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December 8, 1938 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 8, 1938 |
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• ~~~I Mr. and Mrs• Eri Light of Daven- Mrs• Irene Andre was a weekI ........................ ] able members of the Junior class[ rhine Ciha, Jackie Ciha, Darrell] Proeeedm . of 'li ,,,,~
........ t.w mwww.i vl.w.l~wr !~'- , ww~A, tl, ~iport were Sunday visitors in the end guest of her sister Miss Daisy]
LISBON HI LITES [from attending school" so quoth[Laing Maxine Achey and Dean1L ~,~ "~ ,,e~,"~v -J U/k
~!or~hn~ ~M!H2hH[~tl~ve,! P~hon~e ~1"2~5UH ~Pe~iltJ~hys~;:n°cf C~da~is RcapisdS ~:Re~:j::m~edBn~l;R:~dnnM°U;:eV~i "~ :o:r--~= NEWS~ STA;F::y ::s~ I !~ine~p;h°e~oa°U~::r~t:e: ~s~e~B~'~:te:uWr°~I Emerson. I Li:Oa:: t~Y~TM~L~Ti
-- =" ": .....' .......... r Phone 135 loon Frink and family. Dr and Mrs N, A. York. . i• .:: .................... . . ! • . . . [ D..:.~:,.'..~ 1UI~tt.^.]. I Session, 1938
Mrs. P'refl Bl[ue. ~ew8 j~ort~ , ........... [Ass'~ ~oitor ......... ~velyn ~vleyers~ We wonder wnose voice viora-i I • I lUllUV~; lV•~Lll~ta~ I/ - ~l~lrW
I Mr and mrs ~us rmnsen oI M~ss Pearl Fehnle visited at the ~ T -ists Jean Van de Bur-" t -" " 1 ll the American~ ~ ..... a ~ ~ ~,~ .
' . . yp ........... g, sons seem to u ertran
~" " ~~'~:~'~ I Lowden were Sunday droner guests home of her parents in Norway Eliza~*h Frederick and Jean"~/ ....... 9 '~ • I ] ~m~_. _'~r'~,~: Need Not | Iou motion by Supervisor ~ertr
~~,~*~---.,--.,---*---~ ....... ~ .... . .... . . ,_ _,_ ,_ .......... ~ ~ ~ ue ! talstory class to smep. *ne win- I I ~ ~q'~M--]'~Y--'~:,, D_ I I onded b'" Sunervisor l~obo~ anct
• ] in zne l~eWlS ~elnuaugn home. trom ~rloay unuL TUesday. ~ v " -
Mrs Herman Gutman and daugh- Mrs. Myrtle Cunnmgham of Mar- ~ ................................ [ Stone. [ dows are open, too. [ ~/'h ~(.~---~-:" v_,~____j ] ]county Auditor was authori~this ex
- --" ....... -'el*inn f~r i~n ~rigitod ~,nd~v with Mrs H~r ~. a,u ~,,,~. ,.~. ~. *vd~u ut ~u- Mrs. r~enry ~owmr moveo last Reporters--Ethel Mae Bigger Ells-| FRESHMAN FLASHES i /'[ ~ /,, "~rolloweu | sign the following tax sale c~. ~ive
t~er-^-MaryJ°sefp~neelartVives"in~owa rv'" ttarman-an--d-family- .......... -] dependence spent Sunday in the week from the tteller property to[ abeth Frederick, Marilyn 'Frink,/ Here is another flash direct from t [ t~i ~" ::~/~::;. _~V~ in ]] a ndr~tthaendanpUn~ttyf GhaeXre~ns}~ip:
~i; ..... "° "~" "Mr and Mr¢ Charles Rieger Mr. and Mrs. Harmn t~rlggs home. Mrs. Katherine Randalrs residence• Peggy Frink, Gordon Rahn, Lois[ the press of the Lisbon Hi-Lites. [ k,~~-~--v-~ Adverfisin~| date ~fye.aS~gn~eunt, all mem~ed by
--" .............. * ...."~,,-,~-, ~',~*o ~n t~,~ Mr -nd' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitlatch The Frank Gage family who were[ Roup, Francis Reynolds, Otto] Know this one: ] ] k,.~ ~'~ " ,~x'~,],~ . - I ] . "-.-. "• -. %, ..... T~Ollowir
• • ................................. and Ardm spent Sunday with the living m the George Rose property Kruse, Caroline Kcple , Deborah[ Age--13. J ///,~ ~ ~Iv~' @ | January 6th 1936 kssign ;0~ and o
~namosa w e ..... _Y .... "*1 ............. i Donald Wh~tlatch family near T~p- moved Saturday to the former Mof-[ Graver. Wflma Gage, Lowell An-[ Height--5 ft. I i ""l?t~_~2~ ~),.~..':m, ~- ItAI__i__- ] [and Lula L. Bean. _...~
me Mr and Mrs.~eor~e ~t e MIss Ann t,esan oz melle l-'lalne t,~n v ÷, ~ +"~ " ~ ~ "" ' ~ dreas ~ill ~ohn ao~'e~* Hue'- ! ~ .... a ~- --~ ~.~ u~ ~au~r~ a ~ Certificat,. No 1095PB T~ --
• ....... , .... ,1~ .ome a~ me east eno oi J.ylaln D ~V~ o .~ Y,~ ~0mr na]r--~rown I ~" I - "-:~ --:"" -- i ~ t0~~°°fl L
home, : was a week end gues~ zn me nome ~ ........... ~ Jean xran de Ber" Mar%rie Van! ,~ .... ~-,-- ~ | ......... | I January ~tn, ]u~, Ass g ' ~/~v ~,~ ~
................... ~ ...... n~ *~-s ~tuart M Franks The ~vangencat missmnary so- strceL. -- s, ~ i ~oior eyes--vine, i ] AD~F.RTIRF ~--H~l~]~'~_| | ]and Lula L. Bean. ~ .......
~vLr. and Mrs. ~a .lusty anu vv,-. ~t **x*. a u ,,~ • o • " I ~,, ~00,~ W,o~d~v -~f~rn~on D~- ~ ~.~ ~,~ ,- ...... *~O.lI ~o I de Berg, Ellen Burrows, Harry[ Favorite subject--General sci- I | ~-ffi~ • L.,~• a.,.$1.~ •llLd~.~. *~ | ] On motion by
Supervisor .~cembe:
ford of Cedar Rapids were Sun- J.F. Krob went to the home of l ~.:=J~r'~~° ~i'~h'?~r~-Andr=~'' Ri; ~.~'" ~?~ ~T2" UZ°'2:~"hW'"~::-~ I Bigger Bonnie Simmons Ken-[ ence [ ~ [ seconded by Supervisor SeeV~tussell
• • ~ ......... , ....................... - co..pare=., ,,j .,... a.,~ .,..o. .~,~.. , ' " commendation of the Dlree
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R• L. has son Frank Krob m Ely, last -er Bernhard of Cedar Ranids visited] neth Duncan, and Jeanne Stone. [ Favorite saying--Why? I ~llief to remove the name of ~-as par
Frink. week where he will remain for the~°:" ................ ~.• .......... f~-' ~.-^,~.~] -- [ Pet Peeve--Staying after school I~~ ]from the payroll of the Ll~Vening
~ A ~¢ x,~,~ .~sk~l and wintpr ] Mr ano Mrs IAon _.rink an(a iam- ou.uuy w~u~ ~. ***~'~'~* ~ ~--"*'~ I LIFE ! ~ . .. ,,o... r,~ . ..' [ ~. I Relief Department effective• t.'~.~ ~.xrs~a '
,,.r. an ....... ~."7.-'-~":-. "" "-" !ily were Sunday evening visitors Ernest Zalesky in the Veterans] T,ifo i¢ ~ho ~r~t~t nnT~l,~ ~f ~ll [. ~avomm song~--o~op ~eatmg[ ~]1938 was approved• All me~" ... •
family and Mr. anci mrs. ~mn ~ey- Misses Marie Widmer and Lena ! ;,~ *ho ~--o,~ %-nes homes in r~ hosnital at Des Moines I .. U ........ °-';----2 =:-L-~ --.Y:"i ~round the Mmoerry ~usn." _.~ ~ ing "'Aye" thereon. ~ Will
hons and family of Mount Vet- Marugg and Harry Reade of Mon-]~ernon ........... ~.'- ' .. ~: • ... • i wny are we nere: ~iter nie.] Be looking for another flash hotl -. ~ ~[ On motion by SuperviSO[r~ Ever
"n th ~ v~ • lv~rs T r~ ~ameron Will enter- what i " ~ ~-'~ ~/ ~ .~. ~_sec°nded
by Supervisor Stl ~
non were Sunday guests ~ e ticello were Sunday guests of Mr./ .... off the press of the Lisbon H~-Lites. ' isio ten
• ~arental F J Kolek home and Mrs Elmer Starks G.R. Camp of Cedar Rapids is tain the Woman's Relief Corps at Some of the ancient writers com-i Duty ~t~;~r " -~[~c~:r'~'eo~"~et~oPr°~f I~e
v - ". " ... ,~ .. • "f ~-" " .... ~... , .I spending the week with his daugh- a one o'clock luncheon Tuesday,I pared our brief life on Mother[ Look at the world, and ,,ou willI j[~.~r --~ ~l amount due Linn couety for~-"
Mr. and ~ars. w. ~.. ~-au~ o{~- Mr. and mrs. ~ar~ L*. rloyt oZlter Mrs Frank Wooldridge and Dec 13, preceeding their regularlEarth to the flight of a sparrow[ see ' ~ ] ~'~, ~ ~[and support of Edna JanLSns~b~d Mr
Claire were guests m me w. ~. Antioch Calif. arrived Saturday, ] f~,~i]v " meetin~ There will be election of ~-~ +-^ ~--~- ..... *~ ...... ~ ~ .,.~.~ | -- ~ ~ J ~ State Hospital for the lnsa ~"~/~. ~,.
W,,~vio~ hom~ Friday and Satur-.,uoa ~,, ,~o ~'u,,~¢ ¢~na de~th of l ....... "' ~. ~,. - ..... ,,,, ~,~ u~,,,.~, ~ ..... s,, = ~,;;'] What wonderful things it holds for] ~ ~ ~1 pendenee, be and is herebY.~" .....
:" ...... -'"~"'- -~- " ..... ] ...... ~ ~'*.~.'"--: ..... :. ....... ,~ Mr and Mrs John Ferguson and omcers and a ~nmstmas party. I dow down a brightly lighted hall ! ÷h,~e ! ~""~'~"~m,,,~ ~ ~/ be $1 500 00" and that Linn
_~pn and
nay, and James ;~Klnner anu ~Jn~his morner Mrs. Anna ~eese. ~ • . . • . . , ' ~ ~ • ' " ' r~
.... , r .... a ......... l~n ~a~,i ' [Mrs. Mmme Sm,th of W~pton were Mrs. S S Dunn came out from] 1o another door out again, and[A time for duty and a time for | "~'~'~'~ ~ cept said su,n.fron~.Edw~nr~~ home
• .~a~,~ ...................... Mr. and Mrs. Mflo Kahban and Wednesday visitors in the James Chicago last Wednesday evening, I Into the darkness• This vmw seems[ play-- ~' ] ~ ~'~'~ ~[ ~s~$~.°00°~pSamnPont~n~'s~i~.even]
~u~. . family were ~unaay evening ran- i Tyson home and Thursday went to the Univers- to make life futile• It lacks faith] a ~,~,,~o ,.~ ~,~ ~,,,~, ~;~, ....... ~ ]~1 represent payment in full ion..snort ]
mnM[:r 1A:s~ TH~umrPs~a:ntaer?::ued a~ ner,~gues:s,°f Mr~angeorMr~o~goEd"! C. W. Wurzbacher and Miss Ber- ity hosp~ta! for trea!ment. ,She m the One who made boththe hal!l A task not to leave until it's done ~/ .~1 ~atm;lennantoe J)uflya~? p~t~en~ ~te:~s
'~ ....... " ......~ohl" ~" .... ~ .................. ~'~'~ ' nadine of Mount Vernon were Sun- plans to return tooay to tne home ano me sparrow, we omy Know l A life to pass from sun to sun ~ ~ ~[ On motion by Supervisor~_~' .. .
irlenas lnClucung Mrs. l.~ura ~ • .... i ro rien E
......... ] l~he Legmn Auxflmry will meet I day dinner gueGts in the Harley of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. R.] and 1 ve th ugh expe re. x- | --E]izabtheth Frederick ] ~ ~ ~] seconded by Supervmor St|r~... ~eai
and mrs. t~oyms JacKson oz ,we:! with Mrs Milo Kaliban on Tues-IRobertson home ~ Gardner perience teaches us if nothing else [ GRADE NEWS "] ]~[ 'o~i~grsreSo°t~iut)on .wasthae~hort a
• " " O] " . . . uk ~,~; ..~ye
chanicsvi)le- l~Ifs',,Ella,~annirk I day evening, Dee. 13. There will Mr and Mrs Carl Villhauver Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carbee and that.helping others ~s a vital part] The first grade language class ~[ RI~,S.O~LUTIO~N~, RE**QUF'~S~her~
• ,xou.~ v=--,.- .........~ -- "lbe an exchan e of Christmas gifts i" " ' • OI llie" Ior Dy helping omers we • • ~.~u~ ~u~ Tr~ m.-** , ~
• ""trick and O'~al Mrs W N An-~ g "I and the twins Dick and Jim of Richard, Mrs. Mary Cameron and]~ .... '~.~ ...... ,, ,~o ,r~;o ;,~J dramatized the story Little BlackI North Pole oF .FUSED B LANC S ew
~° _ .. ~ ' '~_.-~_'_" .... I Paul Helvey a guest in the Lloyd•Iowa Cit,, were Sunda- auests in J M Carbee were guests at a ram-i ~'~ ..... ~ ,, ...... ~o. , -,:.~ .,.~?| Sambo" Friday afternoon Donald t Artie Ocean DOCKET 1228-F FOR 'l~_I~.';
are and ~ars. trances ~uu~nme.-. ' k ~ ~ ~ .' ". • applies even to SChOOl liIe .~, • . .- v POSE OF RE SURFACING~°me (
I Peterson home for two wee s re-I the C O Hoover home fly droner Wednesday in the J W. ] ....... " _•l Rowald took the part of Little .... ~[ A ......... -~ g"
The Jolly Workers met with turned Wednesday to Quaker City,i ,~ " "~ ........ ~, ~¢ ~,., Carbee home in Mount Vernon inlSCn°°~,ciay.c°ns]s~.s.°[,,mx z°..elgnt[Black Sambo. [ uear rrlenus:- ~[ ~iXE~.on August $2,:~*"
I -" ~.u ,~* ~ ~'= - ~ '~ ~" hours Put rne satlsiacilon oI living ~ l
Anne Hoffman, Dec. 2 with an ex- i Ohio. Mrs Helvey is remaining ~:....*" r .... ~'" ~.~'~ T~la~ D'~.~.~: honor of Mrs. Gene Carbee of Pasa- d ,. ' ..... [ Mary Alyce Wilson was absent 1 am recommending ~[ Federal Emergency Admi.n~...
eellent attendance Alma Branna-with her sister for another week . *_LJ~ _~, ~,~,~ ~:~- ~-- ,~ _..~=~ dena Calif really comes,, m mese ~ew nours] from school Friday on account of ,i... l~ ..... ~ .... in .~/Public Works offered to
aia,~ vern
. .,,_ , ~, ,~_ • , ~ , ux ~lxo., l.., were wccr~ ~.u ~uwt~ ' " ~ earn oar in nemin~ omers elmer• • • / tilts ruumt~ *av~o ~[ ing
the surfacing oI seconu~*~ will
man was a guesu,xne eiuu s ~.rls~-! Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Franks and in the R P Andreas home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gustafsonl ~ .... +~,,~ ~n,~.~÷,~,~ + .... ~' +~,~[ lhness. [ ~azh|~h ~c* ~t@~llr~ YOUr ~[
Linn County, Iowa, by makl~ ~,~ ,"
mas party will ve at me t~aomr ~ DiIlon and Mr and Mrs Stuart l .. "." .." ........ and Virgil and Mr and Mrs Len-i *.* . * _ ".'..';=~2" '..v 7"_" .=*~.'*~| Mrs. Hill visited our room Wed- :..~:~.. ... .~_ v mt -- ~| to said County i~ the amOlLt~_
~..~... ,..~ ~nn,~o- evenina Dec 19 I __ ._ ' . " . - -- . I lvtc. ano mrs. ~. ~, nmKemooper ...... , ..... ' , " , I wnat scnoot uie is all aoout. ~e-I ,~oa....,+...... I llOllUaV ~oous. inese ~/ of the cost of ~ ;'d project ~ere wi
""~ "" "" ""a ~" " '/ M. ~•ranKs were guests oi twr, anolr .~.~ I~..;A .~e ~,~A~. ~r,~A~ civil merriss oi waterloo were weeK I ~.~.. ~.~ av~m~la .~F on.*-ot-~- et~hnt.ll **..o.~,~a ,~.~.,vv,,. I _ u . ... r~/
pletlon which ~munt waS~ w~.
Everyone remember the date and Mrs Ralnh Bone in Monticello at oane ~.~, ~ .... ..-- ~ ..... v.~o end auests in the ~arental I V i*,~.. ~,$ ~. ..... v-~ ;* y. ...... . ....... ] Everett Graver made a perfect l stores are great tins sea- mated
'at the su;~ of $24 120,~ ..,.~e
-'-- " ......... in~ of fun Srin~ " "- • _~ were ~mflay evening ctir~ner guests ~, ~" • • attltucte is prooaoly me moss pow-i ......... ~ ~ ~ ~, _~ ..a~ ...~...~ ~! WHFREA° on
"~ sixth°t~J~'lll De
p~a. ~ur a. =v=. s " S/dinner Friday in ooservanee oli - ~ n ~ r o o_..~.. Merriss home James Howard ac ........... ! score m 2*~rlmmeue every oay our-~ son ano iUli Ol ~ll gOOU I~| - ~ ~ ~, the • _~,~ . ~-
• • ' . ot ~r,an., o. .~. ,~,.*u.=.. . " ! erlul way o[ lniluenclng omers. • . . • 1938, contracts were let by ~ in ~n,
gifts for the gift boxes cond weddm an f mg the past week or
• theirt.w.enty-se g - Miss Bertha Miller entertained at compamed them home a.ter a two Yes, time is passing rapidly Time] ..... -.. _ ] things, Just supreme f ~/for the completion of sald.',~ a pi,
Mrs Fred Downing was hostess/mversary. ] ~ ...... ~,r..~.~on ...... : ......months stay m the Mermss home• is the bank account of life Let'sI mrs. rmrtong wsltea our rooml aifts There is a big Sg| a total su*~.~ of $3L633.88, 4~ to wt
• ,~...=. v. ,, ,~ ay cv~.m~ ~wc~- , . Monday morning ~ •" . to-wit: $1o,585.25 is $8534.'~ .
" ' e next meetI ' Rapids were Thursday evening " • " , . . The following people had per- . . " ~
the medmal world• Th -iThursday. [ ' . ........ was m honor of Mrs. Walter Kohl s the following alphabet whmh is l ........ J a~silv It lS to solve your /excess between the estimat~t for
~... ,,,m ~,~ ,,,ith Mrs Anna Belle~ ............ (supper guests oI Mrs• LIoyu ~e~er- ,_:_.~ .......... :' ..... ~ ~ec[ speznng papers on ~rzaay:l "~'* g -- - ~.
"~/ tual amounts of the above ~ --
• **~ ***'* ~ "* - I Mrs L~ J Alorlgnt accompameo|_ u~rtauay, taken Irom the ~eptemoer i~u ls-i ~..~_~ ~.,,,:~ • .~..~o.~ o~.....1~ D..I~I °'i{~f nr~hi~ms Yours Ior 1¢! ...... : ..... '.~ -- tK
B~ttle, Thursday J n. . by Mrs T I Mitchell of Mount " " M n r ill a sue of The Instructor ' ' " resurfacing county roads in ank t
I-- " --""" ....... [ Mr and Mrs Oren Bo-d and r. a d M s. Orv e Cr wford ....... _ [Peterson, Floyd Gouchee, Dorothy] a very Merry Christmas - ......
vernon Mrs L~eorgeAIDrlgn~Oil " " ~ Mr n P r ADStruse---Try not m De. [ " / ~] [y which surraemg work~.~~comm
. '. " "h. r an Mrs Pete . and Mrs. Joh ete son, Mr, , dish Lenore Emerson, and Maxme imm " ' e t
~3t~:~t~-~~*~41$1~h~ Town C~tv nnd Mrs Mark Wood-/ .... m,, and M. d , • ............. Books--Dont become a sIave t ol.. ' ........... , season. ~|
edmtely and eontlnu. =;4and M
..... ~"--" Y " - .~ - - ] ~-]ke-~ of Cedar Ra,qds were Sun- anti Mrs. ~ranK WOOlcirlcige, mr. __ - - - ! L~ave oz Tnlrci grade" and lvlar~na/ ~.~ ('~1~,,o ~| winter m)nths under orum~2~._
B'~ • ~ I • ward oI ivlarlon spen~ ~aturoay] .... ~ . ~ ....... ~ ,~a.o n~- ~ ....... ..n ~. .-a mem I A ~',~,~ ~+h • ' r~ t. r~ li *.)~aav~ ..~.~u~ ~[ conditions and provide wor~aI'ge
.. = --.= = m - - -:' ............ ' da" ~uests in tne ~xooer~ t eese a.. wt.o. ~,, ~,,,~=.o, ,.,,,~ ~,.., a**~, .... " ....... , ~nn ~lsser ,~,,erme ~,a.n ,~aro,, z,,..~_ ' • - .- the~ r,
~,m|~,~ |~|~|~t~g" and Sunday inme w, w. Alorlgn[] . ~ ~ • M~s Ro,, Plattenberaer were au~sts ~leanllness---~ssent~at in teacnerl ~_~o~. v.,~..' ~r.,. ~,.~.~,~ ~' .... +hi when unemp,oymen~ ),. .-~, .~.
m=.~m=.,m~-~ mmm~wmpm -- • .-. ",. ,nome " • ~ s s ~ _ ., ~ ,_,,o. ~v.a .,.a~ .~.~=., ~=..,~.,~ -- and the County Engineer ~S.~l a~a
i ~L'~L~,,~w,~ &,$.gJLa~, I. nome m ~anvzue. ptae::n~: [ ~I~'" 'Ii ~ C~lf~aWm~re~tolHga~f:anI~n~Mh~aagh~ v°f Mr. and Mrs. Merle Long in Mt. EDe~ai~!enbW~:hhana pups. I[Siggins' and Billy Zearing of 4th// is°:e~tOur~ oresare;:atrstocked~eat ig~u~t° subm]t:~!nb~22h ?t]iii~]~}~2~:;schedules of road;-~" .u
____J ~.____~... twoMr~i2eh ;a~inka~,a~h° ~1 hunr°~a;t avePn°:ngl?CkBSU2::r w°a~ eth~n~r:aT:uUllYave' gr~id:l~on junior high defeated Me- el f:l his :
~l~||I| ~lIll~[,~I~ Mr and Mrs Ed Deardorf of Tip-f ,~r~" w~re Sunda-" visitors in the played with high score received ~. .~ • ;'. . . [Ville 13 to 8 Bova was high point ..... " • quest f r aid in re rude]
~,~--..=i ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ r P ~un--~ont snut it ore. "" I about everytnlng lS rganted that the County ",v , an e
ton, were guests to celebrate the/ r~ ..... r~,h .... hnm,~ by Mrs. Crawford and M. eter- ~_~, ~ ....... ~ .... ;..~^~ [man for Lisbon and several boys ....... further',~r~.~t ....... ount~ ,~ .
• ............... . " owue into our STOCKS ........... dl~ unaa
LISRON, IOWA fourth birthday of her daughter ] ........... son. ...... ] had the same amount of points for cr U over-run in contracts alrea :,_
------------------- Helen Lucille. Sunday, in honor] ~rkana ~vlrs. ~oyr'~te~l~rger To celebrate the birthdays of ~n~a~-~t~onn-eGe~s]~Y'd-ive all-ou[McVille" Wagaman was center for --a wonderful array ofbe let. ~a J
aHo lvtr ano Mrs ~ grit g Y ] r f red elve
~, • a r r, -1 of her husband's birthday she had ' . _" _ • _ ". "~C ............................ -- | L'sbon and He ring or McVille. -ift -ossibilities Tables Claims Allo'* ~elve
rl a - . spent me weed eno in r~eyno~cis, ~u~p. Durlow~ ailu ~UII l.~CWt:ry can. , ~ It" " A & P Tea roY "'
eClalS for r a y as guests hm parents, Mr. and Mrs. , . Lmbon had fourteen fouls and Me- • co., poor p• .~
P ............. n lll at the home of Mrs. Platten- Donald on December 2 and 3, a Jokes--Dont be agrmd of them /--ill,~ h~a ~ ..... ~,~ul~ and counters loaded wRh Anthony ~roe L poor proV
~. ~r. ~eTlnK Ox .tlptu . " .... " " -- "" ............... Ash " "
and Saturdav burger's parents, Mr. and Mrs.droner was gzven m the,r honor Keenness--Makes work easmr. [ , ..... , .... .......... a 5C, I0C, 15C, 25C and 50c by, poor rent _
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reid were Charles Johnson• on Sunday. Guests were M. and~ Late---Never be. [ .... ~r|~el~ from whwh ~1- a~ .... ~ ~l,~.'....... re~
_____ guests at the wedding of Mary ~.~ ~^~,~ ~.r-~N ~...,;,....~ ¢;..,~ Mrs Dewey Dunn Mr and Mrs.Mistakes--We all make them I~'*~:~" _ ...... ---7. .... '-~-~"; ......... "~" Xmen~'i~rv ~,o'o'ds' ~oor' seel]~t~tk,!
_vu'~. r.c~,-.. ~,.~,~. .,v,~=,~ ,-.v~ " ' ' " rnose wno nave nactpemec~ a~- ectlons Wlll oe easy to " ' ~ '
GROCERIES Elizabeth Shaler, daughter of Mr. little ~irls S~(urdav afternoon in Tony Melichar and fvmily, and Neatness--Adds to your personal-] ............. ¢..u .... x~ ............ sup,. ........ : ......... "~l~Ik~
.... and Mrs. George B Shaler,and ~'~r ~* +h~ifth birthda" of herMr. and Mrs. Roy Swope and ram- ity I~........ ~'y ~ ~L"?.°. .':"~"~ please the smallest and Amomance Serv Co., poor, ~"~.~o1.~'~;
• aKe ~e • • "~'" "~ ~ ~ a . • . t~easmore Mary t~oya 19onala xance .................. ,
Our Family Corn rl s .... Leonard Costello m Cedar Rapids d-~H~ht~r JoanThe ~irls were Hy, all of Cedar Rapids; Mesdames Order--Should be resisted upon | ~ .... ' .. largest; the youngest Armstrong Elev Co poor ftl'~LMO:
• --~-o ..... .- • • ~ynn ~rlnK l~orma lien " • rP
Armature Seiv Co e ul
No. 2Vz can Golden Valley on Saturday afternoon_ Following Katherine" Dahn, Martha Ann B~g-" Ed Bare, .FredDownmg, J. W. Me-Personality--The more you have,] Evelyn Kaliban, Betty O and oldest.. . We know. A ~ L Groc. ' oor., rqo'vp,. ...'.r GLIS
me ceremony mey attended me ,~mer anci L: re ~ocum the better
Pumpkin .......................... 8c w~.~in., rece-'tion and su'~ner at ger, Yvonne Hall,Louise Smyth, " " " ~ .... • ...... ] Dorothy Reynolds Frances yOU wlll enjoy looking Aments Dry Goods, jail sup ,I FFE
and Helen uc e '" . ' y ........... '
~uu s v ~v L fll ~rlnk Jzmm ~uesuons--~noumn t oe ammguous /
Albrecht P. F. equip rprS •~kTl~.
• and Donald Siggins in the seventh around and so we invite Bedell, ~Wm 15'., et al, g°~T~'
Our Family Peaches, the Commonwealth tea room. Mr _n.~ ~ ..... ~ ,f~ll .~l.... UNION NO. 1 SCHOOL NEWS Reading--Spend much time at it. I raa, l~r~l l-In11 Malvin ~rnok
.... ...... ........... - you to come often and bounty .................. 'I'ES,
2 No. cans ................ 35c and Mrs. Costello are on a tour ioved the party. Elizabeth Houver, teacher Scolding --- Be sparing with it. I °'er ............... Glenn Henricksen' .............. Norman Nes-" Burns, Geo, weed cutting ."1¥ A
Tests--Have them often e' har ' l •
~i-hthouse Cleanser through the southern states and af- " - - -
l~ g ' ._ ter December 21, will be at home Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stabenow The pupils of Union No. 1 enjoy- .... " . .. [1 .y, C lotte Graver, John Stone, l~ gradually secure your Bouler Twp, quar, posti~
2 cans .............................. l'lC in Cedar Rapids. and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stab- ed a visit at the Men's Reforma- Unuerstan(ung--Try to get ~. [ Maxine Harris Nola Robertson gift list. t ee .................... .- NAC.
Benesh, Dr. F.B.' poor' mud ~t"2~.~
• • [Wflma Beasmore and Bernard Gmh[~ ------ Beatty Mortuary poor bur]~ar~ ,-~.'~
a oisl --d Brown Su,,ar ........... enow were among a group enter- tory on Tuesday forenoon, Nov,!Variable--Try not to be - ' • '
Watchful--Always De [ in " ~ Butterfield, Dr 'A,R. 'poOr ~'A~ 13
o,~ ~a, ~ , .lvmrma Ann ~gger, wnose nmm ,o÷-ine~,~ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 29.Accompanying the group were ] THIS WEEK aid '
." the e~ghth grade. ' .... , ~
Buehler" B'r'o's.'poor'prov':..:~S, t
1 und 9c bzrthday was Sunday was very
pc ............................ , . . . Charles Kuntz on Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosh, Mr. (X) Exercises--For you as well as The eighth grade is going to--ub
much surprised when sne armveai. • a
-~-'~" ar Food- ' . . . . mg The affair was a supper as and Mrs. Anion Noska, Mrs. Mabel ~ •your pupils. • .... lish a newspaper called JuPnior]~ MORE NEW FROCKS Burgess, J.F., poor prov '~
...... ,,he t DO~ , • xesteraay--m past, orge it. I .f An article that will de- Briners Groe, poor prov .... JE
home Saturday afternoon ~rom an- •
.... 2K~, ..... ~ surpmse for Mrs. Kuntzs nephew, Jiroutek, and the RogersGrove Z t U lots oi.--E.F. I---We I~ Bindlers Dairy, poor prov "..~t.~ [
• ~ ,~a~ ................................ other party to tinct scnoo~ma~es~ ~.•.~ ~:-'~'le ~n his birthda-- and
Co~t-._=-~, *
cak . ,~y ..... ~. v a school Those from the Rogers es~-~. SeCA...~UfREtSTWIN have been writing poems,, Baldwin Frank S B,
Golden Valley Pan e waiting to celebrate her b~rthday, a miscellaneous shower for Mr Grove community were: Wilton~JS~u~,~, r~,.u ,,~,, ..... l about basketball in English• Here/! light any girl be she one I postage ..... : ......... -; wE EN
~lour ............................ 1~C Guests were Dorothy and Caro i~n~ Mr~ l~i~hl~ recentlyrn~r | is one of the best ones: |~ year old or ninety. A I Balster Furniture Co. Co ~'~.l~lkT
" " "" ~ m n Rata Wfl ...................... ~ ....._ Skalsky, teacher, Henry, Martha, furniture ....... ' ~[~ ~
Golden Valley Catsup .......... 9e G.ish, ~a~her" e Daho,. • "-i fled. ~" ' and Marie Moses, LeonardTuel, Two victory-determined LisbonI Basketball royal $1.00 dress, built I Blauls sons co., John, Co
Golden Valle- Peanut But dams ~vmxme ~ave, ~aarm ~amer-i prov ................. i h'r: : EN
"13c ling, 'Sold Mae Rietzel Louise l Mrs. Rosa Light was hostesses at Doris Becicka, John Topinka, Mr. theteamSLisbonenC°unteredeourt FridayWheatlandDec. °hi2 "'-',Wh~nnie ....... Whcw~nl~.~..~_..f.. w,w,k.L::. [i[I of shantung and Rep-- Beatty Mortuary, poor ")~]
• Benesh Dr F B poor mea~l.~lkT 1
Donna ai trio birthday dinner Sunday, giv: and Mrs. Tom Becicka, Wesley Be- ' '[ We re on th ........... ~ Correct in Colors and
in their first conference game of, e ' :
cicka, Mrs. Jos. Moses, Jos. Mose~ the ~ .... ~ season I Th way you play first of all I~, style. Among the hun- Borschel, Mrs. Ed, poorP°°rnur~N'
Grapefruit, lrg size, 6 for 25c Los Esterbrook and Joan McCall• en in honor of her son Eri ano jr., Mr. and Mrs. William SkalskY - • [ You get a hold of the ball. ]~
Coach Smyth's sextet began a! ~ dreds of dresses there is Blauls Sons Co, Jail, proV .'~l~ •
C. R. Auto Sup Co., O'seer~, -
Cabbage, .... pound .................... 2c group•Mrs" Bigger served supper to the I ancigrands°nner oaugnterClayt°n''~virs.°~ Jenme~ayenp°'rt'r~lrK- ! and Roy Carson. In all there were drive in the first period which end-[vnu ~ab +ho b~ll o,~a .... ,~h ...... I! not one lemon --- only , rprs ................. :~N,
,qmoked Sausage. hound 23c i patmck of Mount Vernon, whose 36 in the group ..... o ............... a,,--,t
ed in a 13-9 score at the half in ! --- ,, Campbell, Bill poor ambula~-.~.~
. i. -%-. % .~ "*~-~ . . ~r~$g~g-~ i birthdays were on December 3, 4 The following pupils had perfect • ] mrow
the last half the Wheatland aggre- _ ,.......,..~ ] bright charming ones.
r resn urounu l~eei, ID .... le~C 1 spelling last week: Dick Hoyt, Lil- . ........ I Into the basket th~ ........ ~,,. ~,
Clarks Groc, poor prov "":I$1~IAT
" " Beef Rods" lb " " 18c .................. ] and 5 respective y. Covers were ......................... a ..... Cook & Wilson, Door prOV :).~-
t, ........ I I~ULOVA anu Wl~ll~'l~lA) laid for nine, with other guests lian Hoyt, Norma Bartosh, Lloyd gatmn tmea oesperate~y m creaki Wh,-~ yd, m~tr~ ~ h~1¢~¢ ..... 'Hl~ Handkerchiefs, Greeting
~} c R Bldg & Loan poor re~t'~AT'
through the excellent defense put[ hen~ ~amothlno" lnllrl I,
Fresh Pork Shoulder roast, WATCHES i Mrs. Eri Light, Miss Grace Kohl, Stastny, Bernadine Bartosh, Doro- - ...... s rou h ........................ ' Cards and Folders, Toys, Cook WUson, 'ol rel, pr ' l*bll
Ih 19C/ "" [Homer Light and Mr. and Mrs. tby Mae Noska, Glen Klinsky, At- up oy me Llsoon guaro Tn g ]A cheer from the excited crowd [I Gloves, Mittens, Sweat- ~[C R Gas Co, sewing pro],.Jl IPK
.... ..... ;an: Sirioin at [George Light' All enjoyed the day lene Jiroutek, Everett Spidle, Doristhethe lasthelp h~]f,°f severalthe Wheatlandf°ul shOtSglrls inl • ~ ~[ Cedar Valley Dairy sol re~ ~ ....
unolce ttouno u , " -~ "
~to~t~ .. w H HnO T' wel' rI to the fullest and hoped to join at Noska, Harold Klinsky, Lenora and " ' . . •We've got to win but it looks bad It el'S, Spreads, Ties---hun- ~]]i~] Cady,SerVchas, ................... poor rent .... [~
were able to gain some points out[ The T,i~bon v~ 1..~ ~i.a~ ~a '1~dreds of articles from ~] Checker Elec Sup, jail, refr ~:~
l year. Doris Jiroutek. Richard Bartosh .......... bo ................
• -'~, ~'~ ................................... ' "" " 'a similar birthday party in another and Leonard N0ska. were on the short end of a 32-2~, ......... ,~ which to choose those to ~| tor serv ................ .~m~..
....... I ~ome on L,lSOOn, don ~ g~ve up: /
]~] Cach Glass & Paint Co., F., qlIlI
We have new curtains for our score as me gun sounoec~ me end-I in '
• , ........... Weve got to w... a golden cup. ~ carry your affection. We I] and sup .............. "~I"t
room and basement, mg o~ me game• Almougn meI
~/ Cooper Petr Co gasoline D ""
Lisbon sextet was a smaller group /r;~*. ....... ;~.~;.... , ._ invite because our goods
~I Central City Tel Co., sh01~ L ell
• ' xa*o~,Jvaa ~ ~,Lxtaxatax~ g,, ~J "~
Our room is decorated for the they showed that height was not] ~r~xrm ..... ÷ .... I! are inviti g. I] Serv ................ ~"
holiday season ........................... n DOT Dr L C, Co Home
the only thing in basketball. Han-[ w~',,o a., ,. wi ..... k ...... A. [I /DeLano, Dr C A, poor med
dicapped very mucn ny tne size • • , - ' ~| Duster Bros, poor prov .,'~]
LISBON CHURCH NOTES ...... L" [And ~t looks hke were going to. [~ OUR GROCERY i~/Davis Dairy Co. poor proV~
of the Wheauanci guarcis, me m-I I,
~~~~eBI''~ '~ ~e ~'* 4nesday.9:30 SundaYDee. 14th,SChoOl'at 7:30 p.m. bOnbon.gUardingfOrwardSof theirPlUggedteammatesand plugged [ The game is over and we have won [!i IJa|lsa{les IS YOUR FRIEND ~i~"[~/Drexler' R P' P°°r pr°VDeetarDrake Groc,Gr°c' wP°°rA, poorPr°v prO~i'''~-. • :,'~
FEDERATED CHURCH to win their first conference game|Boy it was sure a lot of fun "|~ In Goods, Service and ]~{Dolezal, Joe, poor cRsh al'~l
Gaylord S. Hamilton, Pastor with the help of the very fine • ~' ..~_ ~...~ ~.. +,, ~^a '
Roupl Now go ho ....... " ..... Easy Prices Davis, Mrs. Ethel poor
....... ' . ] And pull the covers over your head./!
~]~1DeLaHunt Rex poor rent "~i
I~l ickeys Groe, i~ O, sol rel P,I-:i
10:30 Morning worship, with five iie|ci gores and rive IreeI /~ Paper Shell Pecans lb 20c ~1 Deetars Groe, prov, sol re~I~:
Mid-week Prayer Service, Wed- throws was high scorer for Lis-[ ~--~-~----~ i
All /, Diamond large Wal- I~I Duster Bros, prov, sol rel
~/ Davids Groc, poor prov
are welcome. The small Lisbon boys' team met[ Mrs Charles Ford nuts, lb ................... 25c .~[ Etzel Dairy, sol rel proV "i~
~] Feiereisen, H L, Cle'rk
-- J 4 S ~ t~~ with a larger size in the oppos-[ " __ /i Jumbo Roasted Pea- lFrish,
JH, weedcomm .'i~m_.
METHODIST CItlYRCH ing team but that didn't dampen Mis 1 1 ~ ing ................ ~...
,. I s Char otte Pave ka and Mrs. l~ nuts lb .................... 12c I I Family Shoe Store, poor s~,I
Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor their. .spirits' for they started scor-I. Joe Re,hv ...................... ong from .qalan
~r~ ~nd_,~il
' mg right away and held the lead m sever
A very significant mens meet- , ..... ~_ ~ -I " g al days at the Louis Rey-/{ Spanish Salted Pea- ~/~[ FladlyFarah FOOdGroc, Mkt,poorPOOr,provPrO':~...3
ing will be held in the Lisbon mrougnout au me game. t~°acn/hons home. ,/ nuts, lb .................. 10c 1 /Feiereisen,Fillmore,
John,H L, pOOrpoor rentrent_,~T:°~
Methodist church, tonight, Thurs- Calkin's boys were in excellent[ Mr and Mrs Walter Evitts calledl~, Jumbo Salted Peanuts ~ Finch, Mrs. Anna M,
l~oor r,~,~ffe ]~
~ day, Dec. 8, beginning at 7:45. A spirits as they went on the Lisbon[ un~'~v ~t,¢,~n'~,~,~ ~÷ ÷~o ~ .... ¢~
~] Fladiy Groc, sol rel prOV "~
~~~ 0~L~~~ O~ ~~ ........... court In their Ilrs~ comerence tllt] ~___MrS ................................. and Mrs. Chas. Ford. !i,' lb ............................ 20C ~/Family Shoe Store, sol rei, ~ ~/ Flynns Groc, poor prov .."~;
MethodiSture, Mr. DowlaymanBancroft,and nationalwill fig-ad_ of the season. Everyone played ani. Mr. and Mrs Percy,---,~v~"r.......... f,.ml,, Brazil Nut Meats, lb 40c .~1 Franks Store, poor proV .... ~.,..~_.
dress the men. The men of this;excellent game and as a result of[DeWit snent the nd ~t Gh,~[~
, ., . t ......... week e ........ , Black Walnut Meats, I] Frys Dairy, poor, prov • .'~'~
community are invited regardless much cooperatmn the Lmbon qum- home of Mr a d r ~ ~/Ferguson, Newt, poor ten
[ • n M s. Howard[ lb ............................ 50C ~[Globe Groc, poor prov ..... l:~
of whether they are Jew, Catholic, tet came out ahead on a 30-14[ Neal !I
~] Gleason, Mary, poor rent '.'~'
or Protestant. We shall also be score. . At the half, Lisbon was lead- [ The teachers of Bertram town-II English Walnut or ~/Gazette Co, pub proc .... ~'~
mg 14 to 7 Throughout the whole sh~ are r a
,. hosts to the men from the towns . • . [ "p ente t ining the directorsl! Pecan Meats, ½ lb .... 25c ~t~ GrisselHubbardCOrniCeice & Co.,FueleqUlp,~,~.Co., t,,~-~
game Lmbon showed a supermr an their ~ e
~ff surrounding Lisbon. / d " w'v s at the Bertram hall[i 6 kinds Christmas lee serv ................. ~-'~,
Next Sunday is designated as form of basketball with some ex-I on Thursday evening• I] ~[ Hoffered Serv Station, poor:~
National Bible Sunday• We shall cellent spectacular passes and shots. Mrs Anion B r a . Cookies, lb .... 18c - 20c sene ..................
~!~ ~I ~!S~2!~ughfln some/Chas Ford ~~ ~[Heefner & Newton, poor P~I~'~
L~ ~ devote the message of the day to Fruited Cookies, 1 lb lOc ~/Heins, John C., poor rent "1
the most significant prayer in the ]~ Harper, 0 W, poor rent • .'!]~1~dl
Bible, "The Lord's Prayer". Or 6 kinds Cookies, 2 lbs 25c I~I Hedges Co., Sol tel, rent ";1
~[ Harpers, Mrs. Hattie, sol re~
which Earnest Fremont Tittle calls Shueyville Sorghum, ~l Higley Chemical Co., Co ~ |1~
"The Prayer that Helps Us Live•" finest .................... 85c tH:U B o' :'Co:,'h' Vdng
~-~(.~ Young Peoples' Devotions at 6:30 • ' P • Oranges, doz. 12c, 15c, Home Oil & Gas Co:'poo', ,~
~, seer ofc sup r "~
p.m. at the Federated church• Tomorrow the g~rls and boys[ Harold Fulwider from Tiptonl'
Why houldn't I come right out with it~ i{ people :~ - ] P t o _._. ,
• . • ~ Rev. W. R. Stewart, the minister travel to Bennett to get revenge s ent the week a the home f Mr I] 20e, 25C or 30C sene .................... ,7
of the negro church in Cedar Rap- for defeats suffered last year• They I and Mrs Chas Ford II ~/Huttons Groc, poor proV "~_
I the}don"t wa~t to a, ~d w~y s~o~ld they~ Just sup- ids, with his choir, will conduct an expect to come back with another[ Mr and ~s Howard Neal en-I; Grapefruit, 6, 8 or 10 ~/~! HedgeSHolden_Kahler & Co, pOOrco, ofcrent•'sup,'~E'#~ .(
double header victory tert 1
/~li~~-~'!.m~"' evening service in the Methodist " • 1 a:ned the corn club on Satur-[I for ........................ 25C ]~]Hubbard Ice & Fuel Co., ~,
pose it " older today
R | ice serv ...............
church, on Dec. 16th. The public Box Scores: [day evening. There were about ll Candies, per lb, up t~/Holland, Andrew poor re~ ~ ~+
I Blend Conoco Bronz-z-zyester- I k~ R I I~ ~ is invited to attend. Girls FG FT F 40 -resent ' from ...................... 10C =~Ia Elec Light & Power, ,,'~ .t
~[ light serv ............ -"~
J. Van de Berg ............ 4 1 2[ 1Vies. Louis Reyhons and babyll Bushel Apples $1.25, ~lIgram & Kalell, poor, prO*,~
~ d~tart right up, and they •• ~lii~lll ~ ST. JOHNS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roup ..................................... ~ 5 lldaughter Leona Otillie came home1|
' ~] Ia Tax Serv, Inst Acct ....
I ~~ither--because their I ~[~ ~r~ Ill ~ Father George Stemm, Pastor Slater ................................... 0 0 01 from the hospital in Cedar Rapids] $1.65 and $'1.85 _ /Ia Elec Light & Power ~.,~
' '# l~lT
I[ Light serv ........... i.:,~
I all th~Co~djusted according to~t ~,~ I//1~!t~'~,~47(I II wirier Schedu,e M. Van de Berg ............ 3 2 3ion Tuesday. /i Jumbo Delicious ............ Ap- ~/IahEnlseoCn~eldln~ C~.e~:o!~ t
• • exact I" l~/l~l ~\!~lJ I' II1"[~'~'~ Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 9:00 Leinbaugh .......................... 0 0 01 The sale of Joe Novak on Tues-[', pies, 56 size 5c
"~ o'clock. Stone .................................... 0 0 21 day was well attended and most l',
I t'~st of my customers don't I ~1t~ ~t~ I Ill Confessions, Sunday morning at Johnston .............................. 0 0 21 things sold very well• The mules Pure N.Y. Buekwheat, ~/~[ JayneKendall, PerrYHdwe, brld~econS.':~Co._Co HoI~*'~,
•I ~ t~ey just know 7:15 and 8:30 o'clock; first Satur- t~rannaman ........................ u v ' brought $35.00 each, one cow sold l lb ............................ 5e ~/ rprs ............... ,.'-'~ ~Ie]
-- -- --" for $70.00, another for $5400; pigs ~ i~]Klng Invest Co., sew~nl~ -,,,
day of the month, 7:30 p.m. Totals ....................... 12 S l lweighing around 3O pounds sold/i BOX Chocolates, per Kenwood Park Fuel Co .
I ~art. That's what every- • ~ ~ Catechism Class and Rehearsal rent ............... ~.~.
for Junior choir, Sunday morning Boys FG FT F[for $6.00 each. The sheep sold forh
• t'-t'S wha I -- pound 20c, 25c and 50c It prize Coal Co., fuel ....
Van Fossen ........................ 3 2 31 $4.00 per head /I Gal. Peaches, No. 10 39c /Koehn Groe, poor proV ..~Ild ]
at l0 o'clock. I~I
Kacere Food Mkt poor prO' ~ _
L k-s arting Conoco B / Saturday, December 24th Dahn .................................... 2 0 4[ Mrs. Milo Trypkosh was hostess]i No. 10 49e ~]l/Kash&KarrySt°'rep°°r''gF. O'omr~r:e---
|' ronz-z- Christmas Schedule MeHenry .............................. 3 0 2] on Wednesday at a one o'clock~i Gal. Syrup Peaches, Kllllam Co school
sun sO~,~
Kruse ................................. 0 0 1[ luncheon for the Friendship club ]i .................... ~| Kopecky, E., S R
t~'@~~~~ ~~-~gz~~ Blenam°re ............................ ~ 0 lfof h?naelth:h~e? ][ "~'~'°- #3I] mileage ............. L ' ~I~_"~'~'-
Junior Choir Rehearsal, 9:00 a.m.j. Bova .............................. 3 0 01 " ]'Monarch Vacuum ~/Kill•an Co., poor, clothlnI~, ~
Cildrens' Confessions, 11:00 a.m, M Bova 0 4 1 !
ing sup ~
SptCttt ~t~lt~ ~ Adult Confessions, 2:00, 6:00 a.m. ~ ", " ............................ " " 2' COON CREEK SCHOOL NOTES ,~ Coffee ...................... 23e ~/Knake Shoe Store, poor, !
(No Confessions on Saturday ev- ~ann .................................... • u .[ Miss Margaret Sifter, Teacher !i Monarch Cake Flour 20c Kesslers Groc. poor .pr°Vunt~. ''?
~l Kosek, Chas J, fox bo ;~
ening. Extract Honey, 5 lb I/Kesslers Oroc, poor prov "#
- Sunday, December 25th. Th~: wh°tl~?:iveMda
~lKlinsky Groc, Jerry, poOro,~
First Mass, Midnight, 12:01 a.m., Totals ........................ 12 6 15 Donald Ciha, Jackie Ciha, Je~ pail ........................ 48e ~]Ltnn Co. Farm BureaU, ~'~,
- t~TLEIISg High Mass, Music by Childrens' I[Fappffop%.X,.Xity,. ,s p.:
_. ~ Choir; Benediction of the Blessed SENIOR NEWS , Laing, Charlene 01er, Wandalenel!
FRO~ YOUR ~-~,~.~'r Sacrament. The second-year home economics[ Achey, Lorraine Ciha, and Viola l All Sizes of Christmas _~.[Llnn~/Lauranceco ProducePress' AttYco.,, OfCco ~',, ~
class is enjoying making fruit cakes I Clements. [ Trees,--Green, Blue, feed .................. d'~
Second Mass, 9:00 o'clock, Low this week• Maybe that is the de-[ The little folks are making i Silver ~[Leldigh, Dr A E poor me e~XA,
Mass ~lLeibsohn Food Mkt poor P~'~ "~'J
~~ Third Mass, 9:30 o'clock, Low licious odor which is arising from [Christmas decorations for the win-[t
~[Lovell, Mrs. Ida, po()r rent ,~L._
- BEST OIL COMl'~~ Mass. the home economics department. Idows. They are making a santa ] i )U~ "lLLaeldigh'D'rR-E's°lrel'a~le'~
Many heated discussions have[ Claus and candle holder for each I ~/ gomarcmo-L~rupe (2o, J '~,~
Collection at all Masses on occurred in Economics class since window, ti ~I prov .................. ~
C. W. Carbee, Operator Truck 1 W.E. Kohl, Operator Truck 2 Christmas will be used to defray ] /Llncoln Elec Ltnes, Co.
expense of redecorating the church, we have been studying unemploy-I Friday morning names were[ ~| light serv ........... ~'~
On sale at the following service stations: All readers of this paper and ment and international trade, drawn by the school to exchange ' ~| Mason Pub Co., D C Rm, s ;
Herman Pieper Station, Ivanhoe their friends are cordially invited JUNIOR NEWS [gifts for Christmas. li IJModern Bakery Jail proV "Z~
G. A. Kohl, Mechanicsville BOwers & Schoor, Mechanicsviile to attend the midnight Mass and "A small attack of heart trouble~ Those receiving 100 in SpellingI] LISBON ~/~/Martin'Martln
DryOSCarooods~veed'cutttI~dCo., rno°t.,~"
other services at St. John's. prevented one of the most honor-[ Friday were Viola Clements, Lor- ~ ~ tug sup ...............
(Continued on pm~ ::