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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 28, 1950     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 28, 1950
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ML Vernon, Ia. ~htwkeye-R~ecord ~ I n = Congress will see the value of some I trols, however, unless commodity The swing back toward rent con- In Domestic Matters, despite re- I sometimes win with the :.~a ,~h I.l.bon Herald -- --,]d"~D~ N~T ~such sales taxes as an inflation prices go a lot higher, orWorld trol will act as a further damper ! cent election changes in party align- ~ "HAD ENOUGH?"; but their u, ,95o rage [~ sm,~v~m,~ s ~, i iroad block . ll%Var III comes, on new building. There is no in-!ment, Congress will still be domin-i will be short-llved. Too ! I /ell| p. I~i~1 i ~tate ann mun,clpallues w~u~STOCK MARKET AND BOND centive to build homes for rental ated by a conservative coalition orisons are following the per~ again de unaer pressure to rma an-: K N E TAIN income. Northern Republicansand "un-i doctrine of ASKING FOR HI The Hawkeye-Record war w.i ~TC~J |~vDi :equate sources of revenue FurtherOUTLOO U C R Tighter credit controls will make regenerated" Southern Democrats a,an =u,~,l.t~o ~, and The Lisbon Herald ! !increases in such taxes can be I see nothing, now to indicate that " " n i " h I It more dlfhcult to purchase older Whe the heat s on m a toug --'- -" n Iowa~ Da, tLw,~|~,~be I:n,m Inenm-- W||| Nat RA tAg ~ ,looked for next year wRh additional:We are.en~erm.g a. perma oI ~m- residential properties, and the fight, the North-South coalition will~r~v~'~xia~u a~ ~,~r,~ tO~fFou~idf~~i!!it.~~ukii ~~ ~goffnt?ka~ ~SeicQnhean~ Y;oi~lri~n~rd ~TiT~~~iiiii~:~ili ~~i prices for these should weaken still be able to curb onslaughts by~GOODS, GROWING RICH O] a As building volume slackens in New Dealers. PER, VOTING DEMOCRATIC 1951, the quality of available ma-~ We are rraduMlv headed for a:SELFISH REASONS AND n b . ! ter~valS" a~hwo~la~ship should in- One Party~Svstem-amd finally ~ TING THE COUNTRY GO have saved their money and can Dictatorship. The Republic&ns will TIlE DOGS, WAR OR NO W ' The Mo 1893 b Minard Lazier' ~ ~ [armament productionn we,ll ing~ase, rates will remain unchanged. 'i " p . u eip nose wno " : /LIP Founded in Y,t~ ~ t The public may the e y, " s is Dnl~ESTI~. TRADE The Stock Averages may work pay for at least half the cost of a ! - ~----~---'~mllll~l I1~ The Lisbon Herala !~~lllllll~l~ ~a government-made,slump; let's get ~LL BE~LESS !somewhat higher during the first new home Founded in 1894 by W'. F. Stahli~~ [rid of the controls!' . :~ inalf of next year, but sometime "-"'"-k-"n ~l~ lil If in 1951 it vecomes eviaent that ! . ~rem~. curds writ. cu~ ,nto me t during 1951 they will sell lower DEFENSE ORDERS a POLITICS I k ~ I}k~. ]~ 1 ~mb ~ ~ I ~m ~ ~ james, vv. rn~. " he ,~~ ~l~t~i i r ~i i* declinina, too fast as a ctemana ior. au~omooiles ann. house- .~h~n ro,~t -~-~--~--- ~.*~*i"'~ WILLThoseINCREASEwho !I k ~t~~ ~ i=~--) - vl~ V L ~lm i U i! Editor and Pubhs r ! * !~esult of government curbs, thehOld eqmpment. .Completmns of[ Stocks now in the best position eub|i.~hed at Mount Vernan and Li~.~.n, ~~/ !planners at Washington may rush:fewer dwelhngs will also act as a can do so should at-~ ~ {~~ "inn Counv~. ,owa evers y. ~, ~.~a*~,~ ~::i ~ . . ~or ~v~ snoum de nose ma~ nave tempt to get defense orders as a ~ ~/~{i / ~nteLred as second class mailmatter atthei ~:~.~.~ their patient into an oxygen tent. ~lamperon~urmture.sales. !not been popular as inflation means of holding up produetionl ~! ~/,l~ ~ ~ ~ % lU ~ pI t po~t office ~f Mount Vernon, Iowa, andi ~~ iLABOR OUTLOOK WILL i l~,a,~'"~==*'a:"~.lXiz~'~:= o~ ~elhedges in the past months. I like volumes and reducing overhead, i ~'~1~'~ ~ ~ ~JP ~,a[ ~ 1 Lisbon, Iowa;~uascrlo,lon ~t~,n I~ ~ i CONTINUE TIGHT I p'ub'lic"s s"pending f--or"food~a'nd'low-iI good chain store stocks. Not too much profit from such war ] ~ / ~ ~ ~m r~. v,~ ~ ---, . I~~ i Most labor groups will not beer-priced soft goods, i- Investment Trust funds, pension business should be expected, how-I ~"v~-~ .~ ---- i R ,n L,nn ana aayo~n-i ' " ever, as these contracts will be sub-'~ ~ ~ ~ ONE YEA " ~ ~ m~m~ " I successful in getting a sixth round The trend forecast in above para-. ~unas, ana insurance companies wni in(I countw~ ". " " ". ",~ i~:~~ t of wage increases in 1951. Although graph will mean a decline in de-lprovide an excellent backlog of de- ject to tightfisted renegotiations. I n ~ ' b" i . .4 . oul~lde Llnn and aa- ~ :~ ONE Y.E R. nt~et." out" ,wuntn the [~~~ ,~ there may be more strokes" m" the partment store volume, but I pre- ' mand for sound Income Stocks The political outlook for 1951 will i IBm We try to give appropriate ana aepenaa le ser-,i joanna eOUoutnde, the slate ~,u*'"0* ~'~/~~,~- ~first part of 1951, there will" be diet a rise in the sales of varietywhere good values can be demon- be completely dominated by jack-i ~ vice at a fair price, i~ ONE YE.4R, " " I~~i~ !fewer for the whole year as cam- chains and of drug chains, i strated, eying for position in the Presiden-i ~[ll~li~ ~ffl tial race for 1952 Most of Congress" Mar an's Funeral Home - ~~,Ipared with 1950. ~ Barrin~ new war develonments I The successful mvestor next year t,me" will" be spent" on International i~ Johnston & g [] ~ ~ Tightness in the labor supply will look for continued shrinkage in our will be the one who follows a care- Problems; but either War or Peace ! [ ~ ,| ML Vernon Phom~. 5012 Lisbon Phone 165 "~i could come early in 1951, which l |~," ]1~ could make many of the above fore- i i~~ casts useles i Starts Thursday Morning, December 28th ! as usual we're going to give our out of town customers First Choice in our SECOND [ ! PAIR ---- SALE I First Pair $8.95- Second Pair 5c i st' "" " ' :! " " " " '! Ch se fr m Pumps" Straps" Ties "Wedgies" ! a e treatment plant A ready old and that It was creaking the sew g .! : "o badl~ when the Korean War broke!high during 1951;. This prediction iAFTER JUNE 30, 1951!" "T'heffe~l'es'~2e'~*u~U~zk J~r'2-gtl ~t, ~ Flat, Medium, Hi Heels i ~ ~,-~et for mis work wa~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ recogmzes ma~ living cosI$ nex~i n-t ~ ~ ~ ~, ~a=, ~ i~.~ u~ ~.~,~.~ ,~ ~ u~ ~,o '~" -- * --,-'-- ',- of St out. war pos~ponea the uuw~,~u* ~=, ran ~.~ o~,~ ~ h.~ 1,~ ~ ~,~ ~ ; = ,xrs~ .a~ ox ,oo, ,~# a~u~*-;on mortit~ge credit. Much of the the Young t~o.nstru~v~" "~:" ;.~ ~ which would have taken place!f~y: ".'.?f, ~yZ ': ~.~:~ ~ " :* '~';~ ly see a budget surplus as a result~ ,at h~n~ wn~ ~h~ r,~,lt nf easy Joseph, " I much sooner. The date of the slide the year now closing i of h,gh Natmnal. Income .and ln-'creditt ,--- almost nothing down and IM"~~'~ { $78,454. . has only moved ahead. ! I creased taxation. Later, ff Con-small easy navments for years meeringlegal an~ nnanc,-~Rushm to catch up on its neg-r~-- uuz:,~uu~, uvu~ !gress goes alon~ with the Admin ~. - ~ ~ ~i ~J~~ All Sizes to 10 Eng,u~t to g ' . ~" " ~ will brmg. the ~;otal ci leered defense program, the Admm.- Fa.ers m om.e ,or 1951 should iistration,s plans for huge rearma-i ~ro h ~,m w, ~ ~ i[ CO"F expenSean estimated $85,000 to $86,000, : istration is anxious to shrink bust- j ~ver~ge no ~e~. umn sr~.~ ~o.r ~ merit, a federal deficit will arise ]. "" ":'~ ~':-~:: ~.: ~" ~t, nn of this work nes~ volume to an unnecessary de-t~.nee sue trena m'~.a~ o.~iduring the last half of the year. ~p:ea gr~?es~:C~n~ tcnamnm:;ne~ ~ " IIIWIN1 CompL.----- ~ fi will be aion ~x~o wu aown, ~nm roree~ m no~I I* n~, Widths AA to EEE. Many Styles. !ISERI .h,mid ~rlve M~. Vernon a nod-,gree, Efforts at rst g l -.-- --, --- i As a result of the precedmg pre- huildino~ will also be hit -- i n er cre(lll curds ~ ~ u~,u ~ u~ ~. a~--~a -u~,=~.~ . -- o- 1 plant which the line oI t g t ,t I dlCtlOn, money supplies should not* ern~va~edl~ ,th !~u~h as restrictions on mortgage and,seem, for there is likely to be a~t.o ,~; ,~ ~,t.r h ho. The commg dechne ~n new build- ~ i~ should ~tl~fy me ~ inn :--mstallment loans and i~ereasedlweakening of the farmers' Income ~s ~ing will throw a wet blanket over ! cnt wno were cent ' osition durin the lat art of turned down. Increases at such a Deimaq~a " ~ r uirements p g ter p t speculation ,n vacant suburban lots ally de.~ethingthl.t ut~e~C:u ~d&Do lba~k [~r~eare? on the effect of 1951. t~e~taore" pr~tc::kely" to have muchi" " The scare caused by the Korean- pairs to choose from. Values to $12.95 eli do ~om +credit controls will cause a decline i Barring crop failures, the totali ~. . : t China War and fears of an early of v la,t~overnment donas wih De held, pllt I oupply food a ai ble should bei ,outbreak in other sections will ad- Shoe Prices will be much Higher by Spring. Buy Now. er As a part of this pro~ctt ~arff;s. HIGHT MENTION.--(Cont.) . !larger in 195l than for 1950, smce tightly between the floor of Fed verselv affect the demand for b,~ ~i posalWater plant.hue has .Th~sbeenw!~Unfll h~erm*tcemetery' pu t - pantleSsmtch, the r redhSS top! fhCeBut buddYthe two wfll!cos ~ theq uotas, governmentas p art ofWfll*ts" raiSeattackPlantmgon m' .~ theeral ceflmgReSerVeof, supportFederal PReserveUrChases ant,and- volumesmtY' real- andeStatethe" DraftL wer nextbUsmeSS'year" v~= ~ ot buy ' ~i~ ting in a hydrant at.~ er:tume pieces belong together! i flazion. If the weather is extrem-iinflation sales, under such condi-will also curtail such demand IOU n DE DERfl 0F| Bring a Friend lye c~ tel vora 1 t ov rnm w tlons price changes should be neg s farm houl intersection wnicn wu g2 +i Gosh, it's time to make resolu- . Y f a b e, he g e ent ill .! : " - Small ustenance s s" d fire protection to proper~y lu Itions for the New Year too. Every be blamed for farm-price weakness ngmle, hold up well in price as demand 2 pair of the some S oe St )re and divide the cost vicinity ,year I think of a fewi Now there's aurmg tne latter part of 1951. A great deal will be heard in will be spurred by those seeking ----- ~-uilt Iron~ :.'. -^--." With prospects good for a rising 1951 about giving the Federal Re- refuge outside the big cities De- A sto rm, sewer .wu~t~he George m ways me one auuu~ s ~ -v supply of feed grains meat should serve Board powerful controls over mand for large commercial farms, 218 ist Ave. N.E. . South Tmra ~ : " " Cedar Rapids, Iowa between you. Gaines property east two blocks to . be .more plent*ful nextyear than 'member bank.loaning policies. Con- however, should weaken as the kind or slze. the At xvtor- As zne ola gag goes, * oo my in it~u. l~rlces ior meat, nowever, t gress Is not likely to Dass such con- year progresses. ~. ~ ~.~ ~.~.~ ~.=~ ~.~ ~ ~.~.~ .~ H.~m.-~.-~ ~ First A venUret n rTthls 'should handle harde,t work before breakfast will be held up by continued high . ~.~u.~.~s~.~ ~-~ ~,~ riSSenYaPe P~h(Chln tne pave,u=- will be carried getting up." I should, resolve to National Income and by military ,~ dra" g th accord. ~aily trip out in the cold on the first needs, i i i l down Tlaird AvenUoll~v~ed in lay- ~inkle of the alarm but things I read TAXES WILL BE HIGHER i mg ~o tne g~u~ * strengthen my convictions that the The burden of federal taxes, both R I " g - -" e "~ro~ects at extra 30 winks are worthwhile. Only eorpor&te and personal, will be in- i I .- .- ~ L gg .--. Compleuon o~ ~e~ ,~.~ ~o' in the recently a family ]n Sumner siept lereL~ed again In 1951. State and:' ~ ~ ~~ ~ 11 mNt~ ,~IL " his time seems ve.y ell after 7 and before they were up almunlelpal taxes will remain hlgh. i ~ ~ i~li ~F~i ~ri " P~ ~ i~ light of the worict.uonsSlmajIulon :~ : .act stray bullet came through the dining' " I There will be an excess profits ~ ]' ~ ~r ~ ~,~" ~ ~ ~ as general cona~ + -i~ are room window, passed through a l tax in 1951. These excess profits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ ~ " work during lvai. ~* ?~"~"-"ver-' chair and lodged in the wall of the ltaxes will be milder than those in i~ ~ ~ t ~ I ~ ~ ! mR mR ~1~ .-~ ' P "lficiency, economy and incentive water supt.; Dale Cook, street cam- missioner; Leonard Johnson, assist- ant and Frank Brown, cemetery sexton. R.B. Wolfe is city attorney. James McLaughlin was street com- missioner until Dec. 1. This newspaper thinks a word of appreciation is due city officials: and employees for the service they~ give Mt. Vernon and this year end i issue of the Hawkeye is a.good time ~! to call this to the attentmn of the: general public. I Might Mention l, Dv Flor~nee Hoid~hl i WheT!! Let's relax, folks, andi wonder how we got through the xast minute shopping, figure out what l ,exchanged at the first op-1 has to be " to'~ Dortunity and really take hme--. ; look over the Chmstmas earns, ~ this last pleasant opera-! .our house .~in~ over of those[ uon ein.:uSa~,~haa;'~t~ey~'will be put in i SO unu~u a display the next year---those soi gay that parts ean be cut out to use in s in 1951and those] on wrapP g. ~--ck with ]newsy little notes on ~ne ~,a . l For quick d~g nothing . ~s I te than the recelwng, more adequa " o of a card from a friend ,dent,ca1 t t the one he sent you last year You i know by then, if you've not already i guessed that you're probably at theI bottom of his list these days--a has- been--an after-thought at most.i Way back in 1846 Sir Harry Cole little dreamed he was originating a fad---in fact, an industry---when,~ late on writing Christmas letters, he commissioned an artist to design' and print 1000 seasonal greeting. cards, necessitating only the signa- ture of Sir Henry. The many "Tsk! Tsk's!" that arose in England over the picture of three generations, in- cluding a wee one, partaking of Christmas cheer was sufficient to draw attention to use of cards. Louis Prang--of the Prang school paints---is credited with the first printed card in America, in 1875. Fie printed masterpiece~---many featur- ing the Killarney ro~~--on satin or mother - of - pearl. Grandma sent plhsh cards and sewing ~ards, sach- ets and bookmarks. But whether it be the "guzzling" greeting of 1846 or the Donald Duck Jingle of* 1950 it brings the same cheery h~liday greeting and gladdens someone's heart! Flash! There may not be a wreath over the basement entrance next our office but oh, th~ Christmas colors! Can't figure out whether the "deer hunter" wil/ confiscate the verdant {{~aUnued in Column at Right) Midlaad Farm Management Co. 612 Merchants Bank Bldg Cedar Rapids, Iowa Saturday, January Music by SKIPPY ANDERSON'S Orchestra your Good Will Night tickets FREE from your local merchant. May your spirits be bouyant and your heart be light throughout the NEW YEAR, AL INSURANCE Dial 6921 Mr, Vernon 1ST 280 Acre,very well improved, rock road and electri- city. Just enough slope for good drainage. Practically all tillable. Very good producing farm. Six miles N.E. of New Hampton. $35000. 143 Acres, near Cedar Rapids. Large house and barn. About half tillable, b lance in pasture. Rock road and electricity. Well set up for dairy farm. $13.5 per acre. SMITH AGENCY Dial 4491 Mt. Vernon 3 700 Ceda RapMs 428 Guaranty f. dm Rapids The Smart New Bel Air ? + , , Thanks to the Greatest Public Demand any Motor Cars and Trucks Have Ever Enjoyed, the Latest Million Chevrolets have been Produced in Less Than 6 Months Compared ta 12 Years for the First Million l We'd like to join all other Chevrolet dealers in thanking our customers for making possible this 25 m llionth Chevrolet. For the ordy reason anyone makes more productsis because people want more of them. We Chevrolet dealers are able to deriver more passenger cars and trucks than any other auto- noble dealers today o dy because you pre/er Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks over any other make. MORE PEOliLi BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARl So it is your overwheimhag endorsement the products and services we offer that is behind the production of this 25 m onth Chevrolet less than months after completion of the 24 millionth. We are sincerely grateful. And we believe the best way we can express our gratitude is to continue to offer you the very finest services and the very greatest values that we possibly can. And that is exactly what we intend to do/ ": L: : : >- MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKtl Dial 2512 acl Mount Vernon, Iowa