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December 5, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 5, 1940 |
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J ,
Mrs. Charles Hr. and The theClUb met at theof OUl||UI 111~1[ ll:~l, ll[~ ?~ L~
Mr. and Bailey and l Friendship [l. hArt -rT00
Norton. entertained at a roast duck,homer of Mrs. Warner Peterson ~nu MARTIN:: - CREEK- SCH00L
droner Sunday noon and eventng iV~ednesday afternoon. During the I~IILP I~ T ~U ~l-l~J~JlJ T ~.~, U[.~I~ rl~
supper. Their guests were IL business meeting following
Mrs. Roy Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Otis 'fleers for the year of 1940 were Lose "~To ""mr."'vernon.
- Classified Ad ~[
elected: President, Mrs. Esther
Siggins; vice president, Mrs. Al
Pisarik;2nd vice president, Mrs.
l~eonard Henik; secretary, Mrs.
Evelyn Staskal; treasurer, Mrs.
Harry Siggins. Assisting hostesses
were, Mrs. Howard Nell and Mrs.
Ren Slyer.
Bailey and Phyllis of Martelle, Les-
ter Bailey of Mount Vernon, Mrs.
LaVerne Sievers, Donald and Patsy
of Mechanicsville, Misses Naomi
and Delores Unruh and Walter
Reitzel. Evening visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. Reitzel and children
and Mrs. Kyle Blaine.
Deliveries at 9 and 11 a.m.: 2 and 5 p.m.
and Vegetables
Broccoli, hunch tgc
Avnead(~s, 2 for 25c
Chines(. Cahba~e, eax.h 10c
Caulinower, head 1Pc to 25c
Boiling Onions, 10 lb l~g 23c
Hnhbard Squash, lb 3c
Cranlmm'ies, lb t 19e
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, l~tdtsh-
es, Cahbag~e, Parseley, Lettuce,
Table Xmas Trees each 25e
Fresh Fruits
Tan~erines, largae, doz 25c
Calif. Oranges 23e, 27e, 39e
Celery, lmn(.h 10c
Pascal C~lery Heart~s t0e
Kmn Qnats, tntsket 23e
G RAPFFRUIT, Texas ,~eed-
]e~, dozen 19C
Bmlssell Sprouts, q~mrt 19e
llutab~g(~s lh 3c
lduh(] Baking Potat(~s, pk 33e
Sweet Potutoes, 4 lI~ 19c
)hmarch Ca]{e F~lour, pk~ 21c
Calumet Baklltg Powder,
lb can 19c
Coffee, popular brands,
2 lb can 49e
Fresh Conntry Rnn E~.~s,
dozen :. 28e
Navy Beans, 4 llx~ 19e
Oatmeal, 5 Ib hag 23e
Bh~ek Pepper, ~ ib hox 12e
Powdered Ben AmJ, 2 cans 23e
Dark, No. 10 can 45c
Dark,~/~ gai 27c
Light, No. 10 can 49e
IAght, ~ gal 29c
Ivory ,~)ap, Med, 4 bars 23e
M~tg~lc 1Va.sher, pkg 17e
i" & G ~)ap, 5 hars 19c
lap Rose Toilet ,~)ap~ ,5 brs 2,5c
Windex. bottle 15e
Nestle's ,~,ml-Sweet Cheep-
late, 2 bars 25c
Date Nut Bre~ul, 2 cans 25c
Pitted Ripe Olives, larg~
can 25e
i~lain Olives, quart jar 49c
Pop Corn, it will POl), 2 llx~ 15c
Monarch ,~a ]Pood Sauce,
large, bottle 20c
Whole Wheat Rusk, pkg 18e
Mixed Nut.% ]b 23e
llormel's Chili, 2 cans 35c
llormel's Slmnt, can 25c
I)ole's Pineapple Juice,
3 cans 27e
C~eoanut, long shred, Ib 25c
Mapleine, for syrup 29c
Crashed PineaPl)le, 9 oz ('an,
3 for 25c
TaU Con] Pe~% 3 cans 27c
l~'e~mnt Batter, qt, jar 29c
Swift's Roa~t Beef, 12 oz (~ 22c
Onmr Flour, tO lb bag 49e
Christmas Gift Items
GRAB BAG GIFTS, A table full of odds and ends of
lines we are discontinuing, marked down to 5c each
Other Aprons 49c and 75c
LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, from 25c to 50c
HOUSECOATS, Cotton crepes, 14 to 20 $1.95
Suede Cloth, with zipper, 14 to 18 $3.49
SMOCKS, New Rayon, sizes 14 to 20 $1.95
In Norw(m~l school, in IAnn township, the girls outnumber the boys.
The teacher ls Miss Ber~dee Lassen of ~htrion. Following are the pupils
enrolled in the school: Ruth Uthoff, Stanley Peder.~en, Marjorie Wads-
worth, Mary ~Va~lsworth, I[owa[~l Hammon, Violet Thompson, Joyce
Uthoff, Jeanne Techau, and Betty Newhard. Sharlene Uthoff ~-as absent
when the pk~ure wa~ taken.
iLinn rural school, No. 1, has six pupils. The teacher is ~liss Jessie
]Morton, of 'lipton. Reading from left to right in the picture are, front
[row: John Miller, Lilly Parker, James Parker, David Rhoads. Back
]row: Evelyn MiUer, Miriam Rhoads and Miss Morton. Linn school is
I located five miles south of Mechaniesville.
Work on the Mount Vernon black
top paving project will probably be
suspended for the winter this week.
Reek is being hauled to the six
blocks which did not have a reek
base completed. The entire base
will pro.b~bly not be put on tbose
streets but enough so that they
can be used throughout the winter.
One car of asphalt for this job
arrived in Mount Vernon last week
and was spotted on the spur track
Burt Neal & Sons Win
On Cattle And Corn
At International
Burr Nell, well known local
Shorthorn cattle breeder, return-
ed he,me Tuesday night from Chi-
cago, Ill where he saw four of his
purebred steers place in the In-
ternational IAve Stock show. One
of the steers placed eleventh in the
open class of fat steers among en-
tries from many large farms and
colleges in the United States and
Canada, and was awarded ninth
place in the group class. The ant-
The local Maroons won their
basket-ball opener from IAsbon
Tuesday night 28 to 19. The locals
were slow getting started, being
behind 6 to 0 at the end of the
first quarter, but pulled out ahead
and lead 15 to 7 at the half inter-
mission. The team lacks good re-
serve material at the present, but
with more practice sessions some
of the juniors of last year's squad
might improve sufficiently to take
over in the pinches, or some of the
so.pbomores may come through.
The junior high boys beat Lis-
bon's junior high in a preliminary
game 35 to 10. John Wolfe proved
to have an eye for the .basket as
he slipped in seven field goals and
a free throw'.
Friday evening, Dec. 6, Coach
Harold Fisher will take the first
and second basketball teams to
West Branch for a game. On Dec.
13, Marion high basketball team
Martins Creek school located near Marion, is taught by ~ i~ Ruth
Meming. The pupils are: Noel Neuens~vander, Joann MeGo~,an, John
McGowan, Nadine Duffiehl, De~Va)ane Beekner, Herbert Johns, William
Simmons, Shirley Sinunons, Athlyne Sintmons, Sehrefra Aossey, Sylvia
Ao~ey, Betty Seery and Junior Hank.
will meet the local team in the Law On .
Mount Vernon ee?ng
Mt. Vernon---28 G. FT P And Overtaking Of
Hutchinson (C) F 5 1 3 T ~ ] T~
Hedge F 1 0 3 Iowa ~cnool l~uses
Burnett, C 3 1 1
Herrin.K G 1 0 3 Lack of knowledge of the Iowa
uurrent ~ 1 2 1 . ' r m
T XValton F ^ ^ traffic laws with rega d to eet-
~ . u 0 o ink and overtaking school buses has
~arrett 0 0 0t resulted in several serious accidents
Edp-ards i 0 2]in Iowa this year, officials of the
t,'xsner () 0 0 State Safety Council said today.
Total ~. -~ ~.~l The driver of any vehicle upon a
Lisbon---19 G- FT'P highway outside of a business or
'Bem~more F 4 2 2[residence district must, according
Branaman F 0 0 0 [ to the Iowa law:
Magamen C 3 0 $ ! "(l ) Stop, when approaching
Kepler G 0 1 3 from the opposite direction any
Duncan O 0 1 l lschool bus stopped on a highway
gense.n 0 1 0 outside a business or residence dis-
Slone 0 0 1 trict;
(2) Stop, when overtaking and
Total 7 5 10 passing any school bus stopped on
a highway outside of a business or
Prof. Devereaux's
residential district."
The Iowa law further says, that
after coming to a complete stop,
drivers "then may proceed with
due caution for the safety of any
~ children and in no event in excess
of 10 miles per hour in passing the
school bus."
Market Reports
Hogs, Chicago top $6.20
Cattle, CHicago top $15.00
Sheep, Chicago top $9.50
Hogs, Cedar Rapids top $5.60
Chicago Grain
Corn, per bu 6l~c
Wheat, per bu 89~e
Oats, per bu 39o,
Sunday Afternoon
Concerts Enjoyed
by Helen Dinklage
As a result of student requests,
Prof. Eugene Deveraux has given
To-night - Fri. - Sat.
M.G.M.'s Great Two Hour
4 Star Picture
Clark Gable, Spencer
Tracy, Claudette Colbert,
Hedy Lamarr
One of the most popular
pictures of the year.
Sun. Men. Mat. Sun. 2:30
The popular, colorful,
tuneful, musical extrava-
ganza of the Gay Argen-
on three successive Sundays Vesper
organ recitals designed not to ex-
hibit the virtuosity of the perform-
er, but to induct the listeners into
a spirit of r~pose and release from
the tensions of college life. As the
shades of evening gathered in and
the chapel was filled with gradually
deepening shadows, with the only
illumination coming from the "or-
gan, one could easily imagine him-
self in a cathedral, expanded for a
time beyond himself and his small
, This does not mean, however,
that the programs were not worked
out with attention to variation of
running to the Power House. Five reals weighed an average of about style, period, mood and color. There
other ears, which would have been 1000 lbs each.
used on this job, came into Matte'lie. Ncal and Sons were also ^w~-~ was a w.ide range of music material.
These cars. .will be taken to Cedar. ed 10th place o~ their corn. :;te;~-ed The titan composers for organ,
Rapids, ~t ~s understood, and the in the Hvbrid and onen ~olinated Handel and Bach, were well repre-
asphalt stored there until next class vvl~ic'h ~as of A~~ . - sented, the former with the Con-
~ ~ " ' ~ ~ne open poiin-
spring when work can be resumed I afed variety certo In B flat and the Water Music
~' I heThis dell- in com'-letin- the -av { This is the second year the NealsSuite, both played with good feeling
I and --:"* ~" ''~ y'-- 'P " s ~P: :[have entered this particular type of for the vigorous and clear-cut
m~.~ ~ glee properly owne~ rhythmic patterns characteristic of
ea~lc in the /Ave ~tOeK PAxposltioa
7:p~te:np:;Vl:gsmwrl~neot%Per Ve; but the boys, Gordon and Willard, the composer.
DIAL 3121 M0"UNT VERNON, IOWA " ~, received ribbons on several of their
due until after the ~reets have been I 4 H calves before Mr Nell" A number of Chorale Preludes,
completed ]s well
" satisfied he says "and ~'ill probably those small symphonic poems for
Folgers Coffee, ,~, "Spam, Hormel's, 0~" ~ /enter again next year. the organ, had place on each pro-
gram. In contract to the brilliant,
t'laV ~OOtl ~ame ~galnst iowa - ~. " " . festive type in the style of Fairstow,
2 pounds vac. tin Lt#" ' The steers were shown for dem-
~ "~ ~ - = ~ -~. /ons~rationpurposes in connection
tatetrot ose tozz ~th thh
'" e"ne breeding and in- there were several of the more ex-
Pitted Datesa 1,A Orange Juice, ----- ~breedin~ which has .been followed pressive Bach vignettes, in which
New Crop, lb No. 5 can /,~'~ Cornell lost ~ firstbasketball on the Nell farm for nearly 30 the great German transmuted his
game of the year to a strong Iowa years. The bulls and dams as well religious e~pression into profound
State team 37 to 22 at Ames last as their aneesters were all raised subjective beauty and universal
Fig Bars, Oven c
Fresh, pound
Smoothie Salad
Dressing, quart
Farina, Bulk,
3 puonds
Navy Beans,
5 pounds
Goodluck, with
fortifier, 2 lbs
Corn Meal,
51b bag 13c
Chocolate Drops
pound 10c
Prunes, Extra
Fancy, 3 pounds c
Crisco, Shortening
3 pounds
Hubbard Sunshine Con-
100 pounds $3.15
Oyster Shells,
P.ot, 100
Tomato Soup,
Campbell's, 2 cans 15c
Vanilla, Hostess,3c
8 oz bottle 1
M ther Hubbard $1 55
Flour, 49 lbs o
Brown Sugar
2 pounds llc
Wood or Soa 25C
Reg. 10c bar, 4 for
Purex Bowl Cleaner 19
Scouring pad free C
Chi oo ,ake,19C
Greenings and
Sloans Apples, 8 lbs 25c
Picnic Hams, Tenderized,
5 lb Average,
per pound 17c
Pork Chops, Center
Cuts, pound 19c
Boneless Loin,
night. The Purple played almost
on even terms with their taller op-
ponents in the first quarter and the
final half, but the home team's ]3
points in a row in the second period
changed the score from 7 to 6
against them to 19-7 in their favor
at the end of the half.
Dwayne Howard led Cornell's
scoring threat with 4 baskets and
a free throw for 9 points.
Pasture Clinic Will Be Held
In Cedar Rapids on Dec. 11
A Pasture Clinic sponsored by the
Cedar Rapids Chamber of Com-
merce will be held at the Chamber
of Commerce in Cedar R~pids on
~,Vednesday, Dee. 11, starting at 10
a.m. Anyone interested is invited
to attend. Imncheon reservations
should be made with the Chamber
of Commerce.
Mrs. E. J. Osgood who submitted
to a major operation last Saturday
at St. Lukes hopsital, Cedar Rapids
is recovering satisfactorily.
Beverly Anderson of Sterling, Ill
a junior in the Vniversity of Iowa,
was a guest last .week end at Cor-
nell college in Mount Vernon.
The Presbyterian Missionary so-
ciety will meet next Wednesday af-
ternoon, December 11, at 2:20
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Robinson. Mrs. Anna Gormly will
be the assisting hostess.
Alice Ryan of Solon, was ap-
pointed administratrix of the estate
of Miehale J. Ryan by Johnson
county district court this week.
Bond was set at $100. Ryan died
in Cedar township Nov. 17.
on the Neal farm. The best cattle truth that far transcends any sug-
in the Nell herd are retained to
gestion of temporal creed or dec-
continue the experimental breeding trtnal tenet,
so the animals taken to Chicago are
not the 'best ones.
Gordon Neal, who went to Chi-
cago with the cattle last week, will,
remain until tbe close of the exposi-
tion and the cattle are sold.
Work was resumed last week on
the WPA Storm sewer project in
Mount Vernon with an average of
18 ,men working. It is hoped that
the sewer can be completed before
work is suspended.
Part of the men have been work-
ed on a 15-inch line down the
alley back of Mrs. Emma Stein-
brenners which will connect with
the main 24-inch lines in the Col-
ton lots. A second line of 24 inch
tile will be laid from First Avenue
east across the Brown pasture
paralleling a line of similar size tile
laid some ten years ago.
Tbe remainder of the men have
been connecting catch basins on the
south end of Fifth, Fourth and
Third avenues south to a storm
sewer which will drain along south
Fourth street.
Approximate cost of the entire
project will be $10,000 of which the
Town will pay 3,500 and WPA
l grants will cover $6,500.
Mr. andMrs. Willard~rain and
Miss Rubye Mann were guests Sun-
! day in tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
I W. Hill.
Crowned Heads of U.S.
Of the lighter numbers one of
the nicest was the Soeur Monlque
of Couperin, quaint and stylistic.
Most of the last program was made
of Christmas music of high quality.
Throughout the whole series
there were evidenced fine technique
and control of the complex instru-
ment that is the organ.
Professor Tull Will
Speak At Conference
Prof. Clyde Tull, head of the
English department, will speak at
a Language and Literature confer-
ence at the University of Iowa Sat-
urday, Dec. 7, on "Enjoyment of
Teaching English." The conference
is sponsored by the ~chool of letters
in co-operation with the extension
As one source of material for his
talk, Prof. Tull has ,been distribut-
ing questionnaires to his students in
regard to their conception of the
methods of teaching high school
English, as they remem,ber exper-
iencing it. With this unusual ap-
proach, he will discus8 teaching
problems of the high school in-
In Technicolor with
The most pleasing, color-
ful musical for many a
21c Tues. - Wed. 21c
Two extra good pictures.
Rob't Young, Maureen
Sporting Blood
and Wayne Morris in
The Quarter Back
Don't miss this double
feature bargain show.
Coming--"TIN PAN AL-
Make Application For
Cemetery Maintenance Funds
Application was mailed to the
Linn County Soldiers Relief Com-
mission at the Court House on last
Wednesday by Town Clerk, T. I.
Mitchell, for funds which will be
used to help pay the expense of
maintaining the Mount Vernon
Under the Iowa law the Soldiers
Relief Commission shall pay $1.50
a year for the maintenance of each
grave of a honorably discharged
soldier for which other mainten-
anee is not provided.
Sixty-seven civil war veterans,
one Spanish veteran, four
world war veterans and two war of
:1912 veterans are buried in the
local cemetery in graves for which
, no provision has been made for
~-naintenance. Vith two cases of
veterans being 'buried in the same
lot, there are 72 graves which
qualify for the $1.50 maintenance
and the local cemetery will receive
$10g from the Soldiers Relief Com-
1Se; dressed 21c;
dressed 24c. Paul
north and I mile
Invitations to rep]
at the 1941 District
ference to be held
at Iowa State,
by Mr. Edwin
Harold Ennis.
Rural Life
ganization of people
practical rural
state organization, it
meetings each year,
educational and
ments of rural life.
especially interested
ities for rural youth.
Nope not another word about
o'coats after to-day.
i Specials For Friday an, t Saturday
CHEESE Kraft American Velveeta or Pimento 2 lbs 52c
TUNA, Baby Stuart, Light meat, 2 tins 35c
SPICED HAM, Armour's Genuine tin 29c
SOAP, Woodbury's Facial, 4 bars 25c
FLOUR, GOLD MEDAL, 24Vz pound bag 85c
COFFEE, Richelieu, Drip or Regular Grind, pound 25c
TEA BAGS, Richelieu, Orange Pekoe with 2 dishes 28c
IVORY SOAP, Large Size Bar, 2 for 15c
PICKLES, Richelieu Dainty Preserved Sliced 12 ozs 22c
IVORY SNOW, with 2 medium Ivory Soap 26c
MIXED NUTS, Charter Oak Fancy, 2 pound box 59c
ENGLISH WALNUTS Richelieu Jumbo Polished lb 31c
ENGLISH WALNUTS, Pick of the Crop, Jumbo, lb 23c
KIDNEY BEANS, Richelieu Dark Red, 2 tins 25c
SWEET POTATOES, Rich Maryland Golden, 2 tins 27c
CIDER, Richelieu Sweet, quart bottle 15c
PEPPER, Richelieu 8-oz. Canister 21c
ORANGES, Texas Navels, 176 size, dozen 25c
CHRISTMAS TREES, Select Your Tree Now.
We Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Dial 4012
Flowers wired everywhere. |1
This is our last o'coat advertisement
after Christmas . . . so we're making it
good one.
Listen to the wind whistling up
street, and then march right in and buy
one of these beauties before Santa and
crew start operating on your bank
Here is the o'coat you need for the
California Weights in Smart Fleeces
Alpatex $21.50
Glentex $24.75
Alpagora $27.50
A Big Store in a Small Town
Ladies, how much do you expect to spend on
The man or the amount really doesn't matter but the store and the style
And regardless of cost, this store offers you one assurance . . . that
gifts you choose here are the same stylish articles the same high quality
chandise that he buys for himself from January thru' November.
You can't make a mistake at Bauman,s because we have none in
Authentic Men's Gifts from 2Sc to $25
All Gifts Smartly Boxed and Wrapped
A Store With the Christmas Spirit