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December 12, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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Mallie home near Mount Vernon.
Laverta Slyer is staying with
Evelyn Brown and Jennie McCon-
aughy for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Remington and
Phyllis and Mrs. Elsie Remington
shopped in Cedar Rapids Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackman of Ox-
ford Junction spent the week end
with Mrs. Blackman's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ad Rich. Mrs. Blackman
was honored at a miscellaneous
shower on Saturday afternoon at
the Lowell Kohl home
Mrs. Kathryn Peet was a dinner
guest of Mrs. Evelyn Brown on
Mrs. Janet Meeks called at the
W. B. Meeks home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lake, Mrs. Watters,
and Mrs. Prentice, all of Anamosa, i
called at the Mrs. Evelyn Brown
and Jennie McConaughy homes on
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Gall Stahl spent Friday in
the A. C. Port home at Springville.
Mrs. Guy Martin and her moth-
er Mrs. Hedges shopped in Cedar
Rapids Friday.
(Continued from Page 4)
We're all wondering if Donald
Siggins likes General Science as
well as he used to since his seat
has been moved.
Some day we all expect to see
Barney either a great comedian or
a cartoonist. Mr. Menning doesn't
seem to care for his work
Would you laugh if you saw:
Howard Ciha wheeling a baby
Clair Yeggy as the nation's movie
Marvin Light, the president of
the United States?
Bob Stout as a great night club
singer?--Say, by' the way,Bob
came back to school Monday.
Ralph Light as the National spell-
ing champion?
Have you noticed Betty's end curl
lately? Spiffy, eh?
Have you noticed the lipstick
Will Frantz spent last Monday in Norton has" been wearing recently?
Chicago. . . [ Jane Yount, s green socks are-
Miss Elva ~ortman spent me } nretty classy--Evelyn Kaliban
week end with friends m C dar]FIRST & SECOND GRADE NEWS
Rapids The second grade has begun read-
Mrs. Lfllmn Smwar~ a~enaea me ing in their Friendly Village books.
Ladies Aid meeting at the Mrs. Mrs. Blood and daughter Virginia
Margaret White home on Friday. visited our room Friday morning.
Phyllis Peet has been sick sev- We are busy making Christmas
erat days with scarlet fever, decorations and practicing our
Naomi Stewart spent Thursday
night with Mrs. Lillian Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird visited
Mrs Katherine Pest Sunday after-
Will Mitchell spent Sunday in the
Yule Mitchell home near Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas spent
Saturday evening in.the L. 1~ Bobst
Mrs. Martha: Barber was a Sun-
day dinner guest in the Harvey Bar-
ber home.
Mrs. Elsie Beardsley of Anamosa
visited Mrs. Millie Hurt on Sunday.
Mrs. David Myers, Mrs. Dewey
Peterson, Mrs. Tom Hurt, Mrs. Mar-
tim Barber called in Anamosa on
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Stella Cusher and Betty
called in the Loule Bobst home on
Monday afternoon.
Mrs, Gee. Newman spent Sun-
day in the Mrs. Esther Kohl home
with Ruth and Morris while Mrs.
Kohl spent the day with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Ardette Schoon.
Dorothy and Wilton Brewer and
MrL W. B. Meeks called at the
Mrs. Esther Kohl home on Sunday.
Mrs. Gene Armstrong visited at
the Mrs. Evelyn Brown home Sat-
urday atternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slyer and
Thomas spent Monday in Cedar
Mrs. Ad Rich and John of near
Spring~(ille called at the Lowell
Kohi hbme Saturday.
M ~, Raymond Speas and Georgia
Lee spent Friday afternoon with
Mrs. Julia Branchflower.
There will be sewing in the
Mount Vernon Red Gross rooms on
Friday afternoon, Dec. 13. Any
ladies desiring to sew will please
be on hand. Very simple children's
garments will be made. Anyone
wishing to take any garments home
to finish may do so.
Christmas program.
The following second grade boys
and girls attained a perfect score
on the Spelling test Friday: Mary
Carol Fe~guson, Beverly Gouchee
Thomas Ferguson, Joann McCall
Maurice Harlan, Dorothy Sheber
Carroll Sailor and Jeri Lea Blood.
The Home Ec. 2 girls were to
have until Friday to complete the
garments which they were making.
Everyone that is finished is started
on white aprons which are to be
worn in class. It seems that Miss
Nee can't possibly keep Maxine
and Lois apart. I wonder what they
are talking about continually? Our
next project will be making Christ-
mas gifts.--Bonnie Simmons.
Mike Bova singing: "My Bon-
nie Lies over the Ocean."
Lois Roup singing: "Will You Re-
member Tonight and Tomorrow".
Vivian Harris singing: "Billy."
Ma~y Louise Burrows singing:
"Mexicali Rose."
Merle Zearing singing: "If I Had
My Way."
Katy Kruse singing: "Only 'For-
We wonder why so many tests
here been given in English.
We wonder why Lois got speed
in typing fill of a sudden?
We wonder where Mike Bova gets
such bright remarks?---Vivian Har-
In band we have been playing for
the basketball games, and the pep
In glee club we are working very
hard towards perfection. For we
want to make a success of our con-
cert at the Methodist church, Dec.
We students in L. H. S. find our-
selves associating with the song
writers, for some students are so
loyal to Lisbon High that they are
writing about it. As we all know
the Athletic Association offered a
dollar for the best song written,
the first being the Lisbon Victory
Song, written by Billy Yount and
John Clark. This song is to the
tune of the Notre Dame Victory
Buck made ten
Vernon and Lisbon
!be ?
Maxine has been
broken.--Ralph Burge
Ruth Huey being
(in an Oldsmobile)
Vernon game.
Frances blushing
one of her usual
Jane flirting with
son and vice versa.
Norton winking at
Billy was so interested in Mount I You're becoming
Vernon's cheer leader? i breaker, Norton.
To the persons named below owners of land within
and to all other persons whom it may concern, you and
hereby notified:
That in accordance with the provisi,ms of statute and
the order of the Board of Supervisors of Linn County, Io~
entered on the 7th day of May 1940, due notice of which
publleatinn in the official newspapers of the county, The B
visors of Linn County, Iowa, has caused noxious weeds J
upon the land owned by you, or of which you are in pos
weeds found growing on the highway adjacent thereto,
destroyed, there having been a substantial failure on your
with said order.
That the expenses thereof, including" all costs as
as follows, to-wit:
Marion City:
Warren Johnson Lots 2&3 Blk 2 Orchard Hei
Blk 2
C M St P & P Ry D SW Bet 15th & 16th Sts
D W Bates, Recr Comml Bank Lot 24 irr sur NE-S of 3rd Ave
Cieman's Est. Gray's Add Ex El0ft Blk 1 l&]
Wencel Gatto Lots 9 to 16 AP 128
Cecil Walters H Orchard Heights 14 & 15 Blk 3
Elsie S. & Willis Jordan Aud Plat 3 l&2
Ed M Taylor Goodhue, Mitchell & Marshall l
Blk 6
Dr A E Crew, Treas
R B Eckhard
I John M. l~fay
Ray ~ewkirK
Cedar Rapids Gas Co.
Adolph Johnson Est
Merle M. iJollock
Bridget Woods
Christina M & Walter A
Elnora McKean Est
Bertha M Miller
J C Miller
Aud Plat 151 Lot 1
Taylors 1st S100ft Lots
Richmonds 2nd 5 & 6 Blk 4
Rtchmonds 2nd Add 7&8 Blk
Davis & Brooks 2nd N48ft
Green's /~dd l&2 Blk 2
N91ft Lot 5 irr sur W of Purl
between 7th & 8th Ave
Carharts 2nd Lot 19 Blk 2 .
Original Town Lots 3&4 Blk
J. B. Youngs Add Lots 3&4
Original Town Lots l&2
Orchard Heights Lots 7&8
Orchard Heights Lotl Blk 2
Mae Rowe & Pearl Hollenbeck Richmonds 2nd Add Lots 5&6
O G Waffle S120ft N240ft Lot Irr
Jesse B Howell
J G Albright
Harry O Darr,
E B & E W Griffiths
Clarence L Gregory
; Clarence L Gregory
: George Barnoske,
Adeliza Daniels
Mary ~Ientzer Holllngsworth
; Mina Haussler Est
Linn County
Martha A Elliott
Ed Loehner
Champlin Oil Co
Louise L. Beiber
Gus L. Wieneke
Margaret L Arthur RaJtora
Mable Sharp
Marion Water Co.
August Johnson
Jens Cook Est
Emily L & John Fillmore
Cedar Rapids Gas Co
Charles G. Mentzer
Gertrude Mitchell
W E Warren
Grave G. McConnell
Gertrude Mitchell
Harry Hall
O. G. ~raffle
Mary Harcourt Est
Elsie & Willis Jordan
Walter J Bray
E B & E W Grlffiths
Archie Berryhill
6-83-6 W145.6ft Lot 3 irr sur
N120ft & ex S120ft N240ft
ex Street 6-83-6
Lot 14 irr sur NE W of St.
Isbell's 2nd All S of RR Lot 3
Orchard Heights Lot 3&4 Blk
Green's 1st Add Lots 8&9 Blk
Orchard Heights Lot 10 Blk 5
Orchard Heights Lot 18 Blk
Daniels Reserve E40ft Lots
Daniels Reserve E40ft Lot
Isabells 2nd Add Lot 4 Blk 11
Mentzers lstLots 8,9,10 Blk 2
Lot 3 in Lot 9 irr sur NE 1-8
L P Owens Add Lots 1 to 5
Orchard Heights Lots
Blk 5
And Plat 207 W'ly 195 Lot 1 .
Booths Add Lots 6&7
D & SW 18th to 22nd
Isabells ]st ex R R frac Lot ]-
Carharts 2nd Lots 3&4 Blk 1
Holmes l'~istine Add Lgt 1 BIR
Original Town E5Oft Lot 3 Bl~
Carharts 2nd Lots 9 & 10 Blk ]
Orchard Heights Lot 8 Blk 3
Lot 4 in Lot 8 irr sur NE 1-83~
Original Town E Lots 3 &
Baileys 2nd Add Lots
Lot 12 Aud Plat 136
Audr l~at 136 Blk 35
Audr Plat 136 Lots 27 & 28
Davis & Brooks E40ft of
Blk 1
Orchard Heights Lot 4 Blk 7
D & SW 14 to 16th Sts Ori
Blk 49
Sl20ft N240ft W120ft irr
6-83-6 W145.6ft Lot 3 Irr sur
& ex S120ft N240ft & ex
Audr Plat 136 Lots 17,18,19,20
Audr Plat 3 Lots 1 & 2
Danteis Railroad N45ft Lots
Lots 13,14.15,16,17,18,19
O T N El/3 Lot 4 Blk 28
Out Lot 23 irr sur NE 6-83-6
And you are further notified that the Board of Supe
County, Iowa, will meet at 2:(}0 o'clock p.m December
Court House in Cedar Rapids, Ltnn County. Inwa, at
matter of confirmation of an assessmelnt of these expens~
come on for hearing and the same may be increased,
or affirmed without further notice.
Unless you appear at said time and place and show
why said expenses and costs should not be so assessed,
and taxed against the real estate abo~e described.
Dated at Cedar Rapids, Iowa this 10th day of
ROB'T ~ . VESELY, Linn