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December 21, 1950 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 21, 1950 |
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" 1 the ttmsle continued as no one ~,: Mt. Vernon, h, Hawkeye-~.eord FOR THE BEST Washed Sand for
Grmnell Game Ending heard the horn. A Cornell player Pract,ce Teachers Fete t l and The Lisbon Herald "'" " your concrete work. Dial 6307,
Was One To Remember Pupils At Party ('IIMUID i Thn=,D n, 0 rage, s=Kv,:, ! Frank Meyer SS-n
we nope everyone win nave a Youn stow Kit ' 't
' ness and heartache around us we and Heatin Phone 2 6 m
--I, . ,
r~eeolecrazt ClUO nell their cnrls~
~C rnell'Swnehe kt. 'finishl~~Namein lowa outside of the above area; $3 outside ofgamewith: f the Grinnell man. Later he'ex" i ilAllT~ ~, ~ " ~*~' ~~~ ~.~~ W~2.:~l~l~l~o~Studen~,~j~l~[Its of Ward school w erel~ n e and ms RFD 1 Mt Vernon 9
~). {~"'fi~'~)~".~p)-/ CI ".'V~'~'~ [ I tton with dragline. For esflraate about six months old. Roy Dickey,
~owman ana group canaIe ngnt
L aIternoon wlln Mrs walter l~lenl
t The ,~usun exrmstrongs Ivmo ~ 4~ -
' m nlcal . : la?& eerC : paintai gal 'aint merry .nrlsrmas
"$ #eee, N W) ) - :
Alumni Gym ended in high excite- ' ne could think oz was not let mls i sociated Woman Students at a holi-
ment for players, officials and spec- man shoot:. However. the official ~!day party staged Monday afternoon
tators! With 4 seconds to play Cor- ; ruiea all mis was atter me game, at the high school. Community sing-
nell took the ball out of bounds. The was over. i ing, directed by Helene Jolas, gen-
Grinnell player knocked the ball Olmstead grabbed rebounds, for- ~ erated real Christmas spirit. Grades
out *f the hands of Ferguson, Ram ward Gruenwald picked Grinnell I performed as individuaI groups also v//// r- ~ ~---~~~ ~J- ~,~ ~."~/ //~. ".4 cation or till after New Years. "-ff-L--0--~i-a~- ~-----~ -~- i
forward. The referee grabbed it shots out of the air before they ] in singing of holiday songs. A pup- ) F~ I ~ wk,-=~=~' %~"t I . ~ k .11 r~ u razmp work
and the Grinnell player tried to reached the basket and Bud Dres-:pet show, 'Christmas Play," with ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~'~ ~.-~1 g n chens and Hamilton,
take it away from him While this ser, scrappy guard, stole the bali',Dorothy Bourke as puppeteer de- ~ 'J~ I ~:-~:-J~ ~/. ~ ~'.(~'~ I Ice ~nrlstmas. wlm so mucn SICK- clothes driers Mullen Plumbinai ~ ~ m
was taking place time ran out but from the opponents to set up shots. !lighted the small fry as did a choral I L~ ~F~ k~ ~,~'~ ~Jk7 .~j'J~ ,~l ~'~ i g. 3 z. 13tf,
) reading and pantomime version of I ~ ~ '~ v ;~.A aa~= "~ ~' -.rr t,='~ I are reluctant to wlsn anyone lvierry -~-~-~-~;-~--~- --~----~---~ m mm~ M n s m
I 1= '=' ~ - - "~ =~ ='Z~''~ V exuU ~V~Z~:U OZ raaios ana re- m a m U m'm m
" ~ ~'~ ~,~:2~ Twas the Night Before Christmas. L,~ w " ~ "~ <2 J~ ~~ ~~,~'/.~ or ~appy ~nrlszmas . fr/gerators serviced. Kaliban Applt. ', m7- m
5--) ~ w- ~~ ~.~ mr. ana ears. eaewm r~aesemr re- an,'~ r,(.1 ~l ~,~ m -- i m
turned Wednesday from near MC- AGI~C~I~t~R~ LI "~"~ !~ .IM U a lr m
t This is a public safety service of your safety-minded busi. visiting Mrs Haeseler's sister and,t, drainage ditches! m -" -'~ - * ~
~alnes 5e ~on (1181 ~v~z, ~t ver-~ll
oemt m Lth nSa;, n e r I26 Jam Church officers resulted as follows: pres quicker service. Lee Paul, 600 Col: I m~ ~l~ ~ a w m
[~. ,^ .:$: ^, ^, . = ~ : I Mrs. Albert Fischer; vice- pres tege ~Ivo zvlt. vernon, z;It! m =- -- -- m
l =~y,F.~,~ u u,w.~,~lAf M-.rh~,-e~,im,-. Mrs. WarrenTonne" sec Mrs James APPLIANCE REPAIRING Ourli - ~ ~.mmi ==
Ime. n n ~y I . avm~mm~ammm~mvmmm~ Rice and treas. Mrs. Dewey Bragg. 'repair shop is at your service. I m u nw m
r~e cou on t oe cruel ano ruin me ' ' You'l lik our war '
Y ME'~HANI ILL The January meeting will be Jan 1 e k and fair prices ]mn v,-, :!
I, .tO ILXt IVl-rS. LVLIIO iviacnula anQ lVll'S. I ~ ~. - u nt ulstrloutor. ;
up. HIs eye s on the road when he s meeting was held Wednesday eve I
h " i Anna Machula. Mrs. Emil Malhe I Chrk Apphance Service, Dial 2391,
man party ~rloay evening Dec la rvK ~aLu:
gent's safety score: For example]on Sunday were accepted and re-,' ~ ~ --~-~
i he's had not one fire! In his shop? I ceived as members of the church, in. the Irwin Coppock home starting I ! ll- -~ I~M[~
No debris. And on his Christmas[Appearing on the program were wire a pal lucK supper, lvlemoersI FOR SALE: Purebred Minnesotaill ~l~'l" l~L~l~
I tree, no broken plugs, ne'er a bare [ John Nie who explained the finan- paruc~patea in several games wnicn I No. 1 hogs; one sow will pig within i 1 ~l~l~ II m "~ - - !
I eaary t~owman ~romoone ana car an
,His habits aren't sloppy. They're[ Maurer who talked on the church - i d gilts. Charles Randall, Dial 6408, mm = = v m m
on s an / net numoers oy r~oooy and DICK Mt
I e you c copy at home, on the ~ attendance. Mrs. Adolph Ahrens i . Vernon. 8-9p mm = m- - - -,
]farm and in school. This Christmas-j gave a report on the number of sub- . . '-- - I ~~r~ly~~ I* m* -
I Eve flier whom we all admire says, I scribers to the Presbyterian Life smgin~:^ff~rs:w.~ Y,u ~ vwman ac- [pans and chickens ready for the'.~
'Caution ,s safety s best tool!" magazine and the Rev. Keith Taber [ow]~=;'a~'cus~o~"o~"se~zera~" ears: I oven. Fanny Sankot, Lisbon Tel. i ~I ~l
used for his topic 'Why Join the .'P g: .' 99F22 8 9n ~ '
I ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~-9,preslctea at me piano ~o play dingle I," " ~" ,~
I ms ~.~ i ,Bells' and hail the entrance of l FOR SALE: Geese, live or dress-
!PWO insta,ls utrlcers L~---B~ELE,~T~ i Santa who informed us he was on ed. Must have dressed orders by
I ~t~. ~ ~ ~ . ~.~ ~ %~ . 'his into town but could not guide l Wednesday, Dec 20 Mrs Allen'~
I Reports of reth'ing officers and .:i'ne ~arae.n cIuo me~ Tnursaay his reindeer past the Coppock e Wehde Lisbon no phone, south 1
i installation of those newly elected ~ home as they have made the trip miles east on 30 and mile south 8-9p 1[Irl~IL d~tlt| lll~qP~l~am
composed the main business at the ears. ~lv~n 19av~.oson was ass~sung to the Needlecraft Christmas party ---G-AIRNER~F--A-R~M---R-E CC)~I~Di Ve~~ ~l~J|~[~
tDecember meetin- of P W O hel.~ i nostess, ears. William wooos gave ~
s . . . u I 1 : ~ so many ~mes. ~ nas grown ~o oe I BOOKS. Wire instructions and sheet i ,
in tne cnurcn social rooms Dec 13th a ta~K on ~mxsunas uecurauun~ anu U
a naD1L ~veryone go~ a treat anal for social security Sl=5O Hawkevei,V vwr~rmun um~u ~w=
I Mrs Dana Wilcox nresided I me ~araen ~mo chorus sang t=nrist- .;~+ ~ ~ +~, ++ r,~ ~o+,~.~ + I -' - " " :, o ;
i " z" I . ~,x~ ~.u, ~,= ~,~.~.~ ~,~x~w,~ao ~=. I uInce wit vernon ~tz "~-'~-"~--~- ---~-"=
t A living madonna formed a wor- mas carois. . January meeting will be Jan 191--~ ~: '~--',~',-,~ "~, ,- ~,~r ~-!~'~"~~~
ship center at the front of the cane- [. New officerselectea are.presiaem, with Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley. " (, ~u~ ~ ~.~z .r~x ~uu~. '~ ]~
I tuary for the Christmas meditation mrs. riowara rmoaos; vice pres i ~ ~ave ~ew cop~es o[.recent.prinung, l ~ ~ ~
"~~Z-~Y~.~5~ . ~ ~ t r George DeForest I ~ Mn '~"~'~ ~" ~ "I
~!Sue Ballou as Mrs. ~anta Claus als-
~ ~itributed a treat of pop corn balls
~ ~ provided by the hostesses. Th~s Gregor Texas, where they had been road rock fill dir MESTO.NE, i 1 ~ I~i~ ~,ll
i~ ~ithoughtful gesture on the part of er ~ To M Friends
)) ~plbdk~ ~ ~the Cornell women was much ap-i =esses and this newspaper in cooperation with the Iowa family for about a month, and cellars ex cava~d George'i
~ipreciated. Safety Congress. Social Circle club met with Mrs. nnn ' " iO+ ' r
~', -- - - George Petrick on Thursday Mrs. ~~
,~ "~ Ik~mm'~ll~ ~ ~, All rooms at Ward school willl The month of December is time to aL~nurenhTa ;eneo~SSgSl~;g" E~h:treonWC) cl:a~:r? t~e~,lgfas~Yr.m~lm~in~d~st, ll~llllllll~'~~ ~ m
~ ~'~. I ~ feature Christmas parties with trees,
1 ~/~ ~][e~" ~ ~ ~ i trimmings and treats on Friday aft-
]~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~!ernoon. Dismissal will be at 2 p.m.
~- - I~ i ~ after which all children up to 12
~l~l~. ~ ~ years of age will be guests of the Atto n y at Law ~
--~~ J- ~ ~lChamber of Commerce at a free me oy cracKmg ms toys ano sle~gn ~ ~v ~- -- ~ specla,~ w HOUS- wirin~ Hot P-i -
~ ~ ~!movie at the Strand. The gay oldIauhng hs load, so his safe-drlvlng[nmg at the Presbyterian church for h i,~i,~o,~ +ho ,-i,r, ]Mr V o~,+~,
~,gent will arrive from points north
~ J in time to greet the youngsters after i co d is ay up. I members and friends. At thin hme i
1i ~ A m ~ A ~ A ~ Itm ~ ! the movie and distribute treats. ] And we can add more to thisl 26 persons met with the Session and ~." " i~
~ ~ II~km m ~ ~t ~ i' ~ ~i Buses will be on hand for pickup
~" " ". ~! as usual.
i~ iThe children attending the special
I~q~/m q~ G~ '
" " " " ' -- . @ Ft.
i,~ i room have invited various other Or all,' l
G,ve the Christmas Gift That rooms in Ward to attend their pres- wire. I cial status of the church and H. J. were zouowea oy vocal numoers oy two weeks, June 1st farrow boars ~ - = -~ ~l
~ i entation of "The Little Christmas
| Will Last For the Whole Year." Angel."
,Real Estate Transfer
' ri tion to i Claude J Port et al to John L
g A Year s Subsc p tl!
,| Port 120 acres sec 36 Brown twp
I (Winter is a good time to build
n ntertamed greatly appreciated ~~~ a~ 1 1
-- Mrs Edith Robinson e " ' "
The Hawkeye-Record and Hera d. ~ necessary livestock waterers and
-- feeders and other small livestock
~ equipment. By doing this you will
get ahead of your spring work
Members of your family living away from this ~ get ahead of your spring work.
~m~w ~wm wm mm
[ - . .
! eo u ioo Oo,neo,no, r 'or o "o e eo " . ,o
I arranged for the orogram Pine I Mrs. Ralph Campbell; sec Mrs. !-- I Map or eacn townsnip wim names ] 11(,N
$2.50 a year in Linn and adioining counties; $2.75 i ]boughs and lighted "tapers acided to I William Woods; treas Mrs. John ! l~ l:. J I of land owners $1.50 Hawkeye Of- i~ . ~I~CJ ~ /
the Christmas atmos here Mrs E1 Story Refreshments in keeping ru,~uu~a rice, Mt. Vernon. 8tf '~ ~ (~, //
~ ~ilis Lambertson had the role of the with the hohday season were served Mrs. DonDolezal FOR SALE: Norge refrigerator, ~ ~ /t~. /
Iowa. Gift Cards Available for Mailing. )
i madonna. Those reading partsl by the hostesses. . I $~5; ABC Washer, $15; baby buggy [~ ~ (,Y':5~:~,~ /
~rwere Mrs. James Bean, Mrs. R.P. -- ! 7 1and pad, $12 and 54 yards new white ~ "~ ~'~,
i Ink Mrs. Albert Blinks and Mrs. MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECTS w.olraos, .~tooert e,gas, ~tepnen j organdy. Call 3621 Mt Vernon. !~ i~.l'~
Kenneth Madden. Christmas hymns The Ladies' Missionary society of wests ana ~usan were ~un~ay. ain- I Charles Murry 8-9c ] ~ I-r~'| W~
Please send the Hawkeye-Record for one year to: ~i !sung by Elaine Rummens contralto the Presbyterian church met Fri- her gueszs of the ~ennem uooxs ozi --BL-AC-KST(~NE-Washer~--Iron~-r~: i~ ,~ -~ ~ ~j~" k,'
and Elizabeth Tripp, soprano, added I day for a o,~e o'clock .luncheon at earls ] Dryers Call 2362 for demonstration'. I ~ ~-,~4"h n~ ~ 'o ~'XJ-~,~,~,
to me ezrectiveness of the presenta- [ the nome ot Mrs. ACiolpn ~nrens. ; ~en ~eat remrnea lyrlclay eve- Mullon l-t'~nfln= ,~. P],rnh~na Ik/f+ I~ ~ v.~J~0~rlo x.~-tx~z,~ ,L~/~
I tion. They were accompanied bYi Mrs. Phllhp Sorensen was asmsting nmg after a four day tip to Kansas I Vernon ~" 6tf ] ~ "
) ~[ Following the program Dr. James [tions. iVirs. J. E. Norgaard of Cedar Consul:errS Co-Operative Associa-)outEDe Bw/~RtN P$A.I5NoT, gaG1al./:r5t ~
Mrs Elmer Bergmann I hostess Mrs Dollie Moon led devo- City Mo where he attended the ~ ~ m
~ Street and Number [
iBean conducted installation servicesl Rapids was guest speaker She ex- " c ention : . - ~ i i ~1 .
for the following Mrs Albert lplained the work of me ecu e ' Sunaay me Jay eaimoiins enter '. :;= : = .
I . . " . . ance t.;o Z t~:c
City ~ ) ~ ~ "-/~-~ ~ Blinks, pres.; Mrs. Luther Platten- ~ church organization tained Mrs Milholin'sfamily at I .~,g . 1~ Dan 2~.plJli- ~
i berger, v-p. and program chm.;I Officers elected were Mrs. E. H. their annual Chmstmas dinner. ~ ~ i ~ "
Gift Card From ~ )'t MrS'Dale JameSjohnsonGUnn,treas rec. MrsSee';HaroldMrS' I Littig,res; MrsPres';EdithMrs'RobiPaul ThomaS,son s c vice ClintockGuests wereof Vintonher father,and herW' brotherW" Mc- ] . FOR SALE: Pmno. Mrs. E. L. Har-p ! ~ ana il
I Dean, car. sec ; Mrs. James Bean, I Mrs. Adolph Ahrens, treas Lyle McClintock, his wife and fam- OUR PIONEER corn breeders are i~ 4 n n
Amount Enclosed !coun.i Mrs. Ralph Heasty, sec. ofI ~ !fly. ideveloping hybrids that pick easyi~ ~ nappy II
L.]gT~ ~'-~r~l~.~~---- !~ ~ ~ itll~erature; ~lrs. 19on.z~o~ezal, sec.]~H~t~:x~v~~x i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and]and clean. It'spart of our re-]~ --
oz stewarsnip ana spiritual lize; Mrs eaemoers o~ ~t. eaary's cnurcn David attended a birthday dinner search ,~roaram for ~e*+=- o.~.~ ~-o+ ~ ~ km ~,a,
t nna Gormly, sec. of social ed. and [held their annual Christmas pa ty Rnndnv ~t Tintnn ~nr Mr~ ~'ord'~l t~r earn ~To~ ~nrlna ~l~n+ i"t ,-I r ew Year
action; Mrs. Lloyd Neal, sec. of na- / Sunday evening in the high school broth-er Flow Fulwide~ Mrs~ able-Pioneer" seed- '~-~'~,"" ~'~='~'~,; I ~
--~" ] ~ tional and foreign missions and [auditorium. Games and group sing- Ethel Wilson anrl her ~,randdau~,h [ vi~li~,~l ai.~ a4na ~, -,r~.~ ~+ ' i~
I ChrIstIan ed.; Mrs. O. P. DIll see. ling followed the pot-luck dinner, ter Marilvn Plattenber~er return [3 Cedar Ra~'i'%,i~
overseas and national mission sew-[Approximately 100 persons w e ed to Mt Vernon with them ~ Y
ling; Mrs. Fred Young, membership [present i -- .: " l PURASNOW Enriched Flour for l~
) chm.; Mrs. David Strong, children's I -- ~ .~xecut.~ve . committee o~: me [your holiday baking---a General j ~ and Purina Feeders
Abundle o| sl'd tidings ] work; Mrs. Charles Ford, Mrs. Ken- [ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Houle spent ~ r ri-" ~ Mills product. A fire King Jadeite ] ~
] neth Kaplan, Mrs. Howard Neal and [ Sunday at Albia ~ ~ r ) bowl for mixing and baking--one ~ ~ I
and $ood ~eer [o all our " " e to a customer Bachman Feed l
Mrs. Emil Malhe, circle chm. Mrs Ma me Hines of Cedar Ra -
Y P next year Wednesday afternoon Servi
I Mrs. Ralph Heastys cwcle was in in A " ce 8c
II mm ) eu,tomer! and |ricnd '
I charge of the social hour. Dessert dmSitspehntmSunday the R. ' the~dCh(I~tT?oPmartc?fMtrhs? ~la~b l~i~ls. O----O-U--R--PIG-~-w~e--t--h-os'e DON M. MIN
!and coffee were served from. a jMiss Emil- S,qcer of Davenn*rt holin ' [weanling pigs a real cold weather l~
oeauumuy aeeorated table at which " tboost Made from Purina Pig Start ~ ~'urma ul~rlc~ :)alosmon I~
lJll ' VACUUM CLEANER,~Mr Wi " was arrmayluncneonguesto~v, rs. - ,
i s. Icox presided. /Walter Sebesta 1 lena and Rolled Oats Get it at Bach-I
~~I~ HO UNH[ALTHY LEAKING DUST! i~Johnston & Morgan Christma- Greetin-- Mrs. Byrd Nosley of near
S ~S [non spent several days with Mrs. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Thanks[~ ~I~'~I~'~'~~"~"
Furniture & Mortmcmans
" NO T[LEVISl0N INT[RF[RENOE! From Abbey Creek ] ;for your patronage in the past year. [~ l~ ~ - : "" ~" I
~ ~ NEW CLEANING POWER! : ~ Lisbon Phone 50 ~ / Mr and Mrs. J. F. Bowers of Lis- Mrs. E W Re~ewehr Lisbon 9o ) :] ~ ~I' ~-" " *? ,~ ~K
~~ !I Mr. Vernon Phone 5012 ~ ABBEY CREEK -- Now that thejbon were Thursday luncheon guests [~ i-- ~"~ -;.~ ~
i~r~~ i~i~,tel'~ ~ * 3-WAY Iqttmtit~ Aml Unh~llhy ~ ~[last Christmas cards and packages|of Mr. and Mrs. John Carville. ] /,~ m~-~ m, . i ~
kl (~. ~ d =e.',I k I.~.~ 'r ~.=~==~ ~ are mailed--a breathing spell before,Mr and Mrs Harold Davis of CARD OF THANKS [~ mm ~ ['~k,~" .~
||i~ "~~11 ~'!% v-e ~ I~V ~-.------~--~ Christmas. Things we might ponder JDurant were Sunday guests of the [~ ~~'~/1~%~ ~ !
~." >J~t~,-iC~ ~ a NO oust mAO ro mMPvYI Simply ! on: "More emphasis on this being,latter's mother Mrs. Walter Scott. i CARD OF THANKS [ ~ ~ ~]./~ ~ ~ ~
l, L . ~l, ~r *~ ,ore* ou! ~w l.el~ "Sl~-~mk" [ I
a few times a 'lt~mel !
,mw No. s, ozzm [ nnmu i e neam I Chr!st's" b~thday, and not so much/ Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebesta and] We wish to thank everyone for/~ me :~ p~ ~A=----~ "~ [
on. ~a,m,a tjiaus ana what we re- [Scotty and Mrs. Mac Sebesta went the help given us, the many cards, [~ lilm .- ~ ;~i
~~ ~-a~ ~, d d t rKill,% RIM4L I !
celve ,~eea oI more co operan0n ~ wmm~w
~ ~w~h/ ~w~ )i v :. " - [to Oak PariL Ill Sunday where letters and gifts sent to me while [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In our own country oz all races ana ~----
E~.~t~ * IPSOUIET--NOROARIean'*Inle~o i l creeds--true brotherhood of ma ]they will spend the holidays, i I was in the hospital. They were ]~ ~ ~[~ lau --~r ~1 !
~t ~" -~ fern wilh phene cells, Television ! i i m--.=l Jmmn
er ced|e, i
,I FRVI[F i ;2demWh,a,t part we can play in th,s the Social club at a one o'clock lun-' John Woods ~ ~11~ ~
# 25 I ~ "~'z"%~"Z,~r"~'~ I
; - I Just iaow nice it is to receiv,~ ]cheon at her home Thursday. A CARD OF TIIANKS ~ vnce
Christmas cards and notes from business meeting followed the lun-' I wish to extend my sincere ~ "-~ l~ ~!f]~.~ ~ ~. ~!
Nt~ to~.s~t ruu$ ti=h,
y to u~ . . . n* *'~s. [I OU/ t'lrst ~ve. ~o. friends and relatives I too would cheon and there was an exchange thanks for the many kindnesses ~ ~:- ~ 11111 ~ ~:~
pm'obl~mtl 'r| ~like to add to the man-v'hannv holi ] of Christmas gifts. ; shown and the sympathy given at l~ I ~'~'~. I1~ ~J
~w(IDew~I @- COMI~S 0MPLETE--'ceslsnemsP.I i o.
ne.l Iheeerdinm'yvacvvm leanerd ii day greetings everyone has'-receiv-! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor enter- the tIme of the death of my husband. J .m --O --,i
,~ I./ A I* " ~ iJ OU~ 1 led--one more from the Abbevltained Mr .and Mrs. Forrest Cook' ears. ~eorge uerorest [~ ~oamn ~ ~'~ ~1~"--t ~ ;~
[ Creek community" "A Merry Chris(- and Mr and Mrs Ben Barnhizer at CARD OF THA~K~ I~ ~ ~'1 ~:~v~ .l~l
ma~ ao~ a ~ao~, ~ew ~e~, *oo a o=ch, ~ar*, ~* *~e,r ~ome ,r,- ~w,~ *o ex~re, m, t~ao~ *o a, ~ =~/' ~'~~
~ammoan ppn]ance ~r & Mrs D 0 Pnngle . . ~ ~ day evening. Refreshments were'my friends and neighbors for thel~ [~d/~ ~! ~ ~
ear. ana ears. Wilton ~unn were' served following the game. cards and letters sent me during my ! ~ J~Z ~ " ~)~ ~,~t~ )lk~
supper guests Wednesday eveningI A family pot-luck dinner was'stay at the hospital, i~ ~,~ ~,};!~%~1
Sprague in Cedar Rapids. terian church Followin~ the dinner nnd James Edward ~ Yes, It S hme once again to wnsh our many friends and
at the nome of Mr. and Mrs Claude i ~ ~.~ c,~,~ eni*'" ~+ +~" o.~.~ ~ Mrs Edward Petrick [ ~t . '
/~P~ ZA T ~ O~L='N T Mrs. James Gunn, Mrs. Kenneth ' ga-m-e-Sl w--e-re-~'layed-anda= Christ-man i I~ customers a very Merry Merry Christmas. And at the same .
IKaplan and Mrs. Wilton Gunn at-imovie "The Little Angel" wast f~|~ ~. .elr. AJ AJA 1~( time we'd like to extend our sincere wish that the coming
,tendedPWO. Wenesday afternoon shown. ~here was a good attend-1%,lUb~III~U WMkU~ I~ New Year wilJ bring much ha~iness and oros~eritv toyou l~
V ~ J at2he~"YYpbytcyian church" " [ance" [ i ~ and yours. Your friendship and patronag;- dur'ing t~he p"ast ~
e,~- e~n~I'm' ~ln~la~d~?rwen;atian I Mrs. Emma Miller attended the "~.~"~ '~ i~ year has been greatly appreciated. We shah endeavor
I g Y g . p n [ marriage ceremony Sunaay after- t rum~ ,~.=,~m )~ . . . . . . =~
Thursda evenin at Merc h I ~ aurlng Tne com,ng year To maKe our service even better
i y g y as- i noon of Charles Miller of Clear I ~
!pital, is reported to be coming i Lake and Mona DeRue of Iowa City ) j ~ and deserving of your continued support.
THOUGHT !~TagllaSi~he~iaSaC:2eedbdy e;p::t:d']~5"the'lVle~i~dIsticht~rChr IndsJ W~[sanders' edgers' buffers and waxers'il~' ~ ty ear ea e s t e g an n o Kahban Apphance Mt Vernon 18tf, ira, a ==m.
Good Luck Social club held their the late Merton Miller of Mechan- ' . . ~ UEbLER b AUi~3 REPAIR |
] annual family Christmas party at ' icsville. [ i~
i the Burt Neal home Saturday, Dec. I Mrs John Cook and Mrs R A,e~ ~ / i~ umai ozui . ~;, J. Isesior
116, with a delicious pot-luck supper Smith entertained the Delta i3ek: nusmness aras Just Over the Overhead Viadud, Mt. Vernon
at 7 p.m. Forty-eight were present, ei club at dinner at the Cook home i'~ ~.~ ,~.F~,~.
ene al Electric Triple Beater Mixer $ 39.95 t,ursuay evening riuge prizes, r e
[also comic movies shown by the]were awarded to Mrs Glen Woods t
, ~'rooate worl~ i
NGer~ldmeBUntterfii?~d~e ~fan Bl~am" !Mrs. Alvin Davidson, Mrs. Wilbur iRes. 120 First Ave. N. Dial 2882 ~*i:
,g an i Wright and Mrs. Walter Kiehl. i Mt Vernon Iowa [ ~.
G.E. Sandwich Grill and Waffle Iron 16.95 ai~,d~y2ff~ir at the home of Mrs.'There. was an exchange of Christ-'office 733 ~Iigley Bldg Dial 79691~: e
"'=~ ~" mas gifts. I Cedar Rapids. Iowa i ~~'~ ~I~~F~'~ I I1 ~ ~|
Mrs. Norval Eelis, grand chaplain ;= ',~
G.E. Steam Iron 18.95 I Mount Vernon Lacals of the Order of the Eastern Star of RAYMOND L. MeCONLOOUE
Mrs Henry Wright return,- .i, ! Iowa, was honored Friday night at a [ Attorney At Law ] w
day from 1VIercy hosnital~"C'e'darlparty given by the West Branch] A~sociated with Jordan & Jordan i~(~mm~ -- ~ "
Rapids where she underwent sur Chapter of which she is a member. Dial 2-1149 510 Guaranty Bldg I
gery last week " Those from here to attend were her j Cedar Rapids ~~',~- - " ' ~i .~~~
Mrs Amy Goodlove's condition re- husband Norval Fells and daughter i Taxation Probate Civil Practice i ~.~.~ '~r.~'t~~=~=~[~~,]~~
mains'about the same Sh~ h~ b,~,-~ ! Gloria, Mrs. Peter Klimek. Mrs. Dlal 4362 420 W. First St ] ~i~~[~~~~ ~~
Universal Auto-Matic PercoJator 26.95 at Mercy hospital in Cedar l~apl~i's Ralph Inks, Mrs. Walter Kiehl and~ Mt. Vernon ,~r~--~ ' - " ~' ~- " ' ~1~
since last Wednesday. Lucile Davidson. I ~ [ ~ ~"A4"~'~"" " "~ " ~~1~1~i~ ~-~'~ Z~
Mrs t ~ D wu~,r~
Universal Eiectric BJanket 39.95 J" G. Ennis of Tama winl ~ A't ~--ne "L ]~] "" "~- ~
come Saturday to visit during the l Mount Ve-n I I. [ E oj y=t aw ~.~
hol" " " . v v~.~.m~. I ~otury rumne ~
ldays with her son and family . I - ' i
' . Probate -- Tax -- Civil Practice
General Electric Heating Pads 4.95 ,r. ana ears. tlarolct ~:nnls. lAThe Howard Fisher. family of Office 6821 Residence 314)[~ f~ =. A A & : ~,~ ~ ~.
A men plan to arrive ~nls week to
~" - - .-r---- I ~.7 I~ t:~ / I ! I b
]" =.=. n n t, be guests for the holidays in the i FRAN I= - En I i i, i !=I |
General Electric Kitchen Clocks 4.95 t l " " " ' Physician and Sur-een =
i -,| i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pellsek and two 1 Office Hours I~ ii
! I Ichildren will leave Sunday for Oak l 2 to 5:30 or by appointment ~ May the meanina of Christmas be
11 I I Park, Ill to spend Christmas week Dial 5412 224 First Street West ]/ -----r'--,
Noma Tree Lights, complete series sets 59 I D E A D $ T 0 C K,l with Mrs. Pelisek's parents, the P. i -'---~-~k~-~-~=r,~-'----"-- i~
) homsons I i "
,I ". ." Attorney at Law ~ Its Frmendshmp stronger
' ear and Mrs urviue ~ennie and -- [
I " " Res Phone 2- )~16, Cedar Rapids
,iMr. and Mrs. Charles Hedges at-' O~ice Phone 3412 Mt Vernon i,t~- "
,| tended a Christmas dinner bridge ' " I~- A--M : k ~.:~.L+
I Coiled I~in the Russell Landis home on Wed-'--E--C--~-PRAi~L-,-'-De-~-Ist- ~ H l=l u
Pinup Lamps, each 2.49 s |[nesday eveninz. [ ' Phones i
I I, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thomsen and'Office--5712 Home----6292;l A |+ .nm== +. (kl~;
I /Ichildren of Colby, Kan. will ar-i Miss Marie Sipple I~ ,-, l~v |,o Z~|.
Record Players, piays 3 speed records 23,95,](rive this week end to spend until Dental Hygienist !~ Ill
j ~^^ |lnext Wednesday in the parental J ~(~
3TallWOga OUV t W S i "
tr ckland 3r home
i i' - ' ' " [ Veterlrmria= This ms our wish for our customers and friends. |
J,I ear and Mrs oack Morgan will Office Phone 2761 Mt Vernon Ia I
nnt. vernon L~lal U ona aSK " " - ' "
,( spend Christmas with their parental, Dr. Bryant residence phone 2763 I~ E
I families at Bloomfield. Mrs. Morgan i Dr. Haight residence phone 4252 ] ~ !~
ro~ enterprise IW
I,and children will return New Year's ~~O--~-~-~i ~ I~ m p m s
Day, Mr. Morgan coming back ~ i '
K ). C,DAR,APmS,NO,R,RS learlier 'AUCTIoNSAA I rALLKINDSII Hcnmnn reea :~erv,ce !
" The Lloyd Ellisons and Pam, and
Phone 4291 Mt. Vernon,Cedar Rapids, Iowa Farm and Stock Sales A Specialty l ~
m mm ~,*~ *x. ~v. ~ll!sons were ~unaay aIt- ~"~'~'~ ~'~ " KClm~'h ,-,'nman ,'~ron '~
ernoon caller.~ In the Robert Elhson' MECHANICSvILLE I [I .
". home at Cedar Rapids. All three r. E ~AHN M'r~ ~ Mt. Veto,|
I ,~ uel~. o, ~tlrr,eu,mre,families attended the Christmas rhy~ch~ and Sur'~'een ~
.~:--- - -- : ~---- - ~ party at Cedar View Country Club. " ~ ~~;':~t~l~'~l~f.-~~~~