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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 6, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 6, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' ut. mwkeye- ra Ga,; Perkins Cedar Rapids " I Win +M [o n amily o[-;The Farm Outlook; ] ordinary: T Abke !wkh the help of crutches, as he . ,la o . L ed her parent, uy.Per ns Elevator D,nner o. .+,-. . le ro % : e a e a Ora e J has oua walking east Sunday ']t~b--~L ~ 6- 1951 ru~iw v ~ :~unaay evening and ~lonaay. u-lJ e--- J- ~ Y Y' " I L|ne up ]our. I-e~a / m p y at e ;. Monday callers at the Gunn home I Thursday dinner guests in the r~e|~l ~l]Ul[-~|~l~ I Melvin Allison son of the Rev. I I ~- v:. r~ea~ name in bpringville on Not much tim,~ fo ^ i were Mrs. Leitha Kaplan and Hal'- - i ho e were land .rs o L: All,so:: lef In ,he 2 :roEenu, M es much time spent on the road be- ol,the .ohnson Mrs Glen Arnold was in.Marian William. ~arnanans and grandson :~I~IK|Nf~ |]L'JL'r"; "7. ~amroay eve-York tv~onaay zor ula~ a, Aram ~ .' . tween home and the hosni.- tal. I -nnKs' oz ~.xsOon and me several days last week caring for Billy Carnahan of Ottumwa,the ning at the high scnoot gym: a iine !where he has accepted a posmon ] By C. E. Hessiott, C.E.D. I treaL, Mrs. Charles Lacock, anal Finding out accidents do happen in :Hoffmans. her daughter Mrs Irwin Ren~fer, I Ernest Carnahans of Whittier an(] turkey dinner was served zo over with the Arabian-American Oil Co. I Price of new corn varies widely i ~v~r~. James trine. ~vmre plans an- the best of regulated families b-t ! The Merrill Hoffmans were Sun- I who has been ill. t Jesse Czrnahan. 500 persons at the vm annual Rmhard Reed and Jack were over Iowa In the soft corn areas nounced next week. none so bad i~-couldn't h~ ~or~,~ day guests at a cooperative supper Misses Leta and Mabel McShane I Mr and Mrs. Henry Hood were Sprmgwlle Co-Op Elevator me g I Thursday evening dinner guests in [of the northvcestern part, new corn I Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coppock, and we're trul-, thankful at the Arvel Daubenmier home. " etin ' ' " " ' were dinner guests of Mrs. Ella Me- 'callers at Kyle ClarKs Wednesday and dinner. I the Russell Reed home celebrating is selling out of the field as low had as dinner guests Sunday eve- I ~---- ~. Mrs. Leitha Kaplan and Harold Shane at Whxttler" " Sunday. evening. ~he business meeting was ~enC n" i Jack's birthday Ins from 85 cents to $1.15 per bushel. I ning the Myron Coppocks, Billy I,marion, ~v~r. anawereiVtrS.bunoay~.~vern eamner~OmnSgues~sOI: were Sunday supper guests at the "," ~3~!:dy:!~yeAllr~e:%dMt2he~?~sheUc:reta~s faMrl.yande2~eLwGk Tehn~man a~d Io~ ~last~lIOW:i~ wh;redt, h~rh:U;rl~!y ~a~rktLhiU~iam~t~;~le C::RP/Pn~i ~ at;hLldKenweitlh amKnKaplaanndhKm~neth James Gunn home. = $].~z~ ~*$~T~fl# f~.J~@~.#~, ep ' g "!gin and Oehvein. [is reported around $1.70 pe bush 1 y . . ".t.'~ |,e . ~k~r4k*E~~ I,~l~l~fW-u thur Pear,on gave a manager's re- v~.~. ~# ~,~ w,~,k ,~ ~ [for new corn. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Rice and;~aPlan- lvl.errlll n.onman and Jim,insulate I port of business activities of fiscal in~e"(~ar"l~apid's The U.S Dept. of Agriculture crop Pat spent Thanksgiving in St. Paul i ~unn nmsnea picking corn at the I I affairs for the year Three directors t reports show a larger corn crop with Mr. Rice's sister and husband " Gunn's Friday. I ~ne aonns-Manwlle way I . whose terms expired were re-!. ~evel~y ~oiana and Jerl:y lvlei-lthis year than last. for the nationlMr, and Mrs. John Walsh and soni Wilton Gunn returned homel With Blown Rock Wool ~'~ ,~ elected for a three year term l~sn o~ b~a.~e ~en~er were J.vion~aYlas a whole. Many Iowa farmers!Johnny. They returned on Sun- i Sunday morning. He is improving'| ED HOIDAHL I ,Mr. ~nd- Mrs. John S Armstrong t evening dinner guests m me ~le- find that hard to believe. But there's ~ da-~. i but will be takin~ ~ easy zor sev- ~~. ~ ~.~~ were introdueed aswere Mr. Howe, ltusBolandhome !a good corn crop in Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Koch and Mrs I eral weeks He is able to walki| J ~l,l~ ~ / ~{~"~'~.'~1 manager of the Martelle Co-Op and l Mrs. R. M. Emerson of Marion Illinois Don Culberson visited Sunday at! ~ --= " " '~(x:"'~/ ~,ff0 ~ Mrs ~Iowe and Merle Bliss and Mr. spent Thursday with her mother Much of Iowa's current crop is!the Norman Techau home near ~~~ ~ - ~ ~ LeC'lere of Central City; Co. Agentt Mrs. Sara Whitaker. [of low quality Its high moisture I Olin. Jeanne Techau visited the i ' *, ~ l* .Ji~ Mr. Holliday and Mrs. Holliday ofi Mr and Mrs. Wid Scarbroughlcontent means that it will have tolweek end with her grandpaents! r~A~.|f'~|1 ~m~,~,~l-|l~ L~lr,~r,~| A, - w,~--,~r--- Cedar Rapids. returned Friday from Mississippi be fed up or moved by warm weath-i and returned to her home with ~k,~|~l~ ~b~,~||Lr" ~rl~|~L ~~ Mr. Taylor of the F.G.D.A. of]They were called thereby the er next spring Francis A. Kutish, tthem Sunday ! ] Des MaShes discussed "Principles ] death of a nephew I.S.C. farm economist, says this Neighbors in this vicinity eniov- ! -,~ ~ tll/~J~'r ~lDlldl{ |I~ V ~/~Tl:~| [and Purposes of Cooperatives."j The PNG's of Evergreen Re-Imeans a heavy rate of feeding thiS[ed hearing the Navy-Army'foo~l~all~ IOU ~noece Meretora heifer calves wmgh|ng 1 w s " " wa 'of Bellevue were dinner guests in . ' " only enough to survive they ymld less mdk and gem "Every Day is Bargain Day .s t ,w, ~ opens next spring. This Canadmn Dec. 5 for a picnic dinner and i eat corn and are m lust the r,ght condtt on to | less weight That's why you'll be wise to install .a Johnson a real boost fOrfoCrO~ml~nn~Y :~' evening ]feed wheat could replace a lot oflchristmas gift exchange and to re-i go ahead and do well | u k ~k~ k~nt,~ thnt [em~ OI cooperauon s " i cash corn ma~ normauy goes ~o tnel veal their mystery pals Mrs Ra~, ' " Automatic stock-tu,~ ,~,o r- ter world ivlarnyn lJlrKs nas been n melAtlantie and New England states to[~r, .~ ~ w ~. ^ ^ --~: Tk~, ~ #,-, ,~II : t L A --,- 4 ~ .^- e ee.- Loft[e "as -- -']ace it . 7 " "---- "oseveral da-'s from school with the! t--o ~,s ~,u ~,~,~. ,x~, ,~ m~-,- ""~7 ,~v~ ~ ~ee ee~ u~e~ ~.~,u~,~. ~'~ ~u~ water ar 4o Oil winter ~).~]. u~-~ uw t* Tl~e pmmres xou and xour ~ - . ~ [zeea dairy ca~ue and nags -zna~bers. i . - on here-no wiring needed. Make sure you get mOXl= operative", "Harmon Rose, Mechan= tl~ Icould take some of the pressure offI ~ : sort Will De given to make sure every one you m'umY~/OrOflts from your co, e . . . come in, write or phon. Seal Wo .ker", and =A.n o,o cs an earn prices next mmer, p.rticular- I FRANKLIn C am,NALS ! ; . . . -- ". . B-12," snown oy ~aipn uwen oz ~o -ly if prospects for the 1952 cornI Franklin Cardinals hadtheir ouy s a gooa one, buyer can TaKe mem ira- I for demonstrohon. Cedar Rapids were both interest- tea ~rom me (;inner iist az zhe Bar-crop are good then. I Christmas meeting with Jean Pay- m~,~;a~al. ,-,v e,-, ~;m~, ,:,-, ~,-, ! ~ 10~O ! [~:~i~;~! ing and instructive, clay Heald home ~unoay. i Yet the situation is likely to beielka Dec. 3. Five dollars was do-i ""~"'"~'7 v, "4"I """~ ~ "~ J"~'~"~u'7 ", ,z,~ 1 Marion Noah of Orange City iiiii!iiii N EVE~ nt the week end with his sister serious enough that it looks like nated to State Camp fund Care- If yOU are looking for a good sized string ! - :ili::iiiii COMI G spa ' good business for Linn county farm- ] lyn and Nancy Phelps gave a dem- r,r . . e - SPECIAL! ~,k for yaw ~n i!i !!!iii Regular meeting of the Spring-Mrs. Dillard Merritt. . era to line up needed feed supplies l onstration on how to alter a pat- : at calves at nigh qucIIITy oon 1" PAIL TO see mese. cepy of the J~hn~n fo|de~ ! : !:" villa Masonic lodge on lvlonaay Mr and Mrs William ~,ee are fh|= f~l] We have more ivestoe I tern Kay i ec showed how ~o -- -- :::: ::~ 1 k ~ . J lov tells you the ~ving$ yo@ m i!~:: :] evening, Dec 10. Election or on;c- the parents of a 7 pound 14 oz. Day, to feed than a year ago Some make a pin cushion Eleven mem- ~ i effect with your present herd,~::i::: :::it era for 1952 will be held. born Nov. 30. farmers mav~ find o~ood buys of hieh!v bers, five mothers," Mrs Pavelka ~. ' I I hnsonAo~e ~ Love Chapter ORS writ nave Mrs Mabte Neflson and Orwne moi.~ture " e v g an ~a~s en~'~ed ! I h use of ~ Je :::::1 corn--sawn an ood ~ d Mrs. Jflovec le wtth t /'::::;I ~, jr the Faye N ells.ons Mrs | . " ' g ~ .-- ,reporter m~t, Stock Tank Healer. ii)ili!:: i! ~]ece!~M~n?;i~a~iyate::~ng?g~lea: hrNi:lhD~::s ~w~.i:al .rmt~ooeos~ ~:sruVenreof~t!~i~ t~:~amTl~w~.e:i ~o~!~!hr!bidb:joga~i:Th:?n~k~tZt~:e~g Phone 3A0 -:- ,am(], Iowa Phone 32097 -:- Cedar apids, la. ---- I I-- --------- -- WHERE GOoD FEEDING PAYS OFF Careful feeding brings bigger checks at market hme. So be sure your hogs, cattle and poultry are getting the proper balance of min- erals, proteins and vitamins, Feed LECO Feeds and Be Sure Leco Pig & Sow Meal Leco Mash Maker Leco Mineralized Hog Leco Laying Mash Balancer Leco Special Sow Leco Cattle Feed Supplement LISBON [!LEVATOR, Inc. Phone 4- Lisbon, Iowa FARMERS! For The Best Rendering Service- CALL MT. VERNON ,odoce 5811 Usbon Produce Daily Service For Removal of Dead or Disabled Livestock CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. erers PERMIT NO. 1 EASTERN IOWA LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. U, S. Highway No. 30 MECHANICSVILLE, IOWA at 11:00 o'clock We have three packer buyers besides the shippers and local trade to buy your fat cattle, butche'r cattle, veal calves and fat hogs. We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at Public Auction every Wednesday. Buyers from Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois to buy all classes of stock cattle and hogs. Commission, 3% on first $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% after that. The larger the consignment, the lower the commission. Always a reliable market with competition. Truck your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sole. Veal Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Stock Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Fat Cattle and Buteher Cattle sold in order named. We are buying fat hogs every day for the big packers paying more money net to the farnner. Call for aur market prices on fat hogs before you sell. WILBUR COLBY Business Phone Residence Phone No. ! : ' The Chester Manleys of Daven- have some mighty eood property. HONOR 3. S. ARM~qI*K4L)Ntx of v'~Ortr, Loyal, Manlev, family of Steele -~,s-=~v-v;'*~"- xv'w"~c1~(:* ~';11 m~k~ f~d. : Mr and Mrs. Glenn Strother f"itv Nebr the Darrell Manleys Martelle entertained at dinner in were Saturdav evenin~' ,~,ests ining rations narrower in ~vaz. Ixe- honor of John S Armstrong's 81st the Harry Manley home ~" ~turns from feeding grain to livestock birthday Sunday. Other guests Mr and Mrs Lewis ~Wright of w,g dasin 1951. Kutish! I were Mrs. J. S. Armstrong and the Monticello were Sunday dinner i~l~:S~al'~.~ ~; :ny nmxe~esa~ri/:i N.S. BRIDGE CLUB . ' 2 :will cut back enough to fully offset EE es to umrK ana mmny were ~unaay Mrs. James Dunn was host s I theexpected slightincreaseby l ' ve guests at Ine l~Ollln ~OIIlanQs al ! the N.S. bmdge club Thursday e - I farmers m the eastern Corn Belt. b WatKlnS umers lnCluoea ~:ne ~ay- ,~; ~' Nov 29 Prizes were won y . IIn fact, the cutback out here may be :n~, =. .:. r, ~^ mend Cofflanas and cnimren mrs. enou=h to ,~ull the whole national: Mrs. A. ~ r~rnstanu ~vlr~. u,~;= o --ev and ~ ~ v t=naries colrlana me ~t ~,~ ~ 11952 spring pig crop down slightly. Mrs. Stroll of Blairstown and Miss We are at the end of our postwar ~ ~ :: BI~'I~ffDA S O----~E-R~JED Janell Johnson of Cedar Rapids. Ihog expansion until bigger corn~,As I am going to farm on other basis, I will sell at Public Auction at the Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McShane The Louis Renken family of An-[crons are harvested Kutish con- and daughters attended a dinner amo~ were Sunday afteronon call-Iclucles ' farm located 5 miles southeast of Cedar Rapids, 3 miles East of Hunter's Air- at the Harry Hindman home in era in the Ted Romig home I " ~ ] Central City Sunday in honor of Miss Caroline Clark spent the]~:m,~=|~,~, I Port, or 12 miles southwest of Mt. Vernon on the Cedar Rapids-lvanhoe Mrs. Lane Swecker's 91st birthday week end at the Rollin Coffland l ll llllla rue.e.y I road, 9 miles west of Ivanhoe bridge, 2]/2 miles west of Rogers Grove and the birthdays of Mrs. Hind- home at Watkins. ~ ----m~ ,m */- I an and Mr~ McShane Mareta Pederson attended the :~ee ueer i-rlaav church. m ~. ~ i 5th birthday party for Pam Wil- I CAMP FIRE MEETING llama in Marion Saturday. GRANGE HALL -- They don't he me tin was held at our ~ ~ T g A. C Newman is ~pending the know whether it was Donner or, leader's h me' Martha Wellener" weekintheDaleGramlingh meiB1itzen' but the James Wiggins SATURDAY, DEC. 8 Officers were elected: Virginia in Bridgeport. family know i~ was a deer they saw ': wn ton res Sharon Sheely, Co g,P .: lVlrs. J. E. Archibald was a vial-i from their window Friday morn-i vicel carPreS';enterLinda, treasCarpenter'Halts ThlesSee';,tar in Marion last week. ling while they were at breakfast. -- 5 0 H E A D 0 F ~ I V E S T 0 C K 50 - Lo's p .; ' - The P. M. Neilsons, Paul and l The agile creature crossed the road, scribe We had a demonstra sen, ' -[Norman, Chris Neilsons of Cedar]jumped the fence and wandere:l on how to revent famtmg l abl tion P e ~iho~ld Rapids, Faye Neilsons, M e Neff- among the Charles Randall cattle C~/ spreader; 'hay and what to do if some on~ [ son and Orville were entertained] in the pasture. The family watch- rack; 10-in. Burr mill with we arew names An o~ me rain . 1 Sunday by Mrs. Nell Davis in honor ] ed it as it proceeded on east until are su o~ed to meet in front[of Norman Neilson home on fur ~ts antlers d~sappeared from we~ g~rls ~ pp, . .] v, wagon elevator; Sargent h draulic manure he oat office on Monday Dec [ of t p ',laugh. This may not be unusual, our car- 4 good Guernsey cows, 2 will freshen loader, fits John Deere or YFarmall; rubber 3.--Ralta Thiessen, scribe. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Timms be- respondent says, but it is out of the - ~ille ~la Methodist,[came the parents of a boy born ~ about a month after sale day, 1 in May and tired wagon with flare box; steel wheel wag- ~P~ L "." -- " c I Dec. 1 at Mercy hospital. / --~- -- ~ ~ 1 in June. All are good producers. 1 good on with 36-in. box; 4 wheel trailer; 8x12 2- O L. Allison, l~s~r -- uno~r pra - I ~.~ rr .~ z~.c~ ~ an,~ Don / /" "- ~ V "~ " t / ~ Brown Swiss cow; 2 heifer calves. Wheel machinery trailer; fertilizer attachment rice lnurs~lay evening ~.ou p.m. a rl " ' ille [Mrs Ha Daws of Martelle vzsRed I f su for InternationaJ planter. the Metnoalst cnurcn bprlngv . .~ I ~! 1 rill Ml&ll& EITI IJlr ;~ e " i - Vi [ m me l~ell l)avls name ~l n~N l=ll~ 1 1 I ! .ogs olabervmesl0:00 1~Jra m UeCsprm gvllle"V" e'r. acn11:00ng, a.m."l ~.-~ zr~u~"--"'"'-'. ~v'" . B'-'ux: A nurser y lid u Lnull uuu ml ~ " 00,chalr and used hnoleum rug. Phone ~ "-;;;~;- !)11;~-!- < 6 Purebred Hampshire sows, bred to start M,scellaneous ~unaay ~cnool, ~pmngvluu ~u: t 152 Springville a.m !iola. 10:45.a.m. Youarewel-1 ~Irs Neva Ozburn spent the week ( r?r-L ID.~LL'O' ~ farrowing March "12;37fall pigs, wt. about 12x14 brooder house; five l-pen portable come to an servmes, tend in the Bud Ozburn home E.iov a de ner. ! 80 pounds. All long time vaccinated, hog houses; 2 Pride of the Farm 70-gal. hog ~ oh ~o-~h Rev Karll Donna Jo Workman was an ov-,---'-" - -;,---~--" ! . waterers; 3 steel hog feeders; 2 wooden hog 4 ~ " " teff of hi feeders; Electric chick brooder, 500 size; E Swanberg will conduct the ser-[ern~ghtgue.s.t of S.heryl S~eden k warmer, smer n0me / C ckens vice Sunday, Dec. 9, on 'How To l~eaar .r~aPm.S ana. ~ze,me ~ :~k 100 Good Wh,te Rock Pull t electric pig brooders; Corn Sheller; 3 oil burn- ~ ~.~ r~ +,~ ~ v;~ion" Sunday school, Jrran~nn mgn rronc ~amraay. f 'r@llU ~ " e s ing tank heaters; 14x18 canvas; 2 hog oilers; "~'"'~ ~or~l~i-'at 11 am Will i The Darrell Wursters were Tues- I ! -Am l* McCormick Deering cream separator; seed a~;~o?lcers wil~ meet at thelda.y even jng dinner guests at the k CHIMNkV 3Wktl' / macnlnery chceaner with motor and screens; milk cans, church Dec. 12. Hostesses: Faye /~mur.~earns .n?me: . ~. j ~-,~*~,n~, Velma Armstrong,{ ~ars, mary mc ~eus zs again very~mmm~=,+~ +,~ ~ . tools, and other small items; tractor chains. A~.~ ~.~ ~,~,~stron~ Bess Bu~.'Jill. She is at her grandson's home, ~,~f/~,~,~ v ~ Jonn ueere ~oael A, l Y3Y tractor with ,"~=,*~,*~'~,a'"~"~, :'~'arbee ] Charles Ricketts, Waterloo. ir,t~ .~ ~" See the difference, savethe new rubber on rear, completely overhauled I 14 "~"~" I John Ebin of Waubeek spent ~ "~.~'~difference--whea you Harold Reese left Wednesday lThursday and Friday in the George ~ cleaaou~rty, daagero.usj this spring, A-1 shape; cultivator for above I 0 morning from Anamosa to report Dirks home. ~ he~-steal/n.g ~oo .wid~tractor; John Deere 15-ft. disc; John Deere1500 bu. corn in crib, more or less; 35, at Des Moines for military service. } Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rom~g spent cs~e,~o~ om~ ~a~e~ 999 corn planter with fertilizer attachment; bu. of Cherokee oats, could be used as seed ,~r~ ~e,-e~ wfl" 1 remain with her i Saturday in Monucello. ~ ~,-.~v sen ,'W'~"7"ne~ . * John Deere 4 section harrow with draw bar; oats; 600 bales good clover hay, 400 without rI Durme~ aria Ke 'o tel's, gee ram, 50 bales good straw parents me ~ennem xezsmys zo ~ John Deere 2-16 plow on rubber; John Deere " " . ' It -- ~'~ new, ,mpmv~ see Ior coal sad a wnim. ] Linn ~r~v~ woodhtmaces,~'eplaces. 4 bar side rake; John Deere Dean side rake; p *. The Herman Kochs of AlburnettI M-~. Ed Harri~ govas. Both easy m use[ ~ 1951 Woods Bros. corn picker, picked only 35 I-urnnure recently visited the Glen Arnolas.~ IP2mq~M2q The Jake Hiners and children] Mr and Mrs Claude Klaver were POWDER ~ acres; McCormick Deering manure spreader; 1 complete dining room suite; Estate oil vsiited the Earl Anderson family at] guest's Sunday" at the home of Mr. 1 Ib $ .B9 ~ McCormick Deering endgate seeder; McCor- heater, with electric fan, 5 room size; gas Oxford Sunday afternoon, land Mrs. Maurice Minor. 3 Ibs. 1.39 ~"~.~ mick Deering 7-ft. oats binder; McCormick and coal combination stove, 4 years old; 3 The Glenn Streets' and son via- Mrs. Bonnie Larson visited Satur- LIOUID J-~ power mower, Model 25V; McCormick Deer- burner kerosene stove with oven; circulating ited Sofie Casteel near HopkintonI day evening and Sunday with Mrs. Pf $1.39IO.~ =, ,='i~ ing horse 1 0-ft. Sunday. ~Ella Uthoff. ~ .~.o ~ mower; Gandy fertilizer heater. 'l f T.- * * * * -.'.- Th I a ris visited Ruth Ann e Charles Webster faml y o Ann H r er were Sunday guests in the tron x Walk " S g 'n Cedar Rapids Saturday Gene Reed home. -- . I ~vening and Sunday. "-" ------------- Sale Starts At 12O'Clock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thurstonl Mrs. Walter Strong and three AS ADVERTISED have moved from the Raft apart- i daughters called Sunday afternoon OVE~ HARDWARE Lunch Served by Swisher Auxiliary Terms: Cash ment to the home they recentlyI at Maurice Minors'. purchased of Mrs Christena Lun- dean. Hugh Yeisley is improving from his recent injury and was a dinner guest Monday in the Kenneth Yeis- ley home The Clarence Taylors, Diann and Kathy, the Dennis Taylors were Sunday supper guests in the Har- old Taylor home in Hopkinton Mr and Mrs. Chester Eales and Caroline of Mechanicsville and the Floyd Browns and children visited Sunday in the parental Harry Eales home in Marion. The Chris Pedersens visited in the Jens Pedersen home Saturday. lens is suffering from illness caus- ed by an infection. Mr. and Mrs. Craver moved the first of the week into their new The Clair Richardson family were guests Sunday at the LaVerne Lar- son home in Cedar Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Garrett NEWS WHO -- 7:30 A. M. Tue,day, Thunday, Saturday were Sunday evening dinner guests at the Merle Murfleld home. Keith Kirkpatrick is enjoying a LISBON furlough at home and with other relatives W~ek end and Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Theile, Mary Kirkpatrick, Joyce Kirkpatrick, and Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Kirkpatrick. The Chris Pedersens, Charles Martin and Margaret called on Mrs. Eva Peek and Dollye Sunday a~- ternoon. N.L.C.C. will meet with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hanna Friday evening, Dec. 14. Annual Christmas party and picnic supper is planned. home recently purchased from Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Steele and Samuel James Sondra were supper guests Sunday ~ale trench and ~wo aaugnters ~ '~ r" " at the dw~ Ha ns home. The vmlted hm mother Mrs Lulu "" ' Maurice Minor and Sherm Hanna French at Coggon Sunday H~s ,". families called in the evening. aunt from Wisconsin was a nouse Mr and Mrs Wayne Martin had guest. as their guestsSunday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley vislzea her ~r~ w~v Marlin t~h~]~,~ ~ne] M~ mother, Mrs. Esther Flshel at Mtdarer, Mrs.B~rnard Switzer and Vernon Friday afternoon Hugh r daughters.Mrs. Switze, Bonn'e Yeisley accompanied her. and Becky, were also Saturday vis- A Chmstmas party was g~ven' " i itors of the Martins and Mr. Swit- Monday evening by Mrs. Dale*~ ~r ~oined them on Sunday " 1"of i Stambaugh in her home tar z - . I rice assocmtes from Cedar Rapzds. + ~*,il,~,--~f I:,',--khn )led ' vv ~ ~vlovles ana a graD-oag ~upp l wilmrd Light the entertainment I Droner guests of Mr. and Mrs. "" r n " " " n I V~mto s Su day m the V~rgfl ~,ennem xeis~ey and ttonme ~u - " d Cole home were the Jim Onstotts, aay were the Harold Reeses an ~,~.~ = ~ w~+h~ ch~ w;~++~m r June uonala l',etelsens oz t~enze rnon ~. "iLongerbeams of Mt Ve,the Ilon - I Earl Laings and Wayne of We.t lvlr ana Mrs ~tantey ~mlm Ph ll'is and Linda wer Sunda '~ Branch, the Harold Laings, Sharon y e Y ~ and Michael and the Mearl Laing~ i dinner guests of the Harry Smiths ) r~ ~,~;~ .~,~ ~.~ T.;,F~ffl ~]1 ,~f 6'1 ' The Clarence McGrews were after- ence noon callers ~ ~,~ ~ r~ B A Jenkins s-,-,+l Mrs. Willard Light attended 4-H ~he~'~, eel~ "er~d' with' relatives Van'd I training school Friday in the Don ~, ':, j -. i Dallas home near Stanwood. irienas az watermo, zv r. enmnsl --- was able to return to work Man- ROTATE PASTURES day. I Ralph Krenzin, extension agron- Callers the past week in the omist at Iowa State College, says DeVer Port home were Fred Web- i whenever possible rotation pastures bena of Wyoming, and Mrs. Will should be included as a part of the Ebersole and Mrs. E. M. Blood of regular crop rotatioru They are Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Blood's more productive than regular pas- daughter and granddaughter from tures and they generally increaSe Minnesota. the yields of lntertflled crops. MARTELLE Parizek and Donohoe, Auctioneers POSP!SIL, + +: FirSt Trust & Say. Bank, Cedar Rapids, Clerk DURING 10-15 HELP~ KEEP YOUR McCormick FARMALL AT TOP EFFICIENCY) Dial 3521 e + ML Vernon, Iowo