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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 9, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 9, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Swell s e millincry No (Horde (Hosted here Absolutely and indisputu ably we are The Leaders in Swell Trimmed Mill» inery. See Our Bargains m Street Date and fancy feathers. moses Sc gasses Che Up~to-datc Millinere. Over the Dub Clothing Store. Q w JAMES RI LEY, Prop. N30? THE“ PLEASANT HILL LIME 'KILN DEALER in AD MANUFACTURER 0? LIME. HAIR. 8 CEMENT can COHSTANTLY OK HARD, ALI. ORDERS rnomrtr DELIVERED Vernon. Mt'Iowo. IOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. \' l; ~15. A. West has been home several days this week. ~~It pays to trade at Mt. Vernon, don’t forget that. —-~Shop for Xmas at Mt. Vernon and shop early to avoid the rush. ——Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde John- ston of Linn Grove, Dec. 6, a boy. —Jl‘he Sorosis Club will meet with Mrs. Barrett at 7 p. on. Tuesday Dec. 13. —Mrs. R. T. Walters has returned from a three months’ stay in Kansas. wBert Miller of Fargo, N. D., called upon college and town friends Wednes- day. —-l’rof. Freer is in northwestern Ia. this week, working in the college in- terests. —l\ir. and Mrs. B..Willix were passengers Tuesday morning for Dun- lap,lowa. "“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” ’ou can prove it easily at the Presbyterian bazar. -—~llev. Dr. Nicholson has gone to Grinnell to meeta committee of the State Teachers’ Association. ——State Deputy Hatter of the Iowa Legion of II onor has been working in the society’s interests this week. «Dr. and Mrs. King handsomely en- tertained a party of their town friends at their home on Wednesday evening. The G. A. R. hall has been newly papered and fitted up this week, pre- senting now a. handsome appearance. ——Miss Clara Alexander and Jay Alexander of Marion, were guests Thursday at the R. Alexander home. ~—Mt. Vernon stocks offer the best variety in eastern Linn county “and you know it,” if you have ever tried it. ~Take your dinner and supper with the Presbyterian ladies. It’s a cozy place up there and the menu is most tempting. ——Rev. John Medley has rented the house of Mrs. Hutson on the Marion road and has been settling household matters this week. ——Mrs. A. J. Keyes arrived Wednes— Dm a Card in the Post Office. ...ISAAC SINCLAIR... 806058803 70 A. BEARD. REPAIR SHOP Wagons. Buggies and Farm Machina cry Repaired Promptly. Screen Doors. Windows and Cabinet xxwmxx, .m,~_d - Your PatronageWSOIicited. ,0? Prices Reasonable A“ mw_i _-.,_ii,..._ Shop on South Side. Near Isaac Sinclair's Residence... PALACE day from Marion and will be a guest until Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoover. ~Invitations are out for the annual reception of the Ingleside Club next Monday evening with Drs. George and Kate Mason-Hogle. —-Re ular meeting of the W.C. T. U. next bursda in Ellison’s building. Mrs. Collin wil talk to us about the National convention. ~—Mrs. Louisa Young and Miss Nettie Mickey of Blalrstown, were visitors last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J no. lloodmaker. ~J. F. E. Yeisley this week delivered a bunch of contracted cattle that com- manded $5.00 a hundred. the highes price paid- here for some time. —-The well known “Stoddard Leg- turcs”have been ublished in alnlgt form and have “ w citizens by an 413116 ran; ' next Thursday , excursion ticks .A. . w r o .a'r. n r. ("r. used only on Friday for the trip home. ~The friends of Mrs. J. G. Maybauer will regret to hear that she has been uite ill, but will be‘ pleased to know t at she is now better and improving. «Vice-President Harlan has been quite sick the past week, with acombi- nation of neuralgia and cold complica- tion, butit is hoped will soon be around again. mt ocal Department \fiééééoézfi’: ,zééé: : :’gg4:’:‘:(oégz\z’:’go«—z(z(:é{e [It]; \- —Agent Graul of the North-Western desires us to call the attention of peo» ple living north of the tracks, which they cross in coming to town, to the great danger of doing so without due care. He says there has been some very narrow escapes from bung struck by passing trains. #A. S. Dresher met with another distressing accident,the first of the week, through a fall. lie was standing up in a wagon in a corn licld, when the horses started suddenly and he was thrown out, the brunt of the fall conung on his shoulders. He is considered in aserious condition but was feeling some better last evening. —Prof. and Mrs. Alden expect to en- tertain over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Rae of Cedar Rapids. A party of young people will accompany the visit- ors for a house party Saturday after- noon and evening at the Loner home occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A'Ilen. Mr. McRae is in the employ of the ll. C. It. & N. It’y., at the , company‘s general oilices. ——A large crowd attended the P. J. Fisher &. 00. public sale, which was a. success. Cattle sold away up, sheep at $7.00 per head, horses commanded splendid prices while corn wont at 28c per bushel. Yearling steers went for $35.00 each. The total amount of sale was $1,600. Col. E. S. Johnston of our l city, the popular and persuasive auc- tioneer, officiated. -——The following officers were elected at the regular meeting Moods y of the Knights of Pythias: Geo. J. Horton. C. 0.; (lord Hess, V. (I: A. G. Self, .l’re- late; Lee Reid, M. of A.; C. E. Hahn, M. of W.; Edw. Goudy, M. of R; Dr. J. Robinson, M. of E.; Merrill Williams K. of R. and S., Chas. Heller, l. G.; Wm. Glenn, 0. G.; Trustees, Dr. J. Robinson, 0. M. Ink and James Car- 8011. l -—-Wm. Gamble, formerly a resident of this vicinity but now residing at Philadelphia, l’a., on his way home from church last Sunday fell and broke his arm. At his advanced age this is a very unfortunate occurrence, and his many friends here will be sorry to hear of the accident. The latest report in< dicated prospect for recovery and the patient resting as comfortably as could e expected. —The Springville New lira, which this week was a 12 page paper upon account of holiday advertising. makes the following comment. “It is not necessary for the New Era to preach a sermon every week on the value of advertising. It is an object lesson that all can read. Our advertising patrons areall succeeding. Th merchants who are using the columns f the New Era. are not talking hard times. Ilad you noticed that?” ——‘l‘he local lodge Knights of l’ythias, now known as Franklin Lodge No. 98, has started a movement to restore the old or original name of the lodge, Star of Bethlehem No. 3, to take effect Feb- ruary lOth , at the: beginning of the thirtieth year. The order was first organized in Mt. Vernon February 10th, , 7' as Star of Bethlehem No. 3 by dis. ‘A yion from Supreme Lodge of the ‘ is}? the ‘ days of the Grand 5' state. .. fit a r ular meetingof the Iowa Legion of onor Dec. 2, the following , officers were elected for the ensuingsix months. Prof. S. N. Williams, presi- dent; W. 8. Demo, vice-president; Dr. J. B. Robinson, recording secretary; H. E. Mason, financial secretary; S. H. Bauman, treasurero-Lewis Odell chap- lain; G. E. Turner, usher; T. T. Border, door keeper; C. W. Kepler, sentinel; examining physicians, Drs. James Car- son and J. . Robinson; delegate to Grand Lod e, Prof. Williams; alternate, if)! if): and Stamped Linens. ii): If you want the Eatcst 5325 at the Emtfligg call on Randall &. Kepler. the Leading Millincrs. #9 complete line of [Der- fumes and toilet Hrticles. A? )i' Battcnberg til: tilt if): it silt :01 till ill a? R‘ Case Corsets. a» vxox Buying your Fall and Wi ls right now. the best In Linn County. Street. +oq'«M'NM’“”«"«M°«W‘«'«'«”»'p'hthtflflwx'0buw'blmn'n :04 M ill: ill: _ «ofluaooqw‘o can“. «cacounqo «04L.» the». .po.» .poanana. The Time to Begin The season has begun; the cold weather is fast coming on. c c The Fall Styles are all in, await- ing the arrival of the army of fall shoppers that always put in an appearance at our doors. eager to purchuSe SHOES Come early and take our lot of B Calf, Vici Kid, Winter Tans etc. y p ox Horton & Kyle «‘«”«”«"«'a.'«"«”«"«"«“«nlf‘»”»"»“»”»’n’NO»0”.»oohco» tilt me:- a a Q SouthsldeMain “K'WWW“.«ud'«M‘d”»”»”»"WN'WWW'MN‘N'»‘W»'W ...Foot ...F1tters XM'NM' l Remember the Art Sale, At the studio from to 4 every day of each week. Special sale on Satur— days. Teachers and pupils will have on sale oils, water colors, and crayon pictures at reasonable pl‘lcr‘B. Important Notice. At their regular annual meeting held in Mt. Vernon. Iowa Nov. 7th., 1898. the Board of Health of Franklin town- ship adopted in full the ‘ltules and {egulatiuns as recommended by the State Board of Health. Copies of these Rules and Regula- tions can be found in the possession of U. M. Sessions, James Smith and Dr. A. C. 'lenney of Mt. Vernon and Daniel Moore and John Auracher of Lisbon. These Rules and Regulations will be enforced by this board for the preser- vation of health and the prevention of contagion. * ‘ conomy take the B., C. R. &, N. Tourists Excursions to California. Each Tuesday during the Winter season a Tourist sleeping car will run direct to Los Angeles and San Francisco via this line, Kansas City, Ft. Worth, Texas and the Southern Pacific lty.-—the ideal southern route, free from delays and snow blockades. The time is only four days and the rate $5.50 per berth from Cedar Rapids. A special conductor and colored porter ' serv'me ot-«tbollorth— Take your watch, clock and jewalry impairs to Smith the Jeweler and Optimal) next door to Butterfields. The newest, nobbiestand neatest line of ties In the latest patterns and shapes at Hair is Kyle's. Call at Horton & Kyle’s for gloves mittens and underwear. Duck coats and all kinds of work stuff. best quality and lowest rices at Bair & yle’s. Gold in Klondike is hard to get, but it is easy to save it b makin on purchases of Hair & Kylg. y r We have porno broken lots in wom- en 3. mass 3 and children’s shoes to close out regardless of cost. 'Honron KYLE. ’ To California. ,. , Attention is called ‘L’t a. California and the favorable rates w 0 have been made for single I and {on d trip tickets for this season's! tidy tourist sleeping cars, whichrn’n through every day in the year. Personally con- ducted tourist car arties every week to California and regon. Choice of a large number of different routes with. out extra charge. Particulars cheerfully given upon application to agents Chicago & N orth- Western R'y. or connecting lines. Best accommodations in fireflies: or: ‘ RNON ON. Jack Frost fl. respects neither AGE NOR CONDITION. The rich 1 ‘ Newfipnpi’l‘ ount Verne Oil. Dru and poor alike are victims of his “keen and nipping air”-—unless protected by one of our A§IA : AN, Editors ant . Great coats . . . vertising rs upon appllt ~ not noticcc o o I . TES or s1 fly IN AI year....... . months.... Or ULSTER. Made and constructed to withstand mmhs‘” the roughest weather and bitterest cold. No man’s 553E001: iz locals, or on or befoi ure publicut wardrobe is complete without one. and cheapest coat you can buy. They are the best OFFIC All Wool Irish Frieze WEI! Black or Oxford; the frieze weighs 36 oz. to the yard; “ from?“ farmers satin body lining, and sleeve linings of extra ’omce 0pm; heavy quality; 54 inches long; hand padded storm “A” collar. We guarantee this ulster to be far superior to m. an $12.50 oat. P ' - - - _ . fr om on y C Hoe $10“ in wlrs’r. in. from C. a m. Gemn no Carney talus 00 a. m. to '3 Bl Frieze U lstcr ragga; up at 7 p. 11 Black; soft, fine finished frieze, made from selected WOO]; fine he“), farm), worsted lining in body and best WSOC quality of iron frame sleeve linings. $l2.00 g A. F Extra Fl “2 sass? ullmoon. HRS, Secrets! Chinchilla Storm Coat IGHTS dark blue; absolutely fast color; make from selected RA wool; cord edges; XXXX heavy leather cloth lining in 3,,de body and finest quality of sleeve linings. This coat , '9 “0‘1 stands by itself——tbe best in America, at ~ $16.50 s FUI" Coats Oriel-l Don’t come to us if you want a cheap’ poorly made 15"1‘70365' garment. We don’t keep that kind. If we can't sell iffdddye you a strictly first class Fur Coat, We don’t want to ‘lfé’féulf‘é eetlng‘l‘h sell you any. We recommend what is recommendable. nvltatlon1 ll ERIAN ( Sunday 0 . eetlng Th 40) (it til ited to att YOUNG ? , eoples' . “5,, fikkfiflfikf‘lfiflfi Holiday Dry Goods ~ and 11 on] :‘ lly Exhep BARBER SHOP L. W. REID Lewis Ode l. -Dr.Stuntz delivered a very inter- esting and instructive lecture Wednes- day afternoon to .Zthe junior history -——Jas. M. Blaine, a prominent and ugnaion leading farmer of Bertram township, was transacting business ith. Vernon last Saturday and made the Hawk-Eye a. proper cal . accompany the car to attend the wants of the passengers. Meals serVod in dining car or may be prepared on cooking range provided for that purpose. USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES, FINE onsss PATTERNS, COLLARETTS, Chiropractic and ' 9 NORTH. PROPRIBTOR. w . » um cu” m“ G“ rm. M” __Regular Modem Woodmen m0“ glfasvsiggofigiecggéegg. ff; lageoggagligir befall information tregigrdlng rates, . MUFFS, GLOVES, MITTENS, LACE CUR- madam?) shunning onMoudty- ms for the Election 0‘ Officers and The subject was “The British Occupa- resgfvgggggg Plg‘lfl’ffsmg Osteonathlc TAINS, PORTIERS, RUGS, FINE TABLE i -‘ Rollo] ' ' ”' cept Sun delegate to county convention next Tuesday evening, 13th. at 7:30 in Dr. Robinson’s office. tion of India,” u n which we know of none better qual tied to speak than the LINEN’ KNAPKINS’ STAMPED LINENS AND HANDKERCHIEFS IN GREAT VAR- dedar Rapids, Ia. Write for descriptive matter. N “no em Physician WA new rumor BED SPRING THE BEST THING OUT Manufactured and Sold by W. H. RAYNER Mt. Vernon, Ia. Every bed guaranteed to givo satisfaction or money refunded. I also make a specialty of repairing all kinds of furniture at reasonable rices. Drop me a postal card and will call promptly and get your furniture and return the same when repaired. =Corn Huskers / Attention ! l The place to get your Finger Stalls, Tar, Healing Balsam, Anti-Chap, And all Kinds of Preparations for the Hands is d Baird’s d Pharmacy —-—Joe Bennett, who has been suffer- ing a serious relapse from fever mm P tracted in camp at Jacksonville, is re. ported some better this morning, though not yet convalescent. WA special meetin .of the Mt. Vet- non Couch Horse (.0; will be held in the K. P. Hall Saturday Dec. 17‘ at 2 In. Business of importance to lie brought before the company. ~Rev. Dr. Baird left Monday evening to resume his work in Montana. accom- panied by the kindest wishes of his numerous friends for continued good health and success in his mission. ——-Thehome contest to decide Cor- hell’s representative in the state con- test to be held in this city February 23, will be held in the Auditorium this evening. There will be no charge for admission. wLadies’ Exchange at J. S. Smith’s jewelry store Sat. Dec. 10, will have on sale, chicken, baked beans, chicken pie, bread, buns, doughnuts. cookies, choco- late wafers, ginger creames, cakes and pies. Market opens at 9. 30. -»Jud e N. M. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids ev. _Dr. E. H. Avery of Vin- ton and Hon. J. J. Nay of Iowa City, are honored guests in the city today, De who 'will act as judges at the Cornell oratorical contest this evening. —The week’s shipping: By Goudy Bros, 2 car hogs to Cedar Rapids and! car to Chicago. By Wherry and Carley, 4 car cattle to Chicago. By Geor e Grove, 2 car cattle to Chicago. By g}. B§yd Son 1 car load oats to New or ~The funeral services of Mr. Eli Johnston will be held at the Linn Grove Presbyterian church, Saturday at 11:30 a._m. Brief services at his late residence in town Saturday at 9:45 a. on. An appropriate obituary will ap- pear in next week’s paper. ~—Mrs. C. E. Henderson entertained a large company at Bowman Hall. in a characteristically graceful and delight- ful manner last Saturday evenln , in honor of her son and guest, Dr. . E, Henderson, , home in the for arrest Monday. uThe engineering department of the college has recently been resented by chief engineer Blake of t s C. ,B. Q. R. R. with four valuable monographs written by Geo. S. Manson on the Bulo, Belle Foutaine. Nebraska City and lflattsmouth Bridges river. ~J. J. McFarland, One of the pic- users of South Franklin, who came to this country in ’55 and has witnessed and taken no mean part in the great deVelopment, was in town Wednesday, called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Torrance. The Hawk-Eye is grateful for a very pleasant call. over the Missouri The Doctor left for his 8 . as a standard of excellence able pastor of our M. E. church. After an historical sketch, of the various owers that have ruled in? India from the earliest days the speaker described clearly the present Indian government and the movement toward self~govern- ment there. He suggested that Presi- dent McKinley could get some valuable oints for the overnment of the hillipines from ritish experience in ruling over the Hindoos. ~The familiar name of J. S. Smith again appears in the advertising col- umn: of the Hawk-Eye, Mr. Smith having put in, as he expresses it, not a big but a nice little line of new and desirable goods, in the Myers’ room. Mr. Smith needs no introduction to Mt. Vernon and vicinity, where he has been familiarly known and confidently dealt with by a large business con~ stituency for many (years. Of recent years he has been evoting a great deal of his time and attention to the optical business and since receiving his degree of doctor in that science has been successfully littiug failing eyes with proper lenses. He will continue to make this a specialty in connection with his jewelry and watchmaking business. , —-—A genuine surprise party was pre- tratsd upon “Bob” Bait last Friday night, and the young people fortunate enough to be present say it was the most delightful of all the pleasant social af- fair that have graced this hospitable home. The house was turned over to them completely and they enjoyed it all as only such a merry crowd as this one was ‘could. "Bob", left Monday night enroute back to Join his regi- ment at Savanah Ga, and will undoubt— edly as service as the “49th” has al- ready been ordered to Cuba. A great crowd of his friends were at the sta- tion to see him ed and he must surely have left feeling that time had never flown as it had during his short fur- lough, but with memories of home and friends that can bring cheer to many a lonesome hour or trying time. —-—W. C. Stuckslager Es ., has chased of Mr. Smith a hal the line stock on Cloverland farm, the entlemen thus being interested as partners in the fine stock as well as banking business. Cloverland has been gradually built up by Mr. Smith along strictly high grade and scientific lines, both as to quality of stock and equip- ment and conviences until ithas amost enviable reputation, and is recognized of its kind. Future development is evidently planned for reater undertakings stlll and all ‘wh now the reputation of both the , and the new proprietors readily realize that this means some- thing substantial and a matter of pride to the community. Cloverland isideal. ‘1‘}; located and well adapted lor its purpose. re resenting property as good as gold do are 900 line. pur- interest in W- l Horton Kyle, agents for New Process Laundry. Bring your laundry Monday or Tuesday or we will have one of our canvassers call for it. Cabinets $3 per dozen, at Mee's Sltudio, Mt. Vernon. All work first c ass. The “Little Giant” suits for boys aged 7 to 16 years, are the best in the world. Sold by Rood & Young. All kinds of Violin, Guitar, Mando- lin, Banjo, Antonin-p and other strings at the Book Store 0 ' W. G. Power. They wear like leather—those Black- Cat stockings. Buy them from ‘ Rood & Young. The best line of New York shoes in this part of the globe, at Horton & Kyles. We are showing all the latest novel: ties in men’s and boys' sweaters. Rood & Young. Gasoline stoves, new 01' second hand cheap at. Chambers 85 Herrick’s Try the Ascot muffler—tho very lat- est; convenient and comfortable. Rood & Young. We are showing a grand line of boys' and children’s overcoats. Roofers, Junior and Vestee suits—strickly new and the latest out. Rood & Young. a: ..Dr. Wm. A. Seele .. ,x Has had twenty-five years experience in the diagnosis of disease. He is a thorough Osteopath and Chiroprac- tic. Acknowledged by those compe- tent to judge to be one of the most skilled operators in the field. With this combination he .....Cures Aher All Others am ram... as the hundreds of patients treated will most gladly testify. He is the oldest, most experienced and suc- ccssful Osteopath in this section of the country. Call and be convinced. 00N§ULTATIDN ABSBLUTELY FREE. Write for literature. Give history of your case. Correspondence an- swered promptly. . . Permanently located in BEDAR RAPIDS, anA Rooml and 2 Central Block. Opposite Grand Hotel Stationery and Artists’ Material. Town and Country School Books. \\ m u—I—-—'—- ~ ‘ is to furnish a first class Book Store, and Our Alm we hope to merit and receive your patronage. W. G. FOLDER SNOSNEIAELLS 'a 'u 112 ssnp ism mansions Barbuda}; '319 common, .IoAus Sunnis ‘sugdspns ‘maloonaq ‘sfiuu u! sfiuiln 189112! sin .10; SJounnb -pnoq am am 19in .ioqtuowoJ mg (IVEIH HIIOA NO (INVIS LNOCI IETY. JUST WHAT YOU WANT THAT IS GOOD TO EAT. FINE LINE OF JARDINIERS. USE CLEAR QUILL FLOUR FOR HOLI. DAY BREAD. 7i i l i 7i 7i as VYR'WR’WRYRN number - recs run undsy. ‘ RTON "on. God Our Stock is bound to go. Their is ’nouung like a Slim Figure to put I. motion. We bought cheap, we sell ch. We do business to live, we live‘to do .. ai and the way to do it is to offer the Very of goods at prices that make them jump. t '1 Wi Commencing Right Now gee we are going to give bargains to all V until the goods are gone. Where doyouc ' . in on this big chance? Their must be $0. 1’" thing you need in Our Line of W1 sh: DRESS GOODS. UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, 110st; u, MUSLINS. OILCLOTHS. YARNS. FANCY Goons. eh SHIRTS AND TABLE LINEN S. THEIR CAN’T BE A BETTER TIME OR PLACE TO BUY. w. H. GOUD Butterlck Patterns.