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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 30, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 30, 1898
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st WEEK’S HISTORY IOWA. MT- VERNON' ' The Iniportant Happenings of a Week Briefly Told. AFTER the banquet of the lord mayor of London 140 odd baskets of frag. ments were gathered up and given to to the poor. IN ALL PARTS OF THE UNION cl ..__._._...__—-— THE Massachusetts Gipsy Moth Com- mission has spent $900,000 this year fighting the destructive bug and wants a similar sum {or next year. ___.___........__—— M. Tnomtmr, late French minister for the colonies, has been the victim of aqueer bit of spite. the, barristers of his district having disbarred him by virtue of a forgotten law that forbids any lawyer from acceptingr a salaried position. As the French ministers are all paid ofi‘icials, and many of them lawyers. a general application of the ‘law would be disastrous. All the Latest News of Interest from Washington, From the East, the West and the South. 8 THE LATEST FOREIGN DISPATCHES FIFTY-F‘F‘TXI CONGRESS. The house resolution providing for adjournment from December 21 to Jan- uary 4 was adopted by the United States senate on the 20th. A protest was received from cx—Queen Liliuoka— Iani against the appropriation of the .. ':W—WWMM crown lands of Hawaii by the United A DEC/“m” novelty in the way Of States. Senator Teller (001.) spoke in newspaper enterprise is announced . .. th from Lapland. The first paper in that favor 0f exPansmn' In the house , . , . . conference report on the army an country has appealed. ll. is written navy deficiency hm was adopted and lupon a single client or paper and. in the agricultural appropriation bin 63“ published every Sunday at a town thh 696 ‘22) wa ssed Mr Williams an unpronouneeablo name. Up to the (Migs) in ai 32011 0 0864 'the mmexm . present the journal has only half a t. "f “I ‘51“, Pp dozen subscribers and every issue is cgzsgag tie ré駥gfegmv to 100 000 wel 'd with 1 )ml r I: use. co m’ ( app 1 a men was tavera 1y reported. A bill to provide a government for the territory of Hawaii was reported favor- ably to the United States senate on the. 215i. and a few private pension bills were‘passcd; after which an adjourn- ment was taken to January 4.. In the house a. msolution directing an inves- tigation of the right of the members who volunteered in the Spanish—Amen icon war to seats in the house was adopted. Adjourned to January 4. t HENRY Ill. issued the first current gold in England in 1247. It was of pure gold. passed for 20 pence, and was called a. gold penny. The next cur- rent gold coin issxicdwthc florln-awas issued by Edward III. in 1344. Guineas Were issued by Charles II. in 1663, and continued to be coined till 1817, when they were supcrccded by sovereigns. The gold sovereign was first. coined by Henry VI}. THERE are at present several old con- victs at Frcmantlc(Westralia) jail who, though their time has long expired, live on there. They give as their new son thatnll the people they knew. in the old country must be long since dead, so they prefer to remain where so much of their life has been spent. The old follows are allowed to go into town, but must be back in time for lopkup. ' . FROM WASHINGTON. ~ Preliminary orderc were issued. by Adjt. Gen. Corbin providing for the muster out 50,000 volunteers in the next month. Maj. E. G. Rathbone, of Ohio, will have charge of, the postal service in Cuba. The president appointed Ethan A. Hitchcock, of St. Louis, Mo. now am- bassodor to Russia, as‘secretary of the interior. Very encouraging reports; ofvtbe een~ dition of affairs in. Manila. and Porto Rico reached the war department from the officers commanding the troops: in those departments. , An army bill prepared by the house military committee provides for a standing army of 30,000 men, with an. auxiliary force of 50,000 for present ex- igencies, . . ,, , Irn his'report RobertB. Porter, special commissioner for the United. States. to Cuba andlhrto Rico, says that the military“ {government is‘ running smoothly, and that Santiago is rapidly becoming ahealthy city. . The government has decided to mus—- ter out all-the volunteers in. the Phil- lppiueu as: faint no the can borcplaced with regulars. v ‘ DUTCH fishermen make astonishing catches by means of the following very simple plan: They put anumberof live worms and insects in a bottle par- tially filled with water, and then cork it securely. The. bottle is dropped into the water, the fisherman sinking his line alongside. It appears that the sight of the wriggling‘conteuts of the bottle so excites the uppeti‘teszof the fluny tribes that they {all easy victims to the baited hooks. ’ l A nnAucu of agriculture which is claiming much attention“_fr0m the farmers and others in St. Bernard, La... and which promises__to reach a state of high development Within the next few years. is orange culture. The fact that many are preparing to lay out young trees by the thousands" is proof oufllclent that the industry. is destined: to become an important motor in the agricultural resources of St. Bcr~ nerd. :3 2m . Tm: recent wreck of the steamship Mohegan on the Manacles, neargth'c Lizard, has led to, the suggestion that, the disaster was due to the magnetic influence of these rocks‘ on the ship’s compass. Among those who favor the view that the ship’s compass was at fault is. Prof. S. P. Thompson, of Eng. land, wh'b'hints that it is conceivable that in adjusting the compasses before Ithe voyage the compensation had been applied in the wrong “direction. . Bro game is said to be extraordin— arily plentiful in the: region of cla. The river swarmswith crocodiles aud'hippopotami, whilbgréut herds of antelopcs of various kinda and girafi‘es are frequently met with. The latter fact is particularly interesting, as most of the zoological gardens in the world are in want of a specimen of the North African giraffe, which they have been unable to obtain, owing to the closing of the central 'Soudan for so many years. \ r This leather which is used to tip the , hammered the beat pianos is of a *re« markably soft quality. It is prepared by a family of tanners in Thuringio, ’* G‘eflnziny, by means of. 3o the secret of which they alone .posccss. -. The skins‘ are procured in ;this congr- j» , try from one? kind at deer-«4&6 gusty deer ofpthe northern lake district. Any . 1 other buckskin icuaele’és; An uél‘ehicy ‘ ,» .r . w in Minneatpolia supplies the German 1897‘ ‘ tanncro with hides, and‘the’y ur‘ec‘lich i Did?“ good cust'orberal that they have anath- ‘3 being done 39W b5" as. _. ,, are. ‘n ’ ngjmh enough American trodps‘in Cub meet any call upon them throu speedy evacuation of the Spanish ’glu» risons. * I It has been determined by the gov- ernment to hoist the American flag over Wake island, the westernmost of the Hawaiian group. ' THE EAST. and other eastern ciiieomany deaths from grip were reported. In Beaten Mics Margaret- Dodgeyu prominent liicmry worker, was found dead in a. pew in a. church. She had taken poison. A company in Yiiioburgh have re» States government tore-equip Mo'rro castle in Havana. , ‘ Boring "the was}: ended on the ego the exchanges at the leading clearing honse’c‘ln’ the United States aggregated $1,678,030.023, against moonwagcsthe the. merchants , come-.2 31115;, at any previous ti Tun annual statistics published-by the French ministry of cgriciilturcin‘ . , dicatc, that the consumption of the flesh of horses, mules and donkeys i8 cteadilyincreasing in Paris. The num~ ber of stalls-at which it is 0050er for , talc nowrcachcs ms. The numbcrol, horses brdu‘ght- to the shambles for slaughter was 21,667. of. claim 52 and of donkeys3l0, but 734 horses.a mule and with Spam seven donkey‘s were condemned, asunw- . . s. W. fit for human food, so that timeout .w‘ , , killed'and consumed was 20,093 homes. hi. them;an legfialaturemet 51 mules and 303 donkeys. The prime {3, extra and heard Gov. Leedy‘o cuts fetched about a. frame a pound. ummge; .;He urged legislation my“- (cry a: the country. , With Admiral Sampson and wife on beat-c“ the United Statics 'cfiiix‘er York from Havana arrived “in 1% York. -' , ,_ ' , Paris the American liner‘fit. tLoulébi’fivcdjin;Newj'Yorlé, having on board‘th‘e United States commissionw are who concluded the treaty oflp'ea’cc Too long. dreary Russian winter has fairly set in, but it has at least. five or six months to run. and already we hear of present distress and impending fam- , inc. The Bunion grain crop failed this year and on millions of peasants, who have none too much to eat in the best times, are on the verge of starva- tion; How serious the trouble in may, _. be lodged from the report that the ‘ cmr has given $350,000 apparently, from hlsrprivate purse, for the relief of the destitute, and, this is onlya first contribution. Charitable America will have another chance to feed llusSia this winter. companies. : At Town Greek, Aim. William-sumac, who murdered Robert Norton. dragged irom'jail by a mob and lynched. miners were killed and several of, their comrades. wounded in a battle. with revenue caldera, ‘ ‘ . More than 200 people ,wcrerendcred homeless by fire which dectroyed the Melrose apartment building inflhicago, the loss being $175,000. The marine losses: during 1898 were materially greater than during any previousacason on 1h: lakes. the aggre- gate being estimated at $2,000,000. In a. cabin at Crown Hill, 5. D., Mike Henna-scey, a wealthy mine: owner, and John O’Connell burned to‘death. The death of Lieutenant Commander Sumner C. Payne, Unitedfiiatec navy, retired. occurred in Ashevllle. NC. , At lineage out)? years JamesMcDgon- aid, a resident of Chippewa Falls-Wit, died lit-St. Joseph’s hocpital, Milwau— kee. . ‘ “ Fen years the‘gardens of the Vatican at Rome have been famous for roses, of so deep a red that. they {Wu almost block. so rich in bloom. so rare in per- funw, that they rank first among all Y ‘Ilic roach of Europe. And now Some body has found out that thepopc’u , gardener is "watering these famous flowers with blood. ‘ But there is one 1-,, rare and beautiful plant which only firewaiipon the graves of men, and ‘ ‘ only raprings {room soil enriched will. human blood, Such no... tradition attached lo the Bloody Flower a! «NW?- market. r y ' ', forcing an entrance to a residence in by Thomas E. Croxhy. aged 13 years. At hex-“home near Galena, fit. no {Olin Quark. aged 100 years, died. , baitulkm of the Tenth infantry. Barnes, aged 20 years, wife. of C. P. Barnes, a prominent attorney in Wood-1 stock. Ill., committed suicide with poi- son. passed by the city council puis astop to all sorts of business on Sunday, in- tors for pay. curred at the Pacific Hebrew home i San Francisco, aged 102 years. arrived at Canon and assumed occu’ pancy of the government building. of Spain the Cal-list agitation contin- ues, and a. number of agitators have upon at a joint meeting in Havana. of commissioners for the exchange of flags on January 1 at noon. tions established in Cuba are as 101- l The bill in- lows: Pinar Del Rio, Gunnajay, Mariel Trinidad, Les Tunas, Sancti Spiritus and Cardenas. over a Philippine educational institu- tion was raised over the schoolhouse. Montenegrin soldiers who vv taken by a snowatorm in the in Austria were frozen to deal its report to President McKinley. Boillot during a Christmas celebration at Aught, Mo. Lexington, Ky., resulted in the destruc- tion of two engines and the serious in— jury of nine railway employes. man who shot and killed John SteJ phonics at Cleveland, 0., was sentenced Th ' alsth ~- ., L . \ .' v sec . . ‘ mg on: the Old 'Tivoli. reservoir, at Al- _'Unitedf,au as which may hem been amt- - baby, N. Y. ‘ ‘ > in eight tact or ater by the breaking InNew York: Brooklyn, Philadelphia ‘ ,celved a. contract. from ihc' United ' ‘9 week The increase campared‘ _' on: week in 189‘? "" tchés: show that more, business . andmanufactni‘era of‘thc United States inthehhiyi gross, and was reelected in’1864. lug railroad, telegraph and exprou. was In Knoxyfcounty, K52, three moon? Deputy Sherifl‘ll'runk IE. Nycivvas Chicago When he ,1 was shot andkllle'dI , r country, has retired. This makes Bear MOUNT VERNON HAWK-E YE. Bound for Havana the third and lact 443 rong. sailed from Charleston, S. C. Because of family troubles Mrs. Olive OLD GLORY TO FLOAT. Cuba to Bid Farewdll to Spanish Rule at Noon January 1. Programme of Ceremonies Attending Formal Evacuation—A Proclama— “on Urglng strict Observance of Terms of Agreement. in Fort Scott, Run, an ordinance uding preaching in churches by pas- The death of Herman Gmnberg o a, Dec_ 27,411": American evac- commissioners will issue the fol- fproclamaiien to the inhabitants sland of Cuba: ndersigned commissionera on the a United States having been in— lth power by the. president to ar- and execute the evacuation of adjacent islands. and also tak— he public property of Spain, have Me an agreement with the com— ~ on the part of Spain for the monies and regulations to be ob~ (1 carried out on the first day of and thereafter until all Spanish FOREXGN INTELLlGENCE. . The high commissioner of the powg rsv in Crete, Prince George: of Greece, In several of the northern. province the island the necessity for strict , 'c with the terms of this ugreo~ ' ~r 8 end that public order and duo * the gravity of the occasion may ‘ (1 especially to admonish all people to exercise self-restraint atlon and refrain from giving ffense or irritation and from tho of excitement, undue manifes« feeling, or from doing any act ' to produce irritation or bad feel- he United States and Spanish military Seven additional military postal sta At Malate the first American flag ,1 rly four months this commission . . ' officials of the United States have b n under the protection of the Spanish ' _,& V authority. They have extended to us the F ' A“: courtesy and considera- 1' incident in lost, and no 0 be reversed. ; guests and en- LA'I'ER NEWS. I ._ must see to it . ’ . that =. I‘lmmunity and The Parlspence 0011111115510“ hasmade consideration. Apart from the eminent propriety of such a course, the best inter- ests of all classes, Cubans. Spaniards and Amerlfiéns will be thereby subserved. Must Be strictly Observed. . . . . "Actin under a sense of duty to the A railway colliswn 111 the suburbs of people 35d _._- ovemmem we give “one, that any v of the terms and pro- vision! of , out will be resented and often romptly to justice. . and interests we the strictest Impar- purpcla of promoting cud paciflcation of Cuba. ‘ of peace. the security to (perry, and the establish- enance of government with rtially administered are in- the. welfare and happiness Advices say that several John Holloway shot and ‘killed Jule Samuel Carr, the “Chicago colored the to penitentiary for life. At Enondale, Miss., Eugene Dennis, an 18-year-old boy, shot and killed ‘ Thomas and William Brantley. j L gt‘neretore confidently invoke It is asserted that a German syndi- glen, mopeggetégnefiig}? inhabitant! cute has promised Don Carlos, the pre- Th: “0113,1125” the“ qua,” m mu div, tender, 3 10311 Of 30900-000 francs- agreemenl for the final evacuation of'Cu’bv. ‘ This country will be represented by Ind 333108“ Spanish islands entermlnm five delegates at the universal peace November" 16. 1898, between the Amer , and Spanhm commissioners; also th conference which is to assemble at the 10001 ,1 invitation of the czar of Russia. Philadelphia will issue a new loan shed at Washington, Auéuc oclamation then continues; missioners of tge Unite:di mlssi nor: I am in o o“ of $11,200,000 for city improvements. 0 0 D John H. Collins, ofTOpcka, Kan, goes to the penitentiary for life for the mnr- ,. day of his father. ‘ with due formalities the on Mrs. William L. Smith, of East Liver- pool, 0.; “was robbed of a satchel con- i taming $2,500 and diamonds on 9. Pull- mn car atAlllegheny,Pa. Marion "filer was taken from jail at ’ find, byaa mob and banged. men: of Spain to representatve crnment of the United States, in — with the agreement between a, We have resolved by common the following: The Programme. 't 12 o'clock on the lat day of 11898, the battery of salutea at will discharge 21 cannon and im- 1 hereafter the Spanish flag will from Mon-o castle and from all 133 where displayed and the hemmed .i, , ii “a b”: “7 awll id Wit-limp“? nd andiynaval forces of the acted hyfihelr respective commanders and the slit)! have entered Havana. In advance and chill have located themselves at a con— venlent place, upon hearing the salute: chm proceed to new the fortlcctiona, edifices and 'rplaces in the city which the American authorities may desire to occupy and that all military places a. Spanish 03h oer will await the arrival of the America‘n force: sndwlll deliver the place to them. Thirty young, copier were immersed of the ice ch'libverett pond at Brook- line, Ma‘ss..“and three were drowned. Volunteers of America led thousands of needy poor on Christmas day in Chi- cago. ,- , A race conflict at Dallas. Tex. co'st lfiwlfia‘lhllilfilirglgliii’g’ét 5:331:23; two lives and many were wounded. ‘ ' lroopn. in Havana they wm remain in their , 3mm, thnmn shot Mrs. James Am quarters and, will form ranks during the . . . time a the deli r at um i , demon, 1115' paramour, and himself ht ,Amwim tmz: {title}: a??? $2“;ng Covington, Ky. ’ renaming arms to sounds of march from Tm, Angus“, and Enterprise éottd‘n «,yuficinmand bonds. The Amerlcnntroom factories at Augusta, (13., have closed. wufiptgm‘mofinlute ladentical form. _ , ' i“ r. tt ammo Mr 01129' i [to aid others in fighting the strike 111- ‘F e “km ,nugurated by workingmeu. the hit of, John,” there shall be‘ present A ’povi'g brick trust is one of the at all centers, tribunal»; offices and civil latest in, the list in New Jemy, with $12,900,000 capital. dependencies of the Spmlsh government ‘ Mrs. William Tanzer killed. her six- the respectlvgfimctlonamu and employs. who, may'hova not yet mud discharging their dnflfiflglfldmthfly Shall make delivery mohihmold babe with stryéhulne at Oakfield, Wis., and then tool: poison herself. Temporary insanity was the to Amati functionaries who may mount them; further purpoic snow!!! than receive perimtwctlon; 1,, ‘. ,» -'.' “Failure—Bozo» the timeot «overrun committing” of» the Unitedbtatcn and the l liner; of Spain. together with tho rescuer-cl end their headquu. c Ignaz-0's, mu alaninch at the contain general 10690th on t‘ and brccmmon accord any Maw“? "(111911 “It? occur, We: and to mire immediately non-son whomay dellre to that in recognition of new nu. , tag-awn! to one that can". «though it i: not to be expected have or this city that anyone . ordorcr the grant! of the a! inland. :11 anyone would.“ he shall be immediately pup. pubuoforce and the American will punish the guilty with r, . a Grove. 0%» Jen’- Bol- ,ch rgcd’with barn burn- s. masked mob. ‘ of the ’prom-_ tens of Ottumwa, lobe and his wife ftieth wedding , n ,1... ..u....1. of Lima, 0,.,y_was robbed of $18,000 by burglars. althomar C. Sloan, died at his hume' (near Juncsvil-le, Wish, aged '76 years, In 1862 he who elected a member of 0011— m1 &,,,,,,d,,,, the “live”, a“ ‘ 809-01900“?le Which may yet remain on the “had, than be command as a foreign “my loam-loudly country and as such to- Ipected' all." , : (Simeon ‘ i "J p , , Famine threatens the entire popula- tion. of the Bémini islands, the western grungy: the Bahamas. , The so~called congress of the revolu» tiouary government ,of the Filipinos has adjourned, owing to the diificuliy at f‘ormulatingya constitution. 1. Jim incendillry fire destroyed “the plant of the N cvvstemOcrat at gelle- ville, 111., the losobeing$12,000. i The Spanish troops are evacuating Havana so rapidly that it in almost‘im- possible for the Americans to provide promptly for the preservation of peace. ». Admiral W. T. Sampson arrived in Washington for consultation with the officials. ‘ « It. WADE. who..." i. U. a. v. “MAme ‘c. lawman. Mob: General, 13. 8. v. , quest. form w. CLous. Brigadier Gen- . oral. 11.3, v" secretary." “Imam..- noun o-uno. Callao Dec. 27r—The United State: Iowa and Orégan arrived cnio‘clock Monday morning. nettcrjrlom Than Last Winter. San Franeicco, Dec. 27.-—A special from Dawson- City dated November 14, says! Reports from all creeks. in the vicinity of Dawson City indicate that the winter’s product of gold will The expeditiou‘that was sent outb , the Swedlsh government in. search on; iggg it“: 0! 1““ year by more “3‘” n . ~ , ‘ Andree, the arctic explorer, hac 112- , turned to Siockbblm-lmcucemful. wm‘fiot Sign Death warrant. Tired of waiting ford‘eath to come, Wicmh. Kan” Dec. 27-Gov.-eieot Mrs. Christina Boob, 92‘ years old, Stanley Hate; that he Will not sign a jumped tram a window in Philadelphia Warm“ for the death of John Collins. and Wis killed. convicted Saturday evening of the mur- W’aiter newer died at, Aunt“, (2.1;, of dot of hi: father. He does not believe grief due to his son’s trial for the cum in capital Punl’ihmem' ‘5 “1° “8‘05 der of Henry Hildebrand at San Frau- Elven ' cisco. The son was: acquitted. Burned nook. Vllhelell. Mrs. Isabel. her daughter, Mrs. Ossie Cleveland, 0., Dec. Mia—According to Malone, and Mrs. Malone’n infant, were Altoruey Tolles, One of the Standard burned to death in their home near Oil legal rcp‘rmutativec, none of the Hilisboro, Tex. books of the company Which are wani- Wilham Shaver, a. farmer living near ed for examination under the Ohio so- Greenfield, Mo., shot and killed his wife prams court’s recent order have been and then shot himself dead. Family destroyed, He says only uselesg no- troubles were the cause. ords or bookchave been burned. President McKinley, will submit the am“ {3880: treaty-to the senate on Jann- Greenfield, no" I)“, gapiwmum ary . , , Rear Admiral Francis M. Bunce,afler __mauy yearsbf faithful Service to his day, producing fatal we unda‘ and then shot himself, dying. «mummy. ramp, trcublesfivvere ‘the cause. Admiral George Dewey the ranking- ofii— . ,cvr on the activelisl. . Havana, Dec. 26.——-Christmas at Camp Quemados was as lively as the troops. could make it with slender materials. hedgerows brilliant with flowers the the Fourth Virginia, the Second lili- nois and the One Hundred and Sixty- first Indiana regiments “spreads” out of company funds, with gifts from well-to-do members. army ration was supplemented by fruit, canned goods, sometimes chicken. soul-i regiment, the last to arrive, had dusty read. All the regimental bands played and the men were granted leave within a mile radius of the camp. Com- pany F of the One Hundred and Sixty- flrst Indiana regiment had a cactus tree with a prcSent for everybody stuck on the points, as for instance, hard tack, beans, salt pork and candles. The oflicers of the One Hundred and Sixty- flrst Indiana indulged after dinner in songs and speechmaking, with several solo dances. . At El Vedado the Eighth and Tenth regular infantry regiment: dined well at the expense of the com- to keep them on the chance of improve- route for. the New Year day parade. the prado‘ and cent theKavana suburb. Gen. Lee expects to have 11.000 .meu, Cubans, in the m 'tury precession. lug the citycnd the Cuban residents. One Cuban ‘wés fatally “Ounded, “’0 for 7500. v L Rat w u: others w; kindly injured and a'Span- “ "H.323... oer“; luau high fwahotabbed. The affaltwafi Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 27.———Mrs. Semi-monthly excursions to t- mg on byfihe Cubans, who fired Mary (T. Carpenter; oi Scarsdale, N. Y., West. The greatest opportuni " 5: no jhbujsetop on a company of SOl- bought for $7,500 a village at auction 5:35;lggefigfgli;gafizs°fintahg , El! 3199? in the Hm“ Roma- The last Friday, and is probably the only with mun-ea exceeding a“ the}; (g V 31411 , a sprang to their feet and at Ghee returned the fire. mas has- passed without local disorder. There were few private dinners given to celebrate the day among the Ameri- cans, as most of them prefer to hold their festivities to—day. Saturday even- ing three companies of United Stain troop; guarded the city as a pdeghpti’on‘ M15??? “ ’ 35°?” "l' the camp of come as near to being a. do! bration possible in military life. the whole. The borough was knocked Practically. all» crinny,‘z_-cstralnfs were down to Mrs. Carpenter for $7,500. Inspendcdmxcept morning and after- noon calls and the men were leftutn en- ;oy themselves in their own lesbian”. The Third. Nebraskahcol. William ‘IJ‘L, . Bryan’s clad regiment, had a. fund of $1,000 sentfrom‘homc for a Christmas dinner. Thin We: apportioned among the companicS. The Second Louisnna also had, 151,000 for a Christmas dinner, but this regiment spent Christmas at sea, having sailed Saturday at the same time as theFirst Texas. Several officers end men took" dinner in the city with citizens, though there wait no concerted movement fora spread for the troops as on Thanksgiving day.” ,9 .Dmkcm,!um Shoots m: porcupine ‘ Cavington. 21in , Dec. 27.——-Joseph Rum“ and Australian T0339 prove Johnson. 1313011? at Mitchell darTran- tune rolling mlll‘é‘lbttempted on Monday: “3953 t to kill the wife 0‘! Jams-a Anderson, a. “well-known burzlfit. at 009 Main street, and then turned th’fl' weaponon himself with immediate fatal eflécti. Ander- can in serving a term in the Ohio peni- tentiary. ha: been living within“, Anderson. Mu. Tanner, o! Otheld, WI... poi. sundny he drank heavily and Monday having for some. at her, one ball going through her body. the other wounding Johnson went into theyard and shot ‘imgedy, himself twice, the last‘ brain. Mrs. Andenou was taken to the hospital. She will probably recover. lpplne archipelagO.’ and' u. military and Shaver. thriller living four miles west of here, shot his wife four times Mon— ; 4 A NOVEL CHRISTMAS. Summer Heat and Blooming Flowerl Amer“ A 1 Feature of the Day to Northern {crux- Soldiers in Cuba. ‘4 Lult of t Lima, 0., Dec. 27.—The Amer. trol in national bank was robbed Sunday nig. , of over $18,000. The stone vault we Turkeys at Seven don?“ "Flee? were entered without the use of tools or do “I veryl scarce and everybody said that with the straying the “me lock. The bank is a, ‘_ heat at a summer tempemmre and the Main and High streets, the most prom- .‘ , inent corner in the city. When the :15? Sid not 5'68“? mUCh “k: janitor went to the bank Monday morn- IS :lne __ i thlel co’mp‘finy 365?; 0”: Ce ing he discovered the outside door of Pm: 5‘1- “mu” 5 D Gila. “3 "'5 or “O m the vault open. The officers were no- Hoodvs “new”; headw mac" tilled, and an investigation was made which disclosed that the other doors were locked, but that the vault had been looted of all its paper money and gold. There were two doors to the vault, the enter one being operated by the time lock. The inner door was locked with a combination lock. When this was opened by the officers a large Unite: Swift Retribution: Bandbl There was a wicked leer in or he: Mi‘ke’fs aye as the saw thée liéttle , on o e res aurant si e oor . small tin pail. “The idea!” be e’ 3.9”“, his comrade, “of incouraging si, “195' in de young.” “It’s our duty to s 10f 5” the rejoinder. Before the littl official turn the corner the tramp loome n5 for had extra The sweet potatoes and The Sixth Mis- been arrested. , . l .. - . The well-known composer and plum all have embm‘kfiddfrw rgpatriz' “0 timnce t3), 91:1)“: anhebmrf“ ‘lmnelé sack containing $1,000 in silver, done up 35:] gela‘mef‘ . 2°”)? t of t] - . . v- he aamels publls e on egu - so emen me on res ee ,rice an . , . e ye c rrym a pal lsi, Sebastian Bach Mills, diedin Wies- he inhabitants and other“ outside beans one battalion macth camp in packages, vvas found .on the chair, It’s agm me anantry'n The H st gm baden’ Germany, aged 60 years. “ago district 8 ' th th t a S where lt had been left. Not 8. dollar Of gan to cry, ]\ ike seizgd the hue . the ET! The programme was finally agreed. demlgned dellre in this public Emma)? 5° er “0m ’Ic mg “1" silver had been taken, although several moment had the bottom of it v.“ {c - impress and enjoin upon all the day a dlsta‘DCB of eight milec over a. sucks containing hundreds of dollars ward the blue sky. The effect w g Foam flew m all directions. Hi Novel]: more were found on top of the safe. Saturday night about $16,000 was de— posited in the vault. This was stolen, as well as about $2,000 which had been thrown on top of the safe after it had been locked, the money having come in late. The stockholders of the bank are rmong the most conservative men in the city, and the bank will not feel the loss. The door of the bank was found locked Monday morning. Two electric lights had been left burning Sunday night, but the one in front of the vault lation solved the mystery: “S (1: am And when the restaurant prop .Whnti out and desired to know why h id 9 could not blow soap bubbles wi‘ 53 interfered with the victim of p ,the b‘ state] had; not a word to say.vWashin ese give 1 STATE or OHIO, Cm or Tempo, ‘ Locus Coomr, ‘ Frank J. Cheney makes oath th ,” Mr. senior partner of the firm of F. this n & 00., (low business in the city ti“, County an State aforesaid, an an . firm will pay the sum of One flu in 31' lars for each and every case of are sh cannot be cured by the use of Hal 1. and Cure. FRANK J. C , Sworn to before me and subsc mo“ pally funds- was turned off Joseph Goldsmith - . . r a Mnl- ngvtLeifi and has Staff Part3“ vice—president of the bank, was the last i’é'seéf’nce’ fins 6th dag, (ile ,, 3,91%“ Of 9' mo 85 _d “’13,”. ‘5‘" Pee 1‘“ a ‘person connected with the institution Seal] Nota ' Km” number of live turkeys available, but in th ,0 3d . V all’aCatari-h Cureistaken int th b_ d 1 h d id 6 e an ng room. He “cut to the acts direct] 0 th mo d d ,. mg as e H s are very can’ e M e bank to write some letters, and after he y n e O a" l n of ‘ faces of the Eystem. Send for t had concluded locked the outer door free. F. J. HENEY & CO.,Teem « ment for the New Year’s feast after the . _ Sold b d1, u is“ 75c. flag raising. Gen». Lee spent most of kidding to .the bank' He says the elec Hall’s muffin“; are the best. 5 in 1’ th d8 onhomebuck stud ,in the be” the light in front of the door was , (here 6 y ' g burning when he left.- Diver’. Don’tl. h 1m There is nothing for the detectives Don’t expect to thine in soci ies. agzgzrefésgiiéfi" ::$°gl:°p:§l;t “g; to work on. The manner inwhich the “hggflfitdgfiin your Eyés 1 k. ‘ are v . oo in r , that the route will probably be through “We? ‘7‘.” d°nehdem°nstrftei in your neighbor. g . bu Bay, t at it was t e work 0 e p . Don.t get into the habit cpl-mi} ept i 1 Park’ to ceno’ .There was not a scratch left on the vault and nothing wa-s molested except the money that could be easily carried away. On top of the safe inside the vault was a. large number of drafts signed in blank. They Were not taken. WOMAN BUYS A TOWN. Vlllake of Glen Eyre. 1:», Sold at Ane- flon’ to Mix" nary Carpenter by the criticisms. ,- ome Don’t for at that you injure 84 character when you attack that r ouow Don’t carry a barrel of flour on. \, Sta in order to acquire a graceful cam in h Don’t forget that it is wicked v r’ ‘ lose; no manhas the moral rig 5““ wrong. ., the Don‘t scold your wife in the p mall others; they may think you are . Wit it when alone with her.——Chica Me, News. “4—..— _‘ including the “altered in in Ha- ng of royalverx and hchMouser rifles in unmoved near the cen— ty early Sunday morning , Spbni‘ah troops garrison- Ch risth day Middle States. The statistical , products, as compiled by the corn 3 . . . . . i of Texas, indicate this section as v : : owner of a village corporation in the United States, and possibly in the world. The village in Glen Eyre, in Pike count-y, Pa... on the line of the Honesdale branch of the Erlerailropd. It covers 842 acres of landmn‘d consists , of a dozen houses, railroad station, post affagé‘x’ ;&?l&3qgétg gig“ Mlle-e. dry goods “are. storehouse. m, or T.‘B. Cookerly Dist. P. blacksmith shop, sawmills, stone yard Molnar, Ia. ,anddae‘tory buildings. The property griginally owned by John Deeming his: wife, who gave“ mutt w . - . ' '. origageiwlas $6,000. A crowd at- , d the sale, and the bidding was , pinned. but none of the villagers suc- lce- ceeded in raising enough money to buy Cub De . 26.—Christ~ santlago de a' c greatest possible advantages in iti,‘ .equable climate and in the variel: duct'iveness of its soil. For fur nation, descriptive pamphlets a . . Discipline. ,“That child must: be taught t S. Millie! 1903.... ."881 fes, said the mother, “but. think we ought to' devote too 111 ' tion to that part of his educatio revvs up it probably won’t be ore he realizes, as most peep he’s lucky to get anything he wan World. Go South Th1! Wlnt For the present winter seas'ou ville &’Nashville Railroad Com improved its already nearly l‘f ‘ service of Pullman Vesti ule Care and ole out day coaches f mm, Lomsv 3, St. Louis and Mobile, New Orleans and the Thomasvflle, Gm, Pensacola, J a , Tampa, Palm Beach and other; Florida. Perfect connection w with steamer lines for Cuba, P Nassau and West Indian ports and Home-Seeking ennui-axon tic 5:. low rate; Wtritf O._ Pill“? ¥ meager gen , omsvx e, y ticulm. m mv‘u’ EUROPE DAZED. in}, Giant easing-cu: Stride: on ‘ America Cnule Comment on the Continent. Washington, Dec. 26.—.—Tho stride: making by the United States is aston~ fishing Europecn statesmen. Not an an . armipotcnt power alone, but aggres~ alive in commercial movements, is Amer- ica. demanding’at prevent the attention of the- nations. No longer doe. New York look to London in financial mat- ter». It now lead: that former money center of the world, and ii in a. position to dictate rates to the homes of Eu-y rope. Doubt no longer eitlotc that the United States in rapidly absorbing Brit- ish trade, particularly in the utecl rail ybuslneu. The latest American con- tracts for thousands of tons ofvallo for ____._..__._.... An Easy Dedueuo Wise—Gayboy's wife must be'a .. tiful, fascinating woman. Callow——She is. Have youoceen mi- “No, but their maid is very p Y. Journal. M...“ Holiday Excnnlonh Excursion tickets will be sold ' : tions on the'North-Western line. v W. R’y C. St. P. M. 8‘6 0. R’y, S. G” and F. E. a M. V. R. R.) .to all 0 callus system and on. the Uni Bullhead, Within 200 mile: of the than M; greatly reduced rates, I . 25.33%“? 1898’ qfdlggdmdy 11I , , anua , . p , 5.7m??? & Nortlnyeatem 1?; lg 3 tea r . . ‘ maccnv IN KENTUCKY., i . nnd “on Pun (Bullet Into' HIS Own‘ Bruin. ‘ this fact. European basilica. men com hat American capitalists ungodly, g a keenor view of the commer- cial situlsfion. but in the matter of in-v vestmentifiave the courage of their opiniond. v A EOTHER'S AWFUL CRIME. The Ant-mun w: No one can deny that in the ma . Cyrano de Bergerac “fad.” the . ' public is allowmgtself _to be le 1 noun-St. Louis public. >‘ Johnson for a. year or two can. He: no" and out: no: Own Thrust. Fond du Lac, Wit, Dec. 27.-—Oakfleld, thin county, was the scene of: checking in which Mrs. William Tanzer penetrating his killed her cix-mouths—old babe With Itrychnine and look the ison herself. This falling to end her ll 9. the secured her huibnnd’. razor and cut her throat. The husband on away 'at the time. The couple weroyoung and Tower my: the relations of himself and wife were happy. She had never shown- symptomc of munity and there was nothing as far as he know! to cause her to commit her terrible act. Tempomy lmnlty, it i. thought. may have cancer! it. In Dancer of lturvatlon. ' Havana, Dec. 27.—-—Ncws that famine threatens the entire population of the Hemini islands. the weiiern group 01 the Bahamas. is brought here by the Spanish mail steamer Alicante. Capt. Olive aid that when the Alicante wu passing through the Old Providence channel she muslgnaled from-u small sailboat, in which were lhrce famine- strlckcn men. The men told him that mverc’storms had recently .wept over K530, 12 years Old, and Arthur Leed- this group of nmall islands, causing the ham, nine year; Old. were drowned loss of many lives. the destruction of while skating on thin ice at Harris’ lgrowlng crops, and the wreck 'of all pond Monday. the Itorebonses. onu- Fund: to Don. Carlos. Ohioy. congnbuuon. Rome, Dec.26--Th¢ Agenzza Italiano Columbus, 0x. Dec. £7.——-Pmident 5389?“ that a German Syndlcate 1"“ Peck, of the LcFayette memorial com- na money, asked Mrs. Andeuon She refused. He fired twice her arm,» MOI-‘— Prccuutlou Are 'l‘akon. Wulu'ugton, Dec. 27.--The admlnlv {ration has taken steps to safeguard American interecta in’. the city of Iloilo, on the island of Pahay,r'one of the Phil: novel expedition it now on it. my there from Manila. , Depth of I Journalist. Wheeling, W. Va.. Dec. 27.—-Col. Philip Henry Moore died Monday of paralysis; He was the editor and owner of the Ohio Valley Manufacturer. When the civil war opened be cast his fortune: with the» contederccy and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the engineer corps. In 1859 he established the Wheel- ing Daily Union. Two Boil Drowned. Woonsocket. 3- 1-. Dec. 27.—~—Herman Celebrated for more tin century as a delicious, n tious, and flesh-forming craze. Eu our wall-k YELLOW LAB on the front of cv promised Don CurlOB 3108“ Of 30.000.000 mission, acknowledging- the receipt of and our tradwnuk francs in three installments-4118 first contributions from Ohio for the La- “h m chocolaflgfl When he has 10,000 men under arms? Fayette fund, whites to State School . x the second When, be 1‘“ “Plural Commissioner Bouebrakc that the total 0“ a“ bm- Bilbao, capital or the pmvince of Bis-' contributions from Ohio up. to date morons: 03mm caye, and the third two months after amount, to $5,283.94, thclargest amount Operations are commenced. contributed by any tingle state except ' Humbert Gig-n: Am‘fieutr.‘ h 11mm“- M a}, by London. Dec- 2 "-— 060? 118 to t school manual: darned. Romccbrresponde'nt of the Daily News, Charleston, Ill... Dec. 87.—-The Cen- WALTER BAKER mammal. m”- Klug Humbert has sigm.‘ a decree, granting amnesty to minor offenders in the recent Milan riots. tral school building burned Sunday night. It was a lountory brick struc- ture. 09:50:32 849.909. fmnuum mo- .