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December 20, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 20, 1951 |
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Abb&y Creeh,a gd Luch- Social club held their M 3nd Mr . Wilton Gunn and S.F.C. and Mrs. Willard Morel Mcmbers o the Emanon bridg l M . VB,non SOCj#| M he Vislisels called on the h V rno4 I a y -a cord
il family Christmas party at Ml.s. James Gunn.were in Cedar and amily rl.ived last w ek from club entertained their husbands a,t . curice Ashb?s Thunday evening nd Tbb L boo R la Poqa
&With a oot o sno v. on thel e ' M'. a"d M'?. `'i' '`-IRapid' M " a'. w`'` " Gu"" we"' '`. R d a"' Ma'?.' a"d w"' 'pe" ' "'D'k di""e' M "da' eve -i Mrs. Samuel Knoer was hostess "` 'eda' Rap'd'. iTho,D c. Po, 18 1 7
ground we can believe v.inter is ze o M?" ' ? ". . '" 'p"e ? 'ubl' 'he h 'p"a` he'e 'he ' s' wa' 'he h "da" w'`h 'he ' 'm " '"g a' ?he Pe`e'.K"mek. h x.'to a tea Monday afternoon honor-
here-though not oRicially till Fr i b a`h.e` a "!'e. g' up e"] yed .?'m ved " m `' a k`e. Itls m?ch m ther, Mrs. F E. More, and wlth There was a Chrlstm s l t -lin Mrs. A. F. Holmes of Everett, |
day. When the holiday season rol b b ntlful plcmc supper, the lmproved but lt wlll be s me tlme,Mrs. M re" pa'e"" i" 'eda' Ra- !'ha"g' oe Cruse en,er,a ed ,hel sh mothcr of Mrs Roy VounC ' .
around and one hears from so many Nex, mg i "d ?he games pla 'ed. i bef re he can use his oot freely. pids. Mrs. . .' . . |
old friends the following rh .me ,he home g w`" be 'a". ' th a'| JDhnny Gunn spent Mondayl, G W,LSO age ,g d,ed, oci l Club at one olclDck lunch . L ere ten uests present O ,
cDmes to mind:,h M,> f Mrs. AIAocyArmstronglmorning with Mrs. Austin Arm- i vis Ga,re jo,ow,ng a sho, at her homc Thursday rolLow daY Tues tudt celebl'ated his birth- . l
. . Mal.guerite Al.mstl.ony strong nd Ronnie. Sun Dcc: . ' . ' . . . g luncheon there was a. gift e - n ,is,y evening b entertai,m#
"Never a Chl.istmas mol.nil g, i`> a"i'`a ' h '`e ian and Haro,Recjt Pre nted,nesJ. He was bo, n in Cedar coun iMr e and Chl.istmas progl a .| % er,i L de cl smate i
NeveI. the old year end . M, . Leltha K ,ans and the w on Sept. 2&, 187 ere he,d Tues ber; >lph hlbau l nd Mrs. A - e follD ,g pa`.e'"a' 'ac b Stud |
But someonc thinks ' ' `? "' ` ?' e"'`e h K'o Sldtel,Io a Su -,IQS u il dFuner l services e Presby,er,a d e, nisllek .were uests d . a theatl e pal.ty. .
old day,old times, old L.le'`d'. Kd'` %' ?`e"` ttended the we - IBy JO p p s a tcrnoo at v Ke,h Ta er Scor v, e' b".dpe 'lub m t Thurs- ""'. Ma'garet J lles Willi ms was
'rhis coI.rEspondent wi'h" "' a"d,d ' "h"' .` e Jo,ce Pirkelr, their church vith the Rwas ,n ose H, r K,e,s ,L'"g w'th Mrs. J hn Cook.| "eM ! the elementary educ -
.all a Merry Christmas. dlI g ' h"'oucil]. ECHA ICSVILLE Mrs Jac- oRic,n Buri sonic.bNr,a, cer was n re held by Mrs. Walter,t' n maJ rs their husbands and . l ?
l Callers at the Wilton Gunn home ' niEcE nd,;.5pen, S,nday a, ,he ues ,o,o, M, Vernon prejen,ed ,ce, c,e y .rhe M by c. Bu,er rs l.s. Phillip Ward. Thel e frlends, ror a Sul day niBht supper
he past u'eek were the Kenneth Ga`.' Kahi >,r, and unc,e ,he her Mech nicsviile music upils in ' mo y w s giv - nge of Christmas gifts. aftel. the Messiah. About 40 R lests |
# pl ns and Garyl the 'y`e "i'- ' h me uRl E]>. ' a pi no recital Saturday afternoon In addi,ion ,o his wi, h is sur. ,he Ti,p, D nkel was hostess to ,N'erY present.
|ll,| ?
d of Cedar Rapids, Ml. . Burt i Mel l.ill at the Pl esbyterian church. vi .ed bs. a son nd a d ughter. -,evcni, p, iksb'id e "ub "ida ','` ` Ml . 7 hn Ne attended
eal and mrs. Gordon Neal nd' CliRol.d d DGnlIie K plan spe"' on the program were 4 H cLua MEET,NG 'Mrs A .M KohL e'e a .a'ded.' ! Rur l Lctt rs ChristlTlas party #
l amily. ISunda ' at tlle h. J. L inp home Sand, a Sue Robinson Sa,y K,iel The 4 H Se D r Moc c,ub he,d B er .G es,j were MdMts. Iva Mlll- dtu .daS cv.ening at the Odd Fel-
im k, Bal.bara Wilson, Idry Arle: 'Chr,s,m s a ,y a,urday even,ng ' n r and M s n,argar,rle O'Con-' lo v's h ll il hrinn. A tur ey, . .
. Il]ks, Joanne Albaugh, and Suza ge a, ihe p,csby,e,an church E ch rece,ved g,is Prom ,he yen. 8o h innel. v. s crved follo .ed by a Or OUr rlstmQs lnner
t . yy Q h ICamUbell. Jrdnet Inks had cha nember e.n,ered .i Chr,s,maj ,ab,e M s Ber nice ,ones oe ostess Chl.istm s ift e chan c. |
m of the programs. ' centerplece or display .There were ent . the week end M,i a"w. d M". ' '`" 'D` n v'ill be llostess
, . h Mrs Thursday evening, with Ml.s. Roy TURKEY HENS, I4 to l lb5 Overi Re#dy 5
' ` r. .' i! / . / .' ' '. '-. ! . . ' ' i'.:! . members ofS%Mary's church 21 cntries Mary Arl ne Inks and lie Moon. IBowman co-hostess. to a Chri tmas
`' . '. - . l t!i O aa+ /,ld their annual pot luck family Brenda B yles were awarded prizesl dolph Ahrens attended a ban-jparty op the bridge club. Th g r GEESE, Ov&n Rd, 55c
d nel. and Christmas party Sun- for the m st ttractive pieces. Re- et Wednesday evenine. at the vill be a party Por the children ------.- -- -.--.-.-.---------
E |,evening in the high school gym. freshments wel e served by the Po ntr se h tel Cedar Raplds heId Pive tables Df bridge aPterwards. DUCKS, Ov&n Rdy 58c
Q IIIel.e was a good attendance. ! l adeI.s. Mm s. E. H. Littig, H Lb 'ke`ba`' Ri'i was ca,ed ,a apter DT of P.E.O. will have -.- ------ ---.-.------- --.----.
P 0 ,e . and Mrs. Walter Sebesta en-| ard C rpenter Verle Davidso ur ere rd H lm r, .ly pot luch- dinner " 'hu',CAPONS, Oven Re#dy 4t
,ined friends at their home,Robert Hornei. Mrs. H. i udg a,h 'au'e ' 'he i""e" a"d day, Dec. 27, at 6:30 in the Corne,-- ------ ----.-.-------- --
- . al hul.sday evening at a 7 o'clock and Mrs. Eloise Martin . n r his. mDther, Mrs. w. c. social ?o ms i Mai" h"' 'a' SPRINGS, Ov&n R8o y 55c
u / L/,innel' and trim. Thel e were the centerpieces. his hom ' "'b "! 'e" 'N"da' p ' 'ami'y " 'D rlng table sel.L'lce an d
ei ghteen guests. i at Babbltt, Nev. He was a table cover. MrS. Dana Wilcox i ---- --.----.------ -------.-
,A son was born Saturday,Dec. 15,' Mrs. Gerald Green of Cedar Ra- a guest here in the Wilbur Wright and Mrs. J. Burnett Ringer are onl HENS, OvBn Reod, 50C
ri-//ito Mr. and Mrs. RLlssell Ward at pids Jp,nt the week end in the home the rcfreshment committce. - -.-.-.-.-.- ----.--.----.-.-- -.- .
.- l' St. Luhe.s hospital, Cedar Rapids. home of her son, H. J. Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Conner and Mrs. Dorothy Emerson was hostess OYSTERS, EXlrQ Stondords, pt. -.------- -- 85C
d, ' yr . layton moved Saturday to Rockland Mrs. Jo momson assisting hos-
' m land, Ill where Mr. Conner isltess to a late co lee Satwday ev HAMS, Regul#r, I4 to l lbs half or whole Oc
mployed at the arsenal. ning. Guests were the Howa
l i . Ml RALPH SEZ: The overoge Americon toke I8,908 steps doily The Ralph Graham ami'y 'e" Kambe'`i"g'| D G d'eA"' Ri' HAMS, C#nn8,8 to IO S.r . 83c
|mg -mostly in the wrong direction ,hhursday or Orlando, rla where ard Stoltzes, Rlchard Busenbar,d lb lb - ---.---.----
. . ey will spend a couple weeks E rerett Freeman. Emil Re?hons',|
-- 8 N h mr. Graham's father, George Bill Nzals, Hugh Robert ', and Ilene,HAMS, CQnned, 4 lbs lb. -.---.--- ---.- .- .
W, AST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS ,as, m, who underwent surgel.y Emersol . l
./ .|| repk. His condition is reported |
o '' be g dHerring oP Davenpol t W man' Club Note C. M M
,FOR HER F R HIM ' DeveIe t
This Chri5tmos, o av ry Chri tmo,w wi h ' callcd Tri ay in the E. H. LittiSl Tl e Fine AIts and Crafts depart- ' e#' Q' 8'
oll of th6 wonderful things ol lile or our mony ' obo6n allltolag home. ments combinYd for a tery success-
friend ond polrons, ond sincerely hope lhol some,c Plp SMrs. Edith Robinson entertained ful Men's Guest Night at the Wo- ww
o lhe pirit o Christmos will follow them through-,&, a'g 'k kg oday t a f mily dinner at her man's club December meeting last
. ' ry Ct&ar,his esent were her six sons we h-. Thc popular "Chl.istmas
out lhe comlng yeor Won . . mmunity and their wives, C rol" by ChaI.les Dickens was P Q
o on Ll hkn RDI on Ll ht her son-in-law hnd daughter, Mr.|.shoN'II in l sound Rlm by Ralph
Horry and Va Frik Wbl 'a Cbocdat g Zlppo Ll&hten and Mrs. Marvin Betcher rom Bachmdn, for the Rne arts group, r
l Fo p Electrlc Shav 'Davenpnrt, and her eight grand-| as the entertainm llt fYature.
Fitz's Food M#rhel k "u" e,a Wrlat Wgkb s children. InteL estinp and beaut ful hand- |
r D gkhes Tberm ttlH. Mrs. Emm Huglin o Wessing- `' .'k wa' p'a'ed '` ' h'b'` b' ?h ' Diol 40| Mt V rnon, lowo
Phone 7 Lisbon, lowo B Wrlsl g,& LuMb Ktta ,ton Sprinps, S.D came Thursday svvYral crafts classes. Ceramlc ,
. |. n l horB Alwm Cloc g lto spelld some time with her daugh- undel. sLIP l vi ion of Ml.s. A. J. . .
w a a d N tr B s Sh& ln& Be ter, Ml.s. Lyndon Bates, and amiltr. Baird, nd etched lum num done '
FalKp S Mono r ed Bhes,Mrs. Calvin Glenn o Olin, who "de' M' . G. " be?" di'ecti n C f88l Folger r,lb. limit ---.- --.- -. . . 8 C
Batb Sglts Tobacco Pouche was a UatiEnt at St. Luke's ho - s .ed a. ma' ' pD"' '` p ' gi Fruit Cocht#il, No. 303 5c
l Mono ea Napklns Cameras pital, Cedar Rapids, was able o ,nus d,MIL'. Goldon Neal arrang . .
. . C era H lr Br come Sunday to the home of screer s '?kaRe -".'app`" ' Peors, D8| Mont8, No. 303 --.---- 9c
l,i. EINtrlt IrOns Ra org . Darents Ml and Mrs. Lester Nic ,ac,ive,y ,gu ach8round to at . . . . . .
! . <.:.: O warne Iro s R& or Blaaes where Jhe vill recuperate tliree white t ee d b " hu"g Pineoppl8, D8| Mont8, cru hed Sc g
. . . . : .i ` .: . . . . Dr S k Colo&ne,Ways nd Means Society of the br ,ches a,d sU ayeade ?rom o.
,:! 8 '. ' ! : ! . . . .! : i g ShavTn n,Presbyteri n church met t the |>aint Mrs. R. H. T w.'"` .wh" MQr# chino Ch8rri8s, 4 O . -.-.-.-- ---------- 1C
% : : ' !. :. ' .:: . . s les Fountal PQ church rriad.v afternoon or a reg on,C,ri5,n, s cangmpson s les . .
. . .' :.: ?. . . . .' ? . .! . % ? :.: . : ; ' ular meeting and annual Chris nas ' escnted lus vdI.iouj ' ' 'a? 'e ' Pe# t Tend8rsw88t, chu ----- : ! ! I5c
I oveltles
.- i' . .i! i !n ? . :: . : :. . : :::, : :.:. ; arty. Mrs. H. J. Maurer `ed de- aluminum ' i? '"ade "" wi"g a Corn, Tend8rtwe8t, whol. h&rn&,c
. .- ' .; . . -. ' OU, ,U ,S,| tions. The society voted SIO.OO to c rly all s at college, etc.
, . . .: rf . . ashable sof pure ool and
lhis spirit we express OUr #ppreciQtio . . - ----- -. . -- ---. - .----.----. - .---. .----- ----- . .- --.-. . .-. .---I9 # g ' : . . : . .: ; ? : : . . . :. aod glove leather soles
or your riendship ond wish you # CHOCOLATE BITS, Semi-Sweet, oz. pkg. . . . . - ------ 3 g `' ' : 'i i . .:, . .: : . . ug8le be feet and
. . . . . . . r ;. .;, . ushioo the step. In beau-
M&rry Christm#5. CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES, 5 lb . -.-- ---.----.----- --.-----.-.----.--- -------.- $ .98 a . . . i.:.' . ` i: . tiful colors and styles for
.PCHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES, lb . -. . . . . . . . . $|.59,!. : . .:, . . :. : ' ,: . . men, omen, children.
qbKaTC i OrtedBird Ey&FrO enFO Ma the s i it ol . ' : : j !: ' NM n eay
L. BQn rust . V#riety ol Mixed Nuk & Chrisrmos C#ndies a h istmRg low Mi ' Gjr,o ors or r d . S2g5
cce " to Slucksloger ond Aurocher Bonkers . 7 r y e S3 : `, .i . ! . yl yont l .
C. . C . : : ! D.P.
. A Good Bonk Since I874 CigareWe in Chri rmos Box per c#rton $|.93 g you throuSho :`. .
CAPITht' QND SURPLUS &90,000 g m tl c coIning year. . . .
, Open Evenlngs 'tll Chrlstm.os
Howord A. Ri g r D u. VonMatre . 'S,Closed Christmos Eve
Pra dent Vice Pre ident |& S ,
la "' Pl ttenberger
| H. W. Si er, CQ5hi8r t. C. E on,A t. Co hi r S,#
MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANC.E CORPOgATION m Lisbon, lowo . Phone loo l lnsur#nce .
B Lisbon, lowo ' '
a . N,a
p -S, gBK P . .%. p 9 . w