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December 12, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 12, 1940 |
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,|~]~]L| I|]~,~|F~ Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers spent Mr. a
L|~IJI~ |~JV~ Sunday with their daughter, Miss i children
L Eleanor in Dubuque. [ guests of
I - ', ~ ',
Miss Louise Eldridge of Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sankotilly on S
" " t i "he ~ V1Sltecl on bunaay a~ernoon wire Mr, an
rtaplas was a week ena gues n ~ " ~" " sons Roll " ~ We
Dr and Mrs N A York home irmnos m ~ene ~-mlne.
~,~ ,~,~ ~ ' T~ ~ ~ ~! O S Burlingame of Clinton spent lids, Mrs.
Friday with his son O S Burlin-IMarion,
son Billy were Sunday visitors of Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maiden. game, Jr ann ~amny. lq'arrv H
The Study ~roup o~ tae w. ~. ~. Mrs. Amelia Esterbrook and Don-i" - ~' '~
,m ~,~+ ,~+h ~r~ ~rrv ~i~ na Lou of Davenport spent Satur- LISBON CHURCH NOTES We are glad to have Bonnie Lung $ n
gins on Thursday afternoon, Dec. day: the Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crellyl
Mrs. R. R Beaver of Mount Ver- ~ev. t,a
Mrs. Martin Wilson of Cedar Rap- nen" ~ -a in "- - m of ^ S. S. T
on sp ~ Tuesa y me no e
lds spent Wednesday and Thursday
in the Mr and Mrs H W Walmer her son ~naries ~eaver ano Mrs. ~:1~ a.m. vals have met in battle with Mt.1~
Beaver. Sunday school 9 30 a.m. Vernon coming out victor in a
Mrs. W. H. Bicknese of Shell . . .
Rock came Tuesday to spend sev-
eral days with her mother, Mrs. B
E. Ringer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nesley, Patsy
Johann and Dean, visited on Sun-
day afternoon in the John Lanning
home at Lafayette.
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Bigger, Ethel
Mac, Martha Ann and Harry were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hoeft.
Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. game, which, although it does not
Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Kohl, daugh- Young Peoples Service 6:30 p.m. show it, was fast and hard fought
ters Phyllis and Carol of Cedar Young Peoples Prayer Service at by both teams.
Rapids, spent Saturday in the par- 7:15 p.m. The first quarter opened with
ental J S. Kohl home. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Lisbon setting the pace and control-
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ruhl and Each Sunday evening service ling the ball the majority of the
granddaughter Roxie Ruhl of Ann- offers you an opportunity of studY-time with fast passes and breaking
mosa spent Sunday with Ruhls' ing the book of The Revelation. In the scoring light we find Beas-
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Hotz and This last and most neglected book more tossing them in to a tune of
family, in the Bible offers rich blessing to two field goals and two free throws
Sunday guests in the Mr.and those who are willing to spend time Back at the defense line was a wall
Mrs. C. B. Johnston home for a ram- in studying it. Messages are il- Mount Vernon found too hard to
ily dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Del- lustrated by a large chart, pierce as two scrappy guards, Kep-
bert Johnston, Eddie and Kenneth, I The Sunday morning service of ler and Duncan, drove them back.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek spent and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graver. i Dec. 22, will be designed to give Thus the first quarter ended 6-0 in
Sunday with their son and daugh-I Mr and Mrs Howard Blessin~ comfort and help to all Christians favor of Lisbon.
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burt n[.na "~, nf C?~ R~n'c]~ M ~n~lland especially do we invite the
Kolek in Mount Vernon. [.~ .~ P 1 ar ~.l r I But the second period was an-
. . ~ emerly ones to atmna mls serv
Mrs. Ray Kamerlihg and Billy, ands. - other story. Mount Vernon seemed
Mrs. Phil Posplml and daughter iMr" and Mrs. J. S. Kohl were Sun-!me.
Genevieve of ~qew Boston, Ill i s o r d M s ] On Sunday evening Dec 22 a to find its shooting eye and opened
spent the week end with her par-iday guest f M . an . r Lee . '. with a field goal by Current to be
Ev~ns special Christmas servme will be followed in quick succession with
1 i I
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Nes ey. I held Plan to attend.
lwrs. ~arl warner at~enoea ~ne ~." 6 field goals and two free throws.
Mrs. Pearl Dodson, Ernest Hue- f ! un lvionaay the ~loie cross on
merle, Clarence Wolfe and James !Ch.r~stmas party o Mary . Steele i Prophecy will meet at the parson- Lisbon's pace slowed down a lit-
Jellie o:f Iowa City were Sunday missionary, socm~y o~ unvet ~res- ~ age a~" ~ p.m tle but not enough to be left in the
byterlan church, held M(~nday eve- I O,~ Thur~aa~ h,~ oh~i- - m r,~ dust by their foe. Jensen and Stone
guests of Mrs. Margaret Burke andI i a f "" "" r -
Joe Karbia. i n ng t me home o ~Mrs~ ~wa gare~ ] hearse at 6:45 p.m. and the Prayer SaWperiod.actionwithfOreyesLiSbOnon thedUringnew halfthis
~aulKner in ~eaar ~apms. land Bible Study service will be at the local retired to the dressing:
The Federated Aid Society will i Mr. and Mrs. ~elbert Johnston 17:30 p.m.
meet in the church parlors at 2:30] room to listen to a pep talk by the
Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 18 for land Eddie moved Monday to Vin-I Friday Prayer service atthe coach.
ton where they will operate a re-lho of r '
their regular meeting and Christmas l ~ me M s. R~ggs at 2 p.m.
party. Remember your gifts :for:,cently purcnasea grocery vusmess, i -- Coming out fresh and new the
the Christmas donation, i Kenneth will join the family at the ] ST. 3OHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH home quintet proved they weren't
close of the first school semester Rev. L. J. Enzler, Pastor defeated yet and more than that,
To celebrate the sixth birthday of I Mr. and Mrs. Orville Crawford ] Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00. didn't intend to be on the losing
her daughter, Helen Lucille Mrs. I and Bobby Dean, Mr and Mrs. John 17:30 on week days. end. The whole quarter was rough
G. K. Frink er~tertained at a party i
after school on Tuesday. There iHaak, and Mrs. Anna Belle Bittle Confessions: Sunday morning at and tough from beginning to end
were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ida!7:30. and really couldn't be called by
were sixteen guests, neighborhood] Crawford in Mechanicsville. Miss Samroay ~:uu ~o ~x:~u o cmc~-- either one. But as far as scores go
children and first grade pupils. A] Mary Jane Seylar of Mechanicsville Closing of Religious Instructions. Mount Vernon proved on the upper
birthday cake was a special feature]was with the group. Santa Claus will be there too.end by piling up 9 points to Lis-
of the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sheber and chil- METHODI--~--CHURCH bon's 5.
Martha Ann Bigger celebrated dre~erSpent Sunday at the home Rev. Win. D. B-ostrom, Minister As in the second, the Lisbon quirt-
her eleventh birthday with a party I of h pa cuts, M . an.d Mrs. I win Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. tet seemed to slacken their pace,
at the home of her parents, Dr. and ISpencer near Mechamcsvflle. Mms Mornin~ worshin 10"30 a m but it was in the final minutes of
Mrs. E. P. Bigger last Thursday af- Margaret Spencer, who had spent ~ play that the home fans really got
ternoon. The girls played games]the past week with her sister, re- COON CREEK CHURCH their thrill for after little scoring
and at five-thirty were served re-iturned with them to her home. Sunday school each Sunday 9:45. on either side our team really got
freshments with a birthday cake i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lacock of i hot and started rolling them in fast
Guests were Carol and Dorothy I Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mitch- ' and furious and in one and a half
minutes of play they tossed in 3
Gish, Jean Ferguson, Lenore Em-jell of Martelle; Mrs. Mary Brenne- field goals and a free throw, mak-
erson, Louise Smyth, Rita Williams, tman Mrs. Mary Stewart and Roy
Betty Graft, Joann and Patsy Mc- l Todd of Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. ing the final score 19 to 28.
Call, Marie Kamerling, Catherine lRoy Gamble of Mechanicsville were Coach Menning is to be compli-
Dahn, Bueta Harris, and Zola Mac Sunday visitors in the Oscar Stab- mented on his boys, for they cer-
Reitzel. enow home. tainly looked better and faster, and
Mrs. Ralph Moeller and son Rich-
ard spent several days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Tank at Walcott. They returned
with Mr. Moeller, who joined them
Sunday and spent part of the day
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Moeller.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Prayer has no virtue unless it
clears a channel to God. Light
comes with the cleared channel;
there's glory in it.
It isn't always an easy thing to
clear the channel. The world is
too much with us. If we go to a
concert, our minds overrun with
problems, we miss a good part of
Earl Burns of Chapin visited sev-,the program before we can detach
eral days last week with his sis-!ourselves from our worldly troub-
ter, Mrs. Howard Whitlatch. Sun-les, but if we go in a freer mood,
day visitors in the Whitlatch home our spirits are at once caught up
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whit-]by the music. So let it be with
lafch and sons Bobby and Keith of:spiritual communion.
Tipton, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward', We may need hours alone some-
Kent of Mount Vernon. where or we may achieve it in-
Jean ~t stantly, or it may flood on us when
Mrs. Emil Reyhons, Norma i
and Roger of Mount Vernon spent iwe are not seeking it. The purest
Thursday in the F. J. Kolek home. ]illuminations come into the life
David Staskal of Mount Vernon] never cluttered, open to receive
spent Friday with his grandparents. ] them. A thought comes--a picture,
Louis Gamble returned last week!and we are as one transfigured,
from a two week's visit in the home ~: glowing in radiance, trying to hold
of his aunt Mrs. Lizzie Russell at lit- This is the kind of experience
Bronson, Michigan. I that makes us know People may
Mrs. Lloyd Peterson entertainedI take the truth and use it, and go on
at a party on Monday evening :from! from it to something else, but the
fivo tn ~i~ht in hnnnr ~f h,~r ~n'~i original truth first came to a mind
' a "
tenth birthday A lovely birth-open nd m~une. The channel had
v cak ~Deen cmarea
da. e centered the table, where. SENIOR INTER "IE"
the boys were seated :for supper v W
Rnlnh's ~ue~tg wero l-l~rold .lPn [ ~nomer oI o~r bright seniors is
--~ ,~^-TZ-V:. ::-~:~ .-:Y --'~ ZZ "~iVivian Harris She has attended
nkP] ~t~c] ]-~,'~n~]~:~ I~'~]ihan i l~lSOOn~cnool for eleven years
Br i in
Mr and Mrs Henry Lackman:~ V v a has taken basketball and
glee club all :four years in high
entertained at Sunday dinner a school
group of Mr. Lackman's relatives, In the operetta"Chonita," she
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmidt, ] was one of the gypsy girls. Vivian
daughters Shirley and Verla, Mr. r managed the stage properties in
and Mrs. Orvil Dahms, Mr. and Mrs. "Green Light", which was the Jun-
Albert Jurgens, and Mr. and Mrs. ior Play last year.
Harvey Thiel and son Kenneth, all When asked of her future plans,
of New Liberty Supper guests!she said, "I would like to attend
were Mr. and Mrs. E. L Russell icollege at Ames." Whatever she
and C. W. Miller of Cedar Rapids. i does, I'm sure she will make a suc-
Mr and Mrs. G. L. Albright and~
cess of her future. Good luck
Patsy spent Sunday in the home of iVivian.--Maxine Leigh.
Mrs. Albright's parents, Mr. and!$UNIOR NEWS
Mrs. Ed Bebee at Springville.I The Juniors are still rolling on
Saturday guests in their home will, (or at least trying to).
be Mr. and Mrs. Randall Warfeli In Biology we have decided to
and son Dickie of Dixon, Ill and i leave the
Mrs. G. J. Albright. Mrs. Albright, [spring, and study the structure of
JEWELER i who has been in the Warfel home lthe human body. We hope it isn't
for two months, will open her home as hard as the study of the grass-
Saturday for the holiday, season, hopper.
208 2nd St. SE. Mrs. Warfel and son remaining with I FRESHMAN NEWS
CEDAR RAPIDS her. Mr. Warfel will return Sun- We have had quite a :few hard
day to his home, joining the ram- lessons in algebra
~z~ -~-~-~:~~~-~ ~ * * ily during the holidays. In Literature class, we have read
Have there been times when it
was a real hardship for you to
get to the bank? But you knew
that checks should be deposited
promptly. So you had to submit
to the inconvenience ~ or you
thought you had. You forgot
about banking by mail. You can
mail a letter any time and do
your banking just as well and
just as afely as in person. Try
it the next time you are in a
hurry. Let us send you the forms
and simple instructiorm for bank-
ing by mail.
It is a helpful place.
Choked full of most at-
tractive and desirable
gift articles. Never has
our stock been as large
and varied. This wonder-
ful stock will make gift
selections a snap.
Misses and Girls Skirts
at $1.00 up
New Frocks just in,
at $1.00 up
Silk Hosiery and Socks.
Fancy Pillow Slips,
Sheets, Blankets
Table of 5c Toys and Gift
Table of 10c Toys and
Gift Articles
Table of 15c Toys and
Gift Articles
Table of 25c Toys and
Gift Articles
Other Articles 50c and $1
Helpful Surprises Await
you here. Visit this Shop
are plentiful at our
Salted and Roast Pea-
nuts, pound 10c
Fancy Mixed Nuts, lb 22c
Fancy Diamond Wal-
nuts, lb 22c
50% Filled Candies,
pound lOc
100% Filled Candies,
pound 15c
Candy Canes,
lc, 2 for 5c, and 5c
Christmas Cookies,
pound 15c and 18c
Candy Filled Stock-
ings 5c and 10e
Caramel Pop Corn 10e
Brite New Dates, lb 15e
New Figs, brick 10c
5-1b Box Assorted
Chocolates 79c
Evergreen Trees,
20c, 30c, 45c and 75c
Almond or Pecan Bars,
2 for 5c
Juice Seedless Oranges,
dozen 2Oc, 25c, 30c
Calif. Navel Oranges,
doze' 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c
Seedless Grape Fruit,
12 for 20c
Seedless Grape Fruit,
12 for 25c
Seedless Grape Fruit,
Jumbo, 8 for 25c
Seedless Raisins 2 Ibs 15c
Sunsweet Prunes, size
90 to 20, price 6c to 15c
3 20c pkgs super suds 41c
li Remember Santa Claus is
making our gift shop his
headquarters this year.
When you see the grand
array of gifts you'll be-
[l lieve it.
Everybody Smiles With San ta Claus At Christmas Time
It's The Year's Glad Peak
join the gay festivities and are first in cordial greetings to each and every individual. Proof of this
looks from evergreen trees that line our streets and sparkle from the hundreds of lights that set
these trees aglow and gleams from the big Silver Star that floats in the sky above.
Our stores are full of gift possibilities that will help you make the season a pleasant and easy one
and a grand success. Visit us often.
See how completely we are in accord with the season and know helpfulness and cordiality.
Lisbon-is the community center, and service runs every day of all the year and will continue into
and through 1941.
~-~ ~,~-~~
Santa Claus Arriving with a Confection and Nut Gift for all Children.
Time: Near 3 o'clock
We, Your Hosts, Invite You
A Good Bank Since 1874
Farm Implements and Supplies
Christmas Candy, Nuts, Fruit,
Vegetables and Groceries
Buy and Save at
For the News
Christmas Greetings
The Home of Good Food. Meals, Short
Orders, Lunches, Fountain Service,
Candies, Cigars, Cigarettes
Tom Challis, Prop.
For Fancy Groceries
Footwear and Shoe Repairing
School Supplies, Work Gloves
Mittens, and Men's Socks
Lunches, Cigars and Cigarettes
Furniture and Undertaking
Mount Vernon and Lisbon
Paraland Gas & Oils.---The Best for
Less. A Full Line of Groceries.
Cigars and Cigarettes. Christmas
Candies, Fruit Cakes and Home Made
Baked Goods
Chrysler & Plymouth Sales & Service.
Also Massey-Harris Tractors and
Power Farm Equipment. Accessories.
Repairs, Gas and Off
Phone 71 Lisbon, Iowa
A Good Place To Do Your
Christmas Shopping
Phone 93
John L. Petersen, Agent
J. I. Case Tractors, Combines, Pick-up
Balers, and a full line Farm Machines
Phone 107 Lisbon, Iowa
For Quality Bakery Goods
Verlyn Beasmore, Prop.
Air Conditioning--Electrical Supplies,
Oil Burners -- Refrigerators
The East End Station
TEXACO Gasoline & Oils
Battery Charging -- Tire Repairing
Building Material & Fuel
Dean Clark Lessee Phone 760
Manufacturers of High Grade Butter
For Flowers and Plants
Plumbing and Heating Contractors
Chandlers Furnaces
Auto Repairing --- Gas and Oil
Studebaker Sales and Service
Repairing a Specialty
Beer, Lunches, Cigars and Cigarettes
Where Friends Meet Friends
Buy Your Insurance of
For General Insurance
Appreciates Your Business
Thank You
Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year
Honeymead Feed, Grain, Seed
and Coal
Hot Water Car Wash
Jack Davis, Prop. Jack McKay, Asst.
Radio, Electric and Refrigeration
Oil-o-Matte Oil Burners
Electrical Contracting
Frank Wooldridge