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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 12, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 12, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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De~m~r 12, 1940 TIIE MOUI~'I~ VERNON, IOWA, HA~VKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD ] Mrs. Jerry Walters entertained Prof. Devereaux Will Play VERNON S0CIAL|her afternoon bridge club at the * [ Goudy Tea Room on Tuesday after- With Cedar Rapids Symphony noon. Cards were played at three'~ ----- I REBEKAH ELECTION tables, Refresbments were served.Eugene Devereaux, professor of Mrs. Frances Reyhons was elect- Altruria club will meet at the organ and music theory at Cornel1, ed Noble Grand of Hill City Re- bekah lodge at the regular meeting home of Mrs. Merle Kafer, Monday will play a program of organ hum- Tuesday evening. Other officers evening, I)eeember 16 at 7:30 bers for the Cedar Rapids Sym- o'clock. This wilt be their annual phony orchestra concert Dec. 17. "From Heaven High to Earth I Come," by Pachelbach, and Shep- herds in the Field by Malling. Mr. Devereaux has again been invited to play a recital in the Uni- versity of Chicago chapel on Feb. 23 This will mark his fourth ap- pearance there in three years. He will be the only outside recitalist f William Roge~ arrived here Sun- I Mrs. Rose Hickman was a guest day morning for a short visit in the I Tuesday at a birthday dinner in home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. I honor of the birthday of Mrs. W. J. Glenn Itogers. He will le:tve l,'ri-iGreer in Marion. day to return to Hamilton Field,/ near San R:~fael, C.tlif wl+loro he is/ The West End Clan will meet for st-~tioned with the 55th Signal i their Christmas party, next Wed- Maintenance Company I,:nroute to ' nesday evening, I)ecem~aer 18, at Mount Vernon he trav~qel] by army the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence are discontinuing a number of lines in our chosen are: Mrs. Margaret Knapp, Christmas gift exchange. A playlet The concert will be played in the to appear there during the winter plane to Midland, Texas and hitch- Matthews. Mrs. Murton Kepler and Past Noble Grand; Mrs. Marie l.s department and reducing stock in lines that Burge, Vice Grand; Mrs. Belle will be included in the evening's Memorial Coliseum, with Joseph quarter, hiked from there to Mt. Vernon in Mrs Her,bert Smith ,will be in program. Kitchen conducting. two days. His unit is expected to charge of the supper and Mrs. At- d to continue, therefore we are offering you Thompson, secretary;Mrs. Ethel Ingleside members enjoyed a din-In the first half of the program Jim Eyre Named Chairman of go to Alaska in January. The army thur Lindsey will have charge of iCoster, Financial secretarY; Mrs. net Monday evening at the Baker Mr. Devereaux will assist the or- worthwhile bargains for personal use or Xmas i Laura Anderson, treasurer; Mrs. house, with the following members chestra in presenting a concerto for Freshman Dance Committee Alaska.maintainSRecentlyall telephoneWilliamlineSvisitedin the entertainment. Agnes LeGuire, treasurer; and Mrs. ~ --.---- ----- -- -e Siver staff ca-thin as hostesses: Mrs. Helen Schroed- Jim Evre of" Mount Vernon was R dph l)unham ~t for mcr local resi- READ THE ADS. !lvlaucl ' . .P " er, Mrs. Charles Keyes, Mrs. Agnes named chairman of the program dent who operates a 600 acre beet Plans were mace xor me ~nrm~- Bartholomew Mrs. F'. R. ltistine committee for the freshman classranch neat" Woodland, Calif. Mr. ~1 ~:; P::tYin~hiCDhecW.iBl~.e n~lap~c nc ~v~d :ui3hli~'rpnks:ntl~el aM~:o:" -J: ,eaux. These include Toccata in C dance to be held in the Cornell Dunhan~ had +t snap shot of Call- . See ~[-'--'-'-'--~La'"redInLadiesolesMissesVelvetLadiesChildren'sSilkLadies'Dresses, l'ajamas,RuffledBrassiereseChildren's Leather,Bath andChildren's S and Wool CottonWool NDRAZOR, DualHe Silk $1.50, Part and not Towels FeltPrints, Long Skirts,and Cotton Neck and Tailored previously and Rayon SETS Wool Ha'is Wool $2.00, Cotton Special Cotton Foundation Batistes and Wool Scarfs sizes and Yard and Gloves Panties $2.50, Curtains Mats: Sweaters Caps: eae t'- Hosiery Silk reduced Blouses 26 Goods and to $3.00, d Gloves Garments Rayons 30 : $3.50, 25c 98c $~c+t~+day a ! exchangedNight," :was 'America. close i were was ing, ~nualheld'i:supper AMERICANae; Ved:i~htesandwtc~f~"Pltheteaer ter charge'chMissat next servedtribute ning.of HAS cl CkreEVery nelsaskedt brnngc with Scott, The RosedaleThe AmericanI-~egi nAuxiliaryl program The The Mrs. 8:00 given, read, their a afternoon, Christmas Wednesday CHI~S~S the the read:Following.the byaia' Friday by Charles to by o'clock, will short nts No. group regular group ms. and and our d m/ing . candlelight, sch~---i-No, and following Our LE--G~-N be 5 Just mass Christmas Dorothy supper aften country the Hoeft, will class in ~Ie:e~t'Spnd?ntm~ :ere party Dec. enjoyed There evening, sang Christmas which meeting singing r PANTY charge program me Living," oi business meet- oon of ' the . Tuesday AUXHAt~Y at a~the 20; 4,stmas et "me "God the and wl auaiin will Gifts two the "games. will with'Mrs; i~c" "r program Dec. " at Division and of,l-'resvy- ' Presby-,~ "Silent. be at poems school closea G home party Bless were busi have paid Mxs. eve- if" 6:30 . an- the2 no 18, t, is . I r~.~:~~~j~'~~~'~.~.~1 |l iS ~il~ ~il !~" ~ ~ ~i I,t,= ~ mm~ appearb,be herds deliverThe buy nowAll,o, traced tne your-- Our It ForJ, Ua I ltW~F houses,localsome theMilkis finished J your eiow) milk your milk to i inne; distance theproducerbenefit and iS and privilege who producing productsNature's.+ tne~ cream creamI V&IH II |W|||/I~ |from individually and 25e tocan isfrom the Mount to herd. inspect not Major you. welfare ' :::: :,: dairymen- aVernon, mixture ownmrce ourby 'l' of Bach, herds, their the (whose but fromserve Food Choralecommun" herds barns can,variousnames easily yOU0I and and Prelude RY ~ ~ ~ [ couple. " + ToMary odist said nellian, Margee Jane apartment taryMoore, Moore, neyLambettson, Clinton. Eyre well, "~rk lows: Committee school Santa Christmas gymnasium genera, cormngs 1519m m Joanne" centsReachof Theahe Hall, Boulder, Music church Mount Ill-" Claus music, Ellen le~er the who mixer, he well Wray, The h ursarefr m7t 10sut~marme" nttsfrstdeepdivetest cnmrman had~.~1 stag Day dance vacation, decorations in Cedar W. statesBaroda, '"chairmen will is Shuffle, Vernon; thewr MooreNew knownpreached Chuckare ~ S. and corresponding of Colo.; Ottumwa ' Admission be ~ C. to Rapids; that Davennort living evening ot York,rovided S. ~Thursday,25 will be program, Expected b- India,refreshments,former i of ' he Krul, arelas y Jeane me "~-- somewhere cents ealled the in be City. Rev and publicity'l~ ""ar and will a an bv ua .~ before Meth- is secre- . Sun. Shot- " Syd- C r'l~ Mrs'l~ Dec. tinyl~ Otis Oak Jim fol- per all- the E1 the Hells re- beI I~ IitI~ I~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~,l~gltg~l~t~R~.~~- ones. ~tt Lh~d an ?et Carderock on f a f po:st fornia ormer~ ,~ letter trof. .-, ,be engineerfirst Marmn . "~ ++'+" ~+bo~,o,~ I:IA. KFTRAI! remdent ~:lmer from tn. . ----------Electric '.+.U arine ' + MarylandhomeU'.-: ! 18 and Taylor from 1,wight feet Mr ~ootsH gho~ ph,-sicist ,the SkatesIronshigh. of ~o~nt ModelWindenberg basketball- has ~+.Windenbo, tbe HeSchooldown s. staUonc~said.Basin ~,'e. receivedVo, on," Triton, ' + ILl that "6Sin at,is +,the VS.II game Mr.ur - Electric" Aluminum JEWELRY,~ ~- of Vernon " "the .n Waffle tot t" season "I'""+ H. " --- Irons o S. ['~",|| tt =. 7 Butt ns' Wool Yarns,Crochet Threads o tn d s terianchurchn ~~r~le hOemi ~held a Christmas ~t MATTHEW DAIRY ~+severalbeenruralalm stlifethere'eVerYlittlewhileandSUndaYsketchestherethat sinCeandheconcerning I ~'nasishe work- [~ solo [ 3). had IP ,at 1" IU|I[ lgr| ~/,'l o~1) " '~'~ ",~/I~. I-]1 ll'~ O' O ' ClOCl{TM -- a~ ~,~.~l .'~ l~tm" ". Rayon Slips, formerly $1, one large lot of beautiful with Christmas decors- ! Dial 3 ling on more sketches. [{~ arious sizes, slightly soiled, each 49c lions. Twenty-five were present to ~ i Their son, Dick, had spent the[~. Mount ern-- " 7-+ square colorfast, while they last in share the courtesy. A gift exchange ~ I AID t/INI ~ week end with them and they are]~{ Y Oil nigh cnOOl t+ym | was a part of the social hour Mrs. ~ a.~a ~a a~J v~ ~a a.~a~-~ ~ expecting their daughter Alison,]~ - It -u lengths 15c R.A. Scroggie will entertain the ~ Dial 6191 and Dick to join them for Christ-[ aamission---tJrade school 15c, H. S. 25c, Adults 35c. t January meeting. I orter Challis,-vard . ,5c WINCH mas. [ ~'-~f~lt~ -- 'n,n~, light anti dark:yar(l::::[: A joint picnic supper will be en- IP DAIRY |[ 2~nomer ~augmer, m ss ,v, y -I" ~-~ r eli Hats, while tl ev . 98c joyed this evening by Vernon chap- ~ ~x- ,~r~,-~-. ~ len Moore was expected to reachl ~, tea's o.E.S, and the local Masonic ~ Dial ~Zl ~ Baroda India, Dec. 8, where she has[ ~ ~ . in the Masonic rooms at 6:15 ~ ~ [gone to the mission field She wrote~ ~ ~ ~1 [] ~ # ~']Jt lodg r h r eus ot other articles at Greatly Reduced Prices ek After the suppe t e e will -" ~~-~lg:~g~g:~:~'~~i. [her parents that officers in San] lira I o cloc . " Francisco had told her before sail- i~ !i~~i i~:':'~ r~!:. ,~:.~ +~:: i~:i::~i-!+(:+~ oOia oer-+ All Sales Cash and Final William Hoffman.eCa;dst~eg?n~ [ ~ ~"~~~ ::"+;:::!1 '" gl ' Q "ty S will furnish the u " ~}i!ii~~vJ ':ii:':i~:! ' mitred t land n Japanese s il but,~ '?~'+~;~~0 uah tore have made reservations for the s P- ~ ~p~~" "::'::"::+~ when she reached there the Ja'pan-] All .+.~'i::.~'i~:+~i~'+::z~ l ese offmmls stud to go any where| I~ ~:.~i~i~~:~! .~~:~w " per Meat, dessert and coffee will + '+ " nfeFx~erweI~I~i!~ d~it:!pt~eh:wiSl CmweS~l! ~ I she hked. Condlttons have grown, ,1 ~ ~+~,i~.~+~~+i+:> be +urnished by the committee :++ + +'++ +'+ worse since then, however, Rev.[ II Mount Vernon, Iowa Moore stated. He also told of hay-|II I~[~~~~ ~[~z ling visited with Theodora Irvine |[| [[i~[:1~.~ PP'~D1 ~- - ~'~-" who has a dramatm school in New[ r.on. - $~avm:l~:.~v,~:~:~a;~ . . .~: ' ~ 'meet with Miss Anna Jordan, Fri-]~ + .:+iii+iiii~ i++i!iiilii!+!!!!:~i;ii!:::::}i;i+:: + ' "" JWt. V e " ~~~.~,A York City. key. and Mrs. Moore's| ----I ,|~~ ~v L~.|C~O." lrlz "~+~ 4~t~ ~ :.~ -+z : w, +o, w,