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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 21, 1950     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 21, 1950
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. g m o ' Mt. Vernon SO #|,Reveal Engog8m8nt d h'"is Ki'kpa"i'k a"ived "i- M'. Ve'n 4 'a.' awkeyb-R'D 'a l M?s. A'bert Switzer is sl wly im- GRADUATE F OM AIWES |, Dec. 15, rom Cedar Falls, to &nd Tb Llsbon Hergld ,provlng from her scrious att ck o ' Kathryn Alice Kegley oP ount POOR SANTAl b r and Mr5 Ralph Bachman will . : . . .? g Christmas vacation with her Thurs Dec. zl, 1950 Pag8 7ithe lu. Vernon w s wardcd the degree o , :.:. ::: . . i; ts, the Kenncth Kil.kpatricks. OURP L C RARY Martha Wellner is spending her ch or of science in hDme econo- . . . | sts at iamily dinner in their,' . .' . : . : . Dr. J. Harold Ennis spoke Wed-j Adjoining the Town Hall the,holiday vacation from Blackburn mics cducation at Iowa State col- r,home Christmas day. i :. . :.:;. ncsday evening to the Linn County Springville Memori l library 'is an,college, Carlinville, Ill at her home ge Wednesday, Dec. 20. Howard . |Sunday dinner gue5ts in the rr nk' .rt . School Master's club at arion. His ' attractive room with book shelves,Mrs S muel Palmer accompanied l c sher ormerly o Mt. Vernon, re- it- a (| he's rushed or w eks on ge home were the Edgar Gages . . lsubject was "SDmc Winter Bil.ds o ' containing 167& books op fact and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ernes, McGrew ,o,gi i is degree in a ricultural cn- .| SprinRville. Edgar G ge is rI.ank ? . Iowa." iction for al ges. It has a large Cali Drni to visit relatives th l e. Gradug.ion exercises wcre e . ~ our orders so we could ' G 6e's brotlIer. . . The Don D vis' holiday grcetinS readi"g tab'el 'eve"` 'hai" a"d. MarLne Schmid arrived home or a cla h ld . |Past Noble Grands of Spl ingville : ;.: `' tD thc Haw eye mcntions DolI's'oil heat. Ne v books recently add- W dnesday nigh, ,o sp ,d ,he,Char,es Es of 371 students. Dr. . hove ust whot you wont- dS< 99 met Tuesday with Ml s. Earl, . . .:. . ! '. : ' : Lransfcr tu anoth r command, thz' cd are: Belles on meir Toes, Gil- Chris,mas vac ,ion ,i,h her paren,s co,ege, a.d riley, president oP the eCamp for c]essert luncheon and . . i . . . tactual unit of the M rine corps, hir hrcth The Decline and Fh" t Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schmid. presented th '?ed 'he gr uP and . dlplomas. o ed,ChrisLm 5' >l ty (. . . ;: :: control. Practically Everybody, Wllllam, Mr. and l.J. eoralEvans had an . . : : :i .r.:.' : ::!`'. Mrs. Jcssie Col m n will lc ve,St i i The p abody Sisters oP Salem, l B # P opcn housc Christmas party rriday !.: : .:.! rriday to sF nd the holidayJ in ' I uui5e Hall ThorP; The rar Lands, ". "` , W - cvcning ol. approximately 40 '. . . : I alamazoo, Mich with hcr son Les- J I eS H ll; Stillmeadow Seasons, ,gueJts. Refreshments wcrc Erved .!?: '. .'. . ! ter nd mily. She will rcturn Glddys Tab r; Flood Tide, rrank ,:; lhlin .-. . h T H . Roy D. Young and Mrs. A. F. ' `.;: ? . : ^ Jan. 3rd YcTby; The Edge of Time, Loula, r|+ ES ent l tained at luncheon,!?. '. : . . . Sunday dinner guests in the r ce Erdm n; Cook Book, Bettyj :. | rriday, Dcc. 14, honorinR Ml s. Sam- .r : ` nnd gift cxchange. The ' Mount Vernon was repres nted at Dec. 28. . adults will play bridSe ter th'IHO OR SOLOISTS AND the 22nd annual meeting o the Con- B rt Blshop o EdSewood. Mr. Diol 3| Mount V&rnon b parLy. IFINE AhT FACULTy sumers Cooperative Association in al d Mrs. J lie Qishop an son Bob- h pDick Rennie was host at a dinnE l Pres,den, and Mrs Russe, D ansas City, Dec. 12 to 14 by B n y o C dar R pids wcre Wcdncs- W W #WN #bW ty Tuesday evening at his hom . . .' . Neal, president o the Linn Co- d y dinner guests in the wilbur m wp . honoring Bob Landis, son of Mr.iCol nd De n and Mrs.Jay B.Mac- op Oil Co M rion. Mr. Ne l lcft Whitak r hDme g . ' - ' ' ,and Mrs. R. W. Landis o Cedar Gregor wer hosts Sund y at 7 p.nF. Monday and returned Dn rriday. Mrs. Nettie BDwdish was taken to in - 'Rapids, who is just home rDm to the soloists of th Messiah a,ei,h Lus,ed o, Ann Arbor med e home of her daughter, Mrs.| L l Kemper Military Ac demy at tn the fine arts aculty o Cor n ic s,ud n, a, ,he u o, Miihig n Shelll ammer from Mercy hus-, 'Booneville, Mo. Twelve Cornelliat a ormal dinner in the presigcej rrivcs Thursday ,o .spend Ch r' n l in An mo Thursday after-,g b d ' . students were guests. ltial home. There were 34 p ake. mas vac ,ion ,vi,h his paren Lu u . sh is some better. . , The annual amily Christmas Visiting arti?ts werc: Car lyn BE,za-| ,nd Mrs Ch r, s us,ed De ,o d . Sun kinder rten, primary and,Q party nd pot-luck supp r of ,slee Frederlck7 Md. s rang ,ra o- ed a s, den, a, ,he u,c,e . jor ycl ss of the Presbyteri / ' ' ' ' Chapter DT, PEO, ill be held Wed- Br wn . ChlcaR ,enor wi,j visi, his un, and,Poan,a' urdaye chool will havc relIears ',' . g y, Dec. 27, at 6:30 p.m in thc |"`a"'`' 'u'`"' New Y o b ri' d Mrs. B. N. Cr wford ' . ; a, l i lmas Eve propram Sat- d,- ' ' < ' -j. ,ell social rooms in Main hall,nd Robert S eaker, Chlc,- lo during Lhc holidays. church. '" " a` ' p.m. in thc !,ach family is asked to t ke tabl tone. Mrs. Willis Gaine,sister-in-l w M lnbErs of Everb reen 149 held / ,/ ' / // ,ver, silver, dishes and food o RENEWS - RE OF LIFEl lo, rr ncis Grdincc died in C dar thcir ; milS p rLy %nd picnic sup- . / // , = eir number. The program will el ,uscs he,d ,he,r annua, Chr,s,apids hospi,al Monday t 4.25 er w,ith h yift cxch nRe s turd lg :. = i. -.: - ' ? =- g' o ilm and c rols. Coffee vil ,rs,mas mec,ing a; ,he Me,ho i - i ,u,ow,in a short illness. ju evening with 50 present. Su cl. wa / r L,urnished by the committee: . church l>st Vednesday afternoo 'e'vi'e' wi" be c nducted r l] )wcd by pro ram by the chi j ` `' . . 'a ;T .: . Bennett, chlirma ,Dn,Re,a w,h nicc a,cndancc Mrs Pau sday t Os Se, hcr former cn .ith Cllri5tm s trce lnd Rifts =.:. ::. |The Cornell Inte d jo,c,gn s,u- 'Oj,ergaa,d pr s,ded .Pray | : . : . - - : hristmas carols. There vvere also Christm s story according Lo St. will arrive at SprinRville S turda ^ . . . w 7 ' L. . :. . ' -- :. : . . ::: := games. ' I,uk . Mrs. Don Siggins, accompan- afternoon, D C. 23. BrinR in all th . - . B r- r7 :::.: : .: ' :: : : ::.::. . . .=.: : :.:.: M icd by Mrs JDhn Ly ord, prescnted kiddies for th crc will be free ' ',' / . . ', . / /// / . . ' '' i' .'' h q . = :=. . . . . / - : =.:::::::::. : :: " : :.: : ::::. . =:. :. .= : :. .: : : : :. :. .o Chri tm s 50l0s, "Lull by, Thou c ndy and frl it fol. ll o them. : %.-r ' / ,: ,h , / .::. :. ::: : . . :. : :: . : .: :. . :: . ::. ::.: = =. : ::: :: : ::::: =.:.: . >ii. e sonal decorations for,Post 331 of Sprin6ville wishes *. ' = % ) -:l r .' ` J . : : : = . . . .= :: .: . . :.: . . .= . = : . : r. . i cha . C. J. Kramcr's circl was in l very MerrY Chl.istm s and thc H p- : ' ' i : ' ~ . . . . # ` =. = .= l l,of the social hour. Mrs. piest of Ne.w Ye rs to all of S.ou. : . | ?l Roy Younp presided at the tea table i ? ; ? . . ' J : ' on uhich the holiday centerpicce in- Springv lle - Viol Methodtst - .? :? . . ,i l . h . . - S ' . cludF- moss and wDod roses rom Program at S rlnRvllle church wlll . . ?. . Q siNf re ttli l of tl!it'`? ' E t'`'.' pouring S asonal decorations o be on Sund y eveninR. D c. 24 at," . . . . . r , FOrTOLlrWOnderfUlatrOnhge.--- . S g S tg ra C % r m t l rt h ' `' . . ' . . ' ' p . i. ; . ' . r i lu Ottt' )lt tttJ loLIEtt fltBtt ttt liL. ' . L .: H. H. Palmer, with an especially ome Lo the proerams at each oP L ' ' FOr OUr riendshi and IO hlt - i # m St ch Sunday "i h`. 'he p ? ' . Neal Dln DIV,LS,spend Chr,ram opencd with Chrl tm s car |, .:.: . d :: : . : : :.:. : : :: : : . ' TO OUR CUS OM E Rf % d y.i% th j? K. .rrymoyel. ho. v 'b a 'iy ar' Our best - - or your B ' g : . ::: : ::::: : :. :: .: . : : ::: ::. : : : : : : : :: . . . : : :: . : : :. .:. . . . : : :.:.: .: ::.: : s lt Uilt( n Joh snn, Wav> p lmer, Mary R ' est rjstm# s ever : : : : :: : . :. : : :%.: : :: .: :: . . :.: . . :: : .: : . . . :. . : . N F R E N g 'fhc ? cs Clarks spent l t ue k hnd thE 5 un 0rs, Mr. and Mrs. Ro b Ch g. : . :.: : :::.: : . : : : : : . . . . . : : . . : : : .:. .::. :: : . :: .:.:: .: lt has be n a pleasure ,o erve d w'` `h% k b"` B"a"eh' '` '. ""R". A `!`b baS gi t exchange ' L v nc Ill,brcuRht mcrrlment tu ll. Mary : .: :. Mrs. R. . Coulthard of Log ln j' '`nJ n ffer d the clo ing praycr. . ', . . . : .::::. ::.:.: .:. .::: : : :.::::.:.::.:. :: . : :. : ::: .:.:.:::.::: :. // . r . . . ::: : :: :: : : :::.:: : .::. :. : . :.:.: y u during the a t trar and `' " 'p "d "`e w'e" e"d a"d 'h'i - Mond y evc c M.O.B. clu,n ' "e' . l T :. :. : . ::: .:: .:: : .: : : : . : : :: : " :.:: : : : :.: : : ::: : :: : : :: .: : :.:.: : g, ' a l,of u 8 wi s I1 yo u a m o,' w?`h h" m 'he" M". B. . m'` " th? WD? ter 'rca n om i y, : : : : . :. : !:.: .: :. . :.::: . |, /rf .` ` :.: : :::::. ::. ::. .: pleatant Cllristmas a d a New ' . . . . Ced r k` 'd' w 'h ' ' '"'m`?" '`" Dia 9 ' Mt Vernon ,'l . . . . :: nd Mr?. VIC Perlslch w?ll 2 kuest rEscnt. Aft