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December 8, 1938 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 8, 1938 |
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.... s ............ i dinner ann oazaar, ~aturaay in me The Cedar county declamatory/ Mr and Mrs Carl Butterfield and turned to Ohio and was married ann son.#oner~ oI t~eaar ~ap~as,I ~ ~
-----" I churChaoa ~obasement~o melranatreasury.Were nappy 1 h re Wednesda " r Ra ids , ' . were cauers in me w J~ ~ell
SECORE SALE i ........... contest was he d e Y[ Margaret Ann of Ceda P a second time that wife dying two _ "~ - I ~ ~ii/ /
The closing out sale a[s~Y:t:eCOa~e m tifnhtcointtsht~ ~ehrO:lheg~dm~t 2E..li0mina:[/spent Sunday in the Gerald Darsee years ago. n°~re. ~aU~°~rs Alexander Taylor ~ ~i~i~l~
farm Monday was a sat Y - Dr George Bryant of Coe college o : P. . home. Surviving are three sons: Ralph ' " • |
fair" from every standpoint" f°r I nreached' in the Presbyterian Nine speakers were sele ted" Th°s 1" c e Joe Hurt returned home Sunday of Cedar Rapids" Le Roy of Central' and ......... sons ~ r~,~.,~ ~,~,n,,,~ i~,~,~were Sunday dlnne~t ~ ~t i ~
those most interested•Machinery i~uroh Sunday mornin~ representing the local school were] from the University hospital at Cit-" James C' of Chica,~oA s~,yf~ ~,, ~,:~ ,--,,,£-- .... -:.. :~ ...... ~l • i • • "i
' " ~- ~ ' - "~' • e .... ~' " ~," lwrs Mimred S~eele ann ~orma
brought various prices, a tractor i~ " - ' ........ ie Gladys Nlcholayson,. Marguerlt | Iowa City. He is feehng free. uau~,~e~" ....... ~v~ ~,,~"~" ,xc~m=u~^'-~'" ~,*z-"-'" " ' e ~~ ~i~m~ d
• r or The Ways and Means sue ~y iller Schools " n M r , - . . :Heald have returned to their hom ,
sold for $438.00• a corn pmke f . ........... Cruse, and June M • [ Mrs. Ed Posplshel a d a y ~or ,,f Mt Ohio" two sis ......... ~ i~r
' . oz me r'resoyterlan church Will .................. , , having spent some rime m [ne •
~12500' an elevator, $74.00, a mow- . ...... entered wele Durant,Sprmgvllle,| Dorothy spent Saturday in Cedar ....ra,-¢ w R "a~ll ~nrina,~ill,~" -~ .......... r,~/~ ~l •j.
2~,',,e'c all were in good hold their annual unmstmas party, Bennett West Branch and Mech-/ Ra-ids ~-~, -,- ............ , ~----~,- -, rtooert lvtarnn home near lwarlon, r,f~r/~,.~ r/,~'~rj ,,
' ' " "o d very liberal m supporting this Miss Lorene Pete s n opp d " " ......
of town• Her little frmnds enl ye ..... [ ...... t ~a church conducted by Rev. a. C. and Kenneth Butler spent Tues- ~ ~[~,~ ii
being with her and she receivedwork, and,thisyear .win oe no.ex-] t~e~ar ripples ~a~U::n~y. of Morle-" Smith 'and Rev. C. F. Hartzell, of day in Iowa City, where Mr. But- ~ i/ il ~ Beau~
ceptlon lne ooject IS 10 save lives ~v~rb • w ~xxxr~ .~ .y
many pretty gifts, even if .he did • -~" ...... " ' ]~-1"~" ..... L ~ t~obst home -n Mount Vernon, a nephew of Mrs. ler is receiving treatment for his ~ t'~l~[~l~ ~t ~ the a
nTh~"Royal Neighbor lodge held arLe:°i:ag::;~; ~irt.'and Mrs Geo I Su~Id:YH?~rn~v~°g°re and Jane shop- ~;rlngv~lle cemetery." ......... h'~,h'e L. W_ club wasbenterr:mnede ~ ~iil homerect,
their annual Chirstmas party Fri- , • - • i ..~ :~. t~_~ ~..~ins Saturda-, Relatives here from out of town n me ~am ~tar~ home y ~w . ~v~a ~ mi i~_..! of hc
.... ~ornoon in their lodge rooms Conner Miss Ella Connor, Mr. and[ p=,u~w ana~"'~~virs ira r~emm ton.**"~P ~ ~- '~'~ ............. funeral were Mr Gunnison Tuesday evening. A ~~ ~~ ~ are r~
and guests enjoyed Mrs. Charley Stud er, HMaekS~leama~s! Mrsr'El~;e- R-e;n-ingt0nnand Mr.gand ~andai~rs:~tA."~=. Taylor, Mt. Gilliad, picnic supper was e,n]oyed. ~ ",~ LOW
a happy time together• Refresh- ira. oon,nson, ann. .. e "I Mrs Lolen Remington shopped in Ohio; James Clair Kennedy, Chica- Mr. ann lwrs. rea nnger were The
ments of course• ten aect me luneral o~ lvzrs. Mary! Cedar Rapids on Tuesday go" Mr and Mrs LeRoy Kennedy recent business visitors at Elkader. n~ is tyI
Wl h -~ ~tuaer a~ ViOla wecmesaay ~ne
The'Octette bridge club met t " ....... " Mrs Willard Ellison and Doris Central" City" Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs_ Ivan.Johnston and of C
Phyllis Ann lvzr ann ~vzrs ~evere
s Tues wasa cousinoImese lamllleS
h~r. and Mrs. Glenn Wood , -" " " and Mrs. Mitchell shopped in Ce- Kennedy and two sons, Cedar Rap .... free
day night, who were celebrating dar Rapids on Saturday• ids; Walter Kennedy, Garner; Er- Port were Sunday guests in the
I their wedding anniversary. Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Byrne were also
celebrating theirs, the following
day and Mrs. Davidson her birth-
day. A pot luck supper was en-
joyed from tables prettily decorat-
ed with cut flowers• The favors
were miniature floor lamps, the
handiwork of the hostess. Bridge
was played for the evening past-
Mr. and Mrs. John Nye entertaii~--
ed at a wild duck dinner at their
home, Monday evening• The guest.~
included were: Messrs. and Mes-
dames, Glenn Woods, Hal McCor-
mick, and Guy Wright. The even-
ing was enjoyed playing bridge•
Mrs. Daisy Butler and sons Cal-
vin and Charles of Tipton, were
visitors in town Monday afternoon
I The Delta Dek bridge club met
with Mrs. Daisy Butler in Tipton
Thursday night. Mrs. Mildred
! Moore and Mrs. Wilbur Wright
'~won the prizes• Both were guests.
Shavemaster is the Gift of
Gifts this year because it's
an electric shaver that cjets
down to business and does a
job--right now! A joy to
any man! Make it your cjiftI
to him..
! The Emanon Bridge Club met
with Mrs. Purl Pearson on Monda~
evening. Mesdames Andrew Kruse,
Peter Kleineck and M, Kruse were
guests. Alecn Norris and Hazel
Mason won the club prizes and
Mrs. Charles Miller
Mrs. Rupert Mason of Olin and
Mrs. Herbert Smith spent Wednes-
day in Cedar Rapids•
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dennis spent:
the past week at Mechanicsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Duncan and
baby from Cedar Rapids spent Sat-
a:day in the Henry Sieger home.
The Band Parents club met at
,he school house Wednesday night•
All enjoyed the fine program.and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boots
family of Wyoming spent Sat- I
urday with friends in town. [
The Ladies Aid society of theI
U. B. church served the first hot[
_unch last Wednesday noon.-TheyI
alan to serve a hot lunch every two
Weeks all winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Shumakeri
and Rosemary, Mrs. H. P. Smith,
Mrs. Pat Filter and Mrs. Hallie
Shumake~" spent Friday afternoon
in Anamosa.
Mrs. R. H. Russell and Jimmie
Dean Shankland have been on the
Mrs. Andrew Kruse guest prize. Y sick list the past week.
Mesdames W. A. Jackson, Henr Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stephens of
Krummel and daughter Lena were Forest Sunday in the H. L.
shopping Friday in Cedar Rapids. Smith home.
Walter Spry received a message Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Motz of
from his sister, Mrs. Mayme Byers Bennett spent Sunday in the Wil-
of Morgan Hill, Calif., Saturday, liam Pye home.
that his niece, Florence The Ladies Aid society of the
the third daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. E. church meet with Mrs. Ruth
Newbold, former residents of this Boots in Mechanicsville Friday af-
-~]~-,~$h~~~ " • " Mr. and Mrs. Marion Switzer
A Complete Stock of Pyrex Ware at Reduced Prices.
Oven Ware
Toasters, Heaters
Electric Razors
Glass Ware
Aluminum Ware
Electric Irons
Flash Lights
Builders Tools
Guns, Sleds
Alladin Lamps and Heaters
Coleman Irons and Lanterns
Take Advantage of the Maytag Special Trade
Zenith Radios $14.95 and up
and Betty and Margaret Doyle en-
joyed the show in Cedar Rapids,
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Freman Shankland
and Jimmie Dean, Mr. and Mrs.
Josie Horn and Bobble spent Sun-
day afternoon in the Louis Horn
home south of Olin.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Metcalf, from
Troy Mills have opened a grocery
store in the building where Otto
Riedel recently operated a grocery.
A contest was held a few days
ago by several students at the Mor-
ley school. The essays were on
the subject, "Tuberculosis•" Mr.
Robert Runkle from Anamosa acted
as judge. First places were won
by Dorothy Jackson, Esther Dar-
row and Margaret Doyle• They
will read them over the radio at
station WSUI at Iowa City, Dec.
12. Robert Hanna, also a Morley
student will act as announcer for
the group.
Mr. and Mrs. William Filter and
baby of Anamosa spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Filter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Clark and
children of Langworthy and Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Fairbanks of Mon-
ticello were Sunday guests in the
Otto Riedel home.
Mrs. Ray Bolton
Phone 287 Mr and Mrs Perkins were
• . . ** dinner guests at A. C. Ports Sun-
Mount vernon, mwa day
Mr and Mrs
k'-~f-~-~q~ ~1 ". . Jens Jepsen were
dinner guests of Yens Pedersen's
Genevieve Bader spent Friday
• • and Saturday at George Rose'.
Cecil Bennet sawed wood Wed-
Madeline Bolton left last Sun-
day night on the City of Denver,
for Denver, Colo., to spend the holt-
• ~days with Carmen. She left Sunday
evening at 9:40 and arrived in
Denver Monday morning at 9:00.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waddell were
Come in and see these cars. All in nice shape.
These cars must be sold at once as we need the storage
space for the winter. Here are prices that are below
out-of-town prices on the same models.
1937 Chevrolet Coupe ...... $395
1934 Chevrolet Coach $250
1936 Ford V-8 Coupe ...... $285
1928 Model A Ford Roadster $65
1935 Dodge pick-up ....... $1.90
dinner guests of Jake Waddel's
Mrs. Ethel Rose spent Sundayi
forenoon in Marion.
Mrs. George Yeisley and Ivan
went to St. Lukes hospital Sun-
day afternoon to see Marshall Paul
who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Streets took poses-
sion of the Paralta store, Nov. 28.
Mrs. Nell Patten, Wilma and
Catherine Wild entertained tweny-i
five friends Saturday afternoon at
a kitchen shower at the Patten
home in honor of Mrs. Rowena
Penn Humpal, a recent bride. AI
comfort was tied for the bride. The
hostesses served delicious refresh-i
ments. {
The Paralta Embroidery club
met with Hattie Campbell, assisted
by Vie Miller last Friday• A de-
licious dinner was served at noon.
A good program was enjoyed after
a grab bag. There was a shower
for little Linda Lou Waddell. Thei
next meeting will be an all day l
meeting with Carrie Huskey, assist-
ed by Nell Leaf. Those present
were: Lill Stewart, Elva Kyle Mary
Perkins, Clara McShane, Alma Mc-
Shane, Bernice Waddell, Helen
Murray, Ethel Rose, Edith Crain,,
Carrie Huskey, Nell Leaf, Lenore
Neilsen, Lou Waddell, Eva Stearns,
Phone 3
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fields and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Kennedy of Cedar
Rapids were dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Ivan Remington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burner and
Creighton were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lein-
Mrs. George Burner and Miss Mil-
dred Leinbaugh shopped at Cedar
Rapids Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Kohl of Lisbon spent
Tuesday in the Lowell Kohl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ival Clark spent
Tuesday in the Gerald Darsee
Mrs. Jennie McConaughy and
Mrs. Evelyn Brown were Friday
dinner guests in the L. A. Davis
Ira Maiden family spent Sunday
in the Charlie Maiden home in
Rev. Sam Jones returned to his
home at Lexington, Ky. on Sun-
day evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Trevor Baskerville
spent Sunday in the Mrs. Chloe
Newman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hurt, Mrs. Bes-
sie Ankeny, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Nor-
ton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hurt, jr., and Barbara Joan called
on Joe Hurt, sr., Sunday evening•
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston of
Anamosa called at the Lowell
Kohl home Monday.
Ival Clark, Gerald Darsee and
Roy Ireland called at Central City!
Mr. and Mrs. Argus McConaughy
and Bobby shopped in Cedar Rap-
ids Monday.
Alva Barber of Anamosa called
on Joe Hurt Monday evening•
Alva Barber family called on
Mrs. Martha Barber Monday even-
Glenn Peet family moved Mon-
day into the L. R. Bobst down-
stairs apartment• Dr. Moore mov-
ed into their own house, which was
vacated by Peets.
The Christian Aid society will
meet Thursday afternoon. Host-
esses will be Mrs. Evelyn Brown
and Mrs. Jennie McConaughy.
Martelle basketball boys team
defeated Sharon on Friday night
by a score of 20 to 18. Martelle
girls won by a score of 21 to 20.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thede spent
Saturday night in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman
shopped in Cedar Rapids Saturday. [
Mrs. Will May and Mrs. Floyd
May were sick several days.
Prof. and Mrs. Ressler and Carol
spent Saturday in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brutsman
and Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Allen were dinner guests of Mrs.
Stella Cusher on Sunday.
Good Cheer Community Club
Met at John Light Home
Although it was a foggy, rainy
night outside, inside, the Christmas
feeling and spirit reigned supreme
when the Good Cheer Community
club held their annual Christmas
party at the ?tome of Mr. and Mrs.
John Light on Friday evening, Dec.
The house was beautifully deco-
rated with two Christmas trees,
bells, and Christmas decorations,
to say nothing of the white ele-
phant. An elephant was made by
Mrs. George and Mrs. John Light.
Inside was a box large enough to
hold the grab bag gifts, and on top
in the red and green howdah rode
a jovial Santa Claus. This white
elephant with its red and silver
trappings, and precious load stood
on a large table; and to say the
least delighted the children.
A short program was given, pre-
pared by John Light, as follows:
song, "Star of the East," Mrs. Clara
Light; songs by John Manser Clark
"Black Dog Drill," by the Ciha
children; songs, Dorothy Light;
original reading, "We Don't need
a Radio, We're on the Party Line,"
by Mrs. George Light•
"Jingle Bells," song by the group,
after which the sound of bells was
heard and Santa Claus appeared•
In the pack he had a treat for every
child and the grown-ups too.
A short business meeting was
held, and the following nominating
committee was appointed:chair-
man, Theodore Light; Mrs. Hazel
Gunn, Mrs. Chas. Johnston, to se-
lect the candidates for offices for
the year.
The January meeting will be an
all day meeting on Saturday, Jan.
7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Light. The menu committee
have asked that every one come
early as dinner will be served at
12:30, so every one take notice
Margaret White, Mabel Huffman,
Lena Mann, Gall Stahl, Mabel
Englehard, Vie Miller and Dick
W. H. HOOVE , Jeweler
nest Kennedy, Marion; Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Falcon, Rowley; Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Falcon and Mrs.
Lizzie Falcon, Central City; Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Falcon, Robert and
James Bell, Cedar Rapids; Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Hartzell, Mount Ver-
laon; Hazel Kennedy, Whittier; Mrs.
Hannah Blakely and daughter of
Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hay-
lock, Mr. and Mrs, Clark Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart and
son Willard of Maquoketa. Friends
from out of town were Mr. and
Mrs. George McCann, Coggon; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bowdish, Fred Bow-
dish, Gene Doe, Waubeek; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Ramsay, Anamosa.
Rev. R. A. Badger
Choir practice Saturday evening
at 7 o'clock. Every member should
be present for practice on the
Christmas music.
Services for Sunday, December
11. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Wor-
ship service at ll. This is Uni-
versal Bible Sunday and will be
so observed in our service. Ser-
mon subject: "A Man's Best Guide
for Life.". Anthem by the choir,!
"Book Divine." You are urged to
bring your Bibles, for use in the
service, and a record of the num-
ber of Bibles, and the oldest Bibles
will be made.
The S. S. Y. S. will hold their
annual Christmas party in the par-
Lors of the church, Wednesday ev-
enning, December 14.
The concert of Christmas music
will be heard at the morning ser-
vice on December 18.
Mrs. T. L. Samuels assisted by
Ella Faust will entertain the Will-
ing Workers of the Presbyterian
church, December 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Fowley, Ce-
dar Rapids, were Sunday dinner
guests in the Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Patten home.
Gerald Hotchkiss came up from
Iowa City Thursday to attend the
junior class play and returned to
his college work Friday, accom-
panied by his mother who visited
at Hills and returned hom Satur-
day morning.
Mrs. Milton Behrens entertained
the Monday club in her home on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. P. W. Sterner was hostess
to the M. O. B. club and guests
at its annual Christmas party on
Thursday evening• A six thirty
cafeteria~ dinner was served and
gifts were exchanged.
Mrs. Bess Hendrickson and son
Howard and James Storey attended
the funeral of Elwood Thompson,
four weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Thompson near Wyoming,
Saturday. Mrs. Hendrickson re-
parental Fred Webbena home at
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Port of
Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Perkins
and Arnold Port were Sunday vis-
itors in the A. C. Port home.
Frank Stoddard of Anamosa call-
ed in the Ezra Minehart home on
Mrs. Leo Minehart of near Ana-
mosa was a week end guest in the
Ezra Minehart home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bowdish and
son were Sunday afternoon callers
in the J. S. Bowdish home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carbee of
Mount Vernon were in town Tues-
day to attend the funeral of Robert
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Darrow
and Mary were Sunday visitors in
the parental George Darrow home,
in Dubuque.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Beck were ~
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.,
Kenneth Hargrave in Maquoketa.
Mrs. Celia Frederick was an all
day guest Tuesday in the W. A.
Shaffer home.
A number from this vicinity at-
tended the closing out sale of Paul
Sweitzer, Monday near Linn Grove
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Patten and
Lois were Sunday dinner guests
of Miss Jessie Boxwell at Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Pearson and
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee were
guests in the John Carbee home in
Mount Vernon, Wednesday in hon,
or of Mrs. Gene Carbee of Pasa-
dena, Calif, who is visiting her
parents in Lisbon.
Mrs. R. F. Wiley entertained the
Past Matrons, Elizabeth Stewart
Circle at a one o'clock luncheon on
Tuesday. A purse was collected
to send for a Christmas need at l
the O. E. S. home ~t. Boone.
Mr. and Mrs. O. . Newman ot!
Des Moines are spending their va-
cation in the parental A. C. New-
man home.
Fred Taylor and Bob and W. A.
Sherman were among those who
attended the Live Stock show in
Chicago last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank and
family were Sunday dinner guests
in the Milton Pflughaupt home
near Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson and l
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.i
and Mrs. Chris Dircks of Tipton!
were Sunday dinner guests in the l
parental R. C. Wilson home.
W. F. McNeilly of Center Junc-i
tion called on friends in town on
Checker Electric Supply
Mt. Vernon--P. F. Kohl--118 1st St.
Cedar Rapids 215 Ist Street S.E.
Array of Gifts Now far Havi
The finest selection we have ever sh0
Make your selection while our stoc
complete. !
Fascinating items in blown glass
Kensington, the metal that does not s
or tarnish.
1 Gr
Granby Building Cedar
! daily
{ Realize Real Eyes or w
mained in the home several days.
Having decided to quit farming, I will hold a complete closing out sale at
Paralta.inthe Howard McShane home near dence known as the Ballard farm, located 5 miles northwest of Mount Vernon,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Phillips and east of the Home Sweet Home cahins and 1 Vz miles north. Those from the no
Virginia of Clarence were Sunday to Grange Hall then west 2 miles on the rock road and ½ mile south, on
dinner guests in the home of Mr.
20 h
3O h
and Mrs. Harry Freeman. Other
guests were Mrs. Ellen Cushman, I}ai!
Maurine and Donald Christian and 2-ro,
Stanley Smith• end
, Supt. Wm. M. Johnston announc- 10-f
i es Dec. 18 as the date for the an- COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK SHARP iron
nual Christmas concert to be given I have lots of shop tools and will have to sell some before dinner, cart
;by the vocal and instrumental
music departments of the local 4 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES I span of brown mules, wt 1 00 each, 10
school. This is an annual concert years old, no better team around, work any place, plenty of snap; 1 Smooth
: usually given the Sunday preced- Jenny mule, a good honest worker anywhere, any time; 1 Shetland pony ingood ~ Cow
ingButlerChristmaS.opera house.It willThebepublicheld inis rides and drives the best, perfectly safe for children, hog
invited. No admission charge. 8 HEAD OF CATTLE---1 milch cow, 7 years old (Shorthorn), milking good now wat,
Mrs. L. J. Miller entertained a to calf early in spring; 1 Jersey cow, 6 years old, to freshen in March, a high. d can;
company of ladies Thursday corn- 1 Jersey-Guernsey cow, 4 years old to freshen early, the best cow I ever owned, Wov
plimenting her mother, Mrs. Bart-
lett, who is her house guest, heavy and tests high; 3 stock cows in good flesh (big ones); 2 heifer calveS, hay
dairy prospects, yok
10 HEAD OF HOGS---Cholera Immune. 10 choice Hampshire gilts, wt 225, hart
open. These will suit.
MACHINERY--1 Fordson Tractor; 1 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow in A-1
good 9-ft. disc with tongue truck; 4-section flexible steel harrow: John Deere 2001
• • • . " ~t~
plow; sulk plow; low wagon with good basket rack; medium height wagon and.
box; hay rake; manure spreader; hammock seat corn plow; side boards; enid. t
J. I. Case edge drop corn planter with 80 rods of wire; single hole corn sheller cloy
one); 500 lb. platform scales in A-1 shape.
CORN, HAY, STRAW and ROUGH FEED--1750 bushels of choice yellow
cribs, to be sold in lots to suit; 6 tons of timothy hay in the mow; about 14 to ,
choice baled timothy hay, take what you want; 150 bales of choice oats straw, 225
or all, this never was wet. 35 acres of stalk fields, picked by hand; straw stack
run of the farm.
Mrs. Rollo Patten assisted by Mrs.
Carl Carney and Kathryn Wild
gave a kitchen shower for Mrs. Roy
Itumpal, a recent bride, Saturday
afternoon• The time was spent ty-
ing a comforter for the honored
guest, who also received many
useful gifts. Others present were
Mrs. John Humpal, Mrs. Kenneth
Humpal, Anamosa, Mr. and Mrs•
R. T. Penn, Mrs. Letha Armstrong,
Mrs. Roy Armstrong, Viola; Eliz-
abeth Shaffer, Mrs. Mabel
Central City; Mrs. Cecil Pattenl
Mrs. Emma Wild, Mrs. Billy
yer, C e d a r Rapids; Genevieve
Bader, Martelle; Mrs. Elizabeth
Dickinson, Mrs. Neal Larson, Mrs.
Cecil Lewis and Dorothy; Mrs. Ir-
win Penn and Navadee, Mrs. Ed-
ward Murray and Dick. Dainty
refreshments were served late in
the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parker of
Martelle we r e Sunday dinner
guests in the W. A. Shaffer home.
The Boy Scout monthly parent
night was held Tuesday at the city
hall. A special scouting program
was given. Mothers of advancing
scouts were awarded miniature
badges of rank.
The campfire firls met at Mrs.
James C. L. Clark's Monday even-
ing. The fourth first aid lesson
was studied and the Christmas
party will be given Dec. 13.
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, HARNESS, ETC.---2 sets of good work harne Son
justable collar, several leather collars, harness repairs Woven wire stretcher!
and tackle; hay fork and rope; forks; baskets; scoops'and many other things
with a farm. Small cream separator; kitchen cupboard; 2 burner kerosene oil
shop tools, etc.
CHICKENS---3 dozen large type White Leghorn pullets, laying nicely; 2 doze
type White Leghorn cockerals, nice ones. These are from the Scobey flock
Ehle & Pitlik Will Have Lunch Stand
! W.
W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon, Ia. Jay Fordyce of the Mt. Vernon Bank,