National Sponsors
December 19, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 19, 1940 |
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rate because the 1940 national corn farm, or if a tenant is requested Richard Dice, John Oxley, Mac i Brooksi& T Ahh v l' P 17 I The Kaplan Bros. and Leo IVAtch-
crop is smaller than normal corn by his landlord to remove corn from Towers, Junior Hank and Junior W~[|r~'~, ~(~,][-][OO][J / ell were Monday callers at the Mer-
ni L E DEC needs the structure in which it is stored, tReid, all of Marion and Joe Car-t in w,l atomnson I Mrs. Nat~ei vema rill Hoffman home
15 There are two other important the corn may be delivered to the son, Coggon. ! - CORRESPONDENT: Copy for COR.P~ SPOND"D-~T: Copy for!. The H. O: Club metal the Fred
changes in the loan program from Commodity Credit Corp during the Although one day shorter than
.~Yt w~k'~ nane ~ d ac ~mlnex~ weeas pa r should reach us Alexanaer nome on ~urtaay eve-
last year Loans will be available fall of 1941. This will enable land- usual this year's short course will not later than~-r-rMondavSh ul- re has the~-' not later thanPe Monday as the i nag," Dec. 8, to help Fred celebrate
19~CuOrt~bfecamer aval1 for 1"0 months until September 30 lords to cooperate with tenants in be one of the best ever held. Among, ~ Hawkeye office will be closed on i I~ wkeye office will be closed on h2~s birthday, whieh was on Dee. 12
1941 instead of for only 4 months' i the loan program without definitely the notables on the program willi .~ ~ ~j~
Christrna.g day Your cooneration~Unristmas any. Your cooperation The occasion was also meir annual
This is expected to extend the price ltying up their cribs until 1943. To l be Cov. Gee. Wilson; "Fireball"I :i i1 74 ri
will hp ~reatlv annreciated Thank ! will be greatly appreciated. Thank i Ch stmas party with an exchange
strengthening effect of the loan avoid short-term loans, this 1941~Bob Fel!er, Clevemn~: .unio vase:!: f
you, and a Merry Christmas. i you, and a Merry Christmas. io gifts. A bountiful supper was
i -l~'.member of the county lprogram throughout the corn mar- delivery option will be available lball pitcner; rl rl ~imee, uean or ~ ~ - ] ~ i served at 7 o'clock after which
~aittee, armounced l l, 1941. Dr Chas E Friley president of the ~:~
~ty. committee is now keting year / only on loans obtained before April ] agriculture at Iowa State College ----- ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander and l cards and visiting were the past-
~ceive loan applications, Another change is that loans willI In practically every vther respect t college, and Mrs. Raymond Sayre, ! Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock visit-i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers and time
ed the first of the week with her i Mrs. Josephine Helmer were Cedar i Mr. and Mrs Than Dean and Mr
~ys. Any farmer whol no~ mature until ~ugus~,v,~./the 1940 loan program will be iden-lAckworth, state chairman of thel parents Mr. and Mrs. Wethington Rapids shoppers Saturday evening, iand Mrs. Golden Miller were Ce:
/~ ::n.out a loan should[Under previous loan program, sans tical with that of 1939 Mr Booth Farm Bureau women's committee ! near Tipton. I Mrs Gertrude Munger and daugh-I dar Rapids shoppers Friday
~t r~tY office. An AAA have been made f?r only 1 year !said. ! Gov. Wilson will speak on "You I ~~ Mr and Mrs. Lester Meyer con- ter Opal of Newton were Saturday!
~tor-usually a township!The 3-year man, aar. Do.ore sam, I ~ [Are The Government" at the Tues-I veyed the latter's mother to Ox- evening guests at the Letha Kap-i. Bad weather makes news scarce
~aan--will visit the farm will help. farmers by enabhng them I I day noon luncheon, which will con-I ~ ~~~ ford Junction Tuesday evening, fol- lan home. m ~ne nelgnDorl?ooa a~ mls wrl~-
~mof the corn, and seallm proviue a anger perioa oi smr-lLlnn ~ounty Wlll lie Well ]clude the 2-day short course. AI!~~[~:.~~::~ r ' ~ing we nope to do better next
] The samples will be age for their corn without the in- I Represented at 4-H Event [Lansing, Mich ~i-H club boy named! ~~ lowm~ a short msg m thm home. ~, ~,~a ~, ~ ~ n,~,~,~ -
]moisture content in the lc nvenience o~ year-to-year reseat-[ i Walter Ilsey, who spent a year inI-- ~~/{~: ~ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock spent and Pauline Lawrenc,~ Yeislm, r~rr "
,state) office, and, if up-Irag ~h~rt,~o, T,in, .~untv farm boys the war countries will give a ape- H~w'-e~e Record Photo Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. land Mrs. Golden Miller were'Su"n': i -~
~;~mre ~co~. I day dinner and supper guests at! Save a lite. Always Stop at high-
a loan, the farmer will l If a farmer chooses not to store will attend the annual Iowa Bo,s' !cml talk on "Youth m Chains.'
In most cases he will i his corn for the full term, he may/a ~ ~h,~ (~ourse at Iowa State ] Club members and parents who[ The picture sh,m's the White . A, number.of the .young peopple at-, the Than Dean home. [ way stop signs. More people are
~- ~ ~ ,~, ~enaect me aance in ~eaar l~aplns
-~ to complete 'his loan [ dehver it m settlement of h.~s loan !College, Dec. 29 to 31, reports Club] are unable to go to.the short course l rural ,~ch,~d ne~r the old I ali~tdes ! Merrill Hoffman is on the sick [ killed at intersections than any-
obtain his loan in one I m the fall of 1942, ff he gives 30 Aa~,t Sill Herr who will accom- can tune m on thmr act~mtms dur- 1 station west of Mt. Vernon. l~,ud- on .Tnursaay evening. 1~. usm .~)Yi list. We
hope he is better soon. z ~,'here else.
county office, provided days notice to the county commit- [ ~)anv~'~he group to Ames The boys iing two WOI broadcasts, Mr. Herr i,~e; fr(,n left to right in the frontasUrrmsoloist.i~lcKer w~tn l~onme J~aKeril ---------------'~
are: Zli:lUUltl 1 IIUIII~*~, ~ll~tll|l ~L, U - i " '
xrom a local lending tee " ". ,a ,v~ ^'~'--'~e** f 'says The first will be from 3"45 row .me" Doris Kitchen, l~n'othv Miss Margaret Spencer has re- a~ffiffi~ffir~,~ ~,ffi ~ffir~,~ a~,~ ,~,~,~ffi~ K
I . --"n*-" --otin" dele-'ate ito 4'30 pro. on Monday Dec. 30 Biderman, Adeline I~iderman, Mrs
,mr. ~oom pom~ea ou~ mat con-i*~cim cuu <~ v s ~ ' " " ' ' .~ I ]t turned from visiting with her sis- H~K~-V~ I'/fi~%lb'lkl! I111 Kk'I"I'UINm
for 1940 corn will Jsere zor storage o~ me corn ~or ~/~ay-~'" rv'~r"~u, ,~n"au Paul Lillie, Cen- land the second from 6"50. to 7 a.m. Jean . I(x)re, teacher, ,mse C, cjka. ter, Mrs. Sheber in Lisbon. Eiglt ~! lt~ltallta ~k~ltaflt,~t~Eit iLlS fltll$ ~,1 /[~1~
than last year. years must be ~iven by the person !tral City; Walter Lee McArthur and i on Tuesday, during the regular ~ Norvis Robinson has been work- . . .
Adjustment Act~ controlling the farm If, however, Donald Heald, Springville; Luster i harm z ac~s p ogram. ~ - in~ for Leo Driscoll the hast two Only lc Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Mlmmum Charge.
for this higher the farmer loses possession of the~Schirm, Cedar Rapids; Eli Shads, l --~-- ---------- Kertram weeks. - Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
Junior Farm Bureau Short Mrs. Frank Letner Mr. and Mrs. Leo Driscoll and To Appear On This Paffe
Course At Marion Jan. 7-10 CORI~ESPOND~" Copy for family spent Friday evening with -- ~. --"
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Driscoll. Classifmd Ads Brin Results
t The fourth a--~nua next week's paper should reach us This community joins in extend- ""
.~ ~mn c~un~y not later than Monday as the ing sincere sympathy to the rela- -~---------- -~
iJupmr ~arm ~ureau ~-no~ L;curse Hawkeye office will be closed on tives of the late Mrs. Kate McCall ~ I TV~q,~.NTY YI,:AR GUARANTEE
,]~"~'o, v, ~= :'~'~'~ana iv. "~-"~%'~ne ~our-aayV'" ~: enuca Christmas day. Your cooperation Mrs. McCall nursed in many of our WANTED i When you buy a Green Colonial
will be greatly appreciated. Thank homes, and her cheery, helpful heating plant, you receive a twenty-
you, and a Merry Christmas. ways in the sick room will be most year written guarantee that it will
The same redu~)d long
distance rates which
apply every night from
7 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. and
all day Sunday will be In
effect at all hours on
Christmas Day and New
Year's Day to pointJI In
tha U. ~. and Canada.
I n I
" the
tl 0 I~'(' kl W li,T i It H BiLL
investZaent in a superlative piano will yield
re exquisite enjoyment than any other gift.
rOan us Conn Band and
rchestra Instruments
Your friends ~nd neighbors
of the telephone company
send you best wishe, for a
Merry Christmas.
Through the ho!iday,as
always, we'll be on hand--.
doing our best to keep the
Christmas spirit it~ tel~photm
tional sessions will be held from
I:00 to 4:00 p.m in the afternoons,
and from 7:30 to 10:30 in the eve-
nings All meetings, except the
/Thursday evening session, will be
held in Memorial Hall. Place of the
Thursday evening session will be
announced later. The annual short
course banquet will be held Friday
i evening. Mr. H. L. Eichling, dis-
trict extension agent, will address
I the group.
I The opening session on Tuesday
afternoon will include a discussion
ion soils, the types in Linn county,
I its deficiencies and conservation
practices which can be profitably
applied. This discussion will be
i led by Harold Shold, Soil Conserva-
I tionist from the Soil Conservation
Service office in Marion
The Wednesday afternoon session
will be a discussion of Poultry
Feeding and Management with Ex-
tension Poultrymen in charge.
Farm Accounts will be the topic,
on Thursday afternoon and Live-i
stock Feeds and Feeding will be
discussed on Friday afternoon. The
evening meetings on Tuesday and
Wednesday will involve discussions
on Family Relationships to be di-
rected by Dr. L. E. Garwood, So-
ciologist from Coe College. Good
Grooming is the subject for the
Thursday evening meeting and the!
place and plan for this meeting will
be announced at a later date
The instruction of the Short!
Course is designed for young men
and women on farms between the
ages of 18 and 30 or for all those
not attending high school.
An enrollment fee of $1.00 is
charged for the entire short course
and includes a ticket to the ban-
quet. Enrollments should prefer-
ably be made in advance at the
Farm Bureau office in Cedar Rap-
Marjorie Duhme
Miss Marjorie Duhme visited
over the week end with her sister,
Miss Frances, at Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reimer and
Mr Bert Miller attended the an-
nual farm bureau meeting at Mar-
ion on Monday.
Miss Maxine Reimer is now at
Gives and Gives
All through the years without stint - - - with
unparalleled pleasure to all the family.
The Sensational New
A Supreme GIFT
Attaches to Any Piano
The Enchanting Effe~.~ of Violin, Tr~mt-
Pet, Horn, Saxophone and Many Other
Instruments is Achieved ]~X~ily with this
~V~nderful Instrmuent. Don't Fall to
and Hear it. It's Wonderful
only $190
The World's Foremost
Makes of Fine Pianos
Every Purchaser a Satisfied Customer
Very -
Attractive Trial
ental Plans on All
perform exactly as represented. A
~VAN'I'FH): Wood stt~ing. Hand great service organization is main-
us your wood pile. I'resto, we hand tained to give you complete antis-
it bnck sawed. Bert Tuel, Phone faction. That's heating insurance
,95, l,isbon, Iow't. 8'p of the highest type. Dale F. John-
I WISH TO BUY some good son, local dealer. Green Foundry
second or third crop alfalfa hay& Furnace Works, Des Moines. 8
program, with orchestral accom-I, land some good bright heavy oats.S~A~.50------pair an--------d up':
bones. ! E. C. Forest, Mt. Vernon, Is. 6tf
paniment. Rev. J. B. Eyestone Miss Martha Becker and Miss i .- -- Tricyclee $1.25 and up.
gave the invocation; music by the Agnes Kouba of Cedar Rapids spent{ WANT TO BUY: 2000 bush- We sharpen skates, 25c pair
rhythm band of the local school New and Used Bicycles
the week end in the John Beckerlels good yellow corn in crib.Also
accompanied at the piano by their home i quantity of good oats. 1 H. Cave, Halls, 4 doors w. of Light Co, office,
teacher, Miss Hazel Midkiff; a group Mr. and Mrs. John Becker re- i I'hone 1 lS, lAsbon. 7-2tt)109 2nd St Cedar Rapids. 7-6tp
of vocal numbers comprising, "Song cently celebrated their 34th wedding l ~ -L--0-ANS~O-N-DI---~N~----~a-
of the Islands," "Playmates," and anniversary, with a family dinner!
"The Rosary," were given by Edith party. The community extendsi ~g~ ~AI 1~ mends for sale. We save you $0
drier and Juanita Blake with gui- i per cent Portable typewriters for
congratulations, i J 1 ~ J " ~" "L~
tar accompaniment played by Re- Mrs. John Fry was quite ill the i~ *sale at loan value Very rea~on-
berta Hartung. The same group i able. Iowa Loan Co 505 Mullln
past week.
gave "Jingle Bells," with the audi- Miss Mary Rose Crock ~ave a i 1,'Ot~ SAlvE: 70 head of feeding Building, Cedar Rapids. 451f
ence joining in the singing, talk at Se-I)ar-Moc 4-H club for! pigs. Wm. Burgess, dial 5341, Mt.
A one-act play, "Aunt Maria's the December meeting, i Vernon. 8-2tc
Sudden Recovery," was given by Casper Robinson was ill with flu~~
pupils of the local school. An- the last of the week ~8 ~ l)i'fl ~427'i 8
nouncements and dismissal were Harlan Russel took first place! ~ PI{OS, PEROUS NEW YEAR.
by the pastor of the church Mrs. with his oats at the Grain Exhibit i FOR SALE CHFAP: I,'ord auto- May we take this opportunity to
F. G. Anderson was in charge of in Morley last week. imobile Model A Lloyd Graver, thank the people of this commun-
the program Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock en-Phone'43 IAsbon Iowa 8p ity for their friendship for Sar-
FOREST LANE--~PILS TO tertained at dinner Sunday with geant's Feeds. We are devoting
PRESENT FRIDAY PROGRAM Mr and Mrs Arthur Vanderbilt' I,~()I~ SAI,E; Boy's overcoat size our time and energy to provide
15, all wool aLnd wool lined, blue i feeds which merit your complete
Miss Ruth Mikulecky and her and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crock and: with little plaid. Dial 3212, Mt. Ver-/confidence F J Peterson and
pupils of Forest Lane school will'Miss Mary Rose
present the program on next Fri- ~ Notice: the annual dinner of the non. 8p I Sargent & Corn.puny, Des Moines. 8
day evening in the Methodist Shipping Association of Morley will
church. The public is invited. Di-be held on Saturday, December 281h FOR SAIA.]--COAI~-A car of I FREE! If excess acid caum
vision No. 3 will sponsor the pro-at the school house in Morley. All Buckhorn, southern Illinois coal/you pains of Stomach U]oer~ In dt-
gram. members invited. Let's have a good
Services on next Sunday at the Judy Robinson, daughter of Mr.
usual hours in the Methodist and Mrs. Donald Robinson, was ill
church. At 10 a.m. sharp the with flu over the week end. Dr.
church school will convene and Kisor was in attendance.
worship with sermon by the pus-
All are cordially invited to come
and join in the services of the
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Drahos on Friday af-
Mr. and Mrs Dwight Hawk and
son Donald are now located in
Louisville, Ky according to word
received by Mrs. Hawk's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Albaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fernow of
Marion visited over the week end
with Mrs. Fernow~s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Roselle.
Mr. and Mrs. George King were
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. John Cabalka and family in
Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jorgenson of
Mount Vernon had as their guests
lover the week end their daughter
Mrs. Amos Berry and Norms Faith.
They were accompanied to Mount
Vernon on Saturday by Mrs. C. C.
Miss Myrl Albaugh was an over-
night guest Wednesday of the~
Misses Zelda and Mildred Gilmore
in Marion
A number of members of the
Junior Farm Bureau attended a!
meeting of the organization in Mar-
ion on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Argene Allbee on
Tuesday attended a meeting of the
Linn County Farm Bureau in Mar-
Mrs. Whittington, Teacher
Ruth Mallie, Editor
(Too late for last week.)
Gee. Mallie's were Sunday eve-
ning visitors at Clarence Sueppers.
Forest Jedlicka's were Sunday
visitors at Mile Krob's.
Gee. Mallie's were Sunday din-
ner guests at the Frank Slofer
The sixth grade pupils attended
a demonstration at Big Grove No.
5 Tuesday morning
Mr and Mrs. Carence Sueppel
were Saturday evening visitors of
Agnes White in Cedar Rapids
, Mile Krob and son John attend-
ed a show in Mount Vernon Sun-
day evening
DeLores Vislisel was a visitor at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Rein-
hardt in Salon, Friday
MarJorie Duhme, Teacher
Marie Boxa has been having
synonyms and antonyms
We're going to have a Christmas
party Friday afternoon. There will
be a short program and our par-
ents and friends are invited
Dorothy Whitman was a pleasant
little visitor Friday afternoon.
We are putting the finishing
touches on gifts which we made for
our parents.
The first grade phonics class have
been reviewing the long and short
sounds of the vowels.
Of Dead Stock
lipton West Branch
580 41
DAlUl v o, ,'a.ners
l{Jen(lerlig Works
State ldeen,~ No. 7
Clean -- Fast -- Service
Free Prompt Removal
of all
from Franklin & Williamson count-
ies. 1 A. Iminbaugh, Dial 4052,
Mount Vernon. 7-21p
Ashes hauled, gardens plowed.
Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides,
Iron, Rags and Metals. D. Burgess
& Sons, l)lal 5341, Mount Ver-
uon. 28tic
FOR SALE: Purebred Hamp-
shire boars The easy feeding kind.
Cholera immune. Clarence J. SueD-
pel, Solon, Iowa. ltfc
FLOOR SANDING: New and old
floors, bawrence Hunter, Dial 2541,
Mount Vernon. 2g-tic
i gestion, Heartburn, Belching,
Bloating, Nausea, Gas I~alna, get
free Sample. Udga, at Meredith's
H.exall I)rug~ 47-121~
PRINTINCr--Large job~ or small
--they nil get careful attanUo~
and skilled workmanship at Hawk-
eye Record. Dial 2431.
PIANO TUNING, usual ~rffe
$2.50; cane seating and ehxlr, wrltp-
ping. l~ ~, Sanderson, ~ll Tltlr4
Street North, Dial 3622 ~-tf
Classified Ads Bring Results
Owing to the death of the late Harry L. Peet and by an order from the Court to close
the estate, we will hold a complete closing out sale of all the personal property of
the deceased, on premises, located IA mi. north of Martelle, right on paved road No. 261, on
The Following Described Property:
1 blind mare smooth mouthed, a good worker. 1 good slave (a killer kind). 1 grey
gelding wt. 1650, coming 4 years old and a good one, sound as money and a big fellow.
1 span of horses 4 and 5 years old, well broke.
45 CATTLE -- All Well Bred Shorthorns
18 cows, most of these are 2nd calf cows and are a real set of breeding cows, 8 of these
having very recently been fresh and have calves at side, 5 or 6 of these cows are
broken to milk, and there will be more of them fresh by sale day. 4 yearling steers,
reds and roans. 10 yearling heifers, reds and roans, nice ones to start a herd with.
7 spring calves. 6 nice veal calves which will be sold separate. Here is a well bred
herd of Shorthorn cattle just in their working clothes.
54 HOGS -- Poland Chinas
54 spring and summer shoats, nice stockers, these are just right to run after cattle,
they are not fat. Some of these are nice gilts that would be nice to breed for sum-
mer pigs.
Corn planter and wire; John Deere manure spreader; broadcast seeder; 14-inch
walking plow; straddle seat corn plow; John Deere 8-ft. cut binder in A-1 shape with
tractor hitch; side delivery hay rake, cylinder type; some wagons; harrows; disc;
gang plow; a lot of other horse-drawn machinery; top buggy; 4 rolls of corn cribbing;
nearly new hay rope and fork for large barn; nearly new grapple fork; forks; shovels;
a lot of small tools that go with a farm. A lot of old iron, etc.
About 300 bushels of yellow corn in the crib; about 1500 bushels of medium early oats,
heavy quality and bright as a new dime; 29 tons of timothy hay in the mow that is extra
choice, all put up without rain and not coarse, this will be sold by weight or measure
in lots to suit. 2 straw stacks, the straw off of about 40 acres, this is nice and bright.
About 15 bushels of timothy seed recleaned.
Wonderful Values In Call Our Nearest Phone 2 AUTOMOBILES
Used Pianos Collect
Cedar Rapids 4612 1927 4-door sedan Studebaker in fine running order, licenses have all been kept up.
1926 2-door Star automobile in running order, license paid up to 1940.
All Rental Paid Will Be Ap-Anamosa 542
plied on Your Purchase if Stanwood 800 CHICKENS -- 33 Plymouth Rock hens and pullets.
You Decide to Buy Mt. Vernon 11000 G.A. PEET and A. J. BAIRD, Administrators of the
-223 First St. S.E.
Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Telephone 3-2049
Cedar Rapids, lows
Iowa Dept. of Agriculture
IAcense NO. 1
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lisbon.
G. L. Hill of Lisbon Bank, Clerk