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December 20, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 20, 1951 |
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bit. Vernon, In lH(awkeye-lgeeord l you turn out to support the former Correspondents--Please send any
a~l ~ Llebon Herald =~ .~sehoolstars? Remember, no admis- early copy you can as we mustI Jr=~c-ey Wed d~.~ kplln~s
AL. ,
hi: !.
Thum Dee. 20, 1951 Iwage u sion charge! game time 8 p.m. t have enough to fill 4 pages onI
~~ I SCHEDULE FOR DEC. AND SAN. I Monday which have to be printed~I
- Dec 21--Clarence there I by 6 p.m. Monday
indees Will M . t ' Dee Stanwook here ! /:,
I Dec. 27 --Bennett there {Carol Cook]in scored 17 points fort
. -- ' the Lisbon girls, and Thumma ledl
Clarence On Fruday Jan 2 stanwooa mere
dan. 7 --- Stanwood :.utnerans, the Mechanicsville scoring with 19
The Lisbon Indees lost to Solont there points. Danly had 16.
last Thursday night 63-40. Solon's+ Jan. 9 --- Anamosa, here The boys put up a good fight but
win was paced by LeGrande's 26 Jan. 16 --- Stanwood Lutherans, ~wcren't able to hold their ground
points and Kroul's l& Solon alsoI here '~LeRoy Burrows was high scorer
scored 15 out of 20 free throws for l. More games w~l !ae scnecmlea aria for Lisbon with ll points. David
a very high percentage {list ot same wul De releasea aden( w;, ~. ~ ~ n ~r~;+~. ~ --.+ ~+
* * t l ~:;~ 1 1 ~ I,A ~J O.ll~ &'JLI~ILI 1 J. X t./111 1 1 $ ~:~ ~ t* ~ l
imL,S~gdP~id a~hout two regu-IJan. 1. Support the Team! ',and Don Simmons both scored 4
,Ken Siggins.! . ~- ,points. Roxv Scott led the Mech-
Bothwere missed for their rebound-! LIsbon $ hoo[ News l anicsville scorers with 14 points.
ing aoility. [l CHRISTI~AS VACATION ~Eels, had II points being second
F. E. Fisher. Grain feed &
Kendall Hdwe Co Supplies 84.41
McKesson & Robbins, Medical
Aid 112.53
McKesson & Robbins, Medical
Aid 91.00
Martin Recto,g, Attorney's Fee I0.00
Security Lab Crimai Inv 7.50
Security Lab Criminal Iuv. 7.50
Jatnes "tt. Smith, Sheriff, Serv-
ing Warrants 17.84
Security Lab Criminal Inv 7.50
John J. Sh(ui. Attorney's Fee10.00
E J %Veepie, Salary 6.~0
James J. Duster, Salary 43.351MileaGe 35.86
Robert L. Ritts. Salary 48.1011 Harold M. Wright. 'S'(:ho'oi'of
Joseph Tlusty, Salary Inst 5."50
Leonard Walrath Jr Salary 31.65]ML Vcrnon-ttawkcyc " iRec0r(i: ~
C. R. Bowdish, Salary 132.60] Misc Exp 2.5u
T. F. Cook, Salary 80.50] On motion the Board of Supervisors
Albert Sinkev. Salary 11.50]adjourned until July 17. 1951.
El(nor H. St'utt. Salary 65.57I Henry J. Hood. Chairman.
~Vm. H. Tayl~)- Salary 42.55 Linn County Board of Su"
Richard D. Trcka. Sal:arx/':::::i:: 43.35 pervisors.
COUNTY ASSESSOR FUND-- Otto F. llanzlik,
'M. G. Linklettcr. Misc Exp & County Auditor .---
I,q'ND ~ Notice is hereby if, yen for a hearing on the proposal for the establtsl~,
Iowa Elec Light and Power iment of a Se('.ndary Road ~%.ssessment district and the apportionment m
C3 Rd M[aint 3.06 i 25e/F of the estimated cost of the proposed itnprovement.
9, D. Mills & Co Rd Maint 4271, Said hear n~ before the Board of Supervisors will be held at the';
C,++:/t'a] City Tel. Co Rd Maint 1411,3 I office in the ('-urt House. Cedar Rapids, Linn Count)', Iowa, at $:0
N. +W Bell Tel. Co Rd Maint 13.22+o'0lock P.M l)ecember 26th, 1951.
SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION' The following road is proposed for improvement by surfacing with
FUND--,crushed stune at an estimated total cost of $3000, 25~ +of which or $750