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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 12, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 12, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I)ecemlber 12, 1940 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAV/KEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON H:ERAId) Pa~ ~bate IURGE PEOPLE TO Ic ,e'tm P Org'ra ' Mount V non i EXHIBIT WORKS OF LOCAL AND"'='""" ". r o t o ,:o. 1 1, Jcssc ughes is a visitor thislHTMiT 17fir ql:Alq --= 17AMfllI. ARtI . gT [Miss Rhodt Boxwell w, ent to Ce- Miss Leona Barnes is expeeted week in the home of his mother, ""'" :?n:i ' " dar Rap,ds on Wednesday to spend from ozeman, ont,on Sunday Mrs Jessie Hughes /| ------ ] at e t 2 . ] . [ the remaindcr of the winter at or Monday to spend the holidays In ' ' ~ " * "" : = ~' ' ~ ' ~"~ ~ ~ . Money from the sale of the Athletic association Christmas pro- ! Original lithographs and other { 114 4th Ave. S. ~" I the home of her ,~ren+~ Mr ~n~ Mrs. George ~Vhlhck spent Men- . De 19, ~ ~- . Christmas seals m Mount Vernon gt,Hn Thursday afternoon .e pmnts hy worhl famons contompor- / .~ [ Mr~ R,~ + xa ' ' ~ ~ .-,~er~ arnes day vlmting her mother, Mrs. Ber ,* -' 4'10 in the 1 ittle TheatreArm I invite -'ou to ~lsit the/ .~ount Yernon fmendswfll be sor ! " the Heiek in Tinton ] is slowly coming in aceorutng ~o " cry arHst~ ",y "- -t r to 1 t ' " ",the. chairman in charze of the sale [ strong hall of fine arts. The pro- ] Exhibition Lounge ofArmstrong ] Y ca m of H. F. Hahn's illness ! The condition of Mrs. E. J. Os- Irene Sipple spent Sunday visiting[ ~:o l I I oGrand "" chair man in gram will include Christm*L~ carols, Hall of Fine Arts This ,perhaps [tnis week at the home of his son- good who su,bmitted to an operation K n n " ' ' - n-law and dau qlter Mr m the Rev. and Mt.s, O.A. e yo ] Pranklin township and Mount Vet-- two songs by Charlotte Remke, I the finest exhtbit of 1940 will he nn . - . g . and Mrs. ] recently at St. Lakes hospital, Ce- home m (entral City. ] non re orts '~ )proximately $60 had I soprano, who graduated last year I view until the Chmstmas v'tcatton. I ar, Rapids, ~ dar Rapids, is improving and she Miss Helen Ta*rner. of Fairfield. been r~:: qved Pu. p until Tuesday eve and is now back on the campus for The lounge will be open daily from I sWnCre' .v~r. ann . .vtrs. alarm are expects to be a'ble to return to her n [and Mrs. Harry Jordan r ] ], rk an tv, o numbers] ' - pendmg the winter home this week spent the week end wtih her taste,~ sing This amount is below what ] ad titional x'o,d " - ] 2 to 5 and on weeKaays n-ore to ~ : ;Jrav:is.returned home ]th2 ;~l?;yStg:-;;':~r); alw2~eb~?;trthf Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell ~was registered during the same time by the Orchesis society, honorary I I0 p.m. Sg -- -- " !V~fr. hedS~t, ~.a, w.eek~na ~I~s:,Ro%Ta,: y:htnof[hk.h:~:l:,:er(eA:bj::onr]~le~(;n: Mrs. Bessie Wallis was a lunch-]last year. Mrs. Edgar Neal, in[women's modern dance soemty. Among the prints you will enjoyi.~ con gue.~t on Monday of M -s. Bessie,charge of the seal s'tl in IAnn The program will be followed by the contrasting technique of two I ~~ ~ton. ert La i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blinks of tyrone in Cedar Itapids. township, reported on Tues,lay af- an invitation tea given by the W. modern realists. George Gt'osz'si~ ~ 1 I musl ternoon she had re(caved approxi-tA.A, for the club members, women l"Workers" a forceful line draw'ingl~ ~ .=am--.--- ~ l~ ~. near I ashen came to Mount Ver- ~Vlrs. t:ora l~emenway at t;atu ' " " non last Thursday to reside duringwas a vmttor on ~unaay evening ill ] matel,~, . ~1500 so far, which she[ faculty memtiers and the facultY[and ,Unemployed" a bold compost- I~.I "~]~ ~ ~~ ~ ~lthe winter with Mrs. Blinks sister, the home of Miss" Elda. . Letgh"[' considered ansealsaveragehandresponSe.ask. ] wives. ]tiOnKoll~ witz f darkSgenerallyand eonstderedlights Kathe i ~the ~,~ ~V ~ LUaU I .[~mi.l~ ~ Miss Gertrude Cowan. Miss Fffie Keedick has gone to Those having on are I Im ;!--~------~-/ . m [ t~ { Chicago ~or an ind(finite'~isit with] ed to send their contributions early i t;ornell ~roaacasr Io world's greatest woman artist is i~ ~ ~l~> ~ .Mr. and Mrs. John Klimo return- " " ~ ".' either by mail or place them in thelTa . ,'~t * Irepresented by one of her moving ~ 4[~ ~ied home Sunday night from Chica- her friend Mrs. M. M. Whtte. box for that purpose in the .eastylr ea ure wnrls mas land o~ h.m~ ~ or t ~ ~ ~l go, where they spent the week end lo12 Kay (~umberhtnd, baby I drug store. If seals are returned ] -- . i emotion. [~ v~L "~'f ~] with their son and daughter-in-htw daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. [please retnrn in the envelopes en-] The Mount Vernon Methodmt] If you are more pleased by [.~ -- it ~ ~lMr. and Mrs. John Klimo, jr. Cumberland has been very ill this[ closed with the seals and do not]church choir will sing a group of fantasyyou will enjoy "Cinderella," [~ ~ ~ ~ -- * ~'--'~ ~.~ ~l Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hedges week. forget to stamp the envelope. [Christmas carols for the ~:ee.klYla colored lithograph by Paseln: the i~ j " "'-'-'= ~]returned home on Monday frmn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose of The first job in the fight against[C rnell hroadcast over stanon delicate "Chant de Meldoror" by the ~~ ~ ~ l -- I -- [ ]~tRoehester, Minn where Mr. Norway were callers Sunday after-ltuberculosis iv to find the person1WSUI. Iowa City, from 5:15-5:45[surrealist Dell. "Ahstraction" al~ ~ 1 ~ P ~ I t% ~:~ [ -- --e ~[Hedges subnfitted to a very favor- noon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. i who has the disease The IAnn ] p.m. Tuesday. The choir will be ] colored lithograph hy the foremost ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ I ~ Harry Jordan i county progr'mt outside of Cedar l under the direction of Professor[leader in the development of a,b-[~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L ~ ~ V ~ e a Lastm,able checkup at the Mayo clinic. :.-" " i r----i~l's to fi;ld the:, earl eases]Lloyd Oakland [street art Kandinsky and the ~ -- -- -- 2 *rs. arvel lJaunennllor anu x*rs I ,~,~v ~,~' " I n re rant will " " ' ' ' ' '** ~ ~ Mrs. J. G. Fox left. on Sunday 1 st l'rida vim ' I~as recently been completed Mrs I Also included othe p g t"Landscape" of straight lines and i~~ CI~- ~[ afternoon for St. Louis, Me where P]' F. ruanon spen~ a Y radio scri t " " " ' '~ iting in the home of Mrs. Lester Lucile Christie of Marion, nurselber;:~:iP~s;ntatlii ne :rezone ; iunp ]? blli~he173f~;"r igiV:ho::lisuall [1~ If you want a large amount of heat for a | ~J|lL ~'~iShem nthsPlannedin thet homcSpendof herthC son-in-Winter Scott at Maroon. ! E~le Yaede::nttyh~i~tega?:b:~ia u~ot~ ] ior stude~:t from Waterloo. It iS[workC~' hy two women, Peggy Ba-i~ small amount of-monev try Black-].a: ' You" ~L *;law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr and ~.Irs. George Wall!ek survey each fall, toot( histories of[entitled "'Christmas Ew rywhere"leon's "l:rcnzied Effort" and Mahell~ ~'~':~Z ~'['Y ~LJ~?~II~ - ~y~, a ~nnuren s ~i Marshall Crouch. were vimtors last Tnursuay evening about 225 eraons including former [ and combines verse choir and dra- [ Dwight's "Abstract Thinking" will i~ ~tr~|| h# ~ ~r~l|o|~lt~[r ~ #]~ ~. h, Mr and Mr,~ Oscar Mohnl ' ~" " [ -' ~ [ * c~h~ %71 ~ .m u,~ aa ~,o,~ ~oq~t~.lJl~a~,%a I[.~ ~a|~ ~l~[~baa~ ~IHl ~a|l~ nat graphyourHomeTaken -it~ thTh~ .qnnHnl Nh~r2,~SlldLnen3eri.~ :'" ~"~. "~.' . sanatorium patients all known artrnatlc eplsoue, give you genuine lau ~ 1 - . - = . " sonic m tnsoon. . ! suspected eases of tuberculosis and I t~ . ~ r~ /a sensitive and accurate drawing of ~ new coal which we can deliver to your bin .it-i ed this year by Division No. 5. lie- Mrs. Rose Hickman returneu persons who have been in contaetl. atur(lav lvla[lnee [o a classically beautiful face will sur- [~ ~ 1Qo ~. ~ servations for private parties mayhome Tuesday after spending sev-with them These "persons were I~ ~-~ .J, ~ . prise *nan)" who know its author i~ for only | ~- after 6 p.m. or it be made with Mrs. Ida Fordyee or oral days in the Mr. and Mrs. L. given cards which entitled them to ] tSe unnstmas varty Pieasso only ,by his more discussed I~ d 1 )rop a card to Mrs. G. M. Wilson. A.I.evassuer nome in ~vlarion. a tuberculin test and exam in'~tion [ ~ ["Modernistic" 'works. Many other !~ . Mr and Mrs Julian Johnston In cases of poMtive re-actions X-'] The next Corneal tattle Theatre{ well known artists are shown, ~ ~ ~ [w ~ M ~i: Mrs. M. B. Wain who was in St. and daughters J~me and Janet spent rays were taken and pel'sons' an-ISaturday matinee will he a child- among them Re malt Rockwell i~ 21~" ~' "~l ', oant Vernon ~ Lakes hospital for several weeks the .~eok end at the Mr and :Mrs. ahle to p~y for their own "'x~:ere tak-[ren's pa "ty, with Christmas plays ]Kent, Matisse. Maillol, l)erain and [~ ~ l:)er ton Ap""i-" - ~was able to return to her home on Bruce Mullen home in Oskaloosa en care of by Christmas Seai flmds [and even Santa Claus in the offing. Wands Gag. Vartmts subjects and i~ ~ ~ v- ntmem Monday afternoon. Mrs. Waln's Miss Gwyneth Young, teacher of Funds from the Christmas Seal[ It will begin at 2 '.3(} in.the Theatre [treatments offer many an hour of ~ .condition is improved after having ~~~;~i i! 1~ii i~~ e~'~it~! b~i [~!ii!i~:i~ii!~i!!f 11(~iTn~i!!l~i~v:~ii~:il I Hedges Lurnb ! are Re several blood transfusions while in amenable ! the hospital, uf h " .~! The Linn Count," School Masters' l er l K~h~k]~ ~i clu'b will meet at Gable's in Cedar --'*'~L~%,It ~ ~ Rapids next Wednesday evening for " ~ " g D ~ " ' ' . '~1 in the home of her son and daugh- Professor From Macalaster [The're will be no charge for admis-]a,:e loaned bythe Weyhc gallemc~l~ ~ ~'~l~l ~~l~l~--~ W ,-. ~ dinner. Tho~e who will probably - -,- ' -. College On Cornell Campus [sion, and a present for the British I of New York City. The oh]er works I~ ~lI',]D ,~ ~,~.~]l ~,~ an~ Commercial attend from Mount Vernon are the ter in law Mr and Mrs Arvel " I)auhenmier. ~ [is not necessary for attendance. [ were presented to Corncll college by i~ ~ [ ~ ~ men members of the public school ~ and Prof. Milton MeClean head of the . ~togr~ ~her ~ifaculty, including; Clyde. Lindsley, Mr. and Mrs.George luck . ' . . ]Adults, too, wUl be cordiany ~el-[the Carnegie (.orporat,on. q he ex-t~ ~ ~'~,~'ll~/l'll,~ . ~ Ralph Carl, Harohl Fisher, James children I ddie tnd Hetty of Cedar department of hun~amties at .~aeal- ~comed hibition is offered flee to people of$'- ~iHawker and Richard Fuller I~a.pids w~re';unday gueStSrintrh: ;s~;;rV ::eghe~o:nal:cY2~;sMa:2]" "Go'YeTo Bethlehcm"aChrist- th~ Mt Vern(m~'tnd vicinity Th/,]~ ~ l/lal ZOZl k4/li~ | " - terse of Mr. Buck's mothe .' :' -Imam ehorie drama and a Christmas exhibition is easy to view b~czusc ~ ~. ~t. . .iv . ~11~7 a~ ~i~l~~~~~ Flora Buck. day ana Tuesday: rof. Met:can Is [fantasy, "Upon a Midnight Clear," [ each print is given ample room and [~ "'~P' ~Vloun[ vernon, Iowa ~ | for the Black and White Truck Jay Milholin returned home Sun- . nat I Ltv~zr x~t senee (maKmff ,a ]both written by P,[ofessor A1 John- [ ea.sily movahle chairs make it ]los-I~ it ' ms us ~-~ "~ "" son will be stageu as tne oramatic sable to nit eomfort'~t)lv to see 'tnv ] . "- (lay afternoon from Wlhtte I ia . [ N.Y where he wan called last week ~::Ujuatl PchJ:Lluatipge Pf~ gda2tfSr f features of the party. print, i ~'~.~:~:~~g~~1~~~" ~,~ ch, ~,dden death of him brother " Betty I,aughlin and I)on Johann- For a few days over the week end i ~ I~ -.~ u. ' ' ' man" " " "" hglon and the hu Ittes r~ Milholin ' sen are directors of "Go Ye To[an exhibition of newly made pot-i~ T =-~,=~ "*'~''= " "~" " ~" "-'aut," WhO lea,'u- Professor Mela~an had luncheon Bethlehem," while Craig Huston is [ tery will' be shown in the loi,hy cam- ]~ ~OMI'IA~'I V5 OUlg i~ Miss t~enevt(ve Monday at Baker house with the n on a Midm ht Clen es in th schools of Gary In[ will ~ " . " "directi g "[,p . . "g .~ "?' es ou the first floor. ,~ ~ ext. ~(~k" to s ~no" tne'- "'-nou-'" teachers of English and social Frank Thomas iv the technician forI '~ {~I~hDDI'~TP I I~r~ llT]rl~]LT A 1 ~rrive ne " ~ ' P ~ ~ science the deans of the college and both "erformances ~ ] ~$k~ll~l. IILN 13f 1.~lk.~ ].VV J~.ll. Jl.~ A~k "' n i the home of Mr and th t M d mghe' " v " l'llrB IA) |)&~'~, "~ lor Ill(" I ",SlIl~2~l]~ ~ ~. had as her m:tP;;:hdthe'C r nll ' ;v::'iL%as" Present Chorie Drama .on. .CS,Mr.Tr --A | Miss Betty Schmidt, soeiation and the famlty co,it- "~ i~ ~k~.~lVllL]~k~l~][~ ~ ~'~m"~ I~=/~ [ ! er is i. etUiii!;(MHYu ! )ar ::a!o nd!:,n:h:I On:I3A:NaS?:PEmRVeIEyO --EL ! PORTABLE .om d | sp '" :'. .~ : . . Professor Al Johnson's Christm l] ,~, ~l~ ~i it Mannln 1 (tat ned Sunday morning Proressor Ivtet.eanstatea ~ ~ . zl a~,~Li* wl~lt -- I l't : " g "~ " " ' .' . ehoric drama, "Go Ye To T ethle- ~.a~ . afternoon from Norwich, N.Y that this war is going to change the hem " there this weep end ][Each Roll Bloom s Book Store | where he wan (ailed on Thanksgiv educatmnal system We must now ~ . .- . ' " ; " " ' ,vol-k is a,so ' aged in I] HEASTY DRUG STORE i] == I" m da b the death of him nrotn- trainpeople tor aemocracy," ne . g Y Y ' several other places in the mid- '" ~l~~~~l~l~ this year I am going to buy my coal of the er-in-law, Joe Case. said. The speaker characterized Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bolton plan three trends of the American Coun- west this Christmas season. ILLILAND COAL CO. to movefromtheMrs. E.C. Bow-cil fEducati nasf ll ws: (1)the,SolonCC S aks manh usethela'st ftheweekt eff rtt individualizeeducati n" L P !t INuNnNuHiNNiHnNi the home of Mrs. Bolton's parents, (2) the effort to reorganize our cur-To Corne]l Sociology Class m Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gamble. riculum so that it meets the needs of the student, and (3) the effort John H. Gorthaus, educational advisor of the Solon CCC camp, Mrs. Roy Young left on Tuesday to understand the student in rela- spoke to Prof. J. It. Ennis' class in afternoon for Everett, Wash to tion to his own personal problems spend the holidays with her par- ~nd his role in society. ,principles of sociology at Cornell ents Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Holmes, Ion last Friday, giving a very inter- OR TEAR MY HAIR, /MAKE MY 61FT$ /NEVER FREr and her sister Mrs. J. N. Dana. Mr. and Mrs. Don Merritt of San Francisco, Calif who were guests in the home of Mr. Merritt's moth- er, Mrs.~Fred l). Merritt, for a week, have arrived at their home after an enjoyable trip. The trip to Iowa for cook- ia stof of 35c :ECE Value WRreo bak. Q Mount Vernon, Iowa and Heating was made during the stormy Armis- tiee week end here, Mrs. Rohert Sruyth of Fort Dodge spent from Friday until Sunday with her daughter, Miss Margaret Smyth, student in Cornell. Mrs. Smyth was enroute to her home from Oak Park, Ill where she had attended a Jurisdictional meeting of the W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church. ,Mount Vernon and Lisbon friends of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall and fam- ily will be glad to learn they are nicely located in National City Calif a suburb of San Diego. Mr. Hall, who is in the U. S. Navy, has reported ~back to his ship the U. S. Holland for duty bat has not been called yet. Mr. and Mrs. Hall en- joyed their motor trip from Mount Vernon to California, traveling the southern route. Mrs. Mac I:ostcr enjoyed a visit from her cousin, Mrs. Anna B. Chef fin over night on Tuesday. Mrs. ('.haffin, a missionary in Korea for twenty-eight years, was sent to the States hy the Methodist board of Missions, because of the trou- bled conditions in that country. She landed in San Francisco, Calif November 30 and when in Mount Vernon wins enroute to the home of a daughter in Montieello, Ind. Mrs. Fred D. Merritt ham received word from her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Byrnes, of I.os Angeles, Calif that they arrived home last Friday. l)r. and Mrs. Byrnes, who spent several montlis with Mrs. Merritt, made the trip home by motor. With the ex- ception of blizzard conditions in Iowa, the day of their departure, and strong head ,winds while travel- ing through Missouri, they found highways clear farther south and enjoyed a delightful trip through Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona "tnd on to Los Angeles. ELGIN Imi HAMILTON and BULOVA WATCHES For Christmas W. H. HOOVER i INSURANCE Fire and Windstorm Automobile Health and Accident Life S. N. MERRITT Office in Bauman Bldg. Ofc. Dial 3412, Res. 4262 Mount Vernon, lowa MT. VERNON CHIJR~ NOTEI$ rR .SBY iB -- cuuRcn Rev. Joseph W. Gray, St Past~r Friday~ 8:00 MPY Club at the home of Lucille Russell. Eldon Johnson will lead the discussion. Mary Ford was elected president last week. i Stmday-- 9:45 Church School. 10:45 Common worship.Sermon, "God and Our Health". 7:00 Evening service. Topic, "How I Know God." Thuruday~ 7:00 Choir rehearsal. METHOD~CHURCii Rev. W. Glenn Rowley0 Pater Church School meets at 9:45. Superintendent, W. B. Gray Worship service, to which every- one is invited, at 10:45. The IF of Sincerity" is the subject of the ser- mon by the pastor. This is the last of the series on great If's of Chirit's teachings. The choir under the l leadership of Prof. Oakland, will have a special message for the sea- son. Come and invite others. The High School Epworth League meets in the evening with Don Cur- rent, who will also have the lesson. The hour of this youth service is 6:15. The College Epworth League will meet at the church and go from there Sunday evening to sing Christmas Carols. Sunday, December 22, is Christ- mas Sunday in the church. The sermon will be such a message. The Christmas program and tea will be in the church Sunday after- noon. That evening the High School Epworth League will go to many homes with the message in Christ- mas carols. CfIRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "God the Preserver of Man" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. December 15. The Golden Text is from Proverbs 2:6, 8, "The Lord glveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding He keepeth the paths of Judgment, and preset'v. eth the way of his ~aints." The Lesson.Sermon comprises quotations from the Bible and from !he Christian Science textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker ~ddy. One of the Bible citations reads: "The Lord Is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintalnest my lot" (Ps. 16:5). Among the selections from the Christian Science textbook is the following: "The divine Mind that made man maintains His own image and like- ness All that really exists Is the divine Mind and its Idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal" (p. 151). 311 First Avenue North Mrs. Harold Still is spending this week visiting her parents in Nashua. Mrs. John Caraway, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Haeseler were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marten Kepler. The friends of ,Mrs. Thomas Phil- lips will be glad to learn she is re- covering from her recent illness at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fer- guson, near Lisbon. esting account of the "background of the CCC boys which dispelled many false ideas. He deseril)ed the routine of CCC work and told of the many kinds of training the hoys re- ~ceive. The talk was followed by ! an interesting question period. Will Start New Line Up Against Lawrence Cornell's startin'g lineup will un- dergo a complete change in the basketball game at bawrenee on Friday uight and the one with Be- loit Saturday. Bob Bailey, sopho- more guard, is the only T)layer who will continue to start. Bill I)ague, another sophomore, who ham seen little action thus far, will he "~t forward ~-hen the game begins. The other positions will be filled hy veterans in the hope of adding sta- bility to the team. Harold Weed will he the other guard Jack Sains- bury will play forward, and Leslie Bishop will start at center. This new lineup may he a little Mower, according to Coa:~ll Judd Dean, but they shall play a stead- ier game. The contest Friday night will be Lawrence's only game ,before the Christ,mas holidays. The Appletou school had a none-to-successful sea- son in 1939-40 and like Cornell is a question mark in this year's race. Lawrence defeated Cornell last year 31 to 25. Beloit is expected to have a strong five this season, although the Blue Devils lost to Carroll last week, 34 to 32. Beloit was one of the two conference schools that the Purple managed to beat last year. Cornell won the second contest be- tween the two schools, 38 to 23, after losing the first, 30 to 28. After these two out-of-town games, Cornell takes a rest until January 6, when Grinnell, present {! le'tder of the conference, invades}! Mount Vernon. Ii Ripen Takes Close Game Here 27 To 23 Cornell's inexperienced cagers lost a close contest to HApon's de- fending champions as the Redmen squeezed out a 27 to 23 victory here in Mount Vernon Saturday night. W~th only seconds to play in the game, the Purple pulled to within two points of their taller opponents and tried one more shot that would have tied the svore if it had imen good. Ripen tool( the ball off the bank'board and scored an unnece:~- mary basket as the game ended. With sophomores doing most of the playing, Cornell played well at times but was on the whole ragged and inclined to tighten in crucial moments, wahl passing being the result. Ripen led 16 to 13 at the half. Cornell made iL~ strongest threat early in the second half when it tied the score, 17 to 17, but the Red- men quickly regained the lead. Captain Sveto Krcmar was high scorer for Ripon with 13 points Jack Sainsbury led for the Purple, scoring 7. Following the main game, Cor- nell's reserves trimmed the fresh- men 46 to 27. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Waste, and two daughters Coy and Audrey, of Cedar Rapids were visitors on Sun- day in the Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hell- el- home. { Regardless of ondition When applied on purchase of i ,-o, Vl; I, ,on, ,-Re, tie C, )n aa flu |{ New high trade-in value on all models i Come in and ask us | Mount Vernon, Iowa Evening In Paris Sets Colognes--Nationally Known Brands Manicure Sets -- Coty Perfume Eastman Cameras Bath Room Scales Electrical Supplies Stationery -- Parker Pens Parasols -- Rain Coats Alarm Clocks -- Electric Clocks Emerson Radios Tree Lights with Mazda Bulbs --- Set 69c CHRISTMAS CARDS Box of 21 Cards - 29c i Amity Bill Folds Parker and Sheaffer Fountain Pens Medico, Dr. Grabow and Yello-Bole Pipes Shaving Sets i Ever Ready Flashlights Playing Cards -- Poker Chips His Favorite Cigaret, Cigar or Tobacco in a Beautiful Gift Package Hair Brushes --- Shaving Brushes Page and Shaw Chocolates 29c to $1.50 GIFT DRESSINGS 5e Package ency Ralph Heasty, Your Druggist tore