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December 19, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 19, 1940 |
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oliday luncheon at the on ~nns~mas aay. he n ~ - ~e~rana - with Mrs. Joe Emmons in Cedar the J. C. Crew home in Cedar Rap-
ing will be Wednesday even rig, es. Members please note change in
on Wednesday noon. January 8. date. Rapids. ids until after Christmas Second Cass-Linn Training
Charles R. Keyes
at dinner last Friday
were laid for
Rhoads was hostess
bridge club at her
afternoon. Cards i
at three tables. Re i
served by the host- ]
The Good Luck Social club met: M,'s. M',rk Hutchinson will be
last Thursday afternoon at the home hostess to h(,r bridge club this (~w~-
L of Mrs. Austin Armstrong, with ning. Cards will be played at two
eighteen members present. Two t.tbles.
guests were Mrs. Adolph Biderman Mrs. Clyde l.indsley was hostess
and Mrs. Frank Biderman. The to her afternoon contract club on
next meeting will be an all day ~Vcdnesd'iy.Bridge was played at
meeting at the home of Mrs. Mer- tables.
i rill Hoffman. Prof. and Mrs. S. J. Mcl,aug'hlin
)f of the Delt socialI The Bracelet of the Methodistentert'dn at a buffet suppcr
~ornell College en-I church met in the church on Tues- this evening. Their guesls will be
Bs~pper Monday eve-Iday evening of last week. A large twelve Cornell student teachers.
at~er llouse. Covers[attendance was present. Hostesses The T.C.C.G. class of the Pres-
~ hlrty. Bridge was I were: Jean Heasty, Shirley Min- t)vteri:m church h*dd a Christmas
me supper, nick Esther Dvorak, Betty Herring, supper party at the home of Jeanne
rs D U V land Leora Foster. The supper was Thomassen last Thursday evening.
' az~ metre l ~ ~--- ho mothers of the irls
tlleir ~uest ~ ~n -~ + I~v~u ~' ~ '- g Mrs. Rae Travis was hostess to
and-Mrs.~ ~.'" .~"nrs~ l included Mrs. Ralph Heasty, Mrs. he," afternoon card club on Tue,dav
)for Mr. and' 1Vir--~'lHarold Minnick, Mrs. E. V. R. afte,-noon. Bridge was played at
and family, and ~ro~'lDvOrak, Mrs. Ray Herring and Mrs. three tables. A gift exchange wm~
Devereaux. ' Mae Foster. enjoyed by the members. "
The Jolly ,qeven elul) surprised
Mrs. Artie Fdalmrn in honor of her
,birthday on V~%dnesday afternoon.
A picnic supper was enjoyed follow-
ed by ;I Christmas gift hunt.
>%~" .
Hugh i{olxn'ts l*hoto
I~ft to right, seated: Mrs. Norman 'l~c('hau. 1)orris Jan," Lcigh,
Mrs. l)on ({,~xiyc~lr, Mrs. ,lohn iloxwell, Mrs. Naomi Hammond. Stand-
ilkeT, Mrs. Lyall llrYan{, Mrs. h'win Col)Po(~k, Mrs. ldoyd Neal, M~.
William lloffman and Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley.
The effect created l)y lines of the series worn with it. By the use
hat to determine' the type best suit- of ;t eolor wheel they learned how
ed ~ts to style and color to contrast be,~t to be ~tbTe to harmonize color.
with the rest of her ward robe, hehl Mrs. IAoyd N(~al gave a l)ook re-
the attention of the Needlec|'aft port. Twelve ladies att(,nded this
The Emma Leigh Circle will meet
with Mrs. Mae Blaine, I,'riday af- club Homemakers gl'Ollp tit lhe n/orating which was the se<'ond of a
home of Mrs. [,yall Bry'lnt on Fri- series of lessons on the clothing
i ternoon, 1)eeeml),r 20, for their day aft,~rnoon, l)ee. 13. Mrs. Ken- pro.iect, "l~ci~g ~Vell I)r(~ssed"
nnual Christmas party. The mere- { neth Yeisley and Mrs. Bryant, lead- which is b(dng presented to IAnn
will on.icY a gift exehange, rural women this winter.
Miss Leta McShane, who is era- Mrs. Evert Neal is spending a few
ployed in Cedar Rapids, spent Sat- days with her parents at Elkader.
urday night and Sunday at home. Miss Doris George returned to her
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Scott and school work at Martelle Monday,
Joe of Mount Vernon were Thurs- after being home for a week on ac-
day evening dinner guests of Mr. count of illness.
and Mrs. Ralph Streets. The members of the Progressive
Mrs. Anna Harm and Mr. and;club will meet Saturday afternoon
Mrs. Earl Goodlove were Sunday with Mrs. L. J. Rose.
dinner guests of Jackson Bowdish, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hegerty of
Sr in Marion. Stanwood were Sunday guests in
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Patten enter- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
rained the Couples Bridge club on LeAr.
Monday evening. Mrs. Evelyn Perkins returned
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wager of Jor-Friday from a visit in the Will and
dan's Grove were Sunday dinner Roy Higgins home at Alburnett.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Peter- Barbara Jacobs, baby daughter of
son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs, has
Mrs. John Vernon entertained the been in St. Luke's hospital with
Past Noble Grands of the Evergreen pneumonia for several days.
Rebekah Lodge at their Christmas The Wires Corners Community
party Thursday afternoon club and Christmas party will be
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shellhammer entertained Friday evening at their
called in the Bernard Cass home annual Christmas party in the home
at Scotch Grove and were Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor.
supper guests in the John Wilcox!
home near Monticello. I Central Linn
Recent house guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Milton Koch
Mrs. L. B. Stanley were Tacy Wil-;
lets of Whittier and Mrs. Elsie CORRESPONDENT: Copy for
Bradley of Cedar Rapids. Callers ~ next week's paper should reach us
were Mrs. Mary Mills of Whhittier not later than Monday as the
and Mrs. Ralph Pearson. Ilawkeye office will be closed on
Held at Mrs. Will Mason Home
The second training school for
Cass-Linn township leaders was
held on Monday at the home of
Mrs. Will Mason.
Difficult architectural features in
our homes was one of the very in-
teresting points studied in this les-
son, "Solving Home Furnishing
During the music hour there was
group singing led by Miss Laura
Heddleson, H. D. A. The listening
numbers were musical moments
from Latin America. In the music
from our neighbor Latin Ameri-
can's folk songs it is the rhythm
and the swing of the melody that
are important. The words are of
slight importance.
The leaders present were: Mrs.
Robert Dolan, Mrs. Forrest Huey,
Mrs. Charlie Johnston, Mrs. Cliff
Tysinger, Mrs. Arnold Swan, Mrs.
George Worshaw, Mrs. Jim Long,
Mrs. Bernard Achenbach, Mrs. Har-
old Fisher, Mrs. Wm. Mason and
Miss Laura Heddleson, H. D. A.
Coon Creek Study Group
Met With Mrs. Joe Krob
The Coon Creek Project Ladies