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Dec bea' 12, 1940 MOUNT VI bNON, IOWA, HA'WI ' g-I ODRD AND THE LI ON H]I tALD Page Seven
Mr~-~--~tn ~ i i i i i i i iiiii I Ill II [ I Ill [ I II III -- I-- I - --- ~ III I IllII~ . ~"
thelr age and,-,- neral services will he conducted on ----==:=:====--=:===: : :=::::----==:--:--- gu;sts of Mr. and Mrs. ROb- 2etsi ed over the nleetlng. uring our
lg ~---but a Woman alniost %VI INI-VII I ]Thursday at 2 pm, in the Hunte O#~IH[~T,~I~r~D T-IFf&TTC:~I[? P ! ",G" ' -Hibusinesa meeting we received oul
"~rlooks hers.-'"'{=x " [ U|lllll~ ~ ~ AI/M Ill ~ Funeral Home by'Dr W Glenn /3tJl'l%J%.P&~ kY 1~l~ llVUOl~ Mr. and Mrs. Brady Hegarty of]club at the home of Dorothy Lip-[new matorial forour new project
~a ~,M~] Mrs. Harry Freeman IRowley ? :=::--==~.~ - Tipton were Sunday .guests of Mr. pert. Home Furnishlng
for ~he coming
?* "J ~ -- I -- : and Mrs. Rmpn ~owne. [ t~narles Bachman sold his farm year. Also we
voted a new leader,
An~ J.~ ~ REnEKAHS ELECT METHODIST NOTES . :~~ :~/'.~:~ Mr. and Mrs. Clem McGowan I last week to a Mr. Petrak and son i Mrs C C Berry and I cla New-
~e Springville Rebekah Lodge No. 99 Sunday school 10 a m" Morning : :'~ and family of Marion were Sunda- of near Lisbon - '- " :- " - --
~[ has elected the .following officers: worship, 11 a.m.; Ladies Aid, Mrs. ; : {~ :I~:.: ~,::::~ guests of Mrs. Alma McShane. ~ i l)ecious as now members
,-~|#~mn~, ~]Noble Grand Edith Thomas; Vlce-!Charlie White's Dec 18th ~~!i~ Devere Port and A C Port were,P - ~ club The
(lub n~mb~r-ln~[O-Our
~.~'~a,a~tU ~ ~ Grand Margaret Evans; Recording Viola Church Sunday school at ' business visitors in Davenport Mon- ~,man ~et~ mueolres were M :r~-l~.- M ~ r
' :": ~:'~ : l~ecelv ~ e ~.~ .~.~,-
l~-4, ~ Secretary Thamer Begley; Fman-10.45 morning worship at 9"45-- ~ ' day e lvlaterlal For Project o ,~
i a i " " " ~ :, ~ - . ~ v~,'~, ~ .~v~a.~,a --,-
ad ~ i c al Secret ry, Bess e Dudek, Trus-lRev C D Boggle :: ~ Mrs Bertha Stinger was a recent ~ ~ r ~ -v is~ l)i~k
~:,:~: :, . ~e t, Mal Lou c ~,u ~
:~,] ~[tee, Jennie Bond On Weones~ay -- ~ ~ visitor in the home of her son Fran- The Indian Creek Bluebirds 4-H I Bena and Club leader Mrs Frank
UOI~ ~ evening, Dec. 11, Praha Lodge of]SCHOOL MUSIC DEPT. WILL cis Stinger and family near Mount club metThursday evening at the I Bena--JEll; Bena club ro-orter
~nic~ ~ ~ Cedar Rapids initiated a class of)GIVE CHRISTMAS CONCERT Vernon. home of Miss Martha Lippert !
fifteen candidates in Lodge No 99 The Music department of the ~::~' ' " " Mar h I i " i
fltQIIII~ ~I . "1 ~~,Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson re- t a ~ ppert, president, pre-' READ THE ADS.
~,~'~||,~ ~/This special meeting was held inISprmgville SChOOl wlu present a :~~l~ iturned Tuesday afternoon from a
W~I''='~v I~l h~ r f'~ n ~ h~l1 ~ 'hri~tmas concert Dec 15 at 1"30 ~'--------'---
""-I ~I~-~ Iv ~ ' " ' ' i VlSl~ wltn tnelr son rrancls ~imp- ~
-- p.m in the school auditorium. ~ ! son and Mrs. Simpson and family
elL-- . !II~[ASONIC LODGE ELECTS Vocal music by the first five grades wkeye-Record Photo atLoveland Colo |Hxw~'~v~ c~xee~:n sn e~P~l
cu~:~~t~dt~ ~[ A.F.& A.M. LodgeNo. 139heldlsupervlsed" by Mary Walker and . . ~ [ Mr. and l~/Irs. Robert Emerson of ~|]Lf~l~k][~|][~ ~L~]h.]~t~||'|~ ~ Ol~|~t~[~
:eua~~U~It~ ~ election of officers Monday eve- Miss Seager. 6th, 7th, 8th grades The picture shows the new Inoaern farm nouse on the ~eorge Sabula were Sunda-, evenin- visit- mm
eIL~| ~ ~ v ~ ~W ~[ning. W. M G. L. Dyke; S. W land the high school will be directed S~ehoonover farm, l ~ miles no,~th of Sprlngvllle, which replaces the l ors in the Wilbur ~Vhitaker ~home omy I c rer Word Per Insertlon; 25c Minimum Charge.
L st~ . i[ Win. Johnston; J. W Allen McAr-[by Miss Mary Wolfe. Patricia Gate- ho~ise burned last .year. Most of the
belongings of the C. ~'. Nell farm-I Mr. and Mrs. James Burroughs ! terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
-'~ A ~ -- ~ thur; Secretary Henry Carbee; and wood will be the accompanist The h( fltrm we~ destroyed In the nre The house has five !of Tipton were callers in the M F To Appear On This Page.
r~li=~ ~ Treasurer L J Miller band will be under the direction uy, vena ~ I ~'~ ~" n"~ in *~'~ ~r ~ mm . . .
~V of R T Schwab It is free to the rooms and a bath on the first floor Although the ~e(~)nd floor is lot g
~t~K~tO ~I -- - IBell home Sunday. They reported I Classified Ad Bring Results
-~J ~ NORRIS GUY BISHOP public. finished there is r~x)m for two nmre sleeping rooms on that floor The the death of their aunt Mrs. Ralph "~ ~P"
~ .= -- .a ~1 Norris Guy Bishop, 68, remdentI house is one of the most completely modern homes in the (~nmnmity. I Whlte of Los Angeles Calif form-
I 13 [of Cedar Rapids for the past 30] erlv of Snrin~ville, who sassed,boa ~.ALH: Sand arid gravel.
',~& ~" J,~[years formerly of this vcmty t away Sunday morning l~l~qa~rt .- e, hauled, gardens plowed.
I,~1 died Mondav n~ 3"30 n m in *he 1 u Jr muuer quietly ceieDratea nls Christ ~enson is repor~ea lm- [ ~unaay cauers in me ~ta~pn ~reet ~:. zx,x~z, ~, ~
[ Illl~llt~'~t [~Yl('l-~ ~l~lll lOt ~ (i01 ]71[(I(S
"~ ~ ~" " "" " ~'" "' i t e mr. ana mrs Ivan Ivlann el mar- . :'
I ~ "~ ~ ~ ~] o-~,~1,~ .~nnltnri,m ~ r~tient th,~roi83rd birthday Sunday. His health proving from his recent illness. [home to get acquainted w th h ~ i~1--, R ,~ ~ ~
I~i " ~ I -- - !" ~ -- ,--Ion were ~un~ay visitorsOl lvlr ~')al I~ff "tllLI fill!till l'"bt,'Jl~
/,ii/sin,~ June 14 His wife the lai,~IKeeps nlm connnect toms nome Mr. ana mrs. l-ralph Duncan ana lnew navy were ~ar. anu lvxrs, nar-, ~ " .) ~ '
w ~earns ~z ~ons 1 lal ,3 I I ),lounI VOI
ianteed All Wool - ' 751much of the time family of Mount Vernon, Mrs Ollietold Streets Mrs Carl Sarfford and anamrs . . . I WISH TO BUY some good :f~ " ' ' " ,o:[-
1 * vv ~l. ~l ~atnerme xteeo DI:SZlOp, preceueu I " ' I --' -- Mr ana mrs d a Armstrong second ol third ClOp al ~lf- h~y : .oH. ' ~[fc
Iell Tailored ! hl~ inodea~hamAePrlla27, ?4~.aughter PRESBYTERIAN NOTES DuncanerY~ua ~dy~r~neWr g~Ces~s ~f I ~lap~dYs, ~vlrrS. a~3r~r~ie~ol~nd~e~ir ~e~%buslness visitors in Maquoketa ~,n% S~mreesgO~t l~rieghto2(il:~W oa6t:f ! ~
I ~ ~a,o r~',in ~o11" ,~,b,~ ~,'1 Sunday school I0 am' election Mr and Mrs Paul Ewart phant and Keith, Mrs Edith White- .~ . '] ~ " " ' '" shire boars The easy feedin kind
o " " ' " " r r hur Pe r on n g
f er Point M a,d M s. A t ~ s a d
I ~ ~ of officers will take up the first Mr. and Mrs. E C Carbee, Mrs. ) nack Adrian Hand o Cent ' ~=~l,~, a,~"n ]P,~,~z vv%l+ ;]l no. WAN'FF, I" ). ,S~me ne t c - i .~ II I Cholera immune. Clarence J Suep-
: /~'[ ~ ~ ~ m ~= ~l !half of the hour I.S. Pearson spent Monday after-I Mrs. John Vernon will entertain " .~" ". '."~'.~"".-~*".~ . .- i pcl Solon Iowa ltfc
~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~k~ ~ ~o. revere ~[~ ~ ~ ~'~ Morning worship, 11 a.m.; Dr. noon in the Mr. and Mrs. W. K. I the P. N. G.'s of Evergreen Rebekah par.~oon a motor tr~p o .~lenoal e: ol .~. ~oaos o~ ?oo,L ~.2(u/lw~g ]~m-! ' '
~ ]k ~ IN[ ~ - ~ ]~l Misery o[ ~ ~'~ ~-~'~ ~ I Geor-e Bryant will s,~eak Pearson home in Anamosa I Lodae 149 Dec 19 in her home one ~:anL, ~aturaay wnere iney will Kuia, l,isoon, pnone ~vl~ #P I
~i~ ~ ~a~l~h O I I i i i LIQUID i ~ ~ -- ~ " Imogene Christian spent' Satur- mile north of town. visit Marvin Pearson and a host l~f "~i SERVICE
TABLETS ~ mwa ~rlenos "l~ey e pec~ m e
~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ~ t ROY REED BUYS HOUSE day night and Sunday in the Harry~ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert and . " els ~,'ood v,llow ~',~rn" n crib Ai~o
zna st. S.E. ~lP~im~ SALVE Roy Reed has purchased the L. C. Freeman home. ~family spent Sunday afternoon with away mree wee~s. uantity of good oats I "]~" Cave
I. r~ :: ~i V~I~V NOSE DROPS Stone house of R. C. Hunte. It is Ralph Wain, H. C. Carbee, R F.I Miss Ethel Harris in Marion. ~.vergreen meoezan ~.ouge neict {'bone "i18 IAsbon 7 2tp SrIOE SKATFIS $1.50 pair and up.
apids, Iowa .~ COUGH DROPS now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiley, L. J. Miller and Rev. C.D. Jack Barker of Coggon and Mr.tnelr annum.t~nrls~mas parw weE- i Tricycles $1.25 and up.
~I 'try "Rub-My-'rism"-~a Wonderful H. Levsen. Boggle attended an A. F. & A. M. land Mrs. L. C. Fowler of Anamosa nesuay evening. ~ S h 1~ their V/ANTED: Housework by ex-i We sharpen skates, 25c pair
~'- ~.-'~,~lnlmeni -- Past Masters dinner Friday night were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. l~ove ~napmr ~. ~. . e~o . perienced girl at once. Inquire at l New and Used Bicycles.
Mrs Dennis Taylor entertained i r" n ~,~ M-s Hobart Fowler annual elecuon oi orncers Tuesuay -1 ~ ( i x lh ~ - ) ~ Halls 4 doors ~x
n Ma in - ~on s t~roe ~'f, .v1 ,vl !, la. l[,~, ~ . oi* Light (70. OlI1CO,
-~ the La. rkin club and their families Mrs. C. L. Burroughs and Mrs. David Edwards, Mrs. Nettle Dun- evening. Tne .masonic memoers ~~ i109 2nd St, Cedar Rapids 7-6tp
OPTICAL SERVICE at a dinner and Christmas party last H. H Cooper entertained the Will- can of Mount Vernon and Mrs. Paul served the ladies a dinner pro- i~~
-- "~ Tuesday " ceaing me election. ~~ ~ v'i.OOR SANDING: New ana old
C mg Workers Society of the Presby- Ewart were recent callers of Mrs. I ,
CHAMB n r n floors La~vrente Hunter Dial 541
ERS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. I Mrs. I. S. Pearso,M. a d Mrs. terian Church on Wednesday Ralph Street and the new baby --~-'-~------" FOR RENT ount VerSion' ' "" 23 tfc
Realiz ---- o*a ~-,oo I T. W. Pollock, Mrs. Bess Newland, Mrs. Chas Ellenberger was host- Mrs. Dillard Merritt accompanied Rartram !' " "
~--~, ~ o Dr and Mrs Geor e Pearson ana
St o ~ ~ - g ess to the Dorcas Class of the Meth- Mrs. Orland Apland to Center June- "~--"?. -' --7 ~ ~'~'~ i -~-~-~ .~-~,--,~"~,-~,~-~c~-----r~-
-- ~ ~ ' " MrS ~r~nR Letner,-~'~,~ ~'~, ~'~.- '- ~ ~. -
Cedar Ra Ids Iowa two sons of Burlington were Sun
" P,~ . : . " odlst church at an all day meeting tion Sunday for a short visit " FOR RFNT' Furnish(d room in 1-a-n
' ' n o (l~ lor sa~e we save
you ov
day dinner gues[s of Mr. and Mrs. Friday - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns viE: MR. & MRS, HAROLD FERNOW modern house, private entrance, !per cent. Portable typewriters for
~lver~ rOUOCK. . Bethany ~ircie was enterminea itea in ~ne Dana ~tearns home at ARR HONORED AT SHOWER and bath ])ial 4652 7p i ~ila at IDan vn]lio V~rv P#~n~t~rl
o it~ n~ ~o'- "" con I ' "
~oo ~m n a ~ r, o lvia O in the Methodist church parlors on Mount Vernon Sunday evening of
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fernow able. lowa Loan Co ~05 Mullin
Iowa City, spent Sunday with their Tuesday by Mrs. L. J. Miller, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek in Marion were honored with a mis- Building, Cedar Rapids. 45tf
respective parents. Alma Miller and Hazel Kennedy. company with Mr. and Mrs. Roy cellaneous shower on Friday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman A grab bag was a feature of Christ- Lacock, Mr. and Mrs. George John- ning at the Methodist church byFOR SALE
visited Sunday afternoon in the mas entertainment, ston were Sunday dinner guests of their friends in this community MISCELLANEOUS
George Agne and W. W. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cashman of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston near The program opened with con-
homes at Tipton. Clarence were Sunday evening sup- Mount Vernon, complimenting Mrs. gregational singing followed with FOR SALE: Turkey Toms, live~
~H Mrs. Ollie Duncan has been a per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph George Johnston, Mr. Meek and the invocation by Rev. J. B. Eye- '~ FREEi If excess acid ca lees
18c dressed 21e Hens llve 21e; I
-- n oA~ v) ~ ~.~ o i~, I vou pains of Stomach Ulcers Indi-
ouse of a Million Auto Parts guest the past week of her daugh-~Van Sickle. Mr. Lacock in observance of their stone; music by the church orches- a e, 2 a 2 '
ter, Mrs W. C. Hoffman and Mr. Springville was well represented birthday anniversaries, tra; vocal solo, "Trade Winds," " by t~urt. ~nu ,L." c~t o~"opr ~- ~!gesti n' Heartburn, Belching,
W Hoffman. at the Democratic Victory Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chisman of Iris O'Connor with Miss Ruth Mik- ville. 7p ! Bloating, Nausea, Gins Pains, get
Guests of Elinor Boots Sunday af- and Dance held in the C. S. P. S. Marion were Friday visitors in the ulecky as her piano accompanist; ~-------~ ! froe Sanlple, Udga. at Meredith's
est End 16th Ave. Bridge ternoon were Artelle Maley of Mar- hall in Cedar Rapids Monday eve- Albert Taylor home Mrs. Herman Nebiker conducted FOR SAI.E: Black winter coat, i Itexall Drug. 47-12tp
'telle and Melvin Voelker of Start- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bond of Co- an educational quiz between a size 18, in good condition, cheap
~-- 1~---' r r~ *-- I l t~ U luNi ~G usual en,~,8~
I Cedar Rapids, Iowa ; wood. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel James and dar Rapids spent Sunday with their group of older folk and a group of mrs. ~tr~ Kohl. o0~)l! n'st ~ve. '
" 7- $2 50" cane seating and chair wrap-
i r. -- r s o Clarence visited Sunday in the Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bond. youth. The younger people proved ~. p " "
s to 8 p m Open Sunday to 1 p.m. i 0.~~:~: :-:-~ ,:~ ~.'~-'--'--" ~-.'~ and Mrs. Albert Thompson home in Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jordan of themselves to be winners. Two ~ ping. R. E. Sai~derson, 319 Third
I Lisbon Business Burlington. The Thompsons moved Marion were Thursday visitors in, vocal numbers were by Mr. and FOR SALE: Maplecrest turkeys, Street North, Dial 3622 ,-tf
toms 20c lion, droned" hens
recently from Monticello to Bur- the Bert Jordan home. Mrs. Argene Allbee; expressions of 23c live 27c dressed. Must have I)EAD ANIMA|~S RE~IO'v~ED
Directory lington. Mrs. Archie White assisted by thanks and gratitude were given by order by the 20th. Am disposing of Vrce, Call nearest pllone by No. col-
~.**** ~, ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Patten of Iowa Mrs. Mabel Hoffman entertained departments of the church that Mrs. flock We deliver Roy Bowloci, ~[t. Ver~lou, 307; Marion 77;
~~:.:~:.~w****.***~ City were Sunday dinner guests of the Paralta Embroidery Club Fri- Fernow had been connected with
Attorney at law
General practice
Lisbon office, across from City
Hall, Phone 146.
Cedar Rapids office, 518 Mer-I
chants National Bank Bldg Phone
Physicians and Surgeons
public auction on the Wilson farm, three
miles east of Martelle and three.quarters
sOuth; three and one-half miles west and
uarters of a mile south of Morley, eight miles
Anamosa. ei-ht miles northwest of Mount Ver-
LMmn, on s
Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-01
Notary Public
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa
Physician and Murgeon
Corner Main and Jackson Streets
Telephone 36
Lisbon, lowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memoriak
Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring
Res. 94 PHONES Office 110
Lisbon, Iowa
d of Horses and Mules
mules, weight 1500 pounds each;
four years old, weight 1350 pounds;
three years old, weight 1450 pounds;
three years old, weight 2700 pounds;
two years old, weight 2500 pounds;
2 years old, weight 2350 pounds.
20 Head of Cattle
Cows; 13 head of mixed Spring
faces; 1 yearling steer.
142 Head of Hogs
.of SUmmer pigs, all vaccinated; 70 head of
Just Weaned; 2 pure bred Chester White boars.
80 Head of Sheep GEO E D. SA,LOR LA *R
General Practice
ewes; 20 ewe lambs; 29 feeding lambs; 1 buck. Notary Public, Deeds, Wills,
Office in r~sidence, corner Wash-
Plattenberger Lunch Stand on Grounds ingt,'n and Market St Phone 80
Lisbon, lowa
Real Estate and Insurance
,Farms for Sale
Ho lees for Sale or Rent
,Office Phone--146
Farmers Savings Bank, Martelle, Clerk
Challis, Auctioneer, Phone 130, Lisbon, Iowa.
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. i
Mrs. R. C. Wilson entertained the
Fancy Work club at a 1 o'clock
luncheon today in observance of
the holiday season. Mrs. P. W.
Sterner and Mrs. Lee Wilson assist-
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish have
moved into the Mrs. Berlin home
day. A picnic dinner was enjoyed
by Thirty members and guests A
grab bag and program followed
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sever and son
of Cedar Rapids were Sunday eve-
ning visitors in the John Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hart of Viola
moved last week into the home
they purchased south of the H. M.
on Main Street. Briner store.
Mr and Mrs R C Wilson and~ Mr
anu lvtrs, wal~er ~owe ano
Minnie, Mr. and Mrs:. Iffe Wilson] Mrs. Ruby Achibald of Marion were
motored to Marble r~oci ~unaay Sundav i itor of Mr~
} v s s Mr. and Ed-
and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. [Archibald
Will Wilson
~,~ ~,o~t. f'ol-ert at Martelle] Mr. and Mrs. Emil Reyhons of
~ o ~*"'~ "~" " "'ou " " on w - -
. ". ~. annualI ~a m vern ere recent guests
is nosmss ~onlgn~ a~ 1,[112 { --
in me ~a ~rcnmam n0me
Christmas dinner and party of the l
M O B club I Mr. and Mrs. John Von Bocken
Mr.' " and' Mr's. William Behren and I of Savanna were week end guests
Miss Florence Hoth motored here t of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper
Sunday from Postville. Miss Hoth] Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harper of Dav-
is returning to school this week, lenport, Mr. and Mrs. George Wil-
Mrs. William Johnston having sub-~liamsonl and son of Marion were
stituted for her last week The
Behrens remained overnight in the
C. C. Hotchkiss home
Sue Kenner of Marshalltown was
a week end guest of Miss Shaw and
Miss Wolfe and a caller of former l
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchklss
were Thursday evening visitors in
the Chas. Lowden home at Ana-
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler
Reed near Martelle.
Mrs. L. J. Miller, Misses Alma
Miller and Ella Faust spent Satur-
day in Anamosa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss
amil on's
budget priced
gift "hints"
l~t Christmas "go to the do~es
(and ca~s)" this year with
one of Hamilton's pet ~s-
series to brighten your pet's
ChrL~t nl&s. l0c
and Mrs. Charles Draker visited Priced from
relatives at Hills and Iowa City on
Sunday. 1 Mr
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dun ap, If you've someone whose a
and Mrs. Harry Erickson and Mary garden enthusiast on your
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Batcheld- ChrLstnuis list, thea here's
er motored to Iowa City Sunday your gift sointion. A pair of
and picked up Max Batchelder and famous "]~k, zy-~O~][~C
motor to the Amanas for dinner, wear" Glov~
Mrs. D. V. Petersen and Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Wagor were hosts at din-
ner Sunday as a courtesy to Miss Canaries "brighten thc (~wner
Opal Tappan of the Central City wherever they are." Hanlil-
school faculty ion's are g~mrantecd radio
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank and warblers and make an lde~ll
family attended a Christmas party~ift. Priced at ~ ~
in the Woolworth store in Cedar only ~
Rapids, Monday evening, given for
the employees of the store. Miss
Cleo Frank is numbered among the
Mrs. O. J. Emmons is visiting in
Chicago since last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Emmons have
moved to Cedar Rapids where Joe
has employment.
Love Birds make a novel gift
and brighten the day every
day of the ye~tr. Hamilton's
offer a Sl~;ially (~loi(,e selec-
tion for only, $495
Ed Wise of Cedar Rapids was a Smartly designed, modern
caller in the Byron Wetzel home bird cages are easier to kv~p
Monday evening, clean and much more attrae-
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Port of Mar- tive. Hamilton's feature it
telle are staying in the Byron Wet- complete selection ~9 tiff
zel home during the absence of Mr. priced from ~/=~ lh~
and Mrs. Wetzel who are at the
Hines Hospital near Chicago. Mr.
Wetzell will undergo an operationEvery housewife likes flow-
there, ors. Make it ea.~y and attrac-
Sadie Gardner of Anamosa was tire for her to raise them with
a Sunday guest of Mrs. Margaret t h e s e attractive w h i t e
Fowler and Mrs. Florence Neilson.~Tought iron ~p
Mrs. Gerald Scott returned to herstands. From ~]O~"
home at Mount Vernon with Mr.
Scott and Joe Sunday evening. She
had spent the last week here help- Spacious new Fish AqlmriumS
. . they're more fun for the
ing in the Ralph Street home. fish, and better looking for
MrS. A. C. Rodman was hostess yon. ~ nor selection budget
to the Homemakers Project meet- lWlCed (1~1 2~
ing Thursday. The lesson given
by Mrs. Maude Keithley, Mrs. Ed from ~l[ t~t~
Fisher and Lorena Cooper followed
a picnic dinner. Grand assortment of Christ-
Mrs. Maude Keithley in company mas Tre~, Wreaths, mid
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson of Grave -.=.#~ and
Marion were Sunday guests of Mr. BlankeL~ ~L up
and Mrs Hobart Gibson in Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Risden of Ce- Make windows more cheery
dar Rapids were Sunday evening with attractive, sturdy glass
lunch guests of Mrs. Delia Trimble. shelves that fit easily into any
Mrs. Trimble returned to her home~,
after several days visit in CedarsiZe.apartmenthOnte or ~i~l./~
Dr. R. A. Greenawalt of Cedar
Rapids visited his mother, Mrs. ]AMILTON
Vena Greenawalt Sunday.
Mrs. Evelyn Perkins is spending
a few days in the Will and Roy SEED & COAL CO.
Higgins homes near Alburnett. 116 First St.
Mrs. Margaret Gilroy of Anamosa
and Mrs. M. Kerschner were "rues- CEDAR RAPID~, IOWA
day visitors of Mrs. Margaret Fow-
for the past years; Caroline Berry
spoke for the church school class
taught by Mrs. Fernow; Mrs. Clin-
ton Berry represented the orches-
tra; and Mrs. Frank Letner the
Woman's Society of Christian Serv-
Following the singing, by request,
of the hymn, "The Church in the
Wildwood," with orchestra accom-
paniment, the pastor of the church,
Rev. J. B. Eyestone gave a short
address and presented the gifts Mr.
and Mrs Fernow responded with
words of thanks and appreciation.
The evening closed with ,the sing-
ing of "Blest Be The Tie, and the
Ralph Bachman was host to the
members of the Men's Brotherhood
at his home on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Bachman, president of the
group, conducted a business meet-
Present were Rev. and Mrs. J. B.
Eyestone, Mr. and Mrs. George
King, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bach-
man, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Berry, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Letner, Mrs. Gee.
Reinking and Miss Lillian Rein-
king, both of Minneapolis, Minn
Miss Pearl Berry, Floyd Kitchen
Leonzo Berry, George Kramer
Amos Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Bachman and son David.
man. 7p
FOR SALE or For Rent: Farms
and Houses. Off. Dial 6921. 1). It.
Mueller, Real Estate Broker. 7p
Classified Ads Bring Results
Come in and look over our stock
from $5
The Church School Board met
Sunday at the close of the worship
service and elected the following
Iofficers for the year 1941: Supt 1 "
~Floyd Kitchen; Assistant Supt Le-
onzo Berry; Secretary, Velma An- ,~
: derson; Treasurer, Mrs. Floyd
Kitchen.All other officers and
teacherswill be appointed by the Dial 4212 Mount Vernon, Iowa
Superintendent and pastor. ~
Services as usual on next Sunday
in the Methodist church. The
church ~chool at 10 a.m. and the
worship service at 11 a.m The pas-
tor, Rev. J. B. Eyestone, and the
church school superintendent, Floyd
Kitchen, extend to all a cordial in-
vitation to attend both meetings
Miss Lucille Gove, Home Dem-
onstration agent presented to the
leaders of the Bertram Farm Bur-
eau women the second lesson on,
"Good Grooming." During the
following weeks the leaders will
pass On the lesson to the various
groups over the township. A music
and recreation period was held. A
picnic lunch was served at noon.
Divisions 1 and 2 will present
the program on next Friday eve-
ning in the Methodist church un-
der the leadership of Mrs. F. G.
Anderson and daughter Velma. All
are welcome.
Dinner guests Sunday in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George King were DICH, tempting flavor . . . uniform fine texture . . . dependable
their grandson John Cabalka Mrs ~ freshness ur wh 1
' ~ ~ . . . p e. o esome ingredients are but a few of the
~analKa ana ~wo sons, Jimmy ana s ecial ualities that m "(
Laurance of Cedar Rapids p. q aK ~ good Colonial bread first choice in thou-
Mr anti Mrs Clair Booth" of High sands of Iowa homes Colonial always gives you the best in baking
Amana, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence skill at no extra cost Serve Colonial regularly and dolight your
Fhtsch and family of Alburnett famil Ask oui ro
. . y ~ y g cer today for Co,onial bread
were dinner guests Sunaay of ~r. " "
and Mrs. Emmett Albaugh.
The Bel! Telephone company in ~ ! ! r~ Is f~
Cedar Rapids installed phones last A~II[~r)I~I ~r~l~ .~t~l~lir%~rl)v
week in the following homes: Ben ~=~.~~ vv~~#~
Black R. C. Anderson, Gerald But-
terflelcl and George King. Jack Walsh, President
Mrs. Amos Berry and daughter,
Norma Faith were guests over the ~~,~
week end of Mrs. Berry's parents, ~ "~
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jorgenson in i ~
Mount Vernon. ~" --- ~ --
Members of the W. S. C. S. of I! * ~~ i
the local church held a successful ~ ~ ~'~-" 2": .--, - l!
bake sale at the Zache tailor shop ~ ~ ~a~m ~~~
in Mount Vernon on Saturday !it |.~m.~.~--~--l~-~~
Mr. and Mrs. George King were[~ ~k~~
callers Saturday in the Byron Wet-I~ ~ ~,~'~ ~
zel home at Springville. Mr. Wet-[~ "~e~'~ "~w
zel is in the Edwin Hines, Jr hos- ~ -- . - .~ ~
pital at Hines, Ill for treatment I~ EXCLUSIVE DRY CLEANERS
at/~ 209 3rd Ave SW Dial " $13i
Hines. ~ ~
Mrs. C. C. Berry, Doris Decious!~ Cedar Rapids, lows
and Caroline Berry on Thursday ~ ~,~%~