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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 29, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 29, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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mas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Zearing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Litts, Charles and Donna, were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Lilts and Mrs+ Carmen Albright at Mount Ver- non. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leigh spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. F. W. Leigh and Elda in Mount Vernon• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kohl and family were guests for Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Jennie Litts and Mrs. Carmen Albright in Mount Vernon• For Prompt Removal of all DEAD STOCK Call Our Nearest Phone Collect Cedar Rapids 4612 Anamosa 542 Stanwood 800 Iowa Dept. of Agriculturo License No. 1 SANITARY RENDERING CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Telelflmne Mt. Vernon 6000 C "'~'&"i'~."Sl::'S~":::: ...... 13-82-5 .......... Blessing, Mike F. • ~-~~X1 NW S\V SE ...... 13-82-5 ......Miller, M. S. & Mary e ~II,~i S\~ ............. 13-82-5 .......... Blessing, .Mike F.! SW ............. 13-82-5 Frederick, Elnler E & W Ray Ly ,~.~ ::: .... :: ............. tris~s\~) & s% Nw sw . ..... 1:'-82-5 ........ 'Whitn~an, Irwin H; 1;3-82-5 ..............Light, G. ~,V. %rt~. ~'S ,~. 13-82-5 .... (h'avvr, Lloyd & Grace \ 1:;-82-5 .............. w,n ]4-82-5 .............. l~eiKer, Wm 14-82-5 .............. Light, W. (L ~E [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[~[[~[[ 14-82-5 Equit Lfe Assur Soc of U S IS\VII, x" \~;4"r'd's '-N*[]6r(ls' & "ex 14-$2-5 ........ Hoff ........ Laura A, ds \V')6 o 3 • ~ ' - -/ rds thereof 14-82-5 ............ (;raver, Lewis F S\v~'V66 &2/3N7/rds0S24\V~,rdSNb2N E'S~\'S\V 14-82-5 .......... Haskins. Mary C ~. 3~rds NE, NE ,Q~V . ..... 14-82-5 ....Bair, t{ussell & Bertha 14-82-5 ....Bair, l~ussell & Berlha ~,ii~+Ws ii~=!il;!iiii!!!iii 14-82-5 ................ hlk, R. P. 14-82-5 ........l{iddle, Calvin It. [ 14-82-5 ............Mallie, Emma ":_, Jl~] '- ;'' "G[,~[ ....... 15-82-5 Mallie, James 15-82-5 ..........Biddle, Calvin i!¢ 11~l~Of rd-vx Cord & S::+& NW'N'b'] 15-82-5 Th • ................... • ........... Verba, Jos. ~'. ~'r[;ad ................. 15-82-5 .......... Henik, Frank Jr. [ship ...... 15-82-5 ............ Henik, Frank ~ of road ................ 16-82-5 .............. Verba, Jos F ~ll f~lb]RI~ "' " ...............16-82-5 ........ Hogle, Berton 5[. \Vb~ "gi='gi, i "&. "Si\:-SE of rd 1(;-82-5 Henik, Frank Jr. 16-82-5 ~Valrob, FrankJ tO a i~'~; ....................... 21-82-5 .......... Staskal, Jos. F. I l~l~ (~;'E'~;¢~r'::: ........... 21-82-5 ........Wolrab, Erank J. sr:" ,'w "hi "2 21-82-5 ................ West, Ely Ne~ :~x I '-. . . , +~'t l"iri"sur'SiV'::::.::. 21-82-5 ................ West, Ely ? Sur S\V . ................. 21-82-5 . . West, Ely 1~., NW SE & NE SE-ex 21-82-5i)\;(~l:~il~-I "i/r~[nt~" (] & Mary Lanu"t. ch . • sw 21-82-5 .......... Staskai, .... F. St ~[L SlC,_E of rd ex Lot 2 21-82-5 ........ Peterson, Harriet di i;i : .... 2]-82-5 ............ urge, b2thelda I~ +' + ~rr sur SE S't~ 21-82-5 :f rd & W16rds N~,~ N~,V ...... Bovey, James G. Est ~16rd's" N-~; 'N'~r';c'~ ......... 22-82-5 ............Broulik, Tillie ~--~ex Elrd'& F~]"~G'5~;''. 22-82-5 ~ ~,Vlrd ... • ,a • ~-,~w of ...... Pospisil, Jos & Mary -1~8 k ........... [[[[[[..- 22-82-5 ........ Kleineek, Christ F. iii iiiiiii ........ Chris ee0 .. .. :::i ...... :::::::::[:::::~ 22-82-5 ......... Broulik, John 1,. 22-82-5 Kroh, Frank J & J L Broulik ::; ....... 2+-8+_5 2~_8y~~ ...... Andreas, 1t. P & Lydia lit N_iX ",N'i'f }~i: .................. Andreas, 1t P & Lydia =ex 1A in S p{ ........... 23-82-5 ........Hoffman, Laur:a A SigA NE NE :::::::::::: 23-82-5 ........ ttoff ....... Laura A UI~,~ . & NW S\V ........... 2;I-82-5 ........ Carpenter, John H. 23-82-5 .......... ]lose, R. P H+;t "f x in fi',;i.41 ......... 2a-82-5 .......... ..... , .xlrsc [~ Sb~ " "" '] NW & \V~,~' 2:]-82-5 ...... ('lark, Fred F & Ross .serS r i.:,, .... 2: -82-5 ........ ('arpent .... J,,hn I-, ~iee ~N3~ 1)},k' '-Ni\;'N'b; ....... 26-82-5 ...............Henik, J .... ~ "4"/' A N"- - ....... 26-82-5 ....Clark, Fred F & ttoss ~ • - o . -+W NH ... 26-82-5 ........ Whitman, Irwin H ~teo~ ~e" kx~/ ..... j " NE., [[[[[[ [[[[[[[ 24-82-524_82_5 ........ 131essing, Mike F. 24-82-5 ._..~.- (t &. .S (\; . ~¢F~ ................. • ......... l~.eimer, Lulu H. ............ Graver, Sahina 24-82-5 ........... Lineback, John moll ?& NE S~V_N~''~1 ......... 24-82-5 ........Blttle, Mrs. Ediel 24-82-5 ........\Vhitman, Irwin H. ......................24-82-5 .............. Light. Estella f "rd" 24-82-5 .............. Light. t]. \V. • X sch :::::::::::::::::: 24-82-5 ........... Linebaek, John ................... 25-82-5 ........Kohl, Clarence ~. "fi~r" "NE" ............... 25-82-5 ........Alexander, Chas. . ..............25-82-5 .. ~ ............ Lineback Jehn on will ¢.~ ,,,-. .... ; .....2o-82-5 ..............Light, '(3. W. • ..t- on lor hearing l)efore the Board of Sul)erv sors the Court House, Cedar Rapids Llnn Count Iowa at appeaJanu.'~r~" 10th, 19~9, at which ti,~e all personsY'interested u. . ,,u De neard in the matter. ms Z4th day of Deeembor, 1938, at Cedar Rapids. Iowa. ROBT. 5[. VESELY, Linn C~mnty Auditor. having rented another farm on a cash basis and owing to the death of one owners of the farm, we will hold a dissolution sale at the farm now occupied by located 2 Vz miles south of Mt. Vernon and 3 miles southwest of Lisbon, on NCING AT 11:30 O'CLOCK SHARP, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY Cattle icem}lch cows, 10 of which are milking now, two or three of these will be fresh - ter and balance in early spring, they consist of Guernsey and Shorthorns of strain, everyone of these is a choice individual and sound, all are in "year youcan get a cow out of this bunch that will please anyone (high testers). m. uernsey heifers, springing heavy, wonderful prospects; 5 Guernsey y.OWlSs.heifers bred for summer calving, these are beauties; 6 Guernsey and owiss heiter calves out of our good cows; 1 pure bred Brown Swiss bull, year st, a good one. 24 AA~ Hogs--Cholera Immuned feeding shoats weighing 125 lbs; 5 late fall pigs, nice ones. -- dson Tractor and 2 bottom 14-inch tractor plow in good order; 60 bu. capacity self ink feeder like new; cream separator, 800-1b capacity. us "b Corn, Oats, Hav, Etc. ushelsoats, good°f choicewei hc°rn- in good cribs, 600 bush'els of this is old corn; 400 bushels ade cutting t- t, 50 tons of hay, 40 tons of this is choice alfalfa, 1st, 2nd and serV 'm good sl ap tu_lnlOts to suit. 10 tons mo e or less of fine soy bean hay put • o u?snels o[ Hybrid seed corn gathered early. Chickens, Geese, Ducks, Etc. ciat ead of mixed yearling hens; 3 big dry land geese, 2 geese and 1 gander; 4 ducks, G. L. Hill, Clerk large ones. EHLE & PITLIK WILL HAVE LUNCH WAGON Mr. and Mrs. Argus McConaughy and Bobby spent Christmas with Mrs. Ferne Jayne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman, Dean and Dale, Mr• and Mrs. Merle Murfield and Elizabeth, Miss Mil- dred Leinbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. i Thomas Lafferty and the Willard i Russell family, Mr. and Mrs. George Barner and Creighton, and Clyde Leinbaugh spent Christmas in the F. W. Leinbaugh home. Albert Bobst family spent Christ- mas in the Phillip Kuhn home at Marion• Mr. and Mrs. F. S• Meyers spent Christmas at the Ivan Hasek home at Sioux City. Miss Frances Drach, Paul Thomas and Mr. York of Des Moines spent Saturday night in the Allen Mitch- ell home. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Pedersen and Mrs. Hattie Waln spent Christmas in the L. R. Bobst home. Christmas guests in the Albert Thomas home were Miss Frances Drach, Paul Thomas, and Mr. York, all of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas, Marilyn and Ron- nie of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimball of Clarence; Mrs. Amelia Larsen and Ivan of Spring- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mitchell, Mrs. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas and Otis Thomas, all of Martelle. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allen of Des Moines, Mr• and Mrs. O. W. McBride and Betty of Marion, and ~ Mrs. Lillian Stewart spent Christ- mas in the C. L. Murfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Lolen Rentington and Phyllis and Mrs. A. L. Huff- man spent Christmas with relatives at Davenport. Mrs. Ida Miller spent Tuesday in Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stahl attend- ed a Christmas party at the Byron Jones home in Mount Vernon last Sunday• Mr. and Mrs. John Ricketts of Springville were recent visitors in the Harvey Barber home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stahl were dinner guests in the DeVere Port i home at Springville on Sunday. Misses Thelma and Faye Rich spent their holiday vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Add Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Lacock of Whittier attended church at the M. E. church Sunday morning and were dinner guests in the Ralph La- cock home. Mrs. Elsie Remington spent Christmas in the Ivan Remington! home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Dav- enport spent Christmas in the Will May home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurt and Bar- bara Jo of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. George Hurt, Mr• and Mrs. Nell Norton and sons, and Howard Beardsley family and Mrs. Bessie Ankeny spent Christmas in the Joe Hurt home. Mrs. Martha Barber spent Christ- mas in the Alva Barber home in Anamosa. Miss Maxine Larson spent the week in the Joe Hurt home in Ce- dar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Linn and Gwendolyn of Cedar Rapids, and Mrs. and Mrs. Earl Farley and daughter of Lisbon spent Christmas morning in the Gerald Darsee home. Darsees' and their company spent the rest of the day in the Dave Courtright home in Olin. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eldred and children spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Stella Eldred and Galen. All Farmers Feeding Pigs Should Feed Riverside Pig Meal for faster growth, and healthier p i g s ; more weight at less cost. Let us prove to you that you can save money by feeding Riverside Pig Meal. We can save you dollars. Try it Today! Manufactured and For Sale at Riverside Feed Stores All kinds of Feed, Flour, Hay and Straw Main Store 119 14th Ave. S.E. Store No. 2, 222 1st St. N.E. Phone 2-7120 Cedar Rapids We Will Deliver Free t | | | Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gordon and Roger and Bob spent Sunday even- ing at the Charlie White home at Palo. [ Dillon Holcomb of Mitchellville! came to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Lodie Holcomb. pigs; 14 feeding shoats, weighing around 15(} Ihs; 15 September fall pigs, Hampshires, and good ones. Hampshire spring boar, an Amana bred boar and a good one. Machinery, Harness, Etc. Full line of machinery that goes with a farm including nearly new truck wagon and basket rack. 2 sets of good harness, 1 set is britchen harness and 1 set farm harness. Some good leather collars of different sizes. MAN ~VANTED Man to help hx:al farmers with poultry -- feedi]w,', delousing, worming and ~) forth. ~ViU teli('h lilaii who has had Sonte sort of farn~illg exl)eriellee and give chance to earn $75 - $100 a ntonth. Mnst have ear. lVl*itl~ Bnx X, care of this paper. Nalne ............................................ Address .......................................... Corn, Hay Etc. 700 bushels of good yellow corn in crib; 25 tons of mixed clover and timothy hay in the barn, this was made at a good time and is swell hay. LIME STONE---100 tons of ground lime stone to he sold in lots to suit, this tests 98' pure. 12 Walnut logs, good ones. Many small items too numerous to mention. HENRY LANG'S LUNCH WAGON WILL BE THERE AME W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon. Jay Fordyce of Mt. Vernon Bank, Clerk Ill I i Owing to the death of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Miller and by an order of court to close the Estate Joanna Miller, I will sell at public auction at the late residence, lo cated 2 miles west of Mount Vernon, just south of the Abbey Creek school house just off of Highway No. 30, 40 rods, on COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: 1 bay mare, smooth mouthed, wt. 1500, HO a good work mare; 1 bay gelding, smooth mouthed, wt. 1500, a good work horse• Holstein cow 7 years old, sound and right, milking now, and will freshen in early spring• When she is fresh you want a big pail to hold her milk. Holstein cow carrying her 3rd calf, right in every way, to freshen in the spring. Holstein cow carrying her 2nd calf, a good one. Holstein cow 7 years old (registered and recorded) and oh, what a cow. She will give 34 quarts daily when on good pasture, due to freshen in early March. This cow is good enough for any herd in Iowa. 3 Shorthorn cows milking now and due to freshen in the spring• Guernsey cow 4 years old, milking now, and a nice one. The above cows are bred to a Shorthorn bull. 2 two-year old heifers, a Shorthorn and a nice Holstein (bred); 1 heifer coming 2 years old, a Shorthorn-Guernsey; 1 steer coming 2 years old, a black one; 4 spring calves, (3 Shorthorns), one is a well bred Holstein bull calf out of a choice cow, good enough for a bull. 4 pure bred Poland China tried sows, McCormick breeding, bred to Poland boar; 10 Hampshire gilts (bred) nice ones; the above are cholera immune; 5 Hampshire gilts (bred); 1 Hampshire spring boar; 8 Poland-Hampshire gilts, bred; 10 head of 180 lb feeding shoats; 10 Hampshire-Poland fall pigs, good thrifty ones. 10 head of Shropshire ewes (bred). MACHINERY F-12 Farmall tractor only used 2 seasons, this has had the best of care and is like new; 2-row corn plow for above tractor; 2 bottom Little Genius tractor plow; the above outfit works perfect. 8-ft Osborn binder in perfect shape; Easy Way hay loader; Mc.Deering corn planter and wire; Mc-Deering 9-ft disc; 4-section steel lever har- row; John Deere broadcast seeder with grass seeder attachment; John Deere single row cultivator; 16-inch walk- ing plow; Rock Island manure spreader; Mc-Deering 6-ft. mower, buncher attachment for mower; steel dump hay rake; harrow cart; high wheel wide tired wagon and 36-inch box; Rock Island steel wheeled truck wagon and Ox- ford hay rack; oscillator bob sled; single hole corn sheller; 2 12-ft. hog troughs, double trees, eveners, etc. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Mellotte cream separator; 5-gallon cream can; milk pails and other dairy supplies and many miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. CORN, OATS, HAY, 2200 bushels of choice yellow corn in cribs; 200 bushels of 1978 oats; 150 bushels of old oats testing 36 lbs to the bushel; 40 tons of pure clover hay put up without rain, only 5 loads of this got wet; 1Vz tons of baled bean hay; 50 shocks of fodder corn all in. HARNESS, COLLARS, ETC. Set of nearly new Concord harness; 2 nearly new 22-inchcollars; 1 set of field harness. EHLE & PITLIK WILL HAVE LUNCH WAGON W. E. Challis, Auctioneer, phone 130, Lisbon Attorney state O. J. Emmons of Springville Exchange Bank, Clerk II Illll I i