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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 26, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, ItAWKEY~-I~OORD AND THE I~ISDON HEB&[A) Thursday, -o,"', , I1,"I!~' ,'~J~|]LL ~l~ |~ ,r-, I~~~ Johnston.Reed' Carol Burroughs. Mrs. L. A z sPRiNGviL E.- CITY--=fiA- : L=: = = = = = = - spendY ung the f thewh capitalwill-------- ~' ~' FOREsT: BUYS= .-H6LsTEiN=:::: I JOy'~ CedarNic llFallsandare Gene ~IiR~ ~ also ,-----.~1~ . . -- Miss Eva Reed spent Christmas city ~-, v. The Reid family~ qlA mrs. flurry rreeman with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander "lay - Mr. and Mrs. Julius Van Sickle ]:~|Tt,][, FROM CARNATION FARMS into the Quigley homl~[ ||| for in the Wires Corners vicinity, entertained at dinner Christmas Mr.~'"~'=" railroad track, acr0ar" av Correspondent: Will you kindly ~ ana Mrs. O. G. Newman oz and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle and ~-~ : .- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .- : .- : : : .- : : = : : : : : : : : .- .- : : : : : : : : : ~ depot Mr. and 1~'~ rn ucxt . nua mall your. copy a any ea y Des Moines are enjoying a holiday Merle, Mr. and Mrs James Dunn, moved Monday IntO e. .Lmn. weeK SOw ]~earme omees va as xorce ca~ a nonua . e nj:yx vacation with their parents, Mr. and Gary and Joan. ~ 7 i~ : :~ll~I~dm ~p W1Cl 7~:~al~:k':~e: a~dr" ~~dihenS gls CE~A~UanE?::TbPSa~ROuDe~Ut:oEtO~e Cedar ~ ''~'~~ g,Y . and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns. land Mrs. Clinton Pollock and faro- lowing children Mary O'Connor, e q I S Walker, formerly of Anamosa, Christmas party and dinner of the Mr ana Mr- H .~ m~ ~ .; ^ ~ a a~ ~ " County Beef producers assocmhon ~ i~ R~~~[#ff]/~ . . ~ :u~ ~o~ =--p -a ,~ ~=,-,~-, -,~, ,u o. **. ~e~y mcLtowan, t~aroI NemKer" now. in Honolu!u doingSocial andlmembers of the~^?. 2; F.andthe tertained members of the FranklCooper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delores Lnenicka, Iris O'Connor: was.held, at .Hi-Way. Gardens, stan-i~ ~(/~//,'~'IWl L~aeamal work in tne ~ureau o~ ~',~ ~.=~ ~- ~'.~u Hlggms family at dinner on Christ- Harry Smith and family, Mr. and Mar McGo !woo a, J:nursaay raglan. me van-! ~rippiea children. ~wr. walker is th~ h,ll S,t,~d A g,b b,g mas day Present were Mr and Mrs P W Sterner and Bob Mr -- ,3'- -- ~wan and Osmond Ber-;que~ was served by the Pollyannail ~~ serving in the engineering ddvis/on land trea~ forall the chilOren wereI Mrs. James Knutson and family of i and'Mrs. Lee Wilson, Mr. and' Mrs. ~'~e p o;r 'm'w; t ez einC oSi S?nd.ay hool cla of the Method: ~. .~~. ~ "~'.~.~r,~[~,S/~ of the Underground Fuel Company ] en~oyea oy muse present. I Cedar Falls; Mrs. Edith Steele of i Cecil Wilson and Beth of Anamosa, "Silent Nieht" Rev J B E~eston,~ .ls~ .ChurCh m. ea~ was x urmsnea [I " "" at Honomm. l'ne marriage ~oo~I John Grawe of Ft. Des MoineslDaven~ort. Frank Hi~-ins Mr and:Mr and Mrs Chris Dirck and Sue ,h~ "~,~,~o l," ~:.a" ~-~.~m=T oy me assoclauon ann a cnex xrom ]I d/ . . 2L~]t~ilJ'[l[l~lY~ "~ d place Nov 16 Mrs Walker en and Marshall Sfler of Carbm Ky Mrs Clarence Smith f of e ar Ra lds an r Roosevelt Hotel Cedar Rapids, "' I " o Cedar Rap-t C d p d Carolyn Ste - ion ~,~o,~ on,~ ~,~r-e~ e An and has been requested to renew [ are on a 10-day furlough in the Mr. ] Mr. and Mrs. John Nyman of [ Mr. and Mrs. Orval Tuell of Hun- PROGRAM G~--N--AT CHURCH orchestra furnished music through- I ~ ~ .~ -i i~, ~ ~,~ J~[l~,d her contract, and Mrs Fred Grawe home. Bancroft visited Mrs Nyman's fath- I kinton were Christmas day dinner ON CHRISTMAS EVE out the.evenLng 266 were served at l~ g,~ 2~- il~-~ ~::~ll~l~ i,~ FLORENCE PA-~--SON AND I Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fowler were ler, Chris Neilson last Wednesday lguests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Shell- A Christmas program was pre- me re.rues. was congra~-]~ #t" enroute to Iowa Cl I h mer sented on hr ulatea on their ernmen~ sorvme anu "~"A'~LE" ~'E I Tuesday guests in the Mr. and Mrs. i 'ty, to take their~ am . C istmas eve in the I~ ~ J ~,#, ~ ~ ~ ~ tt .~ ~ ~ ~ w~v . l Hobart Fowler home. I daughter Mavis home from Iowa I Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ce- church. A pageant, "The Coming me goou iooa mey iurnlsneo. I~ ~ir'~f~J['~lJd~ d~ ~hd~ .~1~~ . ~vir. an? mrs. ~: T. :~cnwao at-I Mrs. O. J. Emmons entertained[City for Christmas vacation. I cil Wilson of Anamosa, Mr. and Mrs. of the Christ Child," was given by M~g w[L~-----GKEEN [~ ~-~jL~l~ULit~m~ txJt i~1~ ~lJ~k~r ~naea me ox riorence. lthe Minor Music club at her home l Mr. and Mrs. Harley Grimes at ILee Wilson, Misses Hattie and Min- members of the church school and "-~=." .~:.'~'~-~ ;~,~.- t ~M ~,~ I~. v -~ "au.ison ann t~naries r. ~cr.~s? Or(with a Christma~ nartv Saturdav iwhittier entertained at a Christ-inie Wilson motored to Oakdale to community, assisted by the senior " ?" ~ g I afternoon I mas dinner Sunday. Present were j wish Bethel Wilson a Merry Christ- and junior choirs and the orchestra. ,~o, o ,~ w e'.~, 1[ fn th rtLr 111111{ viola ~aturaay evenin at a ocmcK - *- the Horner Funeral home on Fry . in the ~econd Evangedcatcnurcn " Mrs Sarah Pearso,~ o,a wo~o, a~ ~,~o~ on,~ fn,n,~ ho ,~o, o Io, . Box*~ . ,~ o wo,- .uo ~;* ~a,-'~, ,~ tm A -u .~, w~u= =~ ~-- in Cedar Rapids Rev David deBest and Miss ' . who died at Oakdale-Sanitarium " / " ]andMrs. Kyle Clark and Floyd lm the sanitarium enjoying Christ- the close of the program o '.1| who have made our Christmas A dinner was served to 20 imme- trances ox tiOpKlnr, on canea MOrt- I Mr ~nd Mre n,ola o~.~. aft.' I ,~o ~oo~ .~ to ~ a .~al " u~ w~tut~tm~, ~--- - n ~a diate relatives and friends at the ] day in the O Emmons home. [ and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and three I grams ENTERTAIN zssrrH CLU~ xll e . She .was 5.O oL g, son a ,rand success Commonwealth in Cedar Rapids itteport nas arrlvea oz me serlousldau~ht~r~ Mr sh,4 ~r,-o ~.d.-.~ 3~'~. "~,~ ~r ~ T ~ ~ AND THEIR FAMILi~g ann me morner ox nine cauaren,/~ c,- Mrs Secrist h~ h,~n ~ te*~her [ln)ury of David deBest, son of Rev. Pearson Norman ona t xr~ h~,~ ch,~,- o,~ih, ~ ~ r,h,~.* o Members of the Zenth Club and two having died in infancy. Three~ ]ldl[~ts4- ,~4~ ,~|! ~nrra ~wr~4- 4-~ ~,a~r ' " I David deBest who is now located " ' ." ~,'~"w'~]h.'~t~" ~'~,',~ ""~,~h~'~'~~ ~,~o'~"'~:.~'"~ their families were enterhains~d at daughters and four sons survive:Ill ~.vxu~ ux ~tt w~ W~SL~ t~J ~J9 m the Viola schools for the past . lus Wild of Ames, R v - . - 6 two and one hal~ w~r~ q'~ I in Oregon He received a broken I and Mrs Ro- Fol ' a Christmas party Wednesda-, eve Mrs. Dave Green of thlS place, Mrs. i nlv A Ma * *v l h . tmst - * v~-- o. ~--~ e,-,-----,~,~ ~,i ,b,l~ ~.* ^ ; ~ ~, ^ I ~" auu, L~ranu rttver I $.KUI/I 1UWit K.4Ly, v~.t:~f.~itr J~lplas, L.en- . . o J " 3LT 1~ I~J' 4-~ ^41 1~4a~ a~4 ~,4 ~ I~i.l~ ~t. Jl. V~l~i.l~ AVJI.~'J.~ ~&ILl~Kte i~ ~ ~ n M~ ~,~,~ ~r~c w c, ~,~ I'~s '" o*~'"~'o~"~ "" o" """ t Mr *nO M.~ W,o~oii ~I~*,~ ^, r~. ,~i ,',; ~o o~,~ ~ e - ~- ~ rangat the home of Mr and Mr~ ~ru,u ~ue.~,~, ~,~ ,~w~, "*''18 -- . .~, = - crist of Viola The new home will a c dentS y. i Moines. i Sunday visitors in the J. C. Pat- C. C. Berry. Games and an ex- a daughter .m the western.part of]l a ~uccesstm r~ew ~ear to ~ou be in Anamosa, where the groom Norman Lundeen, son.of Mr. andI Mrs. Catherine Daubenmier of lien home were Mrs. Harvey Lyman change of gifts were diversions of me.state wno was unamem.come[~[ -- is employed. I Mrs. ~a.rl t,una.een ~s nome Irom]Cedar Rapids spent Sunday with!and Jerry, Mrs. Jack Ritz of Cedar me, evening following a dinner at to tnexunerm; z~r~, xtoDer~, t~nar~es[i ~ i" ~ ! ---- ~Love ~ie:a, Dallas, Texas, ior me lMr and Mrs Harry Whitman Ra'~ids -i o mock. Those present were Mr ana ~onata are zez~ zo mourn me ~ I,=,'~U Sit Ih~." I "11~~ ~ I Id" Ill Id'/ Mary Jean Erickson was hostess]holidays. I Weldon Wiley, accompanied byl and Mrs. McShane of and .rs. Mervin Zeller and two loss of this good mother. /| L vv Wednesday evening to the members A good sized crowd was present I Lois Patten of Cedar Rapids spent t Marion were Christmas day dinner sons, Mr. and Mrs. Argene AIlbee Rev Tyrrell had charge of the,flnnae|t~ fh-, P,~-nmatnnt q[~t~'~ in /~atl~ of the Quakta club. Present were Sunday evening at the Christmas I the week end with Miss Patten'slguests of Misses Leta and Mabel ann. ~ene, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph services Mrs. Byrne' sang, with l| vrr Carol and Wanda Rodman, Mary ~ Cantata which was given by the [ Iowa City college mates at Farm- I McShane. ~mcnman, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stone- Mrs. Littig at the organ. The body I am ', ~" , ,~*~.~,~*,~,-~-~~ -,~,-~,-~,-~,--,~-~-~ --- Iingt n" I Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Miller in corn- zing, and Mr. and Mrs. Berry. !was taken to Springdale for burial. I~ I Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rose enter- pany with Mr. and Mrs Dale Mil- ~ ~ ~-.~- /K I tamed the Progressive club Fri-Iler of Sabula were Chrmtmas din- CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HOLIDAYS IN THEIR HOMES /!~ -=- - ~ ~'alL= I I daYiaf enn n/dann was hostess to l~e~rr~?;S~ld ~ Mm~;omEin~.a and c T~s~mEaTm;ns ?Ch:nOtFrigaaVeaf:ehre ; The Supt. and school faculty all/I p gr Y leftFriday afternoon and Satur =~ " ~ ~" i Ithe L. W. Club Monday evening. I Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Courter and " " -[~ #m~ ~I lii~ ~ I Doris Newland of Cedar Rapids family and Mr and Mrs Harold ~on mat naa ,neen planned for day morning for their homes or] ~ [~N~~~ spent Saturday night and Sunday I Ramsey motored to Amana'for Sun eclnesaay evening Miss Cather- to spend - the Christmas holidays I ,qY'iHTII~frxrl'U ~ ! [with her mother, Mrs. Bess New-'day dinner, te - th eatves. Supt. Hammer, wlfell ~/m~rlf'%l "ine Caraway of Cascade is the wi r 1 i acner ~IIL~|tJl~Jku II IrlI IlrlIEIIII 3 [land ] Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Phillips of " and children went to Storm Lake;I~ ~'~'~~ ~j~ - ~ ~ / Harriett Helen and Eleanor Pear- I Clarence were Sunday evening BERTRAM 8CH~ CLOSES Mr. and Mrs. Don Gemberling to n ~ ~~ ~li ,~,~~,/son drove' up from Burlington on lsupper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- The Bertram Sch--" -1 Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Price/~. "~ mE" n ~. ta~n c o~eo rrl a n o $o n - ~ "- ~ [Monday and were dinner ~,uests[ry Freeman and callers in the " C mpoell a u s n Arkansas; Jea I| ~'~LJ.~ ig=~~Ntnt f~ -, ~ x .- -,' ,- t -,-,~ ~, o:, ~ uay Ior me nonaay vacation. "me Barklev near Mason Cit : Miss Gor- [of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock. Mrs. Iu ~vu van o~c~e nome. teachers Miss Zelao c, n ~ . . ~ I ~. Z~ ~J~'~ ~ [] J /I S Pearson retur,on *~ t~ ~; I Dr. and Mrs. W. O Courter en- -- :.%"" "~:":":-~ "'. son zo t~arroll; miss ~'ancratz tel ! ~% I ~ ^ -: L : - [ton'with them Monday ev n n' "'s:Itertained at a famiiy Christmas marlon ann mlss Itazez MiaKir[ oI Atlantic; Miss Sarnue]son to Bur-ll ~ Id ~ I1~ vv c ws~nt tu ttt~t: utn~ UplJU[tuntnty ul unttst~tnt~ ] ~ - g ~v / dlnn,~, p~oo~. ,~.~ ~ ~ a ~ ! Mount vernon nan previously giv- lin~ton,- Ml'e~ Bmtton",P~4o. w ~ / D all of our customers for their business during 1940. I [ enc, e onr en lanays Wn nfnerlf n'/R.-' : ."Cummi 'Colfax" Mr an iie n the annual .school program In ida; Miss B~rkstrom to'C~'cl~r--F~;~ [ IM. I During 1941 we will do our best to continue to im- / Mr and Mrs L G Thoma'andiMrs~. Howard Curr~ings of Toledoi me commum y hall Re na Kohl to I,iA J.l " Joan " left Saturday' " to" spend the u. ~J. uourter ana son wayne oI LAII~E C~O~D A~'I~ND~I) s~er ~o ~eQar ~'aL~ ~nu MiSS Mar- prove our stock and service to mer,t your continued [ [Winfield 'FOREST LANE PROGRAM [uric Crlssman at her home here / ! /~~,e~l~~~I~ . . . . ~ I scnool vacation witn their respec-~ i " E It I V~i-~r~l~ll Ir~l~t~rdt~', anu lncreaseo patronage. ~ [live parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean/~Mr'tanads Mrs. D. V. Pe~rson were i The program given on Thursday PRESBYTERL~-------N'OTES Ill ~'[1"~"~)'~)~ r ~ s s aay guests ox Mr aria, e We would iik to wi h,[Culver at Oelwein, and M.and~ i vehing at the Forest Lane scbool On Sunday morn~ ~ ~h ~ health ana L a].'~:'-'~ e,-,-,~ ~ ~Mrs. Max Thoma at Elgin. Imrs. d. r. wagor at Jordan s Grove. I wast attendedby a capacity house, in the First Presbyte"~x~i~m'-~e'hurch"--',/i ' u p,~pct,~y uutu,g xo~tx. I r Mr. and Mrs. A. C Newman and[ mr. ann l~ars. ~. c. carv, ee, in mass ~um mmmecs, y as me ~eacner. Rev '~re~ll will t~ka n hie ~,~ /~ . . . . ] /Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gram-]c mpany~with Mr and Mrs. W. H ~ mon topi-''c. "2~ne 3~ar ~oun~'d ~n'e" We are wishing for you all a year ot ~1 ling were Christmas day dinner[i~,euy oI ueaar naplas, were Christ- ~?x ~ ? m ~e~ ~ rt.~ ~ ~ ;-' W~ xtri11 a~ Ivlcuormlcl -J eerlng ~ales ann ~ervice Iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gram-{maS day ,guests o~ Mr. and Mrs. ~DUNT VERNON PROG]~,Jt~,~[ on, ; r ans- or a ew e,pertly anu goou nealtn, ann all tne joys True Value Hardware -- Sherwin-Williams Paint ~ [ling in Central City. i~toDert Kehy in t:edar Rapids. The rhythm band of the Bertram of his better self, l~ 'Christian hin"o brin-- ~ -" " i.-- r/ ~r~ . . ~ ~r rl~lia 'Primhha ~n n C% I Carolyn Sterner will entertain school took part Monday evening in ide*li~m and hia ao t~a-, ~-~lltrir a ~ ~ ~,* a ~,j a~ tt~aaa~ ~,v .yuu tt~. aa ~enltn I aulos maytag wasners - the communit ro ~"~" --. I dar Rapids on Monday to be a holt-iElizabeth Stewart Circle, Jan. 7th. ~^, xr^ ~Y P gram given in faith in hopes fulfilled and wishes realized, and a-t~ ~as flanges .-- ttouna UaK t~oal & Wooa flanges ~ day guest of her son-in-law and~ Willard Boots of Mechanicsvllle "'~ "~'""" At New Olivet chur~, ~ ~ ^~- I- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ris-I called in the Willis Boots home on McROBERTS AND R~[VERSIDE school will meet at 2 o clock and P PP " den. Sunday. SCHOOLS ENTERTAIN the worship service wiLl be at 2:45. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock en- The pupils of the McRoberts and In Mount Vernon ,Since 1914 and Mrs. Paul Ewart were Sunday ', tertained at dinner Sunday: Mr. and Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and iMrs. Cecil Young, Ruth and David Mrs. Harry Hoffman at Mount Ver- I of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Tom non i Pollock and June, Will Pollock. Mr. and Mrs Mason GramlingI Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Young and were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. F family returned to their home in Mertie Williams at Central City. Des Moines Sunday evening ac- Mr. and Mrs Stanley Parker and companied by Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Riverside schools and the teachers entertained the patrons at a Christmas party Wednesday at the community hall. Dinner was serv. ed at noon. I METIlODIST ~8 Services as usual on next Sunda The New Olivet church had their Christmas tree and program Mon- day evening, Dec. 23rcL A large crowd of people gathered in this place Saturday evening. A goodly number coming in late, as 15 turkeys were given away at 10 o'clock. Mount Vernon, Iowa