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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 15, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 15, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 15, 1938 THE MOUNT VERNON, IO'WA, HAIkVKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Seven ~1| A| I Members of the Delphi Social1 AUXILIARY INSTALLS; [ Mrs. N A. Miner was hostess for [ MOUNT VERNON LOCALS i~.~l/.~L group of Cornell enjoyed a lunch- ] INITIATES MEMBER I the meeting of Ingleside on Monday [ __ con at the Hodge cafe on Wednes- The initiation of Mrs. Gladys But- evening. Mrs. H. J. Burgstahler re- [ Mr. and Mrs. q, homas Cameron ...----~. 'day noon• There Were forty mem-[ler and the installation of the firstIviewed, "Sailor on Horseback", by l social club will meet I bers and associate faculty members and sceond vice-presidents was Irving Stone• OfdayLiSbOnin theWereMr.dinnerand Mrs•gUestsT.SUn-1. luncheon and Christmas ! present. The group went carolling i among the principle business trans- ~ Mrs. Charles Beach was hostess Mitchell home. :sday, December 22, at in the evening, acted at the regular meeting of the ~ Wednesday afternoon at a kensing- of Mrs. Herbert Smith i Herman Rankle of Toledo called • ~ Legion Auxiliary at their meeting ton with members of the Legion chapter O E S will rao~t Mrs. D. U. Van Metre and Mrs. on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mact Auxiliary as guests. Carpet rags on his brother Milton Runkle at ............... 'A1 the George Kirkpatrick home last mceu.g ......... on xuesoav ev- ' bert Franklin Johnson were host- ! Mitchell as installing oiffcer, instal- I were sewed and will be sent to the Sunday afternoon. 20, at 7:30 o'c'lock esses Sunday afternoon at the Van i led Mrs. Ruth Avery, as first vice- ] hospital at Knoxville• Rrefresh- Miss Gray of Morley were visitors MT. VERNON CHURCH NOTES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph W. Gra__yy_Jr., Minister, SUNDAY ] 9:30 Sunday school, i 10:45 Common worship, Sermon, i "Abide in His Word." ] 6 30 SeniorChristianEndeavor meeting, i Noted Woman Poet - Church Closes A Attracts Large Successful Week Audience Tuesday vory succ t woek of to- ,- _ ligious festivities a d prea?hing Presenting uer cnarnling Pet•- . -~ ,~ ....... a ~,,...* ......... *.,~ • . ~~V~ Ctt taa~xe~ S ~t xatxa.v Jlt~ t*ta taa~b sonality to a large and enthumast,c ........... " • . V¢,Ln tile sacl-alnEnt Or tile l~or(l's audience on Tuesday evening m the " "~ i rn'ns vi( ' • ' supper at tilen o 1 g ~er "?e IU ~ol'nell chap?l, Edna St_ V,nc?nt the Presbyterianchurch iuMount .vHHay won tne hearts ot poetry Vernon• One hundred and fifty Metre home, following the Messiah [ president, and Mrs. Mac Foster asi meats were served by the hostess• THURSDAY lovers, members and friends of the church be election of yearly of- i at the Cornell chapel, with the, second v!ce president• ~. The Christmas party for the mem- over the week end in the home of 8:00 Union Young Peoples group. This was Miss Millay's second were present at the service, con- out of town soloists and the Cornell The third request from the state ] bers of the Friendship club will be Miss Lahman's parents, Mr. and FRIDAY appe'~rance at Cornell. Professor dueled by the Rev. Joseph Gray, or .cod party sponsored conservatory of music faculty mere- department .......... was reporteu at the] held at the home of Mrs. Mary Wal- Mrs. E. R. Lahman. 7:30 Christmas program of the ~ Tall head of the ('ornell English jr., pastor of the church. No. 2 of the Ladies Aid bers as guests• meeung wmcn mcmaes senmng ,oh w,~ ,7 Corrine Kleineck of Cedar Rap- Sunday school with a pageant by department, in introducing Miss be held at the home ' " 1 D ........ nesda, afternoon, Deeem- The largest audience during the Mrs. Mark Hutchinson Mrs. Dana Wilcox, worthy matrongifts toveterans hospital at. esl ber 21. Members are requested to ids was a visitor over the week end the young people• Millay, relatetl the experience of weeks festival was in attendance Moines for the annual ~nris~mas bring a ten cent gift for the grabin the home of her grandmother, CHRISTMAS SUNDAY her previous appearance here.It on Friday evening when about 200 December 16 at of Vernon chapter O E S and Mr ,~art- Toys were ~ent for a five ........ Mrs. Charles Kleineck 10:30 Special Christmas Day ser- was during an Iowa blizzard, and witnessed tho nlav "'l)ust of the ' ,.... ' " • •~ Y- ~ nag. A program wm oe presemea. " . • ~ .~ .... - wncox were hosts at dinner at the yea: old boy and an apron for a ........ Hey. J. J. Kidder conducted fun- vice with the Sunda3 school and .liss Millay was very tired and suf- [toad "' --resented b" ~ "*rou" of ...... Carbee house last Monday evening,gift £or a w•i'fe or mother of a vet-,~ ~virs.. lxoy ~ounfi, nonorea lvlrs; eral services for John McCormicl~ common worship combined. I fe,'ing front a sore .throat. A small Cornell ~udentsl inc(u2in;Wil~i~n, th- wai)lS will be. host- Their guests included the officers eran. Other requests complied with! uatnerlne, l~t~ at a luneneon,a~ .02, in the Methodist church in Olin ----- l t}ut lnte "csted aud,ence listened to "'owner Ja .k Glew Betty Stephen ~w~~~,IEARDI RI'E .... ---. __._~-~ ........~[ bePnC m; c~UaPT:"PENserved _lFTANDxat630°~oaE~PENCiL tt'o clock under~ the[' nf tho~raeolof nn Tu~dav=~ ~ w~ '~" "'~'~"~ ~ ""l~daYbeAltruriaat 6" 00clUbo clockdinner onWill be entertainedonDeClaTcl~.n~, ....... _ . ~ .:t3~pe~nn;. '_ ]~muslc is being arranged bY Pr°" [ b'amished Grave'" "Huntsman" i pastor werE: M'rs. 5"l~(rl'e-'l~af~er,FIRST~~llr~[~P'~~ ~ iilil i}iii::i~~ Im~f~~ .~]~N~.:~METHODIST Wkh *,mr~,al .~ G,aad, ,d~w' EPISCOPAL~__,. 11~3er lecture. ~[l[in/lowerl[i~l~ ch'tpel ~1~?~:: ::i: ii!iii:: i :i ll~ Violin' ~ ".~Outfits i~~~.~ j e memoers o~ J91wsion of Vernon chapter and the com- this year are' contribution to child her home rest rnursaay noon. w~s. last Sunday afternoon. Ll .......... ~ ...... and Don aonannsen. It was given the Ladies Aid societ atmitte h i • , ' • ! Lott is leaving soon m spenct the oyu ~x. t~usm~son, ivtlnlsttr I Howevt • ,Miss Millay after ~s- , undtr th'~ su,~e~i ion ,W o ~f a~ ~;s ...... Y e c a rmen. Place were lind welfare fund, clothing money for l ....... ,, .... .~ Mr. and Mrs Leo I.ubbers and hur h '4 ' . ' i ~ ~ . ~''s .. • ,•.. -.- upper at ~:lo o'clock on for twent,, The "ro"- ^n;^-,~ "~- ..... • ....... ~_ __ wm~er In ~amn ~ouge, ~a. ,~t,=~ . • . C ch se ool 9. 5. I surmg the audience in her charm- b.,rt l'r',nklin ~ohns,-n '-n,' B, r*h'- Cvenina D^_^ ~. .... :- s -~ = ~=,, ~-= me en~ertalnmenL ±unu, to. LHe re-t " ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... f ,~iahbors an~family of Cedar Raptds were call- orni " • " ' " ' ~ .... ' .... e ..... M ng worship I0.45. i mg manner, that she was here once I |:reneh Johnson of the Cornell col ~,o^ s .... moer ~o, at evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i habilitation fund, the natlonl de-I ~nc~u~,e~, ,, s-,,-~, .... ~ "~ Ers Tuesday evening in the Mr. Christmas Program 3:00. [ more and that nothing was the i, .,', r -c,,H,, - ~=" Wilcox. I fense fund, the Harriet Hoffman ed- I ,Hc,u~. ~, , ,,and Mrs. Frank Young home ~~--~W~ ~L~'~,~~.~~.~,~ ucational fund, publicity fund, and [ _ Loume .and Esther ~,voraK writ Mr and Mrs T I Mitchell" ex Intermediate League supper 6:00. m%tter with he~ pt oceeded this i e~e .,~ ~ .... • * I ' " ' " • lh'v. Gray delivcrcd the sermon H~gh school League carolhng 6:15., time to real a seh, ction of her Ion e'tch evEning Musical selections .... ' ~ recur ..... ..r: " ' . to lhe holiday cheer fund One De ]olnl; nostesses ior me meenng ..~. '._ ~ '~ "" ' ": "- - "- This Sunday afternoon at three] men, s sonnets "lnd an exc~r.-* ..... i s~°~iiiarWxy:!oi;!htme:!t;h:uL~oannr:~erbel ~!:it~5:~?c-loik~;;~ntg he if~ !i~m~/fa~rn~{ift°~d:;Vi!~B~/;~!iaMn o cock the Church School will have l from "Conversation at .Midnight" 'under the direction of John Duck cials For Friday and Saturday s :,!i '1 • ~. "' "'. ...... were presented by the church choir its Christmas program and party. [ Attircd in a flowing gown of red i w'H11 the hi*"h school choir direct" t NG, O ......... sent later than December 20, in or-I Minish, and Pearle Mae W " . .... ... . Refreshments will be served by the velvtt Miss Mill'ly made the aud- ." :' - . " -" ~ '. - - ~" ~'-- "~ ~ '~"~ " ~ " '~ • ~ - ' I Oil oy l~Acnar(1 l~'utter; ancl ~llss ~ uo, ballIOrnla tNavels, dozen 23c ~l ~r f'~- +he local unit to receive] The devotional hour will be led Armur Lm~sey WhO contracted --. .................... ..... , ao es anoy oe g,ven ylze .,el at ease w.h oc+asional l'd.h C.vor and Mis Geraldine -PEI- - ~' " er l by Mary MacGregor and ÷Ue ~'~¢~'~ Malta fever aoout the rmddle of to the children 'er remarks t~t ~" ')" -" ~ ~ " ~,~,~..~UIT, Texas Seeedless, large size, 8 for .... 25c ~i credit. All the reqmrements w .e, .......... '.. ~,_,~;~'~r~'_" SeptEmber suffered a relapse last ' ' ' 1 . " "ya, ~ Itayea v,oun n,usle, OU The Leaguers are preparing for ] ncluded m her program were i Sunda-" and Mond l- evenin,~s aur ~t~VES, Richelieu 6 12-oz asst'd fcv boxed 1 48 R i met in due time and much creoit wm ~e prese.~eu ~s ............ - .~. .......... 2 ........ 7 ~ Christmas by holding a supper and the folh)wing poems. "Childhood ',~ .-" ' ..'" ... ~ -'* " rolgers result- r~*-l,*`1 9 nr~t,n`1 tln ~o ~ I lt; glveti to i~lrs, mazel l~llnelel~er, t Jura. h ..... ;,~^ . , , ,. " " " . ) : )rig IHe servlee. ,.vlrs. r~elen ~cnroe- lid Dre.quln~ n~.,~,~"--'--s ..... ' ," .~ ................. ~'~ ~1 pre~ dent and the chairmen of the The regular meeting of Hill City ............ ~' .. party, for the Intermeddle and a l,s;t f~,n~'d()~n Where Nobody 1 ies," [der prcshled at the organ for all ~x,-, N --~---e,, ~,,*~.~. otuart, quart, jar .................... ~o¢ ;$1 .~_~.~- ,~ ~.,..~;',: ~-~*te~o~o. I .~.~,,.o~'~t~" .v.,s~'~'*'~ was held Tuesdavo Wesley ~-ucmer, grandfather of caronng par~y mr me rngn senool ["~ or~ra~t 14y -~ NeignDor,.... Phil- ~ne~...... music. !Fne varmus (nurcn or- U.TS, Enghsh, Fancy Diamonds, pound ...... 23e ~1 Th~ charter was draped for onelevening. Thirty-two members of Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson, who has League. o;op, her, SOng l/or Young l~ov-igauizations were honort~t guests at l~.lClle|leU Fan 1 er been very H1 for several months . . u .... e~,,c,-. ~ ~,o.. ~, cy Layer, 1 pound pkg ............ 23c ~] of their members Mrs. Martha Me-i Evergreen lodge of Springvi le w e ' o ,. . . The theme for thin Sunday morn-[e's m A (hty," "l'ountain, I Shall i..l~ ........... • " Meat 2 tins 35c ~] Kuue who passed away several guests, and presented the traveling ;iaedd;:d2/a2te~2ooimpr°veu on ing is, "God W~th Us." Special Not l)rlnk of Thy X, Vater, .... Thou The committees w~ ...... ,~,~ ~ ~B ................................... ~ heshments s . r . g ,',on, aby Stuart, Light ink 2 for 25c )1 \'c~khago'M2'SFL?;ira P2nattenbMe:s g33eid°ne~hecd::~ler:°dgee pBljyeg3 M,ss Anna Curnutt ,~ho is em fes.sor Oakland. ~ ! ,V~hat Quart'y?, four sonnets dEcorations; John I)uckwall, spe- D FRUITS, M xed, Baby Stuart, 1 pouno pkg ! ~l~ON, Happy,ale, 1 pound tall p , • _ ~ ger, • . . " meeting and m pe~tt~ct lot ~tness ployed in Iowa City is expected on TS, Baby Stuart, whole, 2 tins 2~3 ~ Khnefelter were m charge, after the busdn:~sd e Saturday evenin to spend twoall'wurits cnurCnmemoersWlSneSand tneirt° extendfamilies It° i .... ,.to~. l~ t'p "~= , ...... ~ and ~''" tI" ~:LV('I' "~. g "~ ~'•:'" i cial~ist.i music;Miss MargaretMrs' Schroeder. o "gan-Roberts play I Bt mg tpplau(h d gc net ousl I~A~ l:~a ] ~eeks In the home of her parents , ~ , by Stuart, Fresh, 2 tins 27c ~ FACULTY PARTY I Mrs Rudolph Vodicka entertained " " • .', a Merry Christmas and a Happy, ~. ~ , t " ~ "~ " Y[director; Richard l,'uller, high ACH, Baby Stuart No. 2 tins, 2 for .... ........ 25c ~[ The members of the faculty off her afternoon bridge club at a Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Curnutt. New Year.____ [ consented ! turec th'neS,to ),|lSSgive Mill'tYin additiongraci°uslYsome ] hibit[seh°°lofCh°ir:religiousMiSSpaintingsJane Tracts. ex- [U_E MEAT, Baby Stuart, 1 round ~lass iar ...... 21c Cornell college will meet for lheirt Christmas party at her home on Mr. and 'Mrs. Glenn Swift of Ch,lsthm Scien(c ~otes :re 'y sho,'t humorous poems whi(hI " " ..... I (hqi~4hte t the audience ............ "Is the Universe Including Man, I ..... Mak~ Wir~t V~H ~ Evolved by Atomic Force." will be ------ '~. ~ . "~'.~ ~, xIt vernon m aa ears the subject of the esson-Sermon " in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, ~ .... "~ ...... ~.'~ i -- ~n Sunday, December 18. ; Capacity Audmnce i :,.r and M,-s M.u,'ice .odi,,g of The Golden Text ts from [saiah tr [~, " ~ ~ ~ ]Skagwav Alaska wcre visitors in t8 12, 13, "Hearken unto me, O' ~n napem unaay ]Mount Vernon in the Mrs Mae Jacob and Israel, my called; I am ---- [Poster and Mrs. IAoyd McCutcheon he" 1 am the first, l also am the A capacity audience enjoyed the homes over the week end. Mrs last. Mine hand also hath laid the ! thirty-fourth annual presentation I Goding will be remembered as foundatlon of the earth, a=d my of Handel's "Messiah" in the Cor-IM~s. ~;ssM~,r Shaw. vJUlit ¥~lllUll 1U I a>~UCmL,U, a~ • " .... right hand hath spanned the hen- ', nell chapel on Sunday. t x "' • z . Goding's first visit to yeas." i ThE Oratorio Society and the]Mount Vernon in 35 years and he Po:qoUg~Wi:~ ~f! 1Awahi~i~rO:;;PeaetnrnswRx~3~c~lr:rc~ e~w~t:i iilti!!OnU~!e~flr/i~l!~i!]l The Lesson-Sermon comprises [('ornell Symphony presented the [was surprised to find as nlany peo- tluotatlons from the Bible and from i famous work in suEh a manner I ple here who remembered him as the Christian Science textbook, ! that it will be rEmembered as one i he did. He recalled spending a the Scriptures hy Mary Baker , antes evcr given. Interested listen- [ when it was under construction. He • =" f ernoon Brld e was Cedar Rapids former remdents of d~smlssal of college but fo, the Mms Marjo~,e Ja(kson of Cedar lHanscn of d [2~UT BUrTER, Baby Stuart 2 hound tar .... 29c ~i annual Christmas party in the So-1 Tuesday a t • " g " " . . " •, . : • r ~ bles and an ex =vtount vernon expect to leave next DY, 1005/, filled tiara ~,,a,, 9 ..... ao " ....... o~,, ~[cial rooms this evening. A picnic[played at three ta - .% , . , , , , ....... -- -~.**.uj, ..,u~ ......... ~,o~ ~ .... was en o ed Mrs Nunuay to spend the noli(lays v, lth [*LATINE Dess~r ...... • .... -'-- ,,~ ~[supper and socml evening will beI change of gifts j y . • ~, . " ,. -. "" ~"~" ~ ....... t~ t l~lCllelleU all Plavors, zt pKgs I~C ~l enjoyed before many members[ N J. Peet received the prize for ~nelr son d,m m Los Angeles, Calif. fiANER, Baby Stuart, 2 regular tins ........ 29e leave for the Christmas honday va-] hi'gb score, Mrs. Merle Long receiv- Miss Bonnybel Kirkpatrlck of e" * ,on, ~alted Pieces Wood BOX • ,-,,11,-`I '~'~-~ cation ed the second prize and Mrs. W. C. Correetionville will arrive s'~tur- ]~t~E1 ~OT v,~ ....................... ~ ~ Conklin received the low score day afternoon to spend a two weeks [~" "~-- ~UUIK UHI~I~IMAS TREES NOW ....... ]prize Refreshments were served vacation in the home of her par- ~I __ _ ~ ~ tmris~mas par~y was en]oyeo _ .7 - - ents Mr and M L L E Y' S G R O C E R Y )4 ~stTit~3rsdaYheafpt33t°~nblebYr:nh3 DYR;;7 ::;~eMrs. Lloyd Gustafson patrick. ,s George Kirk IDeliver M .... • ..... • ...... .......... o+ the home of Mrs i were hosts for the regular meeting Miss Clara Redmond of Jeffer- ~: -~-~-.~. ............ , wa i-llone l;sz~1 rmtue ........ ~wmer" w~m'" .... ~wrs Mac LakeIof the Wesleyan Serwce Guild, at son. Oh a. armved Tuesday after- ~~g-~ ~ ' " ' the *'arsenate on Tuesday evening noon for a visit in the home of her las assisting hostess. There was a l _ . • .............. [°r ~ ~ business meeting the g " • " - '-~ - " 'Science and Health with Key to]of the most successful perform- night in the m'esent stan(lnin,~ ! 1 ~ " er chosen" --resident Mrs I the book "The Amemcan t_:lty anai Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mitchell ,, . ' ~ ' ........ ~ ilcers w e • ~ , • . , , [ |i ....... | ~- ..... i er" vice --resident Mrs ] ltS Church"" Mrs. George Barbour. who have spent two we~ ks in the [i~ ~1 ~i~tauOe L~eV;ire. se;rletary Mrs Ora spoke concerning city life and its ]home of Mr• Mitchell's parents, Mr. Eddy. [crs from surrounding towns as well and Herbert Day climbed up to the t .... ~:~ m l ~, ~nes " g ' Mrs Gusta "Min / relief problems Miss Miriam Freer and Mrs T. 1. 'Mitchell. expect to One of the. Bible citations reads," las college students and Mount Ver- 'tower after da "k and slept on army r~napp" treasurer, - • ~ .... ~*+ ~r~s~ corresnondent Mrs led the devotional hour I leave Saturday for Salem Ill "In the beginning was the wor(1,~;non residents were greatly inspir- blankets l,ewis Day ha