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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 26, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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De~mb~ 26, 1940 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOW&, HAWKEYE-ItECORD AND M IASI~ON HER&I2D lPa~e qN~ee Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson spent Sunday visiting relatives in Earl- i ville. Earl Gillette from Hammond, Ind spent the week end in the 1home of his brother C. E. Gillette : " - " e Miss Sue Gates left Friday after- I and family noon for Chicago Ill to spend the[ " ' . ' 2 1r. anu vIrs. l-lernlan l~olsen oi hohday vacation with her mother, I ~ ,- Mrs CarFle Gates i ~eoar t~aplus wcrc Ul|I||~I ~U~L~* " " " ion Sunday in the home of Mrs. The Misses Meade and MarY lRose Hickman Parsons were dinner guests on, "~ ,~ " Christmas day in the Mrs Mar henry ~Jrunewaia ot ~lalrstown : ''. ~" . ~," " "'=. .-- was a Christmas day dinneF guest ffaret "root home in ~coar l~aPl(ls.]in the home of Mr and Mrs C F i Miss Florence Keve arrived last i3ecker and family ' ' ' Friday from "4rbiting; Ind to Mr and Mrs. Richard Moffitt of spend until after New leaFs in the: .~.~ " . home of her mother Mrs J F ~linton spent the nouoay m the Keve home of Mr. Moffitt's parents, Mr. :and Mrs. W. C. Moffitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heller of Council Bluffs arrived Monday af- illM~rsriMeadr~wG3in]eHUlyl ::enCihngCfgo; ternoon for a holiday visit in the "' " ~ome of ~Mr Heller's arents Mr a few days visit in the home of her n " " P mother Mrs A. M. Hull and Mrs. C. W. Heller. ' " " Miss Dorothy Scroggie, teacher eo:rt.and,;on, B;bb;oil~eda~p ~ ~ ~x.= xr~,t~ p~,~,tv in the schools at Naperville Ill ,~= ~,~ ,Q nn~ovomtn arrived last week end for the holt-~tnhS~r; ~AirjtL:~ohstho=me e Mr ~v ||.----~%|'11/~vvv day vacation in the home of her mother Mrs R A Scroggic Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hahn were (~" ~,h~ll~ Over holiday guest in the home ?hlnnei~igu;~; ~r~hr~ter~aHdaartYe~ >"was their daughter. Miss Rosalie: be ;: - t M s n ,Mulherin of Chicago, Ill. Other i . guests on Christmas were: .~ I:~,=:: ;u~'ts FledGes and Ivan Beecher also ofwere ~unuay evenl~l~; h( me in Chicago in the John B. Finney o ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence RaPc:S'Ke le ~ho teaches and children Billie and Janet of Miss All e g Y ' " . Cedar Rapids W- F Bohlander in the ~hool at Garwin arrives and daughter, Miss Mildred Boh- [ 'rida.y evening to sperld the hol~ lander, of Shelby, were Christmas says in the home ot net moaner, dinner guests In the Mrs. J E. Mrs. C. E. Kegley. Beach home David Hull, Hillis Blood and Miss Miriam Freer left on Sat- Kenneth Worrell of l,os Angeles, to thank all of urday to spend the winter with Calif arrived in Mount Vernon and custom- her sister, Miss Helen Freer, in Monday to spend the hohdays in Minneapolis, Minn Her address their respecuve homes. we have served is The Plaza. Mrs. Charles Her- Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lott of Car- 1940. tung entertained at supper in her roll were Christm'~s visitors in the honor on Friday. Mrs. Catherine Lott home and in Mr. ~nd Mrs. Emil Walter spent][~a~,~]] W~" P~vAr6 Christmas day in the Arthur Beers l~-2v,Aaa~'aa ~ ~'~ ~ " d'J home Cedar Rapids. I Tribute To Dr. Keyes R. I. Ink was a Christmas din-[ her guest in the home of Mr. and [ by Norma Kofahi Mrs. Clair Miller in Tipton. [ (Reprinted from The Cornellian) Prof. and Mrs. Philip Henderson ] "Mr. Chips of Cornell," aptly de- went to Detroit, Mich last week [ scribes Prof. Charles R Keyes, pro- end for a holiday vacation visit. [ lessor of German at Cornell since Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith of] 1903. Beloved by students for his: New Boston, Ill were over Chriat-] patient and kindly instruction, mas visitors in Mount Vernon,deeply respected by all for his wide Mr. ~nd Mrs. Carl Sedlacek of] background of knowledge in science Ottumwa were visitors in the home# ] ann la[tgua~es, m ~'roL ~eyes. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sedlacek Sun-] Sitting on top of his desk tell- ~ay ing stories of German scenes and Prof. and Mrs. Eugene .DeV-|life Cornell's Mr Chips stirs keen ereaux expected to go to (znlcago,! ' Ill this afternoon for a few days[ interest in the students for the visit language they are studying. Or Mr and Mrs Albert Hunter of leaning back in his chair, disinter- W~sht~ spent "the week end with estedly observing his glasses, this Mrs. Hunter's aunt, Miss Nellie genial professor recounts stories of Hartung. his own experiences while study- Miss Alice Chamberlin was al lag in the Universities of Munich Christmas dinner guest in the home I and Berlin. Dr. Keyes teaches more of her aunt, Mrs. Marshall OxleY]than German in his classroom. His in Marion. I students are warned to watch their Mrs. Ethel Courtney, who lives [ health and not catch cold--and also in the I)r W G Rowley home is n I how to keep a fountain pe in or- spending this week with relatives v ' " I deF. It is these little traits and his m Scotch Grove = ' " l actual concern for them that make Mr and Mrs Earl Simpson and k]his students come to love and ad- son Richard of Waverly were wee I . . . n ullre nlm end guests in the home of Mr. a d[ Mrs Fred Blaine ] Just as did Mr. Chips, Prof. Keyes Miss Margaret Taylor, head real-] dent at Merner Hall went to Mar-I shalltown on Sunday to spend the holiday ,with relatives. Robert Current, of Ferguson, Me. was an over Christmas visitor in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Current. Mr. and M;rs. A1 Babcock and Betty and John Dew spent Christ- mas in the Mr. and :Mrs. Leslie 13abcock home in W'~,omln.g. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Babcock Remember the Turkey Dinner to with the white of the snowy outline [the public. Our visit was for but be served in the church at noon on are the dense growths of evergreen ~ a day, but it served as an appetizer New Year's Day. Bring the faro- trees and underbrush, and the ~for more. The way to do is what ily. brightly colored flowers. Cedar and [we h~ve done in Grand Canyon and Next Tuesday evening at 7:45 in fir dominate along with many other [ Yosemite, go to spend the best part the Presbyterian Church will be a scattered species of pine, yew, hem- I of a week, and just enjoy the early Union New Year's service. Let us lock. ]morning and the late-at-night take out one hour for this time to There is a well built auto road lslghts and sounds. worship together, from the base to Paradise Valley[ After reading this article the Inn, which is ~vbout 5500 feet up./reader ought to write to the Di- PRESB~]~I~IE'-R-~ CHURCH From the center of Tacoma city to [ rector of National Park Service at Bey. Joseph W. Grgy, fir Pa~- Paradise Inn is a little over 75 ~Washington, D.C and ask for the F~.'~YM. P. Y. Club at the Meth- miles. This is in ideal spot for win-[literature on this Park; and then ter sports in summer as well as in[next year interview the C.&~N.W. odist parsonage. Reverend Glenn winter. Summit climbing is very ~ Ry agent concerning the accommo- Rowley will tell the story of "The popular, and equipment and guides ]dations on the railway for a sum- Other Wise Man." All olderyoung are available at the Inn. Because / mer tour; or, tune up his auto with people are welcome of dangers inherent in such sport 1 new battery, new brakes, and a set Sunday-- prospective climbers must register ~of new tires, and take time off and 9:45 Church School. with the Park Ranger. / go. By so doing we help the strug- 10:45 New Year's Serv/ce. Ser= ~ ~gling railroads, encourage the local mon~ "Things New and Old." 50 IaO()T SNOW FALL ]garage-man, advance nearer to the 7:00 Evening Service Topic, It is recorded that upwards of [goal of a balanced public ,budget, 600 inches of snow h,~ fallen in land fill ones lungs and head with Known"Thru What2 d?''Experiences Have I the winter months; this is about 50 ta host of new ozones and ideas. T~:4e~5 ~ew Year's Eve Union serF- feet; an average fall on the south/ side of the mount where the sports,Save a life Remember the law ice in the basement of this church, are concentrated is about 20 feet. [ gives pedestrians the riwht of way The Pastor will speak and the group 'rher~ Is a motor coach service 1~ ~ ~l-wo sown untu you're- sure What-'" will participate in the discussion operated throughout the year on[the pedestrian is ~oln~ to do on the theme, "The Secret of Con- the southern slope out from Ta-i - tentment." coma The round trip fare is nine~The fir I ~t aowR newspaper was CHR|S~AN ~CE CHU~C][I dollars. I:~vlng quarters are prO-[established at Du,buoue in 1536. vlueo, as IS usual In the -matlonal Parks, in cabins, tents and the Inn. " == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : = : = =~ "Christ/an Science" will be the Most folks seem to prefer the ca-i A subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all :bins, and they are quite comfort- ], ~ r~ At ~'~ NiT Churches of Christ, Scientist, on able and comparatively inexpensive, j' J. ~.ll I.~1. Jl.l~ Sunday, December 29. considering the service. ]', The Golden Text is from Matthew 15:35, "The kingdom of heaven Is Above the Inn, of course, all tra- , like ~to leaven, which a woman vel is either by foot or on horse-!, f-~# I~U'INCT~,a~ took, and hid in three meuures of back Above 6000 feet the trails are l, ~.~i. l-~t~ ~/ ~L ~ meal, till the whole was leavenedY mostly ,blazed paths over loose rock I' "d~ The Lesson-Sermon comprises and snow, and permits must be se- i' quotations from the Bible and from cured before entering upon some!' the Christian Science textbook, of these. This is in the interest of i',When you use Hawke e- "Science and Health with Key to possible rescue service. There is!, -- -- the Scriptures" by Mary Baker a good telephone service alwaysI' Record and Herald you l~.ddy, available. " One of the Bible citations reads: In a short article such as this, are addressing a virtual "A~d I John saw the holy city, new one can hardly give an adequate Jerusalem, coming down from God )icture of the delights of such a arlTly of buyers. No mat- Mrs. Grace Barker of Barring- the home of Mrs. Lott's parents, and family of Oxford Junction were out of heaven, prepared as a bride -----. ton, Ill is a holiday guest in the Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stockton. guests last week end in the home adorned for her husband. And the trip. He who has the use of a ear is greatly at an advantage. Entry ter wl~t you want to sell home of her son-in-law and daugh- 'Mr. and Mrs. Seville Gaston and of 'Mr. and Mrs. AI Babcock city had no need of the sun, neither of the car to the park road costs of the moon, to shine in it: for the fifty cents, ~nd the ticket is good ---or buy, your pre~enta- tcr Mr. and Mrs. Luther Platten- family of Naperville, Ill arrived Juddy Walter, son of ~Mr. and glory of God did lighten it. and the for repeated trips. Within the Park Enjoy Your berger. Robert Platten,berger, stu- Sunday evening to spend the hell- Mrs. Emil Walter, who Is confined Lamb is the light thereof And the tion will get attention. dent in Iowa State college, Ames, days in the home of Mr. Gaston'e in Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids, gates of it shall not be shut at all there are nearly 300 miles of trail YEAR's DINNER is also a holiday vacation visitor in,parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaston. with pneumonia is slowly lmprov- by day: for there shall be no night tnd road travel at the service of >: = = = = = = : : : = = : : = = = = = = = W t ~. the same home. Mrs. C E. Kegley and daughter ing. there." {Rev. 21: 2, 23, 25). ltn US Laurence Travis of Chieago, IlL Miss Grace Kegley, member of the Miss Ruth Pinkerton went to Among the selectinns from the [{ arrived Christmas eve for a few Ischool faculty in l)ubuque, came to Chicago Ill. on Tuesday afternoon Christian Science textbook Is the | -------- days visit in the home of his par- their home in Mount Vernon Sat- where she is a guest this week in fo!lowlng: O,~m~ ~ i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Travis. urday morning to spend two we ks. the Mr and 'Mrs. Samuel Ross This city of our Ood has n,~~[~ Fred jr student at the State Uni- Miss Vehna Hill a member of home " need of sun or satellite, for Love ts,~ m~,~ versity of Iowa, Iowa City, is the school faculty in Jefferson ar- Mr" and Mrs Harold Olson and the light of it, and divine Mind is . ~ ~" ], ~tv,~ -- spendin; a part of the vacation in [rived Friday evening for a vacation s^n l')onald of 'Snrl" "~ield Ill ar its own Interpreter Its gates i ~'~',~ ~ I ] / ~ me of his arents " " " " "~' " open toward light and glory both ~"" J 1 I,the he, P [visit in the home of her parents, rived on Sunday for a holiday visit ,~;+~ o,~ ~,h,+ t, d t ~~ !/// ~ I ~' ~ Mrs. Rose Hickman, Mrs. H. E. [Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill She re- in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. X~'~'~^~=~,'::f::'=~t*:: "~'h~'t" ~'t;' i ~ ~ A//// ~ i ~ Little and Miss 'Mary Little who [turns to JeffersOn January 5. Baird. ---whimsical hunmrist---- ~,~,"~'~'~o(~ "~- "~a'a'ka(ll'~ ~ ~~"~1~ "/~ ~ .af Mr;;?d la;ter~;Cekhndt~ m Dd~lUthr tcMMSissMFnn]ynS;lo;nmaa aofdcd?:::o, F::3b::t RLWI:nY ::sl~3dy :f~ em sees resemblance of former students il.'" (p. $7y). . ! ~ V ~-~"~'~ " g uc~ts !n. the Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Jill arrived on Tuesday and were lappn for' a 'brief holiday visit in In the faces of his present students, : 311 F~rst Avenue luorth,~t///I ~~ ,1 Mt v snan rllcKman home In ~;euar lxap- lover Christmas visitors in the home the home of his father Dr. W. G. for he has .watched more than one ~l t --~-- 1. 2 -- --,~ ~" /, / ~ ~ " f il = f of the former's son and daughter- Rowley generation of Cornellians in his ane l~anu tn ~aununme,/ //|i k | ~~ ~Attl--nd family of ln~a~teMrG~;~;Mt:s2 .~i~,wSav:Ui~i KeM3"ethdspM:nt ~rl~lr~sEdZu[~ t~lde :::::::::::::::::::::::: ~uy By F : :=7,n + : i //11 " i llllUl IlliNl Jll[llllNg~ll [wis was a 2 '. Y " home of Mrs. Edaburn's brother dent here himself In the 1890's and There are many intere t g g [ $ ] l~k ~'~ ~,~ ~, . -- o . . lin the home of his mother, Mrs. and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. returnin" in 1903 to teach and be- to see in the United States, and ~ ~ "** Ua~ alafK ~]N~ WINII~ lrl~Cl~]Anna Gormly They were dinner Iest(r Peck in Marion --~" - " e many people argue for seeing [{ -" in the bonle of " ' come the trauition ne now m, r- ' - ~--~-~=--=~- I guests on Christmas . . L Addison Hall and Avery Hall of callin- to mind the ~leasantest of America first. That is good and t I and Mrs i ~stcr i rcze~ m be ~ v ~~+!~i+~ ~ ]Mr. " ~.~ 0 ' ' "- Rock Island Ill spent Saturday " me- stu it ought to be the home trav elxer's t In the hustle and bustle of business ar Ra tds associations tO all I11~ tOv 1" ~~?~~,~ [d" P '" and Sunday tn the home of the .~ " - program There are things aoroau g ~ I ~i~~~ [ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bhtine and former's son-in-law and daughter dents. . . ~ which ought to be visited and seen ~ ~s sawng ann staving ann grma i "~'~/~ + ] their son Vic Bl'dne who has just .Mr. and .Mrs. Bert Avery . In true. Mr. Chips tasmon, (;or-,also things which, have mstorlc ~ we r~ anit to aecredP ~u~o . /ll~ ]completed a course in an aviation Mms Genevieve Paul who teach nell traditions interest~ and aims values as well as scenic intere~. I~ s eat "" - " " " * " " - "'u - de ends u-on one's purse and ~ l'O me worg ot our nanus ann mmu ~$m~~~i~lllll Isehooi in Robertson, Me .p .-"- c~-ols at Gar, Ind ar- have become an integral part or M cn p * : : Christmas day in the l)r. and Mrs. e~ -, . , iiii 1laurance Schaefferie h me in rlved n Sund+ t spend the h li- Pr f Neyes life he f the many tlme' f c urse me f us are Glad,brook.parents, Mr. Paul. his -- -- --'-----'~-'^---- sna- t ". day vacation in the home of her ways in which he hasbeen of con- privileged, = more. than others~ in such~~:,But this space is taken to tell you ! | and Mrs. Char,es stunt service to the cortege is That we feel that the credit is due lllll /an h ,l IiTBLA:;n f 7 :::n::a Oalirne Ch lrle:n MaaYubra:er twes te:3 l.onLgrdmeAb:hr:hi ;nttha; a:thhll: : )ur National Parks offer is: mu3 h" I For the progress we've made and the i . ~'ni ~ago, y pea . g " scenery as may ve rouno y spending this week m the home of . s i i ' " " ~ " l~ll / Christmas and New Year n the during his college days he has -arts of the world W~e are not I good wlllwevebuilt | ~llllll /their parents, :vir. ano ~rs. w. t~. f her son and dau-hter in ' ~ ' ~llllll / Buyer. They will return to their n me~?r~ ~ Mrs XVilla~rd ~I~v- been active in advancing the place over supplied with glaciers and al - I To the friendship of such folks as you. i llll ! work as teachers in their respective i~~tw ~ of athletics in the college curricu- pine mountains scatterea .over a ~ ll[]l I Schools on Sunday - Dauer. . lum A few years ago he was i wide range of terri.tory; . nut we i ~ ~mmmnmm. mm.m,m t ' Mrs Mae T Mitcheh ann aaugno - o~ I have some things watch other court-, ~ I" ~ I I[ t ~ m, th" Mr and Mrs T Roger Gillette " " l and theawaroe~ a ~;-sweater in impute IS Year h ter Miss Patricia Mitchel,tries cannot show; we have geysers I am going to buy my coal of t e [of Champaign Ill. are expected ;7. " Iv" and Helen Turner his years of service. ": --derful expanses of valley t t-lecl es Lumaer ~ ! q . . ~ " . ' VllSSCS ~y ]a anu won ~ ~ ~[[ arrivals Friday in the nome oi sts in the |ll=]r ![!1, ~~ !, .- - mer's -arents Mr and Mrs were ~:nrmtmas say gue MR. CHIPS---- and productive farm lands, water- [~ ~l~ '~l~R,l.llll .I, tne for P '~ " " Mr and Mrs George Turner home Perhan~ the main reason Prof. falls and mountain colorings, ~ ~ ~m'~u,~w~l ~r"~. ~ ~ll~i---- ,m~ i-~L~ ~, ' ~ C.E. Gillette They are spenomg ~. ' " " . = - ' ~ ~ L J[ gP~ ~ A~ ]~, q,s~N ~ at Ames Keyes xs such an mterestmg person S TO ~.-v~ ~ vv~ -- ~llllllllill nun this week with Mrs. Gillette's par- " . ,~ . - JOURNI~;Y~ ~ ~ " I ~ ~ ~ ~n~ ~" M,~unt Morris Ill J.B. l,aing received wora vm- airy is that he ts interested In MOU~,-T RAINIER ~ [i]l~[l[ii[]~ [ ~ ~ ~ . he sudden death of his '" n of d ~y of t such a variety of things and peG ~ thin ast summer Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Newma re-+her Mrs Sarah Lai-~" at her ' - Our journe.~ " P I ~ ~l ~$]~ I ~ t Presho, S. Dak arrived on Mon-'ho~e in Glen Richey, Pa~.~'and ieft ple, and his hobbies are numerous, took us among other places to Mt. ~ |'t~i ]L~I~ LOLJ[, ~~ ~i . ~ day afternoon for a holiday visit in for that place from Beioit Wis ~His pastime has .made him famous Rainier In Washington state. The ~ ~ ~ ]~ - the home of their son-in-law and ' " throughout the field of science His original name of this mountatn is ~ "--~ ~/~lln~" ~g*l*~rt~t IaW~ ~~ ~/~ " on Friday. --~ ~ v~.w~9 ~v vv ~ ,~-~-- E ~ ~ ~ daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dean work in the field of archaeology is Tacoma, named after an Indian ~ ~a -- ,- ~ ~ " ~ L.R. Low was an additional din- Mr. anu .mrs. ~o:oer~ ~aum.a.n more than a hobby and he has held chtef. Many of us think It should ~ n ano son ~oony ann ~ars. r. ~. ~u- ' l name and the /4/ ner guest in the Dean home o '. ~,~*,--~,~he~ ~ositions in this i retain its origina man s eat Christmas In ~ne home HID.lly U,*~.'~, ~ = f Tacoma are ~~"~~'~~'~~$ =--m-re= ,o meo,o, oo+o o, c,t o -- I /" I ffd / "v of the letter's orotner-m-law ann tiers, LO0 e Lowell Boyer was seen flying sister Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pitney in bringing honor on himself and Cor- was changed" toAhonoran expl rer azno n~ these nywaytho name over our city last Sunday after vis- -V~mp~o~ Ill i nell " itin the Muscatine and Cedar --~"~ ~ " by the name of Rainier. So Rainier Ragids airnorts One hour and Bill Gougn who was vmitmg m TO see unassummg Prof. Keyes it is. forty minutes were requirc~l for the Cedar Rapid~ called Monday a~I;r- seated on his desk qutetly conduct- Congress set aside about 375 trip. Somewhat faster tha the MoueS2 Pe rmel fr Mr-staid is riSn ing his German classes, one woulddistinctions square miles of territory andler National Park. This rm:sd n en" Prairie Schooner He is a A.A. Radio Sp hal corps,Gs~:~ionned at not stngle him out ~s possessing ~cted that it shoal? b~ Mount Rain student at Cornell. the g [such a prominent hst of he-recommendation of Be~ides the little trouhl~!i Fort Logan, Cole [In Who's Who as he does But tt at thn! .~ in 1899 In 1931 the Act J)r. aml ~rs. i~. A. r~emon anu . I ' ~cr~ ey /~- %~ ~| that came in 1940, there [[ family spent Christmas in the Miss Frances Coleman and roster [ Is only the great who ~now how to wa~ amended to so eextend the re- erald Miss Maybelle Coleman of Daven- be trul modest clu e land u to the home of Mr. and Mrs. G R ida on Frl] Y " servation to in. d P " [~ff.~, . ~n were a lot of Good Times B raucht in Joy Ill. On Sunday port went to Cedar ap )f] While in college, as always, Prof. I summit of the Cascade Range. ~t~ ~--- ~l r day to spend the holidays With too! Hope yours they ,ill be guests at a family I)a - . : [ Keyes was a reg'lar fells and a [ Mr. Rainier has been called "the will ben ! t of Mrs Nelson's relatives in the their hrother-in-law and smter, Mr. " Y " ] member f the Milt nian literary [ M untain that was C~" "d'" I d -l:t ~ H ~'qJkN[ ii I a d Mrs Anton Get zna Mrs wlimer Jones,know ust why this nigh souna g home of Mr. n ': -'t ' " " I society Also young "Charlie 'Keyes [ J a-s '" Very tert in Muscatine. J. 1':" Colton, who suffered a]started a business enterprise and]~aWTofi::pg'::l/a~ m'~]eP:~tT~e Cleve heart attack three weeks ago] f ournal i Mrs. Ernest O'Conner of ~ - . " . ventured into the realm o J " [ -~--',-'+aln is a dead volcano---~we ~" ,~,~n nhlo arrived on Sunday for is impr vlnganamamet steuPal r Lnthet . PPY , [a holiday visit in the home of her part. of the tie~:. weMr:. ~l~rdistMmra~ pu~'liWa~l:nn:f ~as Mo::,~o Vernon I h~:3t t%lbaen;~3~ h~ShW"hhe:vet~e~::g a ew in law and sister Mr and VVllllam art t broths- - ~ "went dinner guests in the Colton homo. weekly k'nown aa THE REMARK-[Itstandssomewha m ---.a a l-'tll Y- [" = += . o + oo++o. =o == + w+ ]to spend Christmas in the home of dent at Pfeiffer, who Is spending to. The ReeOrkdeWht hoTYth e;rg:: }ohfe;bpel;nrerP:Tmdneonth:ns U' o c:n c ear ra a and Mrs O Conner s the holiday vacation in Mount Ver- wttn the HaWK ye " " / " - ,--,~*^~ [ Mrs G y' "" ' = + ~ i ~ ^,a i cones are apt tO ne ZIlll~l I~O[~.LCU. brother Hal'marj Carlson non was a dinner guest on Chris- enu ,aw~e~e-,~c . ust have oeen- rouen- vet" I ' ' " rnas da- in the home of Dr and Prof. Keyes received his A.M. de-}There m,- Allen and " eanism one time in northwestern I Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Mrs Jay B. MacGregor and fam- gree from Harvard in 1898 and[. . ten [ I I1 ~}famlly of Clarlssa, Minn and Mr. I1" ' PhD in 1923 He served as prin /umteO ~tates, lor there ~-~ ~ " ," *~ -~l~nn Mrs Don Gudarian and famil~ ~" ~ crpaL or scnoots in l~mlrs~own''"" - :"--: " " ~|stve lava flows which have extend-/ ~ ~[F [~ ~ a ~. JR - ,n Wash,n=ton LYLt vernon varmty otore lllll h: /of Algona armved the first of the . ,^ = ,^ . o/ed over va u avt- e I s -" tllet v" 'to in n uz,amunj|n. from to xa rrewvu ,Ol and Idaho ,~ an~ HeAting, ~all.t ~O'a~,n~ Tawa ~/w'eeK ano are nOU~lay lSl ZVl,~la V n truc / - s .~ ~ ~,avua,~ v,~,-~u, avmi.-" - f Mrs Allen's and Mrs Edwin ]l~ieh returnto Cornell he was i s -/ [~ ~ttne home o . ~VLrS. . . .~ ' f| IS 1,X)URTH lllt+ltrJ+wu" ~/Guderian s parents Mr and Mrs tor ot ~+erman at the umvermty o / ' ED ,~I'ATES ' 19,PEAK IN UNIT ~,$1~ ~ I~. Ernest Wolfe and their grand- Mr and Mrs J^; - ~a*rtosh and California from 1900 tO . 03 " mother, Mrs. Catherine I,ott. Richard were Tuesday evening via- Dr. Keyes whlms!cal humor and: ~boRva~n~:r 7teavndSa;Ig~ sStr::eO0:s f:l~et ~t~~~ ~-=~=~~~ Lester Coleman spent the first of tiers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitlik. subtle witticisms nave enoeareo : ~tates. fourth mgnest m the untte( the ~-eek with his mother. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zobel, Sr him to all the students with whom It is so much like the famous sacred ~ds reeenu Jessie Coleman and on Wednesday moved to Cedar Rap" Y he has been in contact. Cornell's cone in Japan, Fujiyama, that ~.~ day Mrs. Coleman accompanied from the farm which they sold last Mr. Chips means more to many of Our "Happy New Year" to you this year I k left Monda nl ht for a week's vacation sermon by the pastor will be a New Mrs. R. P. n Y g " ' " t "A ,~ +~,~ ~++, ~ I~ Angeles for a Years message on the sub]ec, a real cheery one. vts~tt'of tw'o'm~o'nths~in the home of - t, ,~.'---~- ~ ~^ ~!--=~+ Matter of Profit and Loss." The ~ qt-n v,u.i .~.~ av ~,a~ Junior Choir under the leadership her mother, .vlrs. v~. A. t'inKerton, ~ . . . ~ We feel confident we can all face the in Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Ink will Local and County officers of I of Mms. Ehzabeth,Bryant will s~ng Year "v ro'clock 4 irls clubs will as special music, I. 0, I'lOW with high hopes. Christmas morning. The east-bound meet Monday afternoon, Dec. 30 E'er Blooming,' by Trae rl ill be City of I,os Angeles streamliner at Y M C A in Cedar Rapids Miss ~unaay evening a~ v:~ was derailed Sunday night near l uciile' Gore home demonstration the Union Epworth League serv- See the 1941 Dodge Fluid Drive and Julesburg, Cole Several of the agent states' ice with both those of the High 194! Plymouth coaches went in the ditch. A new Following" the informal get ae- School and of the College Leagues train was made up in Chicago for quainted period the various offic- attending. The pastor is to lead " IITH GARA~l~'W theday weStwhichbOUndwas therUntrainthe following erSMrs. Ink to outlineWill meetthetrWlthduttescOUnty officer++ servlcethm .serviCe.or tne+erenymnsWill, nat b'ea-we song, u e ar f on will reana men a atscussmn ot +he ques- boarded Monday mght at Ced Frances Htll o Cogg - ~,~,^ v~ s E AND PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Rapids. One of the fastest steam port the highlights of the 1940 Na- ~on ~,nal~v,~ xv~a~e ff ~w .:=~e he train club Con-ress rtesotuuona. ~uuowmt; u,+c u = tocomouves was pumng t . ttona~ ~-r~ ~ " "" " -'- ---ili be a social [and which was almost maintaining ~ vouonat service w MOUNT VERNON, IOWA I the regular schedule of the stream- ~[~e Classified Ad Section L'~ on hour of games and fun. All young # seven people mwtea liner, page . sometimes Rainier is called the Fuji of America. Both are similar in origin, the difference being that Fujiyama is less dead than Rainier SFVERAI~ GI~ACI]E11*~; About one-fourth of the area of the Park is covered by Tit. Rainier, that is nearly 100 square miles. him to Muscatine where they were them than they can express in guests in the home of Mrs. Lester Frank Mallie of Martelle was a Coleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Leonard Broulik Sunday John Nyweide. 'Mr. and Mrs. Cole- Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosh and man expect to return to their family were Thursday evening vis- home in Laurel, Miss the last of itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. patient lovable instructor who, the week. Emil Broulik. more than a teacher to them, was Mr. and Mrs Robert Harten- Last Saturday evening visitors at!an essential part of the institution the home of Mr and Mrs Edwin " which shaped and molded them into berger and daughters Carol Jean Becicka were: Mr. and Mrs. George - me- and Mary Margaret of Des Moines r -e men ann we n Beclcka, Mr. ann Mrs. t~uml J~- arrived the first of the week for a cicka and Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. holiday visit in the Mrs. William + " 11 and Ma-nard Frank MT. VERNON CHURCH NOTES James l-la y,----+ Zache home and in the Mr. and and Anna Becicka, Leonard Broul- ~,m+ ~t,~u Mrs. Howard Hahn home. Shirley r--lik m~nvu,~ ,~ Hartenberger, who has been visit- ik, lv~r. anq. Mrs. ~:awaru ~r ,uu Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pastor tienrletta ana ,~onn rrasu. ing for several weeks in the Mrs. Pleasant Hill school dosed Fri- Sunday School at 9:45. The su- Zache and Hahn homes, will return for a two weeks Christmas va- perintendent is W. B, Gray. home with her Imrents. cation and Hardshell school dosed Morning worship at 10:45. The acute slope than rocky masses like the adjacent mountains. Geologists say that the mountain must once have risen to more than 16,000 feet above the sea; they say May we wish for you and yours this because of the steepness of Its sides in many places. Our readers A GLAD NEW 'k EA] t ~robably know that a pile of earth Will in lime settle down to a slope determined by the nature of the material. Soft stuff like the ms- And may we thank you for your friend- tariel of Rainier must have a less ship and for the kindness and courtesy you have extended to us. There are several distinct glaciers on Rainier, more, in fact, than on any other lofty peak in the United States. Five of these originate at tbe very top of the cone; Nls- qually, Ingraham, Emmons, Win- throp and Tahoma. There are many others which originate lower than the peak, and gradually lose their identity by merging. Contra~ing - FILMS DEVELoPED AND PRINTED One Enlargement FREE wlth Eaeh Roll HEASTY DRUG STORE Friends stand at the very top of the long list of things for which we are grateful, in this free nation of ours. It is our sincere wish that we be granted the power to merit your c ntinued friend- ship. Ralph Heasty, Your Druggist