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December 21, 1950 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 21, 1950 |
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Chuck. Swaney Has Short
Reunion With Army Pal I ,:,C me
Chuck Swaney was surprised onI
Monday evening when an armyt
buddy phoned him from Mac's i
Sugar Bowl. Bix Sylvester, a stu-~
dent at Salt Lake City. was enroute
to his home in the east. He and
Chuck had served in the same U S.
1~.y band at Florence, Italy in i
On going through Mt. Vernon !~
Sylvester recalled that Chuck had
said he attended Cornell. He asked
Mrs. McKeen if she knew of a
Swaney who had gone to Cornell.
When he found that he lived in l
town he telephoned him and the two
had a brief reunion.
New Cars Licensed
Lewis Hartman, Mechanicsville, Il
Plymouth; Edward Paul Hudachek, :
Lisbon, Ford truck.
!is i:{::, :[ i : i:i .
i(i ::(( i i / [
1400 at Bowman
IFor Open House
I Bowman hall held an Open House
Sunday, Dec. 3. About 400 at-
tended during the evening
HL Vernon, Is Hawkeye.Reeord
and The Lisbon Herald ~ ,
The, Dee, 21, 19~ rage o
Unn County Supervisors
While the guests had coffee and Proceedings of the Board of Super- Proclamation 17.75
cakes in the imm-parlor, they "-t'e o Central City News-Letter Pub.
. ~taL iowa, ~ounty oI L|nn ss: Proclamation 15.30
heard carolers, wflh Ginny Wrote October 24 i950 C.R. Gazette Pub Proclamation 16.33
as soloist si .rig Familiar Chrtst- s Thet tB ard of Supervisors naet pur- Mr. Vernon Hawkeye Record
uan o adjournment Pnb. Board Proceedings f6.70
mas music was played by Ngney Present" -~,-~rv~o^;:~ ~ ~^a
. -~-~ ,~ C. R. Gazette Pub. Board Prec. 32.89
Ruth Andress, harpist, and Sltlr- and Seevell C.R. Gazette Misc. Exp 7.18
ley Anderson, violinist, together. On motion by Supervisor Feevell, Mitchell Mercantile Co. Shop
: seeonaea oy Supervisor Hood, the rain- Improvement 4.59
As the guests emerea, iney coula utes of the meeting of Oct. 17th were Charh, s Sladek Misc. Exp 1.26
see and hear other carolers on the approved as read; all members voting A. L. McKinstry Misc. Exp 56
was "Aye" thereon
balcony The Christmas theme On mo-i . Evans Paper Co. Blanks 10.97
.- / ~ on ~)y ~uperv~sor ~eeven, Frank F. Bates, Co. Treas.
i carried throughout with corrlcloriseconded by Supervisor IIood, the fol- Bounty . 17.10
i decorations, Santa Claus, and in-~ lowing resolution was adopted; all J. W. Darragh Repairs 7.30
i members voting "Aye" thereon. Groat Electric Co. Repairs 29,63
dividual room derorations. ~ Resolution
Royal Typewriter Co Inc.
The first prize for the best ar-I The Iowa-Illlnois Gas and Electri( Fixture 90.79
~--.~ ~ *-.-~ + ~ I Company having filed with the Board Barren Motor Supply Supplies 1.99
' g of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, Richtrr~ Bakery Diet & Care 14.30
man open house was won Dy l~Otla written request for permission to lows Ill. Gas ~: Elec. Co. Gas 8.76
Boden, Jo Brainerd, and Marilyn!construct a valve pit in county road Holden Kahler Co. Election
Swanson. Second prize went to described as follows; Supplies 10.61
In the west drainage district Sands Printing Co. Stationery
Maurene Kietzman and Trudy Dra- ditch of "the North-South Section& Postage 197.37
gunas. Jean Tapp and Ruth Temple Road between Section Two and McCormaek Mathers Pub. Co.
Three Township 82 N, Range & Text Books 259.39
received third prize. The room W of the 5th P. M,Linn County. Gill New Phonic Pub. Co.
judges were Mr. and Mrs. William Iowa. at a point approximately 500 Text Books 65.68
Curran and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Ieet south of the C & N RR right Benjamin Hilfman Text Books17.95
Beckman. of way. Wilcox & Follett Co. Text Wilbur Oliphant Salary 118.80
Also permission to construct a Books 71.71 Edward Anent Salary 110.00
on file in claim register under this] Wesley Bartosh Salary 127.60
date. [ Lloyd Davis Salary 127.60
Claims Allowed I W. L. Kassler Salary 110.00
COUNTY FUND--- JR. L. Lynch Salary 127.60
C. L. Beeson, Misc. Exp $ 21.20] Jake Searles Salary 97.24
J. Wm. MeLaughlin Postage 100.00 Chas. Meroshek Salary 150.00
Ralph E. Cook Misc. Exp 2.10 ~lenn ~assett Salary 137 80
Otto F. Hanzllk, County Au- Keith Boyse Salary 110.00
ditor. Misc. Exp 26.58 Lloyd Klopp Salary 137.t~0
The Marion Sentinel Pub. Seward Longerbeam Salary 125.00
Andrew Neilson Salary 117.13
Jason Wells Salary 114.40
Walter Hurt Salary 118.80
Mile Dvorak Salary 110.00
Andrew Kershner galary 105.00
Harold J. MeAtee Salary 97.24
Kenneth Boyse Salary 114.40
Dewey Alexander Salary 157.28
Paul L. Baker Salary 131.88
Francis Butler Salary 143.75
James Claflin Salary 141.88
Wm. Dvorak Salary 143.75
Chas. Kadlec Salary 143.75
Harry ,Miner Salary 125.00
I. L, Sword Salary 110.00
Lester Caraway Salary 145 13
: An outstanding corridor decors- regulator pit in county road des- D C Heath & Co Pub Text Carl Cress Salary ~o~
-:'~' : . .- :. -.~ :~: ::'::::~: tion was that of a live "snowman"cri~d,as follow,In the East side 'Books : [ [ .~ 50.28 Elcy Elgin Sal'ary [[[[/."[[." [- (" ii0[~
WSk]bTl~lf, KOMANOW~iI~I JbOW~Iblb lahA~Ul$ ~,h,~ As~-----~ -----~ *:-------~ ~-ie hst |~ ~ or flatn ~treet ~, ~approx[matew American Book Co. Text Books76 30Frank Fee Salary . II0 00
--.--.--- - ~ ,~-ceu ~,u ~,pp~u --,?, .:.- La ceet soutn ozone ~r0. oz :otmge The Garrard Press Text Books2[92 Frank H,ndryx SalaiT"[[[[[[[[ 110[00
~--1~ ~,~U ~- -*~---~,~ a, *h* ~?~! ~'~ ~ i~~ n irlenaly manner ~rougnout tile t~rove ~venue ~:. ~ectlon 1.~ ~ 7 Scott Foresman & Co. Text James Moubz Sala 11000
. ~~ ~ ~, d ted est o eo tin. . . - ", - "y ry
I I i -- a .-, = evening to the tune of "Frosty, the .~o w, c,nere~ore, ~,e zt ~.eso~ea py Books 205,48 Howard Ramsey Salary 90,00
I I i~nt tu aur~ y uy ~ ulluvra[~um~, a~r ivauu~ ~.u~w~s, ~u ~ . toe J~oara oI ~upervlsors, ~.lnn ~ounty. Thomas Randolnh ~o ~P~t Melvin Ritze SMarv ~In P~q
I II n
[ ~ lo.g~ ~.~a.~i~ '~ir~r" L~n~e Their l~tt n~ ~l~t.~d~ mmml.~ ~ owman. Iowa, that the said Iowa-Illinois Gas Books ~a.~ ~m F L Tunks .~ 1.r~ ~o em
~ A ~ -"~" "~ ~ "~I ~. and Electric Company. be, and it is The .Mac Mfllan: Co. Pub. Text M. L. ~des" Salary~ 135.00
for New York to meet the remaimier of the AAU group. They left for~,~ II Ig--.--a.---- hereby granted the mght to construct Books a.q0~R W Hartsell Salary 11000
l I~ I Ng[~ll Vgi ~H a valve pit and regulator pit at res- The A N Palmer Co Text Wm Holub Sr Salary 11000
TUrKey oy pJane wellnesuay, uec ~
[ [] " " The Cornell Christmas vacation Dectlve locations des cr.ibed above under Books .7~ [ 77.99 Wm[ Holub Jr[ Salary [[[[[[[[[[][ 83[98
[ [ It was announced by Orville Rennle, alumni dix~tor, that while in I schedule The holiday officially ~e lermsano conaj~ons provmeu oy Chas. Scribner's Sons Text G.G. Merritt Salary II0.00
i I, t . " ^ . ~napcer ~zo, oz tne Iva~J ~oae oz iowa. BOOKS 399 ~7 Ray-man Neilsen Salary ~.~ ~7
I [I New York Lange appeared on the "Strike It Rich" quiz program. The starts ThUrSaay noon, Dec. zl, ana On.motion by S'uper~'isor Hood, sec- VCebster"Pub['"Co[" T'e'xt'-Books 11~[25 Roy Schatzle Salary [ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[ -97['24
[ [[ program was heard at 3:@@ p.m. Monday, Dec. 18 over station WMT, Cedar I ends Thursday noon, Jan. 4. ~nw~n~z ~y ~uper~sor ~eeveH%[ne. ~o~ Truman.Kleln Text Books : : 14.00 John Soukup ,Salary. 110.(30
J t~ ~,~vt 'Y'~ ~ *~ 1~. ^1~.~,~. ,~- e, ~o *~ ~. ~ =.~.~v~u, "*'" .~a.etropol/tan ~upply ~o Text bel~oy J ~OUKnp ~amry 97 2t
~l ~,-*,~--,-,~-'-- *,"-o~,'~a ,v,~ ~.~oo~-o members ~otin~" "A--e" theeron -- - "
J J/~m~. !will be held on the. Saturday sched- ~,esol~tlon " M~oOKSx ~ X.ddin.g 8.04] au~ourne~On motiOnunu~the Board~et. ;51, oflli.b0. SUpervisors
J [[ Walter "Mouse" Romanowski and iWM~ 3 p.m. Monday. This program] ule meaning that there will be no S BpeEJtTor~sESOLV%D:yyth~oBw ?rfh ~ ,osM.achine C~ .Misc~. Exp=. ""7"" 20.11 C. L. Beeson Chairman.
a s. ~orenc ~state TeXI ]2~OOKS lqt. ,
,|]Lowell "Tiger" Lange left Mount|is on a tout-to-coast hook-up, chapel. Thelastmealwillbelunch t tdieSdO%der%%n~tlrCe4~ d~pj~rt ~o%?roOf Mt. Vernon Hawkeye Record Iv| Bo3rdnt3OfloSwUperxlsors, Llnn
l ,JJVernon Dec. 16, on the first leg ofj The first wrestling meet for thelThursdaynoon. ~owa t~y r ve~t t- ' ?ulrtC of aPub. Proclamation 14"90]Otto F Hanzlik'"
Dorms O ~a NOOn p e ne acq g Emmet Shaffer Mlsc Exp 4 34
,| their trip to Turkey. The two grap- United States team is scheduled for I pen W y settlement in this county be ser~'ed Plattenbur~er Ins A~'ene~: :rn' " I County Auditor
,7 [Iplers decided to drive to New'Dec. 22 in Istanbul. In addition to After vacation the dorms wiD be upon each of the following named suranee " . " ~" " " " 29 3')[ --:--
| a Milk.that Ce4 t lns l! Y ~l~n~::do::cSylnsgo aSt~eaS P::;Ithe high!y touted Turkish tea~n the I~alaPnn theTl~:t~ns~o=e~f Wi~fn:ostd~ PeI~%~sn~h,t jwl[~s, 615 5th Ave. SE.HBookLs Fciereisen Binding191 76 I Proceedings of the Board of Super-
most AIA the V|hmm/ns ann[ti a - ~.~ a i U.~. contingent Wilt wrestle ~eams I,o. . ~ ~ Cherokee County, POOR FIJN~ :[ VistaS" f I
[aa| ~.~ al.~ ~.---.-~.-~ liworkout at Canton, Ohio, and Har-~from Iran and Switzerland durin~served until lunch Thursday, Jan. Stewart, Larry, 1932 1st Ave. E, State Dent Social Welfare ! te o own, County of Linn. ss:
/ I!~ msourg, l~a I their tour. ~ a, and crosses writ resume Tnursaay "~f'o%':un znotlon oy oup~rvl~or ~eevutx. Aid to Blind . 1,139 73 ~ The Board o . .u~ ~,~.~~ ~. o~:.~ou ~ u.-
State Dept Social Welfa~ e ~'
l For You 'Ph,~ T -bi~h AAIT i ins [ The Turkish team is exnected to[aftern n' seconded by Supervisor Hood, the fol- Aid t- "f)~nt Ohildr~n 9fLqa-~ /suant to adjournment.
/ II --':" --'.--'~-- ::"'~ A~ ~'~'":"~."'TY~ I " l ~ lowing report was accepted and order- State Don't-~" "Socl'al"-Welfare [ Prevent', Supervisors Beeson, Hood
[ more Vitamin A [~ the team zrom ~ew ~or~, vu~ me mrmsn me suHes~ compeuuon, tlal.'ll u----- kl--.--. U ---I !ed placed on file; all room,bets voting Aid to r~'H'ef fund 11= ~and ~eevell.
[ O Mor~ Vitamin BI [iwrestlers must pay their own ex- Wrestling is the national sport of~Wlll rl~;H" i~MYy r~uQ [ "Aye". thereon: Dr E H ~Carlson Ided'"'Jkid" 12"~[ On motion by Supe~'isor Hood. sec-
' ~ " ' W.A ~,all JUStice el l-'eace lin w'tnd- " " 4o 00
/Ao C. Moe~ner Road Const 1.07
shield from instrument lights . ~, .~- l sTMr~ INt~ITUTION FUND-- r. Clar~nze Fl~,~d. R. I. Smitb: Edna I St?r"Prihi]n;g"Co'f(Jfiice'"Su:,- 2 24
Windshield and Panoramic Visibility. to-read instruments directly in froat, oi driver, I Ted V. FtUffin Atty fees 7.~0 t~ m. t:aro'P c t~romwmt 11.~. .
RjyJohnson, State Comptroller Bertram: Fr~k Bena', F. G. Ander- ~ :--~-~-~ "i:/'~'~J~'"~'~,i:~';,'~J ~, -- 30.o~
:IBstltutional care 75.568.12 son Edw'~rd Zobac % ~ W~l~ ~-lar- .~.Ta
I I I I I MODERN-MODE" INTERIORS-- I IIIIV i IMPROVED Cm -mIN,' R- .~ FAIR FUND-- L,nn: G'enn E. Strother; Gordon M. r ck Merrltt S~lary SS=T~oN
I [ ' I With upholstery and appoint- i ING land .nt -Potn, l all l-- uoa : :: 1.14s. o
merits of outatandin~ quality, m
I~ II,~- I I . ~ beIutiful ! I I Making steering even easier at preprlaUon 5s4.00
s low speeds and while parking D.V. Laboratories Inc. Weed 43 98
hies . . and with extra generous seating room just as Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action Ride The Kacena Co. Weed Control 1.38
Handler ,Motor Co. Weed Con-
forFootdriverseats and all passengers on big, deep "Fivo- tSrange.COmfortable, optionalbeyOndo, Dec mparis nLuxe models inat extraitspricecost. AutoHearnweedtr l RadiatorC ntr lStevenS nserviceM t r WeedC " 13.2958 C.Millburn.Bid'~'~rnan'Monroe:Dilley. M,rylR'j hn P" G.M'Ink;wilson.v~nChaS'N te:PaUl'chas'H" PlinJ'O~carRO~Dc" E.KtntzB'CLEARINGwellsMartinC 'salaryWeedSalaryFUND--c ntr l 4410044"0048004"79
Control 25.27 Putnam: Jos. Denk; Wm Novak.Harold F. Luck Salary 50.60
Dukehart-Hughes Tractor & Lrvis Dotezsl. Forrest K. Tasehner Salary 44.{}0
MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVRoLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARl Equipment Co. Weed Con- Marion lst: Mary J. Falcon. J, E.Howard Kennedy Salary 40.(10
trol 50.02 Llsk. H. B. Leasure; Mildred A. Titus, Keith Mithelman Salary
Kieth Mitchelman Salary ~8i0~ Grace Benson, Harold Shaffer Salary ~:~0~
Forre~t K. Taschner Salary Msrtnn 2nd: Byrdena M. Rallins. Wm. E. Taylor Ss]ary 49.~
Harold F. Luck Salary J.B. Howell. Lois W Whitmer; Marie Lloyd A. Wrlght Salary 58.t~
Mounf Vernon, Iowa
PIIn E. Wells Salary 44.00
Oliver T, Baker Salary 49.45
Oscar B. Mqrtin Salary 44.00
Harold Shaffer Salary 20.00
John P. Rieger Salary 55 00
Howard Kennedy Salary 44.00
55. )0
Wm. E. Taylor Salary
Kelth Mitchelman Salary 36.{)0
Lloyd Wright Salary 55.20
C. R Bowdish Salary 26 45
MaJnt~nance Pay Roll No. 21
Paid Oct. 19. 1950
C. E, gpragne Salary $ 13200
Marion 8rd; Margaret Taylor. Mar-
garet Leming. Belle Retz; Susan San-
born. Frances Hoglund.
Marion 4th: ~Maude Newman, Carol
Howe, Sara Nott; Ruth Oxley, Esther
Rapids 1st; T F. Corbett; Juanita
Earp ; P. F Byrnes; Anna Zalesky,
B*rtha Dozias.
Ral)lds 2nd; Lois ~[. Porter, Emily
Walbrand, Marjorie Bueknell; Adah G.
Thomnson. Ruth A. Walker
Rapids 3rd; C. F. McDanlel; Evelyn
Iohn P. Rieger Salary
Giadys M. Torrence Salary '~'06
Holden Kahler Co. Supplies "--
HqroM M. Wright Misc. ExP. 80T
& Mileage . ' '.~
On motion the Board of Supervisw"
adjourned until Nov. 6 1950. . . .o~
C. L. Beeson, Chmru~-'
Board of SupervisorS, Line
County, Iowa.
Otto F. Hanzlik.
Connty Auditor.