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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 13, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 13, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mt Verm~m h ]~wkeye-Reecwd Cornet solo A Perfect Day arr. Beside her children she is sur- i POST OFFICE OPEN Sprin.o~'ille Eebekah lodge No. 99 The Kenneth Yeisleys and Mrs,*" -" - ." -- [ Next regular meetin= will be Dee. ~*d The I~ben He~ld by Walters piayed by Roxie Peder- i vived by two sisters, Mrs. Alfred The Springville post office will] will hold their annual Christmas ] Harold Reese attended the wedding ~}ouTneasT tracK|in ] 15 with Mary Jean Noble at 1:30 Thin. Dee 13, 1951 Pa~e 8 t son ISnyder of Anamosa Mrs. Elza Mc- be open all day Saturday the 15th party Saturday Dec. 22, at 8 p m ! ol Miss Ann Tobiasson and Richard iMrs. Wlll~rd Light ~ m r~,o, ~;ver Rha,~sod, Walters. lCannon of Santa Arm Calif.; two and the 22nd. tA program has been pIanned and Ketersen at Anamosa Sunday at- -,* ~,r~ra~ **a,v ~,~ .Rnl;b~m, %V~1~,~ Th e~brothers Will Carnahan of Ottumwa -- members are asked to b~}n~, a 2~ ,e~noon t~ ~ h p~,~,~hr,~,~ and Jess Carnahan of Sprmgvflle" 86TH BIRTHDAY cent gift and gifts for their chil- Sunday evening visitor~ in the Pmneer Polhes held its annual l [ t'~L,:,~,~,~ f'~A,~,~,~& l~rr }, W~*,~,- " W;"~'~r Wonderland !four grandchildren and many other M}. and Mrs. Sam Johnson and dren The lad~es are asked to bring H. H. Smith home were the Robert lCh~mtmas party m the home of Homeowners Wise [ ~ll[l~||l|~J~ ~Jmm~ll arr'~ ~l'a~o~.'S'an'~Claus is Com:~relatives and friends. M r.and Mrs. Marvin Jonn~on call- a cake. Ice cream and coffee will Smiths of Wilton Junction and iJean and Joan Simmons with 50 . [ . --. emm I~" ~,~ Town arr by Yoder Final services were held in the e~ ~unoay evening on ~ ~ ~v~eeKs be hn'ni~hed Santa will be there Stanley Smiths and daughters present for pot luck supper and en- I A~ -~- [~ [ ~# ~%rl~vnl]~ ! ~-~,~n ,*~o~r- are nres Delores'Methodist church on Wednesday to help h~m celebrate his 86th b~rth- too : Mrs A E Switzer returned Sat- terta]nment ]n the evening Games t r ~ ILannin~: vice pres Ronny Yeisley" I P.m.Dec l . 5. and mterrnent, was ln,~ Y" .----.--- Mrs:. Dilhrd, Merritt spent Thurs-. ~ urdav, from. a visit with the. Wflber I x~exe, mee " pla~ed after a short~ business : --Ed Holdohl SPIE[NGVILLE -- A Christmas!sec'y.-treas Allen Lacock; student ~the 5prmgwne, ~emetery. . day ]n the T. C. Tibbits home in;C lby family at Mechamcsvflle. . tmg ~ grab bag x~a .s the tea-I concert will be given by the vocal i managers, Dave Luse and WallyI Attending serwces from a distance! ~T%~o~u~e~sat~"~ 9r :j~;~;g~" Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Cecil Lewis of Central City iIure oI the evemng. Tile group i -- and instrumental department o ftFalcon; librarians, Mary Lou Mc.~were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Buchholtzl m ~,~~ ~ s- ~ ~. ~^~^.~. ~ ^.~. ~ ~ visited in the Kyle Clark home Iaaj urned tdter singing Christmas i~ J xL %A I,A J, ~, ,~ ~ "r%n,-nn~ m ~,a ~ .~t Th ~ n Mro :v,~e ~.awaru w]um:mg ana ~aom~ ;Thurcd~, carols ~ ~:~]~ ]]~ ~C[BT /.~UD ~prlngvnle mgn scnooi on lvtunuuy, ,~,~ ~ -"~-'= " c, ,~^, * -'- ,~-~ ,~--:~. Ivan Neil~on camehome Saturda," ""' " $ - r, ,~, ~ ~ -.-, ~,~ ~i-h~r,~son of Vermillion o~v,~t, tvv~. p~,~,u,v ~,~- - ~ : ~ - Yo ~I ~ro~am- Mrs Koppenhaver !M]KS ADDLE CLINE S.D. Mrs. Gertrude Jennings ofI mas Vespers at 4p.m: Sunday, Dec, night from Ko~e, R,-~f.~m i -. " ? ' ~.~ -,: ~n. ~,~,~ ~r~ Ma~,nard~v in ~ne new bincmir Memorial Nell Davis ~pentWednesday in d, i | o~ree~or Addle ~aae ~arnanan oaugnter oIi~,~'~,'~ - ~ " ~ " - i ". -,--- ~.~,~-~,~ ,~ M,~tine Miss Harmie:chapel. M~ss Stewart. daughter of the Mable Ne:l~on home Mrs. Framk I,etner .pro ram, / Three Christmas t~arols ounior :oonn w ana ~vlargare~ ~.arncs~ ~, . - ~,~ ~ ~ ,~ ,~,~ ~,^~ ;, " " II Ik,dll~ I '~---,^---iwa~bornonJan 21 1882 andr~assed,Carnahan of Columbus. ,Jmo, anu -'~,v, .~ w.o~=~, :-= ,y~=,Mr. and Mrs. W Pollock are ~tav- The Birthday club held a family' ml U,- I i'llgn cnorus; uu.r ~w~ o~v,uu~i -- " ' ' = ~ the orcnestra ~ne aaua~ea from; . '. ~ " ~ -'' Dear, mixed chorus; Rise Up, Shep-i away at her home on Dec. 3, 1951, Mrs. Fzank Carr of Coggon. ! S-rin~ville hi"h schgrool in Ms, :!]g, In the Ivan Ne}Ison horn. e, after~ Chrlstxnas party in the Community i l herd and Foller, negro carol, boy's at the age of 89 years, so mantas] -- !E~ward son Of Rev Charles t3" men- name :n ueaar napms was!hall on Wednesday of last week. I-II-aVY LJ~Tnl~lr' Cl~Ae~kl I -lee club" Mary's Little Baby girl's land 13 days. CARD OF TItANKS ~ ,-.; ', ~ ~ ~ "~ ~.o a Po," destroye~ by fire. : Lew~s Jones, Geraldine Coonfare '-r*vu I l'-m/l 11% [ glee club" soprano solo O, Holy Her education was received m the We wish to express our thanks for !,m~ ~,~ ~,* i~ a ~o,%omore The Ho~ a.~ McShanes and Don i%Iadehne Posp~sel and Wmme nn~ he []~mon,~ ,~ A ~ / Night, Delores Lannmg; Lo, How A Sprmgvflle schools where she wasithe many acts of kindness shown ~ and Nell Dav~s .pent Friday m the Coo~f,:re played their gmtars ]n a m~ .~|J.~| ~H~|~ / Rose E'er Blooming, girls sextet; GO i graduated with the class of 19(}0. Iby relatives and friends during theITwO BIRTHDAYS HONORED Harl Dav:.s ho:~e in Martelle. cc:~c~',-t oiven in a Cedar Rapids --~ vlnwq,w-- ~nn m-- a~-~m~ [ Tell It On The Mountain, boy'si On Sept 25, 1901, she was united ': illness and death of our loved one. i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown cn- The P M Neilson~ were Thur -hall on Sunday evening. : | double quartet; Twos The NightBe- in marriage to John Cline. To this Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reinert i tertained at dinner Sunday in day dinner 'guests iz~ the Flo Ralf ! The Peter Daws" andPerry ! ,r ~ n . -- | fore Christmas, mixed chorus; Ho~i-iunion were born two children, ', and Family i ho~or of the birthdays of Laverne home. Knapps' attended a committee IT ),our COal Din nas been partly emptied, | day, mixed chorus. Genevieve Gertrude, now Mrs. Clar- i Mr and Mrs. Elwood Cline t Brown and Mrs Chester Eales a' r~ ~:~ ^~'~"~'~ ~ .~^. ! meeting of the Young Married [ :~ :ll J :n= L J r .=,/ con ' i " " "* ~ "= '='""~ w,~ ,~ ~,~tt,~u~y Cou les =rou of the Farm IIUV~ In /iIi~U ~) UU Wlll JOe reaa 1"or tne usual Cen~ert Rand" Roy T Schwab - once Reinert of Cedar Rapids and t and John c~h~ -,~sts ,~resent Ches*e~ "~ ~1~ ~ ~' i u n B Y Y / ' - " i ~'"~ "~ - -: -. sinner guest in the Flo Raft home I~ . "- . . -- ductor :J. Elwood of Sprmgwlle. Mr. Clme ! --------,and Caroline of Mechamcswlle, the t a~ the Marion Consohdated school1 cold weather nn Decemh r nn l Inn,nrv whb-h ] Five Yule Tide songs: Harkthe preceded her in death on March 29,!HOItlZON ~LUB t James Brown family of Marion the ~w!ss ~m]e ~v~ae ~eney o~ ~eaarlbuilding on Saturday evening. I -- I ] Herald Angels Sing, Mendelssohn;jig32. i Horizon Club, meeting with Joan lw. H. Cummins' and sons and the trapezes, was a wea.nesoay supper ! Mrs. Paul Caldwell will be has- i ore heavy hrung months. I gue t in tne o ~elle~ name While Shepherds Watch, Gabriel; O i She was a member of the Spring- i Thoma, opened with a candlelight ! Harry Eales' of Marion.h~r~ "h--t r' ~r" "" -". - l tess at the regular meeting and 1 I Little Town of Bethlehem, Barnby; ',ville Methodist church, the W.S.C.S !ceremony. It was voted to decorate I -- H son' Har~e]yeSLeee ~tr~r:eda~atu~a~y i Christmas party of the W.SC.S. at i p, / . l ~ m ~.~ = [ It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, Evergreen Rebekah Lodge No. 149;some of.the store windows up town. I PRES.B~T]E. RIAN CHUI~ " . A' Y !her home on Thursday at 1:30 p.m iror a moaerme,v r,cea u~a, u ~ [ Willis', Joy to the World Hansel. and the Order of Eastern Star ,iThe girls will have a po: mc* ' 2t ~nrm~mas par~y :or. ~ne young ~r~ a ~uaz- ~apms nosp~:aL. Dec. 20. There will be a .~',~-~o-~ ~. ~ ] ~ ~j i supper followed by singing of;people of the church will be held caners ~un~ay evening m the,g if~ exchange All members andi -- ] ~"'~'~-- Christmas Carols. Refreshments Friday evening, Dec. 14. Rev. Karl Dave Kelley home were theRay]friends of the' society ~.~ i~vit,~,~ ! ,~ m ~,m == mmm ~ I ~were served. E. Swanberg will conduct the Martins and the Merle Stewarts The Flo "- ~ ~,:~-"'"-:i ~ ~ ~m ~ U |~ r~ -- [church service Sunday at 11 a.m. and J. Kelleys. ! . ~. y,u ~]~enens en~e.'~mnea I I~ lle I!nn ~ Ill g SPRINGVILLE-VIOLA !Sunday School at 10 a.m. Parts Dick Bond and Lyda Dean re-:~e:?s mrotnernood on Xyednesday! i METHODIST i have been given to the children turned last week from a trip to l~"-n~'.u~c'. ',a~ ~ne]r name. IT~e South Dakota for two- --'-- ,~, . i group elee~ea me ~ono~ing pres 1 O.L. Allison, lmstor ] for the Christmas program. w~. .nov ~ " : -, visited Mr~ D^an,~ ^i.~ :,~ ^:. uoy uims~eaa' vice pros Donald Ruth-Esther Circle will meet with't ~ ~ = ~ ~,u~, =': ~ ' ', n- "" e Dave -- lwcum~y- sec uarroll Olmstead !Mrs. Jeanette Palmer Wed Dec. 19. ; mrs. uaie ~rencn a a tn ~nere , Friday, December 14 Mount Vernon, Iowa !Mary Martha Circle will meet with!Kelleys and babies were Sunday I Mrs. Kyle Clark Wed Dec. 19. tt dinner guests in the Merle Stewart Choir practice Thursday, Dec. 20, home. at the church. 7:30 p.m. ! Mrs. Pirie last week visited Services for Dec. 16. I friends in Cedar Rapids. Preaching, Viola 10:00 a.m ! Attending the open house for Springville 11:00 a.m. iMrs. Paul in the J.H. Wiggins Sunday School, Springville 10:001home in Mt. Vernon were Mr. and a.m Viola ll:00 a.m. Mrs. Nell, Miss Lena Mann, the Sam Johnsons, H. Lacocks, Gene Donna Jean Hoffman, grand- daughter of Barclay Healds, was taken to St. Luke's hospital last Monday and returned home Sat- urday noon. She was very ill. Margene Jones fell down cellar last week and injured her shoulder. Mrs. O. L. Allison is ill at this writing. Mrs. Fred Henry, Mrs. John BE-SHARP 4-H,I Reeds and Hugh Yeisley. Woodworth and children and Mrs. The Be-Sharp 4-H club met Sat-i The Irvin Lacocks and Christine Rall~h Pederson called the Albert urday, Dec. 8, at the Ralph Pederson i and the Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Hart- Shireman home in Waubeek Sun- home with Charlene and Roxie aS lzelI of Me. Vernon were Sunday day afternoon. hostesses "Material for a Scarf" wasl callers in the Norman Graham Mrs. Alma McShane spent Sun- answered by 11 members and 2 lead- i home and on Mrs. Kennedy. day in the Cecil Bennet home. ers. Our Christmas party will be at i The Everett Healds of Aubrey Mc.Shane of Central City and treas Leonzo Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daws on Fri- day night attended a dinner dance at the Cedar Rapids Country club. The church school will present the Christmas program at the church on Wednesday evening, Dec. 19. :%~r. and Mrs. Herman Nebiker were Sunday afternoon callers in the Fred Richardson home. Mrs. Ora Craig was a Sunday dinner guest of her daughter's family, the Scott Hawleys. Mrs. Donald McGinty and chil- dren spent Wednesday evening with hIi~ Tillie Kramer. Y A long list of steady customers say its the coal that is worth changing to. Deep mined from the top-rank coal seam in Southern Illinois Ash reduced and heat value is improved by famous SP refining. Laboratory tested. Dust proofed. In standard sizes . . . and moderately priced. For An Extra Quality Coal