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December 27, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 27, 1951 |
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Mr. Vernon, h, H&witeye-l~ord Mr. and Mrs. Grover Miehe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plattenberger,
and The I~l~n Herald R 4 Douglas and Stephen are visiting w Janean and Maureen spent Christ-
Thur~, Dee. 27, 1951 vage over Christmas with his parents, ]mas day with her parents, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miehe at May-rMrs. Charles Johnson at Reynolds,
nard. i
LIs n Local Miss Martha Ann Bigger, who ! Karen Zearing, daughter .f the
S teaches at Peabody, Kan came lMearl Zearings, 9 years old, Satur-
Walter EllLon was taken to St. Iheine Saturday to spend the holt- day, celebrated with a party this
days with her parents, the Dr. E. l Wednesday afternoon. There were
Luke's hospital last Thursday for lp' Biggers'. i20 guests to enjoy the games and
observation and treatment, i Miss Mary Kettering, teacher in!refreshments'
Gaylen Dahn, son of the Car!Ithe schools at Niagara Fall% N.Y i Week end holiday guests of the
Dahns is at home during holiday arrived Saturday to spend the holt- i Don Minerts', Nancy and Peggy,
days with her mother, Mrs. Jose- i were Mrs. Minert's parents, Mr. and
vacation at Cue college, Cedar Rap- phine Kettering. Mrs. Henry Sager. her brother Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dotzauer are -- "- uests of the John Za I~and Mrs Robert Sager and Mike
rtotmay g -i. " ~ .
spending holiday vacation with her horik family are Mrs. Zahorik's wesmver, all of Chmago.
parents, the Atlee Pressons at Ma- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holm-I Mr and Mrs Jack McKay of
quoketa, bee, and her nephew, Peter Reck-~Waucoma, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. tron; Robert Ross, worthy parring;
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meyers spent inger of Chicago. i Hentges, daughter Kathy of Mech-This is a nubli safety service of vo.r safe~v-mi'-ded busi.
ISS lVli~E ~1 uSulla ' " *~"
Christmas with their daughter I ~ nd Miss : anicsville, Bill McKay and Jeanette .a'-~; ~'. : " ' t. ,~ Mrs. Allen Homnann. asst. matron:
Mrs Walter Badger, and family in ! 7~ ~ o,~te col i t)aws oi ~eaar rtapms were ~nnst- " *
t.:oueen tJremer ux ~uwa o~ - .- . Waiters. see.; Mrs. Walter Kiehl,
Cedar Rapids. i legt at Ames, are spending vaca-Imasday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. "~ ~'~ ~'~":~ treas.; Mrs. Editla High. conduct-
Ira Kohl enjoyed a phone call ~ tion in the parental Claude Fergu- A. 19aws. ress; Mrs. Ralph E. Albaugh. asst.
from his son Sgt. Claire Kohl in ison and P. L. Gremer" nomes t~ lv~"r, and Mrs. John Macaula-'y ft ---------~I Experience of the past betrays the conductress. Installation will be
Florida Thursday evening. He I o ci e t -- : Bonita, Calif Put. Jean Johnston { GREETINGS: : future and the new year is only a held Thursday. Jan. 10th.
meets in me cnurcn ~eune~u ~, ' "
heard him very plainly. I reuermea ~u~mnary ~ a-. of Fort Bliss Texas and Miss Clar- ~. . tr!cK of the cai.enaar. Most or us
' ; ~ ~,~,~,~,~,~ ,~ ~r;.~ -~ ~11- N Y t~eing unable to send greeting wno ~eel ~nat bmez sense of renewat MASONIC ELE--C--~-ON
Born to Mr. and Mrs. WalterI ' tss ~, ~ . .
Jan. 2 M,ss Da,sy Burs ann ~vt cards m the usual manner flus year iand effortless ~mprovement wgh the
Elizabeth Sm,th ~fll hav t e
Hungerford ef Manly an 8 lb. 10 oz. ] " e h les I are spenalng me nmmays w,m men At a regular meeting of Patmos
- - "! ~ Mr nnrl Mr~ ~ l:t John~-Iwe wish to extend in this way, our lapproach of 1952 know. at the same
lodge A.F.&A.M. held Friday eve-i
son in Park Memorial hospital ati ~s hostess ,~-
Mason City on Monday, Dec 24.] son Miss Martha Nostey " i * n ~,r, I sincere Hohday Greetings and best It~me that nothing will be better ' ning the following officers were i
Chrmtmas day guests of Mr. and I ] wishes for a Happy New Year to I unless we. ourselves, work to make : elected: Ralph Inks, worshipful
1 Mr anu l 1r s ~xarry ~r,tz nan l
Miss Nadine Stahl came Saturday i Mrs. G. J. Albright and Mrs. Rache . " ' " ~. . ' all our friends, hoping that every ! it so.
from Independence, Me to spend IMiller and family were the J. W: I ~ueirts ~wnr~stn~Sira'snneFn la~Unlan~ one will understand and accept our i We know that more than 550 men, ;master; John Eggert. senior warden:
until Christmas evening with her iAfbrights, son Carleton and Mr. andi ".~'.~ ~ apology, i women and children have died in[Purl Pearson. junior warden; Roy
aaugmer, Mr ann ~vxrs m r~ ~tep
parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stahl. I Mrs A. W. Carleton of Cedar Rap- i " :-:" .- Dr and Mrs John R. Gardner Iowa traffic accidents this year. That : Stoffel, treas.; W. N. Walters see.;
Correction in last week's story of:."las. ",aneK o~ uwawnna, Minn. anu ms ~ ~;is our exnerience~, . It betra"s~ the ~ Francis. lion willTh ms n'be held Friday,trustee'Jan.Installa'18th.
parentsthe E W Stepaneks of ,
' "r andI ", GMNG BLUE BIRDS fact that an equal ,umber will die
Richard Struck saves woman from t~nnstmas aay guests o~ ~ ~Cedar P,a"id~ " o
Mrs, J. It. t.iarflner w re '"
river. He is the son of the formm e--Mr and: " P ~. Giving Blue Birds met on Men-ira 1952 unless each one of us de-
day,Dec. 17th at Rita Bigley's ! termines now to do something about } CPL. MILLER IS HOME
Lansiw" Ill Mr I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brayton and
Mary Warner rather than Ruth ~virs. ~ ~. ~unn ut s, "L n or" w Sa" rda
~,~ a~o ~a,4,~v ~ehenk of Cedar l man oz ~ave p t, ere m y home to celebrate Rita's 10th birth-fit, t Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mille," and son
Cpl. James Miller, arrived home
Warner as printed. ~"".;' 2, ~' ~' " C.Y~'i'zers Bud and;evening dinner guests in the Gay- day. Ten Bluebirds and two guests These are the closing days of the ilast week from Oakland, Calif
Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Miller of ~tapms me harry
',~. ' ~,- t- l"~,nn ~nllr*t,n llord Owens home. The dinner was shared the carol singing, games and year and of the Iowa Safety
x,mmy, ~ where Cpl. Miller had been a hos-
East Chicago, Ind arrived Sunday ne
r ,m honor of Lmda and Mr. Owens supper. Congress Drive Right campaign. It~
ann Jonn b ~ uunn came o~u - . .
to spend the holidays with her sis- day and !VIrs Dunn has been wlthiwh celebrated theirb~rthdays !is a time to Drive Right, for ex-. pital patient for several weeks,
ter, Mrs. Oscar Haeseler, and moth- . ' after bein~ seriously wounded in
er, Mrs. Mary Caraway, in the her parents, since their auto acci-iearlier in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hansen, Shir-iperience tells us how many must iKorea' Following a 30 day furlough
Haeseler home. dent some weeks ago. I Mr. and Mrs. George Brooke, : ley and Sherman A. H. Hansen and die if we, as drivers fail once more
i Gary, Freddie and Richard spent Elwood and Mr. and Mrs. Henry':in 1952. ihere with his parents and other
Sunday with his parents, the G. H. Hansen of Stanwood, Mr. and Mrs. Resolve to Drive Right through]relatives he will return to Oak-
Brookes at Newton. Mrs. Brooke's Ed Greim, Keith and Joyce and 1952. Don't break the family circle. !land for further treatment.
parents, the R. J. Bells of Rock Mrs. Mary Greim of Clarence had
Ishmd, Ill came Monday to visit Christmas dinner with the Carl l Mrs. Floyd Ross entertained with BUYS LISBON HOME
,Correspondents--Please send &nyl Mrs. Jerry Plum of Iowa City, Ciu'istmas dinner guests of Mrs.
early copy you can for next week lspent Christmas in the home of her Graydon Johnson and the Forrest
we must have enough to fill 4 son-in-law and dav~hter Dr. andJohnsons were the F.E. Krauses
Mrs. E. H. IJ~t!:. and the Donald Helbles and Don-
p~es on Monday which have to be M r s. F : nk C :.n chill spent : na Jeanne. all of DeWitt, the Clyde
printed by 6 p.m. Monday on ae-iChristm~', :,t Oli:~ ,~:,t'h her son:Hildebrand family of Maquoketa,
coumt of the New Yeaa s holiday, Howard. ap.d lcmi!:, the Leo Duffys and Steven of Day-
Tuesday. i Mrs. Adolph Ahrens cp.tertained enport. S.F.C. and Mrs. Willard
a group cf lriends at hec home Fri- More and family of New Bedford,
~ day evenine. !:om~rin.: Mrs. E. H. Mass the Russell Wards. sr. of ee-
l@ Stars And Masons 'Littig who v, cs ob- e:viP, g her dar Rapids and Mrs. F. E. More of
birthday. ~ Mechanicsville.
:of officers Tuesday evening. Mrs.
-- ~ John Cook was elected worthy ma-
Mrs. V. M. Bennett has purchas-
them over Christmas. Hansens, Denny and Gale and Mrs. i a family dinner last Sunday at ed a home in Lisbon and will move
Don and Bob Kaliban came Hansen's mother, Mrs. Minnie noon.
Thursday from Dubuque for the, ~,oermg Mrs. Miehalicek died last Monday i ttaere after the first of the year.
holiday vacation at Loras College. Christmas day guests in the Gay- :' at 9 a.m. ira a nursing home after a I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicoll and
The Milo Kalibans and boys will lord Owens home were Mr. and Mrs. ! long illness. Born in St. Louis, she daughter Alice, left Sunday for
spend Christmas with the Kaliban's Otto Kern and George Owens. formerly made her home with her lCamp Breekenridgc, Ky . where
they spent Christmas with their
spend Christmas with the Kalibans' James Lynch and Beverly of daughter, Mrs. Charles Sladek here, ! son and brother Pvt. Don Nicoll,
family, in Monticello. Newton, came Monday to visit over i for four years.
Christmas eve dinner guests of Christmas with Beverly's grand-', She was married at St. Louis in!wh is stationed there and his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart were parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Poling. June of 1894. to Frank Michalieek, who has been living in Evansville,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeKoyer, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Lind, Bob and who died in 1940. Surviving besides had. Put. and Mrs. Nieoll returned
Margaret Jean and Jacob John of
Indianapolis, Ind Mr. and Mrs. Cynthia had dinner Christmas eve-iMrs. Sladek are two other daugh- home with the former's parents for
ning with Mrs. Lind's sister, Mrs. 'ters, Mrs. Fcrrell Graham of Nich- a few days' visit.
,ls and Mrs George Priborsky ofMr. and Mrs. John Fry enter-
Charles Hendrickson of Cedar Rap- Howard Hutchinson and family at I Cedar Rapids; threesons, Waltertained at a family Christmas dinner
1952 promises to be o big year for all of us. ids and Mrs. Maggie Graver. Marion.
Mrs. Anna Bittle had Sunday at their home Saturday. Present
We sincerely hope that you will receive your dinner in the home of her brother, were the Oliver Dills of Mt. Ver-
Glenn Cameron, Cedar Rapids, and non and son Donald Dill of Chicago,
i then went to Waterloo to spend Mrs. Carrie Eliiott of Cedar Rap-i
full share of happiness and good things of life i Christmas with her daughters, Mrs. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stahle and son ~ds. the Roy Williams' of Olin and!
H. O. Gardner and Mrs. Verl True- Preston McCall. are spending the Christmas week their son Dr. Lawrence Williams !
blood. The Christmas dinner was vacation with Mrs. Stahle's mother and his wife and family of Camp!
in the coming year in the Dr. Gardner home. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Dahn, son and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ca,'son, Colo. Dr. Williams will
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carstens, Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Ray LarsonSladek. On Christmas day. the Paul leave soon for Germany where he i
Miss Marilyn and Gary were guests of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Walshire family and the Frank will be in the Medical Corps His i
of his parents the Dick Carstens Merle Dahn and Devin of Tipton Teplys and Frank Sladeks of Ce- wife and two children will stay,
for Christmas dinner at noon. In had Christmas dinner with their dar Rapids we,'e guests at dinner, with relatives in the states until
the evening the Carstens, Mr. and parents, the Carl Dahns, and Gay-
Mrs. E. E. Hotz, Miss Janice and len. Mr. and Mrs.Rudolph MalatezmoreThedefinitewalter planSsebestasCan beandmade.Joey i
ph Joyce had dinner" in the parental spent the week end and Christmas :
Iowa Te e one Seth Ruhl home at Anamosa. with relatives at Burlington. [
Guests of Mrs. Mamie Rieger for bit's. H. C. McCormick and Tom
Lisbon, Iowa Christmas dinner wereMr. and Seaton were Christmas day guests
Mrs. Harlan Jones andMr. and of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McCormick. !
Mrs. Eugene Emerson of Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kern enter-"
Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Emer- i family of Tripoli. rained as their Saturday evening i
son, the Lyle Cappers.Kaylene, The Lawrence Kynetts. Dorothy,
Bernita, Marlene and Tamara, the Margaret and Betty of Clinton Mr. Mr. and Mrs Joe Holets enter- dinner guests the Clarence Kern'
Frank Carbees, Donna and Donald. and Mrs. Bruce Claflin, daughter taincd at dinner Christmas day the family and the Carl Kerns, all from
following: Mr. and Mrs. George Tipton. Their Christmas dinner l
Pfc. Jack Tillia of Camp Rucker,Mary of Cedar Rapids and the Aud- IIobel of Ced~:r Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. guests were the Howard Masons i
Ala visited during the week end is Bennetts, Willard, Wayne and Roy Duceman mad daughters of and Mardell of Lisbon, the Charles
with the Charles Hoefts and Mrs.Richard were Christmas day guests McGregor and Miss Gladys Holets, Nosleys of Cedar Rapids the Len-
in the parental Mr. and Mrs. W. L. who is spending the Christmas va-ard Koppenhavers and Johnnie of i
A. Tillia. He stopped on the way to i cation with her parents. : near Morley and the Edson Kop- !
Jackson, Minn to spend Christ- Kynett home
mas with his parents, the Charles Mr. and Mrs. W C. Hodgden and
Tillias. Guests ira the Hoeft home Miss Merlyn McClure of Oxford i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zbanek and penhavers, Mrs. Emma Powell and!
for Chri~;tmas were Mr. and Mrs. Junction, Mr. and Mrs. John Cars-daughters were Sunday dinner Mrs. Le!ia Workman of Mechanics-
Howard Rinehart of Davenport. tensen and Charles of Mechanics-iguests at the Joe Zbanek home atville"
. . *Lisbon at a family dinner. On The Edward Sturms of Chicago l
Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. mile were Christmas day guests of',
~, ~ Carroll Sailor and Carroll are Mrs. the O. S. Burtingame family. Rich-/Christmas day they will be dinner:spent Christmas with Mrs. Sturm's i
/ ~ George Sailor of Burlington, Pvt. ard Burlingalne and Tommy of ': guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ran- parents, the John Cooks.
- Clinton spent Sunday in his broth- dall. ~ The Ralph Campbells, SuzanneI
~,~,/ Phil Sailor and Bill Sailor. student : and Roy left Saturday for Sioux!
in Buena Vista college at Storm er's h~;me, d th W Ad
R Rap;ds to spend the holidays with l
Lake. Put. Sailor coming from Ft. ea e ant ~ relatives.
Leonard Wood, has a 17 day fur- Lutheran Pupils
lough on delay cnr~,ute to Seattle, I
,F rH,S HAPPENS re YOU CArt us iWash Present Program
Frink Pi binc
', Mr. and Mrs. George McCall had IS U~
lot their Christmas dinner Sunday, ELY --- St. John's Lutheran Sun-
Winter driving isn't the easiest thing in the world, i Miss Leona Zalesky of Chicago, day school children presented their
i Miss Daisy Zalesky of Cedar Rap- annual celebration of the birthday
and anything is liable to happen. If your car gets stalled, i ids, Mrs. Amos Zalesky of West of Christ Sunday evening ot 8 p.m.
won't start, or you skid on the slick street and dent a fender Branch, Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Andre, in the church. The student pastor,
!son David, Mrs. Irene Andre and Philip Bi~elow, read the scripture, Phone 110 or 213 Lisbon, Iowa
-be sure you call us. We are fully equipped to service Mrs. Clara Burge. Miss Leona and the
junior chub" furnished mu-
spent the week end with relatives sic. American Standard-Sanitary Plumbing and
your car throughout bad weather, 24-hour tow-in service, and Miss Daisy joined them again The program was as follows:
!on Christmas day. Processional march, "Come All Ye Heating Products
l'he Number is 150. : Mr. and Mrs. John Steenhoek and Faithful": scripture and prayer, Kelvinator Home Appliances
i Gary of Anamosa, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Mr. Bigelow; carol, "Hark the
! nold Steenhoek, Connie and Ronnie Herald Angels Sing"; carol, "Silent
i and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steenhoek Night, Holy Night"; exercise, Little
of Central City were Christmas day Stars, by the beginners; recitations,
guests of tke L. A. Petersons. The Darlene See, Susann Trpkosh and
Ralph Petersons and Pare of Belle- Larry Stone: exercise, "Seeking the
- rue, spending holiday vacation in Baby Jesus," Karen Clark as Evan-
Phone IS0 Lisbon, Iowa the parental L. A. Peterson home gel and the first year primary; song,
had Christmas dinner with her "Away in a Manger"; choir num-
:parents, Mr and Mrs. Francis ! ber. "Come and Worship"; recita-
Gaines in Mount Vernon. lion. Donald and Beth Arm Schultz;
~ exercise, Sharing Christmas, Jun-
ior class: son,( "Follow, Follow;
Junior Choir number, "Peace and
GoodwilL~'; offerinlg and prayer;
song, "Joy to the World"; Benedie-
IV[ tion, Mr. Bigelow.
Santa Claus came hustling into
:.' ~ the streets of Ely Saturday evening
,in an old fashioned horse-drawn
cutter. He carried a pack full of
treats for all the children of the
t ~ [ ' given by the business houses of Ely.
surrotwding community packed and
Ill rc$11 $~llCel'lt~ ;, Althou~h it was cold, a large crowd
of children were able to attend the
we extend every ." town party.
A large number of Rebekahs and
.~. fi? families attended the annual pic-
nic supper of the lodge held at the
~t clubroom last Thursday night. Fol-
" lowing the supper a party was
. -*, " "o " - planned for the children. A Santa
'" We extend ,vas present to give treats and gifts
,oO. to all. The meeting followed.
'".'. "i[ good wishes !,SERVICES HELD FOR
Ft") h Services were held last Wednes-
r t.e ,e day afternoon in Cedar Rapids at
Y h d the Barta He~er funeral home for
ear a ea Mrs Helen E. Michalicek, 76, a
former resident of Ely.
Lisbon Church Notes
Rev. R. S. McBlrnie, Pastor
Sunday Schonl 9:30.
Morning Worship 10:30.
Y. P. M :30. May the very best of everything
Open All New Year's Day Evening service, 7:30
METHODIST CHURCH come to you and yours durin
Home Made Bread Rev. M. C. Melcher, Pastor the coming New Year.
Sunday Hours 7 to 12 and 4 to 9 Turkey and Sunday School 9:00,
1~,~grning Worship 9:50.
New Year's Day Hours 7 to 12 and 4 to 8 Country Fried Chicken M.Y.F. at 7:30 every fi~t and third
Wiis0n's Serve sue, evening of the month. W ' L L' A M S
There will be no church night
Grocery and Super Market ~r. and Mrs. Hans Hensenduringmeeting the Coon ACreekcommitteeChUrch SouthsideCorner Grocery
Lisbon, Iowa will outline meettngs and commit- Phone 68 Lisbon, ,Iowa
tees for the months of 1952.
We era flying our arden! wlsh that ~he
N~.w Y~ar brln9 peace, contentment
and happines~ to all our friends.
Lisbon, Iowa
With the dngln9 of
bells end the blow|n9
of whistles thet ea.
nounce the arrival of
enother New Year, we
extend best wishes t~
ell our Mends.
Open All New Year's Day
East End Main Street
Phone 203 Lisbon, Iowa
Rin in the New. Rin out the Old.
Rin in true happiness
For our friends, youn and old.
Lisbon Martelle
nic su
"2:00 p
"will t
ulty c
over (
turn t
ent. i~
she h~