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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 9, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 9, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i ! i m~)ted facilities for tbe passage ofembassy, I responded, under the authority ili~.ed Statqs revenue cutters from conferred by the act of March 3, 1893, by ~akes to the Atlantic coast by way commissioning and accrediting the actual ---~adian canal and the St, Lawrent:e representative at St. peters~mrg in the ca- ~lle vessels had reached Lake On- parity of ambassador extraordinary and e to li were there awaiting the opening plenipotentiary. The Russian ambassador nica~B.tion when war was declaned be- to this country has since presented his cre- ~rn-~e United States and Spain. Her dentials. n'})f~ government thereupon, by a )sDe~lieation of the latter part of ADril, CZAR'S PEACI~ PROPOSAL. c~nl~pat the permission granted hot'ere d ~eak of hostilities would not be An Assurance Given of OurReadlnes. caIt|ssvn, provided the United States io Take Part In the Convention. ar~nt gave assurance that the ves- con~ estion would proceed direct tomThe proposal of the czar for a general re- ct'~tates port without engaging In duction of the vast military establishments ~*t~iltlle operation. This government that weigh so heavily upon malay peoples and i agreed to the stipulated eondi- :onsll~eing understood that the vessels in time of peace, was communicated to this ffovernment, witl] an earnest invitation to [SChiSt be prohibited from resisting any be represented in the conference which it ere~ttack. rni~t~e Canadian Nel~otlatlon~. is contemplated tO assemhle with a view wa~ give me especial satisfaction if I to discussing the means of accompiishin~ neaJia~uthorlzed to communicate to you so desirable a result, tits majesty wa~ at the~bie conclusion of the pending ne- once informed of the cordial sympathy of ~rea~l~[~s with Great ~ritaln in respect this government with the principle in- n ia~llomlnion o Cavada. It is the ear- solved in his exalted proposal, and of the tme~Dh of this government to remove all readiness of the United States to take part ~ utL~ of discord and irr]tatfOC in our ma~ with the neighboring dominion, in the conference. The active military ]l~de between the two countries is force of the United States as measured hy a. mtly increasing, and it ts important our population, territorial area, and tax- be~ countries that all reasor.abie fa- able wealth, is, and under any conceivable xtr~hould be granted for its develop- prospective conditions mast continue to be, in thne of peace so conspicuously less than nesel ritil~ ~ that of the armed powers to whom the ntrom~NEXATION OF HAVCAII. czar's appeal is especially addressed, that the .pestles can have for us no proe ieal ~ssl " dent lleeite~ lhe Sit~ation importance save as marking an auspicious ~'l~iih Reference to the Islands. step toward the betterment of the conditiou of the modern peoples, and the cultivation ~ot ~g the consideration by the senate of peace and good will among them; but in'treaty signed June 16, 1897, by the this view it behooves us as a nation tolend ed.~en-t'iartes of the United States and countenance and aid to the beneIicent ~ctn~e'pugiic of Hawaii providing for the project. on ' . ns-t~[[tton of the islands, a Joint resolution Claims Against Turkey. ~he ~pltsh the same purpose by accept- The newly accredited envoy of the United lat~ offered concession and incorporat- States to the Ottoman porte carries in- nerl~ ceded territory into the union was structions looking to the disposal of mat- t .~l by the congress and approved ters iu controversy with Turkey for a num- ber of years, lie Is especially charged to art~lSfS. I thereupon dh,~eted the press for a Just settlement of our claims for 7j-e~States steamer Philadelphia to con- indemnity by reason of the destruction of Pottt~tr Admiral Miller to 1-Ionolulu, and the property of American missionaries ~alil~d to his hands this important leg- resident in that country during the Ar- et, to be delivered to the presi- menlan troubles of 1595 as well as for the e republic of Hawaii, with wlmm recognition of older claims of equal just- al and the United States minis- ness. He is also instructed to seek an ad- autI~orized to make appropriate Justment of the dispute growing out of the ref~ sal of Turkey to recogi ize the ace uired eiti: ;enship of Pit( man-bor ] perso as 1i atur- al.2ed in the Unit,~d States since I:L, ~,ith- out prior imperial consent; and in the same refusal of TurR ey to recognize the acquired citizenship of Ottoman-born persons natur- al.zeal in the United States since 15t3, with- out prior imperial consent; and in the same general re]atiou he is directed to endeavor to bring about a solution of the question which has more or less acutely existed since 1~69 concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in matters of criminal procedure and pnnlshmen~ under article IV of the treaty of 1830. This latter difficulty grows out of a verbal difference, claimed by Turkey to be essential, between the original Turkish text and the pro- mu!gated translation, After more than two years from the appointment of a consul of this country to Erzeroum he has re- ceived ills exequateur, Great llritain and Venezuela. The arbitral tribuna~ appointed under the treaW of 1Pebruary, I~S7, between Great Britain and ~ enezuela to determlne the boundary line between the latter and the colouy of British Guiana is to convene at Paris during the present month. It.Is a source of much gratification to this gov- ernment to see the friendly resort of arbi- tration applied to the settlement of this controversy not alone because of the earn- est part we have had in bringing about the result, but also because the two members named on behalf of Venezuela, Mr. Chief t ndard relat as our men MOUNT VERNOhr HIAWK'EYEo --~ A IdLa.eeAg,alr~st[Flre'~ . II I II s a ed ey standard[ meat of postmaster, where lt SOLVING ~HI!~ ~UR~ ~EIr' ~'~ IbiIIt['' now and to that of our commercial rtvals[ was eatuv oeterminea that the l)unnc m- -- / After a ten davs' fi~ht to avoid death th ii Is generally recognized. The comranion[ treereS~es~OUifl be bes%subsew::al~Ot ?xy" ~'2~.-Ig.J~ U~" "~'I::LN ~UJWI.'IDI~'I crew of a stesnt'er t~m Spain recentl? ar~- proposition that out" domestic paper cur-I . g at.o.n ~ut x tun t,~ v~ erienctd m n fa'millar wPu ~rv branch ] rived m Baltnnore. in mtdocean ~twasdia- reneY shall be kept safe and yet be so re- [ p ' e " ev~ . . . . lated to the needs of our industries cud [ of the service, and this policy was steadily This Is Vehat I. Now llelng Done on,eoyered that flames were raging m the yes- internal commerce as to be adequate an,}, ] followed. :When the territory which was "~--~-'les -* ] ~eFs ho}d. For ten long days the crew brave- responsive to suci] needs is a proposition[ the theater of conflict came into our pos r [ly fought the ilames, if nlen would fight as I ]~ t1~| I~ scarcely less important. The subject, in allI se~s~o~, ~it became necessary to %e~t~bl~s~ Veestern Canada perslstent|~," against disorders of thestomaeh its parts, Is commended to the wise con-I t" - u - -- ~ ~ o, ~.~ ~ aswenasto provme nero tor.o rtorees 'e " at f s inS11@ 74~ sideratlon o the congress. ~ m~ a L, s .or e.~ a n m,~-ttve o--~-~ +~e-~ ,---l~ b- fe-'~- of oceupatlo ~, and ,be former requ rement The rapid progres's that ~s being made,in mat,utede, hs. ,I he best ~ve~pon or ~uch M A l=t 1 T i M'~)~-:~f-N EE D E D. ! was met through the extenMon and anpii '~ I a ngnt IS ~los~etter s ~tolnacn ~)i~ters. it IS I eat'ion of the lal,er obligation. I gav~-tbe in the settlement ol the x~rtlte prairies [ the greatest of tonics, and the best of reme- The Aequiren~ent of Foreign Terrl-/ reciuislte authority, and the satne general of western Ganada is lcadinlg'2o then~-/dies for kichaey, liver, bladder and blood dis- tory Compels Its I'rompt Adoption ~ i)/Iqnc:~ee was cax~)lie:dt~n~ht~ ~to l~ther vestigation 0f its resources by those,orders. - " The annexation of I-/awaii and the } military occupation. The d~talls are interc,stc4 In having provision made for,"C~-r- is a man in this town so s' n~v that Are you frequently hoarse? more I articularly g~v n m the eport of " ' " w ' st :for changed relations of th~ Unltcd States to ~ ,h tm.~; 1 ~n .1 ~.qe *~-'-.or~" those hvm.g in the ere dcd. ea,| he won t talk any more ttlan he has tn. on DO you have that annoying Cuba, Porto Bico and the I'hilippines, re-~ ""~ e.-~ x "* s eth I" sh ~ulting from the war, compel tbe prompt [ is only just begun, it is pleasing to be able those who have been strugghng for,account of x~arlng out In te .-- X a",ticklingin your throat? Would to say that the service in the territory -"~"'s on ~-,-,w-~i=hed f'trms for the[ ington (~a.) l~emocra~. adoption of a maritime policy by tl;e[ which ,as come under our c,ntrol is al- 2 t" yOU feel relieved if you could United Sta~es. There siauld be establ!sl~ed,reafy materially improved, renter who is unable any longer to bear [Give the (3nildren a Drink. raise something? Does your regular and frequent steamship eommm:l- [ ~ ~-~-~y up nnder the strain imposed by the called Grain-O. It is a delicious appetizing, cation encouraged by the U~:i:ed States,"lt'It~ landlord, and for the farmer who us- I nourishing food drink to take the place of cough annoy you at night, and under the Ame{iean flag, with the newly-| " " ' ' l acquh'efl islands. Spain furnished to ins,Recon~mendattons of Secretary Long able to pnrchasc farms for his sorts iu coffee, bold by all grocers and hkcd by a I do you raise more mucus ia colonies, at the annual cost of about $2,009:,Receive Execatlve A---royal " ] who have used it, ])ecause when properly the morning? ~o, ~t, amsiHp lines communicating with,- - - t.J ills 0vcn ne~gn,nornoou 1my ~o ~,ooK I prepared it tas~tcs like the finest coffee bnt a portion of the world's markets as welt[ The foHo~ Ing recommendatlons of the aronnd for lower priced lands. The in-l~s t?ree from all its injurious properties. Then you should ahvayskeep seer t tr'~ OItn~. nav~relative tO the In ~ ~r ~s with trade centers of the home gov-| . ,' e'~ : ~ " " - ,o~tlr~a~in, shows that it is imno'ssible I Grain-O aid:~ t, gestion and strm .t} ens tl'e Oil hand a bottle of ernment. The United States will l:ot an-| t~ t- "" . dertakec to do lleess. It is our duty to fur-] creaSe~rox al of the naxy have my earnest ap- ,o meet." tnese'" ema muons fuI'~y 1 .nerveS'.r, an'It ~s ,net a stunulaut, bUts .a,health~ c nish th: I)COp of tfawail whh fac',iltics '", . .~ ~ ~ [ bmmer, fl emlarcn, as we la.'anult:, all ~.~ ~. ] Threese( gem~ sheathed and copl~crnd on~s e of We tern Canada Already rink it ~ith teat benefit Costs ab ut as under national control, for their exporkand [ ' . - - ~ - . ] ~ g 0 import trade. It wiii be conch deal thai'the [ battleshu~s of about 1,LDO0 tons tttai dis- millions of bush.els of wheat are being much as collop 15 cud 25e. present situation calIs for legislation wl~ich I placement, carrying the heaviest armor ~ -, +~ ~.h ~ h;ro a~ ~-~-" I --- --~--- shall be promp,', duraMe and lih~raL The end most powerful ordnance for vessels . " '. . ~ I As soon as a baby haslearned tr, talk it be- par~ which American merchant vess~,l~ a~d i of their class and to hnve the highest prac- as 50f 00 head ot cattle w, ere snippet comes n~ce~~-" "-- ,~ k .~ ~ ,',: = c- ;~arj, ~o traeu I~; ~0 1c~0p quiet.- their seamen performed in the war with ] tical).e speed and great radius ot actmn: OUt th~s year.A representative of the Puck. ni both pickets o l tl.e soeo d l e,erie 7- 2::?::2";o of defcnsa, is a national necessity, andt 's {0e P should be ncouragod in every constitu- o e . m ez of bout S P State~ recently made a tap through r ' ' tlonal ~/ay. I)ctai~s and method~ for the t n~ ,~'~ ~c,~rr~:lnc~ the heav'~s{ armor "and " ] the North- ~ esters IAne will sell homeseek- aceompI~A]ment of this purpose are dis-} m<.st'po~,crful'ordnance for vessels of their Manitoba, AsMniboia, Atberta and I ors' excursion tickets, with favorable time cusscd in the report of the secretary ef the ] class and to have the highest practicable Saskatchewan, where He the free ~ov- I limits, to numerous points in the ~Vcst and treasury, to which the atter, tion of con- ,speed~ and great radius, of action. Esti- ~, . . ~ ~' I ~.~o,th- .~nt e.--~-*ionallv- .~ --1,-" .'t~e.~- + ~ .'orl' riCK-+ t- gross is respectfully invited, mated cost exc,usive of armor and arms- ernment lanes oI we tern Canada, and I . "~-~. o m,~t e~ 0~,)'0n~ e~ch . . I cts amt full ~ntot'ma~mu apply to agents ~, ~. in a ~uture issue wm appear extracts ~ Chica~o & North Western R"" TItS STANDING AItMY. 3. Three sheathed ano copperea protectea " . I s " z- cruisers of about 6,000 tons trial displace- trom haltering to'tiers contrtoutea ~o ']['he Importance of Its Incrca.ue I. ment; to have the highest practicable the, Germani,aarrdother,~nersbvbhelr] Coughing Leads toConsumDtlon. ~p~e(1 and great radiu:~ of'action and to . . ~'"~" ~ I ~^.~ ~ ~I m ~^ *1~r k o~ - Pointed Ont. " " ia .x~ p o ~ ~ ~vvv v~u-$, ~ c~rrY the nlost powerful oranance suitable spec. i corr~sFOnoents ~ . . Under the act of congress approved for vessels of theirolass. Eatimatedcost, As an ind cement:forlm a s o April 26, 1898, authorizing the president in exclusive of armor anu armament, $2,150,000 .~ : I ~,t,~ u,~,= ~. ~-~ e cents. Go at once; delays are dangerous. his discretion, upon a declaration of war each make ttle~r nomes ~n t;an~ada, tne ~ana- ]f y0tl hflvc a We~l~ ! con~ 'ess 2 incr ase xlmm of There are ements for transferring the sever- hy congress, or a declaration by congress 4, Six sheathed and coppered crutsers of dian government offer~ ]60 acres of --- : about 2,500 tons trial displacement; to have Life is what we make it, but there are throat you cannot be too of the islands to the United States. that war exists, r directed the increase the highest speed compatible with good lalld free of cost to each settler, andin- as simply but impressively accom- of the regular army to the maximum of cruising qualities, great radius of action form'ation can be had of agents of the people who do not even make their own carcful. You cannot begin on the 12th of August, last, by the C2,000, authorize4 in said act. There are and to carry the most powerful ordnance ltving.--Ram's Horn. treatment too early. Each i" of a certitied copy of the resolu- President Dole, v,'ho thereupon now in the regular army ~7,SC2 officers and suited to ~vessels of their clasS, Estimated ,governxnenL ------~- up to the representative of the gov- mcn, Ia said act it was provided "that cost, exclusive of armament, $1,141.800 each. qPo Care a Cold In One Da~ cold makes you more liable ,t of the United States the sever- at the end of any war in which the U.nited I join with the secretary of the navy In IIe Didn't Sit It Out. Take Laxative Bmmo QuinineTab]ot~ AlltO another, and the last itnd publlc property of the Hawaiian States may become involved the army shaii recommending that the grades of admiralHe was a fragile youth and didn't dance druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25e. one is always harder to be reduced re a pcace basis by the transfer and vice admiral be temporarily revived, all the dances. tat to the terms of the joint resolu- in the same arm of service or ahsorption to be /1Hod by officers who have specially "Let's sit it out," he said to hlsprettypart-] Had there never been a yowling feline cure than the one before ft in exercise of the attthority there- by promotion or honorable di;;eharge un- distinguished themselves in the war with Sl>ain. ne'r~'here?" she asked. [ we never should have known the price/ess ~erred upon me, I directed thet the der such regulations as the secretary of The ~ensns. worth of a catless night.--L. A. W. Bulletin. adicial and military powers there- war may establish of supernumerary corn- ~.~S~P~|0~'~I[~ ~xerclsed by the officers of the gov- missioned oflleers and the honorable dis-learnestlyur'Teuponcongre, stheimpor-~~:~ lift|.w,v~nj~ntrT~vcni,~h~t~ ~{~t~'~ ~a~6!l t of tha republic of tlawall should charge or transfer of supernumerary on- lance of early leglslatfon providing for the . ~ " " ' " ' ~ N cold--~ore and stiff. All right again. ~$ |~t ~ |~0~ e to be exercised by those officers listed men; and nothing contained In this taking of the twelfth census This is nec- St. Jaeobs Oil did it--cured. regress shall provide a government act shall be construed as authorizing tbe essary tn view of the large amount of work ~ ,~t,~ incorporated territory, subject to permanent increase of tile commissionedwhich must be performed In the prepara- ~Ioat barbers have tO "rake and scrape" I1.~ ~er to remove such officers and to fill or enlisted force of the regular army be- ties of the schedules preparatory to the H~ at Hand Ees. The president, of~cers and yond that ROW provided by the law in enumeration of the population, mg for breath. Ite cored notreply Hisfaee to get along.--L. A. ~V. Bulletin. !~ of the republic thereupon took the force prior to the passage of this act, ex- ---- was livid, his eyes were rolled up, and If you have any complaint [ allegiance to the Vnited States, cept ae to the increase of ~5 majors pro- P)~IN$ION~. one shaking hand he clawed feebly at the Limp and lame--lame back. St Xacoba 'priding for the nninterrupted con- sided for in section 1 hereof." e o~ all the adrnlaIstrative and The Importance of legislation fer theOver $144,000,000 Paid Oat Daring sk,!rts of his Tuxedo 0/] cures it promptly, surely, w~::~ra~n:c:eS~e :bane be~;" )al functions of the annexed terri- permanent increase of the arnw is there- Whatkindofanattackisit?'shegasped. m " i y : ntil congress shall otherwiffe enact, fore manifest, and the recommendation of the Year. At this question,his voice came back to Nothing emits a worse odor than a tainted sibly obtain, write the doctor reputation.--Chicago Daily News~ freely. Yo~ will receive & Wing the further provision of the the secretary of war for that purpose has There were on the Pension rolls on Juno htm~vhat difference does that make?" he prompt reply. my unqualified approval. There can be no 30, 189,% ,q'33,714 nameS, an increase of near- Burning, itching fruat-bite; Use St. Ja- esolutiOniom, of IIIlnots;I appointedjohn 2".H n'Morgan,ShelbYof question that at this time and probably ly 1S,0~ over the number on tbe roils on the harshly growled. Then, without a word of A44res~ DI~. J. C. A~ER, in: P, obert R. Hitt, of Illinois; San- for some time in the future, 100,u00 menwill same day of the preceding year . Theapology he dashed up the stairs and flung cobs Oil--cures promptly. Cools the fever. Dole, of Hawaii, and Walter F. be none too many to meet the necessities af Hawaii. ae commissioners to con- of the situation. At all events, whether amount appropriated by the act of Decem- hi~ns~f~ontO twhaes g:hn:]te:ken;sw~l~aL~O~mvas an ][~l~tlt recommend to congress such legls- that number shall be required permanently her 22, 1896, for the payment of pensions Where a woman coaxes a man threatens. Justtee :b'uller and" Mr. Justice Brewer, the Itawailan islands as chosen from our highest court, appropri- or not, the power should be given to the for the fiscal year 189S waa$140,00~,000. Eight ordinary carpet tack that the man who can . --Chicago Daily News. president to enlist that force if in his dis- million seventy thoUSand c~lght hundredva~ed the stairs had carelessly left stand. --~ deem necessary or proper. The ately testify the continuing interest we feel eretton tt should be necessary and the and seventy-two dollars and forty-six cents ing on its head?--Cleveland Plain Dealer. fulfilled the mission .in the definitive adjustment of the ques- furth-r d'~cretion should be ~iven him to -- . ~ ~ ~ --. -. ~,~-^u ~. - them their, repOrts will beielaide tfon. according to the strictest rules of Jus- .~e^~"'~*~.u,~ ~ ~'~'-+~'~ ~'he" above, li"~'+ ~.~ ~-^~" .+he 1898was poser oenemnciea~U~ a~mV~army ~,pen O~, Deafness Cnnnot Be Cn~ed at an early da . It is bel v d tree The British members Lord Herschell o ' " inhabit nts of the islands with the g v eats h sum of 12 n ti ~s ve he ' " sions and rep~ym in t o $ ,- by local applications, as they cannot reach recomme da o . will ha t and Sir Richard Collins are jurists of no ~ ~,h~ e -h~-"~d 7 ^ ;:~ ~. ' --*~, ~- -~,~ a~9 ~ 7~ ~v~. due to the t a ~,~ u~u ~,~ ma~mg ~. ~u~, ~t ~x~ - the disease~] portion ol the ear. There is mideratmn magni u e less exalted repute while the hfth mem- n- ' TII'I~- ,-. - '-, It is ny pnrpose to muster out the e ab!efbr ther)aymentofl~naton~duringtho r~es~on~l~.~ere~It~ognU~?no~ose ~rr~e~sPr~la~trl.2:dt~ew~rolr~l~ A~. V'u+l~e tire vo anteer army as soon as the con- fiscal year 1~98. The amount dlsbursed from only one way to cure deafne~, and that is - . e rep ~a- gross shall provide for. the increase of the that sum was $14~,651,879.~ leaving a bal- by constitutional remediee. Deafness is tciilc land.~ to our nome umon as will tt0n as an authority upon mternationat regular establishment This will be only an~ ~f ~ct 43I 012 99 uneXne{aded bn the 30th caused by an inflamed condition of the mu- both in the h~ghes~ de ree reahzi g law. * ^o ~ustice and will be much a~re "~' ' ' :" ~a ' as an ac " of June 1~8 wmcn was covereo rote the opus lining of the Eustaehian Tube. When |t been Arneric xns that th plratlons of the commm its" that h hardens and %Va~te of War. elated hy the brave men who left their trea~ur~" ' There were ~ names added tothin tube ~etS inflamed you have a rumbling glt s lot ~ith us and elected to hare our h the coun ~', nemtage- " wnne ar tne samos t~me'" The.t experiences of the la~t~ year. bring homeSin itand employments to nip - the rolls" during the Year by special acts sound or imperfect hearing,- and whenitis ~ n~tton of dyspeptics" ~nd it is true in " -- - 'r i ht' f -hose who for forc~ )ly some to us a sense of the burdens try s emergency, passed at the secona session of the Fifty- entirely closed deafness is th~result, ann the IO es gt O t ~a~ters~'~:" " of a centmy- nave- " iOOKeU to and thetwaste of war. Wedeslrein corn- fifth congress m~tklng atotalof 6,486 pen- t SeWent(re|y fr rom disor r$ . - ~ - = . " - ~ . men wi h most civillzed natlons to reduce ~ p ~r:s~,~c ~A~I,WAY~ ~ions by congressional enactment since unless the inflammation canbe taken out slmnatienevttable consummatlon, t riawan aSinaharmonyna~urat ~;staine~ *" t~e 1-w*~tCn.dme -OS.ialffi~v,~a~ g ee~aeabgee' ,~ ,~,~, . q,~, . and this tube restored to its normal con- the dt ,estiv trait, Indigestion. D),spepsi , , dition, hearingwill he destroyed forever; I I ,ur needs.and in fulfillment of our trade and commerce. It l'stru~YwP~a,s,f~ ~ ~ ~ . Plan AdoDted for Making the Gee- The Pa, ents Office. nine cases of of ten are caused bycatarrh, I %tom th xnd trouble,ar f.onstlp t,on. ' led tradttmns, fer in such cases less than -thor corn ernment Secure. The total recetpt ot the patent office which is nothing but aninflamed condition] . ~e treextment these dise .ses . ~ questlons heretofore pending be- ~;+ies but ~ll nations are d=,~a~ea .JX=~ ~ ~ during the past year Wore $1,2M,948.44. The r'~ Hawali and Japan, growing out of ~r~le~'s by the state of unea~ne~ and'~~- **tla my ms~annuat message ~s~a~eu: ~uvexpenditures were $1,081,~.79, leaving a of the mucous surfaces. '1 "~lleged mistreatment of Japanese prehension into whichanoutbreak'ofho~- t~nlon t'acmc ranway, mamnne, wassom surplus of $172,314.S~. Wewill~iveOneHundre~lDollarsfor.any] with c th rtic mcdi(.tn 5 too, often I k~ immigrants, were, I am pleased totill~i~"throwstheentirecommerc~alwortd under the decree of the Unlted States court ~of Deafness (~auslKI by eatarrn ~hltt I ~]~djusted before the act of transfer by It slaould be our object, theref0~e, to rain" for the district of Nebraska, the 1st and TtlE pUBLIC DOMAIN. cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure~ [ ~r&v~t~$ t rouble. ;~Yment of a reasonablelndemnityto lmiz~ as far as practicable, this inev- 2nd of November of this year. Theamount "---"-- ~end for circulars, free. I Tt'l k.06|-ArC l ~Yernment or dapan. . . liable losS and disturbance Thls pvr- due the irovsrnment consisted of the prin- More Than 8,00@,000 Aores gold Dur. F.J. Chenev & Co Toledo, O. [ ~"~ier the provisions of the Joint reselu- pose ea~ ,rebabl~ be best accomplished ~--- m rel tto ~ ~ ctpat or, tne suosmy oonas, ~,t,z~u at,~, =uu tng ~,~ x~r. 8old, b~ Druggists, 7~e. [ L e exlst|n custo s a na of the, b an Into ~.Alan lshlntgls with the United I~ta~t~ ! ~ lbrivate '.~o~tl~l~latgu;ee2se2tetm p~etg::d the ace~ed lnter.est ther~n 1~1,211,~1.~ The public lands dlsD0~ed Of by the g0v- Hall*/family rills are the l~st. t ~With other countries rematn us-capture ordestrdetion b~ the forces of Lmaking the total maebteuneas W~h~td~,zz~.'~b. I ernment during the year reached 8,4~,- ~ed until leglslatlon shall otherwise belligerent nowe~ Tho-~nited ~t~ bl4at the sale covered the first mort- ~S692 a-.T - ": -'af~,~8 acres Chmaea ~, ~, I . : l th emedy thbt ~ill build up ,n, f tnl ,$v$;tltm, ::tnercbv . en ,b|i the ie. 'l~he co. suls o Hawail, bere.~n.d, government has for m~y ~!en and the entire mortgage claim of] over th --ts A Kentucky man reeen~Iy m.a~eI~ 't~L|, N~l'tOkl$ ie~gn eountmes, continue to tumu their this humans andbl~l~flc@ t~.~ .t~,~'ll~t, principal and Interest.' ] from p~ r iercial a~-encies, ~:hile. the . Un.lted I Paeilie case .uncon- t ~--^ J,~~ ~nddsughtsr of a wom~ who oa~ ~ V intense0 they should, l - -- -=oao~me~sm~t~me~-T r~e~oftbe eoure m that! Orae,oUs; w'bat a v geance ount3 Dr N ttl,lxras P,nk, ersaryi~ea 1 (,thel)l~pe,t~ was|$190.0~3. --:e :'' -~eake'where thevengeane' ''~:~e~ci~O is''l ~ re~ It W ;~.lgl~la tO the [ lands e - " - : " ' "" ';"" " I ~Ign e~hsu].ln t,It,' lien. [ tion~ which were s6$'~L~ll~bf Pi~, :2;~Op e ~el'e is thq prO0[, receive new exequa curs Irom thls/~~le at the ihstgnce of the government,June 4 1397 again became subJec~ to the ~ , ~i~ment:. . |~anent ] was postponed first to Decem-lmr 1~, 1897, I o~erations ~f the ,Dl-Oelamatlnl~ Of Feb- W'hy~ he will be able to addre~ the w~m- ] In ~t ~mam fews~Miersmom popular and e0iclent than Max client'.on of congress i~ called to the |~ [ an-d in-tel~ upon the applf~atlon of the [ r~a'rv 22 1897 creatin~hem, which added an who had once refused him as 'grand- | ~at, our consular offices having ceased|~e~-~tate~was postponed to February,an estimated' amount ~ 19,9~i~0 acres to mother.' "--Cleveland Plain Dealer R. Parley, first ~aat of Co. B. His home is at ~6 Third Avenue. ~or ~l, St in Hawaii and being about to cease [~'--~-l-t~tv-ing-satlsfied myself that the [ the area embraced in tlte reserve previous-,fo~r ym~rs hewaa abookkeeper w(th thewhol ~aledrughou~eofFarrand, ~er countries coming under the sov-[~~ta o~f'~iae~-overnment reouired that l ly created~ In addition thereto two new 4~llty of the United States, the provt- [ made to obtain a larger re,~erves were create4 durln the year-- Plan Ob|~otlon, [ Williams & ~arkl cud he says: "I have charged up many thousand ~ f'or the rel.'ef'-and tran~p0rtation oft "~ire~teci-the Secretary of the tress- [ the Pine Mountain an~l Zacatake reselWe "Would that I had a hundred lives to I ordersfor Dv. Williema' PlakPllis for Pale People, but never knew their ~hte American seamen in these coun-| ~d~'-- the act passed~/arch 3 1887 to In California en;abraclng 1.644,594 acres and - worthuottlItmedthemforthecqmofchronicdyspepsta. For two years ' Under our consular regulations wih I ' ' ' '~U~ouf teo~s |i~l~ ~ev. ipa~-.outoffhetreasurytothepersonsen.[theDreacottreservemAr,ona, embraelng give for your sake, heexclaimed [ ;~7=?~ u-y:,?y ~, ,:. ate ~ zs. proper, / ~~ [ tried to receive the same the amounts due [ 10 240 acres" while the PeCoe River reserve "Don'tyou think," ~he asked, coldly, "that [ I suttered a~l doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only be -~re that new tegtsmuon snouts ve ~e n i " ' e nd en thatwou[d rather overwork the foolkiller?' [ help~dtemporarlly. . ' upo all or mortgages upon the eastern in New Mexico has beer effang d a - in order to meet,of enid ra,lroad out ] larged toInclude al~e0,~add~tol~g~l~ ;~r:,a ~chan-ged condition. [~y'-fft'o-ne~;'i~a" the treasury not other-[ Attheclose.ofth tY~. ~ "f^~n~= He left without even stopping to brush the ] "Ithlnkdyspepststsoneof'themontstubbomofatlments, sndthere I O|TH. I~.~LqPR/kD-":'- -- r Whereupon the attoro [ tions, not Inctuumg ~e v~ ,~- ,~ duct from the knees of his trotmers,--~h~ ~ a~are ly a clerk or of~ce mac but what la more o~ le~ a victim. Some l ~t~ltt la.~.'r~tAut'l'lON LA%VS. ~~ivedl n ey. ~.nera.l prepared a petition to be pro- ] forest and the fish culture reserve In ~ Post. days I could eat anything, wh{Ie at other tilmes I would be starving. 1 " ~ F~-to'"the~court offering to redeem said I Alaska had been created by executive Lane's l~amlly Medicine. Thc~ d~ pain~! wonld fm' t~ me to quit work. I have tried many ~e from Mexico of a Termination [~rlor liens !n Stlch manner as the court [ proclamations under.section 24 of t.he act ' trmatm~(# and remedl~jbut they would help only for a time. A friend I[~ the Term. of the Convention ~,lreo~ a~d praying that thereupon[of March 3, 1891, emoraclng an estimateu Moves the b0wele each day. Inorder t0 inducedme totry Dr. Williams, FiakPills farPal People, snd after tuk- 6~ ~nere w~ ~UA~V~=t~U ~,~ux ~ " the f40719474 cres be healthy this is neees~ary. Aetsgentlyo.n . ~,United States might be held to be area 0, a I. Interpre.tation of certain prO vmlo~s I ~tted t~:aat~ the rights of said prior [ the Iiver and kidneys. ~uros aiek head- / tiaga l~d~a I found much relief and afterustng.veralboxes Iwaa extraoltton conventmn ox ~)ecem- I $~nt- ~ lien h~olders and that a receiver migfit ba [ THE INDI iNS ache.Price 25 and f~c. . eur~. I know them pills will cure dyspepmta nf its wo~t form and I am Ill, 1861, has been at various times the' ~'e~'t'o'.t~t~te possession of the mort~- I ~," " plaled to recommend th~l~"--Dttr#~ (M~.).A,s~ML ~lo.n of .controversy w!t.h the govern- [ ~remd~l~t~2d ma.intain and operate,The Cond't,on O' '" R,eO Sl~*~r, ~l* ~Phu !I, Mat,lb. o[ Iklexi co: An acutc umerence arose ~ de-] ~.n~ un~u ~ne court or congress omer- 1 ro AIgernon--I~ what month were you--aw-- T~ t Uin aI ays bt~r~ the tat| ie case of the Mexican demand for the I ~Jrected Thereupon the reorgafllza-,~arl~eu ~- I non committee agreed that if said etltion n re s ~ry of Jesus Guerrera who havingt ~n ~hdrltm~twe~an~-:h .- P.~ I The special attentiO of the c0ng S IS bawn? ' those of the c i "ear b 24 212 068 w~tnoraw anu t e sate anowea to pro- Miss Keene--No matter. The approprlate,0I ~t~tt,or~ t4~ ~marauding expedition near the border I ~~wnan ~a th called to that part of the report o~ the seer th oclalmed ur ~,The total tax coiteccea on olsli~lea spirits ~t u~t x ~ --.~ ~ u.~, *u,~ ~ =u.~ the proclaimed p pose of .nitrating I ~'a~'~wl~l~awoui t retarY of the interior in relati0n to the live "stone is the diam~ad.--Jeweler a Weekly, I)r. /itlia i~l~sarrectton against Presides" Diaz ~o I ~%u,~ ~e.~,yp . ~ t=~?,~ to u~e svv" 1 n~te h~ ~- ~.oy,?~ ~.2', ~nt th~ entire principal Of Its debt $6 -,civilizes trmes, x~ m tny ~ If a woman has a dollar every man~hinks ~edintoTexa~. Extraditionwasrefused ~r 'g [,03,000. Believing ttiat no better nrlee coulcl,general condition of the Indians shows he is entitled to a share of it, and a lawyer ~l~e ground, that the alleged offense was ~'n~. ] be obtained ~nd appreciating t~ae dlfficul-,marked progress. Bat o~e ontbreSk of a ileal in its character, and therefore ~s u.nder wh!ch the government would [ serious character occurred during the year will take it all.--Judge. " ~fthin the treaty proviso of no, la ~ }vithtn t he tr e ,^c n2 ~~fi~should pecome the purchaser oft and that among the Chtppew~ Indl~ns ~of ~n~er. "~n e ~exman co.t~j:) .~ ~~e.roaa at the sate, In the ansence or any ! ~. ,o ~,~,~ high.lie ~** ~ sU,~- Wehavenot beenwlth~ut Ptso'eCure for ~the exceptfon2mY~ re!.ateo~}O purel~ ~e a ~ thority by congress to take charge of| ~.~:~'~4v~',;=~'; ff~ 4~ ~7~ ~onsum~tion ~or ~0 y e~tt~,--Lizzie Forrel, ~cal offenses, a n.a.tnar, as ~u=r.'~r.a's ~~per~te the road, I directed .fihat upon,~,~-~.-;. ~',~U,=~:J ,;i]- ~'1~ ~, ~.~;th~ Camp 8L, Harrtal~rg, Pa~, May 4, '~1~. YOU I.IVE ~ere admixed w. ith tnecommon,cnme ~~~larant~ Of- a mintl~tum tfld Which,"~,a~,~," ~,~' ~";~d~%,~'~, ~ ~,~1~=%;~.:~'~ th'e ilUrder, ~rson, Kl~uapzu~ ainu roDeery, ~v-~-~h$-gOve--,-a'.* +u^ "-I'~' a ~ " ~ #P ~,ptt0n: 9f. ~}onde l!very became void, a st~'oui~ro~e~dV'~,~ [ people of the Ind/an t:errltory @rid for 6ther . It is harder to do wro ng than right, if we ~, WHO' 9 it.ion which.this ~overnment was unable ~*~~'i'hi~-ffff~rnmo;.~ :.a a~n o]~/ purposes,'' It ts havlnl~:a smutary er~ec~ but ira~w it.--L. A. ~'.]~tlletin. k.' |F.~~.~ {,: ~mtt, in view of tbe received interna- ~,~370~0~Over ~.ncl" a/)~);e"th~ S~,~,upon the nations comp0~ns the five trlbe~ ~ ~i doctrine and practice in the mat- ~~th~"~r~:~ l~ad aYsa ,o ~o u~,~'~ / The Dawes commtsSl0n retmrt~ that tim ' a- A cruel pain--~iati0a. Its cure is earn. The Mexican go vernment, ;n wow of ~~-a-n~d%hich the reorganization corn-[most gratlfyiz}g re~It~ anq~eater a Use ~ Jae,obs Oil. ' : [ i.gave notice January 24, 18S8, of .the Sl~~rnltt'ee had deeiared w~s-*~,~ ma~tm,~/ vance towat a tne attammeptol:tnoo~lae~s llfiatlon of the convel lion, to take el- ~- th-e~" wouid ~:'f'or t~la'J,~;X-e'~,~" [ of the government& have:been seeur.e~ In ll2months from that date atthesame ~if~i~g~'~et that~,~',~f ~u]'(,~[the past year than in an~J previOus-year. Thebabys little game--Bawl.~Gold~~] ~Inv~Ing t he q0nclusien ~f a new con- th~o~ee~i'~'~,~ins+ *r,~"~r,~t'~n p~'[ I c~mot too strong)Y~ Indorse the recom- ~lon, toward which negotialions are ~n ~- y#t~ern-a~{~ t~-Ka~aSa'~e ~:is~ ,=: I mendatlon of the commi~lon and of the Days, ~.------- / ~t'the" ~v~elnmewt ha~~ r~ce~v'ed"o'n,secretary of the interior for the neceeSity A dull, racking vain--neuralgia. Its ~ | I! this reIation, I mav. refer to the ,neces~ ~} of- i~[ "s~l~,d.'~ ol~m ~*~o ~ ~ ~ e / of providing for the education of the ~.000 Cttre--~t. Jaeoba 0il u~ ~ ~,a, ,m,m,~,~,~ ~ ~ ~ ! of some amendment of our ex~st~ g I~23.75, a-n- increase of ~18 ~7 ~a~ 7~ eve-,white children residenttn the Indian terrl= .~--~-- ~dition statue Itls, acom mOn ~t~p- th~c ~ O~. sumwfilch t-h~reorganizattoncommit.[tory. . A peculiarity of the sea of l{fe is that gold] AR~ " k ; ion of such trestles that n~tner party th~y~tee origlnaIIy agreed to bld for the Joint| buoys a person up in it.---Detroit Journal |L.~'M.~&~I ~'~t,U~|-| :~ ' i be bou n~ to ~lvO up itS own citizens, ~~~ ngt $~o ~2~~ 'the government receivin~ its [ AI~|ES&IUAN ~'~a~s,l~. i the. adde~l P.r~vi~no .l~ one e our - '~h~le c-IMm, pr'tncipat and fnteresL'{n the,~ - - ' Cold guiekens rheumatism, but quickly, ] CLII~ER PLU [ r~els~r~:~ ~g ea~!~i;]~ ~!i!!.~taW~[~Pae[,tl~a}~lt may sur ~ea~il ' !~ ~u:t ~:~i~ ~iC~oa~'~e]i~!~ ' t~ Unlo~ Pacific and k he principal of its debt, A ltesnnleof theWo --ftheA.r,eul-acTtlh:e d?: a r~Finlats ~ ~y~a~r~/EI~x:pr:: rhe:: bee% surely, ~t Jacol~ Oil cures it) li COI~ER $~P~ ~L~DG]~ ~C~[~[~G la~U( ~1 i |~ '" ]jL ~d with legel auth?rity to act. Ti~e ~es~pa~"~Itn ace, ~pp~roved Jui'y 7 [been sent to many of the c0untrie~ of the TII]Z- A TS. VL[0{]t till O[|NQ[ : rr~ent to such antnority would be In S ia found 18~Sere ace - ~ ~lii ~i i~ ~rment.t s ucna}n~ . ' ~n-[ 1898, creating a c mmls~lon consisting of| eastern and western hemispheres-forseeds Ir.i(~.E~j~~ illne of that svu ~ morality wnicn ~. se cretar~ of the treasury, the at'of[ ana ~lants thatmavbO~,~efultotheUnlted lh~ affaO,h~i~~ secure asylum to ~-generai. "and the secretary of the'in-I .-,r nd w :'-further--" . io en NeW YOrk, VeC. fu | II'autbor o~, ,a nm; PUs crime Again~-an'd--tffelr Successors in office W,+~/ ~tates a ~tu me wew o~ v - LIVESTOCK--Steers $t.50 @ s 40 I ll. tpry2ro~:lston rn~.ght be well made for ~o-~:~r'~b~ettle the Indebtedness toting up markets for our ~urplus products. Hogs 385 @3U ] lit Is styleU extrau~t~on ov way of tran- ~ ] the government growt~ out of the ts~.~ [ The forestry dlvlsian of zne department is Sheep 2 50 (tY 4 ~5 / " ~ + ' FLOUR--Winter Straights 3 45 @ 3 55| ~.~~lt~vesurrenderedby one ~~s {najd o/eonstructl0n of the Cen-| giving special attention to tho treeless re- in ge~s~r~nhee'~e~r~nOtneLm.ay ~e con- ~~F cqfl~.:~ no Western racl~l~nonu.alded / glens of our country and Is introducing Minnesota Pa:tenta 3 75 @ 4 ~[ :May . 71%@ 71N | CORN--No. ~ 40~ @ 41 | u u~e net reterrea ,o WUL De uUtYof of the thontdeoi.ons athe EGGS--Western 25~,~@~ F~' i~: ~u, a """ 2.~'"F Z ~tle[dn ~net / partment is Inquiring i 0 the use n40 ~.a~.l,er~.ol.):;.::~.: ~1~ ~rWh~ ~O~ afflicted over tweaty ~ear$, ~, ~y thst Ouea Mexican water ~onndary suDmI~ congres~ Savegiven me more ~ a anyotqaer re t M e~!e,n w, t I~ou l~en~~lttea~,c lng-'Y~*' "~ervi . |abuse of water ln many atatee of the west CHEESE ====================== 9~@ i~i ~y I have ever triedL certainly rec~ M xlean w.a[er 0oundary commission ~n ,~ . .F^:'~ !' sty# ~ e and collating Information regarding the ~R-dju~t~d-aI,I matters submitted to it ~~al service ~he country ad-[laws states, Of ] mend them to my frte }eln~atl the~, m" ~ ~[~AN~ il~e-satisfaction of both governments ~thextr,ordinary growth. ~'lthin ]courts and the customs of the peopl, inthls,CHICA~O ll~l,nte," o 4~nD, ~.a,I] t 0h~2 ~m~et~h~ ~ Pin three important ca~es, tha.-f;~ '~'ears~o:th the~reven0esandt~eex e di regard sbthat uniformRYmaybe~eeured CATTLE--Christmas Beeves $5 85 @600 / | - p,'esent or reoemptton ,n go ana are " f h " P - ' - ltalsal at El Paso, Tex Where the two of the post office department have ] Experiment statlone are becomingm0re el- ] "re aa Steers ' 3 80 4 75 # r ~iss toners failed t0 agree, andwhere. ~e~hreefotd. In the tast ten years,feetlve every year. Theannualal)proprla-] St0ckers 275 .8?0 I ~ ~k~:~i~r~.h~e:~::~~~ B'Or thls case only, ihisgovernmenth~, ~avel~early,doublea. Our postal busi- / tlon of $270 000 by congress ls supp]emented l Feeders 380 ~4~ # ~sed. to Mexico-the addltion of a th.rd ~ . ~,~Y'~ ,~ er ot ~.e t.mceu ~aces note ~ r[re ness.grpws, much . more rap dly than our|by $400 000' from, the states. Natlon.wldoI Bulls 240 @410,eawl u~'b~r~s~. ~e~hool hour~g~ta~'ca~]r~~ ~ber; the prop~ged ehmination Of w,at~ 17o ~' . .~IOn~ ~ ~ow involvcs an expendl-]experiment, have been conducted to aseer-' HOGS~-LIght ::: 3 40 @,50,~!~oo~4:X,o~x~l~** e~d ~ ~nown a.a "Bancos," small isolated is- ~ ~,0~, 000 a ~'~eaz~^~umbers 73,000 [ taln the suitableness as to soil and elimato I Heavy 3 40 C@ 3 52~ I formed b the cutttng o11: ot be- s post omens an~ enrolls ",0u eou emDlo~ es land stat-~ -- ~rawtn~ su~n~ u.~ q'ho I SHEEP 2 00@0 4 40 ] " . :! ~, " ~, e Rio Grande, from the ot ez, atton o- : g0v rnment a U'nited States. note, With-, Th s remarkable exte . lon of a ser:, ice number . dauhl d t [ BUTTER--Extras "20 @ ')1% I out laying gold in exchange for tt "lhe h is an ex In thepast two years and the ability of the [ Dairies 13@ lb ! the commiSSiOners and approved by ~hls i ~2spr~2nts g~,at~,y)ng evmence ot ] United States to produce its" own sugar ]~GG~---Fre~h 22 @ 22,~ / ~o,~1~~'~~ ~rnment. but still under consideratioh ~a v aneerne.n.t of eaucatmn, of th~ in-/from this source has been clearly, demon- [ POTATOES--New (per bu.). 26 ~ 3( I -""--- ~ . ~a~a*~ I~r~'./.~%h-2Z.' 'ex,cO, a- ~ -.eJeCt u~ ,-~ tumta-",t~. ~ t " . crease, of communication and nnslnessl ac- strated. - PORK--January ~ ~$2~ ~~, Ir t &Et, T tistribution of the waters of the Rio~ guse~eeern'pt on of United Stz~tes notes--a non- tivity, and of the Improvement of mail/[ q~h~*, hn,~ or.oa.* .rid .h ] LARD--January t t~ @ 4 17% / u a, evermclmll.weuen, or t*r,pe, l~e ~e,~. ~ch 4 interest bearin~ debt Surely it should not i es ea r on - - RIBS--January 4 62t/a@ 4 65 O tbel C stantly aug- |servl~tior~-sl:a'tlot~s-~a~tv'e b%e~l" extende'(l [ GRAIN--~Vheat, May 65~/sa0 66~ [ .pl~a~nt, P.alataM~ P-~,~nt, V$.~.~d. DO ~e~ed]~r,~l?~xi~o,ended an inte nationa~ dam a-d rose I r a5 t again e.xcept on uemanu anu menttng use " | r,:, r- o- .old If h re u " around the Caribbeau sea to give early hut sull under ] ~ntin Demand, of th, War. [warnlng of the approach of hurricanes 19ecemb~r : "5,~q~~:~'. | tnls ,~a ~ ~-~ *- --~--*,--- ~ L-.x.v ~u er~tion bygovernment P~ d he r f, neceoo: : .o I :pain lal andexc0p- [f om t sea to ,eels,rid mer- Corn. 1 o avm vm comrn o ," "^" I na[ lab'ors, on thee post omce department,caant marlne Oats, May 26q,g mW, sls -Fr .- a - i Pn Oa ulekr nelandeur wurs aaa e s - o OE V, 1 C ex ~[~)~Zm~next. - "'-'" "-'" ~'e muste.rin~, of ther~ilitary and naval| i Rye, No. 2Cash 52 @ 52~| = Sol~a~d n dby~id'" o ~ me~s~'~. ~.~a~,~s,~,~ ~f ~''T'~';at-l~" with Pez'n ~OrCys of the United State*reqnired special,CONCLIU$]IOI~Io [ MIL~VAUKlgE HO TO ~ ,i,m ta/@~ ~am~Y ~1~, .----. - ~ GRAlN--Wheat, N0rthern $ 65x,(, g7~|~~ ] ] [~: " ~ "~'~. L" " j t~~~ mall arrange n~nts for every camp and [ [~" ,' "i ~ government ot ~eru has given the I to a greater degree the safety of the pres- I every campaigm The communication be-,~everal Ilnlportllknt $111tlb|eeta Cont- I Oats "~.t ~2J~ ! ~erff)ed notification or. Its intention to.] cat standard and better protect our cur- [ tween home and camp~was naturall$ eager,[ mended for Consideration. [ Rye, No. 1 : ff~53i~,READEI~ O!~ THIS PAPI~R Barley, NO 2 49 ~t~49t~ | ~gate the treaty of lriendship corn- ] rercv frem the dangers to which it is I and expectant. In some of the larger / I,DE$1BIN~ TO BUY ~'NYTHING ' ]1 ~e and navigation conc~aded wi'th this [ subjected from a disturbance in the gen'[ I places o, rendezvous as many as 50 600 let- [ The al~en eontrac]~ taw as shown ny ex- } KAN,~AS CITY. " ".Notb!]~g but wheat as [,ADVI~tlTISED IN" ITS COLUM~i' | ~t yr "Au-gus.t- 31, 1~7: AS .that treat~: [ oral husiness conditions of the country,ters a day required handling: This' seres-,perience tb need Come amendment; a [ ~IIAIN~-Veheat, No, 2 Har~l. $ 61V.@ 63 [/~ lfarasthee~ecoul lreaeh I t [m bt"a sea of Oats, No. 2 ~vVhite 2~,d$ 29,|~q ~i~ ~#~' I Wh~K" W~ Wh~t a ]set- ],WHAT THEY ASK FOR. REFUBI~ | ~lcn,~co~d'~hm~lz I In m~ r t a~] t P.r v~l SIpnScneCe~ I O~her CurreneS-udgmel~t the resent e~o ditiono I ~a ~t exP r nc u,~e~nZr~I ~tn esta Legialatl n n~'*d~d~ I sit~cC~a~rmeteb~thce'Pr m-Pt- -etail" Send di~-"seamen proposed measureisPr vtding'the rightful app ca- i better pr tectl nllf r,Corn, No. 2 l~lixed 31 ~! ~1 IIvJY'dI'~IU'J~'IM I ouel~aer .lde: what yea I| SHOULD KVSlST UPON ~/aVl~(a~ | ~~~he iC%mination of renewe~t] the treasury amply the iinmedi-J mer, talities of the railway mall and post [ '- --l--i-1 [ ST. LOUIS II~i[i~'~L~ilJIl~ll~J~ eruO~naaa~Idwhlle ~"1 I :111~ 1~ dli~.~[~t~l ferrl~q~/ to that cOuntry. [ [r ' 4 ~t~ionswit-hin the brtefl2 months inter, ate enactment Of the legislation recom- office service as far as necessary to this ~o~ lauor anao[tneprucpeorarnltratton[CATTLE Natlvs Steers $.t 25 ~ b2~|! w~w.Y~[~l~r particulars as tel ! I~llgbefm-e the tre.atytern;inateS, Ihave I mended one year ago, unaer which a por-I new need. Congress passed an aet empow- ] are sOggested for consideration, aadIcom-| Texas Steers 290 @425 [I 'w~ ;-- mutos.rallwayfarts, eto [ ~i~ sugg?stions .bY Peru as .to the lmr- [ tio.*x of the gold holdings should be plant d [ eriag the postmaster-general to establish,mend these suhjects to the careful atten- ] HOGS-Packers' . 3 30 ~ 3 50I n - apply m Caliladlal~ Gov- I A.N.K --A 17~ ~r .pr~')isipns it IS desired to annul,In a. trust f una ~rom which greenbacks [ offices or branches at every military camp [tion of the congreSS / Butchers' . 3 40 @ 3 55| .rnme t Agent, .D~l~rtment Interior, Ottawa ! ~e l'[ope of reaching an agreemeat[anonlanereueemeuuponl~resentatl~n, put[or station, and under this authoritytbe| The several departmental reports wlll be,SHEEP--Natlve Muttons ~,50 -(ff) 4(~} I-C.a.n--a~a, ' r-t u'J'l~ROUOHTON. l~Moaadnoeltl ~eby the remain!ng, articles may be when}, once. reueemea ShOuld not thereafter, [ postal, machinery was speedily put into [laid before you. ~ney lye in rent detail OMAHA ~oin%tWls,; M.~Q*,McII~N~S. NO. 1 Merrtll lliOek, i ~l~nali~s~tve l~. I )e paid out except for gold It is not to [ effective operation the conduct of the affairs of t~e overn nunoma, Uhl~O, 111.~ ~1'. O. CURRII~ Stevens I CATTLE--Native Steers $ 4 10 @ ~ 25 / ~ ~m~ ~,o tO OUI C r "' '' ],r, I~I~).~ V.ED. I* C~.VN~. l~d AXS, and Jd~ll~ | ~'-A'~ -n,b" ~'n',"l'ar ~'o l{u.shli b~ Inferred that other legisl'ation relating } Ur, der the same" authority when our ment during the past year and'~lscusa Cows 3 00 ~ 3 90 I ~.ttit.F- : ~t~ea tinY, Mlsh,~ ~, B~dltTH012OMHW I " " - I 'ur ei~cy is not required; cn the ] forces moved upon C~ba, 1 orto Rtco and lmany questions upon which the congress [ Feeders 3 30 ,~l, 4 40 I ~u ~t~me~, oes ~aoxu~s, iowa. ' [ ~ majesty, the czar, saving anneunceu, contrary tht~ e is an obvious demand for ] ~he Philippines, they were attended and [may be called upon to act. I ~. ~rOGS--Heavy 3 35 (D 3 49 1 ~rpose to raise the imperial Rus'ian [ it. The Importance of adequat~ provision, followed by the postal service Though [ (Signed) WILLIAM M'KINLEY. [ SlIEEP--Native Muttons 3 60 @ 4 45 [ [,L~On at this capital to the rank of an, wh!ch will "Insures tO uur future a money ~he act of eongre~ authorized the appoint- / Executive :Mansion, D~. 6. I~8. [ i