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December 28, 1950 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 28, 1950 |
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Mr. Vernon, II. ll&wkeye-Ree~rd I William, Louise and Irma Peters, Palisades Real Estate Transfers
'me Lisbon Herald ~ ./Chicago, visitea over ~nrmtmas ~.- n n 1~ ! i u. t.c ~ w ~ ~.~.~z~ "~"~"~'~ : i
Thm~ Dee 28, 19,~ ~'aqe o] with Mrs. Freda Peters Mary and l evenmg John G Stockton to Fred Alexan-
~ ( aarceuus. . I i Mr. and Mrs. Mile Naxera were Friday evening the Chester Mil-ider, tract in lot 3, sec. 12, Franklin
~,|~=h~ ~.lAm~ t Christmas guests o~ me .Leo r'. : ~ !Saturday evening supper guests of~,lers enjoyed s dinner and Christ-Itwp.
~|~|l sl~ww~ [ Kesslers wereme mrs Air)err ~r~ n- i ] !the Antone Bidermans. lmas Party at the home of Mr Mil- ] W T Scarbrough to Glen E. S
Mrs, /Ltm~ Zeller i~Ylifaam~ooTfe?ar napms ann me' I Monday the John Turners were!ter's,~lather' Mrs. Paul Miller oflFisher,'.lot 2, block 17, Whites add Jm
The George Krobs and daughtersI Christmas dinner guests of the l ~ guests of Mrs. Turner's parents, theI ~prmgwue. at
were dinner nests on Christmas nder eels and dan htersi ~George Bachelders of Cedar Rapids I Mr and Mrs Ben Neal entertain-iSheldon A DeWees et al to p.n
g D.L. Va p g ~ "1 ' ' "
of the Ed Meads Iowa City. and Mrs. Blanche Pavelka were the l [ ,ed their family at Christmas din-iFrank D Marshall, fractmnal 40, at'
Sunday 'guests of the E. S. Bed-, James Pavelkas and Mrs. Mar|eric! J t. Tuesoay Inner guests of the|her Sunday. Those present were scc. 18, Brown twp. Jar
nasheks were George Bednasheks Peer of Martelle i ] i~owara, l~eais were lvir. a nct lwrs;ithe Del Taylors, Denny Neals and! Harley B Thompson to Aaron ev~
i " ~e~e wnson ann urystai r aye oi Howard Neals Wc
and Jean and Sharon, Suthff. . - "
Chmstmas diner guests of Mr ] !m ' I Herman 68 acres, sec. 26, Bertram
. Mr. ann Mrs: ~.eo Iovors, Ky a.ngland Mrs. Francis Miltner were Mr. i J i ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neal andtwp' Mr
zami~y were baturaayevenmg v lsl-iand Mrs. Russell Krall and Tim-! I i Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ant he i Jim had Christmas dinner with the l Meretta K. Rapoport to Ralph E. vic
~ors or ~r. ana~. zv2rs. Jonn t%essier, im and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lynch ~ [,Biderman entertained Mr and Mrs -~.D'~'c-" -ma-qj ors o~ ~ew~t~ lwonaay ~ u~c 2u ~c.=~ ,~,~'~* ~ ~=~^" ~,"
--Mrs," Anna ~aya.lKa ann Jonn an~ Pamela and Mrs. Margaret Mat- ! q Joe Viktor and Joseph at a Christ- !Donna Neal accompanied them i fractionai 40 see. 27, 40 acres, sec. Spl
"aveuta were t;nmsunas guests or thews Iowa Cit, i 'mas sinner - - '
the Preston McCall family in Lis-i ' ~" i home Ior a short visit and Jim re-~27; ~racuonat au acres, see zT, al~ 10~
- ! Supper guests Christmas of the! ! The Don Dolezals were Christmas!turned on Tuesday. in Brown twp.
Th~ Frank: Krob and Paul Stahler ~ vernon Keats were the Mrs. Wll- ! ! day diner guests of Mrs. Dolezal s ~ Christmas Eve the -~0~ 'P or~ "----------- the
and Linda were Christmas break-~tmdaT~eyFand/aI~gh~ersan~ed-~r ! [ ~ ~rdentsRthi~sWilliam Hickmans of iwere hosts ton diner party Guests i New Cars Licensed ansi{
fast guests of the Herman Stahles '~ : " ] II~ " P were Mr. and Mrs. John Turner pra
an~hC~mRay Umbdenstocks were S::rteh~tCh~ ; ] ]j }ce~r~. ~]~sK~S:dk ~d J~oO~ ~ J~th~ ~kOfofA~:ja?I~-a;~dds Mr~ viTlOh%Orc~e?oTeStO~robM, e~h.?n~s-
guests of the Jod Woederhoffs at ~ riorn~ me'- Vince' nt O Brien faro" ],~ 'Bidermans as their Christmas daythe'r~t Io~aS n'statVict r Stehlik, a student chanicsville, Chevrolet', Bernard int,
holidays.Dyerswlle during the Christmas iiy,'" me'- ' ~arry ,asters and ~ta, ,'" ~ |~ ~~ dinner guests. :~ ',e college. ' Achenbach Mechanicswlle," Pontmc;' sch
Mary Markitan Mount Mercy "1hffin and the Raymond Greazel 1 ~ ~ ] Christmas Eve the Warner Peter-i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blinks of ~uss~ pDoC l~a h~tlyY~g dn:' BoUbCkt 11;
Cedar Rapids is 'visiting her par" family" . ~ i sons entertained the Cliff Petersons. L~sbon cntcrtamed at a Chmstmas Bait Mt Vernon Chevrolet" Willie
eats the O. E. Mark[tan family dur- ! Holiday visitors, of ~ the John. ~i Do you live on. this farm? If you do, come to ~h s office and ciaim an. 8x1 O inch enlargement, i Charles. Blinks, and Kenny Peter- i dinner. Monday evening. Those at- Longe' rbeam, Mr Vernon', Ford
Nov s x~ere M~lo Navy and Bobbm ,~,sons at an oyster stew tendmg were the Albe~t Dolans and
ing the holidays ^ u ~ ~ ~ ^,~= r~ ,~ ~i,=L; .Y '' . . ' of th s picture w,thout cost. Watch th s space each week for an aerial plcture of a fc m n the Mt -," . " . truck': C F Tessman Ely Chrysler
Christmas guests of the Ronaldi~c~a~ ~*.~,u:~'-'~'~"~::l~'V~='~'f': ; Vern n'Lisb nanaaaugm~r~-v~-,~,- y-~, community. Last week's picture was the Mi o Beltz farm on highway No. 261 be- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler enter-,~-ct,r~u,s, warnez I Char!-es--Blinks -f
L~72~nso the
s h e ~-bus]nes~l s-~-xp e ct e d
Kesslers were Mrs. Mary Palmer,' : V t rained Mr. and Mrs Chester Miller ~,",~- The p
the H H Kesslers and Mrs Bey- Cyril Stockls and Tom, the Alfred tween Mr. ernon and Mar e[[e. : ~ ~ ~ ~u~ . .~ :~. r.~+' I ny Petersons, John and Joan take an upturn next year, says
crlv Lamanskv . - " i Randalls and Linda. . ,~ ~ - . i.'~=:~""-~'~=~'~'==~-~"~== .o ~.~ a ~,~. Blinks. Paul Pospisil, and Miss Francis Kutish Iowa Stste College
I The Carl Wehrles and Joe Au ~ ~ Maxme Achey farm economiC
The John Stinochers and sons : ~ Christmas evening dinner guests: Christmas dinner ~.uests of Mr M[]O Be]tz ~arl~,i ~-
re Chri tma t of h H r i rora ~li me ~ouis rto~s ~lDurn, . " -~
we s s gues s t e a ",~ Ill"" ' Uonaia'~ "' " r'~yD" u ~mca,' ~o t.e ~ of the Charles Beaters and Benme i and Mrs. Stanley Beranek were Mr. . : ,!
old Longerbeams, and Richard Ed- ~ 7 :' - "-- " ;' - - i were the Robert Scott family Cedar and Mrs Ed Unash and Mr and ~kAllmlt~ [~.[ ~aal~r ~ ~ s. ~ a
wards' Mr. Vernon. AloerI ~nis adnDini-t~t)t~~ ~ot~an;m~ Rapids, Larry Beater, Clarence and Mrs. Jack Stepanek, Cedar Rapids, ~1 lenin LI~S~I I 1F ~1~. i ~ ~1 I~, Fil ~ I~ U U / i l
Mrs. Hazel Lamansky, Iowa City ! were guests g ithe Lawrence Bartletts and JeanneiMr. and Mrs. Jack Beranek and ~* ~-~ ~r-" .~ic ,r"~ ~o e'~) ~N~ f~t~ ~V-~V-'~,~
lS vtsmng the Dwayne Lamanskysl the Joe T. *~r . . . !and the Wflham Scotts. I family and Mrs. Anna Beranek ~, no,~ ~ . ~tk~'%~ [I uII I] l|o [! [[ [] /Ak,
and Mrs Beverly Lamansky and lAlma Crofts Chicago, v~sitediA Christmas dinner was servedI Frida" evenin" vimtors of Mrs "-'~:" :"'-:J" ~ ~'7~ 7-~"7~:'I IVBIII['~ <~kll ILJI]L. It-,iI~ l| //~"'~.'~.k
: i . ,' - j ~ s way zol, o runes normeast ol ~w~
ROSS during the holidays, during the hohdays with Mrs:. O-iat the home of Herman FuhrmeisterlAnna Kucera were the Mike Kes-Vernon The farm owned and op-' ~'~! J[ ~[[~[[[-[[--[[/~ ,I :'
Alice Pauba Chicago, is visiting sephine Crofts ann wesley, bun- i Christmas day for the H. O. Horns sler family Saturday evenin~ the ~.~a k ~,~. noh~ ~o ~,~.~.~f~ I -~ [~|ll lill--.ll-.ll l,~ tf k~t.k
her parents, the W. A. Paubas dur- ctay supper guests were the Rude pn ~ Mrs Mary Sedlachek the Lmnus James W McCutcheons and Ann I
OrB;aU1~sr and David Beu 'HGrTr~:ns ~tndr2dsr~er 4nnil~?d the lai~d n~nuS~laaFYr~d y~?~uFMe~isC1VoeTM~ u.u ,s ii~. u,~u~. ~wu ~t ~, ~ ~ i l I /
gugesttheh:l~?doadSLoCdherr,iS~maSmd~nnerlCt[;fto~%L~l ~l?eLaverne' attend sch l m Mar-FOR TH~ ,
t~ - ' "" ", !andIMrs Ed Brickner Sands; Lawrence Holeomb bought the~ "~ I ~l I // ,
,farm from Cecil Allison in 1931 .-x.- i:::::::!:!:::,~"' i ---.---
,l] ,were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kelth and ", 4~'~ "~'~x~!ii::::~ ~ ,| ~ ~~I~ I [
n tAt1,~Nil I~%t&lA |l%lPtT~f'~#' r, uul t ON CO. II ! family, Coggon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry the nomomos ou!~c me large earn,I %~ {I ~ ~, ~il I /
| Ig/~|l~KIl I~VW~t UV=~, ~v~v.v.~, I i Clark and family, Cedar Rapids and garage ChicKen house corn cmo ~:th, - "--'~ i,~ ~ ~l I I ~
l I~ 1TI~T1]~I~ ~][~'~ 71[ 1~ ~ ~r~o ~r,~rno, Brickne~ ~nd and hog house while they remded / ~i.:::~~. i ~ ;~m~--------~--II [ I ~I~'/A~
I . . . --- I; mt~-|-Ir "1 |R,/-i Mar Jo on the farm. They also moved the i ~:.::~~'~ I / ~ ,~~11 I---'------'----I // ~ ~
N ~(~ I mLmmmlmn U JLU Z JL,y ii~,~~'~ ~. ~]F
,U.S. Highway o [, !' Mr and Mrs Jack Miltner and small barn from Martelle to the '~ .~:i~!iii!i~~'-~ i l ~ ~~]] [ II ~,~
MECHANICSVILLE, IOWA J1 1~" P ~ ~ "~IT l itors of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mil- Mason Stine bought the farm from! ~~~2 1
If L l~l-~l Iltlll liJ.ll .L !tner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Francis the Holcombs in 1941 and sold it to ! "~"~~iii~-- ~- i,~'1 [~-~ ~ ~-'~. "~ ~--~] ~ ~
J =a mi,~w~Annn I I |~q=l&lk I l! ~ I Miltner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. the present owner in 1946. While i II *
l ||~lm%|l[ i[ 1~ J~k| |1[ ||[ ]rl~ ! rl~'lr| TTll |',~,f |~. i Russell Krall and Tim, also Mr. and he resided on the farm he installed ~'~~, ~:!fi'.~Jt ;| ~==='n
i mmmwlJe~ m ~'~#11, Ir-'~v~mmvg -- Ii /IH[IP -J "-~.~ !Mrs. Jack Lynch and Pamela. a pressure water system and pipedl ~'~~:~ !i
J Jl J. lLll 7~k .~ ~, ,~ ~ C'VvH .qtOcIrl ~nd water to the house cattle yard and|~ i| F~' ~ ~ ~'--
[ EVERY WEDNESDAY I ~ ~ - ~." (" "~'~"" ' 0 hog house He also had a well ~ ~f~-" .~--J '
"-'~: Tom, Jack Stoekl, Sam Stockl, Ge . . - . . :
' ~~~.!":!~ re Ran drilled anda windmill mstalled
rs across the rosa - w'
i " l i ~.~~. ]dall and Linda and Mr. and M . -il~" i| "-'iii"Ir"~J------ ~
J --, I ~.~ --~.I L i] -JT~~ Frank ShilOh and Sally were Improvements made by the pres- ~m FEEDS ~a~' ~ -
j u! u .w ~ I,|~,K J,J ~/ Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and eat owner include some to the house, !| ~ qw
l y : I
I I I i~I ~ ~ / ~Mrs David Stock and David Iowa piping water to the in.[de of the ,|
J We have three packer buyers besides the shippers |I ! i / ]City. ' barn, pouring cement in the cattle' in
I1,I / ~ ~,Rev and Mrs Paul Clements and shed and hoghouse and a stock passt Every dav in every ,i
and local Crane Io ou our Tat cattle, butcher Cattle, veal I I i # # Ar i. . " . ;. ,~. .~
Y Y I,I e~l[JU'2~ ~ zamily, 0anesviue were t.;nristmas under a county road which crosses i m Ours is a complete feed service. We ve been Turnisn-
J . . i ~,J [ ~ ~ t remained for a longer visit. The iron tube 36 feet long by 5 feet high,l |
calves and fat ho~s |,~.NJ .e~l ,iF tguests of the F. J. BirChers. They the farm It is a heavy galvanized wa" rn-," Ifl~l l~ .~ ]| " ""," /"-" -romaniC-" with hl-h -unlit'" and
,I 3 ~td :#,a t.#~ ~t gag me Farmers or This co y 9 H Y
I We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at P~blic Auction li ! i iVeroon BirCher family were also The tube and wings cost approxi-" +,-,1 ,^ I dependable feeds at reasonable prices for years. They are
every Wednesday. il ! ! ~"'ff" [supper guests. They were dinnermutely $450 It was installed with-~taz~, t~l~etL y~etl In1 ',1 ~.~,4.~ .inht h + he, m~ {:ram th~ ~ :t |nnr~e]|~ nt ~tnn
J ]i ~ ~ i guests of the John Weldons, Cedar out cost to the owner when the road ~ i ~ -.' ;"- ,--'" 7~
m Bu-,ers from Eastern Iowa and Waste| Illinois to buy il ~nnnnT~ 1 n r. "~ [Rapids. was widened to 66 feet and put tel yOU ana yours. !1 in today and see us about your reea neeas, we nave the
The Fred Zimmermans, Chicago, grade. The stock pass has an up- ! er f d f r u
all d asses of steck cattle and hags. Commission ~.~ an I1 I tlltU 1 S 3 1 Batchelders, Sioux City and right 8-inch clearance for a full I o.
ee O yo.
J flat $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% a,er mat. Ine I I t M lo Ulchs, Pasedena: Calif were grown cow. I WINTER STORE HOURS I u^oov ~i~, vl^o
| I ~ ~,~ik~ -,-,-i,-me,t the lower the commission I i guests or lvlrs. ~.iooie uenel~ree and Th,~ f~,~ ]-"s in ~,ch a manner as ! ~U m nrtmmm ,l~- ,w m~.e-$i%
I I ! Mrs Anns Paubs durmg the hob- . ~ ~,~,~+~ "~r ~+ri- f~rmin= and, Close da*ly at 6 p m except Sat- m
liabl market with cam titian Truck days Chmstmas dinner guests 1
m Always a re t e li t . most of i~ is farmed that way. The urdav Onen Saturda, Avenin,! lt~I~/"%IKH I'1 [%/A'r/m%[]t I--
J I+ were theuonsia ucneltrees~eoar . r I -
your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sale. I : ~o, th~ New Year,strips are straight however ratheri " " ,J LIJD%JIM II!~,
J than on the contour. Crops raisedi
L~ -- u--- - e L e. ~l n~l~ I -- . . I The E. J. Gideonsens, Jack and are corn ,~-ts and alfalfa This-ear~ I1~ I,Phone4 - lisbon, |own
J Ve ll i,alve$, nolls, llnulip, nurlell, ~.~,~ ~.~ ~ --,-,~ ~n~ " ,nn~i ~nrlr,n i Be++, Hurt Peoria Ill. and Mrs. ' "Y" . .". ~ ~ + I,K~ Pil~lll i, lb,~e~
, Cattle, Fat Cattle and Butcher Cattle sold in order named. |i " Kenneth Cook Miles were guests of . r" " . ~ i Exclusive Manufadurers of Leco Feeds
. ' [o ~ uuu bushels oI pretty gooa qual- ~ ~
l the .~e O L. Elhsons during Christmas ' i Phone 4821 '"
or th i ckenl I you with al . . ity. There were i0 acres of Chnton~ Mt. Vernon ,IIII
I Wo aro buynng fat hogs avery day f p g pa J i I Chrlstmas dinner guests were the ,
m - - -- " r " t 'Mil W Ira- famil Harlan Ellison oats. Aoou~ ~u acres was in a~al~a~~
a ing more money net to me tarmer. ~.all 1"or ou marKe o o o Y, I
m p y ood thlngs Oi lfle, ~-'~;~ "~ M~ ~ ~--ohek this year. It was pastured and two~
, prlce$ on fa o~ Y ",i Mt V~rnnn cuttings were baled. Crops are re-t J [] [] ~m ~ ~ - [] n ~ m
i I --TheJo'hn Phillips' and daughters tatedi~n such0 % way a)r to .avo,d i i i ]II U mm fl m .I, i ml
/ ,1 d her Chrl mas was g ,~ u usnels a e ymiaea
m immnmmn fm~|ll i: lattendedafam'y in "st annuall~onanavera-e ~mv~mm~v vvm ~=m==~m
m. un I:i l at the Norhert K robs, .Walker' also i ~ "
m, |the Lester Buresh family, Mr. Ver-I Eighteen head of Guernseys !
| Business Phone I(e$,oence I . - v.v.~, l,',on, the Robert Krobs, and the J mosty cows, are kept. Most of themi Havmng rented the farm, the undersigned Administratrix will sell the per-
J No. 259 Mechanicsville, lawa No. 53 [! Mount Vernon [ Victor Krobs, Rowley. Mrs. Kate are dry now; some will freshen later m .~ ~ t, . m
P i s Iowa Clt was a visitor m i 5anal rO er at me ~,larence Nsuler ~-srate at UDIIC auction re The m I1 ,
| Ii ) hill'p,' Y,' ' When milking the crea is sold to P P P g -
--- ' ' -- ' "--- dUDiing:?g: ~isda~nday of Mrs. thTwLiSbr : :~ah:r:" are usually i est bidder at the farm
located 4 miles southeast of Martelle, 4 miles west
Verna Slach and family were the P,of M
li m m I# t t raised This year just one crop wasi orley, lust 1 mile south of the main Martelle-Morlev road, and on a
i i II/Im m V '~Virgil Barclay family, Wilton Junc- " f w"ich have ~one tol,n --
1111I m m I t~on and the Donald Slachs and ra'~,eu-'Lu.~ ~ . s 1-nd-i gravel roan, on
. marKeL ~ney were ~po~tea re a ~" i
111 m mmu Susan Coralvflle. Chmstmas guests .~ +
were tne ~:vere~t wagne ism ly
land the Paul Zimmermans and March farrow 12 more wall be bred lC)~1
to farrow in May There are 125 I/~FI
[Paula and the Cecil Slachs, Stun- ' "
Farmers and their families to be
enterta,ned by local John [ Dealer
on January 10th
A full length feature picture, "One Hap-
py Family," starring Don DeFore and Mar-
|erie Reynolds, will highlight the parade
of entertainment to be staged for farmers
and their families who attend the annual
John Deere Day show as guests of Miller
Implement Co on Jan. 10, 1951 at Lisbon
School house.
"One Happy Family" tells the story of
the Lynns, who compose a typical, happy,
small-town household until they are
awarded the title of "Family of the Year"
in a contest conducted by a national maga-
zine. The new title and the $10,000 in
prize money they win contrive to toss all
the Lynns into a whirlpool of comedy and
excitement, and Mr. DeFore and Miss
Reynolds, as representatives of the maga-
zine, go along for the swim. As entertain-
ment, the picture rates a blue ribbon and
will provide the guests with a rollicking
Five other new pictures are included in
the fast-moving program. One of the films,
"His Father's Choice," features the likable
Tom Gordon, head of the memorable Gor-
don clan who taught valuable lessons
trimmed with humor in previous John
Deere pictures Another of the films, "Od-
dities in Farming," offers something new
and different in its presentation of unusual
machines performing unusual farming op-
erations. "What's New for 1951," will
acquaint those in attendance with new
John Deere implements, and is sure to
prove of interest to every farmer and his
family. "Mike' on the Move" and "The All.
American Team," the two movies that com-
plete the program, deal with subjects close
to the heart of every farmer.
Admission will be by ticket and farmers
who have not yet received theirs may ob-
tain them by ca/ring in person at our store.
You are urged to get your tickets early The
show starts at 7 p.m.
Jan. 10th, 7 p.m.
Lisbon School House
The Rudolph Croftas entertained
at Christmas dinner: the Kenneth
Martens. Ames. the Henry Oldhams
and Kenneth, Tipton, the Wayne
Walls and Beverly, Cedar Rapids,
the C. D. Mohns, Lisbon, David
Beater, Cedar Falls. Mrs. Josephine
Crofts and Wesley, Alma Crofts,
Leo Beater and Leo Umbdenstock.
The Melvin Fishers, Patsy and
Lolls Meade, Iowa City, the Don-
ald Lenz family were visitors of
Mrs. A. J. Walsh during the holi-
days. Mrs. A. J. Walsh was a
Christmas dinner guest of Mrs. Ev-
erett Jenkins, Iowa City. Others
were the Donald Lenz family, the
Melvin Fishers and Patsy and the
John Parson fsmily.
Guests on Christmas of the Joe
T. Krobs were the Frank Schleuter
family, Clyo Castle family and Ir-
win Castle, Marion. Saturday vis-
itors were Mrs. Milo Ulch, Pasa-
dena, Calif Mrs. Fred Zimmerman,
Chicago, Mrs. Max Bstchelder,
Sioux City, Mrs. Anna R. Pauba and
Mrs. Libbie Oche]tree, Mrs. Lloyd
Kent, Mt. Vernon and Mary Brock.
Guests at dinner and supper on
Christmas of Mrs. Florence Neto-
licky were the James Netolickys
and James and Mrs. Rose Pipal,
i lowa City, the Max Netolickys and
Jane and John, Cedar Bluffs, the
Donald Netolickys. Florence Taps,
Mrs. Florence Netolicky and Jeanne
and Sandra and Diekie Wray. Sup-
per guests were the Wendell Stoners
of Iowa City.
A pre-Christmas party was held
Thursday evening at Dorothy Bir-
Cher's home, which was beautifully
decorated. Co-hostesses: Mildred
Umbdenstoek, Mildred Kessler and
Vie[an Whitney. Games and con-
tests were played and numerous
awards given. There was a gift
exchange. Lunch was served. The
county president will be at the Jan-
uary meeting on Thursday after-
Mrs. Ella Austin
Methodist W.S.C.S. met last Thurs-
day for a pre-Christmas exchange
sad pot-luck lunch.
The Otis Sivers and Harlan Rus-
Sells planned an enjoyable program
after which gifts were exchanged.
Mrs. R. H. Biekerstaff had a,
growth removed from her eyelid by'
a Cedar Rapids surgeon last Thurs-
The Gifford Hansons and Darrell
Hefflefingers went to Aberdeen, i
S. D a week ago Sunday to visit
in the Kenneth Austin, R. M. Smith
and Ralph Smith homes.
E.U.B. Christmas party was held
a week ago beginning with a 7 p.m.
co-op followed by a business meet-
ing. Officers elected were Mrs. D.
Findley, pres.; A.R. Embree, v.
pres.; Mrs. Ella Austin, sec.-treas.
Mrs. Ruth Smith was honored on
her birthday when her children and
grandchildren surprised her for a
co-op dinner. Present were Mrs.
Smith, Arlene, the F. P. Smiths, !
]Cynthia, Becky and the R. G.
, Smtihs, Peggy Jane and Gary. i
New Hampshire Red hens on the
place now.
Fred Schlemme Manages
Big Cattle Herd Drive
In a letter to Mrs. Cliff Brown,
Mrs. Fred Schlemme sent a clipping
from the Daily Capitol, Pierre, S.D
telling of driving 804 cattle to Fort
Pierre a distance of 80 miles in four
and a half days. The drive began
on the Robert Drapaer ranch, 29
miles southeast of Dupre, of which
Fred Schlemme is manager. Nine
men on horse back and another with
the chuck wagon rode from sun-
rise until 4:30 p.m. each day making
something less than 20 miles a- day.
The cattle were shiped to Hereford,
Texas, to another Drapaer ranch.
Mr. Drspaer accompanied the drive
by air in a light plane.
The Schlemmes will be remem-
bered as residents on one of the
Sargent Farms a few years sgo.
Fern is married and Phyllis is at
home. Fay, who is in the service,]
is stationed in Kansas.
. . a Milk that Contains al-
most ALL tho Vitamins and
Minerals Nature Intended
For you|
More Vitamin A
More Vitamin B1
More Vitamin B2
More Vitamin D
More Niacin
More Iodine
More Iron
Call 6321 for
Home Delivery
Commencing at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch on grounds
11 Dairy cows, 5 Holsteins and 6 Guernseys, a|l coming with 3rd calf
but three; 4 just fresh with calves at side, 5 to freshen before May 1st,
other 2 milking now, will freshen by early summer; 4 year old Hereford
8 Chester White-Hampshire tried sows bred to Hampshire boar for
last of March farrow; 11 Chester White gilts bred to Duroc boar for March
15 farrow; 35 feeding shoats that weigh around 170 Ibs. each; 59 fall
pigs; Duroc boar out of Meeks & hvrd; All hogs Iongtime vaccinated.
Allis Chalmers WC tractor witbo; rter, lights, power lift and power
take-off, tractor just overhauled and in A-1 shape; Allis Chalmers power
lift cultivator, good condition; Mc-Deering tractor plow on rubber, 2-16 in.
with 2 sets of shares sharpened and ready to go; David Bradley 7 ft. tan-
dem disc; Allls Chalmers 10 ft. single disc, only used on less than 60
acres; 16 ft. flexible reversible harrow with steel folding drawbar; 4 sec-
tion harrow; Mc-Deerlng corn planter with fertilizer attachments and trac-
tor hitch; Brady stalk shredder, power driven, only shredded 50 acres; 4
row rotary hoe, good shape; 10 ft. cultipacker; Oliver 7 ft. Clip Cut mower
with tractor hitch; New Idea manure spreader, good condition; 5 ton ira-
plement trailer, 10 ft. with heavy duty 10 ply. truck tires; set of steel
wheels for A.C. Trader, su;table for cut down job; set of 11:25x28 tractor
chains; bob sled; new 70 gal. electric Pride of the Farm hog waterer; oil
burner Sears tank heater; wood burning tank heater; 110 gal. heavy gas
barrel wffh 3-4 in. nozzle, good; 2feed bunks; 5 sets of harness; several :
horse Collars; 2 harness dipping vats, complete, good shape.
300 Pullets, just starting to lay, 175 White Rocks, 125 Austra White(
and a few mixed chickens, including several roosters; electric brooder,
500 chick size; electr;c battery, 500 chick s;ze, works good; 2 new 5 gal.
kerosene burner chicken waterers; chicken feeders, etc; Surge milking
machine, 2 unit, complete with pipes and stall cocks for 16 cows, only 3
years old; DeLaval No. 17, electric cream separator, 900 lb. capacity.
About 5 tons of baled clover and brome hay; 20 tons of alfalfa and
brome hay; corn ensilage, 12x40 ft. silo half full, about 40 ton.
Ladies Aid of the Martelle Christian Church Will Have Lunch Stand
Mrs. Pearl Miller, Administratrix
Wilbur Colby, Auctioneer Guy Martin, Clerk, of Farmers
Mechanicsville, Iowa Saving Bank, Martelle, Iowa