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December 22, 1938 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 22, 1938 |
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~g'~ ~ ~ I Mrs. IAoyd Dean was a guest lastI 'Miss Anna Jordan expects to go I Edd Pitlik is recovering fronI an ] ][~,~ rl~,~4-,~ d-~ ~,~]rl and accomplished playing of thel The song was written for a cel-
l ~,r~] I~'~ LT | f~l'l A | |]LT]~ ]['h]n]flM[~dflkITA| t week end in the honie of Mr. and ]to Clinton Saturday to spend ]illness of bronchial pneunionia. [ a.l~al! 1~1;~ lV to[~a~I piano by Bev. Badger. : lege song writing contest two years
y£~l ~1 ~ |.~ ,~'~|. ~'~|~ ~'J~.~ ~[~|. ~II'S. William Buxton in Indianola. IChristmas with friends. ] Mr and Mrs Emil l)olez.)A were [ ('~ ~.Iriltlr1~ ]'~'~o~-i~IrI I Guests of th~ evenin- besides Mr ago. Weismiller is now studying
.I G. F Suthff left the f rst of the I Dorothy and Bobby Eddy expect Sunday evening visitors in the Mr A d_ i~ir]-l]. T *'" ~ Badger were Dorothv Fisher of Mt at UXlora u vers ty, ngianu.
~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~'~,~ ~F~~,,~ week to spend the wunter in the I to go to Marengo Saturday to spend land Mrs. Jerry Waiters home. [ ~t wnltuer msutute I Vernon Riley Neal Crawford and i Mrs lt~I-~(~kl~ of N~ w'
and Mrs. R. P. Ink willl be E.C. Bergnlann arrived Wednes- J.A. q rlpp home In Blackwell, Ok- ]a few days visiting friends and re- ] Miss Helen Daesehner expects to I -- I Marilyn Van De Walker of Cedar Boston' lll., former resident of ]his
in the Ml'. and Mrs. C. S. day evening to spend the iIolidays lanoma. ]lauves. ]leave Friday to spend the holidaysI Dean Wilber J. Teeters of thelRapids, Gilbert Lorence and Frank vicinity, submitted to a lnajor op-
R home on Christma.s. r at his honle with Mrs. Berginann. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gable of I Mrs. Ellen Merritt will ,be a lit her home in Coffeyville, Kansas. [ State University of Iowa will be the [ Brown. eratiou "~t Mercy hospital l)aven-
~' ana ~,-- xV,~l+,~, ,~ . I Mrs ('vnthia Belka,~ .ma a ..... ~ Cedar Rapids were visitors Sunday]Christmas guest in the home of] Earl Tennant of Boston Mass ]headline speaker at the Whittier[ ----- port l'~st Thursd'ty morning Her
u .,,is. wa ..... " ~nal'p oI ~ .... - ¢ t ......g,,-in th n - ' " ~ " " • - ' " "' ' " "
:~I¢ani(t~ wo - ,~ ~ ~. ~ -- ~-. ter 'Miss Thressa Belknan w'ent to e ha le of the latter s pal ents, [ M1. and Mrs. C. S. Meardon in is a holiday guest in the home of Farmers Institute on Thursday ev- ,~r~.¢~.,,,~,, ~o_ ~rn~e~nisisters Mrs Lloyd Snyder and M "s
] ~ in the Nit- and M-s C H [Chicago 111. on Tuesday for a visit I ........ [ " Mr, and Mrs. Joe Fisher and faro- enmg, Jan. 5, presenting an address[ !Clarence Russell called oil her
;~e honie, " ...... I in the home of Dr. and Mrs. H, L. I Mrs. H. M. Kelly of Colum;bia, [Jess Hughes is spending the hall- lily. I on "Chemistry in the Detection of ! ..... ,-~----, ........ Tuesday and she in reeow.ring very
uopms o~ ,,owaru wemmmer s
Tsehentke I Me., arrived Wednesday evening to Idays in tiie home of his mother Mrs. I Prof and Mrs Karl Andlist went [ Crime", Roscoe Blinks, president of I ........ satisfactorily.
~_ Pearle Rumble of Prophets- ' .. . " . I spend the holiday vacation in the I Jessie Hughes and sister Miss Gei'- ,. ,~,~'~ .... ~- " ........ , ,, ~ [ the Institute has announced Dean t, "uorneH ~s un t'araoe," ~_____
Ii1., will arrive this evening [, .u~:. ,~:stella C o~el~lan ana daugh-[,Mrs. John Blair Robinson home ]aldine Hughes t;nd'~ex';;c~ed'~tJ"r~;~u'rn'~ho:Un(1,a_Y ~Teeters's l~cture will be based on l have oeen received from Horace READ THF ADS
~end the holidaVe va(ation in[ ter .russ i;rances t:oienian spent the d~ r. ~ [[ te Miss Desme Somnie vii e e " ' ~ e to-[[lhi - • " ~~Alden Miller ill Altadena, Calif i " ~ "
z . ' " ' week (nd visitin,- in the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Fisher and ~ Miss Anna Curnutt of Iowa City day. I s many years experience as State .......... 'l ~=------
!rtom~ or her parents, Mr. and ~'Ii" and *II"s "~ilnior ] ..... ~n~ fanlily will be Christmas guests in [is spending the holiday vacation in Miuu Mir|nn~ I~ ,,,~. loft xxr,~a [Toxicologist during which he has wnonas nacl,~ne, song prlnteo Dy #ai[ . ~,~IY~$,~2~
• ~ n, *tu nble ~ - ....................... ~... -' .e ........ .unes- unearth " me tJornell iVlUSle /c'UOllsnlng IJO
meN r • family in Ced'~r Rapids I~he home of Mrs. I,'lsher's parents /the home of her parents, Mr. and [day fo" Minnea,~olis Minn ÷-/ ed evidence that solved l ............. '/ l~l,~a ~ .... If,, Na,, ¢t,,l,~
:.. * • .. , • , . - . , . ., ~u man of Iowa' • wnlcn ne nas estaollsnea Tne ~,~ ~a,t; a,t.w otj,~
,. andM "s Ve "ne Ja-mes 'who ...... ].,~r a ~(1 Mrs A. L (h" stolson at [Mrs C A Curnutt s,~end a w-.,k w,~a u .... ,-,-, ,,, ] Y s most notorious mur- -, - " . I
b,~," ,. • . • ~ - j r.arl ~]mpson manager of tne ,,, / t" ~ ...... ,-. ~.-,,,, .,,,ss/der cases I nluslc is in pampmet iorm with a~ m., . ,~ , .
Gllll-'~ ~'u lnovednvlng [non apartmentss. , in Mount. Ve non tele,~hone,, exehan,,e_ g ,. ,~ ~l~ enee. ..... / Mrs. Bessie. Crone, Miss.,Charlotte. Helen Freer. | ~ne'~ t'wo" aay- Institute" ' one of the I moder..ioq,~ ~ ~ .......... ~uv~ ~.~o,~''" ~,~mueb:~"'~-~ ]1 lOllet ~ets, at
k ~ aturdiy tO]spent Tuesday an(1 Wednesd~- ~ni ].oy Young returned last 1"hurs-[(Aone and Miss Ma~tha Smock ex-I Rev and Mls • • w~.~., ....... ] ..... ' . .~._...~. ^..~.~ a~;u~._ ~ • ,,..
~o)vn t)ouie l:eeently purchased I)avenport' ath°ql~ling a m eeii~;t'or day froln a business trip through [peet to spend Christnias with ]daughter Joyce spe;lt ."Sund'av~]'n~the [;~Setl°~,[ts~jn~d~i~nthe;,s..taX:,w!l_l[ wh'~c~a~st2; ~rade'm~irk~°f~r~t~he ! W.H. HOOVER, Jeweler
• ?~utn sine, which has been ex- n ana-'ers of th~ N,..t, ........ ~.~ ._ ,)~ Kentucky, South Carolina and oth- /friends in Hampton h,,q,,~ ~e ~. ~n,t M,.. o.,,. {~ ....... | ....... ~ ,.~.,= .~v,,,,,,w~,~ na,~ m] onm,.~,..~
"lk|. rely "enIodeled I _ " ? ....................... "' ~,. .,,,,t~ ........ ~ ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] I ........................ "~- -"~'"- /wmmer lnursday and Friday Jan ~"'~""J" i ~i~l~.~~~l~
II"r : ~. i Telephone conlpanv. -, s .......... s~a~eo. ..e ,.ao,men t Mr and Mrs Leoral Evans will ! ber and family in Olin. /5 and 6 Other s"eakers on ti~e first I .......
L~J. ~ C " ;away since Septenlt)er . " • " ' P ¢ ~
• haoles Ha "tung left Tues Ilovd t,'llison who is attendin-" ' .... ]be guests Chrlstnias in the home of I Mr and Mrs Richard Moffitt of ida-" will t.^ ~:__ ~,~__: ..... l~l~e~-~l~l~l~t~?/~l~l~l~ll~l~t~l-~~
( hlcago, Ill., w'here she !Iowa State Teachers college in Ce-[ M.':" and,, .Mrs. l(oy Young alia [Mr. l~vans parents, ,Mr. and zv, rs. [Clinton will be holiday guests in [Extension Service, speaking on ~ .~}
,~ ~ ~spenaof Ielseveralnon 1). weeks.,ill the ]dar, Falls, ,-will conic, ha no the lastI ianlliy, New YearsWlU spendat the (hmstniaSho ne of andMr ]l,ee l,~vans in LlgOOn. , ..... [the heine of Mr. Moffitt's. parents. ["Music for Farm People" and Paul1~ ~ l~
~1~" . ' l.M,iI1,](eHal.-ofthewe(1, tosI)endthehohdays- , " "l HowaldChandlelofDesMomes~Mr. andMrs. W.C Moffltt ]Burson, SollsAgentmTama Ben- .~- Tha
~an(l fanlily. She has closea iwith his parents Mr. and Mrs H ¥oungs parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ]was a guest Wednesday night and[ Mrs Lulu Blaine expects to s,~end/ton, Iowa and Powesheik co~ties ~ ~, ~, ,~,,a ~,~=.a~,~,,~, • ~
real l( n Mount \ ernon I G I lhson \~ Young in Minneapolis Minn [hursday in the home of his aunt *" will resent an ill
: ! " " • " "] "'" • T" " ~ "' " " 1~' " " , [this week end in the home of her [ " P ' ustrated lecture: ~ --.- •
,. a ~ Ado ttodgson reference l~ I Mr. and Mrs. John Kuebler and] Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ringer andlMrs. S. L. Chandler. ]son-in-law and daughter .Mr. and|''Pasture--A forgotten Crop," using[~ ~ ..... J, ....
• • "~m m the Kansas State Teacl~-isOn Claude of Manchester were in [twin sons expect to go to Shel- [ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goodyear and /Mrs. Dennis Boyd in Cedar Rapids. ]pictures taken during the past year]~ • ~r~~-][ ~rl~_~
• ~ ~llege library in F.ninori,'( [Mount Vernon Monday for the ldahl, Saturday to spend the week [son Edwin of Iowa City will ~be] Mr and Mrs Konnmh R,.,u .... e ]on demonstrations established by]~ ~------~-~v~,--, ~d~,~
~ ~ts, is an expected .u.~i,.,~'~ *~' [brief funeral se~ vices for Wesley end in the home of ,Mrs. Ringer's guests on Christmas in the home of Colfax will ............... his four county association ~ "~
~'"' ~t to sl)end ('hristnr~s w'(~l¢~'~[l(tlebler, grand father of Mrs. lparents'rMr" and:Mrs" F' C. Hunl-[Mr. and'Mrs. Merle Kafer. [week end iieethgeUTto:nfver the[ H. S. Nicol, Cedar Valley Farm]~ i
ham,, of her sister, Miss Lillie !iAoya Gustafson, held Monday ]hlel. [ Miss Lucy Winter, librarian in [farmer's mother MrsTaUce Bako ]eusm sj Assn. F!eldman, will speak[~ • c~ ~Ttr~tc~rn~ ........
gSon. S le will return to I'm forenoon in the Neff I,' home I Mr and MrsEdlyn Blaine and /the Cornell library went to Car .......... /on e rlaay morning on the subjeetlN /'1 ~ t~rll~l~l IVIA~ w 1 1-h 11-~ N
. • - " . . . ' LVlIss *Julia urex.v ~eacner in tne ,, • • • , ~ ~ ,, ~ " -~ -~,~,
on New Yea "s /lay [ M, ~ ~ ....... fanuly of Chicago Ill are expect- ]roll W'ednesday afternoon to spend .......... ' . . ] This Business of Farming . Af- ~ ~
, ' -" I ....'s ..... t~omnson cmseu her, . ' "' ] ..... " .,apIas senoom, came iastlternoon s eaker • • ,~ • • ,
1S a ~ .... h ~ ~ r" ..... " , . 'I'd the last of this week for an over the week end at her home. evening for a holiday vacation in D p s on Friday will be ,L ~k w nderful splrlt of Good
I v. ~H,O ~Ja Ill o! lc on \~, ~dIh~sddv and lelt fol ...... M s Butlel ex eet to motor to Jeffelson hohdays ]n I eGrange Ill Miss sur er and treat an 0 &alLuaa~;; ~--IL~-,
-- - - ~-~-~ I • " ~( hrlstmas visit in the home of Mr . • , . Paulena Nmkell, Head ef the
~T ~ TT~ ..... ~ i?Ill~(f~;2111; toOf~P;~:]¢~2~':'nr~l weeksll~bdne's parents Mr. and Mrs. F. w.2a:ld_uS2ftl~r°/nH;:2t°y' 'I:2t.~l ~eh.;,ne of he," nlother, Mrs. W. Home Management Dept., Iowa Will ............
IN i~ I.J ][~ A i'~ {_] E | Ia iu-t[ter ~l, . ..-1 -~)~ anu !A. Blaine. [Tuesda,~niornin~ in the home of "- ' [State College on "Family Relation-[~ .... ,J~Jvut x_~ll~l U£ictWb II~aI',
: I * ~ .... ana Mrs. wauaeeI - ~. xlr. and Mrs Harold Olson and ships" and Dr Ray E Wakele " •
I~; ........... If Mason and family After a visiti 1)r. and Mrs. J. B. Bryant and]Mr and Mrs. T. R. Chambers. tson Donald of Snrin~rfi"lrl • ..... /.... " " "- " " - ~-Y' [~ It IS D"-Ifn~°l ~-he+ ..... 4-1~ .... l.+~
i: ----~ anu wlnustorm • !.~ . " ~ ..... u,~.. "ai~,, ,~ ....... ,a .. R..n~+/ ' . ..~ ..... , ..... a.~/~,,~a ~tate ~OClOIOgISI. ~aio Dr ~ ~u~x ~zx¢~vb Utll blIULINIIL~
a ...... "'" | t,,ere sne expects to go to Braden- I':';X~2~' ÷~'7:~ 72'~;~:'~'7+ ~;J2:'.: / Mr. and :Mrs. Joe Fisher were [expected Friday for an over Christ- /Wakeley in accepting the invitation ]1 ~ ,, . --"
~utomoDlle |[ton, b la.. to spend the reniainder i:"°~'),e(~ ~,, ~,leen,, m :,~s~ ,,u.~ay/guests last Sunday at the wedding]lnas visit in the Mr. and Mrs. A J ]to appear at Whittier "The subject [~ S[10UlC[ turn to those who hn,r.
Health and Accident ~i at the winter, l tl.~lea~tdnuaght:r M~Is:S;;~2abet~nBe/~" [of their friends, Miss Altafichware Baird home. ]'Population Prospects in rural Iowa't~ .... " ......
...... - to Delbert Wittenoerg at wavemy .Miss Leona Barnes will arrive is a very interesting one and I contributed to our success Our
Lif , Mr. and M "s. W]lla-d Maybauer ant directed the (horus of fifty
]of (hicago Ill. are expected Fri ..... c ...... : ......... ~, ...... ; .............. ] Mrs. Glen Andreas and Mrs Al-Saturday evening from Bozeman ]hope we may be able to discuss ~
• ~,~ ~ "~kT ~'~':~r~'r~rr~r,,~ | : day evening for a holiday visit in I ( ],bert Andreas of Cedar Rapids were I Mont., to spend next week in the ]~ome of the implications and appli- I~ ~no,~v,,~ •~r~o]~ ~o 4-l~n4- ...........
[ l~,|a~• ~, tVlP_AtLlgl'I"l' | tile home of t~e t'ornh~r's nlother, ,:iu'istmas (lay (hnner guests in ]callers Saturday afternoon in the ]home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]cations of the population data which [~ ~.,~.,~t., VYlOll li~ bll~b ,y~U. IIli~2¢ {211"
I th( -M~ md Mls A J Baud home
Dffice in Bauma- ~,a- I !Mrs. Charles Maymuer Mr and ' "' "': * """ " " ' " ~],Mr and Mrs. Dick Busenbark [Robert Barnes ]I shall present." ~ q .......... ~5 ....... /'~'~,_:~.a.____ ~
• "" u~uN" | M~s low l/*/ "°" " ~-" " " . ,will ~e" Mr and Mrs Harold Olson[ho~e I _ - - " • • ] The customar.,co..... .., ..~.._[~I~ juv ~t v~I,V l¥I~II'y ~IIflSLIII~t,S ana a
. --~-n-~- n~ o. n .... • - "••" • -e l l~l'art or 131ooInington ' " " . *. ,.* . - ~ 1 • I .~Iiss ~lie l~enleP wno is atten0 / ~ ,,,,,,~,,,,t* p,ay,~ :z
~, ~o. v~:. DO" l~es 1 ! -" • . . 'and non ~)onam or bpringlieia, Ill., " * ~ "- " . "
..... , . ti~J] Ill., ~lll not spend Christmas in J~ll. an,1 Mrs T4-1"m'~,--Roh,ni,~ .... n [ Mr. and Mrs. George Carley of ling Iowa State eollege in Ames a--].will be presented on Friday even- ~ ~ NT~xr V~o~ l~, 4~,,11 .~4~ l__l..~.~.:
• l¥1ounl vernon, I wa I i the M~s. M~tybauer home but will J " " '. " " '- **'2 " ~"- ........... "~. /Chicago Ill are expected guests [rived Tuesday evening to snend the [rag. I.~. ~ ~" TM v YV .L K.,C.&I K/IIIII &tAll U]. lli~tDpl- !
( onI r I son derryo] .VlOUnl; vernon anu ' "
~ ] ' e to Mount Vernon fo- New! .... -~ ..... ]over Christmas in hte home of the [holidays in the home of her moth- ---- [~'~ "
Urea=- - - - -- ~-_:0 Yea,s.' .. .ulss Agnes tmn-c~ at b,soon. [foriner's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. C."/er, Mrs. Watson Kepler. [Jell- Workers Haa X--~ nessand Prosperity.
ffe~" .... ]tl:(t?~ ;n~!i~!/~i !fi~effe~unn_{!~w; [S C:rl2yd .Mrs. Russell Winegard-[BlMff:s xH~llenarrT::'nesatfrdyUntiol
]Party At Fred Saddlers'"~
"-- ~''~'~"~'~~N ~, Mrs. l,;ffie Butler. He was driving[:nsi?nt favmeiIYc°fr~:lllamani[llltb:]hP;ndistthesh~v~irdsayM22 ~itchh:~llea°f| An evening of good cheer and[~ * * 1 '~ • A .~
"I | N a new truck froin Cleveland, Ohio, ]''" "" . .... ]. ~. -.,~ •. .~ d ]fun was the result of the Jo]ly[~ ~~~1~ • t ~k~ ~
I-l~ _| II ,~M~-~.@~ " "~'~,'" n f r "he Flectri, li ht/h°me °f'Mrs' wmegaruen's m°tner' VMlsses ~yivia anu '.~aaxine "t'urner. I,,r....,.~ ,',~- " • ...... I~ • •fm~ •U~ • _• • • • l• l~l~" J'1~1~
Lll!~ I1[ | ~z~ to del[elso o1~ t . C g [Mrs Hattie Miller ] .................. I v ..... rs ~Umslmas party neia mon-[~ ~ "~~~ "~-'~l~,~l ~ i~
1 .... • ~..~ ~ .~..~ 1 ~ colnpany or JeKerson. 1 .... / .,~,, ,,. ,~auson at tne unlvers- I Oay evening at the hosnitable Fred ~I ~ -- ~ m
. ~gA~-~3g=~ ~-~:.,~~ l)r. Nicholas Knighthas ,been[ M~:. and Mrs..IAoyd Dean and[!ty of Arkansas who was a guest [ Sadler home with an almost perfect]~ ~ ~ !1 ~
U fanllly ana ~lor anu .VilS r~ A in tne home O[ ~¥11S8 I~.UDy Wade attendance De or
flurwl .... confined to his home hy illness for [ ' '" " ' : "'" " / • " I; . c ations lent a lest-I~ ~ • TM • • TM ~ R
~~r.~ mort th'm a week His many/Miner and family will have a co-]for several weeks left last FridaY[ive air while a nro~ram ¢*ifts and]~ ~ ~dr~ • /dr~ ~
1 : ward spent t e "e ' [ - "'. ~ " [ . Y -P .[: t service in the serving of their] I[~| 91 ¢~ ~ ~
~ tlll~ UCI[IKI ~.ll~l.~t%~ home of his parents, 1)r. and • r. ]" "P " [ " ' • , • ~ ". ]: PP d the pro~raml~ ~ It~l~'-'~-~~ I~
ap stY ,Iv ~~ Knight ]for an over Christmas visit in the |!Mattie B Hunt will stay at the I committee provided the follo~rin" [~ ~-~ ~ J
~-- a l| ioin in " ..... ]home of ,Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mc-/*MI's. Jordan home during their ab- I~ine program s[~ "V~[ Mount Vernun ~
ue~ w~-1 ]Vlll Ill Wl~nlnq ~ ~ _ Mr. and Mrs. Couin .w. tSul'ge, o~ /.~uillin and fanlil--. /senee • --- " .... ]~
.... "~ ~ (~ ~ Huntington Park. Calif., are ex-|'4 ....... : ....... / ::." ........... ] me. program was opene% w~m] - ... -~ ~~~:~i~lt~:~g~
m ~...,~}l ~ pecte~" n ...*n a "ri~e ....... on the stleamline ] mr anu =vlrs 1May(1 .vlct:utcneon / NllSS Fstner• l~luuer wno is alan original 'welcome,' oy t~iaoys]
1 OUrr [ -a ....... ........ ............ ........... , .... .... a wiu/or Sibley arrived ..... Wednesday eve- [teacher in the schools of Olin is[ Sadler, given in her. usual Merry
• r- ....... ~ ~,~k~ ...... h- Anson S Burke home [niug to spend until Sunday evening [expected t,',uday evening to spend [English style. This was followed ......................
, . . ~ ~'~k S~ndav~and Monda" " Colhn will be ]in the honie of the farmer's moth-]the holiday vacation in the honle [by "Holy Night" a vocal duet by[ ~ •
aeryt and blends (l ~/ remenabered as the son of Mr and ]er, Mrs. Lloyd McCutcheon. [of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. J. ] Geraldine and Junior Lorence; aI ~~ Tkn~, ,,A .......... ,i :l
cha#~ . Mrs. George H. Burge who former-1 P" "W. Peterson expects to go this ]Kidder. ] roe~ota~io~ibY a?:t~da2enaik; piano i~ ..... ~, ~,, aa~ v ~ o~,a v ~a i 1
~' ~~~ ly lived south of Mount Vernon, ]w'eek end to Kansas City to spend ] Word ,,'as received recently by [' Y g reading ..... : .~ i- ..... t_l
, floppiness, I~~~|~ "' and in the Collin house on the Co,'- ]the holidays at the home of his]Miss Miriam Freer of the death of]bY Grace Schott; a piano solo. • ~.:;~lJy, ~a.~ t.t:; UU, •
...... J " " " ~~ nell Campus about fifteen years [son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ]Ernest Keedick resident of Mouut ["Christmas Bells" by Rev. Badger[ ~~*l tttOU~ttulnes.~ •
lest S1 a~~ ~.~l~r ~ ago " ]Mrs Arthur Ix)well and family. ] Vernon many years ago He died at Iof Springville. ] ~[~ 1 ...... ~ ........... •
allU uoa cneer ' [ ...... lanche Sam"son moth [his home in Caldwell Idaho De-1 The next number was a p]aylet l -- ' " ' .............
~'ll' and Mrs Jaines Seeks and .,~,~. D ~ ' " cenber 1
I - ~'""~J~~:-~ ...... • - |er of Mrs S H Burchfield [ 1 0 [by Betty Helen Robert and Paul]
! :~ Ct~ " " ~ " -~.~ W2~,~,~~ faniilv of Polo, Ill., a,e expected to / ~"'"'" / " ] Pos isel which cteli hted H:Z: I
ristmas Day : f
,95 ~ i t
I and throughout the OtinebeadWb orsa fgaet:ami;rist-Iwiilhave as holiday guests Mr. and [Springfield, Mo Mrs. Evans and ]] Betty Van De Walker
~.,,~1~ k I ~ IV.111111~l [mas are" Mr and Mrs ROy John- [Mrs James Organ and Miss Gene-].Mrs. Winsor are sisters. ]~ne ompoem, twas me mgnt ve-
~ I ..... . Marl n Ind iore unnstmas"" next was a qUIZ I
,' ew ear son and family of Cedar Rapids [vieve Burchfield of ~ o • | Larry Travis of Chicago Ill is]: , " I.
Ell ~ ~ly:onjN;nff ~eAt?ed, afdmMly and ] ,;l dM/l S Mary Burehfleld of Rock-]expeeted to arrive Sunday ,norning ] imneW%S;rltad stt d lcxhg ntalned/| |
../~| ~'~'~1~'~ - ".. / , • from Indianapolis Ind. where he]Anne Hoffman standin~" the lon~ ll -~- K~..~ KIJ'lt~ " '~*~11~1~_~1- 1
IMount vernon Mrs JosephSedlaeokjr of I is spending this weok for anover estwiththemenwinning -- -zr-
'~ltt~ v~ ........ . "" .~_/,,~j "" ~ Mrs Otis Ellison are] mollie came Wednesday to spend Christmas visit in the home of his] ............. ' _ tl -' LASTCALL /I
~..~oli~ll , zvu" ano ~ ". " ~ " . . svmme wnltman gave a reaomg;
• C " " ~r~.~ ,~- ~ i (x ectln their son Myron Elllson" the holidays with her parents 'Mr 1 parents Mr and Mrs Fred Travls • . FARM'S
.p " g ; • : [ ....... ., ...... |Junior and Geraldine Lorence all For c-ow. ,I
"~" " "' 'n fol and Mrs A v Westcott Mr ~eu- -" ~_-------~--~
!~ ¢~' ",,'~~, ~ ~ [of Butte, Mont., l, rlday niql'n~ g "[lacek wiil join her'here'fo;" C'krist- Mrs. C. V. Hogland of Center[piano duet; more piano music for/1---= GREATEST~:~."~" "1 11
a fe~ da s visit o~eI Christmas
: ~'~"~~ ~ ' ~" "Y.' "" " " ' " .[ . ~ ]Point was expected today at the[the children, by Rex,. Badger,[l_ . ~"~ ~'~'~'~=_=f~l~ $1
"~••IP'~° ~ Miss l loleuce I lhson will spend mas
__.~t~ ~'~ "~..~ ~tr~.:~ -"" " "~ ~ ' " ] ' home of her parents, 'Mr. and/broughtajollyred-cladSantaClaus[1 / ~ ~"~~s.."~;~ A%I I~lll
~ Sunday and Monday in the home of~ Mr. and 3Ii-s. J. It. Eyre and son Mrs. V. L. Beuter for an over|to the front door with his hello~ I I~ ~ -]~~!~ ~ ~ ~ "~1111 |
~-- _.~ ,. I her parents, and Miss Dorris Elli-[James plan to go to Osceola, Satur-]Christmas visit. She will 'be joined [a broad smile• He was greeted shyly[I ~,~.,~x~,~ ] ~ ~k~,, l~A~'~l
]~ ill" ~r-r __ ~ [son who is a teacher in the[ day to visit over .Christmas in the[by other members of the family on]by the little ones and more gayly]1 ~W" .ff • | ~ • ~ /:Yf~.~'~-~l ~ _ ~P ][ ~ •
vaount Vernon Bank and ~Clhd:~ :fe2nntht: s;,;ill a(h;V~ldin/hph,un/stoOf aM; Ma?tn?Mrs. I~?~. ]Christmas day. [ebYit:2 :l?vrerOy:nSe AdiafttrW:~ fr~_ I
~ 2~r.u, st~ C°=mpa,noY0N [ ~ l~?!~:M!Ma!~XV~IahCs~E:~d?~ 21;:l::M:i.SSi:: f " s::d Mnintt?e ha:hea ::siht°e; 'eth:t2~Cr~eSnSd{)yf ! ~.~, ~,:Y"-I
.~' H.C. Neal, Pres ~ ~ ~.~.~ ..... ~ ]tel-national Falls, ,Minn., will ar " e]brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and[ " ---'' ' ]~[1 C~7~' #~)~ 1
~'=~ r~. ~, -- " =-• .~ ...... onlogue, vice rl~s. ~ ]Saturday evening for a visit in the[Mrs" B. F. Clark in Cedar Rapids.[FRIDAY l~,~-ff~T,~:~~l~ 1
-- ~ van Metre, Vice Pres and Cashier h me of Mls Jud s parents Mr n Christmas in
" • ~ I o '. y' , ' .]She plans to spe d : ' " I 7:30 Sunday school Christmas pro-[ I .... |
__~ J.A. lVordyee, Assistant @ashier ]~ ] and Mrs. Bolton Wilson. They will] the Clark home• I gram in charge of the lower grades] ~ . [ our a rage 1
" " ' Mr 1"
/~~.~2 I~EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ! JpuTyqs CmhrIt~:;?SMda'y H:~yh JudY/suM:SSisoE~iZoa;°~hsBrYnat~eW~hoollS]~ieth a pageant by the young pea-/ . 11vlrli-l G "FOUR LEAF ~L~VER'' I
~~f~ff~g~2"~41~l~il~ [in lowa City. Mr. Judy has just] P " * . ,. " " .~ ". ." ]suigDAY ] ~J~l, ~jI, !!t~, ] x.~ x]v 1
('~~~lbeen granted a seinester's leave of/°f GI:eehneholid"ill 7~vti~n'lllayth°] 10:30 Special Christmas day ser-[ It I ._ ,, .,_, . .... ,.. I
1 spena t e y n been arranged by Prolessor uaK te to
? ,/~ .... "r~'~lg~~[~b:e?//lli°nl~hteJrUnlt°olhailghS;h?l°,[home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs.[~l:ec;mb~ir~ghSU~d~Ydah°°l~nd]~~ Ir~ .1 ( tmoc eu ruu oI values ior [ne no,may I
where he is a lnember of the J B Blyant
Toeaeh.e. ................. " "" ' [ " ' " " [allages. Abeautifulsouvenirpro-[~111~ IH~mll~T Feast. 1
/~~incere good wishes ~[sehool industrial department staff,[ Mrs. Leland Brandau, who with/ gram containing a Christmas caroll~,~ 1t~|1111 y [ 1
for a to accept an instructmsh~p at Iowa Mr Bl mdau is s endm the hoh e#
/~~~h~--:n~ ,~ " ' ' " " • "'" " " l= • "~ " "'" "P " g "-]and a manger scene for all who] .................... 1
..../ ume anaa or]glat and " /State9 eollege in Ames on January] days. in the home of her parents. ,] come. ] • _ _ I LITT U=~V~Jt~Dr~taED'V'=~, x~....--*~wuullt verllOll'tr ...... •
~[ ~ Prosnerou.~ NOw Vary o~. "" Mr. Judy was graduated from[ 1)r. and Mrs. H. J. Burgstahler. IS ]WEDNESDAY Tradein the Old Car
~-'~] --"*" ............. ~-~ Iowa State College, and from the/ confined to her bed suffering a [ 2:30 Ladies Industrial Societyl ~ - M KALIBAN Lisbo- 1
~/ ~m. _ ~. _ ~i~[ State University of Iowa and holds] tooth infection [~,~ ¢" ~ ] ¢~ {}nl~ f~{" { }lllP [ " ' "" •
-~-'v-,'/ ar~ ~ I ,~ • am ,~ -- ~ :,L: ' • ' . . • , ,..~eAn~,. . ~== v.=~ v-- v..-- , 1
a niastel s deglee flora Columbia
lllillilltd ~~1 ~m~[~_ ~[l*ni;'e'isi~'"' He'~ill go directly to[ Mr and Mrs 1) C Davis will ~HURSDAY -- , [ [ CLOVER FARM STORE, Mechanicsville |
~a~ii~ ~ • r "" "" y" " ..... ," : 8'00 Union Young ~'eopms group
~ ~Uo -~" Ames froln Mount Vernon after[ have as guests on Christmas day, ] " . ~[~1 1 I' • 1 [ ........................... I
I-I ~ ~ ... J~] *~- -• ......... ]Mr and Mrs Harold Vander Lin-[ g" ]m -^.-[ Ab~alN.~ IPUUD l¥1Al~lkl~'l', ~prlngvllle •
--. t~. tdllilana .. . ~lspenamg two wee~s with her p~tr-a ...... . . ~ __ ,m immmlmm • m~•• m:~
u Mar den and fainlly of Marion and ~J~kl[~t~ki~l~Ll~t~
van Stoneklng s ~loei~e M~.s.iJtdYn2tiiollnj;tu~.~l~2/Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Davis and ] FIyIT° p~.T~O/~sTonEl~l~nl~£PAI~] ] . - I
~..&~a'.t#t ........ ~ [ w hei e their residence w ill be re '] family of Lisbon I oyd ., , ] ................. ] Enjoy the _.~ Always the •
/] ~. "..~M~£~'~O~__~'6~_z~'~_a~ar4~ara~ar~'~ t ' " • * -/ " | Churcn scnool 9:45 / we nave never nau a c,eaner~ ..... , ~. ~ •
tamed fol the piesent Mrs Margaret Golmly and sis Worlu s Lowest
"' " " • .... " " ".- Morning worship 10"45 r
----f ........... ~2%nttar" ~. ~. tar.~# ]-, • . ," " ,'l x-[ This Sunday will be observed asl" bunch of used ears on ou Freest" " Economical I
[ j ~ ....... r~ ~~$~i~f~ll~:y~ - ~I~I~'~~ [pect to go to Toledo Saturday to ["The Birthday of our King" in thet floor. There is a great deal of[ ~_o~- X IFlv'.'~,aS \'~ .-. • 1
...... --. - --. o-- o%f the ;eatoplTM mWa; h°Pel good use in these ears. You nces I
Y~I~ ~/~I~ I ~ r 7" ~ ~ ~.~I~ ~ ~ ~- ~. land Mrs I," C ~ott. ] some semblance of the Christmasl ana your lamny can enjoy I----- o ..... •
# zrt J.r a. Iv * Prof. and Mrs. Eugene Dever-/cheer. Everyone can m HisS]them very much. I I
~ ~ ~ ~]eaux plan ~to move to their home] courage ana ~alt.n. rnls.~ pern p~] ....... I •
the greatest ~=nnstmas g~
I-Ill A~ ~ ~ ~.: ~ d ]~lon Seventh avenue, north which/ ° ""i" Sunda is.IThe room occupmu oy tneseI
I lk D' [] ill 1 J~]~as purchased this fall sometime] The theme Ior Ins • "Y- "l~r~ ~ needed for win- "~'~
11 II ~ I ~ == ~m ~ I ~-~ I ' . t "And He Grew " ~neelal music nas I "~ a =~ ~,,~ ,~ ~ ,~,~-~~~---~-~---~,~-~,~---~
:~ "~~lV 1 ~ Im~'~ I H 1 ~ lnext week Extensive remodehng/ ~- " ~ . .. -'l . , • I t~
u has been do e r s rage ana tney are prIc
.-'- - ]to the ha se • • /.. "1 "1
erve lana
d ~k'~r~ ~7~_ ~ ~ K A g g~ g I~ ~] Mr and Mrs. Cenhas Miller[ " -- | edespecially low so they can[
l~n:~ ~1~~~~11k i~~ ]of'East Chicago, Indiana, and/ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES lbe sold within a few days. Seel I I T.. DL_ ..... L
~st~ : ~ ]'Miss Faith Johnson of High-! 0, " "" " i nee' will be the[ "" I l~-~l • I ~ [ • • • III •• • Ir'~.l ]In ~t
u ....~ ~ I .... Miehi an will ar ~ Chrmuan ~c e' ~Itnem. I JI.d~,,~ %,~ JI. ~ll.~~g~l~ll
@ lano ~'arK g ~ ~,
I'" m°d~ ~1 - . .' *. ' ~-, - -" } subject of the Lesson-Sermon In alll l K
nuine ~ MEN I FOR LADIF ~12Z ,',~a~uI~t~/°homan 3VMrrs?7~;v :~Churches of Christ, Scientist, on[ 1937 Plymouth coupe, stand-I
ua!~rer ~ Shaard;eMa;t::E~e~::lRazor $151.0 .... Cosmetic S.e, ts of ~ ] ~aM);;~ roe~ Cth f hh~g~e=~wh of:s t n21r~n:n~i°n:d b our am rou
.......... - ........... $ 0 Yardley s " - : ings $400
' Stag Shavi-,, ~.,- '..'^_ [ ..... I~1~[ eulty in the schools of Clinton, ar- they that dwell In the land of th~ [ .................................. i
C; ...... ~,s ~,~ ........................ $1.00 ] April ~nowers 'ived honIe on Wednesday evening shadow of death, upon them hath[ ,,,~,~ r~_,. _ _ n, ..... !- ......
. , at-ette Lighters ......... .~1 00I Cotv's ~ ] for a two weeks vaeation visit in [ the light shined." 1 ,~oo ~etuxe riylnoutn cuupe. :-- *k~ k ...... k;la i-k ...... b^.,,.~*k^- £--
----- uigarette C ......... ] ............ ~. "...[ -~ • : ,~ • ~ [ the home of her parents, Mr. and ] Th0 Lesson-Sermon comprlsesl Low mileage. Has been driv- lll tlltU llUlllK:; Wlaal~; til~;9" Ota~ LU~::tlltl~:71 1U[
1 C .... a~e anu ~lgnter ...... ~l.t~ot Phvenlng in rarls t~[ Mrs T R Chambers ]quotations from the Bible and from] ...... ...,,_. __J .._i, __rea g~k-:., ...... • .... ,'.~.. K
artOn uame • " .... I ell cetrelUlly allU Well Ca u ~,llll~tllla,~ Ug at all 11.11111I:7
d . IS ............. -~1 4-~ I Pr,oad .~1 lfl to 00 ~1 ..... the Christian Science textbook, I Y
~" ....... ~ " "~ Mrs J t Keve is expecting ner , o
Ash Trays ':2 ........ , :^ I ..... - . - ". " , - ]'Science and Health with Key t)] for Has hot water heater A.._:__ ~k.. k--l:.[--..-
,. _ - ........................ ,ac ana ~uc I ........... ,,,, ,.,,.~'~Kldaughter ~Miss Florence Keve from I the Scriptures" by Mary Baker] : ....,~.,at~ ~.lU||||~ tll~ ll~,||U~lL~
t rush Sets ....... t laruley treet rerlume .... ~,~1 Whiting Ind this evening for alE-d "[ ano oelroster, a aargain
...................... _,o. iil : /°* il i
Box of Com acts 25c to 450 holiday v ~eatlon M, and Mrs
: , Cigars p ........................ $ . • t " '= "" ~ " One of the Bible citations reads: 1931 Dad e four door sedan, . .
Bill Folds .................... 5-0c"to 15" Formal Party Bags with ....... i to rU aba tghs ndnlreaK eYe Wouhne alhne raSatCOmu tdo n t o teh a bargai:gal ...................... $75 Pictures taken at any time day
I!' *aylor Th ...... " .... / uompacts to a.ou ~lChicago, Ill., will arrive Saturday lhlm And behold there tame a[ . #l
Hnometer $3 25 o o r 1 200 to spend the holidays le er and worshl ed him sa ing, 1930 Essex, four door sedan in
Guarantee -- ........ -; ........ [ M n g amed Stat'onery 50c to $ . • I p . y ;I " or evenln
• Filled ......... ?, ccurate [ Comb Brush Mirror Set -¢5 95 Mrs. Emma Platten,berger and ]Lord, tf thou wilt, thou canst.make[ good shape ................ $75 v
~ ! ~. --*aVeilng 1Mrs with / , ...... v • ~-.~la ..... hi.l, Miss Olive Plattenber~er([ne clean. Ano Jesus put tortn nlsl .......... ~
r ]PPer ...... _¢9 ,- -,,I Cutex, LaCross and Glaze ~]~'~'~l~b'e°Ch~'istlnas day guests in t~he [hand and touched him, saying, 1[ 1929 Model A Ford two door
• - ............. ~-.,,o w ~tu.uu . " ' • me I ' °
Soda r thel Plat n r wlll, be thou clean And Im d
P r 500 atel his le ros was cleansed sedan, black $65 Phone 59 W for A omtme
King Dis ense Manicure Sets Mr and M s. Lu • te be ger • ~ _
• -,Li~ .................. $" ] ........... ~]home Miss Plattenherger will Y P y :] ...................... PP nt
w- r, |1 Sheaffer Pen ~--- JIHy IAouaKs ................................ ~.Oo al ilve' " I,~rlday" evening from Dav (Matt 8"1-3)
r dC~: & Pencils .... $2 75 to $10 [ Wrisle-, Bath Sets ¢100 ~['" '" s-end *the holida'" vaca-I Among the selections from thel Other Good Cars Cheap i
ton~ " j ...................... ~,• enport to p Y ~ " I • I
~hiP~ Candy--A Rig Selection of Whi mans Page & Shaw and Joan KI tion in the home of he," mother. ~hfi~wtla;. Science textbook Is the -- "!1.
witBv • , , • . ~ . • •
' Manmng, ............................ 25cto$5 qhe Misses Luclaand Elva For- Jes.s established what he said ~--.,L ~.....-^ a~rrt,== %{,,,4, , i
" ~ ...... ~21dyee will come Saturday for a visit 0y demonstration, thus making his t]lllllll U ll ,o ,J~ u~.aj ,~
tar ~no P' " - ' han ! 's '~''''--'-- "" ~ ~ *"
) ~i] p or Gifts At !k l In the home of their mother, ,Mrs. ~cts of hlgher Importance t . ~ ~"
itch' a~
sw ": ~ A~III • ~,~ __ ~] J C Fordyee. Miss Lucia conies words. He proved what he taught, r,...~ .... .1 D[ .... ,h ~. ;,,,~
, |lI: floui Ames and ~lll spend the week rhls Is the Science of Christianity -
giftYf4 t |OStv $ ~11~ ]eid"here and M~s Elva who is a Jesus proved the Principle, whlcll ..... 0 " Mount Vernon,Iowa
ts ........ ~~r~,.~,.~-- tl7 ~,~" ~~ ~1~, ~1~ ~/~[ teacher in the seh;'ols'of I ake heal~ the elck and cuta out error, l¥1ount vern n, iowa
~[ " • ~ ~0 be dlv~ne'¢ (p. 473). "~
~/~il~~..ii~kF-Ae~L~E~O'4~r~,~x~ ............. Mills, will remain until after New .~.~..~.,~'~'_.~-_'a~._~
'~ ]Years 311 First Avenue North. ~. ~l~ ~gg.~¢~: .... ~