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December 19, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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104 2nd Ave North. Mount Vernon, Iowa
Official Newspaper Mount Vernon ~nd
Linn Count~
Lloyd MeCuteheon Estmto, Proprietor
Jameo W. MeCutcheon, Editor
Published at Mount "vernon ane Lisbon,
in IAnn County, Iowa, every.Thursday.
Founded in 1 09 by 8. IL 8uuman
Founded In 1898 by Minard LoNer
Founded in 1894 by W. F. 8tahl
Subscription Rate
One year, iu Linn and adjoining
counties, per year $1.B0
One year, outside Linn and ad.~oining
counties, but within the state,
per year $1.75
One year. o~.tside the state $2.00
Member, Iowa Pre~s Association, National
Editorial Association, Foreign Advertis-
ing Representative, Iowa Newspapers.
Inc 405 Shola~ Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa
Entered as second class mail matter at
the post office of Mount Vernon, Iowa, ane
Lisbon, Iowa.
Notices for entertolnments or other ffath-
erings to which a charge is made, le
cents per line, minimum charge 25 cents.
Card of thanks and resolutions of respect
l0 cents a line, minimum charge $1.00
Display odvertising rates furnished on ap-
plication to responsible odverti~ers.
Production Is Too Practical
For Theorists To Understand
Persistant rumors that the so-
called defense program of this
country was far ,behin@ pre-election
estimates have been verified by the
plain statement of William Knud-
sen, defense commissioner, that air
craft production is 30 per cent be-
hind schedule.
This is no surprise to any practi-
cal person who has had practical
experience with production. There
are ,many theorists in authority at
Washing-ton to successfully carry
out a practical project such as
building the equipment to save
England and arm this country.
Production requires work and you
just can't make up for years of lost
time in rearming by maintaining
a 40 hour week and other things
which will be meaningless if de-
fense equipment is not produced
fast enough to save England.
The President must ,bear part of
the blame for the shocking delay
in production. The Defense Com-
mission is without a head other
than him. Lessons learned in the
last war show that until one head
is named for the Defense Commis-
sion and he given almost absolute
authority, it will ,be difficult to ob-
tain the needed production.
If we are to believe a war cor-
respondent like Wallice Irwin who
has been in every European country
tn the war, it is up to this nation
to aid England or face an intoler-
wble struggle with Hitler whether
'by armed forces or an economic
struggle. England by her brilliant
stand has given the U. S. time to
rearm. This time has been dearly
,bought by the English. Is it to he
partially wasted in a failure to un-
leash the production ability of this
great nation? We certainly hope
not but things must be handled dif-
ferently at once or such will be the
Why Not Have Holidays
On Saturday Or Monday
Christmas comes on Wednesday
this year and Thursday next year.
Holidays on those two days are es-
pecially inconvenient for a weekly
It is understood that the .propos-
ed 13 month calendar has all holi-
days come on Saturday or Monday,
which strikes us as a very good
If Mr. Roosevelt would choose
to place Christmas on a Saturday
or Monday I think nearly every
weekly publisher would support him
in that move.
Wet Interests Seek Liquor
By The Drink Law
The liquor by the drink outfit
recently announced that they will
present a ,bill to legalize liquor by i
the drink in Iowa to the Iowa leg-
islature. This bill will be sponsor-
ed as Ward Barnes says, in the
Eagle Grove Eagle, "By the wettest
of the wets."
W~trd also says, "On the whole
the present set-up in Iowa is the
,best yet devised. Sale ,by the state
liquor stores is a far cry from pro-
moting tem,perance, but it is a better
straight jacket for the hard liquor
sale than any system yet tried. If
the wets were smart, they would
keep very quiet and try and escape
drastic disciplining from the law-
makers. Drinking is on the in-
crease. Speed, along with hard li-
quor, is taking an awful toll in
human life. If the evils of liquor
consumption do not decrease, the
people will demand prohibition
again, and the ,bootlegger will be
back with us in a btg way."
The Northwood Anchor quoted
statistics last week that alcohol-
ism among women has increased
90 per cent since 1933. At the
Keeley Institute at Dwight, Ill 169
physicians have taken the cure
since 1933 as compared to 48 bar
It is doubtful if liquor by the
drink will prove very popular in the
Iowa legislature. It did not in the
last session and it is doubtful if sen-
timent among the members has un-
dergone a great change. We do not
need such a law in Iowa.
o-Q-~ -~~*~~ HANG triP YOUR STOCKING Score by periods:
(~l~Al 1~ ]~M[AI~I~ ] With Christmas drawing nearer:Marion 7 17 28 42
vll~J~l~k /VA~XI~II and nearer, we made a survey oflMt. Vernon 10 12 12 20
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : what Santa is supposed to hring to ] ~-- --
]the M.V.H.S. students. ] :::::::::::::::::::::::-
Editor Mary MacGregor ] Don Sanderson -- non-skid ice i 'WAv RACI~ ~/'HEN
Assistant Editor .Mark Hutel;inson Iskates. ~ ~'~
Manager Jean Heasty ! Marianne Vodicka --- clothes,/Items of Interest in Mount Vernon
Reporters---Jean Houstman, Don ~clothes. /And Lisbon t0, 20, 30 Years Ago
Horton, Don Minnick, Betty Dick Dvorak--ma-chin~ band ::::::::::::::::::::::::::-
Kohl, I,udwig Hedge, Peggy Ma9 instead of 8 I A
gee, Carolyn Neal, Hallie ~Vinsor Mildred Fish'er--a ll'~nd pie"e the [ TEN YEARS GO
Margaret Harris, Lois Bigger,trumpets can nlav' ' [ December 18, 1930
Douglas Hudelson, Jean Thomas- Jean Hunt--'an-'A in Latin ] Vayne Hunter and Stanley Hri-
sen Darwin Cook Phelps Mannin~ Sixlhumb :hal wo e chosen co-captains of the
""" I ns-from ::~ -"---'I " " a/ ICorneli football team for 1930 at
esso,~ylaflanlc ~. . '
EI)r]PORIAL Doug Hudelson--two weeks typ-]meeting of the football men on
Now that all of us are in high ins budget, i i Monday evening.
school most of us are grown u,p Don Walton--Pink baby rattle. / l~rankhn to~/nsh~p recmved ald
t l'z r i " for the pool" to tne amoun~ ot
enough .o rea ~,e that the e s more Carolyn Neal---Clark Gable or ]
to Christmas than presents and a Errol Flynn in a pinch (clinch) ]$174.75 in the montn or uclor)er.
two weeks' vacation. This year us- Gloria Hodge--~,Vill power in :This ,)'as .the largest ;In.taunt for
peciaUy there is a great need for typing. ] react m.Mnn county pursue or ~'e-
us to find the spiritual elements of Betty June Hedges---censored. [dar Rapids.
Mrs Emma 1~ ~ans of I ruben had
the season. It's really very easy to Bruce Rleh--A book of good [ : :" ,' ' '] " ," ~."
do. Take carol singing for exam- puns for biology. ~the mls[ortune to sl!p on n er.ce!lar
ale ~e rl e~e one kno e Jea ]stalrs and tear the ngaments m net
a y " ry ~ ws at 1 ast Don Current-- n Houstman
right foot ~h~eh will require her
two carols, and when a bunch gets Claire L,ittell--Convertible. ]. . :~ ~" " ~ . ' .
~0 stay OF~ ner Tee~ TOP several
together to sing them, the spirit is Mary Mac--Pair of shoulder pads ] ~t
easily caught. There is a lot that to wear to speech. [ we eK.~. -
can be done with caroling. First Martha Jane
Ro,gers--I don't ] o s, Honver was t.aKen to .~ercy
hoslutal Ced ~r Ralllds on Mend ly
just group singing which can easily want anything and I probably will [ ." .' " ~. " . ~ .
develop into caroling from house get it. wnere ne unnerwent avery sermus
to house. It's fun for those sing- Mary Carol--Yahudi. [Op?l'a~on for j tpp~!ndl.:itls. . .
As ~ oI ~ tc r~ert leg :vl tr m ~e
ins and a pleasure for those who Billle IAtts---Horse and sleigh .~ " " "" " " " "' " ~." ,"
" "" ' in 1" "for t~o" I Holmes, Ruth tcogers ~nirley
clon't often get; out. rlere'Mount ~ " ). . '
Vernon there arc a number of shut- IAoyd Mallie--Bifle (hum sis- Househo}de," and Lou,:~eyaug were
ins whose Christmas is greatly nificant). :or:ring nome irom Ceuar t~.:pl(lS
,Saturday ~fte~noon the ~ (ar end
cheered by the different groups who I'AVO~RII~E }|OVIES . ' " ~ . "" . ' ,~ :. '~' .
- "' Earthboun- I ~ lot a car orlven l)v ,vlr. l~:rson or
ao caroling. u--- rene ~lpple. . : .
P"bli- D ) "~ ' t Nevada skidded rote Prof. tier-
Caroling has always been a great u c eu x~o. ,--~ eg nerrmg. / tick's car The whole ,~art,~ were
institution and this year }t can B;Y ~;]m: ~2; r~';Z~dy} r2a?f i badly shaken an d llruise~ an'd Miss
play a big part in our Christmas l
' " ~ + ^ ,^ ^ " [Haug was cut by g as.~ but no one
All carols have words that are ~"L~nU;~;'~" l was seriously injured.
pe ea oy ~VLIStaKe ~ at]n ~)ooKs
spiritually poetic and their lovely ~ ' ~" "" [ Mr and :Vh-s'John Me'~ers and
a ME The u2uarterback--Gaillard Bur- ~
tunes buoy you up tel RRY
" ~ anek and Hu*ch:~ [daughters Eleanor and Evelyn left
CHRISTMAS. ~',~" '~' ]Wednesday and are motoring to
Arise Zvly laove--HLzelAlartln
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dance Gill I) -el ,),IFlorlda to spend the hohdays with
,",an ~- t arlene . " .
* Barrett I Mrs. l.oum Maybauer and Edith at
PINK ELEPHANTS * Gone With The Wind--Harriet / St. I eters )urg.
* Moffit. [ --
By Doug Hudelson * Stage Door--Phelps Manning. I TWENTY YEARS AGO
** ** * ***** *** ** *
headings that adorn the columns of
Ye Olde CHALK MARK? Well
the "M" Club donated the money
from the activity tickets for those.
They figured that CHAI,K MARK
is just as much of the school's ac-
tivities as any other thing so they
gave us these swell plates.
dred Fisher. Your reporter ran
across a choice bit of gossip today
and that is: "Millie" has ,been wear-
ins a pin on her "duds" these days.
It is a swell ~Mother-of-pearl "what-
majigger." We'd give a lot to know
whose name is on the .back of it.
The sophomores are going to put
out a newspaper or ,magazine in
their English class. It seems that'
the practice teacher suggested that
the class put out this "scandal
sheet" and so the class is hard at'
working trying to find enough ma-
terial to put in the magazine. This
chronicle is going to be as near a
professional magazine as possible.
Included in it will be the vaurder-
mystery that the class wrote a while
back entitled "The Purple Swastika
Murder." Hmmm~gory class, are-
n't they?
The music appreciation class is
learning to distinguish tone qual-
ities of different instruments.
The U. S. History class is study-
ing about negroes. They will soon
,be studying the Civil War.
The dramatics club under the di-
rection of Miss Janet Carlson and
Miss Ruth Sunderlin is working on
two plays: "The Ghost of a Fresh-
man" and "Wildcat Willie."
The home econovnics club is ,bus-
ily making cute little pine cone
The seventh grade arithmetic
class is making bar graphs.
"Sierra Sue" felt sorry for her-
self. She said, " 'I'll Never Smile
Again' because 'I'm Nobody's
Baby'." In her "Alice Blue Gown"
she looked out of the window of her
home on "Blueberry Hill" and
thought it was a "Blue World" In-
Soon "Billy" called and asked to
take her to "Dinner At Eight." He
came, bringing "Blue Orchids" and
said, " 'You're Lonely and I'm Ix)ne-
ly' so we'll 'Paint the Town Red'
After dinner at Ciro's they were
"Dancing on a Dime" at Victor
Hugo's. "Billy" had taken "Si:~
Lessons From Madam Lazonga" so
he knew that to "Whisper While
You're Waltzing" would make her
"Say it."
In a "Taxi Through the Park"
while they had "One Cigarette For
Two," he said, " 'It's A Blue World
Without You.' 'Will You Be
Mine ?' "
" 'Only Forever'," she answered.
"Maybe 'I'm Too Romantic,' but
'Devil May Care'."
At "Thr~e O'clock In the Morn-
ing" the "Two Sleepy People" said
" 'To You, Sweetheart, Aloha'."
They went "Down Argentine
Way" on their honeymoon, then
set "Red Sails in the Sunset" for
"Make-Believe Island" where they
lived In their "IAttle Gray Home in
the West."
Junior Brace--a Romeo.
James Oillette--a Superman.
Skip Herring--a concert violinist.
Cy Winsor--a lady wrestler
Bil]ie Lilts-- a night club bounc-
Tuck--a coal miner.
James King---to know something
the teachers don't know,
Margaret Harris--to see a ghost.
Jeanne T.--to make a parachute
Mary Carol--to have the power
of invisibility and mind reading.
Vernon P.--to have a couple of
million dollars.
Clara M.--to take some of these
people and knock their heads to-
gether.--Why, Clara! :
Lud--to go "Down Argentine
Peggy Jane---to get straight A's.
Soupy--to enter a ,-~rarathon.
"Meet the Sun Half W~y"--the
glee club (those 8:00a.m rehears-
"Waiting for (the Robert E.)
Lee"--Jeanne T.
"Only Forever"--Jean and Cook-
"Practice ;Makes Perfect"---Caro-
lyn N. (her music lessons).
"We Three"--Barbara Lea, Jane
and Lepta.
"Deep in a Dream"--Leora.
"I've Got My Eyes On You"--the
When kids aren't at school, you'll
probably find a lot of them at the
stone quarry ice skating. Eula
seems to be the best "failer" by the
way she looks.
Who was that good-looking fel-
low from Lisbon who called for
Mary Carol at our last dance ?
Quite a few spills at the Brace-
let supper Tuesday night, one ser-
ious. One girl had to have her boy
friend come to her rescue.
Seems to be an epidemic of up-
pendicitis in-[he eighth grade. First
Jackie Nichols an now Rosemary
Whom did we see Lepta, Jane.
and Barbara meet Saturday night?
A secret--Lisbon again!!!.
Friday afternoon at 3:45 we had
a short assembly for the purpose
of "stirring up" some pep for the
first home ,basketball game. The
students were led in yells by the
cheer leader, then we were dis-
missed, all ready for the big game
with Marion.
The Mount Vernon conneil is
studying improved fire fighting ap-
paratns. The purchase of a chem-
ical cn~'ine w:s discussed "It their
last meeting.
].owell En]erson of neat- C]ar-
ancc mow~d onto the IAncoln He[f-
man farm where he and the hmd-
I~st Friday evening M.V.H.S.
lost her "first home game to Marion.
Mount Vernon started out with a
bang and at the end of the first
quarter were ahead 10 to 7
Marion took the lead, 1 I to 10,
two minutes after the second quart-
er started. At the end of the half
the score was 17 to 12.
Marion had the second half all
their way. They piled up 25 points
while the maroons only scored 8.
Marion--42 leg Ft F
Lary 3 0 0
Marsh 2 2 0
Martin 5 0 4
Meggars 3 0 0
Nolsch l 1 0
Scott 0 0 1
Powell 4 0 0
Cornell 1 1 l
Hampton 0 0 1
Total 19 4 7
Mr. Vermont20 Pg Ft F
Hutchinson 1 1 3
Hedge 1 0 0
Edwards 0 3 2
Current 3 0 1
Herring 2 2 2
Burnett 0 0 1
Total 7 6 9
Dial 5412
First door east of Methodist church
Mount Vernon, Iowa
lord will do "t partnership business
next year.
l)r. R. 1). Parsons has been ap-
pointed Patriotic instructor for the
state of Iowa by the deputy com-
mander of the state organization of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Iowa Telephone company has
been eonsoliltated with the Nebras-
ka eompany, and the Northwestern
Telephone company under the name
of the Northwestern Telephone
company. The three are all parLs
of the Bell system.
])rs. Tom and John Wolfe pulled
into Mount Vernon on the same
train, Friday evening, neither one
knowing the other was aboard till
they got within a fcw miles of
I home. Dr. John was returning
from the south and I)r. Tom from
Detroit, Mich.
I)ecember 20, 1910
Saturday was one of the most
pleasant days of the month. The
air was warm and pleasant, with
just enough of winter to keep the
blood circulating freely. It was
followed by a light snow fall Sun-
day morning, which gives the pro-
vcrbial Christmas respect.
Lee Kecdick writes friends in
town that he will spend a month in
Europe and at the time of writing
he was on board the Maurentia. in
sight of English soil.
The telephone office will be clos-
ed on Christmas day from ten until
The Mount Vernon council order-
ed in a sewerage disposal plant last
week. Action was taken afler thor-
oughly investigating. Objections
will be heard next month.
Mrs. Burt Neal is improving
though for thc past few days her
condition has caused the gravest
1,'red B. Neff of Cedar Rapids, is
assisting in the C. V . Neff furni-
ture store during the holiday rush
C. P. Whitemore has good plump
winter wheat for sale at $1.00 per
bushel delivered.
Master Corlyn Bauman is spend-
ing this week in the Ed Urbanek
home near Solon.
Southeast Franklin
Mrs. Wilton Gunn
next week's paper should reach us
not later than Monday as the
Hawkeye office will be closed on
Christmas day. Your cooperation
will be greatly appreciated. Thank
you, a~qd a Merry Christmas.
The birthday of Mr. A. T. Novak [
was the occasion of a family oys-I
ter supper at the Novak home. I
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.i
Willard Light and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Light and family.
il ii I
Physician and Surgeon
The fire place is the heart of the home where, on
chilly evenings the family group can sit and chat. It
should be embellished with the best of
to increase its attractiveness.
See our full line of Fireplace Furniture, Fireplace
Baskets and Grates, Screens, Andirons, Fireplace Sets
and wood carriers in different styles and finishes.
PIONEER BUREAU MET WITH ] Doris and Dale Light spent Sat- GLADYS L.
MR. AND MRS. JOHN LIGHT ]urday afternoon at the home of Admit sl
The Pioneer township Farm Bur-iMrs. Wilton Gunn, while their par- Frazier & Rces, ~ tt
eau met Monday evening at thei ents attended a funeral
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Light, I Mr. and Mrs. George Light, Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ --~.~ ~--
for a cafeteria supper at 7:30 p.m. land Mrs. Willard Light, Mr. and ~r~,~ ~rx ~.
On account of the small crowd, no iMrs. Roy Light and Mr. and Mrs.
definite program was carried out~John Light attended the funeral of ~,~elieve
but a quiz and coin tricks con-IFloyd Henderson at Coggon on Sat- d o.~ o
darted by Mr. Hamilton were en- i urday afternoon. Mrs. Henderson ~naer~ or
joyea oy as. its a cousin and niece of the Lights.
A grab bag and some recitationsI Mrs. Nelle Kettering and John ~ i ]
by the youngsters concluded the lClark were Sunday dinner guests ~
evening. No definite dates for the lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ~r
next meeting have been settled on, [ton Gunn. U -~
as the year book has not been pre-I ---- VU0~"
pared as yet. ]NOTICE OF APPOINT31ENT OF
SURPRISE FOR MISS BRIGGS ]State of Iowa, I.inn County, ss: i~
The parents of Oak Grove school l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i ~l ~ai~~ll
. nI
surprmed the teacher, Mms Madel- that the undersigned has been o i ~'~
ine Briggs on Friday afternoon, by this 29th day of November, 1940, I ~ i
coming to school, bringing a lunch~duly appointed and qualified as i ~ ~/~J
and reminding her it was her birth- [Administratrix of the estate of mm L~I~
day. Needless to say the teacher [iClovd l). Butler, late of Linn Coun- ~ll I
and pupils were pleasantly sur- ty, iowa, deceased. All persons in- ~ 'J~
prised debted to said estate are requested: ~I~-~
] . I
] to nl'tke ilnmedmte payment there- i ~
Mrs. Wilton Gunn attended the of to the u tde'signed Those hay- ~ I[
Good Luck Social Club at the home liner clainls against the same will ! la
of Mrs Austin Armstrong on Thurs- ] file them duly authenticated in the ~
day, when the annual Christmas:o ice of the Clerk of the I 1
grab bag was held. '('ounty, Iowa l)istrict Court.I~ Ill
;:::::::: t:'}::::::::::':':':':':'. .::!:!:i:~:i:i:}:i:i:~"~":':"~~'" ~
:::::::::<::':':"''"" "" ' I
f00D tll01ECll011
this Christmas
A BIG BARGAIN in Super Market Refrigerati~ at a new low
price. Provides 5 different kinds of cold: Below-freezlng cold
for ice cubes and frozen foods Extra non-freeze cold
(humidified) for meats . . . Extra cold for milk and beverages
. . Standard cold for staples . . . Crisping cold for vegetables.
This EXCLUSIVE Westinghouse feature ~ oona~ant
cold--5 different kinds of cold--in 5 different parts of your re-
frigerator all at once. Dial one setting. True-Temp Control
takes care of the rest--holds the 5 zones of cold et~dy,
regardless of temperature outside the reierlgerator.
Come in--see fhe new We~b'ng~se Nolid~y Spe iml today.
Includes: Full width glass-topped Humidmwer : ;.
Big 15-pound drawer-type Me.t-Keeper . : : and
a colarful water server of genuine Hall chlnaware.
10WA [-LETfllC UNAN0
p0wm, g0t4PANY
Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012 Lisbon Office Phone 202
. . . and You Bear Gifts
of Ease and Convenience
gratifying it is to see pleased happy looks on
of your family and close friends upon receiv-
g y beautiful Electrical gifts.
For their modern beauty, labor-saving usefulness,
and desirability, such Electrical Gifts as those illus-
trated here win hearty appreciation and are cherished
indefinitely !
So give the truly modern, highly practical gift this
year--things Electrical---they cos so little and mean
so much to those who serve at home. Electrical gifts
are thoughtful gifts. Make your selection early at
this store.
Clean, Caref:x~e Economical
The efficicney and dependability
of electric cookery is rolled into
this 18-qt. Westinghouse Elec-
tric Roaster. Cook a whole meal
automatically--at one time. You
4 Golden ~Vaffl~ at
The Sunbeam Waffle
er has an 80-in
that bakes four delil
waffles at once. It is 0
pletely automatic.
dicator light tells
This superb
gift is only
Office Gearhart Residence need only plug it into a conven-
Mount Vernon, Iowa lent outlet. Includes Roaster,
Office Phone 3021 Res. 345]
ovenware dish set ~4 ~
Calls Answered Promptly and stand fox- only t~- ~v
E. C. PRALL, Dentist 206-208 First Street S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa WAFFLE BAILER
Delightful Hostess Helper
Phones ~ ~ ~ ~ ~k~'~g~.- tt~ :*,~il-$ .:,Beautiful to look at, grand
Office--5712 Mome- 4841 ~ .~[ ~.f~- .~~ to use, this modernistic
~'~iiif ~ chrome-finish waffle bak-
Mount Vernon, Iowa i COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE |] I] [ er has a heat indicator to
I~ I I~ I I,assure varying degrees of
~--I~ C. CHAMBERS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. ~1 I I IIIIII I I browness automaticaIIy. A SUNBFA~[
JOHN B. BRYANT Realize--Real Eyes I II ~ [] ~ gorgeous gift eft nff ' "
~J.~ ~EEMASl
Veterinarian ]~lll 221 3rd St. S.E Cedar Rap'lds, Iowa I ]ll[ ln = ~ --"'~]ll for only. . tin ThisM' aKes all-chromiuml ]ntertainittg"
Phones: ~ I Ill " I I I II She now for beam Coffeemaker
Office 2761 Residence 27631~t~1 I III ~ II P sort of a gift that'
Ill II Convenience and " =
Mount Ve on, Iowa #1 crave Completely
Ill - I I . mauc. A llteume ~-'
Practice in state and federal courts l~ ~ ~;.-~.~ ~,
Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub-I~ l~ ~~ ~I
lic. Office over DeLuxe Coffee/, |m~~i~ 0' [d[ ~ I[ INA[L[gTfllgU~tITAtI[IP0Wgt ~
Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa. ]~ ~mmo~] ~~~ ~I
C. B. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer/ . ~/
H J 209 3rd ~ve SW Dial 2 8131
R. ohnston, Licensed Embalmer[~ . . [] Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012 Lisbon Office
Lady Assistant When Wanted [~ Cedar Rapids, Ioxva ~] ~"
Mount Vernon and Lisbon I