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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 22, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 22, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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22, 1938 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWK]EYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Seven ~ids with a miscellaneous shower i on Friday evening in the Methodist Letner church at the close of a short pro- BOZANEK i gram as follows: song by the audi- SHOWER I ence; prayer by Rev. J. B. Eyestone; honored Mr. andtwo vocal numbers, "Sun Bonnet of Cedar Rap- Sue and Overall Jim," and "Down !CLUSIVE DRY CLEANERS 209 3rd Ave. SXV Dial 2-8131 Cedar Rapids, Iowa by the Old Mill Stream," were giv-[ BROTHERHOOD MET en by Doris and Darrell Kitchen, AT RALPH BACHMAN'S in costume, with Mr. Floyd Kitchen The December meeting of the as their accompanist; recitation,!Men,s Brotherhood was held Tues- "The Bundle," by Carol Nebiker',~ day evening at the home of Ralph vocal solo, "Follow the Gleam," by Bachman. The meeting opened Ramona Jorgenson, Mrs. Amos Ber- with scripture reading and prayer ,ry playing her accompaniment; a by Rev. J. B. Eyestone. The presi- group of readings by Mrs. G. R. dent, George Kramer, presided dur- Jorgenson. A medley of Christmas ing the business session. carols were played by a trio corn- The annual election of officers! OF at Public Auction at Uncle Tom's Cabins, miles East of Lisbon, 3V2 miles west of on Paved Highway No. 30, on G AT 1:30 O'CLOCK described wood and posts: 100 cords of and Hickory cord wood nicely piled. This is oak, hickory and white oak cut last winter. leavy body wood, the limb wood having been t. 1000 Split White Oak seasoned posts, HEAVY ONES. 30 corner posts 8 ft. long, )utts; 25 or nice straight braces, 6 or 7 heavy slabs. be a real opportunity to get some wood or your own price. A perfectly level place to truly 10 rods from the paving. This is rou can buy 1 cord or as much as you want. be pleased" with the quality of the offering. igh, come and get your winter's fuel at this TERMS---Cash • t.tJl'Z, )vJner Auct., Ph 130, Lisbon G.L. Hill, Clerk posed of Mrs. C. C. Berry, violin, was held with the following results: Herman Nebiker, cornet and Mrs. president, Ralph Bachman; vice Amos Berry, piano. '. president, Frank Letner; treasurer, i Rev. J. Bruce Eyestone as master l Floyd Kitchen; and secretary, Her- of ceremonies asked that Mrs. C. C. [ man Nebiker, jr.; chairman of the Berry usher Mr. Bozanek and Her-men's Friday evening programs, man Nebiker escort Mrs. Bozanek Gerald Scott; and of the business to the front of the room and fol-i meeting programs, Rev. J. Bruce lowing a short address presented!Eyestone. Refreshments were sere-! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Letner were callers Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ewart of near Springvi)le. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Berry and daughter Norma Faith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jorgenson. On Friday of this week the rural schools will close for the holiday vacation. The high school closed on Wednesday. The Christmas program will be given on Saturday evening in the Methodist church beginning at eight o'clock and on Sunday morn- ing the regular services will begin with the church school at 10 o'clock and the Christmas address by the pastor at 11 o'clock. There will be special music and all are welcome the ccupl~ the many lovely gifts, ed at the close of the evening. Those to come and share in the services Both Mr. and Mrs. Bozanek re-~ present were Charles Bachman, C. of the church. Rev. J. B. Eyestone sponded with words of thanks. F.'C. Berry, Floyd Kitchen, George I G. Anderson. father of Mrs. Bozan-i Kramer, Rev. J. B. Eyestone, F. G. ek, also spoke briefly. !Anderson, Frank Letner, Herman Following the unwrapping of the Nebiker, jr., Paul Anderson and the gifts, Rev. Eyestone gave the an-ihost. Mrs. Bachman entertained the nouncements and benediction. Re-following women: Mrs. J. B. Eye- fre~bmcnts were served at the close! stone, Mrs. Harry Decious, Mrs. of the evening by members of the l Clinton Berry, Mrs. Charles Bach- Ladies Aid society, i man, Mrs. Frank Letner and Miss Catherine Caraway. Fl~(~rl~t lXT/D~ I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison a~:~ vvz-xa~ land their daughter Ruth left Sat- at : urday evening to spend the holidays with their daughter and her family W H HOOVER Jeweler ',and Mrs. Harrison's mother, Mrs. • • ' ' Jennie Harrison at Long Beach, ! ~-~i~~.~'~j~ California. Enroute home they will !visit their son Norman and family in Denver, Colo. AUTO LOANS & REFINANCING George King is confined to his I:URNITURE IJOANS home with a severe cold. Mrs. G. R. Jorgenson visited Federal Discount school on Wednesday afternoon. • orv. Mr and Mrs Frank Letner were 614 2rid Ave SE Cedar l' q)ids, Ia. Sunday night supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wet- .... ze~ and family of Springville. ~~--*~-~~~f"~$~--] Mrs. R. J. Harrison visited Wed- ~" ~ For Prompt Removal nesday afternoon with Mrs. Logan of all [McGowan and her daughter, Irene DEA D STOCK ~'~,~ ! McGowan. Lee King of Cedar Rapids spent ' ~I the week end with his parents, Mr. :1~~ Call Our Nearest Phone [ [ and Mrs. George King. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milligan and Collect ~ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cedar Rapids 4612 Scott, Myra Jane and Joe Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoneking, Mrs. Anamosa 542 ~ Jean Moore and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Albaugh and son Paul, Mr. Stanwood 800 ii and Mrs. Willard Haak and son Willard, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jay Iowa Dept. of Agric~flture i Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Let- License No. 1 ner and Floyd Dec[pus all of this community attended the Christmas SANITARY party of the Martins Creek club, RENDERING CO. held Thursday evening at the Le- i gion Hall in Marion. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mrs. GuN Brown and her daugh- ter Margaret spent Monday with ~ i Telel)hone Mt. Vernon 6000 ~ [Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Marga- I. ret Johnston in Cedar Rapids. bought a farm, necessitating a long move, I will close out the following property at Public Auction at my known as the Andrew Baird farm, located 4 Vz miles northeast of Mount Vernon and Lisbon, 1 mile east i road No. 261, 4 V2 miles south of Martelle, on COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK PROMPT• SMALL STUFF TO BE SOLD BEFORE NOON. is the pastor. The girls of the third grade spent Friday evening as guests of their teacher, Miss Hazel Midkiff, in Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bozanek of Cedar Rapids were dinner guests Sunday, of Mrs. Bozanek's parents Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Garnett of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday after- noon with their cousin, Miss Tillie Kramer, George and Robert Kra- mer. Solon Mrs. Anna Zeller A pre-Christmas dinner was en- joyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Krob on Sunday, as a number of those included left for California and therefore will not be here for the holidays. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schleuter and daughters Jan[re and Paula of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sally and son Patrick Joseph, Miss Millie Rozinek, Miss Emma Krob, James Butler and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Krob. Mr. and Mrs. Krob, Miss Emma Krob, and Miss Mary Ellen Forbes of Marion left Monday for Califor- nia for about a four weeks' vaca- tion. Their route will be made via the southern route to Phoenix, Ariz., where they expect to stay for some time, then travel around to Southern California. Frank Hess of the Great Lakes training station is expected to ar- rive Wednesday for the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Hess to visit until the 2th day of Dec. Upon his re- turn he will be sent to the west coast. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Worrell and children Ronald, Richard, Darlene, and Arlene, and Miss Hilda Koenig of Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holubar enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holubar at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Umbdenstock and Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wears. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krob, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kent and Billy and Dorothy Zenishek left Sunday morning in the Frank Krob car for Los Angeles, Calif., to visit Robert Zenishek and many places of in- terest. They expect to be gone three weeks. Mrs. Rose Cerny of Cedar Rapids was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fiala. Mrs. Stanley Beranek and Mrs. Edward Unash and daughter Mary Lou left for a three weeks' visit in California to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reysa and the latter's son Donald. Frank Petrick of Mount Vernon was a Monday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harman. Mr. Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Linn County, Iowa, September Session, 1938 (Continued From Last Week) WHEB, EAS, that under paragraph 5, Part 11 - P.W.A. Form 230. "Terms and Conditions" relating to applicants and projects under the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, it is neeessary for the County to set up a construction account, and the said nloney be on deposit in a bank which is a member of the Federal l)eposit Insurance Corporation, and depositor- ies to be satisfactory at all times to the Administrator, and that said pay- merits for construction of said pro- ject be inade only from this Construc- t[oft Account, ~,VHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deemed it advisable to set up a special account for the entire amount of con- tract until such Federal Grant has been received. NOW, THEREFOIiE BE IT B,E- SOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, convened in regular adjonrned session, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $4,092.65 from the Secondary B.oad Construction Fund into the '*Construction Account Docket h)wa 1230-F" to comply with all the regulations as herein above stated and the County Auditor is instructed to correct his books accordingly. On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec- onded by Supervisor Robovsky, the following resolution was adopted, all nlelllbers voting "Aye" thereon: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on August 30, 19"18, the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, i Iowa, byresolution accepted the of- fer of theUnited States of America to Linn County, h)wa, to aid by way of a grant in financing the Surfacing of Secondary Roads, said l)roject to be known as Docket No. lowa 1228-F, and WHEREAS, that said Linn County, under the Terms and Conditions, is obligated to pay fifty-five (55%) per- cent of the contract price for any work done under said agreement, and ~VHEBEAS, on October ll. 1938, the Board of Supervisors awarded Con- tracts anlounting to $34.633.88 in con- nection with the above designated pro- ject, and WHEB, EAS, that unde~r paragraph 5, Part II - P.~V.A. Form 230. "Terms and Conditions" relating" to applicants and projects under the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, it is necessary for the County to set up a construction aceount, and the said money be on deposit in a bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and depositor- its to be satisfactory at all times to the Administrator, and that said pay- nlents for construction of said pro- ject be made only from this Construc- tion Account, %VHEIIEAS, the Board of Sul)ervisors deemed it advisable to set up a special account for the entire amount of con- tract until such Federal Grant has been received. NOW, THEI{EFORE BE IT lIE- SOLVE[) by the Board of Supervisors regular adjourned session, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $34,633.88 from the Secondary Road Construction Fund into the "Construction Account Docket Iowa 1228-F" to comply with all the regulations as herein above stated and the County Auditor is instructed to correct his books accordingly. The County Engineer having filed a favorable report and plat in the matter ~f the proposed establishment of a Secondary Road District for the pur- pose of surfacing the following de- scribed township road,to-wit: Beginning at the W~ corner Section 10-85-8 and running thence E for two imiles and terminating at the El4 corner Section 11-85-8, lying in Wash- ington Township. And the County Engineer having reeonlmended in his report the estab- lishment of said Secondary B.oad Dis- trict, on motion by Supervisor Stirm, seconded by Supervisor Robovsky, the report and plat were approved and no- tice of i~earing was set for 2:15 o'clock p. nl., November 15th, 1938, and the County Auditor was instructed to pub- lish notice thereof in the Center I'oint Indel)endent as requiredby Section 4746, 1935 Code of Iowa. All nlenlbers voti;ng "Aye" thereon. The County Engineer having filed ilans and estimated cost of construc- tion of the folh)wing bridge: Bridge No. 966, Section 25-84-8, $683.20. On motion by Supervisor Seevell, seconded by Supervisor Robovsky, the plans were approved and placed on file and the work authorized to be done. All members voting "Aye" thereon. CLAIMS ALLOWED Ambulance Sere Co., sol rel, poor, ambulance ............ $ 18.00 A & P Tea Co, poor prov ...... 64.14 Alexanders Food Mkt, poor prov 20.38 Armstrong Elev Co., poor fuel., 7.40 Auld, Mrs. Mae. poor rent .... 12.00 Anlspoker, Martha, poor, rent.. 12.00 Als Furniture, sol rel, stove .. 4.59 Izer, G.S., poor rent ........... 10.00 Ia Elec Light & Power, sol rel, light sere .................. 2.49 Ireland Coal Co., sol rel fuel .. 3.45 la Pupils Reading Circle, libra- ry books .................... 29.00 Ia Culvert & Pipe Co., road sup 514.34 Ia Culvert & Pipe Co., road sup 3141.96 Illinois Powder Mfg Co., dyna- mite ....................... 550.80 ia Elec Light & Power, poor, light sere ...................3.83 Independent Meat & Groe, poor. prov . ...................... 8.16 Jones, Dempsy, Co, record- ins deed .....................95 Keller Co., Walton A., 1).C. tl.ep. sup ........................ 5.87 Koehn Groc, poor llrOV . ....... 4.02 Kenwood Park Fuel & Enter- prise Coal Co., poor, fuel .... 85.07 King, t1.E., poor rent .......... 10.00 Kinlberling, Mrs. E. L., poor, rent ........................ 10.00 b=ent. M. W., sol ret, rent ...... 15.00 Kopee ~y, F. E., sol rel, conlDlr, sal, mileage ................ 14.90 Kent,M. V(., poor rent ........ 15.00 gash & garry Store, poor prov 14.23 Kenwood Park Fuel & Enter- prise Coal Co., poor fuel .... 99.27 Longs Dept. Store, poor, prov .. 15.30 Leii)sohn Food Mkt, poor prov 65.98 Lilts Groc, poor 1)roy ......... 15.92 Leading Star tlroc, poor prov .. 6.43 Lobenstein, 1.M., poor rent .... 10.00 Lynott, A1, poor rent .........10.(10 Lovell, Mrs. Ida, poor rent .... i;.00 LiPllincott Co, J.B., library books 3.00 Lyons & Carnahan, library books15.00 Larilner Hdwe Co.. Fng, sup, maint hdw 8¢ tools ..........561.60 Larimer Hdwe Co., dynamitc & bridge sup ................ 166.31 Lake, Dr. A.B., poor mcd aid .. 22.00 Mid Continent Petr Corp, poor, kerosene ................... 1.09 Marion Dairy Store, poor prov. 2.14 51asterhan Co, Fenton, poor pro\' 15.20 Melrose Dairy, poor prov ......9.'29 Mercy Hosp, poor hosp ........ 76.00 Moen Funeral Home, poor bur- ial .......................... 65.30 Moravec, Dr. E.L., poor, reed aid ........................ 9.00 Marsball, Mrs. Theresa, poor, bd & rm ................... 10.00 Matyk & Son, P., poor, sewing sup ........................ 57.52 Mear, Mary, poor rent ........ 6.00 Millcr, (let) W., sol rel, stoves 10.00 Mercy Hosp, sol rel, hosp .... 92.00 Alarion Water Co., sol rel, water serv ........................ 87 Mikulas, I., poor rent ......... 10.00 Me-Too Grog poor, prov ...... 243.07 Masterhan Co., Fenton, poor prov ....................... 5.02 Mitvalsky Groc, poor prov .... 19.18 Moen Funeral Honle, poor, anl- balance .................... 10.00 Mercy Hosp, I)oor hosp ...... 57.00 Moorman Mfg Co., Co Honle, feed 19.80 .Marion Sentinel, pub elec proc- lamation ................... 21.40 Marion Sentinel, pub notice for tax deed .................... 160.00 McCann, Pat, poor, fuel ....... 6.12 McMahon, Owen, sol rel, rent 12.00 Mcl)onald, C. tt., poor rent .... 20.00: McDonald, John }tOSll, poor, hosp 8.50i Nat Tea Co., poor prov ........ 30.70 Nat Tea Co., poor prov .......4.49 Nassif, Sam J., sol rel, rent .... 10.00 Nat Tea Co., sol rel, prov ..... 9.18 Speak, James V., poor rent ...10.00 Naibert, Dr. 1L, t)oor, reed aid.. 12.50 N.W. Bell Tel Co., shop, tel serv ....................... 30.09 N. W. Bell Tel Co., sewing" proj, etel sere ..................... 6.75 O'Brien, Robt E., use tax ...... 10.61 O'Brien, John J., poor rent .... 5.00 O'Connell, Mrs. E. M., poor rent 5.00 O'Connell, Mrs. Ada, poor rent. 10.00 Polk & Co, R. L., city director- ies ......................... 142.80 Peoples (trot, poor prov ........ 336.28 Proehaska, Tressa, poor rent ., 10.00 PeoplesGroc,solrel, prov .... 16.53 PcoplesGroc,solrel, prov .... 10.81 PeoplesGroc,solrel, prov ,.. 18.36 Pettys Dairy,solrelprov .,. 15.47 Pratt, Frank,poor rent ..... 20.00 Peoples Groe,poor prov ..... 111.78 Post's 9th St. Groc, poor Drov , 33.38 Pcttys Dairy, poor prov ...... 9.43 Quality Pharmacy, poor drugs 1.28 Rathje Grog poor prov ....... 6.43 Risk, "vV. A.. poor pov .......... 10.51 Rapaport, I., sol rel, kerosene .. 8.28 Rude Auto Co., O'seer, car rprs 11.77 Rude Auto Co., Eng', car rprs, Severa, Dr. Leo G., poor, riled aid ......................... 22.00 St. Lakes Meth. Hosp., poor hosp (i4.00 Sauers Groc, poor prov ........ 12.24 Searles Dairy, poor prov ...... 63.47 Stahl Co., poor prov ........... 7.96 Sterners General Store, poor prov 27.2!t Shadid Groe, poor prov ........ 16.10 Spratt, Mrs. H.F., poor rent .... 5.00 Stolba, F., poor rent ........... 10.00 Scolaro, Mrs. M~lry, poor rent .. 5.00 Simon, Frank, S.R. Connnr, sal mileage .................... 12.40 St. Lakes Meth. Hosp., poor hosp ....................... 6.00 Sanford Co,, Morris, library books ..................... 1.92 Sunshine Mission, poor, bd & rnl ......................... 10.00 Sunshine Mission, poor rent ...6.00 Snlid, A.G., poor rent .......... 10.00 Stocker, Newton, poor rent .... 10.00 St. Anthony & Dakota Elev Co., poor, fuel ................... 19.43 See Rd Maint Fund, O'seer, car exp ........................ 136.78 See. Rd Maint Fund, Prob ofc, eam of smooth-mouthed work horses, a mare and gelding, wt 3300, a good honest work pair; team of smooth- mares, one weighing 1100 and the other 1300; grey mare, smooth mouthed, wt. 1550, an excellent worker; l, are pony, wt. 900 lbs. a kid broke one and safe in foal; grey filley, 1 year old, a nice general purpose kind; cKling colt, full brother to the yearling• Brown Swiss and Guernsey milch cow, sound and right and bred to a Guernsey bull for March calv!::¢[ • and.Bangs tested; 5 year old pure bred Jersey cow, a heavy springer due to freshen Jan. lath; ;:1 g u ws with ealv eers and heifers comln 2 ears old, in I es at side, nice vealers• Herefords; 11 White faced st " " g y " sh; 8 Shorthorn steers and heifers, year old past, good stockers; 2 Hereford bulls weighing about 900 lbs, eas and sure breeders, they are nice marked fellows; 20 head of Hereford feeding steers, very choice, o ms, been on feed about 60 or 70 days and doing fine, everyone of these is a real one, they were hand picked \!2 loads. You won't see a nicer load in a day's travel, they are Nebraska sand hill cattle, come and see them. 165 HOGS [2re:Hampshire gilts bred to a Berkshire boar to farrow from March 19 on. They are extra good and im- Uampshire sows with 17 pigs 4 weeks old at side, these will be 6 weeks old sale day and will be sold 138 extra choice Hampshire and Berkshire crossed fall pigs, vaccinated, weaned and wormed, and oh boy tnlce! They will be sold in lots to suit. 1 yearling Berkshire boar, a real breeder and not too large, eligible ration; this fellow sires extra large litters. , ETC. D.eere grain elevator, 34 foot drag with extension spouts, has three 6-foot spouts, com- w th hoist and power unit, this is all steel and is just like new. One McCormick-Deerlng rotary hoe with horse and tractor hitch; John Deere 15-foot folding disc, like new an:ecln snape; 20-ft steel lever harrow, all complete; McCormick-Deering mounted type corn picker, runs per ; plow; 16-ft Elliott stalk rake; 2-hole corn sheller with drag feeder, in good condition; Emerson sulky 4-wheel trailer with all new tires size 29x4.40 on disc wheels; 3-horse John Deere gas engine in perfect used a little; F-12 Farmall tractor used only 3 years and in perfect shape; 2-row tractor corn plow; 12-inch tractor plow; 16-inch walking plow; Peoria end gate seeder; 2 wagons, one is a truck and one a high wagon; good hay rack; 10-ft McCormick-Deering disc, a good one; John Deere 999 corn and wire; Fresno scraper; Oscillating bob sled; Economy King cream separator; some small tools and many articles• 4 A-shaped individual hog houses like new, good floors and on skids. CORN, OATS, HAY of choice yellow corn in good cribs to be sold in lots to suit by weight or measure; 1200 bushels of seed oats, test 31, there are no bad weeds in them. 100 TONS OF HAY IN TWO BARNS Petrick is an uncle of Mr. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zerbe vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Plowers in Cedar Rapids on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henik of Mt. Vernon and Mrs. Louise Raim were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brosh. Mrs. George Rushek, Mrs. Frank Bartosh, Milo Rushek and Mrs. James Hartman made a recent trip to Necedah, WIN., where they visited at the Edward Dvorak and William Raddle homes. Mrs. Gerald Scott ENTERTAIN I~A--~ON TOWNSHIP TEACHERS AT HARRY STONEKING HOME The Marion township teachers were entertained in the Harry Stoneking home on Tuesday even- ing with Jean Moore as hostess at their Christmas party. County Su- perintendent Walter Shupp and IVIrs. Shupp were special guests with fourteen teachers attending. The tables were decorated in keep- ing with the season and a grab bag was enjoyed as was the oyster sup- per served by the hostess and her mother Mrs. Harry Stoneking. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph Duncan on Dec. 16 at St. Lukes hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Scott, Myra Jane and Joe, Mrs. Lila Ives and Floyd Dec[pus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dec[pus, Doris and John spent Sunday in the Er- nest Smith home at Olin. Mrs. Lila Ives returned to the Harlie Ives home Friday evening after a visit in the home of her brother, Gerald Scott and family. Max Waln and his friend Miss A & P Groe, sol rel, prov .... 12.65car exp .................... 28.34 Allyn & Bacon, library books .. 2.10 Speeder Mash Corp., equip rprs 73.54 Appleton Century Co., library Stocker, Claude, poor rent .... 3.40 books ...................... 2.92iThird St. Food Shop, poor prov28.00 Automativ Voting Mach Co., Gen , ~ Tumilty's Groe, poor prov .... 15.91 election sup ................ 34.12Taylor Fred,poor prov ....... 6.22 Armstrong Elev, poor, fuel .... 14.78Travis, Mrs.Wihna, poor rent 10.00 A & L Groc, poor, prov ........ 17.85Taylor. Fred, poor prov ........2.80 A B C Food Shop, poor, prov .. 2.04Univ of Chicago Press, library Bankers Trust Co., int on Ct Hs books ...................... 8.33 bonds ................. 44523 75Vyhanek, Rudolph, poor rent .. 10.00 Booth, Dr. C.N., poor, nled aid 21.50 Butterfield, Dr A R, i)oor, reed aid" . ....................... 3.00 Babcock, M/rs. G C, poor nursing 33.75 Blair, \Vilbur, poor rent ...... 12.00 Bye, H.H., sol tel, rent ........ 8.00 Baldwin, F B, O A A postage .. 71.70 Barry Co., M. J., library books.. 15.55 Borschel, Mrs., poor, bd & rm .. 35.00 Butterfield, Mrs. Ed., poor rent 12.00 Blayh)ck, Harold, poor, rent ... 10.00 Batchelder, C.E., O'seer, supplies 10.00 Butters Store, l)oor, prov ...... 3.67 Benesh, Dr. F. B., poor, reed aid 3.00 Bokorney Serv., equip rprs .... 44.44 Brookman, Harry, equip rprs .. 27.87 Children's Home, The, dependent children .................... 226.50 C R (?,as Co., O'seer, gas sere .. 1.40 City Water Works, poor, water serv ....................... 2.00 Cut Rate Food Shop, poor, prov 19.39 Condon Groc, poor l)rov ...... 15.30 Cook & Wilson, poor prov .... 4.08 Chase, Mrs. Rena, poor rent .. 12.00 Crew, Dr. A,E., peor, rent .... 1000 C R Bldg & Loan. poor rent .. 10.00 Conway & Co, ~V. J., poor rent 10.00 C R Gas Co., sol rel, gas sere.. 3.57I City Water Works, sol tel, water sere ....................... 1.53 Central Book Store, library books ......................20.15 Center Point Water Works. shop water serv ................. 1.84 Cedar Rapids Gas Co., poor, gas serv ........................ 70 Coreys Groc, poor prov ........ 39.17 Drew, Seth S., St Hs rprs ...... 1.00 Davis Standard Sere, poor, kero- sene ........................ 70 Dow, Dr. L.C., reed aid ....... 11.50 Dukek, Charles, poor rent ..... 10.00 Dixon, Mrs. Alice, poor rent ... 6.00 Dodds Co. L. V., supplies, insti- tute ......................... 51.00 [)arden, H. (I., poor rent ....... 10.00 Eastburn, All[e, poor rent .... 10.00 Etzels Dairy, poor, prov ........ 3.50 Fenner, C L, Dr, poor, reed aid 6.00 Fegley, Mrs. J. ~,V., poor bd & rm ......................... 70.00 Fouse, S. G., poor prov ........ 30.13 Fisher & Fisher, poor rent .. 8.00 Fladiys Groc, sol rel, prov .... 12.65 Frys Dairy, sol rel, prov ...... 3.06 Farmers Exchange, sol rel, prov 7.34 Fry's Dairy, poor, prov ...... 8.57 Frink, Olive, poor, rent ........ 4.00 Vondracek, Dairy, poor prov .. 3.93 Vaw'a Bros, poor prov ...... 26.32 Wilson & Co., Co Home, prov .. 167.33 Witwer Groeer Co., Co Home, prov ....................... 73.87 Wilona Groc, poor, prov ....... 7.1t6 "~Vaddle, S. M., poor prov ...... 9.49 Walbrand, A.H., $11 Commr, sal mileage .................... 4.50 Willia ..... Mrs. V¢.J., sol rel, rent llii00 Windsor Hotel, sol tel, rent ... Ware, I. E., sol rel, prov ...... '. %rhitney Coal Co., Geo P.. sol rel, fuel ........................ 3.32 Wilcox & Follet Co., library books ...................... 61.30 "Waffle Book Co, O. G., library books ...................... 13.36 Winston Co., John Co., library Wheeler Pub Co., library books Wilkers,W.M., stove rprs .... Williams, Chas, S., poor rent ..10100 Vlathen, Edith. poor rent ..... 5.00 Wilson, Harold, poor, rent .... 10.00 Watson, A.N., poor prov ...... 5.10 Wegman, Leo J., State Treas, 232.08 gasoline tax ................ 15.95 Yager Co., Jack, poor clothing'.. Young, A. C.. poor rent ........ Zaehar Bros, poor prov ...... 62165 Zemans Groc, poor prov ...... 10.62 Zachar Bros. sol rel, prov ..... 20.71 Work Relief Payroll No. 49, 193~4 Chavez, Joe ................... 9.60 Cortez, Pete ................... 9.60 Rodriquez, John .............. 9.60 Root, Ralph .................. 9.60 WIDOWS P~NSION~ Adams. Margaret .............. $50.00 Allen, Esma .................... 30.00 Anderson. F~lizabeth ............ 10.00 l~abbit t. Bertha ................ 10.00 Barrett, Frances ............... 20.00 Be Miller, Nellie ................ 10.00 Braguc. Lela ................... 20.00 Brim, Win[fred ................ 10.00 Brown, Mildred ................ 10.00 Burger, Leona ................. 40.00 Burrows. Martha ............... 10.00 Car[e, Mable ................... 10.00 Cavanaugh, Nellie .............. 30.00 Clarke. Leona .................. 20.00 Cook, Lucille ................... 20.00 Cook,Nell ..................... 40.00 Cook,Marie .................... 16.00 Coon,Millie .................... 20.00 Coonrod. Edith ................ 30.00 17~nlnlin II¢~r¢lor ~nent Sunday in Guess, I)r. W. H., poor, nled aid 3.50 of.very fine second crop clover hay. nut up without rain, if you need some choice cow hay come and .............. , , ~ (,runewald," W.J. po~,r rent .... 10.00 rsel 7.8 tons of clover and timothy hay "in mows and about 12 tons of 2 year old timothy hay as oright Elmerthe homeBorder.Of the latter s brother Grim0riffi, n,I)ri?, 10.0010.00 , Inls is all grade A hay; there is a dandy place to bale this out and it will be sold either by weight or Mr and Mrs Frank Letner and (lattos ,qroe, sol rel. prov ..... 3.67 or 5 bushels of choice yellow seed corn:, grows 100%. .. • _ .. 7-: ....... IGlobe Groc. sol tel, prov ...... 53.31 lvir. ana leers, t~erala ~cott ana Joe~Gattos Groc, sol rel, prov ..... 21.62 and Mrs. Lila 1yes on Thursday ev- Grissel Cornice Co., D C Rcp, HOUSEHOLD GOODS ening attended the home concert(linnSUp & ........................ Co, library books ...... 1.464"20 t " of the musical groups of the Marion (;uess Dr V¢ H poor Ined aid2.00 Electric Ref new this is a beaut come ...... | .. , rigerator, Kelvinator, used only 3 months and was bought brand , " " Y, high school. Myra Jane Scott sang Glidden. Mrs. L.C.. poor rent .. 7.00 • tlt, wnere we are going we have no electric tv, we hate to sell it but our loss will be your gain. 3-room with the girls glee club, of which tt!ra~dnH~tle~' poor ren~ ....... 5.005'00 I " lorneater, a oodo • "" • " " nd writin desk" kitchen she is a member. ~oodricige, °l~,va, p'oor~ rcni':ii: 30.00 • g . he, 5-ro0m parlor heater hke new, combination book case a _ g , oak dresser; large dinin room tahlp" nr| mattresses: 4 burner Perfection kerosene Miss Ruby O'Connor has been Gaffey, James, .poor. rent ...... 4.00 ,. . _ o ........... , _ , - • • a h e Gazette t o, pup proc .......... 39.56 orkmg m the Ralph Dune n om , uandy bird cage and stand; Congoleum bed room rug; center table; hand carved taboret• Holllngsworth. Mary, P.M., Gen several weeks, elec postage ............... 102.00 ~ I{onlc Oil t~ (~aS C .... poor, gas HARNESS, COLLARS, ETC. • -- = 1.61 2.00 ~y~ 13.50 II l ....... Hasek, 'Bros, poor, med aid ... avy sets of harness, one is a Concord and one a good back pad harness; 1 set is like new not a broken strap l l CillalllCSvllle Hmtons ( roe, poor rov ...... 74 ~ ~lIIermanek. Frank, poor, rent ..10100 30 CHICKENS •[~ ~)~l~r~m~l~ ~rl~ ~] Heverly. O. Jay, poor, rent .... 7.00 ~1~ "a~,~i~,~lil"~ ~" ]1~] Hunte, Ralph, poor rent ....... 8.00 ~i[FIart, Mrs. Sam, poor rent .... 4.62 30 yearling 'Buff 0rpington hens laying swell, l/il license No 13 ]l~lHedges Co., poor rent .......... 20.00 ll~ll • ' Ig[ IIunter. Elmer, poor rent ..... 12.00 EHLE & PITLIK WILL HAVE LUNCH WAGON I/~ n~:~r~x,~ ,)oa till Hadsell, Ada, sol rel, rent ..... 10.00 l|~ rnlJl~llP~ ~;~ ~/ Holden-Kahler Co., supp, Aud, stock, election .............. l[~. MECHANICSVILLE [[m,u~hton Mifflin C .... library 18.61 G I/~ r~l books ........................ 24~14 II/gi ~VUl Pt~)mptly l~move All ~/ Hasek, Dr. V.O., poor , reed aid 21.00 II|llt Dead Aninlals ~lttowe, ~aran, poor, ren~ ...... 4.00 ~~ • ~ I/~ ' ~l~l Helman, Mrs. F. L., poor rent .. 42.00 ~ IIeller & Co., B., Co Home, prov Auct." G.L. Hill, Clerk l/i!.We Pay All Telephone Calls. ~[ Hanson, E O. de1 tax eoll, eomm616..13"829r,,, • |~ ;0/lla Elee Light & Power, light [~h~l~'~l~~ [ serv . ...................... 5.54 2 McLaughlin, Kate .............. 7.50 Margretz, Pauline .............. 56.00 Martin, Angeline ............... 40.00 Melendy, Juanlta .............. 30.00 Mendel, Joan ................... 10.00 Meyers, Olive ................... 30.00 Miller, Della ................... 16.00 Miller, Laura ................... 30.00 Newkirk, Ruth ................ 70.00 Newlin, Wanda ................ 20.00 Norris, Elizabeth ............... 24.00 O'Brlen, Virginia ............... 12.00 Parsons, Yvonne ............... ~.L20 Patten, Edna .................. 30.00 Pollet, Grace .................. 40.00 B.abik, Frances ................ 20.00 Reed, Bertha ................... 16.00 Reilly, Beatrice ............... 20,00 Rion, June ..................... 10.00 Robinson, Lena ................ 10.00 llyan, Catherine l) ............. 60.00 Ryan, Emily ................... 10.00 Schneider, Marion ............. 8.57 Schnell, Rachel ................ 14.29 Schultz, Irma ................... 10.00 Shea, Marion ................... 30.00 Shelton. Bessie ................ 10.00 Sommers, Marie ................ 50.00 Steggall, Alma ................. 18.00 Switzer, Rena ................. I0.00 Thonle. Freda .................. 10.00 Tompkins, Mary ............... 20.00 Titus, Gertrude ............... 16.00 Vavra, Mary ................... 10.00 Wells, Lula .................... 8.00 Wells, Mary .................. 6,43 \Venger,Blanche .............. 20.00 Wheeler, Pansy ................ 10.00 XVilford, II,tzel ................. 40.00 Willits, Irene .................. 31.07 Wilson, Emma ................. 20.00 Wood, Jessie .................. 10.00 On n/otion the Board of Supt,rvisors adourned to November 1st, 1938. Novenlber Ist, 1038 The Board of Supervisors lllet pur- suant to adjournalent, all ll/Cnl/)ers l)c- ins present. ()n motion by Supervisor Stirln, st.c- onded I)y Supervisor Bobovsky, the folh)wing rt~solution \van adopted, ;Ill nlealbers voting "Aye" thereun : l l I.ISO1AJT ION BE 1T RESOI,VED I)y the Board/of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, that: VVitEREAS, this Cuunty holds title to the East Forty and one-half t40~Nz) Feet of Lot One (1), lHo(.k Twenty- eight (28) Original Town of Marion, in IAnn Connty, h)wa, which title ~as acquired by tax deed, alld WHEREAS. Earle and Marie (lernert have offered to purchase the said pro- perty for the sum of $500.00 and all tax levying and tax certifying bodies having interest in the g('neral taxes having givcn written at)l)rov~d tht,rcof. and this Board being satisficd that said sale is adwtntageous . NOW, THEi{F]FOBt~],' " L~F; IT RI,]- SO1,VED that the ('hairman of t his Board, Etu/er ~1. St~evell is authorized alld directed to exeutltt! a d~ed t)f con- veyance to the said Farte and M¢lrie (;ernert upon receipt of the said sunl of $500.00 in cash, and .BE IT FUIUI'tl liIH. l~lqSt)l,Vlql) that on reecipt of said $500.00 the sante or SO InUch thcreof as may be necessary, l)e paid to the ('~unty Trea~tlrer tO satisfy the taxes assessed against the said prot)erty for the years 1936 and 1937. On nn)tion by Supervisor Stirnl, sec- onded by Supervisor Robovsky. the fol- lowing resolution was adol)ted, all menlbcrs voting "Aye" thereou: I~ESOLUTION BE IT RI,]S()I~VE[) BY q'HE BOARD OF SUPERVISO11S OF I,[NN ('()UNTY. IOWA, that the deed of eonveyallce exe- cuted and acknowledged on behalf of Linn (~ounty. Iovea, by I,~lnlt, r M. Sec- veil, (~hairnlan of the Board of Super- visors, eonveyDlg t,) l','arle and Marie (lernert the lqast Forty and ono-half (E40~..~) Feet of Lot l, I'b)('k 28, ()rig- inal Town of Marion in l~|nrt ('l)Llllty, h)wa, for the cash ('onsideratiun of $500.00 is hereby apl)roved. On motion by Supervisor Stirln, sec- ()nded by Supervisor Seevell, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted, all lllelilbers voting "Aye" thereon: ItESOI.UTION BE IT Bt,ISOLVEI) I)5" the I;oard of Supervisors of Linn County, h)wa, that the Chairnlan of said l',oard, Ehner M. Secvell, is authorizcd and directed to executc and ackno\vledge It deed for and on behalf of the County, conveying to l)aniel A. Peterson and Naonli I'ett, r- son, his wife, as joint tenants and not ns tenants in COITIIIIon, ail(t to lbe stlr- viw)r, 1.ots Sevent(,en (17). Ei~htet~n 18). Nineteen (19) and Twenty (211) in Wl~odulans Additi.n to /'~lltral City, loxva, Ul)OIl receipt ,,f t]le Colisideration of Five Hundred Twenty and 55/100 1)ollars ($520.55). On motion by Supervis~r Stirln, see- i)nded by Snpervisor Seevetl, the fol- h)wing resolution was adopted, all inelllbcrs voting "Aye" tltt, reOll : I~ F]SOI~UTION BF] IT RESOLVI,Ht by the Board of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, that the deed executed and acknowledged on bellalf of Linn County, Iowa, con- veying Lots Seventeen (17) Eighteen 18), Ninctcen (19) and Twenty (20) in Woodmans Addition to Central City, h)wa, to l)aniel A. PeteI'son and Nat)nil Peterson. his wife, as joint teilants and not Its tenants in (.Ollllnon, and to tbe survivor, for the (!onsideration of Five Hundrcd Twenty and 55/100 l)olIars ($520.55) is heret)y approw'd, and this approvalis ordered El)read upon the ininutes of this Board's l)rocet dings. Oil nlotion by Sui)ervisor Seevell, st'c- onded by Supervisor Stirm, the assign- Inent t)f (!ontract by M. (). ~Veav,~r, In- corporated, Des Moines, h)wa, to Baker and Patton, Independence, Iowa, for the following described county road projects lct under (.olltr;ict datod Oc- tober 11th, 1[);18, was h(,reby apl)roved. All members voting "Aye" thereon. No. 1 tlravel Surfacing 3000 ca. yards (ti 4:{ $1290.00. No. 2 (frayed Surfacing 1500 eu. yds. 0' .43, $645.00. No. 3 Gravel l{esurfa('. 1000 cu. yds. @ .31, $;110.00. No. 6 (travel Surfacing 600 cu yds. 0) .33, $198.00. Alternate 6A 600 (.u. yds. rfi) .43, ;258.(10. No. 7 (iravcl Surfacing 700 cu.yds. .43. $3(tl.00. Alternate 7A @ .51, $357.00. No. 8 Gravel Surfaeing 1125 cu.yds. ~ .295. $331.87. No. 9 Gravel Surfacing 500 eu. yds. 0) .295, $147.50. No. 12 Gravel Surfacing 750 eu.yds. 6r .37, $277.50. Total, $351)0.87 On nlotion by Supervisor ]{obovsky, seconded by Supervisor Stirm, the Connty Auditor \van authorized to ns- sign the folh)wing tax sale certificates and in the amount of taxes due with interest and penalty thereon on the date of assignnlent, all nlenlbers voting "Aye" thereon : Certificate No. PI~138A, Tax Sale [)ee- ember 7th, 1936, Assign t(i Fred \\'. Hann. Certificate No. PB139A, Tax Sale 1)~c- ember 7th, 1936, Assign to Fred W. Hann. On nlotion by Supervis~)r Scevt, ll, sec- onded by Supervisor Bobovsky, the re- port of John Taylor, (~onstahle, Rapids Township, for the quarter ending June 30th, 19"18, was examined and ordered placed on file. All int~mhers voting "Aye" thereon. On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec- onded 1)3" Supervisor Rohovsky, the purehasc of one Brooks toad lugger one and one-half yard capacity, equip- r)ed with five one and /me-half yard buckets, was authorized to I)e I)urchas- ed from the Anderson Equipnlent Co.. Omaha, Ncbraska for the total sum of $1.325.00, saale to be used by (he IAnn County Road I)epartment. All menl- bcrs voting "Aye" tberc:m. CLAIMS ALLO~'E1) Anthony (irocery, jail prov . . . $ 6.63 Allicks (Irocery, poor prov .... 3.96 Anthony (iroeery, poor l)r()\' . . 50.39 Anderson. Enlil, poor rent .... 5.00 Ayash Nick. p(mr rent ........ 5.00 Adams, Dr. F. W., poor nled aid 2.00 Anlbulance S(rvice Co., poor anl- bulan(.e .................... 11.00 Anthony (~rocery, sol relief prov 25.72 Craig. Betty" .................... 16.00Adanls, Mrs. l,~'lmer, ll,-~r rent . 2.00 Dahlstrand, Emnta ............. 4.29 Alcxanders Food Market, poor, prov ....................... 7.93 l~avl:., Harriet .................. 16.00Anthony Food Sh )I, p (r t)r()v. 11.02 Dougherty, Gladys .............. 10.00 Donovan, Emma ............... 10.00A & P Tea Co, poor 1)roy . ..... 63.34 Doonan, Flora ................. 20.00Brosh. Frank A., poor burial .... 60.00 Bhle Valley I)airy. po,)r pl'l~v .. 7:{.1i{ I)orsey, Golden ................. 10"00Burgess. J. F., poor In'~)v . ..... 15.85 DraDer, Alice .................. 20.00Briners Brocery. poor l)rov ..,. 34.09 l)vorak, Anna .................. 10.00Brown, IL D,, poor rent ........ 6,67 Emery Virginia 10 O0'~r' "" " Ferreter'~ " ' Margaret'" .............. i0'0|'' )lney' ~'~.,/.,~ poor r,.nt ........ 12.00 F "nn Anetta' " ............. ~u'~'00 II(Birlt ..... n & O ,. 5~alcolnl,. , p,-)r rent 20.00 v'-'lsner-' JUlla~" ±~a~; ............ ~u~a'a0u u lvlrs, l,~a "l p )r r 'n! . ..... 12.(}¢1 ' ................ 20"00 Bluekl, Mrs. Wm. poor rent .... 17.00 F ole~ Mary ~ k • "'~ " " .................. 20'00] la e"Mrs. Eliza po,)r r(nt 10.00 Freeman Frances B ~ ~' • ' '' ' * ........... 8 00I luskl. Mrs. Win,p r rent . 9.00 French, ()live .................,/^, Bosworth, Mrs.L()uis, sol r~l'ief Fuller, Philena ................. ~v.uurent (Irt en. Margaret 2000 B~ i~t rs' (]-'~- ........ ; • •., ......7.00 " .............. 20'00 " ' "~ ~,',eery, Sol rcllef, pl'()V 32.(;4 (;rim,n, .............. 20"00l~rutsman Madcline, Treas extr'l Groat, Marguerite ............... help ' " " Hanuha\\. Vera 4000 B trb( I "]"~tl')~ ;'" ;I; ............... 75.!)0 ................. 10"00 ~ • ". '," ' . reits, vxtra bel]~ 75.00 Hatter Addie .................. "~'^0Butterfield, I)r. A. R. I)~-~r lind Harden, Itazel ................. t~.u aid Harper, Hattie. ................. 10.00Boston Store. poor se\vill~.," ~ll{~: 7.50 Hatt Elizabetn ................ zu.uu plies ' ' Halnling Mary ................10.00t'indh~rs' "l I/:''-" " "-" ............. 72.71 ' ' - ,tti ). I}t)()r p t'~v 1.7,7 lIorsky Pea q Mae . 10 00 Baba ( r o~ v --~ .... • • ' . ............ ^'^^ , . , s, ~(~l" llrov . 72,92 Jayne Luc lleD ............ l~.uvBorsehel Mrs -~,a ,, "'.''" ' . . •. . t ,~ t-i. poor nursing Johnson,Emma 30 00 t Broulik Wm ....... 24.36 .................. . p,Iuv renl ...... 19.00 J hnson Irene 10 00Be ~t I )ren x~ ( -~ ~ --- - " " . • ' ........ " , ~ ' 'u (lestru('th)n Kaiser, Anna .................. 10.001 l=~aih,v F'dn.~ I~ S'~,, ,•+ ~ . 50.25 Kent, Olive ....................30.00 i sal'~rv ....... ' ...... hp, I)Imdbiall, ]~,er~hlene ............... 20.00[Cities Se,'\'ice (~il (',., tmor k;,r," 104.,),1 g, • P ............... U,O0 I sent . . I( nik Frances 1000 t~.~,~ ,,~ " ..... ;.' ' ; .......... 1.0.t Kotek, Minnie ..................10.00]('arney, ~,V.J., poor pro(" ." ..... 7.96 [ ow A1 ce g 1200 .% '_ A . " ................... i Collins Store, poor prov . i ~ i " ' " l,loyu, onalee .................. 20.00[Cut Bat,, Food Store poor privy 6.94 14.65 Luettjohann, Minnie ........... 30.00 [ ('edar \'alloy Dairy, llo,r llr~)v1.57 McDonald, Win[fred ............ 10.00~('arvers I)airv podr prov McEnany, Margaret ............ 10.001 iTch'he Continued) ....3.15