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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 6, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 6, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. Vernon, In Hawkeye.Reeord and The Lisbon Herald "a 2 Thur~, Dee. 6, 1951 r go the rest of us have, but there's a count. Cummins' slump was at- pJ Op barb in itthat is justified. And aren't tributed to removal of circle from an en House Later a binder which dropped Besides Mrs. Wiggins there arei HousehoJd Hints . Isheaves in bundles was used and!two other children, Floyd W. Paul~ we thankful we live in a country Australian.ballot, compelling voter . she and her sister bound the grain i of Princeton, N.J. and John Paul of! where, despite the leaders' mistakes, to make cross before name of each' To remove stains on bathroom fixtures make a paste of cream of On 88th Birthday tby hand usking corn and pitch-!Wichita, Kan. Floyd Paul, who isi tartar and peroxide and rub on stain. we can take our shot without living candidate of his choice . . . Hot race ! ling hay in the loft were as much a president of the McCrory Stores I T h e H a w k ey e- R co rd in fear of being same. in New Work as Charles Hughes de- [ part of her duties as minding the :~ operating 225 stores in the south I Use sweet oil to take white marks off tables caused by water stain. and The Lisbon Herald rented Wm. Randolph Hearst. i i baby. land east, plans to be home at the l ~'~ 104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, Iowa W A Y B A C K W H E N After the ha*-i* & -kin- *---d time of his mother's birthday In -- - 11]I I~ i I s I "" ' " i Official New,paper Mount Vernon and i Rotary Club Mooting f 1 addltmn to her three children Mrs i unwilling to assume the proverbial!Paul has fzve grandchildren. Linn County ONE YEAR AGO "[he Mount Vernon Hawkeye Dee, 7, 1950 ! "Freedom and Authority in the! role of the sweet but unoccupied Founded i~ 1869 by $. H. Bauman Rededicate Lisbon MethodistiArea of Economic Life," was the old lady. She has complete charge Four Local Men Win ak subject of a talk by Dr. C. L. Rich The Mount Vernon Remarker church . . "Moose" Van Metre ~of all the mending in the Wiggins Letters At Cornell Founded in 1893 by It[inard Loller of Colo-lat the Rotary club Monday "The household and every Christmas: ~ .----. The Lisbon Herald ratio t.:o~lege grlcl ~eam .: ~ . D.aveibasic freedoms of our economic i makes many gifts on the sewing Four Mt. Vernon men won foot-i . .~,~. L. w ~ ~, m~r~scner ngures in ~avy lineup matlsocietv are so common the~ are machine she bought 45 years ago , rounaea ~n 10~ my rr . r.o " k ! J," / W AA,-C.teh~an /upse~ Army 28 wctory strea .'--'~taken for granted, he sazd. They ',with $25 earned by selling chickens ball letters and one received ai ~-- /toll. vernon stanaplpe snmes zorm ;.~ a^ ,~.~ ~r~edo.~ ~^ -~'o s iat five cents a pound, cross country letter in a recent list ' of awards announced by Mike Mil- eublt~hed g~'tMrof~dxPUrnbl~ha~d Ll,bon ]with C hristma.s spzr!t after .B.Ud~occupation free enterprize which t Mrs. Paul has taken economic ler, Cornell director of athletics, i ][~]~[~ We try to hive at[ the oDDortunitv, [n Davina "' h rmda" l)avls Doe rcann ann vie l-'erlslcn~- in Lmn County, Iowa e ver~ T u . .y, I~ ~.~.'~ ;~ ~i ~ ~ ~. ^~ ~ ; i ~ iincludes the mght to start a bum- :and industrial changes in stride but Football letters were awarded to! N~!lll/@l : ." . -" ," .- - - ', Entered as second class mau matter a~ m~'~:~ r.y~ ju~y :"s."Slness manage and conduct it taR- is still a bit baffled by today's social Paul McKeen junior Dick McKeen ~I#i~]/]~t,nal tr,buTe, re oestow upon mew tovea one a po~t office oz Mount vernon town an [llgnI~ arouna I~ ivlary l~oulse~. '~ " ONEYeE~ou~n~Ll'b nI w"'' [~nppre:g "'" mg me risks azm gamzng or msmg ' i whirl that fills every night f the H ward DeCamp anti Dick Winey: ii,V~' ~;'#i'~, treasured memoria ~oan~k~ekf? !~e~ ! ~t:i a~ii p~saeyb heI weelc. When she was a girl the all freshmen. The track letter was i [~'~ "~/~1 a Ladies' Aid Society had a social ' awarded to Ron Meehan, a sopho-~'fi '~ Johnston & Morgan's Funeral Home once a month and this was the only more t~ .~/,~, oumae:" %:~,nn'--'~an- a.- :s " 1 " ------- il Thez~ advantages of our free enter- !entertainment in the community Ads /oining counties but ~wlthln the TENYEARS AGO !~r se society are, according to .Dr.i i i Mrs. Paul was born the daughter Vea, ~ state. . . .' . . . . . $27qI. . DS~. t, I~1 I nzCn "l~ ~S me most proaucuve,i 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boxwell -----7----- ONE YEAR, outside the state .$3.00 Everyone was worrying about l most efficient and most equitable, i i Dec. 9. 1863, on a farm east of the shortages 10 years a o--we hadn't One weakness of it is that it does I Linn Grove church now owned by ; vo SUR inghou ( - advanced to the era of mink coats : not always operate on a level of t her sister Miss Rhoda Boxwell. She ~,~ I ~l.i-.L-ma Me-t l at reduction and free deep freezes~lstability. Stability can be gainedI '~was married to Walter Paul at the: t~.g~! ~KI~H~ ~ and here in Iowa the board oftat the price of freedom, he said. { home of her parents on Dec. 17.1884.'. U CAN BE aslF ~T st se tcontrol was deeply concerned about I Robert Lawrence of Mt. Vernon t iShe and Mr. Paul lived for 69 con- i Tee t;ornell Iacul~y is ~o oe con- . '~ ~.~. .~,^~ ~; ^ +h~Itoilet tissue. It seems that inter-ta psychmtrm sorrel worker, was ai M~ WALTER PATTT. secutive years on the farm now " i*~ at~^'-la faculty'--ma t ~e~u,~ ~ p~iori.~ s,~u ~v I rlU= 1~ OaksgUV~" supper club on U. S. 30 ~ on the !owned by Ray Martin, east of theyears ~ ~/'2: :Zl~-- II ! ! I[~ RI lj I Sl ~1 ]1 ~ -I wre~nng mee~ w.t~ UK lmade to supply the state institutions [CHRISTMAS PARTY ! --BY SALLY PAUL Forest Edge school The farm was; A&IV~ College ot ~1 lwa~er UKm h;oh ~,~,~,~ n he'h~]d i./wIth that httle necesmty. The gee-! The Christmas party for the Re-I Mrs. Walter Paul will hold Open sold in 1937. Mr. Paul died eleven ,:)~-'~,~:n~[~[-2~ [ernmen~ in its "be prepared" zealI tary Anna will be held at Wendy ~House on Sunday afternoon Dec. years ago. ~W~he~ac~onUwa~aken' [had reserved 150 rolls per year IRh, occasion of her 88thi With the exception of three ~0~ meeting n M nday The athletic t 11 yest Vern n ' spent in mri n with Mr' and rs NOs O .X [i ll/l --- ~ ~ - :- -,-- ~'- ~ ~ ' ,next lvlonaay a~ ~'~u p m rnere.-u,-~ uz ,~, uau~,~r u ~u.-,-!Wiggins, Mrs. Paul has lived in the committee nau prewuu~y ul~us~u wa s S r there of~ ' " " " : " he ,~ +.~. who ,~ei~ion w-~ bas,~d ~ ~Y ea s. for i. st us ~. ; will be a smorgasbord. The corn- flaw, Mr. and Mrs. James Wlgglns. iLinn Grove community all of her S~Y~ 4 .'."'~'*: .;"7 ~*~ : "~ "~ 1 rtomecommg Ior ~vleg ~Kewls. za, tr~; ~o~ ;~ ~ho T~.~rwin ~ 1". ~ from 2 until 5 o'clock and from 711ife. on me ~ac~ mat ne~mer me couege as she and her husband bring the ~"'L~= ~.---,-"&-VT-:" -; until9 o'clock in the evenin~ Mrs ~~ ~--~t`~qk~'~,~ O ~~ ~ It [l~ ~ |' ''i~1 nor the conference had taken any Rufus Rose Marionettes to Cornell ~.z gg e rs, ram ~ecKnetms ana!n~ ~ ;.-; ~ ~ ~ h~ ;~: ~o ,:: ", t:narles ~wane~s ~ne monew wmcn .a.~ ~ w ~ v~ =. ~,~.o .vi ctlSClplmary acuon regaramgmelMrs Rose started career in nunoet-I a . a . t.+,~n +~.^ ~.~ ~ " ~ ~'- V O 1 (:1 IO 1 an e = u = ,-.v~- o= Joh nnyBrlght.affalr ~. .]eeringafterTopPygaveheradollar]wi)l~:et:::ed ~r:rg~ofttehX:nco~.I Mrs. Paul will be assisted in theI FREEI! FREEI! I "~'O any of ,ne riawKeye-~ecoro, book on marionettes Edith Minor,' . idinin, room by Mrs Joe Sponar ~ ~'~ i~ i:i:/iili~ ! I,I I readers who may p s and LaVerne Larson wednot read. the sort . [ mummy, servme commmee z or ' " "t' f Cedars Rapids, who will' pour, Mrs. t Pro.p, re.u 0, all m (JlI /" !i TiiiT:.; ~a~es one Wilbanks Smith a tackle/ ~ Christmas gifts for those who m gh dead stock. Just eal~ our - o,'------" i ~am oonns$on o~: ~prlngVllle, anu on the Oklahoma Agg~es football TWENTY YEARS AGO not otherwise have any. .~, nearest track, oollt~b-- ' N 26 1931 --. . ~,~,s. tvmuae ~ar~er oz elm xn me ~eam, ~roKe donnny ~rlgn~ s 3aw m~ ov t The meeting on ~vxonaay use. rl, ~ ;,~, ~ ~;]~,~, W,~h Mr~ Mechanlesvflle 99 ]J the game with Drake by slugging f Mt. Vernon considersforming [ will be held in connection with the i ~'o~'"~',~ ~"~'"~.~ ~"~"~.o'-';~ Solon 18~ ~ him with his arm or forearm. [ Chamber of Commerce. Fred Young ]Lisbon. "" I adult night school annual i~t.~i ~unger au'~'~ ~'~"''"~"~'o~ me ~range %';~:~nau ll L Vernon SE~Im:iii~ ~ ~ ~'- ~~-~/. ~~~~ I[I ~'~f.!:~ ~es morass neglster pnom-Ineaos committee on orgamzauon:,banquet at the Lisbon gym. i o~mm~ifv will a~ei~t with the grapher had a howitzer camera]E. V. R. Dvorak, James McCutch-! No meetings will be held on t serving FARMERS RENDERING trainedonBrightwhichshowedthe eon Carl Becker andC. E. Hedges Christmas eve or New Year's eve ". . ',June ~nn t~ulDerson will nave COMPAN,Y II ~ ~~ affair m a series of pxctures that[ Reded;cats remodelled and re-I ~ t Superior Service speak for themselves,i " e ~decorated chapel and dedicate, or-! vw ItA^""t --,~ v V''"a" l^'"Ie ~en, argeazternoonOl zne gues~ cook in zne Since 1912 . ~ In spite of this pea tlv proof of] gun at Cornell . . . Chff Johnston 1 - ' St. LIo No. 7 Iowa ~ty~.l~ ~ ~/--~///~"~/ ~"'--~~~~ ~i what took place, the Oklahoma[ I and his Tri-City Troubadors broad- I ~- ~-d Mrs ~harles Butler and I tn ner tong ~e ~urs. ~a~t na~ -- /~/L //~ ~:~ coach tried to pass the ffazr off cast over WOC " w k ,~ ~ ~ +:'::::i:::iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii!!iiiiiiiiii~iiiili~iiiii!ii: lightly. He d~d" write a letter tel ' . . Mrs. Effze Butler spent the ee frontier" country to a mechanized" RI GLE REAL~F O. C. Mohn bags pazr of lack end in Viola w~th Mr. and Mrs D 1 ;-'^ state She clearl" re- u ra~e exprejkng regre over ~ne]rabbits for Thanksgiving, feast;.big] H. Butler. i me~n'b~rs*early harvesting me~hods. a*,---. ~,u v =~ .~ =~ .~ ones . ~lllappe. ~ne ttalpn l~llne- know of was taken by the southern ] f It r " ' ir - ired lac ~ " in ] Cpl. Donald I. DeCamp arrayed I The first binder she recalls was a e es w e na p esnrs~ l school ]~ 1 : C R - --i I h me last wee Rend to spend his i March Harvester. Two men stood ~'~/~"~ ~1 '[ [ ~.~~~~~ill Complaint was made to the ath-]h io;n-Viola" S~,rin~vilio" "r~lim [furl ugh with his parents, Mr. and ion a platform and bound the grain ~ :iiil]i!ii!iiiii!~ letic council of the Missourt Valley [ ~/I'a;'tell'e an~i Mo'rlev to make L~itle i Mrs. Zldon DeCamp while one man drove the team. : Conference. It likewise took no[ .q;v T,~n ,~ M'olba Clark and ~ action Then Drake took a stand in ter ~" OM WA . [ 5"lenn-~/~ndreas' st-a~ in -claarac [~f--- -- ~-------- - " " " " " "-- ~ favor ot clean sportsmansmp and[roles in Oh Kay at Lisbon ~ ~ ,~:~ ~ 601 F,rst Ave. So. withdrewfromtheconferenee The hrls Paul "~e- ":'~ SAFE. AUT ATIC R i fo " ~ a e appoint an i g n t fi ~ -.l ~~~. school deserves, cred t r th~s. watchman at Cornell. I P H O N [ ' Automatic Watch- Drake has a big stadium and foot--------- 'll,nnitim I, Control maLn- ball has been an important activity f THIRTY YEARS AGO Ii {A' Iilli~ - ~ 6891 WITHOUT WEIGHT tains the warmth you of the school for years. The changes Nov. 30, 1921 ~ II I.i i/.~ --. " ~7 in Drake's schedule may not be easy G E Stinger honored on birthday ~ ' ~r. & Mrs. D. O. Pringle select the wholc night to adjust, by 60 who gather for dinner and I~ ~ ~]~-~ ~'~ I-lere's the latest in Electric Bedcovering at a price so through. Bradley University of Peoria, Ill home talent urogram on "The Sea-I~g, ~ "//~'~~ ~ ~ low you'll want one for every bed in the house. This ~ has taken the same action. Bradley sons" . . "Clarice Nlssley weds i II ,l ~ ~ ~ may also have had other reasons, Karl Detzer . . . Laura Albeck en- ~ ~ :~,~- ~ Electrle Sheet has everyone talking. It's so practical, so but an any rate they withdrew rolls students for mandolin and ukei ./g. lill ili . Save Steps . . . paruy as a result of the ~mght "Girls in domestic science be- .L~~~ ,~-}~['~ ~ Y comfort-glving, so completely different and new! Fits ~/~ e mode P" gan making flannel middies Men- SAVE SPACE! The "win at any cost," "bust day" ~ ~~ .---- ~r~ double or twin beds, plugs into any a-c outlet. Listed by |~]lJ]]]!/JJ)~ 'em in the face," guys are about in Carl Hauser and All Meakin off ~:: ~~-~'~ ~ Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. ~~ the same class with the deep freeze, on motor trip to California . . . "~? 7 W~.-~f/[~ mink coat, trips to Florida gang at Home for holiday: Lynn Vanderham ' (] Use it with your favorite top cover---Simply spread the Washes easily, all Washington, D. C, from Epworth, Isabel McKune from electric parts sealed Dirty sportsmanship is like crook- Laurens, Geneva Renner from Ft. By American Greeting Card Co. Electric Sheet over the regular top sheet. Then any against moisture. substantialed politics.peoplelt willdecidecontinUeto standUntilup pitalMadiS nwith"" typhoid" Howard. Pratt Signsin hOS-of "Christmas Joy" -- 21 cards for 39c ~ ~||0 blanket, quilt or comforter you now have can be used and oppose it. If you condone it the times: PolaNegri in Gypsy "Christmas Cards" -- 18 cards for 59c ~'~, as a top cover. | in your own backyard you shouldn't Blood, French ivory toilet sets, duo- "Wonder Assortment" -- ] 8 cards for 79c object to it some place farther away, fold couches in imitation leather. "Distinctive Greetings" -- 1 6 cards for 97c Takes li~le room. Car~T D on trlps---Take it with you Many will approve this gesture on the part of Cornell to back up FORTY-FI~ YEARS AGO "Special Value", All one design -- 30 cards for $1.00 when traveling, packs easily in an overnight bag. ~Arher- the other two midwest colleges in Nov. 27, 1906 their protest against dirty sports- While folks in Mt. Vernon were ever you are, you get automatically controlled warmth manship, being bitten by the auto bug J.B. Selected Assortments By Whitman Publishers Eyestone was travelling at the rate 12 Folders for 29c 42 Folders for 59c without weight. Might China f threeviamileScoolieanchairhOUr throughFtrst 21 Folders for 29c 21 Folders for $1.00 Easily packed in ention AND AT THE DREAM PRICE OF $24.95 overnight bag. Florence Hoidahl time in years the gubernatorial vote in Iowa was not known till finalAlso Cards "For Remembering Someone Too Nice To Forget" Order Just couldn't get in to see Santa -* Family Greetings -- each 5c MELLO "D" MILK In .Fed. Taa IIIIIII ; last weekiall these little kids there Service Men's Greetings -- each 10c in the line ahead of me--so suppose General Greetings -- 4 for 5c In The Handy New I'll have to communicate by mail. ~ GALLON CARTON P.M. Hobe of the local P.O. reports General Greetings -- 3 for Sc that no letters to the North Pole General Greetings- 2 for 5c from all fine I@WA E] ECTRIC LIGHT POWER have come in yet so my chances General Greetings -- each 5c Mt. Vernon and Lisbon with the old' gent should be good, Food Stares that is, if Dale Travis knows my "old gent." . o Never dreamed Santa had ever been pictured otherwise than roly- Doly and jovial, but learn that he Mt. Vernon, Iowa Phone 4211 used to be extremely thin. It was Thomas Nast, the cartoonist who created the G.O.P. elephant and the Democratic donkey, that fat- EYes Examine.d Glauta Fitted tened up the dear old gentleman. He'd better go to work to improve the other two little Hems also! The "too, too" dept.--From a Christmas card of the 1880's: "A most consummate Christmas and an utterly utterly New Year!" "FOR BETTER VISION" Wager the first decorated tree to grace a living room in town is that Modorn Styles Prompt Service in the apartrfient of Wilbur West and Chet Webb, all trimmed and in 22] 3rd. St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Ph. 2-872,1 place by last Saturday evening. Understand one of the local vets NOTE TO SANTA: is blackmailing his wife, in a mild way, with a little news clipping taken from the Eagle Grove "Way FORD OWN ER$ Back When." Learn that Mt. Vernon is not the L 0 V E only school in the conference to FORD ACCESSORIE~ HOURS stage a football banquet. West Lib- erty put on a big turkey dinner but--the senior team members each as advertlsod in LIFE, 9:30 to 5:30 brought a turkey Townsfolk were December 3 so elated over the championship that they presented the coach with a suit and overcoat. Good thing too. 0UTSJDE MIRROR because next year the Comets will be left out in the cold, we hope! 6LARE-PROOF MII~ROR From Waverly: So they called her SEALED-BEAM SPOTLIGltT "Iowa" cause shewasweakonpass It's Christmas time at CRAEMER'S! defense! WINDSHIELD WASHER And while on what others say EORD SEAT COVERS Everywhere, all through the Store, might mention A r t h u r Krock's column on "Government Semantics VANITY MIRROR AS It Is Spoke." Col'~mn~st Kroch dv admits these are not original, butFORTABLE SPOT we're rea. with a Wonderland of perhaps for others besides your local AND UTILITY LIGlilr columrdst who isn't too sharp on a i fts to g ive budget a ioyfu I the late news on the Korean con- VACU-LITE ~J your ference and the cease fire "orders" these definitions will at least make CIGARETTE LIGHTER treatment! sense! To implement a program. Hire WH||L TRIM RINGS more people and expand the offices Under consideration. Never heard Shop in leisure of it. Under active con$1dergtion. We're fc " your Foro]-own;r.g ~r[ends i WE'LL put it up to you! There must be plenty tized Knee-Action. Bigger brakes-biggest in the Chevrolet's time-proved looking in the fries for it. Reli~le source The man you at your lord Dealer sl of good reasons why more people buy field-for safer, surer stops. Finest no-shift and just met. Chevrolets than any other car. standard driving at lowest cost with Power- Informed source. The man who Here are some things to think about, glide or Synchro-Mesh transmission. told the man you just met. There's the way Chevrolet looks. Nice clean, There's the way Chevrolet saves, Chevrolet Unimpeachable source. The man automatic transmission who started the rumor originally, curved lines--like cars in the high-price field! is the lowest-priced line in the field and the A elarlficatlon. To fill in the Chevrolet's Body by Fisher sets the pace savings go on and on with low operating costs. Finest no-shift driving at lowest cost. back ground with so many details Phone 5061 Mt. Vernon Combination of Powerglide Automatic that the foreground goes under- Watch and among low-priced cars. There are plenty more reasons why Chev- Transmission and d05-h.p. Engine optiomd sOUnd" Midland Farm Management Co. 3ewelrY There's the way Chavrolet rides and handles, rolet is America's favorite. Come in and leton De Luxe models at extra cost. making a survey. We 612 Merchanta Bank Bldg. Repa~ need more time to think up an Spee~l~ The smoothness and bi2-car comfort of Uni- us show them to you. answer. A cu&erenee. Where conver~m. tion is substituted for the dreariness of labor end the loneliness of s, Of course this pok-'-'---e~ fun at thoN IIMM~IIIId~ 2 T~ deal =ore |.dlment and ablUt7 than Cedar ~ lowa ~---I~. Ml~ul~t . Vernon, iowa