comprehen-MrsgieaninAdag s spenser ranmm chairman or thist ~ nsmPfar" .~ountts encouragingrep rtsVern ntne andre - i testantSwhieh ~t~ willnrenare be'giventheir ~netalk .h ur in theareOdistServiceSstudentsC hu rc h atattheThcornelleseMartelley pun college.g Meth- ~men ~ ~'~~" ~ ~ ~~!~| }~ ,~~ : ~. I ~-InbgeW::n~rs Alice Baker. The HAs Odr, st :: orPltttedel ostt e !rwo Corn t rs studying for the ministry. ~ --"~s~ 1 ~ ~--II.~lUIIi~ next meeting will be a Chrlstmas " Y g p " g -------- ~" me of Mrs Alpha of the money for the seals or re-!Attend Model Senate Rev. and Mrs. Baskerville and I~ 'L ' ~ ~I~]L L ~ ~T~I* party at uDe, c,U16 Assisting Mrs turned seals. Tt is necessary that t ~ Allyn visited in the LeRoy Deere ~ r.xclung loys lna~ ~o lnlnl s M: ~'will b'Mrs 'J B Ringer and the returned seals or the money for I Bob Nelson, of Mediapolis, and home Thursday evening. ~, -~ Mrs. Laurance West. The program ~he seals be sent to the chairman Bill Dean, t~fe ?~r/21'~es;e~esfn~I Mr: andMrs. F A:, McCOY, erie.lea ~ ~ | 'Wlil De ,n cu~t[-~e'- ufMrs. C. I~. Ricb the encioseo envelopes, so that ICorneli at ann Joe ttev. ann lwrs ~aSK rvlne ~ Jl~~~, I ~ The Leg]on AUXnm'Y~ met on proper credit may be given. It is t Midwest Forensicl lastLeague'SFrida"m del"tnd sand Allyn werez supper,1 guests of~ ~'~-'~ ~ I ~ ~ ot necessary to Keep the enure I legislature he d Y ~ the WIN. Frant fam'y on Satur- ~ ~. "~~/Y~ I ~ M:end2:ntV~inr/?g~;n~V~l cm: D~lne sheet of seals. People are urged to Saturday at Madison, W~S.thN;luS?en day evening. ~ ~$~Z~ ~ I ~ ~l GIFT CANDIES -- "contrl" purchase what they can. No sale Is l was named chairman Mrs. D. E. Curttright spent ~ ~"~~-~ I ~~ ":~. tag the butanes7e moe:l~lengmerican too small, l committee in the system which lets Thanksgiving in the Gerald Dar-~ ~~~ I ~ Whitman,s Sampler $1.50 and $3.00 .butlonsRed Cross,Werecancer t;ontro~ ann TU- leach school of the Midwest Athletic see home. ~ ~~' ~.'~.~~" I ~ berculosis funds. Other usual do- Putnam and College TownshiP!t n e c nSeeet ngo thlel; ge g ttSrt:i ivan' iMl~lhe TH:rmt I~Puer~thoThm%?ks" t ~~~,~ $1.00 to $5 00 Joan Manning 50c to $2.50 "li and other Legion and Aux [Ths p, ~ Mrs. Ivan Reed called at 'the i ~~ I natmns were made to the Knoxville Have Training School i inn initiated several years' g g -'~f~ ~t~d~lfftl~. - i-- .- ~l~ fac~ ty ." ~ u I ago, gives legislative experience to Willard Ellison home on Sunday. ~ ~~~n I ~A~JlW A~r~ rrl~A~nD ill'cry fields . Plans were mace to it lS/l L SO /llUC/i 1.1112 uiULll~, yv I ~nlloo'~ dohntors,9d'r~nA ~d'~-c W=lnhe 1Ot~r*~ n ~J~ ~~ ~,xz'~x~ax ~x~x~ xa~.~a~a~, Linn county I e wear as how you wear them Miss I T !! ~ i~ cl CIGARETTES partlcipate in harthe arty to be nelcI~ ~" ",uciue'" L t,ove- ,Ann'" county" "'rl D A. I A bill introduced by Dean and de-~ Anamosa visited at the L. R. Bobst ~ ~I~e~I~,hey' go, p an,ine, o, cr" [ glen and Auxi" Y P ' . " I "'. ;';~'. I fended by the Cornell men was lost home Saturday evening ~ ~I~11~ IID rl~ll~AT~ I and then down. 5~ inches In Marion next W~dnesday evemng, [ toicl home' project leaaers last wen- " ~']'" contested debate in the,~ -. ~, ~ ~ -. ~ "' *~"-~-~* --*~ 1 -- ' nesday at the tranlng school held ~ azter ~ ,~ ~ *vzrs. ~****an o~ewar~, mrs. r, vetyn ~ An engine and four ears with long, gtl'~ All Brands Xmas Wrapped Dec. 11. - r l house. However two bills which Brown and Mrs. Jennie McCon- ~ 10 track ~ -- I -~i~c t to ether at t at the nome ot Mrs. vorrest run - ~ " d were ' assed and ~ * " u-1 eaen z.~l~ .~ CIGARS, Pkgs 5s, 10e, 25s, 50s A 3otty [amtly ge - "g"M B I ,~, ,rh~o ~*,~,~ ~." ~"""*"'" in. ~lC rneu supporte p i 'lle e augny were runner guests oI mrs. ~ ,~ "NI I ,~,==, ,o ~ the ho. me.of/~ndnd" Mcrlude~ the I cluded suggestions for walking, sit-ta bi~ ~,~grnge~ed b:seB1;i~edCO g Kather,ne ~eet on Sunday. . ~ ~t~--,-- m, i riaes~Aer last, y w PP Mr. anQ M s ~ert MeeKs spent eor [n ". ',tlng and standing conducive to a (-~ ge e following: Dr. and Mrs. B. L. War-I I Coe, Grmnell and Carleton pre- Thanksglvlng in the Don Meeks ~ ~PARK SH"TIN~ I ! ALL 10c wick, Bryan, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. I~;~;';ad~r~Tttendln= were Mrs An I vented from attending the meeting home. '~ ~ lr~; ~'mv "" I IOlt~U~ 11 11P.At~ O. K. Thompson and family, Ash- ~ ~ ; "tthis year by the snow a.nd hazard- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Crew andl~- r~ I a h,~ ~ a ~, t~ ton Netolicky Mrs Forrest I~uhr ~. Wrappings,Seals --- Cord -- Tissue Paper ton, Ill.; ,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dons: m~,~*~r "~'oo ~'-"~'~t ~m-'t~ Mr~l us pavement The Cornell team Janet spent Sunday in the Verne]~. Shoo.ts real (but harmles~s) :-[ . . ~" ~" o. so. ~ Sp4%I'$L~8 inch i%n(l n~ arm ralse~ ana las and family, Waterloo; Mr. anol=-~r~'i~l~n~:"f=m'~gtnam"~own" made the trip by rail. Carris home at Moline, Ill. 9E I ?Ke [ "eilephane Wrap Shop Now, Supply Limited Mrs. Arthur Lahman(;armand familY,an(, [shi;'and Mrs.'. Frank Perle]l, Mrs. I-- .o ,~,~ Mrs. Phil Bobst" spent Friday" in]~ ,~ng slmn ~=et'~ I his e~, roll! ~,d~l~" Mr. and Mrs. I W.~ Y I ~ a ~---on from Collle~'e town ]Uornell ~tu lents l~lope ~eaar~aplns. /gl,!,i 7c Each Neto,icky was e,ected IDuring Thanksgiving Dance SuMn aynd e" sYM a IU 2 i! I ;*'= "-"" " -'~ "Iaureneo~[township chairman and Mrs. H.W. ~ " he . . * |W -~2vP~ ig~<7*~t~/~:~I~ marten r~epierann,' I~rn,ok hlicl+v chairman I Dorothy Weber, Cornell sopno- me m ~namosa. [~ ~s~;t~ I ~~lk ~S e occamon was - v~- ~o Mount Vernon. Th " " ] "'-'The next lesson wtll be "resented / more from Coh, mbus Junetion, and Mrs. Stella Cusher of Fairview/~ ~ I A~-~~ MEN'S SHAVE SETS in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Warwick[ at*the home of Mrs I level Carson I Bob Steffa, senior from Gladbrook, I spent Thanksgiving in the Louiel~ ~:*~t I ~~ ~ /Moved During The Week [her of their ma'rriage the evening] Miss Bertha Miller of Lisbon/~ ~ I u~,~ ~r~x~ rnrAI~ / ~ ] before. I spent Sunday in the Ed Clark h0me /~ ~ ~ I rl.Pi,--,~ ti ~VlVUX~x vaua~,vx- ~- ---, ~everal families in Mount Ver ------- / * " "l Both were prominent in the Cor-I Mr. and Mrs. C. I Murfield and[~ Beautiful Lifelike 1 ~. 7 ii ,~" " " cis Germs" '"~+ Tues /non nave changes tocat,on~ aurmg t nelI Ltttle Theatre activities. TheY lDoris, and Miss Elva Hoffman were]~ HORSEMAN DOLLS I *~+t ~r e lron . . s Coffee Pots -- Toasters --. Corn Grills.-- Infra Red Lamp Vacated t~rl)e2~]sWa~drddl:g Prt~)2eeS~'l for the nextlAll~n~.spenndt MMr~daByalkner~lei%a~tde[i ManYrO~e;scDOtoll%3.ti9seleet I | II Heater "-- Sandwl . - . Mr. and Mrs. E. .gm / Schedules For I Allyn home at Manchester Many Kinds Of 1 c, Current. Mrs. Dan Travis, Mr. and moved to their new bungalow on/~nv~ Dean Newman and Don Martini! ,~AME~ I cmmng a ~-Imge grant stze: ,~ "Gwen o;p~:at ;(at ; ~/ .m,~-.o vp.~ le~lT,~m M ] "" t.~. - Large Seloctlon to choose ,Vonaernul~ LADIES TOILETRIES SETS ~hlyMi~;tN?ney Dean and ~;~:el~P~; m:h;~c;ndrot~:ca~m;ntt~e th;u,i~t;Igm~V~:~C~iuln l~a:he ~Ys.New l! front. I~rieed from I Gifts! C NOme Coty's . . Adrienne --- Evening In Paris Mr. and Mrs. Anson Burge, and to thc apa Y,o~h,~ ill be ~,iven in the M V/ Ira Maiden started to work at|~ . Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilcox at- Bergmann's. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.] H'~S."~l~u'ild'tng on'Friday afternoon'| the Chevrolet Garage at Anamosa]~ P !* I ~, Wrisley,s Compacts --Colognes tended the play "Cradle Song" pre- Beranek have taken .possession of/ " " - ' c" - " ~ ']last Monday /l~ rot aim ' "-= "~-- ' ' "" "" '' " n'" urchased|Dec, ti, at one o' lOCK, It is "m-I |~,If~ll- iJ[~l" ~,~ - -- 1~ ~l~[ seated by the Covnmumty t'layers their new home rece uy p /.~.~ *~,+ th~t n~nil~ renort to the/ Mr. and Mrs. t~oo ~'eet ann ~usanl~ ~ua,r,~,~ ~-- I in the Y.M.C.A. In Cedar Rapids on from Mrs. Charles Maybauer and/~"~ ~'~'~ w~'~r~ "*l~'ev-=r~eeiv~d|spent Sunday in the Merrill Kyle~ [~,'~ ' " "~[~a@ I RAYON PANTIES ~lr Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert vacated by Prof. Cooper's. ]~'~-~'*-~--~-~m~ --T'ha.~V 'wh-| home. ]~. ~.]S L~j~,PA~'PIES . / ."~ CHRISTMAS CARDS S~:nebrtk:r~e:iice OofleMrS. Burge, ,~ ,~ ~ ~, ,[for an;'reason-~ere unable to-re:] .Sr:ee D cious of Marion anndl~ BILL 6"111~- I LOUNGING ~'~ p yea g Dr. u. ~'. Llttell ~tten~s celve the treatments previously / Ploys uecious ot mount vernon ~ FOLDS ]~tU I " / g~tt A Large Selection lc to 25c ~~~ Meeting At Iowa City ma~ have the smallpox vaccination~ called at the Walter Decious home I~ ,~ gd~t~ I SIAPPERS ~ Boxes 12s, 16s, 36 ~. !-, -- [and one dose of the diphtheria tox-i ~unaay I~ .~,tt ~x ql:::a 1 R Fire and Windstorm ; ~. physiellns "wili be ~slsted by the g' " g ' ~ ~kSHTI~tS q C I ~ ~ Assocmuon of Umversity rrofessors ] Linn county health nurse in the McSwiggan home in Cedar Rapids. ~- *" ?S ~ I DAINTY HANKIES [~,~ Automobile held at the University of Iowa, Sat- ~ ~r~ieet. Mrs. H. C. Moore, Jane, and Mrs./][ sr.~pt~'i)~:p~ ~ I HANKIES e'll~ /rtt" EDITH '~ LdIe n R--Ja w -O ' '-- " ~E;' '~ I I |, ~ Health and Accident u da,30 The. meetlng co.-] FOllowing ls the schedule for oth- ' N:. ~,esv;Ire sn ppmg ,n Ce-II AND GARTEI~ ~I~c,MANICURE t~. o stoereo the organmat~on ot two ad- [ er nearby stations' for the same car r(ap as -~u saay. ~ " I ' "$~ ~ dill hal branches ftheass ciati nldate lisa)on 9.00'am" Rosedale Rev. and Mrs. Coverdale werel$ CIGAItETTE BOX I to be installed at the University of/ ~, '~ "1-00 '~ n~ S-rln~ 9.o0 luncheon guests of Dr. and Mrs.!g Packed xvith Razor P~a~ 1 PERFUME REXALL DRUG I J ~o ~. ~l~ut~r|'l" Dubuque and /owa Wesleyan col-~am " = H.C. Moore on Wednesday.I~ Blades l~|IC I SETS 9~C I " r ~.ev t-.t~ mce In auman l'ug ~lege" .Dr'. Littell is a regional, mem- ,] ~ Mrs.f eLe oy Schoon spent Tues-l~ I | Der or the nauonal committee[ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strickland day a t rnoon in the Mrs. Esther i~ " ' I Your Prescription Druggist 0fc Dial 3412, Res 4262 which ha~ charge of installing new]and children Mary Sara and Judd Kohl home. ,~ mB ~ ~ . I Bldg. Mount" Verno, i ' Mount Ver on V tv : tore " Mount Vernon, Iowa n own ch vpters. At a future date he will were Thanksgiving day dinner Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoffman and n officiate at the installations of the|guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Mrs Graaff spent Sunday in the~ ane ~ t~ two newly accepted chapters, i John~B. Laing. " " Tony Metz home in Davenport. ~ ~:Rf~:~~