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December 13, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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If You Want New
Limited Selection
of the
Made by Perfection Stove Company
one of the
Largest Stove Manufacturers in the U.S.A.
Prices Are Delivered and Installed in Your Home
Model 5015
List Price $175.50
SPECIAL $124.95
Light & Timer $6.95
JMoclel 5020
IList Price $209.50
SPECIAL . $159.75
Light & Timer $6.95
Model 5025 - 36"
List Price $229.50
SPECIAL $175.50
Model 5045 - 40"
List Price $274.50
SPECIAL $199.50
Light & Timer $6.95
Everyone that visits our display room or asks our repre-
sentative to call on them will receive handy and useful gifts for
their kitchen.
ALL RANGES -- 36" wide, 36" High, cooking top -- 243A'' Deep. Model 5045 - 40" Wide.
Models 5025 and 5045 have Tele-Vue Oven Window and Light.
ALL RANGES -- equipped with simmer, non-clog burners, automatic lighters, automatic
oven heat control, fully insulated banquet-size ovens, one-piece tops, titanium stain-proof
enamel on top, sides, front, durable door springs. Roll out broiler and storage drawers.
Model 3625 List Price $184.50 SPECIAL at $139.50
Model 3650 List Price $169.50 SPECIAL at $124.50
Model 5010 List Price $154.50 SPECIAL at $113.95
Model 5012 List Price $173.50 SPECIAL at $137.95
You Can't Come In -
5 Blan
Our Representative Will Bring Catalog and Specifications Without Any
Obligation To You
All Questions Courteously Answered
Rapid Thermogas Co.
2200 A Street S.W.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I wish more information on Model
2200 A Street S.W.
Across the River From
Telephone - 3-2097 for
Appointments Day or Evening
I]Mt. Vernon Locals
l Carol Croft was a week end visi-
tor in the parental H. J. Croft home.
I Mrs. Susan Yeisley spent from
]Wednesday until Friday at the
Rhea Davis home.
t Mr. and Mrs. John G. Engel of
t Bennett were Sunday guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dilley.
[ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blake and Mr.
~and Mrs. Bruce Mullen spent Sun-
~day in Des Moines and Marshall-
J town.
j Mrs. Joe Meade underwent major
Jsurgery Saturday morning at St.
JLuke's hospital, Cedar Rapids. She
is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Bruce Mullen received
word from her son, Ward Hemen-
way, that he had sailed for Japan
Dec. 8 from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore of A1-
burnett and Vera Marie Moore of
Cedar Rapids were Sunday dinner
guests in the George Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Carl Davis, Rhea, Shirley,
Richard and Therese of Mishawaka,
Ind left last Tuesday after spend-
ing two days in the Rhea Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meredith of
Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Mal
Bowie of Iowa City were out-of-
town visitors who called on Mrs.
Walter Paul Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman
and Dean of Springville and Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Foster of Cedar
Rapids were Monday evening call-
ers in the Rhea Davis home.
John Paul of Wichita, Kan was
here .to attend the recital in which
his daughter, Sally, appeared Sun-
day afternoon. He also attended
open house for his mother, Mrs.
Walter ~Paul.
Janice Glattly, who underwent
an emergency appendectomy last
Monday, came home Saturday. She
is getting along fine but won't at-
tend school until after the holiday
Jimmy Duncan, g~'andson of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Gage, is in Mercy
hospital, Cedar Rapids, with a
mastoid infection. His little brother
Roger is staying here with his
grandparents. *
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weers of
Anamosa and Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Kammerman of Morley were Wed-
nesday dinner guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. August Gerdes. Mr.
Weers is a brother of Mrs. Gerdes.
Darlene White of Iowa City was Mt. Vernon
an overnight guest Sunday night
and accompanied Mrs. Ray McCon-
logue Sunday afternoon to Way- t-:,c:d Hanley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
erly along with Delinda Roggen- H. R. Hanley, celebrated his sixth
sack, Sandra Suhren, and Lloyd ~ birthday Monday afternoon with
Miles. They attended a concert at ieigh~ little friends.
Wartburg college given by the Bob i The R & N staff will meet Mon
Shaw choral group. Dec. 17, at the Odd Fellows hall.
shipping charges.
"Warm clothes are needed forichange and cards were enjoyed.
winter: men's suits, especially i Mrs. Emil Reyhons was hostess
trousers; underwear; sweaters; sox, J
overcoats; women's and children's
clothing of all kinds and thread. A I
~tag with name and address of don-!
or may be placed in garments."
(The Christian Advocate).
PICK UP of any garments you
may have to contribute to this
drive will be made in the Mr. Zion
community on Monday, Dec. 17, or
you may leave your gifts at Don-
ald Thomson or Milo Machula
farms. During your Christmas
preparations take time to lay out
those garments which might be a
warming blessing to people in rav-
aged Korea.
George Yetter, pastor
Mt. Zion Community Church
to her bridge club Thursday for
a pot luck luncheon at 1:00 o'clock.
There were three tables of bridge.
Entre Nous will have their Christ-
mas dinner party at 6:30, Dec. 17 at
the home of Mrs. Orville Rennie.
Mrs. Orlo Haight will present the
program on Christmas customs.
Friendly Birthday club will meet
Thursday, Dec. 20, at the home of
Mrs. Amos LeGuire for a 12:30 pic.
nic dinner. There will be election
of officers and a gift grab bag.
Don't forget to bring your secret
pal's Christmas gift with name en-
The faculty of the Mr. Vernon
schools, and their wives and hus-
bands, will meet for a dessert party
Mt. Vernon Church Notes and entertainment
Claude Klaver, Student Pastor
Sunday School 10:00.
Morning Worship 11:00.
Melton B. Green, Pastor
9:45 Sunday School for all ages.
10:45 Morning Worship. Sermon
theme: "The Listening Earth."
There will be reception of new
members into the fellowship of our
3:00, "The Messiah" at the Col-
lege Chapel.
6:00, The Youth Fellowship will
meet at the church to sing carols to
the shut-ins of the community.
Thursday 7:30, the Official Board
will meet at the church.
Last Sunday the Youth Fellow-
ship altar rose was sent to Mrs.
Jane We'st.
James Wilson Bean, Pastor
Sunday Services: .
9:45 a.m :~he Stmday School has
the Christmas theme for its study.
10:45 a.m the Children's Division
of Church School will be in the
worship service for ,the first half of
the hour, seated forward under di-
rection of their teachers Dr. Bean iI
will give them a Christmas story. !;
The sermon will be on "The Per- I
son with the Wonderful Name."ll
Mrs. Helen Schroeder will be at the 'l;
organ; LaDon Riedesel directing!l
on Thursday,
Dec. 20 at the high school. Commit-
tee in charge includes Mrs. Mary
Alice Campbell, Bruno Beckman
and the Misses Betty Jean Farley,
Mae Gast and Doris Fletcher.
Read the Want Ads
Mr. Vernon, Ia Hawkeye-Reeor~t
~-d ~ Lisbon Herald
Tha~ Dec. 13, 19S1 rage
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilcox enter-
tained about 20 guests at a family
musicale Saturday evening, Dec-
ember 8. The piano pupils of Mrs~
John Lyford presented the follow-
ing program: Dancing Tambourine
and Dance of the Iris, Jerry Ringer;
Minuet from Don Juan, Judy Cald-
well; Viennese Melody and Linger-
ing Melody, Diane Mirich; Medita-
tion and Mexican Serenade, Corinne
Wilcox. Mrs. Lyford and Joan
played a duet, Manhattan Serenade,
and Mrs. Lyford played Romance
by Sibelius. Refreshments were
served by the hosts.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell D. Cole and
Dean and Mrs. Jay B. MacGregor
will entertain in the Cole home at
a seven o'clock dinner Sunday
evening, Dec. 16th. Guests will be
members of the fine arts faculty
of Cornell college and the Messiah
I soloists.
Regular meeting of the Mt. Zion
Rangers was held at Jamison Bros.
home Monday evening. Eleven
members answered roll call. One
new member, Buddy Brown joined.
We held a five ear corn contest,
prizes going to Tommy Neal, lst;
David Machula, 2nd; Benny Jami-
son, 3rd; Jimmy Jamison, 4th. Com-
mittees were appointed for our
Christmas Family party to be held
i at Mr. Zion church Friday evening,
i Dec. 14. Next meeting will be with
George Reid.---David Machula, re-
RALPH SEZ: Flying hotels are foreseen for the future.
You'll need a parachute to jump your board bill.
Get a package of our Christmas Tree preservative,
and keep your tree fresh and fragrant. Only 25c
$6.50 to $12.00
49c to $4.00
$1.00 to $5.00
$3.25 & $4.00
$3.00 - $4.00 . $5.50
12 for 29c
$1.00 and up
MEN'S or
Bob Howard, Cornell '43, who will
be remembered as a former Cornell-
tan sports writer and who has been
sports editor of the Clinton Herald
since the war, has joined the sports
staff of the Orlando, Florida, Sen- PERJqIJMr~ By MONOGRAMMING
tinel-Star the choir in Christmas music. ~,~ YARDLEY - 5HULTON - One Day Service
Mrs. Emil Reyhons was hostess Mariners club and its colleaguesI C~TY BOIIRJL"~IS N,~nL.; R,~ L- ~UI *.KA.
to the first of a series of coffees for in ~ne presentauon ol the Lsnrls~- -~ . . .
-- -~--- --~-- --,- I ' LR:fN/MCKI~ ana omers ~tanonery - riaymg ~.aras
Ine /~,uxnlary Kl~cnen improve, mas pagean~ Wlll meut at ~nu t=t*urcn ,
ment fund. Mrs. Jo Thomson and for rehearsal Sunday evening, i l
Mrs Dorothy Emersen will be hos-Men's Brotherhood will meet for lI
tesses Saturday eenving at the Em- program on the evening of Friday, ! t,~ ~ s s~s s s P ~ #,~,~ ~' s.~ .
erson home. Jan Strong, Ruby Dec. 14th. An interesting pro-] K/4Lrrl m ~our uru lglSt
Klein, Doris Buresh and Ruth gram has been arranged. Doughnuts I! I=DII=klI~/V r'~IIDTI::('MI~ ~l::PVlr'l:: "--~
Hunter will be hostesses at a later/and coffee to follow. Don Siggins, i l
date. ! pres Charles Blinks, program chm. : ~;:~,~
" iI
This Christmas give presents your whole family will enjoy -- give to your home. Make it more beautiful with
carefully selected items that will bring lasting comfort and convenience. Remember, your home can be no more
beautiful than you make it. So be sure to include it in your Christmas gift plans by seeing us today.
Gifts from Jehnston and Morgan are lasting gifts.
Our hassock selection is as large
as we have ever had. Hinged
lids open tops, all kinds and
colors. From
For the holiday feasts and all
dinner occasions a drop leaf
table is a gift to be remembered
for years. Both walnut and ma-
hogany. From
Chairs of six to match
$82.50 and up
Give your home a bright and
spacious look with completely
flawless mirrors. As beautiful
as they are inexpensive.
Here are some superbly tailored
chairs you'll live with comfort-
ably and enjoy with pride.
il L.
ii to
The most versatile chair in your
home. In plastic or frieze. Priced
Every home should have one.
Choose one for your home from
our selection.
Card Tables $6.95
Chairs to match $6.95
Lisbon phone SO 165 Mr. Vernon Sill2