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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 12, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 12, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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g +* Page Eight i q['HE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAW-KEYII-P E00IU) AND THE LISBON ,] The Oldhmer I PythianElectionSisters Hold DI a h noto -rfl,S S V0u pom W SA TA? x/OO flAX)E fflE~E.kEf5 SEE, ASOt~O.A~r(V+~B,pO~V +4E(~N II Mount Vernon Temple Pythian Outdoor or Indoor OXYDAL, Giant Size QUITE h LtST PHONE 4312 MOUNT VERNON A PONVt A ELECTI~IC T~AIN.DO x/P0] ~OV~(+J~ ~ u~,~j Sisters held their annual election CRISCO, Vegetable Shortening, 3 pound Deliveries at 9 and 11 a.m.; 2 and 5 p.m. 6ETALt ATPOW of officers at their regular meeting Home Portraits PECAN MEATS, Select quality, pound ~//4EP~ I WA~ ~/OOl~ A(0E AND I on Wednesday evening The fol- Children's Pictures PECANS, EXTRA LARGE SOFT Fresh Fruits and Vegetables A T O-E3LAP 5blINV I(NIFE lowing officers will serve for 1941: A Specialty BRAZIL NUTS, Richelieu Jumbo Polished IN MY .~T'OC~IN'ON (H~IhTH~5 Mrs. Marguerite Burge, Past Chief; ENGLISH WALNUTS Richelieu Jumbo DelielotLs Apples, 4 IIx~ 25c Creaming Onions, tO lb bag 2'~e ~OI2NIN; I WA5 Tt4q4APP/~ST" Mrs. Lois Mitchell, Most Excellent Any Time, Day or SPAM, Hormels Ready to Serve, tin Grapefruit, (k)z~n 19e - 33c Tomatoes, Ixmnd 15e [~0V II~ A~E~-ICA Chief; Mrs. Alta Neff, Excellent Evening CHILI, Hormels Ready to Serve, tin Senior; Mrs. Ruby Runkle, Excell- Prices Are Right COFFEE, Folgers Drip or Regular, 2 Lemons, dozen 29c Br+mcoli, head 19e ent Junior; Mrs. Rubye Solma,( TOMATO JUICE, Richelieu 20-oz tins, 3 Manager; Mrs Laurena Stone-+ PINEAPPLE JUICE, Richelieu, No. 2 tins Pink Grapefruit, i?+e, 4 for 2, B,'u.~,+ell Sprouts, quart 19(, braker, Mistress of Records andl H h Roberts Heml Lettuce 8(' and lOe Correspondence; Mrs. Pearle Rum- CANDY PEANUT BRITTLE, pound Cranberries, lb t9c ble, Mistress of Finance; Mrs. Fran-iUD~r:; CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, Sheldon Club, Cauliflower 19e to 25e a Card to Tex&~ Jultx. Oran,;'es doz. 2"~e S " +" 1"~ "~e" ces Reyhons, Protector; Mrs. Dorai DATE NUT BREAD Cross rlummro,quash, e,n( ~ 'e, ~ ~- ~'lsner, t~uard; Mrs. Hattie Miller, i Post Oltlce l$ox 4~1 FRUIT NUT BREAD - Calif. Navel Oranges, er.v, Green and Red Pepp~'rs, Trustee; Mrs. Frances Beach, Pi- Mount Vernon Iowa CHOCOLATE NUT BREAD ano doz. 23e 27(' 3.3<' .~" .~. ,~ +~." anist; Mrs. Helen Neff, Installing~ ' (;aDI)a4ge, cnlll~ (~ai)D4[~o'~, Ilia- ,~ 1+ PRUNE BREAD Blackwells l.l~a tl~o+,uos, ~ l<)t )( ho Bitklng I otatoes,lle(],]~ Bananas, 4 Ibs 25e Grapes. C,mumbers. F'~ I~ ORANGES, Texas Navels, 176 size, dozen FROSTED PEAS, Richelieu Tender Shell -- --- I| STAHL S GREENHOUSES [] CHRISTMAS TREES and WREATHS, get X MAS ~VREATIIS, Holly, e~uh 19e; Evergreen large, e~tch 35c ! II ~'~ ii'aney Mexican Ba.+,kets for fvIlit or ealln(N| go,uckhorn, southern Illinois coal] ceive gifts of luxury a gift from Ban' MARSHMALOWS ~ tt I FLOUR 49 lbs .~I ||~11 not by declaring war. The South]from 1,'ranklin & Williamson count-1 Re- 19c k |]C I / ' V''"" American countries have neverties. ] A. l~einbaugh, Dial 4052.] man's! See our gift selection soonI e ~, ~ ~h, [ been democracies and Mr. Irvin [ Mount Vernon. 7-2tp ] lYl.;k'l'(Jl-lk~S] ~t* feels that the minute England ~s I,'OR RI+;NT Business ,oo or All Gifts Smartly Boxed and Wrapped LOG CABIN ' ' C east, will combine to bloekade]Mt.~:v~ernonl 7; ;iiii::!i)!!i~iiiiiiii~ii~ii~iiiiii~i!i~:!~iL~ 5;W::~:~:.:~ ~.%~-.~.'+.'~['!?:~i!i'i~!~i~*~!'i.::.;~i~ + 15 American shipping and instead of l~~[ ii!+~i::i .~!i'k ;~II~Ul~, zOC SlZe l~ I ~" ill ' "~ +; " ~",G~+ "'~ ~r~t~ ~-- ,a m mn unempioyea we wmi, !iiiii!iiii~!iii~)i! ~i iiiiiiiiii" (~ii~iiiiiiiiii::::~::~!!~!~!i::!ii!iiiiiii!!"ii:~ [ w ~:r~t. I he cnres for. The gift she'll [ nave Iraa mllllOnGe In ~nlS milieu, c ], ,i h raps i "'~:.ii, ~x :-:i':::.?: ~!-w~I:~ ~~.-'.:i:.~i:~ "~ PEANUTS, Fresh ' ' "'s . ,[ or an--tne g~rt ot " i :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~ <+ ::'.:~i .iiiii}iii!,iL?:'~~:+" says -- ~+W,~'+,+t,r + '+++----++ +~ ~-- U~'+'---- ttoasteo, z pounas t'A II o 11)." average, pouna-, 11UI I~lj UPand raCenegro natreas -- anfi-~emkiSmagamst, white.' H,tler + y" ' r mon"- Su ("r b+ ~" co e-2', ,s'. yours "to g,vc" + her'. "1' '~'] I'+ ~ ::+i+i++Z+i++" ~~+~ PECANS, Paper t}ac .I ~ ha: h3re noT efi::nmihlU~nn~t~z~s:ndi c an'e,~t, ni?~.:eu':'m?2kt ma~+.:~, '~i:-I :.::i++:: ~ .~i::i+~i~ .:: :i::i+ ~ " +* ++ Shell, Jumbo, pound I SAUSAGE, Bulk I [::~,~ r + t(,r wi?,+ or cousin happy Christmas [ ++++++++ii: ++): ++i+t::++++++++++++]+ ': [] L any one oganlzea group in me:re' .n~ . . " ~:'~ii~~i ~~~~ Lean und 1 . orm ~" with a gift certificate for[ ,po ~ Umted States. By thin blockade re r t~ :::::::::::::::: ~' ~i~i!-~::::::!iii~ g ate ,eauty from Modern Beauty XMAS CANDY, 1 ~ ~ method he win force us to recog- Sho.~DiM 53] o . ] iiiii i}iiiii!!i!iiii!ii Hard, pound 1Ut" [ PORK ROAST, 1 nize the German minority groups ~". '" -+[ :i~iii~i ~i" iiii!!~i!~ :~:i::~. I Choice Cut, lb IO and give them certain privileges, FORLENT--Garage space. Dr. t i" :~::~:i ~i::i::::!!::::i::?:i~i: .~! ~; :ii~i::::i)ii::iiiiii::!il!i .~:+. , Pl~l(~lZ" CVI~ITO ~t~ [ ~ thus undermining our own systemI -. " " ] '< /I I C [ pC, RK tt and bringing world domination to t+ ~,~ I ~,', "~ ~" ~" a |I~C Hitler. " ]are hard to equal. Heavy boned, i tuen+er pounu a trvin speaks in an interesting ~ood hammed, thick dark red, and I+ iii+;~~+~.iii+i++.++iiiiiiiii+ ~~ COOKIES, Frosted 1 [~ ] ~ manner and his talk is occasionally immuned. Also 6 choice gilts that [~ Creams, pound 1 ~ I BONELESS LOIN ~Qo punctured by terse statements which ]are litt.~r mates. Make your selec- [~-~" Robes I nd Jf~, say it all "n a very few words tion early Jerome Mulherm 7c Pou . . ::i::? BULK DATES,r+ I,"Chamberlain," . he said, "made! [,)ST-+ Brown suede ~pectator/~ 95 to $14.75 ( Pound 1 i LINK SAUSAGE qO, peace m.~v~.umcn, vecause ~nerewerel purep between Rood House and Ir-/~ r,t to ~ ~c a re~d smile of thrill- i!i:ili~iiiiiiiiiii i;iiiiiiiiiiiii::i:i!i!iiiiiiiii!iiiiii!::i::~" I . ~%~ nve aml-atrcratt guns m ~onaon win's Shoe Shop. Finder return to/~k% ing gratification . . . then give him FRENCH I mmget' pouna /.-O And, again, when asked where. He Needs Ties A e,oo .o,so one o+ he.+ Match C DRESSING I Germany gets the money w~th t 1' Bath's Homestyle, 1 I? [ FRESH OYSTERS 4/~, which to continue this expensivet fa~?2~a~:~T2+7,~oALE~2o~r~lnl/~ They're snperbly tailored and offer $1.00 $1.00 and up ~mo I "lU I Ouart /A L war, he answered simply, "She ~ "~' " " < . " i ~ the nnb~ttable light weight warmth -~,~,- ~ v [ ~ ~'+ nrints it" I town. G.G. Wolfe, Agt. 6p /~k" and comfort. Every man wants to enjoy a (~om- ~" d lete tie u ardrobe uomplement his new not] i ~ +- "~ ~ i--~ex-/~ Beacon Robes prie,~l at only $4.95 P " . . they never have eno h t es ' fit with one of these snmrt POTATOES, U. S GRAPEFRUIT, 1 [~ FOR SALF" '36 Plymouth de- col ent condition. Dial 692] P. W. ~ Serry Robes prtved at only $2.95 ug i . He]l Hke these No. 10hios,pk /-O~" I Texas Seedless, doz mxe coupe new tires. Overhaule+l] Peterson. ' ]~ Other ties priced front 55c and up nana~ercme~ sets of Silk. motor. Real buy. See it at Smith's [ ],'Oil SAIAq: Nice roas(i'ng chick- |~f garage. 6p ~>ns, 7 and 8 pounds, Price 22 cents/~ ~ '~ " m a A m 1 Market Reports UlOSlnl uu r ++.+0/1 ~ .+,C " a~,o top $15 00 I~ V Il Sheep, Chi(,ago top $9.50 ]~ Having decided to dispose of our interests in the farming equipment, livestock, corn, |i Ho s, Codar Rapids top $5.6O/~ oats, hay etc we will hold a complete closing out sale at the place known as the Mor- III Chiea a ~.ral,1 [~ ris Kerns farm, located mile north and mile east of Bertram, about 4 miles IJC'orn per bu south-east of Cedar Rapids, take the Palisades road that turns off No. 30, onI Wh,'at per bu 89 ~: ]~ :~ii]!:" I/Oats, ,IJP + fakAN ! COMME,NCING AT 11 0 CLOCK SHARP ----------- Friday - Saturday Smart os e y C ATTI.I M.G.M.'s Joyous Star- Stripes Are Right Men's Pa 12 milk cows mostly Dairy bred three of which are just fresh, these are all young cows Studded Whirlwind $2.00 50c $1.95 and there are some nice prospects in these. 12 calves running in age from 1 to 8 Musical Show All men appreciate the styling and He'll admire your taste if you give comfort of Inter~voven hosiery . . . Every Man on your list months old, these are sired by a Hereford bull and are fat. 2 heifers, Hereford and l~im one of thc~e exceptionally ~md every man needs hosiery, jamas . . . give him Shorthorn cross. 2 nice butcher stuff. 1 Hereford bull 3 years old, a good one. smart shirts. All sizes. Other fine ~hotce of wools or silk and wools. Belt Faultless . . . either shirts at 98c t~) $4.95. 50c, 75c and $1.00 cloth, Flm~nel or Knit. 149 t'10 $ Also a choice of ,Vhitney's and Luxurious Silks at 12 Hump-Poland tried sows bred to Berkshire boar for March pigs, these are thin, *, L.:+:::+':+++. ~!!i~!!i !Sili:::::x:::!:i:i:i:!:i3i:i:i::::::::::':':':'~'x:i:! i:/~!!iiiiiiii?" + :iiiii[ having raised big litters late. 11 Hump-Poland gilts bred to farrow same as above. Mickey Rooney, J u d y !i?i iiii: ! : i : ! :iiii[ ii! :i i:'" :: "' : 117 summer shoats, Hamp-Polands, these are a good set of shoats. 10 feeders weigh- Garland, Paul Whiteman "I':': " ~i']'i i'i'i'i':*:'/':':r:':l~::':: : : . "*#:: ing around 240 lbs.M A C H I N E RY, E T C dance,tw and hiShoursongOrChestra.shOWand Ofromance.laugh,A big ++ +!i+++. i: iiiiiii+i:++++ii!i!ii+ +i ++ + + ++~~+, W.C. Allis-Chalmers tractor only used a little; 2 row corn plow for tractor; 2 bottom Sun Mon Mat. Sun. :: : 14-inch tractor plow; 2 corn plows; 4-sec. harrow; 11-ft broadcast seeder, like new; MYRNA' 0Y with a new manure spreader; sulky plow; 4 wheel trailer; 3 wagons, boxes and a hay rack; Me- t h i n m a n, MELVYN Deering No. 3 cream separator in good shape. DOUGLAS, in another :iiQ iiii terrific comedy hit Corn, Clover Hay, Hay, Etc. Third Finger ' 12 tons of choice clover hay in the barn; 18 tons of choice bean hay in the barn, this was put up in fine shape and is A-1 quality; about 700 bushels of corn in the crib; Left Hand +++:+, .++ .+ about 300 bushels of oats in the bin (Iowa r); 40 bushels of Manchu soy beans; 2 acres of fodder, corn husked out, this is nice feed. More laughs--more en- tertainment than "I Love Ed Pitlik Will Have Lunch Wagon You Again." Men's Sweaters NO SHOW TUESDAY Dre s Pigskin Gloves . $2.95 Wool Mufflers orrms e rn$ Wednesday -- 3 Days $1.95 mm .u woof Swe.te m bntton or zipper style or the 98C to $1.95 Two big pictures, Doro- Luxurionsly soft on the hand yonnger fellow will want a slip. ne rs thy Lamour durable and warm a fine prae- over style. ]Protect hia precious net,k in n s o n "MOO,+ OVER BURMA" uca, gift that he ,'ants and n~ls. Also a choice of Luxurious Sweaters these soft, ,'arm mnfflers. No. 2--John Barrymore Other Gloves priced front made by "McGregor" at plete selection of colors. in The Great Profile $1.00 to $4k95 $a.95 mtd $4.95 Dress Silk Scarfs at only StJ W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lisbon, Ia. United State Bank, Clerk