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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 8, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 8, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;!5 r $, ~nn~la.~, I)eeenibcr 8, 1938 rrHE MOUNT VERNON, IO'tVA, HA~¥KEYE-I~ECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Pa~-'e Seven I I I I I I II I I II I ~-~NtI~tllt~!~I~I~:~ ..~ l~or~-~-~m sec,'etar3; and Mrs. Robert ltarrison,! Milligan, Mrs. Frank Lorence, Mrs.I William Mikulecky on Monday ev-t Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon of . • ~.._. r, .... ~ • ~ .u,..,~ ,~ treasurer. Others present besides those! Anton Biderman, Mrs. Charles Ford I ening attended a committee meetiug[ spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Waterloo were week end vasitors for rrompt ~emoval ~ Mrs. Frank Letner abnve mentioned ,,.ere Mrs. Lila Ires Mrs. Emmett Albaugh, Mrs. Argenelof the Junior Farm Bureau at the] Mrs. Kearns. at the home of the latter's father, ][ i ..... • o all $ -- nf Mar o/ a visitor. Mrs Charles Allhee. Mrs Herman Nebiker, Mrs. I home ot Catherine Remhetmer near l ---- :John Ihek. ~ • • ~ •~ I~ "1~'1~ A ~ c~r~/x,,-'nrr~ LADLES AID MET Bnchman, Mrs. Gilbert Caldwell, Miss Frank'Letner, Miss Lucille Gove and I Marion. I O.L..- ! Mr• and Mrs. Clarence Reinhank • - • A II " JlJ.l~zqklJ ~|~)t._jl'~k .~: WITH MRS. DECIOUS Claricc Decious, Gloria Kilborn, Dor- Mrs. C. C. Berry. Miss Catherine Berry and Miss ~.~OIOI! and family from near West Branch • _ I ./-i Ill .l p..n ,'~ ......... ~! Mrs. Ha'w 1)et us, Mrs. john is l)eclous Joe Scott anti Johu Decions. "------ Ruth Mikulecky spent Thursday even- Mrs Anna Zeller i visited relatives in this vicinity on ~ ~ .It IK .1. • • lk ban uurj" earest rnone Knapp and Mrs. Gerald Scott enter- The hostesses served refreshments at METIIODIST NOTES ling with Miss Helen Roselle. ! __ l Sunday. . Collect tained t le members of the Ladies Aid the close of the afternoon ....... Mr. and Mrs. Logan McGowan and A* "~" ............ '- ....... :"'~ Mrs. d. M. Zemshek continues to ,-, ....... ,~ ; . • I nere was a large attennance ~un- [ r b tale paltJltll, b~dl.;llt:'tb ll/t~t~tlllg • ' ~ O ~"~_ J_ "r~.1 i.~-i~ ~1 society of tile Methudlst church on -- , ........ , i daughter Irene spent the ,lay V, ednes-I r.,.,a _~ ,~.^ ,,..~. ~_,_~, .~. .... .~.... be confaned to her home with a ZZb ec nu ~t. ~.r~. t~eclar Kaplos Zt~lZ ~ ~Vedllesday afternoon at the home of PROGRAM POSTPONED ~Ia~rs~i;rn:~lrgvia; rn~F~un~jYrjCn;°~• a:r~ ! day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGowan ] e'veniJg, ~NIrs?'g~Ii~dr~t" ~b7£y- flu attack and comphcatmns. Cedar Rapids i~lmF ~ ,,,~~$ Mrs 1)eclotsRex"J Brucer~ve- 'l'~ere was ao program givenast , ". ', " ... , . or ~ear Mancnester. stock "'-a" "1" ......... ;'~" + 1-,I ........... • . • ". ~ cnurcusenool at IV a.m., Raft preacn- ______ I ,,-, ~ ~.~,-,~c~ t.,xc~xucn~, .t-,eyo . , , , ~ , • . , ,, . , , anamosa D~)g ~ stoue led the devotumal period. M,ssI'r~dav evenm~ at the church due to • , .... All are wel .... I Tooney vice ,-resident" Miss Ma,, ~OI'H 1,. ()~ .i~l| }}IN P M|.N'II£ ..O1~ o~. ..... ~ Edna Jones, a missionary from Foo- the stormy weather and had roads, mg servwe at xa a.m. - Brookslde I c Jennin-o o~ ....... ; ........ ',~ AI)MINIST,t.,', TM ............... -- --aN a , '11 "l'~I,V • , tanwooa ~UU ~ chow (h a, ,,as i~tr,d,,ed by Mrs b t on next Fr day eveni,g tile regt- come. Mrs Will Robinson [ st".le show°` was'~;re~.ent:2"~un'd~r st~tt~ ,ifh>~,•~,. l;~,l,tI ~i,u~,~y: ~. ~h - 1 flfl~/-- AI I ~,~,l Io,vt l)ept of X,'rie.' .... ~ J. B.E_vestone and illustrated an m- lar weekly program wdl be presented. , ................ the direction of Mrs Ruth Huff:al~ u, dersi,am.d l .... 1,,,~. ...... this• flail/C/ /'~, 1 V|UUI ~ ' ,,~ " . ~ ....... ~ testing talk by the sh )wi ~g of photo- There is no admission charge an¢l all ~v~er~e rmxweu ot x~ew • or~ c,ry, Mr and Mrs Verlon Baker spent I ^ ¢~ ....... :...;...~ ..-~.:u:....._ . ": 2Ctl day ,," N,,~,. ill)t, * 1 ':'g duly .... , • . g~, ~t111 ~Jl 1111L111 uXI/I I~lblU|l WaS • .'(('11S(3 zNO. 1 ~ I I .~'h..,..l mq.lo ('h;.oeo rt,~ll I and Ralph Boxwell of Spemer, were .v .4 ........ ;(~. rt~r~. .~ ,~,r I ~; 1-' g, : ~l)t)()int('d :rid qualifi('d as x~.dnlin- ~,~ graphs qn{ ................ . ........... :.... are we,come. ,mests \Vednesda-" in the home of Mr ~uesuay eV~.hx~ w*~. ~,,tx. anu ~,,rs.i given by Miss Mary Peters Thei ist,'tt~ix of the esl tie , f I° ~1 l'ur- ~q • SANITARY ~ At the elose of the husmess sessmn ............ ~ ...... ~ . ;~. .. " ~ .... "Ernest Tonne. ! glee club gave vocal selections ~'~ ~i,. ,,f,,unty, (~w.,'d,~- q~....L,~ | Ih. ,...~ ,~.~1.~ the almual e ectio~ of officers ,,'as held r~K~t" rKoar~ux t,r~ur~ anu ~v, rs. r~mmett Albaugn. . Miss Mary Merritt went to Sioux I with Miss Jennings ',and Miss Helen '£~.'a.s~'d" All p,,r~.,~s i,.l~'!,t~'d t ..... idOUIL " llJl ~llk, U¢ll,~ 1 RENDERI ,"- ¢'~ ~ with Mrs ~ B Fve~t ~e as ,td-e PRE~ENTED LAST WEEK Mrs. Johu Knapp rece,ved ,~ord of c~;,. . ~. .... ~... ; ..... ,4i.., . ¢ ......... tstat, art, requesttd to make ,mmed- I *.u ~.~tl. ~ ., j ..... ~ ~ . , - . . _ , . ,...x~.~, wztc*c ~.,c *~ o~..~ *,8 '~ ~-cwi l-'aul fllrecl;lnff Mrs Clara C'hnn ; .t. ,,. ,,,, ,.t .~.. ,.~,,1' ,,, tl,. ,,.,t.,- " • ( " "• In t sta e ~ e~ ........ - d.~~ ,it/-,., ....... !." ......... ~?u~.~.t?.- ~' ~',..a ...... ~ and Mrs. Sherwm (aldwell and Mrs. Miss Luolle Gore, county home de-the~ifam. orne, r mother .. ne. t weeks w~th relataves, i skyMrs Bessie Stahle and Mrs signed. 'l'ht,se having; claims a.gainst beuar r~aplos, Iowa ~ Ralph Bachman, teller. The officers monstration agent presented the first of%asnmgton last WeeK. ~vlrs. r~napp Mr and Mrs Arthur Vanderbilt[ Hele-- :~ ............. ,...., ...... ~;the saint will file them, dul5~ • • T, lephone 3It. le,,lO,, 6000 ~j fn°e;, ;;::id;:;t] aI~rs.M~lin[j:nkLre;,' i;Iat~er:e;';Sl3:~trfa°nrtl:£s:::{:;ot:t proj:~[ !ll.a~e th;ei~mlPathy ~}fat[llI; ~°vme~U~:e s~tntMrT:e~aYrgeV?;~ with Mr ~heehaltldai~.~:.T~? 'n':ext r~;;~t~::g~w~ll ,t)i~2{.',)'i".i,]i:!?;t i[ainnh', ,:',',~:'t.~. "ll.t, lv~:, P actory to you vice president; Mrs. IIerman Nehiker day meeting in the home of Mrs. C. many years ago. Mr and Mrs Francis Crock were[ The Girl Scouts assisted h- ,u.. t)AI~.LI b] b]. l~.l?|l(l I.;SS. ...... C.'Berrv on l)ecember 1. Miss Gore Miss Tillie Kramer had the mlsfor- Cedar Rapads callers on Wednes-]American Legion Auxiligrff w] aS. ,; w,,.. ....................... ~~" gave P'Jinters °n tmw t° fatten' dress' tune t° fall last week dud crack three day" i sponsor a candy, cookie, cake and ~ __ ~ cook and can pouhrv. The womenribs and a bone in her right hand. . Mrs;_. Mildred Oldorff spent the[ apron sale at the Filipi meat mar-: ¢~'2~~-~~ B i~~~h~ prepared, cooked and'served the noon Miss Ruth Mikuleckv, Miss Eveh'n flay, lnursaay wire mrs. bmncne, ket Saturday Dec 10 i.~ . . ¢ Finest Fabrics meal with the following menu: To-I Lnenicka and William "Mikulecky call- Russell. i i~irs, d. W.~'Zenishek' has return-!~ Mechanlcsvllle #! Newest Styles mato juice cocktail, escalloped chicken, ed Sunday evening in the home of Mr. Fred Baker's mother from Mon-[ ed to her home from the Univers-~ .... ~i • sweet potatoes, grape jell,', curly eel- and Mrs. Frank Letner. tana has been making an extended ity hospital at Iowa City where she!~ Kcnoer|nl IdO, err, haked half apples in syrup, baked Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson and ....... ~ v AuthenlleallvOesigned ft/,lge, whole ,,heat bread and coffee. James plummer visited relatives in her son Fred.s. home.I submatted to an operatmn recentlyi~ ~i win anct uorman ttooinson were l and is recovering nicely No i¢ Our Values Cannot Be "l'hose iu attendance were Mrs. ttarry Cedar Rapids on Saturday evening. Cedar Rapids callers, Friday. - ............... o ...... ~. ~ ........... Mr. arid Mrs. C. C. Berry spent Mrs. Lydia Decious. who has ,'nu~r~ zz.', Duolicated ~ ~l~'~"~a'~~-~ Sunday with Mrs. Berry's parents, Mr. been visiting with her son Forest ......... ~ '~I[I~2(~I[-IANJIK~IVII I 11~ and 1Vlrs. James Hamersmith in Ce- and fmmly,' went to Center June- LOCKetS ann Isnalns, t;ompacts ~ ............ "~'--~"*~'~ i~ F i¸ shoi ,toej SS ot# Jar CO. ~ESIDENCE HARDWARE Beautiful Corbin Hard- ware will do wonders for the appearance of your home. We have the cor- rect design for any style of home at prices that are reasonable. The hardware illustrated is typical of the designs of Corbin Hardware. Come in or phone for our free illustrated folder. Sold by four Local Corbin Distributor 206 First Street S. E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa All Farmers Feeding Pigs Should Feed Riverside Pig Meal for faster growth, and healthier p ig s ; more weight at less cost. Let us prove to you that you can save money by feeding Riverside Pig Meal. We can save you dollars. Try it Today! Manufactured and For Sale at Riverside Feed Stores All kinds of Feed, Flour, Hay and Straw Main Store 1 19 14th Ave. S.E. Nl~z'e No. 2, 222 1st St. N.E. I'hone 2-7120 Cedar l~zI)ids We Will Deliver Free at mY.l Ie rim" dar Rapids• Many have had their attention i ...... nt: o wt:~•y itt i Dead Animals "~ ~ 2. • ~.~aa~.~t ~r £ All memhers of the Junior Farm tion to visit with other relatives. [ .tl .... ,,'ill l'romptly I{,.nm,e All ~ $ $1 Bureau in this township attended the drawn to the 200 pound deer i ~ " • ' ~ ~" annual party given Saturday evening wnlen Mr ~nnger orougtl~, home ~ "' ~" ~ "" ................. ' W.H. HOOVER, Jeweler We l'ty All relelflmn( ( Ills at the Soko[ hall in Cedar Rapids. " . '. . . i ~ ~ '4,~.i~ • from his hunting trip to Mach,gan. i ~pj~ll~*~* ~g~-~g~g~g~~ ~~-'~,~-'~:'~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roselle and A number of ladies attended theI their daughter Helen "had as their Royal Neighbor's club annual i guests Sunday, Mrs. Mary Donielson Christmas party attheirhall on~ --~- - and daughterGeraldine," Mr. and ' ~" Thursday afternoon About sixty- .~1~r ~,s~" Mrs. Glenn Tavlor and their daugh- " , IV" t~ five were present. Following thei ^~-~ ~,t ~7/4 ter, Rosemary. all of V¢oodhall, Ill., business meeting and an hour of! .., ~Ut'" IA~/,/- Miss Helen l~ose, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. games and puzzles, "Santa" ar- ..¢ 17 " .,~ GO Perrill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson rived, bringing candy and popcorn ~,~,~$' q0U and son David, all of Cedar Rapids for all and gifts as well. This i ~ ,~.. "- and tlarold Fernow of Marion. was followed by a lovely supper. ,~/}/.,IK"*' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Berry and Mrs. tlerman Nebiker were dinner The newly decorated hall was[ f" guests Monday in the home of Mr.beautiful in Christmas colors, the"i and Mrs. Frank Letner. shiny tree and shaded lights. I Lester Klapp of Marion butehered Among the ladies who attended from this neighborhood were: Mrs. two heeves for George and Rohert Arthur Vanderbilt, Mrs. Leo Crock, Kramer Monday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Asa Robin- John Thompson and Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. Francis Crock, Mrs. Ver- son moved this week to the Fowler lon Baker, Mrs. Donald Robinson• farm recently vacated by Argene All- Mrs. Ernest Tonne, Mrs. Forest bee. The AIIbee family moved Wed- Deeious, Mrs. Will Robinson, Mrs. nesday to the Robert Boxwell farm. Will Brock, Mrs. Chauncey Kline[ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neblker en- and Mrs. Clarence Kline. tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Berry A good many of our young peo- at dinuer Sunday evening, ple attended the birthday party, given for Verne Embrce on Sat- urday evening in Mechaniesville. A delightful evening of games and hilarity was enjoyed by the twenty guests, and a lovely luncheon con- eluded the evening. and Mrs. Francis Crock are busy getting their home furnished and in a few days will be at home to their friends on the former John Having decided to quit farming, I am moving to town and will therefore hold a complete closin out sale at my farm located miles southeast of Martelle, 6 miles north and Vz mile east of Mount Vernon and Lisbon, just east of rock road No. 261, on I COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK SHARP THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY. Small Stuff to be Sold Before Dinner. 1 Grey mare 10 years old, wt. 1600; 1 black mare, 12 years old, wt. 1600. The above pair is a wonderful work team. Grey gelding, wt. 1550, smooth mouthed and any child can work him; brown mare 10 years old, a good worker any place; black brood mare, safe in foal and the service fee paid; iron grey filly coming 2 years old, Perch- eron bred, a nice one; dark chestnut horse colt coming 2 yrs. old and if you ever seen a tailor-made one here he is. Roan Shorthorn cow 6 years old, just fresh 3 weeks, a swell milker and a cow you will like; red white faced cow 3 years old, just fresh a week and milking the best; red Shorthorn cow 4 years old, just fresh 2 days ago and a pippin; r an Shorthorn cow, due to calf any day now, a pail filler; 2 Jersey cows, will have calves a week old sale day, and oh, what cream cows and as good as walks; roan heifer 2 years old, suckling 2 calves 4 months old, come and see the job she is doing, she must be a milker; Hereford cow 3 years old, giving 4 gallons of milk daily and due to freshen in the spring. Here is a set of cows that anyone would be proud to own, nearly all fresh or will be sale day. Here is your chance to get a good winter cow. Hereford bull, 2 coming 3 and a good thick made one, nice and quiet and sure breeder; 2 Hereford heifer calves 4 months old; 3 veal calves so far, but there will be 5 or 6 by sale day. 20 head of Duroc spring gilts, selling open, well bred ones; 50 head of 150 to 160 lb. feeding shoats, doing fine; 30 head of summer shoats. 8 Shropshire ewes, big ones, bred to Shropshire ram for early lambs. These are choice. MACHINERY Dain hay loader; side delivery rake; new John Deere 6-ft. cut mower, used only one season; steel dump hay rake; e -row corn p!ow; 3 single row corn plows; 14-inch Emerson gang plow; 14-inch walking plow; new John Deere l uegate seeaer with grass seeder; nearly new Moline manure spreader, a dandy; 10-ft Western land _ roner; cme pulverizer, like new; Hayes corn planter with 100 rods of wire; 9-ft disc; 18-ft. Jackson steel harrow; Iron wheel truck wagon, a Burnham nearl new" medium height wagon and 36-inch box; basket hay racK; nay er. , cart; slop cart, iron wheel wagon anti 26 inc h box sweep feed grinder " " " ES'HARNESS ETC. good MISCELLANEOUS ARTICL , Boy tank heater in A-1 shape; hand corn sheller; grind stone; 3-barrel galvanized tank; 6 cast steel ind!v.idual nog troughs; slip scraper; chicken coo s;troughs; slop barrels; big iron kettle; 2 5-gallon thermos cnlcKen :low waterers - iaigh_t c-- - ; pair of horse blankets; fur robe; pair of brand new work bridles; 3 5-gal. cream cans; 1 10-gal. cream wned, z cold water separators; Majestic cream separator, large size, in use every day; milk pails, coolers, etc.; woven wire kle with 80 ft of new ro e 120 ft of h- - " . stretcher that is guaranteed to pull 12,000 pounds; block and tac " . P ; • . aloeS, ay nope; bench vise; shop tools; forks; shovels; spades, and tools of all kinds; double trees, single trees, neck 225, oKes, in fact I am selling out. Set of nearly new britchen harness; set of heavy britchen harness; 2 sets nelu rness, a bunch of collars of different sizes. CORN, OATS, HAY, TIMOTHY SEED, ETC. 2000 bushels of choice yellow corn in cribs to be sold in lots to suit; 600 bushels of this is old corn. 400 bushels of medium early oats, most of these are 1937 crop and heavy as lead; 45 or 50 tons of clover and timothy hay in mow, all put up in good shape. There is a nice place to bale it out if desired. About 10 bushels of timothy and clover seed, free from bad weeds. Chickens, Ducks, Etc. 225 Buff Rock pullets, early hatched and starting to lay, these are well bred; 16 Rouen ducks, big ones. Some Household Goods Some household goods including good coal or wood stove and other articles such as stone jars, 20-gal. and some smaller ones; fruit jars, etc. ENGLISH SHEPERD DOG 1 YEAR OLD, SMART AS A WHIP USUAL TERMS Henry Lang Will Be Here With His Lunch Wagon W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon. G. H. Hill, Clerk )eere and ; end tiler (# )W cOI'~ 14 to , tacr harne ., ,tcher!; ings t le oil Merritt farm. I I Having taken the job to haul the mail on a railroad con tract and my time being fully occupied, I am quiting the farm and will hold a complete closing out sale at my residence, located on the Chas. Litts 40 acres, 2 miles north- west of Mount Vernon, right on paved highway No. 30, at the top of the Marley Clark hill, on COMMENCING AT 12:00 O'CLOCK SHARP. The days are short, we will have to start on time. Span of grey mules coming 9 and 10 years old, weight 2700 lbs; as good a pair as walks, low down, well mated and an outstanding span. Anyone can work them who can hold a line, be they man, woman or child. They are not afraid of anything. If you need an all around work team here is your chance. TTL Milking Shorthorn cow, milking heavy and coming in w ith her third calf in May, sound and a good one; 2 milking Shorthorn cows milking heavy and carrying their second calves, one of these can be recorded. These cows are bred to a real Hereford bull. These cows are the real dual purpose kind. 3 red spring calves, out of the above cows, they are fleshy. At the same time and place Rook Emer son will sell the following, he having more cattle than he can winter: Guernsey heifer with her first calf, just fresh the 5th, a real prospect, out of the John Nesley herd; 5 choice Guernsey heifers, 2 of these are springing heavy now and the others are due to calf early. You will find these like you would want them. Holstein heifer, 2 years old past, with a world of quality, due to calf in late winter, straight bred and a sweet one. These are high class heifers. h 26 Shropshire ewes, a high class flock, the buck was turned out the first week in September. S ropshIre buck, a big fellow and well bred. This flock sheared 10Vz lbs. average last spring. HO 30 good thrifty feeding shoats; 15 September Hampshire fall pigs, smooth as onions. ac inery, tomo le uc International panel job 1-ton truck, hardly broken in yet, a 1938 model, was bought by me brand new and only used 2 months on my mail route and found it too small for the job. It has been in storage and a new car guarantee goes with it. I.H.C. stock truck, 1930 with brand new stock rack 7x9 and triple grain box, runs like a watch and has good rubber, there is a world of service in this truck yet; i935 4-door Chevrolet sedan with trunk and good rubber, including 2 brand new mud grip tires and tubes, this car looks and runs like a new one; Weber wagon gears, like new with a 26-inch Buckeye box bought new this fall and new scoopboard; 4-wheel trailer with trailer hitch, good rubber, has 26-inch box; steel wheel truck wagon with new basket rack, only used the past season, a well made one; 20th Century manure spreader; 6-shovel Perfection straddle seat corn plow; I.H.C. Big 4 6-ft. cut mower, good; I.H.C. corn planter with bean and fertilizer attachment and wire; 2-section steel harrow; 8-ft Keystone disc with tongue truck, like new; bench bob sled. Miscellaneous Articles, Harness and Collars Wards Crown water cream separator, the new style, 10-gal. capacity, bought new this summer; gas barrels; oil drums; cream cans, 10-gal. size, there are 4 of these, brand new; galvanized chicken coops; brooder stove; hog troughs; 70-gal. galvanized hog fountain with lamp; tank heater; forks; shovels; spades; wire stretchers; shop tools of every description. I am moving to town and cannot use these things hauling mail. 200 rods of " x6 corn planter wire, like new; 1 set of heavy Concord harness, only used one year on my mules, there isn't a break in this; nice harness closet; 2 new leather collars 21 and 22-inch for the mules; some odd collars. Corn and Bean Hay 700 bushels of yellow corn in crib, to be sold in lots to suit; 100 bales of soy bean hay; 2 or 3 sacks of Honeymead cattle feed. C H I C K E N S 50 White Leghorn pullets laying heavy, early hatched, Tom Barron strain and very choice; 90 White Leghorn year- ling hens, laying swell, these keep us busy gathering eggs, we hate to sell them. 15 pure bred Leghorn cockerels. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS EHLE AND P1TLIK WILL HAVE LUNCH STANI) W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon , wner H. B. Waiters, of the Tipton State Hank, Clerk IIInlll I tl